Sunday, July 31, 2016

New Moon in Leo: Tipping Point, Turning Point

As August begins, the New Moon in Leo preceeded by Mars’ re-entry into Sagittarius, brings us to a turning point. Tradiionally, this week signals the beginning of the end of summer and the start of the harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern, winter is nearing its end and the planting and growing season begins. Over this weekend, we celebrate the Lammas festival, a celebration honoring our bounty and past. In many cultures, this time of the year is a sacred time, for it is a time when the Earth and the Heavens signal shifts and changes that we are called upon to ready ourselves for. For the remainder of the weekend, as we complete our trip through the dark of the moon (the few days before the New Moon), it is a restorative time.

As we take time as July ends and August begins, it would be a good time to take time to consider all we have to be grateful for and what it has taken for us to have the freedom, bounty, and choices we now have before us. The New Moon in Leo (August 2 and 3) annoints us with a crown of fire and creativity. We feel ourselves filled with energy, ideas, and desire all of which fuels us to express ourseles. We feel empowered to challenges whatever tyrannical energy might thwart us and to indulge ourselves in new directions. The Sun in Leo shines brightly in whatever area of our chart/ife it shines in alignment with the Moon in Leo right now. Look to this area of your life and notice what is warming your heart and calling you to action.

We have aready had a warm up for this New Moon as both Mercury and Venus have been traveling through this area of our lives over the last few months. Whatever changes have been taking place or wherever you have met challenges and attempted to redefine your ideas about a number of things.  Mercury in Leo has highlighted how you communicate and Venus in Leo has been waking you up to how you conceive of love, commitment, dedication, and relationship. And al this has been pretty dramatic and fiery. More on this a bit later.

At the New Moon, a turning point time, you might think of yourself as having just finished emptying a pitchur. Now is the time to decide what you are going to fill up with now. What is coming your way? How are you choosing to receive or release what is healthy and energizing? How are you choosing to receive or release what is draining or no longer alive and active within you?  What are you feeding and nourishing? What needs weeding out of your garden? The New Moon in Leo highlights your crowning glory, and finds you wanting to stride forth in your most regal stance and in your most dramatic fashion. It’s a spruce up, fix up, dress up, and act up kind of New Moon. Add a little dash and spark to your life at this time. Let your hair down and put on your best dress as you dance your way into the new lunar cycle.

The New Moon in Leo forms a lovely trine with Saturn in Sagittarius. This brings an ability to blend intuition and realism in a way that both warms and soften whatever it is you are creating, building, or encouraging in your life. Where Saturn often dampens our emotional enthusiasm, this New Moon in Leo is actually in harmonious aspect to the Great Teacher, Saturn’s, current lessons and urgings. We have already faced some pretty tough lessons, and have been the brunt of a great deal of criticism (from others and from ourselves). We’ve been chastized and beaten down in some ways, and are now better equipped to stand in our own truth and strength. If we have been learning how to use the lessons that have come to grown and deepen, we are now fully capable of handling whatever comes our way. If we’ve missed the boat in some way, trying to avoid the change we need to make or the negativity that is draining and diverting us, we may have a little more struggle at this time. That struggle comes mainly in the form of feeling the need to be more ourselves.  Notice and honor your highest good and do what you need to do to take good care of yourself and give yourself credit for being strong enough to handle whatever comes your way.

At the New Moon in Leo, we are pumped up with energy. We have the desire and motivation, and indeed all the energy we need to get down to business. Our strong work ethic and the stamina we’ve built up, help us set to the tasks we have envisioned for ourselves. The Moon’s trine to Saturn might find us craving something that makes us feel more secure. We might feel envious or jealous of what someone else has or can do, and this is a signal that we need to get to work stepping out into our own power. We need to tap into our own inner authority and realize we are fully equipped with all we need to achieve and to attract to us what we desire. Surrendering ourselves to the Divine Source of our being enables us to get out of our way. This is not the time to try to seize control or limit ourselves; it is time to get out of the way and let the laws of Universal Love and Prosperity reign in our lives. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall open. Ask and it shall be given unto you.”   The power you have is in your ability to receive what the Divine is offering you. Your authority comes from this power, and your word (in thought and action) form the seeds of your desires.

