Tuesday, March 24, 2020

New Moon in Aries: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

On the First Day of Spring, April 19-20, the Sun was at 29 degrees (anaretic/crisis degree)  Pisces.
Two days later, The Sun entered Aries. As these seasonal and lunar events were taking place, we

celebrated the Vernal Equinox  in the North and Autumnal Equinox in the South. And this morning,
March 24, we experience the New Moon in Aries, at 4/23 degrees. It is, to say the least,  a

mind-blowing time for everyone on the Earth.The New Moon arrives on March 24 this month. 

At the time of the Equinox, the Moon was in 9 degrees of Acquarius, Mercury was at 2 degrees of
Pisces, moving forward, and Venus was at 15 degrees in grounding Taurus. Mars was conjunct
Jupiter in earthy Capricorn. Saturn was in the last degree (29) of Capricorn, the anaretic/crisis degree
of Saturn’s long transit through this sign. Uranus was in 4 degrees of Taurus, so even though the Sun
was about to go into a fire sign, the abundance of Earth signs continues keeping the fires of Aries
cooler than usual. Neptune continues its long journey through Pisces at 18 degrees. Pluto is in
Capricorn at 24 degrees, moving very slowly out of a direct conjunction (but still in waning
conjunction) with Saturn. 

The North Node (gateway from past to future) is at 4 degrees of Cancer making safety, security,
protection a primary concern for all of us. Surprise, surprise. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is at 5
degrees of Aries, so we may see an infusion of healing experiences and/or facing old wounds when
the Sun in Aries transits Chiron in the next week or so. The current crisis that is gripping the entire
Earth, is being gradually transformed as we end one major lunar cycle, and begin a new one.
Remember, the Sun moves one degree a day, so the longest a conjunction will last is 5 days on
either side of an exact conjunction. 

It is now 3 a.m. I awoke with a start at 2:28, at the exact moment the New Moon peaked in Aries.
A time we may normally feel propelled to take action, this New Moon feels more like we’re caught
between a rock and a hard place, unable to move one way or another.  If that wasn’t perfectly
obvious on both the collective and personal level, it certainly is apparent astrologically. This New
Moon in Aries (new beginnings, movement, action) squares the North Node in Cancer (safety,
security, tending to the home fires, protecting). 

We find ourselves struggling with obstacles and challenges that block movement (I’m not making
this up). At this point, we must meet the challenges we’re facing together in order to be free to move
and act.  On top of that hard aspect, the ruler of Aries, Mars is stuck between Saturn (the Great
Teacher) and Pluto (the Great Transformer), further inhibiting movement, action, decision making,
and growth. Furthermore,  making resolutions or finding answers to difficult and even some of the
most simple questions, is restricted.  

This New Moon in Aries affects us all particularly in the areas of life/chart where Aires and Mars are. 
For those with planets, aspects, and transits between 0-8 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries,
Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), this New Moon is especially powerful. While the unusual grounding of Aries
fires (and our own as we go deeper into physical and social isolation during this worldwide pandemic)
has the potential to be extremely productive. It all depends on how we use the energy and make use of
the opportunities that may seem hidden in hardship, challenge, loss, and grief. Grief for what was opens
a new road to what will be. The energy of the Aries New Moon favors independent, working alone kinds
of endeavors. Aries’ New Moon favors pioneering ideas and independent focus and direction by those
who face fear and set out to explore more deeply, the way into the complex nature of what is calling for
us to discover, produce, set forth in search of, and adapt to. We are stripped of the need to meet
expectations that others may have of us, and are free, indeed, forced to operate differently than we
might have in the past. The first decan of Aries (0-10 degrees) is where we find ourselves challenged
to discover greater emotional independence while at the same time, finding it hard who to trust or what
to believe. We’re charting a new course in unfamiliar waters.

Something about this time, this New Moon, and the changes we are going through both personally and
collectively, brings us to a point where we are very attuned to the mission, calling, or purpose we are
seeing ourselves called to. We may find greater purpose simply because the road we thought lay before
us, is no longer an option. We need to reconnoiter and make some new decisions. And we may be
freed from having to stick to one plan or another, and now have new options. It’s a time many will
perform heroic feats, make startling discoveries, and become passionate warriors for altruistic causes
that benefit others in much needed ways. We are after all, looking for heroes, leaders, and trusted
teachers and saints to help guide us into the dark pathways many of us are now experiencing. The
best in us and the worst in us are coming clearly into sight. 

