Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's and New Moon Energize Us for 2014

Bay Bridge to Treasure Island                                                                              Catherine Al-Meten

As we approach the New Year, 2014, we have a few days of rough waters to bring us to the brink of this annual transition. In the middle of the night, Sunday, December 29, Mercury formed a conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn. Your dreams may have been rather jolting, earthshaking, or grounding during the night. We have a clearer ability to express ourselves in very straightforward terms at this time. Later in the day, Mercury in Capricorn forms a square to Uranus in Aries, making communications fiery, harsh, and explosive. Communications may be edgy, disruptive, or snarky.  Notice how you respond and react, in your own communicating and in how others express themselves with you. Restraint and temperance may be difficult to summon up.  

Monday, the Moon squares Chiron, and later in the evening, Mars in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. Both aspects set off energy related to areas that involve old wounds and areas of our lives that have been and continue to be in transition.  Pluto has been turning over the ground beneath our feet and the basic way we have been living for some time. With Mars making a major aspect today, we can expect a major change to make itself evident. We may make a major decision or find that we are facing a major shift or change that we had not expected.  Emotionally the Moon triggers areas of our lives where we still need to heal, and Mars and Pluto shake things up. 

The period of time from Sunday through Tuesday, is a good time to use your spiritual practices to come to understand the concept of surrender more clearly. When we stop fighting the movement of the Divine in our lives, we are better able to appreciate and cope with the movement, disruptions, and changes that happen.  Use the energy to identify that which you may have missed, been denying, or fighting against. When we stop fighting the flow of life, we often can  appreciate what is unfolding through the release of the old debris, issues, or practices that are swept away.  Try to find some release in the triggering of all this transformative energy, and then be ready to celebrate the end of 2013. Before a new path can begin, we have to be willing to choose the new direction and step forward on it.  What is blocking, challenging, and clouding your way, will now arise to be dealt with. 

Right on up to New Year’s Eve and the New Moon in Capricorn, we get the push to face and stand in our truth. On Tuesday, New Year’s Eve morning, Mercury conjuncts Pluto and then a bit later, squares Mars. What a way to wake up and start the day.  However these two strong aspects affect you, both deal with the areas of communication in our lives--inner dialogue and external conversations. We may hear news that is shocking and disruptive, or we may simply find ourselves aware of a lot of miscommunication, cross communications, or upsetting types of conversations and the resulting experiences. Watch how you  approach others this week, and try to focus on how you can find resolve and peace in ongoing conflicts. Whatever seems to have been hidden below the surface or temporarily forgotten or suppressed, now rises up to be dealt with.  Mercury is bringing everything to the surface, and triggering areas that need to be dealt with

New Year’s according to the Gregorian Calendar, begins on January 1, 2014, and the  New Moon in Capricorn, 3:14 AM PST, conjunct the Sun in Capricorn, ushers this new year in. January was  named after the Roman god, Janus, who is depicted with two faces. Janus in Latin, means door, and the two faces of Janus look backward at the old year and forward to the new. 

Some of the customs used to welcome in the New Year include the tradition of first footing. As the  story goes, when midnight came, people would wait by the doorway for a someone with dark hair to enter. This first visitor was to bring a piece of bread, a piece of coal, some money, or a piece of greenery, all meant to signify good fortune for the new year. The bread signified enough food, the coal signified a warm home, money signified having enough to live well, and greenery signified a long life. Upon leaving the house, the visitor would take a dust pan full of ashes signifying the departure of the old year.

Customs of the year’s first New Moon, include looking at the New Moon through a new silk handkerchief. The number of moons you see will signify the number of years before a young person weds. Under no circumstances should you look for the New Moon through a window; all the more reason to go out and stand under the beautiful night sky on New Year’s Eve.  Singing Auld Lang Syne (written by poet, Robert Burns) is another custom, a song that means we should remember those loved ones from the past with fondness and good cheer.Hogmanay is a custom from Scotland is a celebration involving rollicking and visiting friends and family, taking part in first footing, and singing and celebrating. Oshgotsu is a new year’s celebration in Japan. Bonenkai is a custom of forgetting the old year by forgiving and forgetting grievances, problems, and conflicts. At midnight the Buddhist temples strike the temple bells 108 times, to signify letting go 0f 108 human weaknesses.  In Spain, eating 12 grapes symbolic of 12 months, at midnight is a common custom. In The Netherlands, it is the custom to burn all the Christmas trees in a large bonfire, and to launch fireworks. I can tell you from experience, for hours the fireworks go off, and it sounds like you are in the middle of a war. The next day the streets are red with firework papers. In Greece St. Basil’s Feastd Day coincides with  New Year’s Day. A special cake is baked, Vassilopitta, and inside the cake a silver or gold coin is hidden. The one who finds the coin is said to have an especially lucky year.  In the U.S., sharing a meal from a big pot of Hoppin’ John assures good fortune for the  New Year. Hoppin’ John is a soup made with black-eyed peas and ham hocks. These are just some of the customs practiced to celebrate the New Year.

This New Year’s Eve starts off with the energy of the New Moon in Capricorn, forming a stellium of planets and our star in Capricorn. Uranus-Pluto Square (Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn). The New Moon and the planets in Capricorn energize the ongoing square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn into 2015. Collectively, the New Moon starts the year off with a call for us to reinvent ourselves, the way we behave towards others and the way we live our own lives. What we do and how we live matters in far-reaching ways, that go beyond our own personal and limited lives and desires. 

The Sun  in Capricorn represents our consciousness; the Moon in Capricorn represents  our unconsciousness. Mercury, representing communication in all forms, is also in Capricorn.  Mars in Libra aligns with Uranus-Pluto square while Jupiter in the mid degrees of Cancer, opposes and triggers the stellium in Capricorn. 

Prior to the New Moon, Mercury squares Uranus this  Sunday at the same time the  Moon is in Sagittarius. We may find tact and diplomacy hard to come by. Suppressed anger and frustration may rise to the surface spilling out into our conversations, and setting a rather rocky and disruptive tone to many relationships, conversations, and situations. 

The Sun, Moon, Pluto, Mercury conjunct in Capricorn  opposing Jupiter in Cancer, squaring Uranus in Aries and  Mars in Libra, form a Grand Cardinal Cross. Eight planets are in Cardinal signs, setting off a powerhouse of a year.  Shedding old skins, burning off deadwood, and ridding our selves of whatever is in need of being released is necessary now, more than ever, as we approach a new journey in the year ahead. What has been slipping away, or causing us to consider our current choices or long-term commitments, needs to be revised now in favor of our true, deep-seated truth.  Courage is needed as we move into a whole new dimension of our experience. 

