Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Venus-Mars Aligned in Leo: Uniting Passions in Our Lives

Bleeding Hearts and Pine                                                                                                Catherine (Al-Meten) Meyers
Astrology Column September 1, 2015

Venus-Mars Aligned in Leo: Uniting Passions in Our Lives

September begins under the very auspicious alignment of Venus and Mars in Leo. In exact conjunction as I write, this alignment has been building for the last week. In the waning light of the Full Moon in Pisces (conjunct Neptune and then Chiron) in opposition to the Sun in Virgo (conjunct the planet of abundance and fertility in Virgo), we begin manifesting in our live, that which we are most passionate about. Look to the position of Leo in your own chart/life to determine how this energy is affecting you. It may already be very apparent by that which you are either embracing with a renewed energy or resisting with little success.

If you are feeling hampered or restrained in some way, notice what needs to be faced, released, or embraced in your life. Are you overlooking an obvious area that has been troublesome for some time (your own ego, the inevitable decline in affections, or the lack of support, motivation, or encouragement—all clues to what is blocking you in some way)? When we are afraid to face the truth because it somehow gets in the way of the image we have of ourselves or someone else, there is a problem. If we feel less or are receiving less input or contact from someone, or are feeling disconnected in some way to a project, a part of our identity, or a role we’ve been in for a long time, that is another clue. When we are not receiving the kind of support and encouragement for our efforts we need or desire, perhaps we are overlooking an obvious sign of apathy or disinterest. None of this signals that you are wrong or bad in any way. Rather it signals that sometimes we are growing out of roles, identities, meaning, or connections that are meant to transform in some way.

We cannot be in two places at the same time. Where in your life are you straddling the line between past and present? Where are you dragging old patterns of thought about yourself, others, your work or identity, or your position in your family or whatever group you belong to?

Late Sunday, August 31 on the West Coast, the conjunction between Venus and Mars in Leo became exact. The energy from this alignment is very passionate and full of energy. It is a time to take the initiative and to work more in alignment with that which brings our lives into harmony. We identify that which brings us peace, wholeness, and meaning. Our desire to create and bring beauty into all areas of our lives is highly activated. We are attracted to those who foster balance in our lives, and our passions are flamed by the creativity and energetic expressions which others express as well. Sparks are flying all over the place, and we are crystal clear about both what we do not want and what we do want. For those who are ready, this is the perfect time to create the vision of what you hope to achieve, create, express, and unfold in all areas of your life.

At this time there may be a more obvious and direct expression of passion between people. Even if you are not involved in a relationship, the more you are manifesting the wholeness within yourself and living according to the dictates of your soul purpose and meaning, you are likely to attract attention from others. Your work, when you are fully expressing your passions, will exert a new kind of energy that will be noticed by those who will connect to what you do.

This is a time of balance and integration between the passions and the actions we take around all things romantic, love-related, passions, creativity, artistic, and productivity. Love at first sight, romantic connections, dreams laden with insight into the dormant passions within—all are part and parcel with this aspect. No one is not affected by this. Notice however how this energy is working in your own life.

For the purpose of this auspicious alignment between Venus and Mars in Leo, let’s look at how each house of our life chart may be affected.

1st House.  Personal Appearance/Public Self/Face we put forward in the world, and how we begin or enter new situations. The first house has to do with appearances, and suggests, if this alignment falls in your 1st house, you will be noticed at this time. You may want to update your physical appearance and public image. Notice what you are projecting through the way you walk, talk,  and treat others. Are you being seen as you wish to be seen, or do others see only a part of who you are? This would be an interesting time to notice what you are projecting out from within to those you meet, work with, and relate to on a daily and intimate basis.

2nd House. The 2nd house represents how we have come to value ourselves. Time to examine our concepts about who we are and what our worth is. As the Venus-Mars conjuncti on takes place in your second house, reexamine any old tapes or patterns that are getting in the way of you feeling and experiencing your highest good and worth. Love of our divine essence is one of the most powerful tools we have for creating abundance, self esteem and confidence, and a positive set of values about who we are and what we are worthy of.  When we sink into depressed, unhealthy and negative ideas about our worthiness, we remain stuck and cannot move forward. The light is showing within you and through your actions and the actions of others toward you right now, just what kind of positive worth you are expressing. Delve deeply into your inner gifts and treasures, and allow yourself to act from a place of healing, positive worth, and as an expression of your divine nature in all areas of your life. Be the pure light of love in whatever you do, and let go of that which clouds, depresses, or defuses your passion.

3rd House.  Communications of all kinds, are receiving the light of your passions at this time. To the extent that you have allowed yourself to connect with the passions within—both the knowledge and desires as well as the intentions and actions, you will now be able to express yourself in a newfound or renewed commitment. The energy and the resources will now appear to allow you to use this aspect to express your passions in all types of ways. Communication both to and from you, are now infused with an energy and light that can be a blessing. Take time and use your abilities, without the drag of procrastination, doubt, or fear pulling you away from that which is ready to be brought force.

