Sunday, February 17, 2019

Chiron, The Wounded Healer: New Path to Healing in Aries

Bleeding Hearts                                                       Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
After 8-9 years of transiting Pisces, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, begins an 8-year transit of Aries on February 18, 2019. This is a major shift in energies, but the second part of a long journey of healing the unconsciousness and consciousness by learning to cope with that which makes us most vulnerable and most creative. Through our deepest understanding of our personal identities, we grow even more aware and active in healing that which prevents us from loving, serving others, and having compassion for ourselves and the world we live in.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer's orbit passes between Saturn and Uranus in the Solar system.  Its orbit around the Sun takes 50 years, and varies depending on the sign. Completing it's 9-year cycle in the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces today, Chiron re-enters Aries, the first sign in the Zodiac tomorrow, February 18, 2019. (Chiron first entered Aries in April, 2018 before it went retrograde back into Pisces until now). Chiron's transit of Aries lasts longer than it does in any other sign--8 years. Consider the next 8 years one of the most significant healing periods of all times.

Who is Chiron, the Wounded Healer?  In Greek mythology, Chiron is born half horse and half human. His parents Phylygria and Chronos rejected him. Phylygria was punished for abandoning Chiron, and was turned into a tree.  Chiron is taken under the wing of Apollo who takes care of him and teaches him how to adapt to his wound and go on living in spite of that wound. Later in trying to defend Apollo in battle, Chiron's leg is wounded. He recovers and learns to adapt to the new limitations he is faced with.  Like Chiron, we each have something which we have to learn to cope with in life, and we usually identify that as the area we feel most vulnerable in. It might be fear of intimacy, or fear of self expression. It may be shame or fear of being 'found out'.  It might be fear of our own creative talents or fear of abandonment, like Chiron. Whatever it is that is the point of pain and vulnerability in us, is where we can connect to the wounds that need healing in our lives.

What the archetype of Chiron calls us to do is to recognize that the areas of our woundedness are the places in our experience that rise to the surface to help us recognize that pain, to adapt to it as we live life more fully, and to work around the wounds that are part of our experience. Denial of our woundedness, something most of us try to do at times, only leads to slowing down the healing process. We are capable of wholeness only when we recognize the boundaries, limitations, or limits beyond which we cease to be free and able to live.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, transiting both the last sign in the Zodiac, Pisces, and the first one, Aries, represent the healing and integration that needs to take place between the unconscious and the conscious. Chiron in Pisces and Aries also represents the bridge of healing that is needed between connecting endings with new beginnings. During the last 8-9 years, our unconscious has been revealing those destructive patterns/habits, conditioning, traumas, and perspectives that have blocked or triggered unconscious wounds.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer's Transits through Pisces and Aries.
Chiron in Pisces was a deep, inner journey where we became more and more aware of how our unconscious wounds affect us. We've become aware and been confronted with whatever has deepened or triggered our wounds, and we've learned how to pay greater attention to the connection between the shadow aspects of our nature. Now as we complete this cycle, we move into a whole new journey where we will learn to cope with the new knowledge that emerges from our unconsciousness, into the light of our awareness.

As Chiron enters Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, our personal natures are going to go through a realignment. During this alignment, unconscious pain is drawn to the surface so that we can work through the pain, consciously. The ongoing path of deep healing helps us discover how to recognize our vulnerabilities to help heal and grow in compassion for others. By bringing into the light of consciousness that which arises from the hidden, undeveloped, unexplored regions of our unconsciousness. We realign ourselves with both our true nature and with the natural world in which we live.

Chiron helps us as we dismantle the patriarchal conditioning and institutions that have abandoned us. Through our ability to heal ourselves and to be healed in light of the true nature of our being, we grow as a force to help heal the trauma, structural upheaval, and ethical/moral debasement that the patriarchy has used to try to hold onto power. The feminine is rising, and through our growth as individuals and as a whole, we take over the reins of power to steer our planet towards healing.

How does Chiron Affect Us?

Chiron brings to the surface, that which needs healing. Through Chiron's transit of  Pisces, we became more aware of our wounds through the development of our  intuition, empathy, compassion, imagination, creativity, and unconsciousness.  As Chiron begins the journey through Aries, our focus changes. Aries rules the  personal, naive, inexperienced adventurer. Chiron in Aries is ready for action without regard to risk. Chiron in Aries takes action and does so with a great deal of passion. Chiron through Aries takes us on a journey of the novice, the path of the new initiate. We learn through our actions just how our unconscious manifests when we strike out on our own.