Jupiter, in Cancer opposing the New Moon, in Capricorn, defines how change will take place. Look to the house/part of your life where Jupiter is transiting through Cancer.  This is the area where you will sense and experience the greatest movement, change, and alterations in both your own needs and desires, and in your behavior and direction. What seemed like a sure thing, a comfortable and safe turn, now will fall away in favor of the call of your soul. If you fight this, it will lead to more despair and disruption until you see the choice has been made from a source of Divine truth that you may know but may be afraid to act upon or face. 

We will experience pin-point clarity through whatever force or condition is necessary to illuminate that one true north that is controlling our destiny. We get the blinding signs we need to see what we may have been missing or what may have been hidden, concealed, or kept from us.  However Uranus in Aries manifests in our lives right now, will reveal the direction and the areas of our lives that will undergo massive and complete transformation. What may have been a secret desire or hidden need, now rises up within us to show us what must go and what is opening up on the path where we are. This transition may be disruptive, chaotic, and full of friction. It may be difficult to see how we are going to recover or meet the challenges ahead, but there will be no doubt of the inevitability of change. 

Wherever we are rubbing up against dissent and conflict we will be thrust into a new reality, and will make choices that much more accurately reflect our true nature and our passions than we have been. We will make major and drastic changes, and will move forward in a new direction. Whatever you set into motion now, be willing to face and deal with the consequences, for this deviation from the norm, is sure to cause changes that will lead to major changes.  Be certain about your intentions, and do not get involved in anything that you are not willing to follow through with as the change you choose, will have permanent and long-term consequences. Going back will not be an option. Picking up a new challenge or heading off in a totally new direction, are both likely possibilities.

Mars in Libra provides the energy and drive for whatever changes you take on. The t-square formed by Mars to the stellium   of planets, the Sun and the New Moon in Capricorn and Jupiter in Cancer, is very powerful energetic formation, with great potential for constructive and positive change but with equally potential to express through destructive and damaging force and power plays. How we use our energy, how we respond to conditions, opportunities, conflicts, challenges, determines the direction our lives will take during the next year and beyond. 

Venus is in her retrograde cycle, from December 21, the Winter Solstice, until January 31, 2014. Venus' retrograde cycle happens less frequently than Mercury's because her orbit is longer than Mercury. We begin this New Year reevaluating our relationships, and how we give and receive love. We may be reconsidering some commitments that take us away from our true nature and desires. During this time we may be in the mood, indeed nearly driven, to straighten out the details and direction of our lives. We are clearing out and cleaning up our homes, offices, and organizing our finances, questioning and reevaluating goals and commitments. It is a time when we question how we are using our time, energy, and investing in our happiness, health, and well being. We are able to be brutally honest with ourselves at this time, and can look at the hidden issues and drives that have impelled us to make the decisions we have. Now we are ready for major transformation, as all these planets, the Sun and the Moon enter Capricorn, and come into conjunction, one by one, with the Great Transformer, Pluto.  What needs to change is changing our perceptions, beliefs, behavior, habits, and choices. Venus goes into the depths of what we care most about and for, and brings us to a point of clarity, where we see what we must do to move forward in health, happiness, and the ability to live from a center of love.  In most cases, this is going to mean a shift of major proportions, and a leap of faith to bring us to the next leg of our journey. During the Venus retrograde phase, our unconscious and deepest needs and drives are being revealed to us, and we are faced with Truth that we must decide to act on or be trapped in an unhealthy and debilitating pattern of relationships, involvement, and work. Be not afraid, but act in accordance to your highest good, excellent health, and happiness. If you can love yourself that much, then you can love others as well. During a retrograde phase, we get the information and we become more clear about our needs and desires. We gain clarity about what is actually going on beneath the surface of relationships and attachements (to partners, work, issues). It is not necessarily the best time to make major changes. Let this be a time of rest, reflection, and spend some time with that which comes to the surface before making major changes.

As Venus turns direct on January 31, another major aspect will trigger even more clarity. Jupiter comes into opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. This is a significant aspect and will shed light on the areas of transition that Pluto has been revealing in our lives. Pluto and Jupiter at 12 degrees Capricorn/Cancer, reveal what cannot be ignored. Jupiter's optimism finds many of us trying our best to mend or restore flagging relationships. This may seem futile in the face of what we know or experience, but nevertheless, will add an element of obssessiveness to our attempts to salvage a relationship, keep a job, hold onto a dream, or save someone who doesn't want saving.  If optimism and obssession doesn't eliminate the relationship, Jupiter's square to Uranus and opposition to Pluto on February 26, will likely burst whatever bubble or illusion remains.

Let go with grace and some self respect. Stop fighting for something that is not worth fighting for, and release yourself to accept what gifts await you when you rid yourself of deceptions, illusions. Learn what drives are keeping you running in circles, or heading off on tangents that lead nowhere. Learn to recognize what drives you towards a false sense of security and away from growth and a greater sense of self worth and beauty.  Let go of thinking someone else, or the right job, or the perfect possessions will make you better than you are. You are in possession of all you need to live a fulfilling, happy, and purposeful life. Make 2014 the year you recognize those gifts within you, and the Divine path before you. Seek harmony, forgive yourself and others, and give gratitude each day for all that blesses you. Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon grounds us into Sacred Time

Christmas in San Francisco                                                                                                             Catherine Al-Meten

In the Gospel of Thomas, a non-canonical book, Thomas records Jesus' words to his followers: "When you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you."

We are each here to help create  and bring forth the best of what is within us. We each have special gifts, talents, and abilities, and it is up to each of us to discover what we have inside us to share with others and to create, serve, love, and share.  May you discover your gifts, and share them as you both give and receive Love. 

We have moved through the Winter Solstice in the North, and the Summer Solstice in the South, and now we move into a new season as we also move into the sacred days ahead and are on the precipice of a new year. Depending upon the traditions, the new years happen at various times of the year, and this New Year is based on the Western calendar and much of the business world.  In late January, we move into the the changes of the Lunar New Year cycle.   This year Christmas Day occurs at the time of the last quarter square of the Sun in the early degrees of Capricorn, and the Moon in the early degrees of Libra. 

What else is happening? As the Moon is waning in light, Venus has entered her 40-day retreat into the shadows, it is a very good time to do some mindful sorting through of ideas, directions, expectations, and commitments.  Time to sort through what is working well and what is not. What to improve on and continue, and what to release and let go. On Christmas Day, when the square takes, place, take note of your emotional and physical responses to how your life moving.  A crisis of consciousness is possible at this time when the moon squares the early degrees of the Sun in Capricorn.  We become more grounded and aware of how life is and has been changing over the last year or so, and we now begin to recognize how the alterations, changes, awarenesses, and movement has transformed the way we live and how we view everything and everyone, including how we perceive and understand ourselves.  The gift of this Christmas for many may just be this kind of  awareness. 