Saturn is all about helping us learn how to work within Chronos time while allowing Chiros time to carry us into the realms of creation, devotion, service, and love. We embody our beliefs through the way we live and how we connect with others.

As Mars exist Scorpio just a day before the New Moon in Leo, it forms a beautiful trine to the Moon. This adds to the energy and action that we feel during this New Moon period. We feel activated and energized in a way quite unlike anything we’ve felt for quite some time. In fact, since Mars has been in the last degree of Scorpio, we may have been surprised by some of the old business that has come up to the surface over the last few days. We may also have been plesantly surprised with some new insight that has come with that. Whatever you’ve been able to release and realize is going to do a great deal to empower you and energize your intentions and prayers at this time. The power of your meditations, dreams, and new commitments is especially potent and electrifying. Much of what your awarenss of Mars might have been has been related to your ideas around love, beauty, harmony, creativity, and the Divine Feminine. Whatever you have needed to help further your own development and individuation--the bringing together of your internal polarities--is being delivered to you in forms that meet you on every level of your being. Venus in Leo at 26/35 degrees is also working through her final degrees of the fire sign Leo, and is tempering the gold of your dreams, hopes, and desires.

Mercury, the planet that rules all forms of communication, just entered Virgo and will be at 4/39 at the time of the New Moon. Venus will be at 26/35 of Leo on the New Moon and then will enter Virgo on the 12th of August (10 days later). The ideals and desires we have explored while Venus has been transiting Leo fuel the fires for what manifest during this next New Moon cycle. When she enters Virgo, we can expect to see how this all plays out in our everyday life and through that which we focus our time, intentions, and energy on. Through our visions, intentions, and willingness to seek what we really want, we help create the reality that awaits us. The Unvierse understand the language of energy. Use your energy in alignment with the true desires of your heart. That is your true power.

Also at this New Moon in Leo, Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and abundance, opposes Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Jupiter is also making its third and final aspect that has been helping us understand the nature of our pain. Why do we hurt? Where are we vulnerable? We have been learning about this, over and over during these three major cycles. What we’ve been able to learn about what impact pain has on us and what power we have over it, has been crucial to helping us live healthier, more well balanced and harmonious lives.

As all the changes are happening in both the Fire sign of Leo and Earth sign of Virgo, we can expect our ideals to fire up and ignite new ideas, adventures, and escapades. Routines will shift. Habits will be broken. Patterns will break down. Change is in the offing, and try as we may to put things back together in a cohesive pattern, we will find that our vision has changed and our goals have as well. The change, often subtle, has come almost without making us consciously aware. It’s as if we woke up one day and the whole world looked and felt different.  It did because it is. The shift has happened, and now it’s up to each of us to pick up our tools, arm ourseles with what supplies we
need, and carry on, forward. The time for action has arrived. Put to work all that you have held back for the right time. The right time is now.

The Sun in Leo is also trine to Saturn at the New Moon, and this makes us feel more grounded and focused on whatever we are creating, making, or working on. We understand and feel the connection between the slow, steady pace of progressive movement and change and the outcomes and future we desire. We fully awake in the middle of the growth we have been creating and we understand how we are part of the creative process that keeps us alive and nourished and energized.

Later tonight (I’m writing on July 31) Venus in Leo trines Uranus in Aries (retrograde, going back over what was) just a day before first Mars enters Sagittarius and then the New Moon in Leo peaks at 1:44 p.m.. This releases us from a great deal of fear, and makes us ready to try new things. This is not a great time to make firm commitments; it is a good time, however, to test some new patterns, try a new direction, and take a few risks for the sake of beauty and love. It is a very positive time to invest time, energy, and resources into electronics, business related to the internet, and other social kinds of ineraction. Any aspect of the arts is also favored during this time. Whatever you set into motion at this time is now going to be based in and fueled by potent intention.