Chiron's path for the next 8 years is one of discovery. Of self discovery and of discovery of our reason for living. We are each here for a purpose, to love and serve with one another. Discovering how to live with our limitations, and to cope with wounds we may think we should 'be over'.  And to learn how to love and serve in spite of whatever is hidden from our knowledge or awareness. The whole idea that one heals from a past wound or illness and has no after effects, is erroneous and misses the point.  Whatever trauma, obstacle, difficulty, or limitation might challenge us or make us feel more vulnerable to pain or suffering, is in fact, the path to coming to healing.

We learn through Chiron, the Wounded Healer, how to identify our woundedness, to work towards healing, and to integrate our healing into the way we live and cope with our lives. It will be a journey where we learn a lot about self reliance, as well as where we learn how our woundedness need not stop us from living full, creative, inspirational, and productive lives. Wherever we feel vulnerable, wounded, abandoned, broken, inadequate, or blocked, Chiron helps us pay attention to (remember what we've learned through the Pisces journey into the unconsciousness) so that we can put that understanding to work through our actions, service, compassion, and love for self and one another.

Chiron shines a light on the wound of identity that is common in all human beings. Each of us is vulnerable in one way or another. As we all know, or should by now, what we recognize and are repulsed by in others, is often something we either truly dislike in ourselves, or is something we are culpable for, but cannot face. In the case of Chiron, however, the wounds of identity are not those areas of our lives where our actions reflect our past behavior (karmic), but rather are the areas of our being that make us vulnerable to attack, manipulation, or abuse by others. There are areas of our lives where we are not the creator or the instigator or the cause. Those areas of our identity are the gifts that we can use to create, produce, heal, and prosper ourselves and others, or where others can use and abuse us. Chiron, the Wounded Healer helps us cope with those areas of our identity that we need to learn to live with and work around in order to grow and blossom.

An example of how Chiron might work in a person's life comes in understanding the wound of identity that makes a person feel ashamed or embarrassed of showing their talents, is the artist who braves it through, creates art, and allows it to be displayed. Or the singer who has a beautiful voice but is painfully shy. Chiron helps a singer recognize the wound, but helps the singer stand on stage and sing in spite of the shyness. In recognizing the beauty and passion of the desire to create or to sing, we learn how to work around the wounds that might otherwise stop us before we begin. We recognize that vulnerabilities become the source of the fear or anger or pain that blocks us. As is the case in trauma, we work towards healing of our woundedness, when we take positive steps toward doing what is life affirming, life giving, and life altering.

The path of Chiron, the Wounded Healer's transit through Aries begins in the light of the Full Moon in Virgo (Feb. 19). It is during the Full Moon in Virgo, we can focus on that which most needs healing, that which most demands attention, and that which we can do concretely to begin this journey with intention. By using the light of the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Sun's entry into Pisces, we can affirm our path forward crossing the bridge toward healing the wounded spirit that is so sorely needing to be healed in us and in the world as a whole.

*This year I will be completing my book, Healing the Wounded Spirit: Coping with Trauma, by Dr. Catherine Al-Meten Meyers.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Aquarius New Moon Ushers in Year of the Pig

Winter on the Columbia                                           Catherine Al-Meten Meyers

On Monday, February 4, 2019, at 1:04 p.m./PST the New Moon and Sun align at15/45 degrees of
Aquarius to usher in the Year of the Pig. The Year of the Pig is considered by many to be the luckiest
year of the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Pig will emphasize compassion, generosity, and devotion
towards others and ourselves.  The Aquarius New Moon makes us feel more attuned to the needs and
circumstance of others as we take care of our own needs and issues as well. As we enter a new lunar
year, may we tend to our own needs and desires as we seek to be more responsive and aware of the
needs of the collective whole.

Aquarius, the sign of the Water Bearer, is an air sign, and this New Moon arrives free of the shadow
effects of the eclipse of the last two months. With clearer vision, we now continue working out the snags
in ongoing problems, situations, or challenges we have been coping with. We’ve learned that we are
stronger than we think we are, and more capable of dealing with difficulties for a period of time, even
though we may not want to make this an ongoing habit.