As I am writing this column, the Sun just moved into Capricorn a day ago.  The Sun  at 1/9 degrees Capricorn now trines the Moon at 0 degrees Virgo. A trine occurs when two moving bodies come within 5-7 degrees of each other, on either side of the transit.  Mercury is at 27/31 degrees of Sagittarius, and Venus is at the beginning of her 40 days in retrograde at 28/57 Capricorn. Mars is at 7/26 Libra, and Jupiter is at 17/18 Cancer in retrograde. Saturn is at 19/29 degrees of Scorpio, retrograde. Uranus is  moving forward at 8/36 Aries, and Neptune remains in her long journey through Pisces, at 3/0 degrees. Pluto is at 10/56 Capricorn.  The North Node is at 5/56 Scorpio, also in retrograde, and Chiron is transiting Pisces at 9/39 degrees.  

The waning Moon in Virgo  in Capricorn this Sunday, trines the Sun in the early days of its passage through Capricorn. Earthy Capricorn represents the archetypal energy of liking to get things done, bringing projects, plans, and work to completion, and sorting through and ridding ourselves of whatever needs to be released, cleansed, and let go. As we discern what we need, what is working and what is not, we are focused on determining for ourselves, what is feasible and what is not.  We become much more cognizant of what we like about our lives, and what we now find intolerable or unhealthy.  We use this time to establish and reestablish the boundaries, limits, and shape of our relationships, activities, work, and lifestyle in general. We shed the old skins and seek time to rest and regenerate before taking on new responsibilities or setting off in new directions. 

As Venus turned retrograde nearly in synch with the Winter Solstice, many of us may have found ourselves resolving, frantically trying to finish or finalize a number of issues, details, and redesigning or reorganizing the way we are conducting business, running our lives, or taking care of the major business and priorities in our lives. Somehow we have had to spend a lot of time over the last year, heading off on ‘wild goose chases’, pursuing dreams that didn’t quite pan out, or testing the waters of new relationships, new directions, or new avenues of revenue income.  What may have happened to you, as it has to myself and others I know, is that we have become profoundly more aware of what really matters to us, and what does not. Those areas of life, those great ideas, or those connections, projects, or paths that sounded like a good idea, may have revealed to us, with resounding clarity, what really matters, and what does not.  

As we packed up to join Venus in her retrograde phase of 40 days, we carried with us only the essentials. And right now, the essentials of life are what we are focusing on.  As Uranus turned direct and unleashed the Aries firestorms, places including the Big Sur Community on the Central California Coast, found themselves burned out of their homes, grabbing, if they were lucky, only what they could carry as the fire storms tore through and destroyed their property, their lifetimes of work, art, and memories.  Others are  suffering sudden shocks, receiving startling news, or experiencing the unfolding of the reality  long-repressed in fear of endings and the face of what has only lain beneath the surface. What was feared, but repressed, comes to the surface now. What was difficult to accept or believe, now manifests clearly in relationships, life choices, and events, circumstances, and conditions in our lives.  What happened in Big Sur is but a microcosm of what is happening all over. In Big Sur, the other residents, neighbors, friends, and families, immediately joined together to form a coalition to assist those who had been damaged by the second major fire to hit Big Sur in the last decade.  

We find ourselves with those who help us face the tests and challenges before us.  We recognize where support is genuine and where it is not. We recognize self-interest and greed, and we recognize altruistic expressions of love, support, and genuine cooperation.  We are more willing to let go of some of our ego needs (to control, to have, to win) in order to live more harmoniously with others and with ourselves.  I found myself talking to an old friend this week, saying that it did not really matter to me any longer whether I was good enough at what I do o whether I had done my best at something.  The constant need to judge, correct, improve, and adjust myself has been released, and I am more content to just be myself and do what I do out of the love of doing it. It is time to release whatever is holding us back from entering into our relationships with the ability to both give and receive love. This relates to all our relationships--partnerships, work, art, family, friends, ourselves, our health, and our spiritual and psychological needs. As Venus continues this retrograde journey, allow yourself to go deeper into this cleansing and releasing process, and notice what rises up to be dealt with. Consider how you are living. Notice what is working and what is not, and make some subtle adjustments. Start small, and notice the release when you let go of one small habit or pattern. See what unfolds as Venus continues pulling us deeper to relate on a more authentic and loving level.

Venus in Capricorn awakens our yearnings for security, stability, and we may be looking for a way to ‘settle’. Compromises may sound good; an alternative to struggle and hardship.  As the passage of Venus is going back over territory that we have dealt with in the recent past, we may make the connection between how we have made choices and what needs we have met as a result. We may find ourselves more deeply aware of our real needs now, and discover the compromises we have made may not have satisfied our real longing---a longing we have to create and find within ourselves before we attempt to link or connect to another in sear of it.

Venus was semi-square Mercury on Dec. 12-13, and at that time your relationship communications may have seemed to have lacked any real depth, understanding, or mutual connection.  This is a signal or sign if you will, of underlying lack and of missing pieces in whatever relationship, regardless of type, you are currently struggling with.  Notice where Venus in Capricorn is transiting in your chart/life and where Mercury in Sagittarius is as well. Reflect on what is missing, what is out of synch, or what is incongruent with your true self and your life path. 

Over this last weekend, Venus in Capricorn was parallel Pluto in Capricorn, resulting in a lot of fireworks and intensity in relationships. Pluto, the Great Transformer creating tension and rooting out areas of relationship that need to be addressed.  Given that this occurred at the 29 degree for Venus, this is a crucial point in any type of relationship.  In looking back over the last few days, it is not surprising to see some things fall apart, and others become more firmly attached and connected.  Since this is all about relationship, it is vital too, that we pay attention to our own needs and our personal power points.  In early January (3-5) Venus will semi-square Chiron in Pisces, reminding us of those points in our ability to both give and receive love, where we must act from a place of integrity, authenticity, and in accord with our true needs. 

Sunday through Saturday.

Moon in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio.