This New Moon time is an interesting mix of dramatic, fiery energy and ideas and earthy pragmatic actions and visions. The North Node, Mercury, Jupiter (and by the 12th, Venus) are all in Virgo. The North Node, gateway from the past to the future, is that point in our charts right now where real change is taking place. Whether we want it to or not, whether we are ready or not. The smart thing would be to be prepared. Regardless of what you do, you have set into motion the change that is taking place now. Use the energy wisely and ride out any storms that arise knowing that whatever is being turned over, poured out, or tipped over is opening the way for whatever is being born in you and in your life. Envision what you want to fill your space, time, and life journey with. Be at peace. Revel, celebrate, create, and be joyful that life is full and rich and you have all you need for the next part of the journey. Happy New Moon in Leo. Get out on the stage and BE!.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Full Moon in Capricorn: Time For Healing is Now

In case it’s not already apparent to anyone, the energy of this rising Full Moon at 27 degrees of Capricorn, is not your gentle, light-hearted energy building up. On July 19, 2016 the Capricorn Full Moon in the third decan of Capricorn indicates ambition, power conflicts, and highly divisive emotional ties and relationships---many of which are coming unraveled or blowing up right and left. This Full Moon forms a trine with Mars in Virgo and squares Ceres as it sits in conjunction with the fixed star Beta Indus.

