Saturday, March 29, 2014

New Moon in Aries, Conjunct Uranus: Shocking Start to New Astrological Year

Threshhold                                                                                                      Catherine Al-Meten

As the astrological calendar begins its turn to a new year as the New Moon in 10 degrees of Aries peaks at 11:46 A.M., PDT on March 30, 2014, Mark Twain’s words capture some of what many of us may be feeling. 

“It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want—oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” 

Shortly after the New Moon peaks, it  conjuncts Uranus, the Great Awakener at 12 degrees Aries, setting off some major changes, unleashing some shocking events, and unveiling some mind-blowing awakenings.  Something quite out of the ordinary is likely to happen on some level in whatever area of your chart this New Moon is accenting.  However shocking, uprooting, or surprising the changes may be, nothing will be ‘as usual’ about this New Moon. 

The New Moon energizes and triggers the  t-square with Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Cancer which is also moving towards the formation of a Grand Cross near the end of April. Mars in Libra forms a Grand Cross that is at the height of its energy and power between April 20-23. A new lunar eclipse cycle begins, the first of four occurring on April 15 when the Moon in Libra and the solar eclipse with the Sun in Taurus on April 28 kicks off a 6-week period of increased growth and change. This eclipse cycle will highlight the Aries-Libra cycle, with continued issues and growth taking place around our need for independence, freedom, and action (Aries) versus our need to connect, cooperate, discern, and move with intention, purpose, and harmony (Libra).

The Aries New Moon kicks off the astrological new year, with a need to be what you wish and appear as you really are. Any inconsistencies between who you really are and how you appear to others or how you present yourself in the world reveals any areas where cognitive dissonance is evident. Knowing ourselves, and then acting in our best interests according to who we are meant to be, is the key message of this New Moon in Aries. First house issues always deal with whether or not we are being our authentic selves, or simply mirroring what others project or expect of us. 
Time to look at who we know ourselves to be, and how we are telling our stories.  Listen to what you say about yourself, through your words, actions, thoughts, and relationships. Examine your relationships to not only those you are in contact with but also what it is you do and how it is you spend your time. 

Mars in Libra, currently in retrograde (March 1-May 20), has been taking us back on memory lane, recalling what we have recently experienced, decided, and explored in the way we relate to others in our closest contacts, and in how we have been able to maintain our own sense of independence and freedom while in relationship. Our relationships reflect in our outer lives, the desires, dreams, challenges, and fears we experience within ourselves (conscious and unconscious). 

Aries ruler, Mars is all about the  Element  of  Fire and the  Warrior Archetype. Fire represents the potential to use resources and energy wisely in our efforts to create peace, understanding, and compassion or to blast apart the world around us through force, violence, and aggression. With the Sun and the Moon in Fire signs, along with Uranus, we can expect to experience some fireworks and the release of pent up emotions and unresolved conflicts. 

How we resolve conflicts and use power is also represented by our reverence for the Warrior archetype. There are different ways we can interpret the warrior. “The Pen is mightier than the sword” versus “Might makes Right” illustrates the dichotomy in the philosophical perspectives of the extremes of the spectrum. 

Pluto, the Great Transformer, is also the great initiator, the pioneer, the explorer, the innovator, the great leader.  With the Mars in Libra, warrior archetype and the Pluto in Capricorn transformer, discoverer, change agent  archetype, we continue our journey within to confront not only what needs to be changed in the world around us, but also, and perhaps more importantly, what needs to be changed within ourselves. No real, lasting change happens until it happens on the micro-level. Society may agree to or be forced to change due to dictates, law, trends, or new information, but real and lasting change happens only when it happens within each person. This is a period when we are forced to deal with our shadow, the hidden elements and the unhealed and undeveloped aspects of our being. 

Our relationship with our value in society and our self worth. Pluto says, in Capricorn looks for equity not only between people, but within each person. Finding the paths to wholeness, integration, and individuation is necessary for authentic growth, change, and movement in our lives at this point. Examine how you are using your power, or turning it over to others. No one can take your power without your permission, but unfortunately, in our efforts to be self effacing and likable, we give away power and talent at the drop of a hat. There used to be a ploy used to catch someone’s attention-to drop a handkerchief, so that the other person, a potential suitor, would pick it up and return it to us. The goal was to allow for a proper way to make contact, show interest, or make a pass.  

Warriors use different tactics to achieve their goals. Ideas like  “killing someone with kindness” or “keeping your friends close, keeping your enemies closer” are both ways of maintaining control without resorting to violence.  There are other ways the warrior archetype works within us. Now is the time to examine the beliefs, behaviors, and hidden agendas that we have been operating on. Question everything, especially your motives right now, in an effort to sort out what is true, good, honorable, just, equitable, and worthy of you and those you befriend and love. Question the ways you use power, or abuse it. Question the way you allow yourself to be manipulated (an abuse of your power) or used, and examine how that prevents you from living as your authentic self. The more you get into the habit (and we all do that), the less conscious and aware we become. Remember to keep eyes fresh and responses in tune to who you are, what your needs are, and how your relationships, your life, your work, your sense of self is in tune with your real and felt needs, or not. 