Early in the week, Monday and Tuesday, the Moon makes some aspects to the planets including:

A trine to the Sun in Capricorn this afternoon, and an opposition to Neptune in Pisces this evening.  Tomorrow morning the Moon forms an opposition to Chiron in Pisces, and then later in the day forms a trine with Pluto in Capricorn.  What this means is that our emotional life seems to be the guiding force in our activities, moods, movements, and relationships. Given that the Moon opposes both Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, that area of our lives will probably be churning up from the inside out, causing us to feel more intuitive, inspired, or jangled and jiggled by unresolved or unsettling feelings, thoughts, memories, or connections.  We may be set off or triggered by a sense of loss or grief on some level, or we may experience these oppositions as triggers for identifying our true feelings and direction.  This depends upon where it hits your life, and on how you have come to resolve some of the issues related to your emotional well being and life. We always do better to honor our needs-rest, relaxation, nutrition, exercise, fresh air, fun, and ‘down time’. Slowing down is easier if we are doing it in conjunction to something that we find calming, relaxing, productive, and revitalizing.  Take a long walk, go to the gym or hit the mat for yoga. Take  swim or bake a pie for someone. Give some time to help out someone who is in worse shape than you.  Get outside, and get outside yourself to connect and relax. If you’re caught up in a hectic schedule, slow down within it.

Tuesday, Mercury enters Capricorn. The shift of energy from fire to earth, slows us down, and sets us into a more familiar routine that shapes our lives.  We get more pragmatic about how we operate, and we even find it easier to be mindful. Being mindful puts us in touch with what we are doing right here, right now. Mercury in Capricorn grounds us in place to be present in the moment. While we may feel a bit more serious and sober, we are also grounded in the flow of creativity, communication, and conscious effort. We may feel motivated and inspired to create and communicate from the heart now, saying what we really think and expressing how we really feel.  If we were hoping to hide behind masks to get through encounters or slide by in relationships, this is hardly likely with Mercury grounded in the present reality. 

Later in the day on Tuesday, the Sun in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Our intuition and senses are heightened, and we see things as they are.  Coupled with Mercury’s entry into Capricorn, we are likely to speak out of our truth more now than ever.  We are inspired to create, serve and help others, and to enter into the spirit of expressing Love. We also want to remember that when others want to express their love to us, we help them by being gracious in receiving. There is no giving without receiving, and when we shun an expression of love from someone because we don’t feel worthy or equal or up to sharing in kind, we block not only our own good but also the good of the one wishing to give. Receive with grace, and give with love.  We learn to appreciate the beauty of our differences with these influences--inspired, ignited, and infused with blessings.

On Christmas Day, December 25, Mars in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries. This aspect holds the potential for extreme volatility and explosive situations. Fueled by the need to act quickly or assert their wills, people tend to take undue risks, make rash and thoughtless decisions, or explode and react without thinking of the consequences.  In both personal and collective energy, this aspect signifies arguments, power struggles, conflict, and lack of understanding. Technology may suffer breakdowns as winter storms in the North, and other kinds of energetic breakdowns may occur in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.  If we are wise and courageous, we can disconnect from the struggles, back out of the liaisons and relationships that make us feel trapped or misunderstood.  Being willing to stand in our truth in confrontations could help clear the air, and at the same time, if we need to, we can see the impossibility of forcing something that is not meant to be.  Energetic connections of all kinds are being put to the test, are being strained, and are, in some cases, breaking down. 

On Thursday, December 26, Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. This aspect indicates highly intuitive and creative types of communication, on all levels and in all arenas. Our words and actions serve to help us express ourselves clearly and beautifully. 

The Sun in Capricorn also semi squares Saturn, the Great Teacher, in Scorpio. Any area where we feel blocked will today be triggered. We feel hemmed in, challenged, or stalled in areas of our lives that we wish to change or move out of.  This whole week is alive with transits and aspects that awaken our inner longings, needs, wounds, and frustrations. This is one, and we can learn by simply paying attention to what feels blocked, what our attitude and behavior is, and what we can do in the moment, to ease up and be more present. Any changes that are going to happen, will. For some of us, the waiting time seems to have gone on forever, so we are still facing the challenge, not of what we are waiting for, but of how we are feeling in the waiting room. Find a way to channel the energy, pay attention to the side effects of these feelings and this energy, and find a more peaceful way of settling down. 

On Friday, December 27, Mars is quincunx Chiron which allows our insecurities and unhealed places to come forward in ways that don’t express our best sides. We may find ourselves reverting to some old patterns of behavior, or acting out of our shadow side as we feel more frustrated, insecure, or edgy under this influence.  We are reminded by this of what still needs to be healed within us. 

On the same day, Mercury semi-squares Saturn, filling our time and draining our energy as we have to sort out the details, wade through paper work, and cope with unresolved issues and complicated trials.  Along with the external issues come the attitudes, perceptions, behavior, and out right hostility that people seem to have stored up to release and vent at the expense of anyone around. Pay attention to what is unsettling within you, and find some ways to channel and drain yourself of undue negativity, ill will and feelings of panic, frustration, and anger.  Work it out before you take it out on someone else.  Love is reflected in love, and vice versa.  

As we move into the last two weeks of 2013, it might be helpful to look back to last year at this time. Consider how your life has changed since then, and what you have accomplished, learned, and created in that time. Now we are under the influences of the changing of the seasons and the turning of the calendar again, and what is strongest in shaping our present and leading us into the future?

Capricorn Sun allows us to gain clarity on what we think about the way we are living. What is working, what is not, and what do I want to do about it? What am I willing to do? What can I do? What is beyond my control?

Mercury in Sagittarius opened our imagination, our communication, and enabled us to envision what could be.  What do you really desire? What do you think you need to get where you want to go? What in yourself, is stopping you? Who and what do you know, understand, or have a connection with that connects you to your dreams and desires? What gifts are yours now?

Mercury in Capricorn now opens you to making plans to put your dreams into motion. Take your dreams and put them into some solid form and shape. Write a list, make a plan, set a goal in writing, start doing something to take you , one step at a time, toward your dream.

Venus in Capricorn on her 40-day journey into the shadows, takes you with her to reconsider all your relationships, your ability to give and receive love, and your commitment to live an authentic life.

Mars in Libra slows down just enough to give everyone a chance to have a say, to consider all sides of the issues, and to seek and create a plan that works for everyone.  This is the time to seek a solid compromise, to reach a happy medium, and to decide how much you are willing to risk, give in, or change to maintain who you are in your relationships.  What you are setting into motion at this time, will be with your for a long time into the future, so choose wisely.

Jupiter in Cancer requires that you address the needs you have for creating a safe, secure home and way of life. Taking care of ourselves is a vital element to our long-term health, happiness, and survival.  Face what it is that needs to be changed, altered, released, ended, or otherwise mended to assure your highest level of security, happiness, health, and ability to live form truth and love.

Uranus in Aries is breaking up anything that needs to be eliminated from our lives, and is burning a path to open the way before us.  Fighting fire with fire, means we can help ourselves and others by eliminating what needs to go in order for us to live and be healthy. Identify where your energy is trapped, and remove yourself from those places so you can heal, regenerate, and move forward.  When we won’t do this for ourselves, the rug is yanked out from under us and our lives are thrown into change, whether we are ready or not.  Uranus moves through areas of our lives that need to have the debris and undergrowth burned to protect us from bigger fires, crises, and challenges. 

