Monday, August 26, 2019

New Moon in Virgo: Powerful Earth Sign Gathering

On Friday, August 30, 2019 the New Moon in Virgo at 6 degrees will form a powerful conjunction with Venus, Mars, the Sun, and Mercury. The Virgo New Moon will also form trines with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. On the West Coast the New Moon peaks at 3:37 A.M./6:37 EDT, so you may experience the power of this new moon in dreams or as a  middle of the night epiphany. Those with major aspects between 2-12 degrees in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces will feel this energy impact the areas of your life where these signs, aspects, and transits reign. 

New moons are always doors to new beginnings. Depending where this new moon is in your life/chart, you are sure to be having some strong ideas about the need for change and actually doing something to make that change happen.  And for those of us who have been going through big changes recently, this is a time when we need to make adjustments, and recommit to what matters most in our lives. We may want to spend some time reflecting before then, about what areas of our lives need redefining, renewing, or redesigning. The call of Virgo is not change for change’s sake, but rather it is for purposeful, driven, focused change for purposes that are clearly outlined and defined. 

The Virgo archetype encourages us to use our critical thinking to, analyzes what is lacking in your everyday routines, daily life/work experiences, and general well being and direction in life. Now is the time for some solid reflection and discernment about your life purpose and the way your current life is reflecting that. If you’ve been making some constructive changes in this area, you may use this time to do an assessment, and make some new plans based on your success so far. If you find yourself seeming to run around the hamster wheel of life experiences, discernment may work best by looking deeper to see what’s so unsatisfying about what you’re doing now and how you’re choosing to live and work.

Our work ought to be a creative reflection of our inner talents, gifts, and desires. If we feel stuck, the problem is within, not necessarily with the outer circumstances. Maybe it’s time to update skills, finish something you wanted to in the past, but put aside. Perhaps what you needed is to imagine yourself living bigger than you have thought possible. As we age and grow, we are meant to keep on learning, improving, and getting better at taking on greater responsibilities and challenges. However, some of us spend too much time focusing on what others define for themselves, and kind of go along, thinking we can wait until later to do what we want. How long has it been since you’ve asked yourself, “How does my life reflect who I really am and what I really want to do?” Virgo Moon aligned with the Sun (self expression), Mercury (all forms of communication), Venus (relationships, creativity, aesthetics, beauty), and Mars (action, doing) all in earth signs, bring home the point in very down to earth ways, the important of being wholly committed to living life as a reflection of our best thoughts, words, deeds, creations, and emotional expression. 

Since the Virgo Moon trines both Pluto, the Great Transformer and Saturn, the Great Teacher, is also puts us right in touch with areas of our life where we feel cognitive and emotional dissonance...where things just don’t feel right or make good intellectual sense. Whatever we’ve been working towards and seeking over the long transits of these two outer planets, is now being called to a time for monitoring the journey we’re on. Time to restock the shelves. Review the plans and make any necessary adjustments. Examine which relationships we are truly committed to, and notice what new stage these relationships are in. We cannot grow if we refuse to adapt, change, and develop in the lives we’re living. And we can’t blame other or circumstances either. We must see how we are adding to the growth, or slowing it down. How we are ignoring what is needed, or responding to the mutual needs of all involved. Are we satisfied buzzing from flower to flower, tasting the fruits of different gardens, or can we acknowledge our place in the here and now of who we are, and honor, cherish, and help nurture the beauty growing in our own gardens? Are you living the life of a perennial, one that renews yearly or as an annual, one that makes  dressy show and then dies? When we garden, we know there are cycles. We know we have to deadhead old, dried buds, to allow for the new growth to form. Where are you in your own cycle? What needs cutting back? What needs nurturing? 

This grand cycle of New Moon in Virgo and the earth sign stellenia also forms a grand trine to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus brings change to bear now! What is desired it brought into being. What is needed, is borne. What is just an idea, now appears in some form to offer new opportunities.  The New Moon in Virgo with all its attendant earth signs, present a perfect time to envision the change we desire, and to take actions towards goals. This demands a willingness to both commit and take a risk. Nothing will change if we never move beyond the goal line. And we won’t be fully into a project, relationship, commitment of any kind, if we’re only seeking a superficial reward.  Risk and commitment both require giving your best and staying the course. Both require a mutual agreement to define and structure that is workable for all involved. In relationships this means, good communication about pragmatic decisions and expectations. For commitments to goals, for example, art, writing, music, drama, education, training, major career changes, it requires a well thought out plan of action defining goals, short and long term commitments, and then, most antithetical, a willingness to proceed forward and continues even when things don’t go according to plan. For you may rest assured, plans don’t go like we want or expect them to all the time. 

Some very Virgo-like qualities, actually very earth sign qualities, include: tenacity, courage, focus, organization, order, and dedication. It would be helpful for most of us to honor these qualities in ourselves and develop them if we find ourselves lacking. Along with creativity and imagination, tenacity and focus help art take form. Along with talent and desire, dedication and commitment to doing make dreams come true. The Virgo Moon and the beautiful earth sign alignment that goes with this Virgo Moon, present a gift to all who wish to gather their forces to create and new path, renew one that needs renewing, or build upon the creativity and accomplishments you’ve already achieved. As I write this article, Venus is trine Uranus. We feel less fearful and more willing to take risks. At this time we want to try new things, but may not be ready to commit. We do recognize now, though, what brings us peace. What gives us life. Keep this in mind as you move closer to decisions you seek to make. Again as I write, the Moon in Cancer makes us feel at home, safe and protected. We seek harmony and peace for everyone, The Moon’s aspect to Uranus gives us a sense of how we might approach old problems differently. We get more creative with changes and innovative ideas that Uranus in Taurus bring into our lives. All week long there are aspects of the Moon which triggers similar thinking and feelings. Mars’ trine to Pluto later in the week
, urges us to find more innovative ways to do what we have come to think of as normal. The New Moon occurs at 6 degrees of Virgo, in the first decan. The Sun at 6 degrees also signifies a few of interesting symbols. One of the Sabian symbols for this degree of Virgo is The Merry Go Round. Another is the Banyan Tree with you being the tree and your roots deeply spread out in the earth. Still another symbol associated with this degree of Virgo, one I find particularly intriguing, is Talismans buried here and there along the road (life) so that travelers and seekers will always be protected. I might add, as long as they are wiling to look for the signs that point you in the right direction. If we are trying to escape the poor choices we’ve made or the choices that are not easy, we may keep running and fail to see the gifts of this moment. At this New  Moon in Virgo, and always, look for the gift in this moment, the perfect gift of presence wherever you are. Look for the gifts that you define as hard, challenging, or scary too. They hold true power if you trust that your life is divinely guided.