Sunday, August 31, 2014

Clearing the path: A time of transition, a new starting point

Astrological Forecast for August 31-September 7, 2014

The New Moon in Virgo on August 25, opened the doors for peering into the depths and dark places within us and in the world around us. It also beckoned each of us to set a path forward with intention to uncover whatever secrets, desires, and hidden mysteries still need to be brought out into the light of awareness. After nearly a week of sometimes shocking revelations, insight, or confrontations, we have a greater appreciation for how we are or are not effectively communicating and coping with unresolved issues in our lives, with areas of life which need healing, or where we are entrenched in harmful and hurtful relationships. 

Sometimes we are blindsided and shocked by what comes up; sometimes we are amazed by the insight and compassion we are capable of experiencing. Sometimes our pain comes to the surface demanding attention. Whatever has been bubbling up to the surface of your awareness to be dealt with, you probably have a better idea of what needs to be addressed through direct action and practical attention. The Sun and Mercury are also in Virgo, shining light on each of these areas, and delivering messages to clarify or startle us into action.  Opposing Neptune in Pisces, we may be highly sensitive to touchy and hurtful forms of communication, and we may misunderstand or feel the depths of our wounds as we over react or finally feel the emotional depth of our own pain and grief.  This can be a healing time as well as an emotionally charged and upsetting experience. We now look for very pragmatic solutions for channeling the grief, relieving the pain, and healing wounds, rifts, and misunderstandings.

The first quarter square of the Moon at 9 degrees of Sagittarius on September 1, First quarter squares always bring up potential conflict or obstacles to anything begun or envisioned at the New Moon. This first quarter square however, conjuncts Antares, a fixed star in the Scorpio constellation. Antares is a bright fixed star often called the heart of the scorpion. Antares is one of the four Royal Stars of Persia (discussed in last week’s column). The mythology of Antares differs from culture to culture, but what stands out in my memory is naming a cute, cuddly kitten Antar after a famous Arab warrior. Let’s just say, be careful what you name your pets.  Little Antar did not have a happy ending and had a very tough life due to his fierce and warrior-like nature. Now warrior energy, we know, can be used in different ways. There are positive, healing ways to be a warrior, to stand firm, and to bend to the challenges and remove ourselves from dark and troublesome places. 

However, we live in a time when the unhealed warrior image is predominate, and indicates how difficult it is for us humans to reign in our warrior energy to channel it into using our power to shape and form, to create and heal. Likewise, when we meet the first challenges of the Virgo New Moon as the Moon transits Sagittarius and conjuncts Antares, we have a great deal of fiery energy to deal with. Tempers flare, fists fly, and defensive stances are taken. While it may feel and seem antithesis to the energy around you, it may be wise to take a lesson from Tai Chi.

Tai Chi takes its meaning from Tai Chi Chuan, the Chinese characters that translate to mean the Supreme Ultimate Force. It is based on the idea that within all, is dynamic polarity of yin/yang, active/passive, dark/light, feminine/masculine, forceful energy/yielding energy. The character Chuan translates to mean Force or fist. Very basically, the concept of tai chi is to channel energy in a meditation, conscious, controlled manner and to do no harm. To use the energy for good. And early this week, that is our choice. How are we going to use our energy―the energy that may make us feel like striking out, fighting back, or running into conflict? The problem we have with Antares is it calls out to our lower nature―calls us into high drama, extremes, oversensitivity, and explosive and sharp-tonged encounters. This is a time when we are challenged by the conditions, to channel our energy in ways that help move obstacles, resolve issues, or move what seem like insurmountable odds from our paths. 

This period is an extreme time when most of the  planets are lined up half the zodiac (the astrological wheel).  Planets, the Sun, and the Moon are all transiting between Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. Neptune and Chiron are in Pisces, opposing all the planets and this month’s New Moon in Virgo. Uranus is in Aries. Look to the area of your chart where planets are transiting from Leo-Capricorn, and you will be able to see what kinds of issues, conflicts, and energy is affected the most. There may also be discussions and arguments over how resources, time, and energy need to be used and allocated, particularly in regards to the care and tending of children and those in need of compassion, love, and assistance. The underlying issue is that when we feel ourselves threatened (not enough of something-money, time, resources, love) we tend to react and move from a point of fear. Fear is not a healthy way of channeling energy, and often results in attracting to it exactly what it imagines.  Act from a sense of compassion not fear, for yourself and others.  See yourself as capable, strong, courageous, and doing the best you can. Avoid falling into the victim role, or into a pattern of dependency and neediness. This does not mean you cannot ask for and seek assistance, but do so from a point of strength and courage, not fear and lack.  Avoid falling into the trap that happens when we sense energy welling up in the collective consciousness, and we feel the need to strike out, retaliate, or seek revenge rather than focusing in on what we can do to build up, create, and heal within ourselves in with those in our immediate community. Those in leadership positions need to be very wary of how you use your power and authority right now. Acting on the best and highest interests of all, acting from a compassionate and kind heart, and using power and authority to build up, not tear down is the job of leadership―especially at this time in our history.

The Sun trines Pluto (the Great Transformer in Capricorn, an earth sign), and we are better able to see right now, how we are to continue making the changes in not only the circumstances of our lives, but also the way we do and envision what we are transforming. Look for ways you have already been successful and have already gained strength. Assess your gifts, skills, talents, and the lessons you have been learning. Avoid falling back into old patterns of reacting and acting out.  Keep finding the power of your inner strength and beauty, and the authority of the Higher Power and Divinity that guides, guards, and governs. When the Sun and Pluto trine, the need we feel to survive and recreate ourselves and our lives is activated. The Sun and Pluto highlight the need for secrecy, confidentiality, and holding your own counsel. Our emotional energy is at a vulnerable point, and it is wise to guard and protect yourself from the onslaught and misguided attacks of those who either intentionally seek to dominate and use us, or who unintentionally and unconsciously strike out in ways that are hurtful, harmful in their attacks on our most intimate vulnerabilities. 

Protect yourself, and guard against being pulled into well-meaning thought pointed and barbed attacks. This holds true especially with those whose friendships tend to be based on mutual lack of understanding of one another’s perspective. Sometimes we form friendships with those we think understand us, and we think we understand them, and then we find that we are miscommunicating based on very different ideas and forms of communication.  Sometimes, and this might just be one of those times, we need to do more to protect ourselves from harmful relationships. The cost of “working things out” is not worth our vital organs. When we lay down our lives for our friends, that does not mean we have to sacrifice our life blood at our own expense (except in extreme cases). We lay down our lives for our friends with the implicit understanding based on mutual trust and knowledge that our aim is not to strike out and harm or berate in the name of love. To push someone over the edge is a form of abuse, and has no place in friendship, marriage, or in family.

Venus in Leo from August 12-September 5, is winding down a cycle where concern over romance has been of paramount importance. We long to bring more creativity, romance, and pleasure into our lives at this time. We tend to view whatever area of our lives Leo rules as the source of what makes us understand our needs, desires, and our ability to both give and receive love. We may feel a deep longing if this area seems to have been neglected. Now is the time we may want to notice how our emotional longings are indicative of where we seek greater fulfillment and meaning. On September 5, Venus enters Virgo where it will transit until September 29. Our experience of love, romance, creativity, and artistic expression now becomes more practiced and focused. We put our desires into some type of practical action or activity. We take steps to show how we feel through service, support, and by taking better care of ourselves. Virgo  indicates a need to pay closer attention to detail, to be more concerned with overall health, and to getting ourselves and our lives in order as a means of getting more grounded and in balance.