Pluto in Capricorn, and the ongoing series of aspects to other major planets, reminds us that our lives are in the middle of  major transformation. Transformation is happening on a cellular level, on a personal and relational level, and on the collective level of all. As the Sun enters another year of her transit through Capricorn, this month should also be one of signs, disruptions, changes, creative energy, and movement as the Sun moves into conjunction with Pluto. We are activated, energized, and infused with what we need to use this transit to move our lives. 

Allow yourself to release what needs to go, and to receive what needs to come into your life. Recognize you are created to love and be loved, and we are all being shaped, cleansed, and prepared to receive whatever transformation is meant to bring us more fully to life. May you be receptive and open to receiving the gifts coming to you. Merry Christmas to all, and may the Light of Love shine in all of your hearts, in all of your lives, and within each moment of every day. 

Note to Readers: 

Understanding Your Chart and  Reading Forecasts

When reading this or any other column about astrology, it is important to understand something about your own chart. Reading columns that only look at Sun Signs, gives you a very limited view of the astrological effects on your chart/life.  And when you read an astrological forecast, it is much more valuable to you when you understand how it has an impact on your chart/life.  There are many types of charts that you can have drawn up including: 

  • A natal chart which looks at your life at the moment of your birth. 
  • A progressed chart that compares your natal chart with how the planets, the Sun, the Moon, and your Ascendent have progressed to a certain point in your life.

A good chart will include your Ascendent, and houses/parts of your life, will be based on that.  Some readers will read a chart based on 0 degree houses; most will use the degree of your Ascendent to determine house placements and cusps (the dividing line between one house and another).  This makes a big difference about which part of your life is affected by transits, trends, and archetypal energy. For example, if your first house/Ascendent is located at 25 degrees of Libra, much of that house is also greatly affected by the energy of Scorpio.  If a house is embedded in a sign, for example 2nd house is ruled by Scorpio, and third house is ruled by Capricorn, then Sagittarius is embedded in the 2nd house. The same will be true of the opposite side of the chart. 

What this means is you cannot just read that the Sun is transiting through a sign, say Gemini, and therefore is affecting that area of your life.  Gemini may extend into another house, and not be affected at all in the early degrees, by a transit or aspect.  I suggest that you have your chart done, and then spend some time having a reputable astrologer read it and instruct you about how to use the chart yourself.  Going and having your ‘fortune told’ with a chart, is not a great way to get the most out of having your chart done. There are some simple things you can learn to help you use a chart. Invest in the time and resources to get a chart done so you will be able to make the best use of this or any other astrological information. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cold Full Moon in Gemini: Visions and Intellect Clash or Unite

The Cold Full Moon peaks at 25 degrees of Gemini, exactly opposite the Sun at 25 degrees of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the archetype of grand visions and seeing possibility in its fullness.  Gemini, on the other hand, uses its critical powers of analysis to dissect and examine ideas, issues and possibilities to determine their soundness. At the fullness of this Gemini Full Moon, we see how we can bring together our imagination and intuition with the facts and details our intellect has gathered. This Full Cold Moon in Gemini brings us to  a time when we examine our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and motivations to better understand ourselves. Rather than railing against the Universe or blaming others, it is time to look deep within ourselves to clarify what it is we believe, who we know ourselves to be, and  what we have come to understand as our life purpose. 

The Full Moon at 25 degrees of Gemini is conjunct the star, Al Hecka, the triggering point in the constellation Orion. It stands in some mythological traditions as the tip of the Bull’s horn, in others as the middle star in the Hunter’s Belt (read further on to see how this traditional view relates to our Third Chakra). As a triggering point in the bull’s horn, this Full Moon triggers potential conflicts, abuse, violence, or toxic influences that create tension, disruption, or powerful clashes.  The Sun opposite the Full Moon, is near Shaula, a star in the constellation of Scorpio. This triggers the sting of the Scorpion, and adds fuel to the fires that are ready to break out (emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually). Fire, like all elements, can be used for positive and negative ends.  Time to direct  all types of energies and releases into constructive and healing channels. 

In the fullness of the Sun in Sagittarius, we look to find meaning in all areas of our life. Jupiter, the planet that rules the constellation of Sagittarius, is the largest planet in our Solar System. The archetypal energy of Jupiter  is that of Divine Mind, connecting us to our spiritual nature and Divine energy that infuses and has dominion over material matter. Reminded that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius  also asks us to examine our life purpose now. What is calling you through your visions, dreams, and desires?  What goals have you set before yourself, and which ones are worthy and in line with your own life purpose, meaning, and personal code of honor?  Are you doing something that is working against your own nature, personal code of honor, or sense of safety and security? If so, is it showing up in the discomfort, illnesses, edginess, and anxiety that rises up from within or appears before us on our path? 

Currently, Jupiter is transiting the sign of Cancer, the matriarch of safety and security issues. Cancer’s ruler is the Moon, so as Jupiter transits the constellation of Cancer, our emotional nature really lets us know when we are off base in our journey of life. Jupiter is a planet of abundance, and uses its sense of abundance to drive home the point of where we are not safe, secure, or happy.  Jupiter transiting Cancer awakens our intuitive energy, bringing us experiences, people, and situations that remind us of what we need for our own personal safety, sense of security, and personal happiness, well being, and fulfillment. Jupiter in Cancer focuses our attention and intentions on the nurturing and archetypal Mother (as well as our Mother and our roles as Mother), our emotional energy body (as we understand through the energy systems of our body/Chakras, Meridians/body-mind-spirit connections), and the family of our origin as well as the one of our choice. Allow your emotional energy and your awareness to guide you to those areas of your life and being that need to be changed, guarded, healed, nurtured, and protected. Then honor those messages by paying attention and responding to them rather than ignoring or trying to suppress them. 

We are empowered to our highest good, success, and meaningful achievement now by that aspect of our being that gives us strength, drive, organizing abilities, and motivation to do what it takes to put our dreams and visions into concrete, manifested form.  Our desires and intentions are in synch with Divine Mind now. Our job is to recognize what we need to do to receive, rest, and restore so that we have the strength, support, and energy to move forward when the time is right. 

The author of Dark Star describes one important aspect that is affecting this Full Moon, and that is something we can see clearly in the night sky right now. Orion’s Belt, that which girds and protects the Hunter constellation, has one star, Al-Hecka (the middle star). Orion’s Belt lies over the Third Chakra, the point in our bodies where our vulnerabilities, need for safety and security, and our code of honor is represented. This star’s relation to the New Moon in Gemini, brings us the .”“strength, energy, industry, organizing abilities, notoriety, good fortune, lasting happiness, and a sharp mind and a good memory”.  