Mars, the planet of action, war, violence, and overt ambition, triggers a variety of subtle and not-so-subtle on the part of those in authority and power. The positive side is good leaders can make decisions that are popular with those they lead or rule; the negative side is there is an element of ruthlessness and power-grabbing going on. As I write this column on July 15, there is a coup d’tat under way in Turkey. Whether or not that will be successful or will result in positive changes, depends on how those in power use their authority and respond and react to volatile and changing conditions.
Much of the dissent and upheaval that have resulted in a series of violent, explosive, and dangerous episodes, is uncovering a deep level of hidden animosity, manipulation, and ulterior motives, especially on the part of those who are pulling the strings in their advisory positions. Caution is needed as new leaders are being chosen, and whatever can be done to avoid supporting domineering and bullying demagoguery is needed.
Who holds the power and authority, and how is that authority being used to influence and mislead through the use of media and distraction? Much of what is happening during this period reflects the rise of unquestioning loyalty to dangerous powers.  
This Full Moon in Capricorn (the same house that Pluto has been bringing about long-term transformation) highlights the abuse of power and the manipulation and distortion of information to whip up those who do not question, into a frenzy of energy that lacks no center, no ethical boundaries, nor a realistic view of what is possible and what is not. Good leaders will have to be very discerning at this time as to what kind of advice they take and what decisions they choose. Ultimately, the burden will be on the leaders; the advisors remain out of the light. Be wary of what kind of guidance and advice you take. Choose your counsel wisely. Avoid extremes of all types.
The Full Moon in Capricorn also forms a sextile to Mars in Scorpio--Earth and Water mixing. This combination of the Moon and Mars in this  passionate aspect demands that feelings and desires be expressed physically, sexually, and through extremes of both emotional and outward expression. And the acting out of this volatile energy comes from a deep-seated, hidden, and shadowy unconscious side of those who are unhealed.  
Anger can be an issue at this time, as it will be difficult to contain or control feelings, passions, and demands. Quick tempered or out-of-control outbursts and acting out, create a very volatile and dangerous time for those who are in the way of those who are out of control. Notice the shadow aspects of your own they seem to rise up at this time, and then be wary of letting yourself act out of the unconscious, unhealed parts of yourself. Notice in the world around you and with those you come into contact with, who is also likely to burst into a full-scale temper tantrum---unaware and unconscious spewing based on ignorance and a need to be right and in control.
At its worst this is a giant baby bully having a temper tantrum--completely out of control and unaware of how much harm it can cause. To a lesser degree, it signals the need to avoid being around those who have issues with anger and who insist on having their own way despite what anyone else says. In its mildest form this triggers tempermental outbursts; at its worse, something far much worse, akin to what we see manifesting throughout the world right now. Out-of-controlled anger, fear, and hate acting out with no regard for anyone but immediate needs, avarice, and power.
The Sun at 27 degrees of Cancer (in the Leo decan) trines Mars in Scorpio, and this can help ease some of the edgy, outrageous, anger and power grabs. In fact this aspect can bring our more courageous, valiant, daring energy to help intervene and protect against the raging bulls who seem so out-of-control and likely to create more panic and crises than they can ever solve. The Trine between the Sun and Mars highlights a more public voice, one that is compassionate, loving, kind, and altruistic, rather than the biting, razor-edged face and voice of a dictatorial element that can only bring damage and cause greater harm.
What is needed is healing, from the inside out. And a real dose of self-awareness and some cold water in the face kind of reality checks for those whose lack of sound thinking and a solid underpinning for their philosophical or religious base. All will be forced to face what is truly exposed and demagogues will fall, one way or another.
Ceres is just flaming out of her transit through Aries, and enters Taurus on July 17. This qwells the fires a bit, and brings Ceres into aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces. This will act as a nurturing, mothering influence, helping us to find a greater sense of security and peace within. With Ceres in aspect to Chiron,  we are compelled to seek a greater sense of peace and security, to foster more compassion, to take care of pragmatic and practical issues, and to create a more comfortable and safe home.
Mars and Chiron are trine one another, and are both part of the ongoing Grand Trine in Water. This Grand Trine is at its peak as of July 17 and into the energy of the Full Moon on the 19th. We feel the urge and need to build bridges, to work to heal the fissures that keep us from resolving past issues and building new pathways forward. The fissures that are splitting our personal and collective lives, and gaping holes that now need to be repaired and healed.
Now is the time to begin anew, this process of putting the concern of our health and well being ahead of divisive and earth-shattering pain and demands. Time to wake up to the reality that we only destroy one another by insisting we stay lost in our own woundedness. Those who fail to heal, who fail to take whatever steps are needed to mend fences, heal wounds, and start renewing body, mind, and spirit are destined to sink deeper into the old scars and ignorance that keep them trapped in dead cycles.
The Capricorn Moon squares Ceres is an aspect that bids us help in the healing process, starting with ourselves. It also cautions us to avoid taking the credit and assuming we are the power---the only one/ones who can solve a problem or bring about healing. We are all in this together. We each have enough to do to heal our own woundedness. We are part of the healing process, not the nexus. Our support and cause comes from the Creator and from our working together with mutual respect and support.
The Sun in the late degrees of Cancer and Ceres in the early degrees of Taurus will form a square aspect at the Full Moon. This gives us a sense that we can overcome the adversity that faces us both individually and collectively. We may feel renewed and inspired to do more, well beyond the immediate time, to help in the healing process. Another possibility may be to feel incapable of overcoming, and in fact feeling less able to handle difficulties and obstacles. This could lead to giving away what power and authority you have to someone you feel is better equipped to do what you feel no longer able to do. When we lose our ability to tap into our spiritual connections, whatever they be and however they help us find meaning and purpose, we can slip into the throes of self pity, weakness, and abdicating our power. Notice if you are feeling downtrodden, and take some time to rest, reassess (count your blessings), and review what all you have achieved, taken care of, and overcome. Don’t sell yourself short. Renew and refresh yourself, and ease up on pushing yourself past your limits. Receive energy and inspiration now. That’s enough and necessary.
In your own chart/life, look to see where the Full Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer resides, and any other area of your life/chart where aspects hit strongly at this Full Moon. Notice what you personally are being called to be aware of and how you might best use the energy of this very powerful and volatile time to seek inner healing as well as healing from the woundedness that may be affecting your life and those around you.
Where the polarity between Cancer and Capricorn resides in your chart, this is where you need to bring unity to the diverse and divisive nature within you. It is also where you can best help heal the collective. By healing within, we grow and learn how to better take our place responsibly in how we use our power and authority, and how we allow others to usurp or compromise us. Keep that inner focus and strive for peaceful ways to remain calm, turn from despair, and seek ways to build bridges where you can. Blessing to you all. We are each needed now.