Last week on August 26-27, Venus squared Mars, highlighting conflicts, debates, and areas of marked difference between what we need, expect, and want with what we are getting in our relationships. This could have resulted in arguments and dissatisfaction in partnerships, or may have resulted in a lot of extra energy used to be creative, productive, or active. On September 2, Venus forms a seisquiquadrate angle to Pluto in Capricorn, and pinpoints areas in relationships that are out of line or are causing jealousy, frustration, or lack of fulfillment. Notice what is being emphasized, and identify how you are dealing with this energy.  On September 5-6, Venus forms a seisquiquadrate with Uranus in Aries, and this triggers a great deal of uncertainty in relationships, and in our desire to remain in close partnerships. If there is a great deal happening or not happening, we may seek an exit. We may see that issues related to our need for freedom and independence versus our need and desire for closeness and intimacy are causing irreversible problems. Uranus in Aries is burning through the intellectualizing we often do in relationships, and getting rid of the undergrowth and dead weight disguised as rationalizations for holding onto to the familiar. Whatever is weighing us down, may now be burned off to make way for creating space and time for greater healing and growth. 

Between September 8-9 Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces, a time that emphasizes whatever is not working, whatever is disappointing, or whatever areas in relationships are unsatisfying. Neptune in Pisces puts us in touch with our feelings and intuition, and sometimes, reveals through dreams and sensations what is missing or in danger of slowing or blocking our good.  Not a great time for starting a new project or relationship, but a time when we want to pay attention to what is rising to the surface calling us to pay attention to the state of our relationships.   Overall, in the area of relationships versus individual freedom and independence, this week is creating a great deal of stress in areas that are already weak, lacking, or in danger of disintegrating, breaking, or dissipating. Sometimes relationships end with a dramatic scene; other times they simply stop being a matter of importance. Not a good time to force issues nor to be deceitful, manipulative, self-centered, or living under any illusions about what is real or not.

Until  mid-morning Monday, the Moon remains in Scorpio. The Moon then enters Sagittarius until September 3, keeping us active and discussions fiery. From the 3-5 the Moon transits Capricorn forming favorable trines to the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto. From the 5-7 the Moon transits Aquarius. The Moon is building up/waxing until the next full moon next week. 

This week, the big change occurs when Mercury enters Libra late Monday night 10:38 PM PDT or early Tuesday morning1:38 EDT. On September 5, Venus enters Virgo, so two of the inner planets are changing signs this week. That means they have both been in the latter degrees of their respective transits, causing us to feel a greater urgency or need for change or improvements in whatever areas they have been transiting in our lives/charts.

On Wednesday, the Sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn. We feel more powerful and capable now, able to see more clearly, and be more pragmatic about what we have to do to move forward. We are reminded of our capacity for endurance, our ability to gather and effectively use resources and apply our talents and knowledge to solve problems, set goals, and aim our  lives in the direction of what we seek to achieve. Connections with others who support and champion our ideas and goals, is now likely. Creating goals, setting out a plan of action, and gathering resources with an end goal in mind is now possible. We have greater clarity coupled with the motivation and drive we need. We eliminate whatever negative influences or connections have been draining us, and we let go of superficial or distracting influences and connections that keep us off track. We see clearly what matters now, and we eliminate what does not.

On Thursday, Mercury forms a semi-square to Saturn, the Great Teacher, causing some delays or raising some issues that have to be dealt with before communication and plans are in shape. Whatever residual anxiety, fears, insecurities, hypersensitivities, or doubts arise now, get in the way of communication. Whatever seems to be out of whack, needs to be repaired.  Rather than worrying or wasting time wondering ‘why’, set about fixing whatever needs repairing. 

On Friday, Jupiter forms a quincunx to Pluto. Pluto, the Great Transformer shows us where there is a fly in the ointment with our plans for expansion and growth (Jupiter). We discover where we may need to make adjustments, where there may be a question of ethical or moral choice, or where we still have too many other issues taking up space and draining us of essential life energy. We experience the feedback we need to understand how our use or misuse of our own personal power (and the collective use or abuse of power) is affecting our overall health and well being. 

We are confronted with whatever is essentially blocking our good. This may be our own beliefs and attitudes, or it may be the attitudes and beliefs of others.  When we run up against or are blind sided by someone else’s perceptions and energy, we have to question ourselves to determine whether we are off center, or they are. Sometimes we have to walk through the fire, in the form of confrontation or verbal abuse or attacks to realize that we are being drawn into someone else’s dysfunction. This can be  especially  true in relationships where one person knows the vulnerabilities of the other, and either consciously or unconsciously, uses that knowledge to undermine, attack, or otherwise manipulate the other person. This seems to happen to us when we feel we can least afford it, or when we are at a vulnerable point. We learn who our real friends are when we notice how good friends are sensitive to this and will not hurt another person, whereas, others use such an attack as a way of handling their own issues.  The lessons of Pluto help us learn how to discern what types of communication are essential to our health and well being, and which ones are to be weeded out.

On Saturday, Venus forms a seisquiquadrate to Uranus, that aspect that may trigger unpredictable changes and behavior. Longing for greater freedom, we may find ourselves seeking greater freedom, more joy, and a deeper sense of fulfillment and meaning.  With Mercury forming a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces, there can also be some fuzzy thinking involved. We may not be very good discerning between intuitive knowledge and innate fears and drives. This type of aspect can release some highly creative, imaginative scenarios or ideas, or it can plunge us into a state of indecision and moodiness.  Channel your creative energy into something that allows you release, but doesn’t require close attention or attention to detail. 

This week is an active, dynamic week astrologically, and we will be experiencing a variety of different types of energy, aspects, and probably, moods.  Keep in mind Jupiter’s aspect to Pluto on the 5th, the first of two major aspects for Jupiter this month. The second aspect happens on September 25 when Jupiter trines Uranus.  The first aspect is the first such aspect in Jupiter’s 12-year cycle, focusing our attention on what it is we are setting out to achieve during this next 12-year cycle. We need to make the necessary adjustments and changes with goals, relationships, jobs, career choices, and anything else that relates to control and the use of your resources. Whatever you commit to now, will be with you for the duration. 

Between now and the 25th, there is time to separate the wheat from the shaft.  What is essential, and what is not? What needs to be released, and what is draining, wearing you down, or hindering you from real growth and change?  As we move through this waxing time of the Moon, we are dealing with a lot of karmic and residual energy and ties to what has been part of your life thus far. Focus on what aspects of your life you wish to elevate and support, and eliminate the rest.  Clear the path ahead so you are free to make choices that give you life. On September 8th, the Pisces Full Moon highlights the areas of your life that are defining you. Look to see who you are now, and embrace that which feeds, nourishes, and delights you. Choose life-affirming experiences, move towards energizing and uplifting relationships, and build a life that allows for a harmonious, loving, and fulfilling life.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sun, Mercury, Regulas-a Royal Star, and the New Moon in Virgo

What is Within?                   Catherine Al-Meten 

This is where the planets, Sun, and Moon are transiting as I post this article, on Sunday, August 24, 2014. 

Sun 1 Virgo 30'34"
Moon 22 Leo '29
Mercury 16 Virgo 22'
Venus 15 Leo16'
Mars 17 Scorpio 1'29"
Jupiter 8 Leo 38'26"
Saturn 17 Scorpio 37' 2"
Uranus 16 Aries 4'3"r
Neptune 6 Pisces 19' 4"r
Pluto 11 Capricorn 12'11"r
TrueNode 20 Libra 16'0"r
Chiron 16 Pisces 2'2"r

Waking this morning on the Northwest Coast of the U.S., news of a major earthquake in the San Francisco area woke me up. My family lives in San Francisco, and of course my immediate thoughts were of their safety. Fortunately, though there is major structural damage to some places, most people were sleeping at 3:20 A.M. when the quake hit, and there seem to be some injuries but no loss of life. Just as the Sun moves into the earth sign of Virgo, we are reminded that we are a dynamic planet, formed of continuous change, disruption, and movement.  The Sun in Virgo does not cause the earthquake, rather astrology reminds us of the elemental forces at work in the world in which we live. This week begins with the Sun’s movement into Virgo (Saturday), joining Mercury and Regulus, leading us into the New Moon in Virgo at 2/18 degrees. This alignment in Virgo calls us not only to get down to work but also to pay close attention and focus our hearts, minds, and lives on that which is at the heart of who we are.