The Gemini Moon forms a conjunction with the asteroid Medea. Medea  is rooted in the ancient tales of Medea and Medusa. As in all mythology, there are many versions and many layers of meaning in this myth.  The tale of Medea/Medusa began as the Medea tales. Medea was a gifted sorcerous and  healer, who promised to use  her powers to help her lover, Jason of the Argonauts, obtain the Golden Fleece. Medea,  loved Jason and bore him two sons, but after receiving her help, Jason  betrayed Medea and married another.  

In early myths about Medea/Medusa, she is depicted as a powerful and gifted sorceress who was an herbalist and gifted healer.  In myths that developed post-Jason, Medea/Medusa is depicted as a wrathful, vengeful woman who uses her knowledge and power to poison and strike out at her enemies as she seeks revenge. Medea/Medusa in the throes of pain over her lover’s betrayal, strikes out at the heart of their connection. She kills her own children as vengeance against Jason.  The Gemini Full Moon conjunction with Medea sets off elements of the myth within us and our culture. Envision the decapitated head of Medea/Medusa; one side toxic and poisonous, the other healing and nurturing. While the images and inferences of such a myth are horrifying and repulsive, we do all have that element within us to destroy that which we love most about ourselves when we are hurt, angry, or perceive ourselves as victims. We always have a choice as to how we respond and react to situations, people, and conditions in our lives and in ourselves. Notice which aspects of yourself are in conflict or are seeking unity and healing now.

At this Gemini Full Moon, the Cold Moon or the Long Night’s Moon, we may find ourselves feeling the full spectrum of our humanness. We may feel more aware of betrayals, abandonment, losses, and other disappointments, and may have to come to grips with our own power. The power to destroy and seek revenge,  or the power to recognize truth and seek healing.  We can also see these rather dark and challenging aspects as energy that needs to be released in some manner. Anger, frustration, disappointment, and conflict are normal reactions, however, how we release this type of energy requires tempering.  

At this time we may be involved in more activity, interaction, and energetic challenges than usual. We are busier, have many commitments and responsibilities, and are feeling the pressure and strain of limited resources.  
At a time when many are already overwhelmed by self-imposed expectations or expectations of others, we now may feel even more saturated by demands, communication, and  activity. The Gemini Full Moon awakens us to the social life we may have turned our backs on. New people, new experiences, and innovative and intriguing new experiences abound.  

Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, uncorks the bottle of communication. While Mercury transited Scorpio, we were awakened to the deeper emotional and behavioral patterns, blocks, and challenges, and now we have the opportunity to learn how to operate more effectively within the parameters of our own needs and limitations, and to live in a more enriched manner with our awareness of Jupiter’s gifts in our lives.  With more communication comes greater challenges with clarity, perspective, and the shadow aspects of others as well as the gifts. 

We are fully awake to the surprising and lovely aspects of who we are and what we attract. Whatever is shining in our lives, represents some part of who we are. Love is reflected in Love.  Whatever is not as comfortable, accepting, or nice, likewise, represents an element of ourselves that we have attracted to show us what we do not want to emit from our own energy and communications. 

The dark shadows, negative connections, and reminders of our own fears, frustrations, distorted perceptions, or unrealistic expectations are there simply to be acknowledged as possibility; they are not there to wreck havoc in our lives nor to cause us to return the same kind of energy in reflection. To  those who come to you with daggers and misgivings shower them wwith love, acceptance, and compassion. Hold firm with the knowledge that you do not need nor should you accept their negativity. It is to be dissolved through clarity, compassion, and released from your experience before you allow it to penetrate to harm you in any way. Operating out of fear, anger, frustration, or any form of negative destructive thought patterns, has far-reaching and demoralizing consequences. Eliminate the negative reactions now so as to use the energy of the Full Moon and the final week of the Sagittarius Sun to full and constructive advantage. 

Receive the rewards of your gifts and life, and embrace those who have supported and lifted you as well. This Gemini Full Moon, shines on  us as we are also showered with Jupiter’s spiritual gifts, signs, and awakenings.  Pay attention in your life to where Jupiter is calling you to appreciate the fullness of your life and your being, and release all that hangs on you, dragging your down--wet blankets, crazy makers, doom and gloomsters, and whatever manner of negative connections you find yourself trapped with. Notice these aspects of yourself first, and avoid attracting the experiences to you through others. At the very least, be aware of how you sabotage your own experiences and misuse your gifts. At the most, recognize it in how the relationships, associations, and experiences in your life express this, and walk away, walk around, and disengage that which traps your energy.

With Jupiter’s Abundance and the Full Moon in Gemini’s Analysis, come the  first revelations of what is manifesting in our lives. We now need to spend some time discerning what of the many possibilities, are worthy of our time and energy, and what leads us in the direction of our soul’s calling. Sagittarius’ Sun visions and Gemini’s Moon experiences, now lends the energy and focus needed to bring both vision and experience together congruently. Our choices  and the vision we choose to follow now determine the shape and direction of our lives from here forward. Choose life-affirming, positive options, opportunities, and associations.

Also happening in the early waning light of the Full Moon is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere). Winter Solstice, the darkest time of the year, creates the optical illusion of the Sun standing still in the South for three days, before beginning its  journey northward again as  days begin growing longer once more in the North while growing shorter in the South.  Occurring this year on December 21, the Winter Solstice coincides (within hours) of Venus’ station retrograde at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Venus turns at the  the anoretic degree, 29 degrees for 40 days. During this 40-day period, we have the opportunity of reviewing releasing, and reminiscing over what is passing out of our lives, what we are letting go of, and how we are changing in our attitudes and behavior around the way we both give and receive love.  Forty is a sacred number in many spiritual traditions, particularly when speaking of times of retreat, reflection, fasting, and discernment. Using this forty-day period to go within on a spiritual retreat of sorts, can be healing, strengthening, enlightening, and transformative. Consider setting aside some special time during this period to honor the sacredness of your own life, choices, and direction.

After appearing as the Evening Star during the Autumn,  Venus now sinks below sight and is reborn as the Morning Star. The Sabian symbol for Venus turning retrograde, “a woman reading tea leaves.” This symbol and Venus’ retrograde journey remind us to set aside sacred space and time  to get in touch with visions, hopes, and desires.  This is a good time to study the dreams we have during this period leading up to Christmas and New Years. Time to have our charts done, our cards read, and time to listen to the inner stirrings and nigglings that are urging us to move in one direction or another.  It is necessary that we listen to our inner voice. We get a distinct sense about what is reaching completion, and what is lingering to be transformed into a new form, shape, or set of experiences. 

