Friday, July 21, 2017

New Moon in Leo conjunct Mars: Hold Onto Your Hats

Fruit of the Vine                                                                       Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
On Sunday, July 23, the New Moon peaks at 0 degrees Leo. This New Moon  conjuncts Mars which just entered Leo earlier this week. A fiery combination, and one likely to stir up emotions in dramatic ways. The New Moon peaks in Leo at 2:46 P.M. PDT. The Sun entered Leo just hours earlier on July 22.

Venus in Gemini formed an exact square to Neptune in Pisces at 14 degrees earlier in the week. It’s waning aspect still creates confusion and emotional polarization and/or edginess in areas related to love, romance, creative beauty, and artistic expression. Pressure builds, things fall apart, and life’s certainties shift in ways that we begin to see will have a lasting effect. This New Moon may bring about breakups, surely major changes and alterations brought about by reaching the breaking point or outer limits of tolerance over what can no longer be ignored.

In the wake of the New Moon in Leo, Uranus in Aries stations retrograde. We may have reminders of past alterations, turning point crises, or some other sudden or unexpected upset or transition that we find we still need to integrate or understand. At the same time, it may be a time when we do more reflecting taking time to reconsider changes that have happened and that need to happen. It's a time for second chances,  starting fresh, or reviewing, revising, and reimagining what is needed and what direction to take. Ask yourself, "What could be?" And then listen, and begin plugging away in that direction.

Jupiter in it’s lengthy Libra cycle makes its third and final square to Pluto in Capricorn. This is the area of life where you’ve been going through the greatest transition over the past few years. If you are a regular reader, you may have already identified where this is in your life; if not, look to the realm of greatest change, upset, and deep transformative upheaval. Those same areas of your life are receiving the final thrust of energy and push (motivation if you’re ready/shove if you’re not). The best thing to do with this kind of major aspect is to acknowledge the gifts, resources, knowledge, and expertise you already have that will enable you to do what needs to be done in the transformations needed to make your life free from past patterns and baggage so you can move forward in pursuit of your dreams, passions, goals, and new life paths. 

One of my favorite astrologer’s, Marina of DarkStar Astrology, calls this New Moon the Moon of Tribal Shock, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if we didn’t not only see but also experience some dramatic major shifts and surprising changes ushered on this New Moon at 0 degrees Leo. We’ll be called to seek shelter and to ready ourselves for what lies ahead. Conjunct active, let’s-do-it-now Mars and square sudden, unexpected Uranus in Aries, we can anticipate some fairly significant break ups in families, tribes, and nations. We can also expect to see shifts in both personal and collective areas where we’ve been drawn to and united by clan or cult-like types of groups. Time to determine where your true loyalties are and how you want to find purpose and meaning. Settling for anything less than authentic and life-affirming is not a path that works well for most people under this transit. A new moon always begins a new cycle, and this may be the new moon where  you are brought into greater clarity about what is needed for your path to go in a more life-affirming direction. Awakenings and break ups, embracing and walking away from former loyalties, or being forced out of a situation you’ve not been able to free yourself from—all likely in one form or another during the New Moon in Leo.
This lunar cycle has a very spiritually enhancing element to it. For we seek the unitive or unifying experience often through a religious or spiritual  medium. While that still may be where you find a pathway to the unity you seek, the true meeting takes place on the soul level between our individual essence and its connection with that Divine Source being. However you define and identify with that, we want to remember our path to Divine Unity is both transcendent and imminent. The mysterious, unreachable, ineffable essence and the mundane, daily life connections that truly shape, mold, and define us, are within our grasp, regardless of where we are or who we are or are not with. This New Moon in Leo conjunct Mars and square Uranus in Aries (just before it goes retrograde) calls us to remember who we are, to celebrate what that is, and to find that center within that can remain calm through whatever storms or inconsistencies or diverse options appear before us. 