With the New Moon and Sun aligned in Aquarius, the power of groups and institutions bolster the
energy and innovation one can use to find and create solutions to difficult, chronic, or unexpected
problems or questions that arise. Using our ability to seek truth and to share in the resources and
gifts within ourselves and within society at large, we find a way forward through the darkness and
uncertainty that may shroud some areas of our lives. This is particularly true in the areas where Pluto,
the  Great Transformer and Saturn the Great Teacher have been transiting or aspecting.

Whatever has been going on that has made you wonder how you were ever going to find a solution,
answer, or cope with a tricky or difficult situation, is now receiving positive aspects which manifest as
a helping hand, an unexpected source of support, or perhaps simply opportunities for a new experience,
a new perspective, or a new path in a surprising direction. The New Moon in Aquarius occurs a 15/45
degrees. It will affect those with with fixed planets and aspect points between 12-20 degrees of the fixed
signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. We all want to look at the fixed signs houses in our own
charts/lives to see where the current transits are affecting us most. To do that, study the house where
these signs are and notice the other areas of your life/chart that are aspected.

Aspects: Key aspects to the New Moon in Aquarius and the Aquarius Sun have some very powerful
points of power during the start to this new lunar month and year.

Mercury in Aquarius.  The winged messenger, Mercury, has the capacity to think beyond the immediate,
temporal, and material conditions and circumstances. Aquarius has the capacity to zero in on an issue,
while also being able to detach itself from that same situation. The ability to ‘rise above’ present
circumstances, gives us all the gift of perspective right now. This enables us to see the bigger picture,
and remove ourselves from some of the emotional entanglements we might experience under other lunar
transits. While it may seem a bit uncomfortable from how we normally cope, the Aquarius New Moon
broadens our perspective, opens our eyes and hearts to greater vision and opportunities, and infuses in
us a greater willingness to remove ourselves from having to have all the answers or having to do things
that we’re comfortable doing. We now have the capacity to see that sometimes we just need to put our
heads down and get to work. Get the job done. Face the task, and take some initial steps towards
seeking the answers we need. We can do this better if we keep in mind what is good for everyone in
the situations at hand.

Black Moon Lilith is also conjunct Mercury and the Sun and Moon in Aquarius. Black Moon Lilith
represents the shadow aspects of our experience and beings. We each have those areas of ourselves
that may yet be unexplored. Some of this is hidden until we’re ready to deal with it; other aspects may
be what we’ve habitually tried to hide from ourselves. Whichever form the unknown takes, it’s a good
time to tackle what is arising. There are also areas that we are always running up against, the sticking
points that appear again and again as we grow and mature.

The appearance of Lilith along with Mercury means we’re more than likely to become even more aware
of what is stirring within us and within the situations of the collective whole around us. Notice what

triggers your strongest feelings at this time, and then ask yourself, what about that situation is like some
area of my life. We all know it is easier to see the sins of others than it is to see our own impairments or

blindness. What is calling from within and without to be acknowledged. Where can we gain some clarity
or take some actions to address our emotional reactions, our biases or discomfort to understand more
clearly how our past or our current live may be causing us or other harm? What is stirring in or around
you that need to be addressed, as opposed to being ignored (through detachment, dissociation, denial,

Jupiter in Sagittarius (at home and in her regal glory). Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius, a fire sign.
Jupiter forms a lovely sextile to the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Lilith later in the day. This lightens the
burden of our unconscious stirrings, by adding a dose of optimism, hopefulness and a sense of joy.
Jupiter is the classic silver lining that aligns with this New Moon and the cluster of planets and Sun in
Aquarius. Oftentimes when the darkness before the dawn seems to overwhelm or paralyze us, Jupiter’s
energy lights a spark within us, brings us good news, or enables us to see the gifts in the garbage.
Starting a new lunar cycle and a new lunar year with this aspect, bodes well for all of us.