While Venus goes deep into the night sky, we go deep into our unconscious realm and we work on transformation and changes that need to happen now. This is no doubt also true in the areas of your life that Pluto in Capricorn has already awakened in you and that Saturn in Scorpio is making you  cognizant of. We also set the tone for those around us, as we plant the seeds for new ventures, create space for creativity and self-nurturing, and take the reins of our lives, our art, our spiritual journey, and our direction and form. It is time to seek the Divine Feminine within us, to allow our inner voice to express itself through whatever we do, within whatever relationships we are nurturing and growing, and in our own inner growth and development.  The need to listen and trust our own intuitive and spiritual guidance, needs also to be followed up with positive, constructive, and daring actions forward. We find meaning in life when we are supported, honored. We need to collaborate with those who respect and treasure our gifts, as we do theirs. 

The 29th degree of Venus, is the degree of completion, and it brings something very profound to the surface in our own identity and being.  We find it hard to hide from our inner truth and to see that truth unfolding before us. Also active at this time, and lending its inner wisdom to our soulful experiences, is the Neptune and Chiron transit of Pisces. On the deep, intuitive, and creative side of our being, we continue to be moved to heal and grow, to express love and receive love, and to come to a fuller appreciation of the Divine spark that lights us from within. Let your light shine!

Uranus in Aries,stations direct on December 17, the same day as our Gemini Full Moon. Expect the unexpected, surprising, and shocking both globally and personally. Since July 17, Uranus in Aries has been in its retrograde phase. Transformation is triggered, and changes on the personal and collective levels are sure to be triggered when Uranus moves forward and begins setting things off. We may find ourselves with sudden illumination and intuitive knowledge as we experience the Uranus movement. Change is afoot, and happens whether we are ready or not!  This has resulted in the lid being kept on relatively volatile situations and potentially dangerous or disruptive conditions, experiences, or changes.Uranus continues lighting fires, and setting off both large and small explosions. We cannot avoid the areas of conflict in our lives, and we need to come to a fuller realization that we must surrender to the will of the Divine. Fighting against the odds, or ‘doing it all myself’ is a recipe for disaster. We are all connected, and only by supporting, nurturing, and accepting love from one another can we grow, prosper, and even break even. We need one another, and we need to help each other in whatever ways we can.  By lifting one another up, we support the flow of Life, and we allow ourselves to be part of the flow of ongoing Creation.  We give, we receive, and that’s the nature of who we are. Whatever surprises come to the surface right now or are set off  in the course of your life, trust that we are being given exactly what we need for what we must do, be, or complete. 

One of the most redeeming aspects active during this Full Moon, Winter Solstice, and Christmastide time, is that of Jupiter in Cancer’s  trine to Saturn in Scorpio. This lovely trine in water signs between two of the larger outer planets, enables us to find balance, and enables us to temper our feelings, emotional reactions and responses.  We now  labor in love instead of feeling trapped by circumstances, conditions, or self-imposed chains.  Dwelling on negativity creates disease, despair,  and discomfort. Rather that running from the action, embrace the gifts of all this energy exchange, and sit with friends and those with whom you find harmony and pleasure.  Express your appreciation, and share your joy, in ways that express  inner light and love only you can share. Let go of the sense of obligation and embrace instead, the true spirit of the season, Love and the gifts of Love. In the Christ Light we receive inspiration, Divine connection, and Grace. Receive the gifts of Spirit, and be thankful for the gift of your life. Let grace rain on you and reign over you. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Entering into the Depths

Fairy Godmother                                                                                                      Catherine Al-Meten

As we enter the sacred times of December and winter, let us remember our place in the Universe, and our purpose in this life.  

“Because you’re a creation of God, you reflect the Divine qualities of creativity, wisdom, and love.”  (Doreen Virtue)

How you use your life, your energy, and the time you have each day, is a reflection of your willingness to live out your part of the ongoing creation of the Universe. What will you do with your time and the circumstances of your life now?

This week, December 9-15 began with the first quarter square of the Moon in the last day of its Pisces transit to the Sun in 18 degrees of Sagittarius. The Moon is now in 5/19 degrees of Aries. The Moon trines the Sun in 19/2 Sagittarius, opening the week with support and favorable news and communications. 

Mars just entered Libra on December 7, and is now at 1/34 Libra. Mars in Libra puts a great deal of emphasis on relationships and the actions related to them. With Mars in Libra until next summer, we are called upon to work on relationships and with the balance between personal independence and interdependence in all types of relationships. Mars energy in the Libra transit brings us into some opposing energies. Mars rules the masculine, warrior, and active principles of nature while Libra rules the feminine, artist, passive and subtle principles of nature.  Mars is moderated by this energy of Libra, and sometimes is frustrated, challenged, or slowed down.  The growing edge of this combination is learning how to rein in Mars’ impulsiveness and desire for quick and decisive action while taking into account Libra’s need for finding balance, harmony, beauty, and artistic expression in all types of relationships. 

On December 10, Mercury in Sagittarius trines Uranus in Aries and Mercury Squares Chiron in Pisces. Activity and energy is stimulated, and new ideas, opportunities, and changes occur suddenly. With Mercury squaring Chiron, some of the changes put us in deeper touch with unhealed and unacknowledged wounds (spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical). What we have not attended to now rises to the surface to be dealt with. A very active time, and a time when what occurs in the physical realm and in our daily experiences, touches upon parts of our experience that awaken the unconscious and subconscious areas that are calling us to grow, change, and heal.

In the early evening sky, we see Venus appears at its highest just after sunset. As December passes, Venus will set earlier and earlier, until by the month’s end it sets at dusk or nightfall. In January, Venus disappears from the night sky. Jupiter rises after sunset, reaching its peak about 2:30 A.M..  The fourth brightest object in the sky (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter), Jupiter will rise earlier and earlier until it will rise at sunset in January. Mars comes up after midnight, and Saturn appears in the early morning sky, just before dawn. 

Thursday, Jupiter in Cancer trines  Saturn in Scorpio. Jupiter heightens our sense of compassion, empathy, and sensitivity. This transit and this particular aspect with Saturn, awaken our inner desire to rid ourselves of destructive habits, patterns of thinking and behavior, and of deep-seated fears, guilt, and shame.  We find life more bearable as we let go of destructive patterns that have trapped us in negative relationships, and that have caused us to beat up on ourselves more than we should. We find ourselves capable of giving more without needing to be acknowledged, rewarded or affirmed. Our own sense of affirmation comes from deep within, and makes us less vulnerable to acting out of passive-aggressive behavior or out of our unhealed wounds. There is a sense of mystery and private connections that light romantic fires and stir us in ways we may have left to the past.  Discretion in romance and privacy in matters that touch us deeply, allows us to experience a deeper sense of fullness, love, and personal freedom and self acceptance during this transit. You may find that you are needing to take more risks in relationships, and put yourself out there to be open to opportunities that strengthen love relationships or open doors to deeper types of connections. 