With the New Moon happening early on Monday, August 25, 2014, we may feel somewhat overwhelmed by all that is behind and ahead of us. Depending upon our age, we may feel the need to trim the sails, store up for the winter, or pare down our expectations so we can focus on what matters most. Rather than getting bogged down in regrets, or overwhelmed by what remains to be done, it is a good time to take inventory of what we have right here and now―resources, talents, blessings, experience, opportunities, support, not to mention love and friendship.

The New Moon in Virgo is in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, adding to the sense that we don’t quite know what’s going on, or feeling ourselves so full of ideas and plans we hardly know where to begin. Neptune in Pisces opposite the New Moon in Virgo gives us  cornucopia of ideas, insight, intuition, imagination, dreams, and illusions. We may find ourselves lost in a dreamy kind of state, not feeling very grounded or soaking in the energy of what is going on around us or what is draining or filling us with energy. 

Venus at 14 degrees of Leo forms a quincunx to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces. This awakens us to areas of woundedness that need healing. So on top of being flooded with ideas, we are also feeling the areas that trigger our sense of weakness, helplessness, or insecurities.  Rather than adding insult to injury by feeling ashamed or upset by this, allow yourself to feel what you feel, and see how it is acting as a teacher to help you get thought eh struggles, challenges, or pain that needs to be dealt with. We don’t deal with something of importance in our lives once, and than it’s over. Wherever there are areas that call us to grow, we keep learning how to deal with those areas in healthier ways, hopefully. Feeling as if we have failed, relapsed, or otherwise not ‘handled it’ is not helpful and is not even the point. We are not meant to be perfect; we are meant to keep trying and learning. 

There is also a Mars-Saturn sextile to Mercury in Virgo, and this introduces us to the taking-it-slow dance approach to life. One little thing at a time, and pretty soon, the job is done.  My Godmother, Dorothy called it ‘doing things in littles”, and she often coached me to do just that when I felt overwhelmed by too much to do.  And what a privilege of our times. We  have meaningful, purposeful lives, and yet we complain of having too much to do. Relax, take your time. Breathe! Actually, when you have too much to do, slow down. It may seem antithesis, but it works. Slow down, and do one thing. Then do one more thing. Then take a minute to simply focus on breathing. Then do one more things. Get out of your head, and stop talking yourself into stressful situations. 

Listen to how others complain. Next time you’re in a grocery store, or coffess shop, on the bus, or some other place where people babble on about their lives, just listen.  Either you’ll hear that their lives are far worse than yours, or that people complain about silly things.  I often hear both. But the point is, how use these snippets of other peoples’ lives to compare to how you talk to yourself or about yourself. How much of what you tell yourself or others is negative or positive? How much is about a real problem or one you are creating?  And if this doesn’t work, watch, read, or listen to the news, and you will find that your problems, as bad as they may be, are probably more manageable than many.  And if we have a very tramatic and serious issue going on in our lives, complaining about it won’t really help. Use your energy to do something constructive. This lead me to the Virgo influences that are growing with this New Moon in Virgo. We are meant to take action and do what we can now.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon in Virgo is: Two Guardian Angels… You don’t have to be perfect or dance on the head of a pin. Leave that to the angels. Accept your flaws. Surrender to the knowledge that you don’t have to do it all today.” This is a time when a ritual to celebrate the blessings and intentions of the New Moon in Virgo, would be beneficial.  Remind yourself of how you are surrounded, protected, guided, and guarded by angelic beings―-God’s thoughts connecting to us in Spirit. 

The energy of Virgo makes us aware of the earth beneath our feet, the tasks at hand, and the resources available for us to build, create, form, shape, or destroy. How we use our time, energy, talents, and resources, now becomes a focal point, particularly in the area of life where Virgo rules your life/chart. On Monday morning, August 25, 2014, the New Moon at 2 degrees Virgo falls within 2.5 degrees of the star, Regulus (in the heart of Leo the Lion).  This is the first time our Sun has transited this point since the Regulus entered Virgo (from Leo) in November of 2011. This signals a key turning point for the collective whole of humankind and our experience on this planet. This is connected to the the metaphysical return of the goddess, the rise of the Divine Feminine. 

Regulus is known as one of the four Royal Stars of Persia. These four stars, Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Formalhaut  are the four brightest stars in the constellation and they appear to stand off by themselves in the sky. They are also among the 25 brightest stars we can see in the night sky.  Ancient astronomers used these stars to chart the seasonal changes and equinoxes, to navigate ships, and for governing events in the world or signifying major changes.  The Royal Stars were dominant in different constellations including Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Pisces. They are fixed stars, meaning that they appear to be located at the four fixed points of the Sun’s path. Regulus was considered the most influential of the four Royal Stars, and whenever an event occurred involving Regulus, grave and significant events, changes, or influences were amplified and intensified.  (  

The  Four Guardians of Heaven or the Four Archangels, the Royal Stars represent the four spiritual paths from which all paths derive. Tashoheter/Aldebaran/the Archangel Michael represents the watcher of the East. The Archangel Michael, the Warrior Angel, stand up for the rights of all especially in times of danger, crisis, and challenge.  Satevis/Antares represent the Archangel Oriel and is the keeper of the West. Hasotorang/Formalhaut represents the Archangel Gabriel and is the keeper of the South. Venant/Regulus represents the Archangel Raphael and is the keeper of the North.  According to Ptolemy,  "Of the stars in Leo, two in the head are like Saturn and partly like Mars. The three in the neck are like Saturn, and in some degree like Mercury. . . . Those in the loins . . . Saturn and Venus: those in the thighs resemble Venus, and, in some degree, Mercury." It is said that the stars in the neck, back and wing all bring trouble, disgrace and sickness affecting the part of the body ruled by the sign, especially if they happen to be in conjunction with the Moon.” 

In ancient Egyptian times, the yearly calendar began when the Dog Star, Sirius rose, roughly at the end of July. The annual flooding of the Nile occurred as one of the three seasons in this mild climate: the flooding season when the Nile overflowed her banks, the growing season, and the harvest season.  The flood occurred in mid-summer, and the new year began with the rising of the Constellation of Leo. The brightest star in the Constellation of Leo is Regulus, one of the Royal Stars, keeper of the North. Everyone alive today, with the exception of anyone born after Regulus’ entry into Virgo in November of 2011, was born with Regulus in Leo. Whatever house you find Leo in your chart/life, and your 5th house (5th house is Leo’s reign), signify the areas of your life that feel the greatest impact. Slowly, but surely, we are moving into a new age―an age lasting approximately 2,160 years. In 157 BCE, Regulus last transited from Cancer to Leo, helping usher in a new age that has shaped us as a civilization since. 