We all become staunchly devoted to protecting and preserving our families, tribes, communities, and
shared identities (nations, regions, cultures). I would include in this, our areas of expertise, knowledge,
information, institutions/systems---all of which we now come to respect and demand the best from. If
we find something lacking in those relationships we depend on, we seek out ones that we can work to
strengthen and transform to work for the growing challenges we’re facing. 

This New Moon in Aries aligns with the fixed star, Deneb Kaitos. This fixed star is in the tail of the
Constellation of the Sea Monster. According to Elsbeth Ebertin’s interpretation, this star represents
“inhibitions and restraints in every way, psychologically and physically.”  Aries rules the head, and
so this fixed star may set off mental anguish, hot headedness, distorted thinking, and stubborn,
egotistical outbursts. Time to rely on some positive, grounding practices to keep ourselves less
argumentative, and more connected to what we can do right where we are. Avoid getting drawn into
battle (metaphorically or otherwise) at this time. Now is the time to find a healthier and less stressful
way to weather the storm. 

Each sign has the potential for both positive and negative expression. The fixed star, Deneb Kaitos, is
what gives Aries the reputation of being headstrong, argumentative, and rash. The challenge is to think
before speaking. Give yourself outlets for your more aggressive and for heaven's sake, think before you
speak so you avoid inadvertently wounding or dismissing others unfairly. This New Moon in Aries falls
in the area of the Zodiac where our basest and most undeveloped qualities are unveiled. The challenge
is to become more self aware and conscious of how our words affect others, how our actions impact
them, and how we are called to develop and hone our skills rather than making one blunder after
another, adding insult to injury in the process.   We can see this as we watch those in leadership
positions either command respect and credibility or fail in their attempts to lead because of their own
egotistical lack. We may find ourselves caught up in fearful mental fantasies, and may even observe
others acting out of that fear.

 The best thing we can do during this crucial time is to seek to observe how we are being affected.
Understand that our reactions and responses to the traumatic events we are experiencing are automatic.
We cannot help but be fearful or panicked at times. That is part of our natural response to trauma.
We can act on our own behalf by  developing some healthy ways of coping with the stress we feel.
Find ways to calm your body’s natural stress reactions through music, dance, art, poetry, concrete
activity, spiritual practices (prayer, inspirational reading, contemplation), meditation, yoga, or other
activities that help you reduce your stress responses. 

Since we’re all caught between the rock and the hard place, my suggestion would be to build yourself
a cozy nest right where you are, and give yourself some positive ways to focus your attention, energy,
and actions so that you are feeling more productive than distracted, more grounded than out of control,
and more inspired than distracted. When you do find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts/fantasies,
refocus your attention  through activating other senses and your attention. Many are looking for ways to
be more useful (making masks for medical personnel), be more prepared (stocking up; don’t hoard
though.Hoarding is fear-based, and though we are rightfully afraid, we need to temper the levels of
fear because that activates the negative, harmful release of chemicals like cortisol which are harmful to
our immune systems. 

Mars’ transit is making harsh aspects to both Pluto ( Great Transformer) and Jupiter (Abundance and
excess).  Saturn has moved out of close conjunction with Pluto and has entered Aquarius. The new
energy of Saturn (The Great Teacher) is in the innovative, altruistic sign where it will be for the next two
and a half years. We are learning new lessons in new ways, and are challenged to release whatever
greed or rooted beliefs and habits we have that keep us from learning, understanding, and acting in our
own best interests at the same time we act for the good of all. We are all connected now, in such  a
stark and obvious way. We can learn from this, a better way to live together. 

Mars’, Aries ruler, is the ‘star’ of this New Moon cycle. Mars conjunction to Pluto is described by Marina
(DarkStar Astrology) as “...the proverbial phoenix rising from the flames.”  This seems a very fitting
description of this New Moon lunar cycle. This aspect highlights our ability to rise above all manner of
obstacles and to meet challenges, successfully, but transformed. This is a time of alchemical change in
each and every one of us, and consequently, who we are as human beings and part of the Earth we call

Mars conjunct Jupiter gives us the courage of a lion and the bravery of the heroes who fill the classic
tales, and provide the sourcing for myths. We are in a cataclysmic time when we are transforming more
rapidly than ever. It’s as if a fire of spirit has swept across the face of the Earth and into each of our
hearts and souls. We are aflame with passion and energy. Let’s turn this into good, and take good care
of ourselves while expressing and sharing compassion, practical support, and love for one another.
Pray for forgiveness of those who seek to harm out of ignorance, fear, or evil intentions. And turn away
from whatever would seek to harm or bring you out of harmony with peace, compassion, and gratitude. 
Seek harmony where you are in body, mind, emotions, and spirit.