The challenge for the Warrior archetype come is knowing who we are, and standing in that truth. It also comes as a challenge to know one’s own power and to use it wisely.  How do we allow the warrior archetype to change to promote health, wholeness, compassion, and peace? How do we choose to stand up for ourselves, to take care of our health, to live with the ability to take risks yet maintain healthy boundaries? 

This week’s dynamic alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and Uranus in Aries is likely to feature a “moment of truth” or an unforgettable reminder of what the cost of not paying attention to our true nature may result in. Surprising and shocking events may remind us all of just how important it is to be true to ourselves, and to live in harmony with others and the world we are part of. 

Near the end of the week Venus enters Pisces on April 5. The Aquarius transit of Mercury ends, and the more metaphysical, mystical, and imaginative transit of Venus through Pisces begins. Today, March 29, Venus in Aquarius forms a square with Saturn in Scorpio. Feelings of distance, isolation, abandonment, disappointment adds to a sense of malaise and depression in the area of relationships. At the least some strain, and at the most some outright cracks appear in areas where we feel we are not being heard, having our needs met, or feeling any type of satisfaction in our intimate connections and partnerships.  The strain of whatever has been building up for some time may rise up to the surface as we become more emotionally clear and psychologically and spiritually aware of our unconscious and conscious desires. For some, the sense of obligation and responsibility put a strain and damper on more romantic and idealistic ideas about love and marriage. Connections are strained when our lens is clouded by only our own expectations, and our inability to resolve our inner dissatisfaction or misgivings. 

As the week goes on, Venus forms a sesquiquadrate with Jupiter (April 1-2)  awakening us to a sense of greater pleasure and a desire to enjoy life more fully. Channel some of this energy into creating, enjoying, or immersing yourself in beauty so as to fully appreciate your own ability to find meaning and connection through your own heart-centered focus, activities, and understanding.  Later, on April 2-3, Venus forms a semi-square to Uranus triggers unexpected or out-of-the-ordinary types of emotional and physical responses to pleasure. Use some discretion and restraint. And on April 3-4 when Venus semi-squares Pluto, be wary of focusing only on the negative in how you view your relationships. The balance between the need for freedom and independence versus our need to connect and find meaning with others, can be the focus during Venus’ final days in Aquarius--we may become too critical or we may lack understanding of ourselves, of others, and of the growing process inherent in all relationships.

The North Node  remains in 29 degrees, the anaretic degree of Libra, until April 11. This remains a crucial time, particularly at this New Moon in Aries, for continuing in our reflection, discernment, preparation, and transition process between what we are releasing and what we are about to begin. If you haven’t already done so, take some time to rest, reflect, nourish yourself (body, mind, spirit, emotions) and do some psychological and physical house cleaning to prepare for the new life ahead.  Continue developing healthy practices, constructive and positive behavior, and manageable and authentic goals that a in line with your true nature, and your spiritual path and the Divine’s call for you. However you understand the sacred, this is the time to  use meditation, prayer, reflection, contemplation, and mindfulness to bring you into greater alignment for a new leg of your journey.  Prepare for the unleashing of energy, spiritual growth, and physical growth and activities meant to help you discover meaning, fulfillment, and connection. 

Mars, Saturn, and Venus are each at 22 degrees ( 22 is a universal power number), and though in different signs, all indicate increased power generated at this time of the New Moon launching the new astrological year. 

“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” ~Rainier Maria Rilke

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rainbow                                                                                         Catherine Al-Meten

From Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden: “Is the spring coming?’ he said. “What is it like?”...”It is the sun shining on the rain, and the rain falling on the sunshine.” 

And as Spring begins, that is exactly how the day has been.  On Thursday, March 20, the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere occur. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, “at the equinoxes, the tilt of Earth relative to the Sun is zero, which means that Earth’s axis neither points toward nor away from the Sun. (However, the tilt of Earth relative to its plane of orbit, called the ecliptic plane, is always about 23.5 degrees.)

Mark Twain once said of spring, “In the Spring, I have counted one hundred and thirty six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.” And that certainly is the case for those of us who live in the Pacific Northwest. At the same time that we celebrate the new spring, The Sun enters Aries

Today the day begins with the in Sun 29/4 Pisces. Then the  Sun enters Aries March 20 at 12:58 PM EDT/9:58 PDT, moving us over the threshold of the old year into the new. The astrological year begins with Aries, awakens our indomitable spirit in whatever area of our life/chart it transits. We feel capable, inspired, and motivated to achieve our highest goals, to reach our fondest dreams. Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries also shines its light on areas where we are naive and a bit unrealistic of all that is required to reach those goals.  Getting things started during the Sun’s transit of Aries, is no problem; following through and completing them is another story. Aries, a Cardinal sign, is more interested the the thrill of the chase and the competition than it is in doing what it takes to reach the end result or  find fulfillment.  

The motivating spirit of the Sun in Aries is great for meeting challenges, motivating yourself and others, and competing in games.  It’s also a good time to consider what you need to develop in yourself to fulfill more of your dreams and to follow through on what you begin. The Aries-Libra axis is highlight for the next month, and this gives us time to find greater harmony, tame our exuberance with concrete action. Notice where you are filling your life with an overabundance of activities, pursuing paths that lead you from your goals, or piling on more to an already full plate.  