The influence of Regulus in Virgo has us changing the way we create, shape, move, think, process, and respond to life’s challenges. Whereas we might have responded to world challenges with violence, competition,  striking out and emotional outbursts under the influence of Leo, we now tend to turn our stress into worry, illness, or concern―in other words, we turn our stress in on ourselves. We suffer more personally, unless we can take the stress and use our intellect, hands, service, to work together to do something  concrete to meet challenges.  Someone said that worrying was like praying for all the bad things you want.  Worrying is a harmful use of energy, and what Regulus calls us not  to acknowledge within ourselves all the problems, challenges, weaknesses and shortcomings we cannot deal with, but to work to do something about that which we actually have some control or influence over, and to work together with others to make important changes and improvements in areas of life that need fixing, solving, addressing, or correcting. We do not need perfect human beings; we need to be human beings who are working to improve things and to use our gifts, resources, talents and challenges as building blocks to build a better life, for ourselves and for others.

The movement of Regulus, the Sun, and Mercury through Virgo, awaken within our heart of hearts, the needs, concerns, and issues that we feel the desire and indeed need to address. In talking with friends earlier in the week, I described the stirrings of energy around my heart chakra that seemed to be activating and signaling changes that need to be handled. Now in looking at the stirrings in light of all this movement in Virgo, I recognize the need to take care of the key elements in my life that pertain to where this activity is happening. 

For me it is in the areas of my 10th house,  life purpose/career and of my 5th house energy.  Notice what house or area of your life you find Leo and what sign rules your 5th house.  Watch how these two areas of your life are being affected by changes in energy, insight, and internal and external movement. The growing edge of this energy is to overcome the shadow aspects that now seem to appear out of nowhere―-obsessions, a tendency to sabotage (yourself or others), subterfuge/undermining of self or others, or imagining all the potential scenarios to block your good. Also there is a shadow tendency not to take as good a care of yourself as possible. Your health― physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being―is key to your making the most of the energy at this point in your journey.  Get the rest you need, eat and drink according to your need, and get the exercise and enjoyment of life that is vital for maintaining health. Take time to meditate, pray, and contemplate. Enjoy the pleasure and company of family and friends, and take time to reflect and simply be present with your own company. 

The transit of the Sun, Mercury, and Regulus through Virgo has a powerful up-side. We get more productive at this time, and change our work standards to enable us to achieve a higher quality of work as well as to maintain a stronger and more consistent emphasis on healthy channels of thought, word, deed, and heart-centered activities. We need to avoid toxins and toxicity at all costs, and we need to stop waging war. War is not the answer whether it is the war we wage within our selves (beating ourselves up for not being or doing or responding as we think we should) or the wars we wage with others (on the grand scale or on the local and interpersonal levels). The change begins within! Being responsible for what we do and how we do it, is the starting point of necessary, positive change.

With the influence of Regulus (the heart of Leo the Lion), we need to be aware of how we harm ourselves, allow stress and negativity to poison and wear ourselves down, and how we use stress as a means of avoiding making necessary changes. Whenever I hear people putting off making necessary major changes, it reminds me that the longer we stay in a toxic environment, the greater damage is done to our health. Also, the harder it is for us to get out of the comfort and familiarity of our pain, insecurities, and discomfort. Yes, some of us get so used to feeling badly that we cannot imagine we can ever feel differently. With the influence of the Sun, Regulus and Mercury in Virgo, we are going to get the message loud and clear, that when we stuff our pain, we pay the price in illness and increased levels of stress. As one author  and astrologer Boots Hart puts it, Regulus in Virgo awakens us to  “possibility of impersonal dismissing of others, right down to the level of life. Call it selfishness as an illness reflecting an inability to relinquish control.”

The big picture, for that is the best place to view this energy, is that we are living through a time that is not unlike the changing of any age or era. Change doesn’t happen on one day nor is it marked by one event. In the more epic ages like an astronomical age involving thousands of years, the change happens over decades and even hundreds of years. We are part of evolving changes of human behavior, attitudes, perceptions, and doing that calls for us to each awaken, grow, change, and create from where we are, perhaps having to change the way we view life or ways of doing and thinking in order to become more whole, aware, productive, purposeful, or relevant.  Those of us who are older, may or may not understand, that time marches on. We can stay in old attitudes, behavior, beliefs, thinking or even dress; however, that does not guarantee that life won’t change in ways that make it harder and harder to behave as if ‘everything were as it was”. Really we sho try to live consciously, understand that life changes and we can either ignore the change and miss the boat, or we can acknowledge the changes that have occurred in our lives, and learn what that is leading us towards. To improve our human condition, and that of all humankind, we have to work together and to do what we can to let go of what has no place in our lives so that we can pick up the tools and use the resources that we have to build a life that works for the good of all. What does this look like in real terms?  For some this might mean, letting go of an old role that is no longer useful. It might mean acknowledging that we need to take better care of our health if we are to be able to create art or maintain our friendships. It may mean that we need to root ourselves and stabilize our lives long enough to plant a garden and tend it. It may mean that we need to let go of attitudes that drive us deeper into depression or self-loathing, and spend more time recognizing and affirming what is working in our lives.  Recognizing that the life we have is the one we have in part, created, we need to do what we can appreciate and enjoy what we have.  In what ways are you wasting energy? How is your attitude helping block or drain your of energy to get something started, completed, or released? 

I wish I had known what it meant when Regulus entered Virgo in 2011. At the time I was forced to make some changes, or suffer the consequences. I made the necessary changes, with no idea what it would mean and with some fear that I would not be able to manage. I gave up a long, successful career once and for all, in order to first, get healthy―pay attention to what my physical health was signaling, and then to devote myself full time to the life purpose call of Leo in the 10th house.  The way my changes have happened is through the 11th house Virgo, of friendships and involvement with groups and institutions.  This has not been an easy change for me, as I longed for time alone and needed to be with people who were willing to work with me and with whom I was willing to work with too. As an introvert, I had to release the need to operate out of my own singularly-focused, independent, driven nature, and work with and appreciate others more.  As Regulus, the Sun, and Mercury have moved into this area of my life, lessons, challenges, opportunities, and blessings are flowing into my life. I listening to the clarion call of change within as it is carried to me by deepening awareness and challenges. We each are receiving this clarion call to change, to grow, to release, to heal, to create, to evolve, and to be more present in the doing. Whatever is at the heart of your core of being, is now being vibrated by a clarion call. Listen. Let it rise to the surface of your consciousness. Take good care of yourself, and avoid allowing stress, worry, and fear be part of your life. The heart and circulatory system is affected by stress, despair, fear, worry, and suppressed desires and memories.  What needs to be healed is coming to the fore to be acknowledged, and it is vital to respond and take care with yourself now. 

The heart of our moral and ethical codes and beliefs, too are important. What is it you say you believe, and how are you living accordingly? As the heart and circulatory system work to and are dependent upon the other to work, so too do our beliefs and actions align with one another. If we are living in disharmony, we are in a constant state of imbalance, discontent, and incongruence. We all know someone who complains about life incessantly, and wonder how that person can avoid seeing the beauty in and around them. When we are out of balance, not living with an awareness of who we are and a way of framing our lives with meaning, we lose traction, we lose our way, or we fail to see the trail we are walking. Truly, this is the question of our times―how do we live on the precipice of change? How do we feel at home in any way, if we are always in process? 

Between November 2011 and December 2083, everyone on this planet will be living through the birth of a new age. Regulus will be at 0 degrees of Virgo. These first few years have also been during a crucial transit of the Great Transformer, Pluto’s journey through Capricorn. The very first peeps of this new age have been difficult, challenging, violent in many ways, and shocking. We have witnessed and been a part of it in the larger society; we have felt and suffered through it on a personal level―always a choice between the known and the unknown, the struggle within all of us, between what was and what will be.  For our youngest members of society, born at this key moment in time, are the vanguards of the new age. 