We are being forged in the fires of this New Moon. Like gold we are being temperate so that we can be shaped and molded into of our golden potential. We are the alchemical material with which the Divine creates, and it is our work and joy here, to use the potentials, creative ideas, intuition, and full expression to co create the world in which we live, and to leave, as our legacy, healing, beauty, love expressed and shared, and ties that honor what is best about ourselves and others, and a desire to heal the wounds that have been inflicted on us or that we have inflicted on anyone else. With the Moon conjunct Mars, we have a yearning to protect and provide for those in our families with whom we connect.  Someone from the past may appear or you may hear from someone who has been estranged or you might have thought lost to you. Take time to make amends when possible, and to loosen the bonds that keep yourself trapped in relationships, jobs, living conditions, thought patterns, perspectives, or life circumstances that are anything but healthy and growing.

Mars in the area of emotional home/well begin can be very emotional, and so avoid explosive and volatile situations that might burn out of control if ignited. And it you get caught up in such a situation, get to higher ground, seek shelter, and understand that this is the time to gain the perspective  you need to do what is right and good for you and yours. Fight or flight responses are the physical choices we have when we’re in danger.  Whether this kind of peril is physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, or a combination thereof, it is really important to do what you need to do to protect yourself and find safe haven.

This New Moon, the earlier New Moon also in Leo, the February eclipse, and the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse in August all signal a major shift in cultural and universal life and values. The Solar eclipse in a couple of weeks is conjunct the anaretic (last degree in a sign), 29 degrees of Regulus, signifying the completion of some major transformational change. Rather than getting caught up in generational identity or static, dogmatic belief systems, we might want to call upon the Divine powers and angelic forces to infuse us with wisdom, empower us with Love, and guide us in faith. Travel on the pilgrim trail ahead with the hope that together we can weather all storms, heal wounds, protect one another, and create great beauty and bring peace. Begin within, and share what you have to help in this time of great need for healing.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Capricorn Full Buck Moon: Powerful Forces at Work