4th House. Home is where the heart is, and your heart and home are now highlighted. This area of you—home and where you feel at home— is where Venus and Mars meet at this time. A whole new conneciton has built up within you, and now you have a profound awareness and amazing opportunities for your home and your sense of home, to be profoundly affected by your passions and connections of love.

5th House. Play, creativity, love of children, and pleasure are where Venus and Mars shine their light for you now.  This is a time to let go and enjoy life and take great pleasure in your childlike nature  for life.  Through our experiences with children and/or in our creative and pleasure-filled experiences, we come to a new wholeness that attracts love, beauty, and a dramatic passion into our lives now.

6th House. Our physical bodies and health as well as our daily routines around how we work and live, is profoundly affected at this time when Venus and Mars align in Leo. We feel from the inside out, the beauty of that which we bring to life. Our passions are aroused and affect our health as well as the daily routines of our work. At work, or as we are dealing with physical needs, we become more attractive and are attracted to others who recognize our inner and outer beauty. The work we do is blessed in a new way for we infuse in our work, the very divine nature of our being that is logning to, and indeed is, oozing out of us. The desire of Venus to express love, beauty, and all the elements of peace and harmony is now aligned and activated with Mars’ desire to act on passion. This is the time to do what you love, and leave doubts, fear, or lack out of the equation…definitely let these energies not become a distraction from what is needing to be done and experienced.

7th House. Partnerships and marriages are infused with this powerful, passionate conjunction at this time. Energy wells up, igniting new fires and burning off anything that keeps love and commitment from growing and being an active force for love, harmony, and wholeness. Such a wonderful time for igniting sparks in a marriage, a partnership, or in our ideals and intentions about what we need and want for fulfillment and the full expression of love.

8th House. Our reputation in the community is the center of attention at this time. We send off flares, or fireworks erupt to highlight something of great value or importance that is making us even more worthy of attention that ever before. Love, romance, and perhaps event some hidden passions or gifts now come into the public light. With Venus and Mars in your 8th house, expect to be affected in a very powerful way, by the impact you have had or made on others, especially through your connection with the goods of the dead, inheritance, spiritual and metaphysical gifts, and sexual passions and energy.  Nothing is hidden with this alignment, and the energy, passions, and actions have a more dramatic impact than usual.

9th House. Travel, other cultures, and connections with instiutions of higher learning and knowledge become of great importance to you at this time. Love grows in gardens where you have never been before, and passions are aroused in new ways—ways that find you traveling, learning, seeking, researching, and meeting those who will have a profound impact on you, your ideas and beliefs, and your life and destiny. Whether traveling long distances or exploring deep into internal or cerebral realms, be open and ready to receive and connect in very passionate and impulsive ways.

10th House. Life purpose, career, and the drives that impel you to do what you do in the way that you do it…all this area of your life is taking on a new kind of energy that seems to steamroll itself into your experience at this time. Coming from deep within, and moving past doubts, fears, insecurities, and excuses, the purpose and meaning flows out of you, and meaning finds you…coming to your door or calling on you in some profound way now. All things come together for meaning and purpose in your life, and you get an infusion of passion that drives you for the foreseeable future. Use it and use no delaying tactics to feel, express, and receive your good at this time. Love is a powerful force and comes to you now form within  as self acceptance and awareness, and from without as fortuitous meetinsg, connections of passion, and declarations of love and commitment.

11th House. Friendships and connections with institutions, work with groups and joint projects now receive the light of Venus and Mars in Leo. In very public, dramatic ways, doors open, announcements are made, and connections are secured for our passions to bear fruit, for love to bloom, and for romance to be declared in surprising and exciting ways.  Love comes to life when mutual passions grow, and those passions are infused with great healing, enlightening, and cooperative energy at this time.

12th House. Subconscious and unconscious realms of our being now are infused with passion, love, and romantic ideals, memories, and spiritual enlightenment. Dreams are powerful and prescient. Visions are born out of inner passion and divinely inspired connections. What is brewing within the depths at this time, is full of knowledge, perception, perspective, and truth. Listen and note what is brewing up to the surface of your consciousness now. Be receptive to both asking for and receiving illumination on whatever it is that needs to be learned, answered, or envisioned. A very powerful time to receive Divine enlightenment and visions for both personal and collective understanding. Whatever is revealed to you at this time, will have a long-lasting and profound impact not only on you and your life, but also on that of humanity.

This aspect, Venus conjunct Mars in Leo, is one of the most profound aspects because it is both personal and collective in nature. It affects us each personally in a striking and unique way. It provides an collective experience of enlightenment that, when use with the force of our divine nature, can help heal, protect, calm, and infuse us all with a greater sense of love, peace, beauty, and harmony. Take time to walk in harmony with your true self in the beauty that surrounds you. Seek beauty and find it, then express it in all you do.

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