Full Moon in Capricorn: Time For Healing is Now

In case it’s not already apparent to anyone, the energy of this rising Full Moon at 27 degrees of Capricorn, is not your gentle, light-hearted energy building up. On July 19, 2016 the Capricorn Full Moon in the third decan of Capricorn indicates ambition, power conflicts, and highly divisive emotional ties and relationships---many of which are coming unraveled or blowing up right and left. This Full Moon forms a trine with Mars in Virgo and squares Ceres as it sits in conjunction with the fixed star Beta Indus.

Mars, the planet of action, war, violence, and overt ambition, triggers a variety of subtle and not-so-subtle on the part of those in authority and power. The positive side is good leaders can make decisions that are popular with those they lead or rule; the negative side is there is an element of ruthlessness and power-grabbing going on. As I write this column on July 15, there is a coup d’tat under way in Turkey. Whether or not that will be successful or will result in positive changes, depends on how those in power use their authority and respond and react to volatile and changing conditions.
Much of the dissent and upheaval that have resulted in a series of violent, explosive, and dangerous episodes, is uncovering a deep level of hidden animosity, manipulation, and ulterior motives, especially on the part of those who are pulling the strings in their advisory positions. Caution is needed as new leaders are being chosen, and whatever can be done to avoid supporting domineering and bullying demagoguery is needed.
Who holds the power and authority, and how is that authority being used to influence and mislead through the use of media and distraction? Much of what is happening during this period reflects the rise of unquestioning loyalty to dangerous powers.  
This Full Moon in Capricorn (the same house that Pluto has been bringing about long-term transformation) highlights the abuse of power and the manipulation and distortion of information to whip up those who do not question, into a frenzy of energy that lacks no center, no ethical boundaries, nor a realistic view of what is possible and what is not. Good leaders will have to be very discerning at this time as to what kind of advice they take and what decisions they choose. Ultimately, the burden will be on the leaders; the advisors remain out of the light. Be wary of what kind of guidance and advice you take. Choose your counsel wisely. Avoid extremes of all types.
The Full Moon in Capricorn also forms a sextile to Mars in Scorpio--Earth and Water mixing. This combination of the Moon and Mars in this  passionate aspect demands that feelings and desires be expressed physically, sexually, and through extremes of both emotional and outward expression. And the acting out of this volatile energy comes from a deep-seated, hidden, and shadowy unconscious side of those who are unhealed.  
Anger can be an issue at this time, as it will be difficult to contain or control feelings, passions, and demands. Quick tempered or out-of-control outbursts and acting out, create a very volatile and dangerous time for those who are in the way of those who are out of control. Notice the shadow aspects of your own they seem to rise up at this time, and then be wary of letting yourself act out of the unconscious, unhealed parts of yourself. Notice in the world around you and with those you come into contact with, who is also likely to burst into a full-scale temper tantrum---unaware and unconscious spewing based on ignorance and a need to be right and in control.
At its worst this is a giant baby bully having a temper tantrum--completely out of control and unaware of how much harm it can cause. To a lesser degree, it signals the need to avoid being around those who have issues with anger and who insist on having their own way despite what anyone else says. In its mildest form this triggers tempermental outbursts; at its worse, something far much worse, akin to what we see manifesting throughout the world right now. Out-of-controlled anger, fear, and hate acting out with no regard for anyone but immediate needs, avarice, and power.