Friday, Mercury in Aries semi-square Venus in 26 degrees of Capricorn. This 8th harmonic aspect, the semi-square, finds us wanting to communicate in a more persuasive way, using tact and charm rather than principle and force. We seek to be more congruent in our communication, speaking with thoughts and feelings in synch. We are more eloquent and capable of being persuasive in a way that is more like a silk glove than a boxing glove. 

As Mars in Libra forms a quincunx Neptune in Pisces, we find our actions are inspired, and our words and actions are filtered through a process of discernment and reflection.  We seek to act with integrity, trying to be honest with ourselves in all we do, as well as in our interactions with others. While we may desire to release or alter our lives in significant ways, we may yet run into a period of time when it feels like we are not making much progress...”Molasses in January” comes to mind. Consider this a cooling off or rest stop time.  We may be moving more slowly, needing more rest, and approaching everything we do with a slower pace and with muted effort. We may not feel we have enough energy to function fully, and that is a signal to take time off, rest, regenerate, and nurture ourselves more fully. Do whatever you do at a slower pace, and with a more mindful, less frenetic attitude.  Seek to be more accepting of whatever is going on, and however you are functioning. 

Saturday, Mars semi-square Saturn, a time when we are painfully aware of our shortcomings or limitations. We may feel stress or frustration because of challenges or blocks to areas we would like to be making progress in. We may feel a sense of impatience with details and paperwork, or with anything that we perceive of as oppressive. This is no time to push the river. We need to understand that we are not in a position to force anything, control the flow of circumstances, or push anyone (including ourselves) to do, be, or move in any direction. We need to use our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional practices to deal with the difficult energies that we might feel. Giving into frustration, or letting others push our buttons is simply a misuse of our time, energy, resources, and lives. Try to keep some perspective, understanding that results take time, resolutions have to wait, and answers are not yet forthcoming. Be as calm as you can be in the questions, and acknowledge that which disturbs and upsets you, without letting it pull you into its whirlpool of energy. We cannot change the circumstances or energy around us, but we can change the way we respond to what is going on.  Now is the time to be more reflective, deepen our time spent within seeking peace, and being more comfortable sitting in the dark. We can light a candle, read or write words of inspiration, or walk in the cool of the evening and gaze at the stars. Getting outside of our immediate, limited environment is necessary for us to regain a sense of spaciousness, freedom, and energy.  Breathe more deeply, walk more slowly, and find peace in the simple beauty before and within you. 

Uranus Pluto square cycle continues. We’re about halfway through this difficult square cycle between these two major planets. Uranus sudden and unexpected challenges and Pluto, the Great Transformer, call us to learn to flow with the changes that are calling us to deal with our conflicts and challenges over control and power.  We cannot change the patterns that are impelling us and creating conflict in our lives now.  Uranus allows us to learn about liberation from our fears and needs to control, and Pluto challenges us in exactly the areas we need to learn to flow more gracefully and freely. Whether or not we allow ourselves to surrender to the  Divine Will or not, will determine the kind of journey we will experience at this point on our path. Letting things flow as they are naturally flowing, is the right and perfect way to sink into the stream of changes right now. Allow yourself to seek and receive guidance, and to be open the answers, doors, and visions that appear before us now.  Whatever is going on, needs no help from you. You may feel compelled to push the river, that is to fix things or try to lift yet another barrel of water out of the sinking ship, however, this will only result in your being more stressed, tense, disgruntled, and waylaid.  Accept that what has ended, has ended, and what is meant to be left behind, is now being stripped from your experience. Until we let go of whatever is demanding more of us than we have to give, we will not see that the path to the future already has been laid out. Slow down, breathe more deeply and slowly, and practice being present right where you are, in each step you take.  

We just made it through the apex point/halfway point of this cycle, October 17-November 15, 2013. We now should see clearly, the areas of our lives that have been drained of life force and deprived of necessary energy.  The opposing forces of these two different archetypal energies, imposes a very uncomfortable feeling on us. Pluto digs its heels in, and becomes that intractable part of ourselves that clings and holds onto control for fear it slip away from us. Uranus is off on a search from one place to another, taking undue chances and taking precarious steps in ‘search of’. 

This activity leaves us feeling ungrounded and scattered, and is emotionally draining for many. Knowing what direction to take becomes nearly impossible, and Alice in Wonderland comes to mind when it comes to making choices. Like Alice we might think “it would be nice if something made sense for a change.” As Alice reaches a crossroads in the woods, she meets up with the Cheshire Cat. After a very confusing and nonsensical talk with the Cat, Alice expresses her exasperation, “I was just wondering if you could help me find my way?” The Cat replies, “Well that depends on where you want to get to.” Alice starts to reply, “Oh, well it really doesn’t matter as long as...” At which point the Cheshire Cat says, “Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go.” There is a great deal of profundity in this bit of banter.  Like Alice, we might long for a simple answer and an uncomplicated, clear and obvious set of circumstances and answers to our life questions.  Like Alice, we may mutter those simple but powerful words, “well it doesn’t much matter” when in fact, it might matter very much. Being able to be clear about what our needs, desires, and goals are, helps us receive the right kind of guidance. The Uranus-Pluto series of squares gives us ample opportunity to get clear about our visions, and to ask for guidance in a way that leads us in some kind of direction that meets some of our needs and dreams.  When we go along with what others want, either for themselves or for us, we often get far away from the growing edges of our lives.

This is the season of hope and anticipation. It is a time when we are slowed down by external circumstances and by the natural flow of life as it ebbs and flows. Take this time to go within, and seek the Kingdom of God within. Chirst Jesus said that “When you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.” What is being borne within you now? What are you carrying that needs to see the light of day, to be acknowledged, and faced? What is wanting to be born within you? What do you wish to create or produce? What is growing and developing, and what do you need to be restored, healed, and nurtured? Look inside, look around, and seek the guidance you desire to lead you to Life. And learn to appreciate that sometimes what does not happen, does not work out, or seems to fall apart before our eyes, is really a way that the Divine opens a way for us to move closer to what we are meant to find.

“I believe in signs....what we need to learn is always there before us, we just have to look around us with respect and  attention to discover where God is leading us and which step we should take. When we are on the right path, we follow the signs, and if we occasionally stumble, the Divine comes to our aid, preventing us from making mistakes.”  Paolo Coehle