The Sun in Aries is a great time for launching plans for the next year, and it’s also a good time to become more disciplined in your communication skills. For those of you whose birthdays are in the sign of Aries, this is an excellent year for you to focus on love and fill your life with art and beauty. Focusing on growth and making your home a center for your life and enjoyment, is the keynote of the year ahead. As the Sun makes a conjunction with Uranus in Aries later about 10-11 days from now, some major change may highlight the new year ahead for you. In any event, everyone can watch for major changes and sudden, unexpected news when the Sun in Aries conjuncts Uranus. 

The week begins with the transiting Moon at  16/40 of Scorpio, deepening our passions, awakening our intuition and imagination, and intensifying emotions on a very personal level.  Some of your deepest feelings and most intense desires are now stirred. We understand the hidden issues or old emotional wounds that still affect us, and we have a strong desire to reclaim our own power and discover what it is that is keeping us trapped in emotional patterns that upset and keep us stuck.  It is a good time to work at understanding how issues related to intimacy, psychological and spiritual complexes and mysteries, and any other type of area that needs exploring and figuring out. When the Moon in Scorpio forms an exact conjunction with Saturn tomorrow when it hits 23 degrees, there may be a significant awakening or insight that emerges from the subconscious or from the time and effort we put into studying and exploring some area of our life or personality. 

Mercury 3/15 Pisces has a tendency to create a type of fogginess in all forms of communication. Mercury in Pisces lends an air of vagueness to what we are thinking, feeling, or trying to express. Non-verbal communication is favored. Keep in mind, what you see is what you get. Stay away from trying to figure out what someone may mean through their spoken words. Instead, depend on what you actually experience for that speaks volumes more than what someone says, promises, or sugar coats. Rely more on your own intuitive senses, and less on what others may say the want. Creatively and artistically, this is an excellent time to act on inspiration and move on the currents of imagination and dreamy visions. With detailed work, be careful, making certain to double check anything that is important. Use caution too in how you express yourself to others making sure not to attempt to manipulate or use others. Do pay attention to your emotional and psychological responses for you know what you need, you understand how you feel, and you are in touch with what is really going on below the surface whether it is spoken and acted upon or not. This is an excellent time to listen to your intuition and notice how your actions and words affect others. 

Venus is in 13/26 degrees of  Aquarius, making our ideas and views of love and compassion a bit unconventional if not a lot detached. We may need to tame our altruistic fervor to save the world a bit as we tend to neglect those relationships that are right in front of us for the sake of the greater good.  If that is what you mean to do, so be it. If you put principles ahead of compassion in your personal life, the result may not be as rewarding you would like. Venus in Aquarius is driven towards freedom, independence, and equity.  

Recognizing that pursuing our own freedom, independence, equity, or any other desire, at the expense of others, is no real freedom. With freedom comes the responsibility to use that freedom wisely. With independence comes the obligation to honor both the independence of others and the interdependence between those we love and are responsible for. In an effort to be selfless, sometimes Venus’s transit in Aquarius can manifest as extreme selfishness, disregard for the welfare and rights of others, and a fairly one-sided relationship as we may feel we only want to play if we can play by our own rules.  This is not true freedom nor is it true independence. Notice how this struggle might manifest where Aquarius rules your chart/life during Venus’ transit. 

Mars  at 25/15 Libra, in retrograde motion (traveling behind the Sun), has been in an extended stay in Libra. During this retrograde phase, actions are put on hold, plans are being rearranged, disrupted, or cancelled, and relationships can be a source of some depression or discomfort. Mars, the planet of action in Libra, the mediator and negotiator, creates disturbances in relationships. Mars deals with issues related to anger as well as action, and in Libra, anger is suppressed or blocked. This leads to issues around power, control, and freedom of expression, and the period can be very difficult if it is not understood that we have to face and deal with our frustrations, anger, disappointment, and fear. Pretending they don’t exist, exacerbates their harmful effects in ourselves and in our relationships. Notice where you or others may be struggling with how to express emotions, feelings, and other ambiguous thoughts and beliefs.   The positive side of Libra is the ability to harmonize, negotiate, mediate, and find balance. The shadow side is not being able to take a stand or not being able to discern your own feelings as you are too caught up in trying to understand and please others.  Notice where you are giving more than you are receiving, and notice how understanding of yourself you are. Examine what your expectations are, and pare back on any area that is not equitable, fulfilling, or mutual. Release the need to please everyone at the expense of your own health and happiness. 