Waxing Moon                                                                                   Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
July’s  FULL MOON in Capricorn peaks on the West Coast at 8:07 P.M PDT/ 11:07 P.M. EDT Saturday, January 8/4:07 A.M. UTC early Sunday, January 9.  July’s Full Buck Moon is transiting Capricorn, the Goat. The Mountain Goat who is able to climb  nearly impossibly steep cliffs. The Cancer Sun and Capricorn Moon both fall at 17 degrees, 9 minutes in their respective signs. The Second decan of Capricorn and Cancer are at the very heart of these polar opposite energies. At this culminating time, whatever was begun at the New Moon now comes to fruition. Emotions, romance, relationships, and fertility are emphasized under this Full Moon.
The Cancer-Capricorn axis creates either conflict or integration, depending on how well we are able to work with the opposing forces. On one hand, We seek to find the balancing point between our private lives, our need for domestic tranquility, a sound and steady home base, and a core set of values to help us define who we are within the context of home and community. Capricorn governs how we make our reputation in community, how we are held accountable for our public behavior, and what our role is in our ongoing search for life purpose.
Cancer reigns over our attachments, love, and the traditions and roots we value. Capricorn focus our attention on our service to others, our reputation and worth in society, and our living out a higher purpose. One can enhance the other, as long as we constantly seek to lift and balance both needs in our lives. When we are living at odds with this need, we find ourselves stretched too thin in one area or the other, longing to get back in balance. Listen to what your body, mind, spirit, and the symbolic language of your life is showing you. Those thoughts of a hike or swim or moment of solitude by the beach are meant to activate you toward that balance. What may be needed around this time is setting up a schedule or committing to a more disciplined approach to feeding body, mind, spirit, and the mundane tasks of life. For example, rather than letting things go until you have time to, say vacuum or do dishes, or go shopping, set aside dedicated time for those tasks, in the regular schedule you keep. That way, it’s simply part of the day rather than a burden draining you of energy.
Cancer Sun is helping remind us of that internal sense we have of who we are. And envisioning a way to live towards expressing that. Capricorn loves to set goals, accomplish them and transform ideas into action or creativity. This is a very helpful combination for seeking greater balance and doing it in ways that help you establish a new way of life.
If it’s so simple, then why don’t we do it? This Full Moon gives you a hint. Our fears stop us in our tracks. We come into conflict between our need for security and home and our need to answer the callings of our souls or the direction of the path we’re on or seeking to find. Even when we are clear about our path, we discover there are roadblocks, challenges, and points of departure that frighten us. Are we going to be able to go forward? Will we be successful? Will we be able to meet our security needs?  
Along with fear comes doubt, frustration, and sometimes depression.  At those points if you look more closely at your life balance, you’ll probably see that the Cancer needs have not been met while the Capricorn direction and goals have drained us of our resources. We need to take breaks to balance things out.  This Full Moon reminds us of where we may be out of balance. Notice what you spend your energy, time, and resources on.
We find ourselves struggling with how we define our private lives, and maintain our homes, and how we meet our public and community obligations. What value are we to others is a question of Capricorn’s 8th house question. How have I come to value who I am and my worth is a second house question--that area of personal development and value formation? Interesting questions that many struggle with here, include: “Who told you who you were? “What have you questioned about any misconceptions” and “how have you grown to be more yourself?”  This is the Full Moon during which we do a lot of soul searching about this delicate balance in all our lives: personal concern, development, and value versus societal value, spiritual connections, inheritance (what of your past, ancestry, and life path do you bring with you?).
You can well imagine with such profound and deep parts of ourselves stimulated at this Full Moon in Capricorn, we are receiving enlightening and illuminating information, inspiration, and energy. Our personal lives are highlighted, and we have to ask if we are living in congruence with what we value most? And as we look at our position in the world, and in our connection with and involvement in life beyond ourselves, we seek true purpose and meaning.
We experience any full moon in the course of a cycle. The Full Moon, New Moon, or any major transit or aspect, is affected by an endless variety of other conditions and events.  Use your powers of discernment to understand what is growing in your life, and what is changing its very nature. The Sun in Cancer is moving closer to its conjunction with Mars, the planet of action. The Moon in Capricorn is in conjunction with Pluto, the Great Transformer. Jupiter forms a square to both the Sun and Moon, and Neptune in Pisces forms a trine with the Sun and a sextile with the Moon--all of which creates an ongoing energetic process that is causing great disturbances, disruptions, and distortions of reality. We are being forced to confront, cope with, and challenge ourselves to release what needs to go, and step forward in spite of fears and frustration.
Neptune, the giant planet that reigns over the underworld, the depths of consciousness, and the vast expanses of inspiration, intuition, and individuation, is in the 29th degree of the sign, in Libra. This degree is called the anaretic degree, a critical point, an end point.  Something is complete, ended, over. Mourning and grief come in the wake of upsetting circumstances that have a wide impact in our lives. Something has woken up inside each of us, and that something is a tiger waiting to be tamed. We feel passionate about what we value most now. We feel compelled to act, and we feel inspired and even called to fight on, warriors for peace.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 17 degrees and 9 minutes of Capricorn in opposition to the Sun at 17 degrees and 9 minutes of Cancer, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 13 to 21 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.
On Thursday, June 5, Mercury left the security-conscious Cancer for the more risky, fiery realms of Leo. Confidence increases, and we set our goals higher, much higher than usual. Leo time in communications, focuses more on the dramatic, passionate, and expressive creativity of communication rather than on the details.
Venus too, just changed signs, moving from earthy Taurus into flighty, airborne Gemini. Ideas flourish, activities and connections increase at a rapid fire rate. We may have more ideas than time or resources to deal with all the ideas. Consider this a creative, brainstorming time. Also, use the extra passion and energy to take a few risks in the areas of your personal and public persona. Let yourself play out a fantasy or two, or express yourself with a little more flair than usual. Having a good time, playing, and taking time out to just enjoy life, is a necessary part of our maintaining our health and well being. Make a list of what makes you come alive, happy, and refreshed in summer, and start building in time for such matters. Use your words, express your thoughts, ideas, and feelings, and let the chips fall where they may. Time to step out into the light a bit more.
Mars in  its final days of Cancer (until July 20) we recognize how deeply we are committed to our creativity, life purpose, home and community, or whatever else brings you to life. Mars in Cancer is less about achieving and more about treasuring or learning more about those commitments. What we do is more affected by our emotional temperature than it is about what we desire or seek. Avoid over-scheduling or programming your life right now, and focus on doing what needs being done to keep your personal and professional life in balance as much as possible. One way to deal with this kind of wavering energy is by creating short lists of tasks to do, and then systematically using each task as an exercise in conscious living--an active meditation and practice of being present to the task. Try it! Taking a walk? Go a bit slower, and consciously notice your body, surroundings, and thoughts. Doing the dishes? Same thing. Trying to write an article or another chapter in your book? Break it down into smaller parts, and enjoy the little steps of the process. Want to paint? Set up a canvas. Open paints and get ready. Then put brush to paint to canvas, and go until you’re done, for now. Conscious living is what helps deal with the fiery, air-activated, and fluidity of the watery energies, as we feel ourselves activated from the inside out and back again.