The Sun at 27 degrees of Cancer (in the Leo decan) trines Mars in Scorpio, and this can help ease some of the edgy, outrageous, anger and power grabs. In fact this aspect can bring our more courageous, valiant, daring energy to help intervene and protect against the raging bulls who seem so out-of-control and likely to create more panic and crises than they can ever solve. The Trine between the Sun and Mars highlights a more public voice, one that is compassionate, loving, kind, and altruistic, rather than the biting, razor-edged face and voice of a dictatorial element that can only bring damage and cause greater harm.
What is needed is healing, from the inside out. And a real dose of self-awareness and some cold water in the face kind of reality checks for those whose lack of sound thinking and a solid underpinning for their philosophical or religious base. All will be forced to face what is truly exposed and demagogues will fall, one way or another.
Ceres is just flaming out of her transit through Aries, and enters Taurus on July 17. This qwells the fires a bit, and brings Ceres into aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces. This will act as a nurturing, mothering influence, helping us to find a greater sense of security and peace within. With Ceres in aspect to Chiron,  we are compelled to seek a greater sense of peace and security, to foster more compassion, to take care of pragmatic and practical issues, and to create a more comfortable and safe home.
Mars and Chiron are trine one another, and are both part of the ongoing Grand Trine in Water. This Grand Trine is at its peak as of July 27 and into the energy of the Full Moon on the 19ths. We feel the urge and need to build bridges, to work to heal the fissures that keep us from resolving past issues and building new pathways forward. The fissures that are splitting our personal and collective lives, and gaping holes that now need to be repaired and healed.
Now is the time to begin anew, this process of putting the concern of our health and well being ahead of divisive and earth-shattering pain and demands. Time to wake up to the reality that we only destroy one another by insisting we stay lost in our own woundedness. Those who fail to heal, who fail to take whatever steps are needed to mend fences, heal wounds, and start renewing body, mind, and spirit are destined to sink deeper into the old scars and ignorance that keep them trapped in dead cycles.
The Capricorn Moon squares Ceres is an aspect that bids us help in the healing process, starting with ourselves. It also cautions us to avoid taking the credit and assuming we are the power---the only one/ones who can solve a problem or bring about healing. We are all in this together. We each have enough to do to heal our own woundedness. We are part of the healing process, not the nexus. Our support and cause comes from the Creator and from our working together with mutual respect and support.
The Sun in the late degrees of Cancer and Ceres in the early degrees of Taurus will form a square aspect at the Full Moon. This gives us a sense that we can overcome the adversity that faces us both individually and collectively. We may feel renewed and inspired to do more, well beyond the immediate time, to help in the healing process. Another possibility may be to feel incapable of overcoming, and in fact feeling less able to handle difficulties and obstacles. This could lead to giving away what power and authority you have to someone you feel is better equipped to do what you feel no longer able to do. When we lose our ability to tap into our spiritual connections, whatever they be and however they help us find meaning and purpose, we can slip into the throes of self pity, weakness, and abdicating our power. Notice if you are feeling downtrodden, and take some time to rest, reassess (count your blessings), and review what all you have achieved, taken care of, and overcome. Don’t sell yourself short. Renew and refresh yourself, and ease up on pushing yourself past your limits. Receive energy and inspiration now. That’s enough and necessary.
In your own chart/life, look to see where the Full Moon in Capricorn and the
Sun in Cancer reside, and any other area of your life/chart where aspects hit strongly at this Full Moon. Notice what you personally are being called to be aware of and how you might best use the energy of this very powerful and volatile time to seek inner healing as well as healing from the woundedness that may be affecting your life and those around you.