Jupiter at 10/46 Cancer reminds us that we still have a number of planets in water signs.  Mercury, Neptune, Chiron in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio, and Jupiter in Cancer, continue to form a  waning grand trine in water. Jupiter, a Cardinal sign, awakens our needs and growth for compassion, empathy, and understanding. Women are especially helpful in helping us cultivate stronger family and friendship bonds. Whatever area of our life Jupiter is transiting will continue to be increasing in areas highlighted. Growth, greater involvement, deeper commitment, and travel and learning in this area of your life continues to be heightened. During the first 10 degrees you have come into touch with what matters most, what is drawing your interests and needs, and you have begun seeking the call of Jupiter in Cancer. Your need to explore this area, develop, and learn is grounded in your own desire for home, security, and safety. Whatever you are exploring through the Jupiter transit is helping nourish your desire to create a peaceful and nurturing life and home. Connections are vitally important to you, making the Mars transit in Libra even more apparent.  Anything you find disruptive or disheartening, can be counterbalanced by Jupiter’s transit through Cancer.  Build within you, the home you seek. Build within you the life and relationships that nurture you most. Envision now the perfect home, work, relationship, family, or life path, and keep the vision alive by knowing you attract all you need into your life now. Practice gratitude and  forgiveness. Develop ongoing practices to ground, center, and feed yourself and your spirit. See that whatever your path is, is the one you have been led to, and the one that opens before you each day. Embrace what is within and around you, and pay attention to what gifts you have. 

Saturn  23/3 Scorpio, also in retrograde, continues to churn up and transform us deep within. Saturn, the Great Teacher, in retrograde takes us back over old territory, reminding us of anything that is still hanging on to block, challenge, or impede our growth and progress.  The more we can sit in peace with this transformative process, the greater the opportunity for us to absorb the movement and change that has taken place. Even when we think we do not understand, we are learning to listen to how our life teaches us from within and from each encounter, each day’s progress, each night’s dreams and rest, and each other’s connection, commitment, and shared joy. In April, Saturn’s transformation partner, Pluto, The Great Transformer, begins its retrograde phase, assuring that we will have some issues to revisit, lessons to resolve, and areas of our lives to go deeper into to learn how ways to deepen our life experiences, discover the roots of our art, or delve more deeply into the mysteries of life that puzzle us and call us to become more understanding of who we are and what our our greater purpose is . 

Earlier in the week Venus formed a quincunx to Jupiter, calling attention to where we are overdoing, overworking, and overloading in some way. We may feel exhausted, and wonder why. It is time to take a rest, to unload and release ourselves from too much of anything. As I plow away at one task after another, I forget sometimes that I need to give myself breaks, rest times, and vacations.  This week I have noticed the need for more sleep, for cutting back on activities, and for giving myself time away from all my duties, tasks, and obligations...When we work for ourselves, we sometimes get to thinking we cannot take a break. Especially those of us who love what we do, often forget we still need to take time off.  Now is that time for many. Avoid causing yourself accidents, illness, burn out, and disconnection from what really matters. Plan a break. If you can’t fly to Hawai’i, take a break on your couch. Get a pile of books (from the library or used book store), and catch up on your reading. Take long walks, go for a hike, and take some afternoon naps. In spring, I often forget that when it stays light for so long, I have to plan breaks even more conscientiously. It stays light longer and longer, and we have to stop working, take breaks, and balance our lives more fully.  Devote some time for meditation and prayer each day. Spend time exercising, walking, swimming, or dancing. 
Invite company for dinner, or pack a picnic and head to the river, the beach, or the mountains for the day. Go away for the weekend, or invite guests to come and spend the weekend showing them the town and catching up. Enjoy life.  

Venus Sextile Uranus Thursday is a transit that favors doing something out of the ordinary. A good time to attend events, get together with friends, it’s also a good time to treat each other with respect and understanding. Take risks if you would like, and embrace the new, unusual. It may be time to try something new, consider how you might like to live differently, and think about how you might want to change the way you deal with finances. Technology, electronics, and metaphysics---all forms of energy that we use and that shape our lives, have an impact on us now. You may seek a new way to use technology, or may want to explore an area of metaphysics that can enhance your life now. Pay attention to those quirky feelings or odd-ball ideas that just might be fun to consider. Not necessarily a time to take big risks or actions, but definitely a time when we allow ourselves to think outside the box. What begins as an idea to move us to a new place, out of an old situation or pattern, can lead us into a more open, healthy path or action. Dream up some interesting ways to spring into action while this transit is active today. This transit coincides with the passage of the Sun into Aries, and the first day of Spring. 

On Friday, Mercury will be conjunct Neptune making us more sensitive and aware of all forms of communication. We pick up sensations where we are, and we are very intuitive and imaginative. We may also be prone to misunderstandings if we misread or misinterpret communications. Again, this is a time when we benefit greatly from taking some time off, spending time relaxing more, and getting refreshed and nourished. Our minds need rest as much, if not more, than our bodies, and using our minds to enjoy life (read poetry, listen or play music) rather than keeping our nose on the grindstone.  Allow yourself to drift, dream, and play with your imagination and with the children in your life.  Be aware of your own sensitivity to what others say or what you think they mean by the different ways they communicate with you.  Avoid confrontations or forcing the issue in areas where you feel disregarded, dismissed, or misunderstood.  Focus instead on what makes you happy, and what nourishes your soul.

Time to take some time off, relax and refresh, and begin envisioning what you would like to let go of and what you would like to welcome into your life. 