The rest of us will feel as if something is intruding our our needs or desires, or efforts to get things done. We may feel it more alive within us now, and may be having some very enlightening experiences (if we are willing to look at this within ourselves) that give us a key to how to handle the universal need we all have now, to be more tolerant and accepting of others and of ourselves. I know I’m having some eye and heart-opening experiences, seeing how I can do more to block my own good and fail to appreciate those I love than anyone else can or has done.  When we are able to awaken to intuitive and direct communication we receive form others, we then have the opportunity to help heal, open doors, solve problems, find better solutions, and manage stress within our own lives and within the world we share and help create with others. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Leo stellium and deep shadow changes

On Sunday, August 17, the First Quarter Square of the Moon in 24/31 degrees of Taurus aspects the Sun in Leo. The week ahead promises to be a powerful time when our focus is driven into the unconscious for deeper reflection and contemplation. If you are awake in the wee small hours of the morning, you may see the first quarter square rising over the eastern horizon. Mercury, the planet of all forms of communication, just settled into its transit in one of its two favorite places in the Zodiac, Virgo.  Mercury’s transit of Virgo from August 15-September 2, demands that we focus on being  elegantly precise and clear in the choices we make, the way we communicate, and how we relate to one another in all relationships. 

Virgo’s influence makes authenticity and truth the guiding principles in all we do. At this time we need to clearly see what needs to be changed, what needs to be released, and what it is that works in our lives and what does not. This is a good time to take care of details, paperwork, contracts, and any other working-out-of-details types of communication. Particularly in relation to our personal and professional happiness and fulfillment, this is a time to sort through and clarify what is necessary and what is not. 

With Mercury in Virgo, we are not apt to overlook anything of importance in our lives. This may mean that we have to redefine who and what is meaningful, purposeful, and vital. We ask the questions, of ourselves and others, that net the answers we may have been seeking or hoping would be revealed. When we seek answers from deep within, to the Source and core of our own being, we hear (with our hearts) the truth we may have been unable to discover when we allowed ourselves to rationalize or get caught up in the emotional memories and expectations that often drive our actions. 

Now is the time to meditate, seek the answers you need, and listen and watch for the signs, responses, and direction being given. If you have recently lost something of great value, you may now see how something about that experience has prepared you and opened a way for new experiences―but only if you are willing to let the past go. When we cling to what we expected to happen, or hoped would be, we close ourselves off from seeing what is right before us or waiting when we have healed enough to meet our next steps on our journey. 

Look to the place in your chart and life where Virgo is, and that is the area of life where you will be the most affected. This transit of Mercury will also bring up whatever stands at cross purposes with the area of your life that is currently blessed with Mercury’s transit in Virgo. The normal polarities represented by the oppositions throughout our char/life, give us the opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve in these areas, bringing ourselves into greater unity.  The following are the oppositions throughout our charts/lives:

 1st-7th     How I see myself/How I understand myself  vs. My relationship or conflict with my partners/intimate 
relationships/business dealings;

2nd/8th How I come to value myself, see my own worth and value, possessions vs. my worth/value to others, reputation, inheritance, transformative forces, burdens/responsibilities for others;

3rd/9th Immediate Environment, community, neighbors, siblings, communication of all types, including writing, letters, conversations, short journeys, how we communicate on a regular basis, our basic nature vs. the Higher Mind, Purpose, Knowledge, long distance travel, study, philosophical/religious acquisition and exploration, discovering the world beyond ourselves, and developing a broader world view.

4th/10th Home, where we feel at home, inner world, Mother, nurturing  vs. Life Purpose, career, outer world, Father, guidance, seeking life purpose;

5th/11th Personal self expression, creativity, children, sexuality and romance, pleasure vs. Expression through the groups we belong to, finding meaning through groups, friendships;

6th/12th Daily environment, physical body/health, daily work/jobs, general health vs. Spiritual and unconscious self, mysteries, secrets, and what is hidden or undiscovered, karmic ties, what we bring into this life to resolve.

Notice how you can use this short transit of Mercury through Virgo to become more aware of how to bring unity into these areas of your life and being. Take this opportunity to dig your hands into the ground of your being, and do what you would do to prepare the ground for planting seeds and bulbs for next Spring. For plants we aerate the ground, clear out the weeds, prepare our seeds and bulbs, set them deeply into the ground, cover them with rich, healthy soil, water and feed them, and then let them be. Provided we have planted something that is suitable to the soil, climate, and location, our plants will root, grow, and work their way  up through the surface of the ground into the early spring sunlight.  

With our own lives, we need now to examine what it is that is working in our lives, and what is not. We then need to envision and name what it is that we need or desire.  If there is some area of ourselves we need to change, replant, or prepare for a new stage of life, we need to identify what that is now, and begin preparing ourselves for the change we seek.  We need to release ourselves from past commitments (or sometimes we are relieved of these obligations or commitments).  When we lose a job, for example, or have to move, we may first despair about the turn our life has taken. Look to any loss or any disappointment as an opportunity to start over, turn onto a new path, or change directions. Spend as little time as possible bemoaning your fate. Virgo’s shadow side tends to find us chewing on ‘what ifs’ until the cows come home. When we get trapped in the expectation of ‘how things should be’ or ‘how things should have been done’ we get lost in the traps of the past.  Work it out as long as you need to give your rational mind its workout, and then move on. 

Life isn’t necessarily fair, for Life itself, is not a separate entity. God isn’t challenging or punishing or trying to make your life difficult. Life is created by people who live it, and you are not the only person who makes decisions that affect you.  What we each can do, is keep on going and look for what is salvageable and usable from our experiences. Mercury in Virgo calls upon us each to rummage through our own personal tool sheds, and find what it is that we need to keep building, working on, and creating our lives.  

If you are obsessive by nature, keep the bigger picture in sight, and notice when you are slipping into over analyzing a situation, decision, or question. Mercury in Virgo calls for us to put thought into action. DO SOMETHING instead. Use your hands to paint, write, or dig in the dirt. Clean out closets, boxes of old papers, photographs, or go through your clothes closet.  

See the links between the seasons as you put away some of the summer clothes, and prepare yourself for autumn and winter by bringing out a jacket or two, looking for your ski equipment, or rearrange your furniture and add some lamps to make the evenings a little brighter.  Do something to get out of the shadow side of Mercury in Virgo which takes us deeper and deeper into the dark realms where we lost touch with meaning, connection, and purpose.  Create purpose in your life by helping someone, fixing something, or giving yourself a present or treat to help lift your spirits. 

From August 17-18 Mercury  in Virgo opposes retrograde Neptune in Pisces at 6 degrees. This is a time when we can see through an illusion, discover a secret or betrayal, or we may discover a lie that has confused or left us in the dark. With Neptune’s transit through Pisces, we are urged to look into mysteries, even when we might be afraid. “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” This quotation from John 8:32 is a statement of redemption, a statement made to those who did not want to make a mistake in accepting someone’s ideas that seemed so radically out of the norm. Embracing sinners, eating with the lowest of the low, and giving up what enslaved them (possessions, practices, customs, traditions) to more closely follow the Divine message to grow, embrace God’s grace, and live life fully. Such a dictate, regardless of your spiritual or religious tradition, calls upon you to take a radical step into the freedom of being a wholly alive and active person.  This transit nudges you to look within to see where you are enslaved, trapped, or blocked by your own illusions, expectations, or thinking. Use these two days to look over, review, and examine any area of your life that needs reviewing, clarifying, or regenerating. 