Uranus in Aries (28 degrees retrograde) indicates that there may be an element of shock when actions speak louder than words as Uranus conjuncts Mars and both aspect Jupiter (trine) and form a gentle, harmonious sextile with the New Moon, Sun, Mercury In Aquarius today and in the next couple of days. There will be sudden movement, decisions, and surprising developments that will get what appeared to be stuck in place, into motion. We also get wake up calls during these transits--reminders of past experiences that have an effect on our present situations.  Shocking events, surprising decisions, and unexpected changes, all lead to action. That’s sure to come out of this New Moon in Aquarius and her sextile to Uranus and Mars in Aries. Uranus is also the co-ruler of Aquarius, so this is a good time for the changemaker Uranus to show up and dislodge whatever is stuck and mired down.

Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Pluto (nearly conjoining/passing through the North
Node-Gateway to change). Saturn the Great Teacher conjoining Pluto the Great Transformer,
both grounded in earth signs, bring up whatever has been left unresolved or has been stirred up
during the transits of these two great outer planets through Capricorn. Pluto, in retrograde, reminds
us of something that we’ve recently gone through, and shows us what was churned up is now ready
for a rethink, a reprogram, or a more innovative, out-of-the-box solution. We might not have the
solution, but we can be urged at this time to be on the lookout for ways outside the norm that may
now open for us.

Venus enters Capricorn. The day before the New Moon, Venus enters Capricorn. Joining in with
thoughts and desires for creating more beautiful, harmonious relationships and connections, Venus
transits Capricorn from Feb. 3-March 1. We now seek security, stability, and balance in all our
relationships and dealings. We seek pragmatic ways to make our lives run more smoothly. We may
question our feelings, emotions, and even our ideas right now, however Venus reminds us that we
can find harmony through the practical application of Universal laws within the context of our everyday
lives, our relationships, and our decisions about what is best for ourselves and others in any
decision-making process.

Venus forms a trine to Uranus at the time of the New Moon (5-10 degrees of separation equate to
an aspect even though in different elements). This signals some unexpected news, memories, dreams,
intuitive hits, which despite the pragmatism of Capricorn, you would want to pay attention to. Trusting
our instincts, our intuition, our dreams, and our intellect are crucial. Listen too to the signals your body
delivers to you (scan your chakras and check in to see what fears, concerns, or strong sensations may
be signaling you at this time). Listen. Pay attention to what every level of your being is telling you.
Body, mind, emotions, spirit. The chakras system, the physical body itself all have such valuable
information for you. Cherish that precious gift you are, and honor your wisdom as well as the wisdom of
trusted allies, mentors, teachers, and angelic guides and beings.

Pluto 21/45 Capricorn opposes the North Node at 26/47 Cancer. The Great Transformer, that which
is being shaken up in our lives (Wow that’s some shakeup) is in opposition to the North Node, Gateway
of Change. In the sign of the caretaker, protector, Cancer, our sense of security is shaken a bit, but the
shaking up that Pluto has been triggering, is teaching us what we must change, and showing us how we
can call our highest powers and best instincts to bear on making the necessary changes that are being
required now.

Mars squares the North Node. Mars in Aries squaring the North Node in early Leo provides the push
needed right now to take action. Mars lights a fire beneath whatever must be accomplished, decided, or
completed in order for the inevitable change to take place. Now is the time for action, ready or not.

Jupiter  in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces.  Take it from one who has this aspect in her natal
chart, this can be a saving grace or a huge roadblock. When we listen to our intuition and follow that
inner guidance, our good fortune follows. Even when we can’t imagine how an answer will be found or
can’t conceive of a solution, this aspect guarantees, the answer is being revealed. We may feel
uncomfortable when venturing into new territory, but if we stay true to ourselves, and trust those who
would be trusted and listen to the intuitive guidance in and around us, we will be steered in the right
direction onto the right path. We can block our way through defensive and fearful beliefs, so pay
attention now to the negative self talk and the naysayers (Wet Blankets, Prophets of Doom and Gloom,
or Critics).

Whatever is good and for your highest good and the good of others, can be accomplished,
created, revealed, and manifested. Stay out of your own way, and let the Truth be revealed.
Let Jupiter’s good fortune and the New Year of the Pig, open a whole new path of creativity, abundance,
good fortune, and good health to each and everyone of us. Let the Light within you join with the Light of
others to help create a more compassionate, loving, and kind world for everyone. Happy New Year all.
May blessings and healing abound. Keeping so many of you in my prayers and wishing each of you
receives the grace you need for what is most urgent and needed in your life.