On Friday, Saturday, and much of Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon will energize us. We may find that we are more engaged in activities and connections with those who value and enjoy our efforts, work, and style. Shared ideas, and community connections are highlighted. 

As we welcome Spring (or Autumn), 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Virgo-Pisces axis, and Full Moon in Virgo rising

Pink Blossom Time                                                                                             Catherine Al-Meten

"I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world." Rainer maria Rilke, Book of Hours.

First Quarter square of the Moon in Gemini to the Sun in Pisces, occurred on Saturday, March 8 at 17 degrees. This affects the mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces most significantly. Notice in your chart, the houses where the mutable signs are and where your personal planets, the Sun, and the Moon may have received the aspects. First quarter squares give up the first indication of how plans and projects begun on the New Moon are shaping up. And a week from today on March 16, the Full Moon in Virgo peaks, so this will be a significant and powerful week for those of us with key planets, aspects, and solar and lunar energy in the mutable signs.  

The Pisces-Virgo axis is about uniting the infinite with the finite, the spiritual with the material, and the illusionary through mindful presence of the ordinary. Dreams that were making their way into our consciousness at the time of the New Moon in Pisces, now appear in our visions and imaginations in greater clarity.  We begin to see how our desires are meant to manifest in the course of our daily lives and in the way we go about living day by day. As the song Day by Day
from the Broadway musical, Godspell reminds us. 

At the first quarter square, the light begins to dawn on us that whatever we dream of being, doing, having, creating, and becoming, has already begun, and continues to take form in our daily activities, thoughts, behavior, intentions, opportunities, relationships, and experiences.  Our ability to stay mindfully present to what we are doing and how we are being helps us appreciate and learn to work with what is rather than living in a fantasy or illusion of our egos. We are gifted with both the spiritual desires, dreams, and understanding and the physical gifts, health, mental and emotional clarity to bring our dreams to fruition. Whatever area the Pisces-Virgo axis falls in in your chart, is the area of your life where this challenge and blessing is currently active and emerging as a point to be receive, resolved, and rejoiced over.  

The rulers of this Virgo-Pisces axis are Mercury, Neptune, and Jupiter. The natural house rulers of these two constellations are the 6th and 12th houses. Themes like order and chaos, control and trust, service and devotion, and pragmatism vs creative energy.  When the shadow element of Virgo is at work, our need to control the area ruled by Virgo is apparent. We become critical of ourselves, and tend to allow our perfectionist tendencies to rule and indeed, overshadow other creative and harmonious elements of our nature. When the shadow side of Pisces is active, we get lost in our own delusions and avoid seeing how ideas remain in the realm of the unconscious and non-manifested if we do not bring them into some type of physical or material form. For example, we may talk to ourselves and others continuously about the advantages and disadvantages of taking a particular action or making a certain decision, yet we may never get around to doing anything but talking about it. This is a time when we can become more fully aware of what has heretofore been unconscious or out of our capacity to change or act. We can also see more clearly how we have been prepared to take action, make changes, or do that which we have been dragging our feet on.  If we do not make the changes, the changes will happen anyway, and then we will have to deal with the consequences of not taking actions or making choices that are needed. 

We are learning that we need both the ability to analyze, handle the details, take necessary steps, and dedicate our time, energy, and resources toward that which feeds our soul and nourishes our life in the direction of our dreams, desires, and calling.  We need to maintain a vision, the ability to see the whole picture, the finished product, or the end goal while taking care to take one step at a time, maintain optimum health and clarity, and integrate the spiritual with the physical aspects of our daily life. Whenever we overdo on one end of the spectrum (Virgo’s need for control, ‘nose to the grindstone’ mentality, or self-defeating attitudes and behavior vs Pisces dreams and visions, optimism and tendency to overlook the basic needs, and ability to revel in the vision and never get down to work), we miss the opportunity to use the energy of both to create, grow, and live fully in the present.  If at any moment you were to stop what you are doing, what does your life, as you live it right now, tell you about what matters, what is vital to your health and well being, and who you truly care about? The call is to live fully now, the life you envision for the future. Live as if it were as it should be already. This is the message of the fully healed, evolved experience of the Virgo-Pisces axis. Trust in the idea that how you live is meant to serve both your own good and the lives of those who depend on and love you. Being fully evolved or enlightened means you are able to see how everything you do speaks to how you love and serve others. 

In your astrological chart the houses represent different areas in your life. There are six sign polarities, representing the natural oppositions in our lives. 

1st house/Aries- 7th house/Libra axis.  The first house represents the Self and how you present yourself and are seen in the world. The seventh house represents Other, or partnerships, or how you relate in your closest relationships and partnerships (including marriage). The natural ruler of the 1st house is Aries  and the natural ruler of the 7th house is Libra. If you are tired of the way others treat or see you, examine what it is that you are sending out by the way you appear to be. How does your physical appearance, your self talk, the story you tell when you answer simple questions, the incongruities in your life speak louder than what you  believe about yourself?  Notice how your relationships reflect your willingness, desire, or need for connection and love.  What is happening now in your life that need to get a make over? 