Venus is just completing her conjunction with Jupiter in Leo (in conjunct to Neptune), so we already have been sorting through the discrepancies between what we feel or think we need and want, and what we actually do require. Be willing to see the gifts in the reality of daylight―take the whole of your ideas, ideals, and desires not just the choice pieces. Make certain that dreams, goals, plans, and relationships are not just fairy dust, but do contain enough substance to feed the whole relationship, for both partners. Make sure that goals are worthy of your time and resources, and make certain you are prepared for what it takes to achieve the goals, reach the dreams. Venus remains in Leo, being her grandest, most bountiful, until September 5 Venus in Leo ramps up our dreams, awakens our romantic nature, and makes us feel warm-hearted, loving, and generous with our affections. The shadow side of this transit is that of pride, prejudice, and pomposity―avoid letting these qualities take over and distract you from truly giving from the heart. While the stellenium of fire (Sun, Venus, Jupiter in Leo) heats up our need for giving and receiving love, it can also catch up overdoing in areas where our ego seems to wrapped up in appearances, or when we have neglected taking better care of ourselves than we should. We tend to blame others for what we lack, and this is a shadow expression of this. For those who are not paying attention, the out of control aspect of Leo’s expression can be bombastic, egoistic, and at the least, a bit over the top in drama.  For best results, notice and avoid these tendencies―people will like you better, life will go more smoothly.

Mars remains in Scorpio, where it continues to stir up the subconscious and unconscious part of our lives.  Notice where Mars is transiting, and keep in mind the polarities that you are being called upon to pay attention.  For example, if the polarity hits Mars’ transiting your first house with opposition to the seventh house, you may find yourself struggling with how to tame or temper the way you present yourself to the world with the needs and demands of your partners. There may be a stronger than usual pull from the depths of the unconscious of both or either of you―a pull to change, shift, or pull in. The trouble with this is that you are the person you present to the world, and that is what first attracted you to one another, so this is more about what is going on within the relationship itself than it is about the Scorpio Ascendent needing to change to fit the needs of a relationship. Mars creates conflict where there is a need for change, and may appear to be making a series of snipes at what is an aspect of your essence. Notice how third chakra and second chakra blocks may be affecting you right now―the push me, pull me struggle between what I value most and want to protect about myself versus the needs and demands of intimate, intense relationships. For some this may include work, for others it includes that which we do to create or build in life. So we might feel an inner war as well as an outer battle in some areas. This aspect calls us into crisis, with a sense of urgency to fix something, change something or otherwise deal with the issues related to whatever areas of your life this takes place. I gave one example of 1/7th house polarities. What kinds of polarities are rising up as issues in your life right now? This is the time to notice and begin dealing with this, though Mars’ impulsiveness is a bit muted by the water element of Scorpio, and most of the change is going on beneath the surface.

Saturn in Scorpio, continues through this area of our lives as well, and for the next few months there will be a number of interesting transits and aspects to Saturn.  We are reminded regularly of those areas of our lives where Saturn has been transiting Scorpio since Oct. 5, 2012. Think back to what was going on at that time, and you will have some idea of what is stirring below the surface. Saturn reminds us of what we have come here to learn in order to fulfill our dreams, desire, and soul purpose. Whatever has been churning and turning over for the past two years, is still working within you to bring forth your best efforts, to allow you to face and meet the greatest challenges, and to call you to be brave, courageous, and open to learning what it is you need to learn for the next leg of your journey.  Stop fighting your own good and growth.  Embrace the person you are, and respect the path you follow. Avoid bemoaning your fate, and use your energy instead to be present to the gifts laid at your feet and put in your heart, mind, and soul to use and share.  

Coming up August 26, Venus in Virgo will square Saturn in Scorpio, leaving us feeling out in the cold and somewhat detached from who and what we love. The square transit is meant to trigger us to notice what our needs and desires are. Notice also what your expectations are, and how they are either keeping you stuck in a nonexistent past, or chained to energy locked up in a future that may or may not be good for you.  We lock ourselves into traps of past and future. 

Notice what traps you…usually expectations (ours or others for us), and use this energy as a time to simply notice and learn what energy is blocking. Our energy is powerful, and if we are sending negative thoughts out, that is what our story becomes. Energy can be shifted, and if we are aware of how our thinking and our actions help shape the energy we send out, we can work to shift the energy into something that is healthier and more productive for us.  This does not mean you never say or feel anything negative, but it means you notice what your thoughts and feelings are and how the negativity is weighted against its counterpart.  This is something you do have a choice over. Not denial, but acceptance of what is. Not wishful thinking, but hopeful acceptance of what is to come. Not blind gratitude, but thanksgiving for the graces, gifts, and life you already have. If you doubt this, turn on the news for half an hour, and your life will come into perspective. Get out of yourself for a while, and do something for someone else. Get off the pity pot and have a party. Celebrate something or someone! It helps. 

On August 18, to my dear Leo friends who celebrate their birthdays today, the gift of Jupiter conjunct Venus in Leo! Enjoy the beauty, abundance, and grace of your lives, and receive the gratitude, love, and joy that being your friend brings to those you befriend.  Dance the Life Dance, and celebrate and know that all you need is yours and what you do matters and is honored. Do what you normally do, with more joy, more grace, and more gratitude. Whatever you need more of, count on it for Monday, August 18 when this lovely conjunction warms us all with the infusion of fiery passionate Leo energy.  Express that energy in ways that honor, bless, and bring peace to others. Happy Birthday Leos everywhere! Regardless of your birthdate, this is a day of special blessings. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fire Stellium: Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Leo

Bicycle Fence                                                                                          Catherine Al-Meten
Astrology, August 12-19

“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” ―Kenji Miyazawa

On Tuesday, August 12 Venus entered Leo where it will stay until September 5. Coming in the light of the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 10, it joins the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter also in Leo. This stellium of planets and the Sun in Leo, fires up the midpoint energies of those with personal planets, the ascendent, or the Sun and Moon within 15-21 degrees of Leo, or any of the other fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). While we will all feel the effects of this cluster of fire sign energy in some area of our lives/charts, those with fixed sign transits and aspects will experience this energy strongly. 

The Sun remains in Leo until August 23, and is just past halfway through the cycle in the second decan of Leo. The outgoing, dramatic, and self-assuredness of Leo Sun adds a dramatic flair to whatever area of our lives where Leo resides. We have a strong desire to celebrate, rejoice, and expand our dreams and visions, both of which are very clear and insightful right now. One exercise you might consider doing to capture some of the flair and excitement that is alive right now is to jot down (words or sketches) different day dreams, passing thoughts, nighttime dreams, or visions that come to you during meditation or other contemplative moments. Save the ideas, images, and thoughts to be used later to provide some spark and flash to other projects. This is truly a time when our intuitive sense are charged up, and whatever is coming into our imagination or is breaking up within our consciousness, is full of energy, power, and desire that can help shape and color your dreams and goals.

Mercury in Leo from July 31 to Friday, August 15, stimulates conversation, inner dialogue, and all forms of communication that enhance and brighten your outlook if seen in the larger context of your life journey.  Notice who and what is showing up in your life right now, affirming and touching you on levels that have been dormant or ignored (by you and by others). Mercury in Leo is about letting ourselves express fully what we feel, desire, and yearn for. This is also an excellent time to form goals and allow our desires to take the shape of voiced interests and expression. Seeing our needs, we are better able to ask for what we want, and to allow ourselves to let our desires be expressed. If we have to convince someone, or ourselves, that we are worthy, that our goals are achievable, or that our dreams can come true, this is the time to put those desires into some form. While we may not be as supportive or understanding of others right now, we are certain about what we need and want in order to achieve balance and harmony in our lives. We are very aware of where our energy is being drained, and where we need to rid ourselves of stuck or repressed thoughts, grief, or anger.  Releasing anything that blocks energy, is done through various forms of communication now. In two days Mercury will enter Virgo, where it will stay until September 2. 