This Full Moon in the 2nd decan of Capricorn connects us on a very deep level to the energy of the powerful Mars-Pluto opposition. Jupiter amplifies this energy, making this like a flaming arrow that may tip the scales of justice in Libra. This t-square is a triggering influence right now, and it aligns with stars in the constellation of Lyra, the Harp. This has a tremendous impact on our mental processes, all forms of communication, especially cyber communications. Using Jupiter’s tendency to seek escape in times of trouble, we might take time out for some diversions or we might channel our thoughts, emotional expressions, and creativity into the Pluto-like work of transformation. Work becomes our savior as long as it is not the only way we establish a sense of who we are. Throwing ourselves into our work right now, may be one way to focus and deal with distractions that are in need of coping with.
This second decan of Capricorn highlights the areas of our lives where we have to work hard for a living. We may feel the pressure and sense of scarcity that makes it hard to concentrate. The ground is fallow right now, waiting for renewal, so it is time to take very good care of ourselves. Start by appreciating and valuing what you have, who you are, and what gifts and opportunities you have. Use what you have, and do your best with that. There’s hard work to be done, so now is the time we need to focus on getting ourselves organized and prepared for what is expected of us. Time also to beware of those who might want to use, abuse, or otherwise mistreat you. It may come in a subtle form (passive aggression) or more overt (outright hostility). Be choosy with those partners you pick, especially now, and guard your reserves and yourself. Be on guard to see circumstances and people for who they are, not who they say they are. This is a good time to build beautiful, well-formed, and well-built structures in your life. Prepare your castle so that you are at home where you are, and you have control over who enters your realm.

This Full Moon in Capricorn is one that finds us being more introspective, sensitive, and willing and able to look beneath the veils of illusion. Time to face the shadow, untested, unacknowledged parts of ourselves as we seek healing, refreshment, and re- energizing. The Pluto-Moon conjunction makes this Full Moon even more potent and emotionally trying. It is a time when passions may flair and when sexual energy and tension may open us to more dynamic and rash connections. Reign in anger and find ways to channel physical energy so that you protect yourself. 

This is a time when we are each under pressure to become our strongest, bravest, and most authentic selves. Like a pearl, the pressure is intense; the result is beautiful. As we submit to the challenges and become part of this evolving process, we gain strength and power. Becoming more self sufficient doesn’t mean we go it alone. We learn to give and receive love in the connections we form now, and this will help lift us each to a higher level of existence.
The powerful creative energy that is illuminated by the Full Moon in Capricorn, flows down into the atmosphere and infuses each one of us with a burst of creative fire. Artists, writers, and all who seek purpose and meaning, use your energy and light to create beauty out of the fire and residue of the life you are fortunate to be living. Use your fire with your passions, and bring new life out of the darkness. Allow the light to shine within you. Receive the Divine Light in what traditions and practices you embrace to connect to the God of Love.