2nd house/Taurus-8th house/Scorpio axis. Form vs transformation. 2nd house matters deal with personal values, material goods and our beliefs and values related to them, possessions, matters of security and issues related to how we value who we are vs how we are in relation to others. The 8th house/Scorpio aspect relates to our value in community, our reputation and use to others, our views and experience of destruction, death, and transformation, and how we search for meaning within the experience of living. The play between both ends of the spectrum relate to how we understand and integrate our sense of who we are with our purpose and deeper meaning and life purpose. Why did we come here, and what are we doing about it? How has our sense of who we are developed to the point where we have a sense of our purpose and place within the world? When these areas of our lives are affected by the Virgo-Pisces transit, we have the opportunity of being more mindful of what we say we value and what we actually do. We may seek to learn more about some of the more metaphysical, ancestral, karmic ties that connect us to the lives we are now living. Notice  how you are both teachers and students in every relationship, in every role or interaction, and in every experience you have. Pay attention to values that may no longer fit with or be in opposition to how you actually live.  Look for areas of incongruity, and walk in greater harmony. Walk the talk, or change the talk, both how you talk to yourself and how you talk about yourself to others. Notice your patterns, and what that which is still not healed is manifesting defensive talk or challenging behavior towards others. Notice how you are spending your time, and judging yourself. What kind of steps might be needed?

3rd house/Gemini-9th house/Sagittarius axis. The 3rd house matters relate to all forms of communication, particularly those with people in our immediate environment (siblings, neighbors, community) whereas 9th house relates to the higher mind, and the world beyond our immediate experience. Gemini represents the immediate, the mental activities and thoughts of the now while Sagittarius represents the higher mental activities, the bigger picture, that which lies beyond our immediate experience or understanding. The 3rd house represents day to day communication and travel, and the 9th house represents communication, travel of long distances, cultures, times, and ages. The 3rd house represents logic, organization, detail, and facts; the 9th house represents the search for meaning, understanding, knowledge, and the quest for meaning that leads to one’s higher calling. The Virgo-Pisces transits affect these areas of our lives by raising our awareness of the connection between our inner growth and our external experiences. When we are more open to expanding in both areas, we grow in both, and we learn what we cannot when stuck at one end of the spectrum or the other. 

4th house/Cancer-10th house/Capricorn axis. The 4th house/Cancer represents the home, one’s private life, where and how we make and feel at home, and how we were and are nurtured. The 10th house pertains to what our calling or purpose in life is. It pertains to how we are called to serve in our lives. Often referred to as the house of career, it is more about what and how we are called to live out our purpose or calling. The private vs public axis is one which presents challenges to all of us, and when the Virgo/Pisces axis falls here, this is what issues and conflicts may arise. 

5th house/Leo-11th house/Aquarius axis. This axis deals with the pull between our personal needs and desires and the impersonal. The 5th house has to do with creative self expression, pleasure, connection to children, and romance.  The 11th house has to do with our relationships in groups, organizations, friendships-interactions.  This axis pulls us to balance between our time and need for personal pleasure, creativity, romance, and personal fulfillment, and our need to interact and engage in meaningful ways with others. When the Virgo-Pisces axis transits affect this house, we are called to weigh in on how well we are maintaining a healthy balance between these two areas of our lives, and how we are able to integrate the two in meaningful ways. 

6th house/Virgo-12th house/Pisces axis. Virgo and the 6th house both relate to our physical existence--how we live day to day. Our physical health, our bodies, our work, whatever it is we do with our time, energy, and physical being. And Pisces and the 12th house relate to our spirituality and our spiritual identity. The 12th house is about mystery, spirit, the mystical, the hidden and the spiritual ties that bind us to meaning, inspiration, and intuitive knowledge.  The 6th house is about daily life, how we live from our heart or not, and how we use our gifts, talents, abilities, and knowledge. Pisces provides the gifts, Virgo provides the tools for using the gifts. How, in your life, are you being called to use your gifts and hone your skills and tools? How are you bringing ideas, inspiration, and intuition to life in your life? 

The Full Moon in Virgo on March 16, 2014 will peak at 10:08 AM PDT at  26 /02 degrees. Before the Full Moon, some other major aspects occur that shape the way we understand who we are and how we are living. On Tuesday, March 11, Mercury in the latter degrees of Aquarius squares Saturn in Cancer (Saturn is also retrograde). Due to Saturn’s recent retrograde movement, we may find ourselves receiving news, coming to a greater understanding, or communicating once again how we feel or understand something that is hindering our progress. The lessons seem to be more of an internal nature, though we what is within is always reflected in some way, in our surroundings and in whatever we are engaged in doing. Taking time for ourselves now, to listen more intently, to the messages welling up from our heart and soul. Listen to the call from within, and honor the blessings in your life that are surrounding you now. 

Time also during this Mercury aspect to review projects, make revisions, finish up what needs attending to. Do the work even when you see no rhyme or reason. Trust that whatever you have to do is somehow teaching you something of great value that will help you be achieve what you need and want. We still need to take care of details, or at least show our willingness to take steps that help clarify or make changes that open doors to that which is calling you to do, be, or change.