When Mercury enters the pragmatic earth sign of Virgo, we get more analytical and precise in all forms of communication. We seek greater clarity, as we filter through what is necessary and what is not, what is consequential or inconsequential, and to how we intend to direct and allow ourselves to maintain good communication in meaningful, fitting, and practical ways. During Mercury’s passage through Virgo, we get sift through the minutiae of our lives to come to a greater sense of what is right and healthy for us in the ways we relate to others, and in the manner we seek to understand and be understood. 

Over the past week (August 8-11) we experienced a learning triangle―the Sun and Mercury square Saturn in Scorpio and Trine Uranus in Aries, which sent some of us into our shadow energy and the less redeemed parts of our nature. We may have felt we were regressing to behaviors we had outgrown or forgotten we were capable of over-reacting like a hormonal teenager. Saturn tries to control or regulate this type of behavior and thinking, however with Venus entering Leo and Mars in Scorpio, things are heating up. Our feminine and masculine energies are at war with one another (both within us and within our relationships). The feminine and masculine within us seeks to resolve the conflicts that cause us to feel as if our freedom and independence is threatened. We can go to war with this, trying to close one or the other aspects of ourselves down, or we can befriend our differences, and find places of compromise, interdependence, and harmony―adjusting our needs, desires, and interests with those of our other half.  While the source of the struggle is really within ourselves, we often experience and act it out in our relationships. Rather than looking for conspiracies, or in weaknesses and flaws in one another, it might be best to acknowledge the full spectrum of a person’s being, and relax a little in how we build up our expectations. 

As the Sun and Mercury move out of range of this aspect, the fusion between the sexual and spiritual energy polarities  within us and within our relationships becomes the ruling force in our attempts to  control and direct Saturn and Uranus energy in our lives. . We hold onto whatever our unresolved issues are as if they could help us control the direction of our lives, our relationships, and our connection on our life paths.  Divorces become more contentious, disagreements and control issues heat up, and conflict reigns in any area of our lives where we fail to see how we can become our own worst enemies. We seek to control, yet we are in need of releasing and letting go of the reigns and even the need to control or have the answers we seek.   

This is going on as I write, and at the same time, the gracious Sun in Leo moves into the 3rd decan of Leo, where it considers itself the ruler of all its domain. In whatever area of your life the Sun is transiting, look for issues related to power, authority, and our need to be heard/known/acknowledge/affirmed. We know our true worth, and demand it be respected. Later in the month, August 2, when Mercury forms a sextile to Mars and Saturn creating a Yod effect with Uranus, we can expect to experience some fireworks in whatever areas we are seeking a release of pent up energy, emotions, or unresolved grief, anger, or ego-related issues. 

We long to break free, yet we are holding onto the familiar (whatever patterns of thinking, behavior, or decision making we have relied upon). For real change to take place in this area of life, we have to release whatever is already dead weight, draining our energy, or outliving its usefulness. We ‘know’ what this energy is, yet we sometimes think we can continue doing the same thing and get different results. Real change requires a complete adjustment of internal and external energy.  

Sometimes we have to ‘act as if’ changing external situations and the environment; other times the change required is within our own attitudes, behavior, and perspective. It needs to happen on both levels, and during this time you should be able to feel, see, sense, and intuit where this needs to take place in your life. Next week we will examine this more closely, but for now, notice what is building up, and attempt to be as authentic and hones with yourself as you can be. Knowing who we are means recognizing what is true for us, regardless of what we might want to be ideally, despite the expectations of ourselves and others, and regardless of what we had hoped to do, be, become, or learn.  Recognize your truth, and the guiding principles of your life now. You might start making small changes in the way you look, behave, or organize your work or run your daily routine. 

Do something out of character, and stretch your limits more in the direction you hope to go. If, for example, you long to get more exercise, but still have not gotten up from your desk and taken a 10-minute break, do it now. If, for example, you are sitting around expecting someone to do something that needs doing, or change their opinion about a decision you are going to make, make the decision yourself with no further input. For example, if you usually wait to hear from someone before deciding what to fix for dinner, decide for yourself. See if you can stop taking care of everyone else for a change, and do something that takes care of your own business. Now when I suggest this, it does not mean to leave the children or the baby alone so you can go for a walk. It means to adjust your life in a small way so that you do something to meet your need for fresh air and exercise instead of waiting for ‘enough time’. Bundle the baby and children up, and head out for a brief walk around the block, or take your dinner to the park for a picnic. Eat breakfast for dinner, or eat dessert before the main course once in a while. Take a different route home, or move your furniture around so you change your view and outlook. Mix things up that help you change your perspective and routine, and notice where your daily routine, your thinking, and your habits are stuck in  a rut.  

Whatever conflicts we have in our lives right now, require that we not change others but that we change ourselves, our outlook, and our own attitudes and behavior…and oh don’t forget those expectations we all claim not to have. Notice what you expect of yourself and of others, and then consider what needs to be released. What is not working? That’s the first place to look, and then make some small changes to adjust to your real needs, not the ones you had 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Life changes, and unless we unload the luggage from that past, we simply carry around old desires, unfulfilled dreams, and worn out dreams.  We have no room in our lives for what is longing to be born. What is longing to be born in your life now?  What gifts, skills, and resources do you have to help give birth to new aspects of your journey? You have the power, the gifts,  and the energy. How you use that power, those gifts, and that energy is up to you. 

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Our passions, dreams, energy, pain, and life experiences and dreams are what we are here to master as we seek to live more fully, completely as our life purpose directs us, and our hearts lead us. Use this one beautiful life to create the life you long to live, and then you will be able to give and receive love fully for you will know who you are and will be accepted as such.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Full Grandmother Moon in Aquarius, Sun and Mercury in Leo-

This month's Full Moon is in Aquarius, in opposition to the Sun at 18 degrees of Leo. Oppositions provide a call to unite complementary forces in ourselves and in our world. With the Sun in Leo, we may be doing this in rather dramatic ways, feeling the need to express ourselves more fully and forcefully. Leo is tied up in the personal expression of identity, whereas Aquarius defines identity more in terms of a detached, impersonal understanding of how we are all one-united in opposites. When the Moon, the ruler of our emotional expression, transits Aquarius, and the Sun, the ruler of self expression, transits Leo, we are called upon to see how we can unite the polarities within us particularly in the areas of our lives/chart where these two rule. This Super Full Moon, at its closest/perigree passage to Earth, is pouring Light into our lives, waking us up to whatever areas of our life, world, being need to be more closely defined and expressed. 

Super Full Grandmother Moon in Aquarius, peaks at the same hour as the Earth and Moon reach perigree-the Moon’s closest point to the Earth in her orbit. Referred to recently as a super moon, this phase of the Moon makes her appear to be fuller and rounder than usual.  This illusion is enhanced the closer to the horizon you view the Moon. As the Moon has been waxing to fullness over the last few nights, you have probably noticed how bright and round she appears. If you are close to a tidal plane, you will have also noticed the Moon’s effect on the tides. Low tides are at extremely low points, and high tides are unusually high during this time. It goes without saying that our emotional tides are running high and low as well. 

Reaching her fullness in the middle of the harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere, the August Full Moon has been given names that represent regional differences. The Full Sturgeon Moon in the Great Lakes region, the Green Corn Moon, the Wheat Cut Moon (San Idelfonso and San Juan), Moon When All Things Ripen (Dakotah Sioux), Blueberry Moon (Ojibway)-are some of the names for this season’s full moon.