Mercury also makes a seisquadrate aspect to Jupiter on Thursday, making for a period when the recent station direct of Jupiter had been saving up for just such a day as this. The flow of ideas, information, news, and communication may seem like a torrential downpour. Take steps to keep breathing and letting go of trying to control the flow or take actions. This is a time to allow the flow to happen, and to notice--simply notice what stands out as vital, significant, or unusual.  Trying to deal with everything at once is not helpful; observing and becoming more mindful of what is opening up before and within you.  Notice your emotional responses to what is happening, and honor your need to take care of yourself while still honoring the valued friendships that shape and fill your life. 

Later in the late afternoon or early evening,  the Pisces Sun trines Saturn, the Great Teacher, and we get a tremendous glimpse of how blessed we are by life we have chosen. We become more grounded, and more intensely connected to that soul-deep sense of who we are and where we are. We are here for a purpose, and we connect to that higher purpose in our daily life and in the awakenings that we now feel flooded with. We see ourselves and our lives as they are, and we embrace life as it is. We feel our capacity to live life as it is, and to enjoy being who we are. Especially if we have been learning from Saturn’s journey into our depths, do we now begin to appreciate the gifts in some of the garbage, toil, and challenging work of the past few years. 

On Friday, Mercury trines Mars (also recently in retrograde). Our work, communication, and life activities in general, are energized and moving. We now receive what we have needed, and are actively engaged in doing what needs to be done. We also feel the thrill of being active and engaged. It is a great time for productive work and energizing engagements. Events, plans, and activities work out beautifully, and our work is engaging and pleasurable.

Next Sunday, I will not be posting a weekly forecast. It is my birthday, and I plan on having a beautiful day under the influence and blessings of the Full Moon in Virgo....exactly where both the Sun and Moon were at my birth. Enjoy bringing the disparities, incongruities, and conflicts of life into balance during this week of blessings from Virgo and Pisces rulers, Neptune (currently transiting Pisces too), Jupiter (transiting watery, security, comfort-conscious Cancer), and Mercury ( in innovative, unconventional, airy Aquarius). Also Chiron in Pisces. This is a week of healing, integration, and uniting disparate parts of ourselves and our lives in the atmosphere of wholeness, blessings, and unity. 

From one of my favorite sacred scriptures, I wish you many blessings.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my right hand."  Isaaih 41:10

Monday, March 3, 2014

Jupiter turns direct, Venus enters Aquarius, water signs trine

Rivulet                                                                                                                  Catherine Al-Meten

The last week has been a very eventful one, with the New Moon in Pisces, Mercury's station direct, and
Sunday, edginess due to Venus Squaring Mars, Saturn stationing to begin its retrograde journey behind the Sun.  On Sunday, March 2, t
he Sun Sesquiquadrate Mars, made for an edgy, tightly-wound kind of day. Mars also just turned retrograde.  If you were able to channel energy and feelings of ambiguity into constructive areas, you may have avoided some conflict or been able to release some of that anxious type of energy. Nevertheless, there is a sense of needing to do something without knowing exactly what that might be.  This is one of those times when it is best to break tasks, chores, and projects down into bite-sized pieces. Avoid becoming over-dramatic or anxious about a vast of array of issues that you cannot handle all in one day or week. Instead, get ample rest, nourish yourself well, take long walks, and honor your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and relationships needs. Again, break things into manageable pieces so you can achieve something. Honor your accomplishments, regardless how small or seemingly few they are.

Monday morning, the Moon in Aries square Jupiter, conjunct Uranus, and then square Pluto, may find you waking up in the wee small hours of the morning, with a sense of urgency, excitement, or the need to do or fix something that has suddenly gone wrong. In my case, my kittens decided to make up for the play they’ve missed while convalescing from surgery-at 5:00 a.m. and in my bed, with me in the bed.  A wild awakening, that forced me up earlier than I needed or wanted to be. In the afternoon, the Sun in Pisces will sextile Pluto, the Great Transformer, in Capricorn.  This indicates that it’s good to have a plan, a strategy, and a vision of the ideal way of doing something or behaving in a situation, even if the ideal is not always within reach.  Trust that you have the capacity to organize yourself, set ideas into action, and develop ways of tackling big problems. 

Be creative and artistic in the way you approach whatever is out of balance right now.  View challenges as gifts that require just the ingenuity that you can bring to transform the challenge into a gift. This is also a good time to hold your own counsel. There are times when it’s best not to share everything we feel, know, or wonder with everyone.  This is one of those times.  Whatever we are learning through transformation is now coming to fruition, and it is an important time to hold onto our ideas, thoughts, feelings, and questions trusting that we are being divinely led and inspired. When a project, a change, a development is gestating, it is important to leave the ideas alone to grow and develop on their own. It is also vital to listen to your intuition, trust your own sensibilities and knowledge, and allow your own sense of proportion to guide you. We are more likely to achieve what we have been searching for now by allowing things to unfold and develop of their own accord. Sometimes we have to trust, step out of our own way, and allow Divine order to fall into place within and around us. We cannot do this if we are using only ego-directed energy to try to fix, push, rationalize, or make things happen. What was lost, will be found, What was thought impossible, will now manifest. Step back, take some time to see what is appearing before you, falling away (as in issues that are disintegrating now), and working out better than you had anticipated.

On Monday evening, the Sun in Pisces conjuncts Chiron, making this a time when we can experience a major healing. We discover a greater sense of purpose, and can discover what it is that makes us feel we are ‘not enough’ or ‘not yet good enough’ to achieve our goals, to have our dreams fulfilled, or to find our place in the sun.  We each have a Divine purpose that unfolds continuously throughout our lives. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, awakens us to those areas deep within, that hinder us from feeling worthy, that make us doubt or fear our purpose and right to do what we feel impelled to do. You might want to ask yourself who or what are you measuring yourself agains? What stands in  your way of being what you feel your are intended to be or to do what you are meant to do? Are there old messages you keep replaying in your own thinking, or have you created a murky fantasy life that keeps you immersed in negativity, doubt, fear, or anger?  Examine how you talk to and about yourself, and see what wounds you may be using to define and govern yourself. And then see what you might do to change that thinking and behavior. 
That is what Chiron awakens in us, and when the Pisces Sun is in the picture, we get a much clearer idea of where we are meant to shine, and where we are hampering our own progress.

On Tuesday, the Moon changes signs, moving from Aries to Taurus. Mid-morning, the Moon semi-square Chiron in Pisces, tends to block our ability to see relationships as balanced and harmonious. The semi-square focuses our attention and emotional responses on our differences rather than on similarities.  It may be a difficult time to hear what someone else is trying to say or do, or for us to make ourselves understood. Instead of butting heads, focus on what is going well, or at least back away from pushing and obsessing over those areas where we are basically viewing the world from a totally different perspective than the other. This is a key point in identifying that area within ourselves, that we are struggling to overcome, improve on, or actually notice. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, helps us come to terms with that within us that hurts the most and that which we are afraid to examine. It is often that which we believe we have already handled. This aspect takes us to  a new level  of healing if we are wise enough not to get entangled in emotional and shadow-type reactions. 

On Wednesday, March 5, Venus enters Aquarius where she will stay until April 5. Relationships take on a more detached and less personal. Friendship becomes a valued aspect of all relationships, and the romantic relationships we form at this time may be very different from what we normally attract into our lives.  Aquarius helps us unite with others on the basis of out of the ordinary, unconventional tastes, interests, and lifestyles. Whatever relationships begin under this aspect, will carry some heavy weight and commitments.  The Moon in Taurus all day makes some nice aspects to (sextiles to Jupiter, Chiron, and the Su) and a trine to Pluto, making this a more pleasant day, emotionally.

On Thursday, March 6 we awaken with an early morning Jupiter stationing direct in Cancer, and with the Moon changing signs from Taurus to Gemini. With Jupiter’s station and movement in direct motion, we move from a time of deep introspection, inner awareness and growth, and issues of authenticity and honesty, to a time of more activity, expansion, discovery, and growth through the way we live life externally. We are buoyed by our growth during the retrograde phase, and if we made choices and were willing to face our true desires, our growing edges, and areas that require growth, healing, and attention, our actions will be influenced by greater growth and abundance than we may have experienced in the past. We step on our own shoestrings when we fail to face ourselves, and Jupiter has given us a gentle nudge, reminded us of our higher purpose, and unleased some appreciation for our innate and Divinely inspired gifts and opportunities. We are armed with what we require to fight off any challenges, break down any barriers, or surmount any obstacles that had stood in our way in the past. Due to Jupiter’s transit through Cancer, natural ruler of the 4th house, home, security, family, motherhood, and affection, we are more connected to that which we need to feel safe and comfortable in our own skin and in wherever we choose to make our home.  Additionally, Jupiter is favored in Cancer, and this transit allows for us to feel greater compassion for ourselves and others. We get support from those who care for us, and who appreciate us. And we in turn can express greater love, compassion, empathy, and understanding to others. We have been working on creating homes that are more supportive and nurturing of growth, inspiration, security, and our ideas about identity, belonging, and home. 

Friday and Saturday, the Moon remains in Gemini.  Early Saturday, the first quarter square of the Sun in Pisces to the Moon in Gemini is formed. The square is formed at 17 degrees, and affects all the mutable signs including Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.  This week completes a major first week of the new lunar year--four planets have changed direction. We feel the strength of the energy, and will continue to feel deep-seated movement within and signs of movement and change happening around us. Both Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer, support the new moon’s energy during this lunar cycle. Change is afoot, and the first signs may begin to appear at this time. Whatever effort you put into setting your intentions free, will net you wonderful rewards and a promising turn of events. Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, also brings spiritual, mystical, and divine love connections to us as we seek to connect to the energy of Jupiter, and on March 6 when Jupiter goes direct, this energy is doubled. Make a mark with your creative and literary projects now. Whatever seeds we plant now, will net us a great harvest. Jupiter also portends journeys, and this may be the time to plan for traveling to meet and connect with those from the past who share parts of your life. It is a beautiful time for collaborations of all kinds, including the romantic and mystical types.