On Sunday, August 10 at 11:09 A.M., PDT/6:09 P.M., GMT, the Moon at  18 degrees of Aquarius on the fixed star, Sualocin, the Dolphin. Sualocin is a yellow star located in the constellation called the Dolphin.  In the Hindu traditions, Delphinus, Cravishtha, is called the Most Favorable as well as Dhanishtha, the Richest as well as  "Bright or Good Ones”. Known by Arab astronomers as Al-Kaud, the Riding Camel and by early Christians (the Melkite and Nestorians) as the Cross of Jesus. Later in the 13th Century, Arabian scholars named this constellation  Al-Ukud, the Pearls or Precious Stones. Most knew the constellation as Al-Amud Al-Salib, the Pillar of the Cross. Under Greek influence, the Arabian astronomers began to refer to the constellation as Dulfim, the marine animal that was friend to humans and saved drowning sailors. 

In the story of Amphitrite, the goddess of the sea, Delphinus persuades Amphitrite to become the wife of Neptune. Amphitrite’s name means “the third one who encircles everything.” The ancient Greeks believed that the world was encircled by the river god, Oceanus. Amphitrite is considered to be the queen of the sea, and has the quality of being shy. She is also considered to be capable of calming the seas. This Full Moon in Aquarius falls at 18 degrees, and is conjunct Sualocin, the Dolphin. In the 2nd decan of Aquarius, sits the swan and the crane. The Swan, like Amphitrite, is known to be shy, sweet, and naive, while the Crane is known for its elaborate courtship rituals and dance. This Full Moon in Aquarius heightens our emotional sense of needing to find decorum (behavior in good taste and propriety). As the swan and crane both represent poise, dignity, good taste, and decency, so too this Full Moon highlights the importance of needing to use our inner resources to maintain a sense of calm and propriety as some of the aspects related to this full moon require.  While we may feel ourselves to be alluring in a quiet way, we need to maintain a sense of calm amid the storm attitude towards whatever is coming our way.

The Moon in Aquarius is opposite Mercury in Leo. This manifests as an inner struggle between our logical mind and our gut and intuitive feelings. the same battle is highlighted by the polarity of the Sun in Leo in opposition to the Moon as well. With Mercury also involved in close conjunction at 20 degrees, we may feel the need to express ourselves and reach some kind of decision, understanding, compromise, or solution. We have the need to express ourselves, and this can be done through our creativity as well as through the full expression of our senses. We may feel the need to communicate with ‘everyone’ and seek a wider audience for our views, beliefs, or messages. Where our emotional nature (where the Moon is Full) may be longing for a quieter, less dramatic show, the Sun and Mercury may be demanding more of an overt expression than we are comfortable with. Notice the areas of your life where this pull is taking place. Of course Saturn is making its voice heard in this period of time.

Saturn at 16/59 degrees of Scorpio is squaring the Moon at 18 degrees of Aquarius. Prior to the peak of the Full Moon, Saturn and the Moon form an exact square, triggering some tension, setting off some signals, or perhaps, pushing us to take some kind of action. Saturn urges us to move off our seat of comfort, and takes some kind of positive action to break up stagnated and stuck energy in whatever areas of life seem to be stalled or locked up by fear or other negative emotions. While most of the month we put on our strong front to deal with whatever needs to be handled, the Moon’s square to Saturn breaks through the shell or protective shield we have put up to ‘hold things together’. 

With the Sun square Saturn, we feel more deeply that we are being tested and challenged on all sides. We may feel overwhelmed by what seem to be obstacles, problems, or situations that we can no longer handle. We feel stretched to our limits, yet not ready to show the cracks in our armor. We may see this time as a period that we need to hold onto our sense of dignity and to show our strengths not our weaknesses or insecurities to the outer world. While we may hold onto our emotional security blanket just a bit longer, we do so as a way to ride the waves of this emotional roller coaster.  Using the time to be constructive, deflecting the emotional challenges into something we can do or create can be a wise choice for now. For example, if confronted with a challenging situation or relationship issue, we may choose the ‘wait and see’ tactic rather than launch into a challenging debate or confrontation. Allow yourself to rest within, to maintain a sense of inner calm and dignity, and trust that what you need to know, do, or what needs to be revealed, will unfold in good time.  Sometimes it is best to take no action or to rest in place. Decide what is worth expending your energy on, or not.  Conserve your strength, maintain your sense of propriety and inner calm, and let water roll off any ruffled feathers. 

The Sun is conjunct Mercury in Leo, and we might find ourselves acting out, playing the fool, or using our communication skills in more dramatic, bombastic ways than we normally do.  When we express ourselves with such flair and force, we often are not taken seriously, nor are we apt to be heard on the level of understanding we seek. Notice how the Sun and Mercury in Leo is affecting others as well, for if everyone insists on being the center of attention to get their voices heard, well all I can say is, does the word cacophony mean anything to you? The words from 1st Corinthians 13:1 speak to what is happening to many of us at this time: “I may speak in the languages of humans and of angels. But if I don't have love, I am a loud gong or a clashing cymbal.” Sometimes it is best to measure our words and be more discerning about what we feel we need to say and do as well as what is motivating or driving us. 

We may also feel ourselves feeling out of place or misunderstood in the community or in the circles we are associating with.  Particularly, when dealing with oppressive or limiting systems of thought, behavior, or ideals, we may feel the need to break away, break out, or push back against whatever and whoever seems to be creating barriers.  This is a good time to remember the images of water and air, that break through barriers and erode strong elements with gentle, constant force; not with loud blasts or self-defeating or injurious self sacrifice.  Now is the time to become more aware of whatever connections you have and are making, and to begin discerning where you fit in, where you feel at home, and where you do not. In order for us to live in harmony with others, we have to know ourselves, and then be willing to ‘live and let live’. By that I mean, we have to be able to join with others, unlike ourselves, for the greater good of all. With the Moon in Aquarius, we feel our need to befriend those who are working for the betterment of all. While we do need to feel at home, with ourselves and with our families and tribes, we also need to recognize and feel our connection to those who are unlike us. When we isolate ourselves too much, we forget our humanity, and we encourage limited thinking and intolerance.  

We are reminded at this Full Moon of how we are constantly learning to discern how to be in the world as well as how to  be ourselves within all our relationships. Imagine yourself as part of an endless number of interlinking, concentric circles, each representing those whom you influence and those whose influence touches you. While we are limited in what we can do within the time and space we have on Earth, we are nevertheless still touched and influenced by what and whom has come before, exists beyond our reach, or are yet to come. We are energy, and everything we do, think, and create has a lasting impact on the world around us and on what is to come. Act with life intentionally, and use your energy with care and compassion. 

Use this period of time to be the Witness to your life as you observe and note what your energy is attracting to you and preventing you from having. As the Sun in Leo opposes the Moon in Aquarius, seek the complementary forces of both to activate a greater sense of coming into focus about what you are doing and how you are expressing yourself in this life.  What do you need to shed? What are you hungry for? How has the full expression of your being expressed itself through the way you are living, through your relationships, through your sense of inner and outer peace, and through your current needs and desires?  With Saturn squaring both the Sun and the Moon, notice what needs to be healed, repaired, altered, and worked on? How is your self worth being expressed through the ways you are handling personal finances, psychological and emotional growth and upheaval, and your use of all forms of energy? Look at the areas where dilemmas still plague you. What seems to be at a standstill? Where do you seem to be at an impasse? Now is the time to seek greater spiritual support and to weave your spiritual practices into the full expression of your identity. Angelic hosts await your call. Seek knowledge and guidance through intuitive insight, dreams, and contemplation.  Stand apart from the details, struggles, conflicts, challenges, and issues that trap you, and allow yourself to flow like the water, filling up the spaces of your life with an ease and power that resists nothing and embraces all as part of the path, as the presence alive in the journey at each moment. Be grateful and receive the blessings that pour down into you, infusing you with Divine Light. Be like the Dolphin and the Sea-both the traveler and the path itself. With that, you are always where you need to be, serving others, creating meaning and purpose with your life.