Where the polarity between Cancer and Capricorn resides in your chart, this is where you need to bring unity to the diverse and divisive nature within you. It is also where you can best help heal the collective. By healing within, we grow and learn how to better take our place responsibly in how we use our power and authority, and how we allow others to usurp or compromise us. Keep that inner focus and strive for peaceful ways to remain calm, turn from despair, and seek ways to build bridges where you can. Blessing to you all. We are each needed now.

Full Moon in Capricorn: The Time for Healing is Now

In case it’s not already apparent to anyone, the energy of this rising Full Moon at 27 degrees of Capricorn, is not your gentle, light-hearted energy building up. On July 19, 2016 the Capricorn Full Moon in the third decan of Capricorn indicates ambition, power conflicts, and highly divisive emotional ties and relationships---many of which are coming unraveled or blowing up right and left. This Full Moon forms a trine with Mars in Virgo and squares Ceres as it sits in conjunction with the fixed star Beta Indus.

Mars, the planet of action, war, violence, and overt ambition, triggers a variety of subtle and not-so-subtle on the part of those in authority and power. The positive side is good leaders can make decisions that are popular with those they lead or rule; the negative side is there is an element of ruthlessness and power-grabbing going on. As I write this column on July 15, there is a coup d’tat under way in Turkey. Whether or not that will be successful or will result in positive changes, depends on how those in power use their authority and respond and react to volatile and changing conditions.
Much of the dissent and upheaval that have resulted in a series of violent, explosive, and dangerous episodes, is uncovering a deep level of hidden animosity, manipulation, and ulterior motives, especially on the part of those who are pulling the strings in their advisory positions. Caution is needed as new leaders are being chosen, and whatever can be done to avoid supporting domineering and bullying demagoguery is needed.
Who holds the power and authority, and how is that authority being used to influence and mislead through the use of media and distraction? Much of what is happening during this period reflects the rise of unquestioning loyalty to dangerous powers.  
This Full Moon in Capricorn (the same house that Pluto has been bringing about long-term transformation) highlights the abuse of power and the manipulation and distortion of information to whip up those who do not question, into a frenzy of energy that lacks no center, no ethical boundaries, nor a realistic view of what is possible and what is not. Good leaders will have to be very discerning at this time as to what kind of advice they take and what decisions they choose. Ultimately, the burden will be on the leaders; the advisors remain out of the light. Be wary of what kind of guidance and advice you take. Choose your counsel wisely. Avoid extremes of all types.
The Full Moon in Capricorn also forms a sextile to Mars in Scorpio--Earth and Water mixing. This combination of the Moon and Mars in this  passionate aspect demands that feelings and desires be expressed physically, sexually, and through extremes of both emotional and outward expression. And the acting out of this volatile energy comes from a deep-seated, hidden, and shadowy unconscious side of those who are unhealed.  
Anger can be an issue at this time, as it will be difficult to contain or control feelings, passions, and demands. Quick tempered or out-of-control outbursts and acting out, create a very volatile and dangerous time for those who are in the way of those who are out of control. Notice the shadow aspects of your own they seem to rise up at this time, and then be wary of letting yourself act out of the unconscious, unhealed parts of yourself. Notice in the world around you and with those you come into contact with, who is also likely to burst into a full-scale temper tantrum---unaware and unconscious spewing based on ignorance and a need to be right and in control.
At its worst this is a giant baby bully having a temper tantrum--completely out of control and unaware of how much harm it can cause. To a lesser degree, it signals the need to avoid being around those who have issues with anger and who insist on having their own way despite what anyone else says. In its mildest form this triggers tempermental outbursts; at its worse, something far much worse, akin to what we see manifesting throughout the world right now. Out-of-controlled anger, fear, and hate acting out with no regard for anyone but immediate needs, avarice, and power.
The Sun at 27 degrees of Cancer (in the Leo decan) trines Mars in Scorpio, and this can help ease some of the edgy, outrageous, anger and power grabs. In fact this aspect can bring our more courageous, valiant, daring energy to help intervene and protect against the raging bulls who seem so out-of-control and likely to create more panic and crises than they can ever solve. The Trine between the Sun and Mars highlights a more public voice, one that is compassionate, loving, kind, and altruistic, rather than the biting, razor-edged face and voice of a dictatorial element that can only bring damage and cause greater harm.
What is needed is healing, from the inside out. And a real dose of self-awareness and some cold water in the face kind of reality checks for those whose lack of sound thinking and a solid underpinning for their philosophical or religious base. All will be forced to face what is truly exposed and demagogues will fall, one way or another.
Ceres is just flaming out of her transit through Aries, and enters Taurus on July 17. This qwells the fires a bit, and brings Ceres into aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces. This will act as a nurturing, mothering influence, helping us to find a greater sense of security and peace within. With Ceres in aspect to Chiron,  we are compelled to seek a greater sense of peace and security, to foster more compassion, to take care of pragmatic and practical issues, and to create a more comfortable and safe home.
Mars and Chiron are trine one another, and are both part of the ongoing Grand Trine in Water. This Grand Trine is at its peak as of July 27 and into the energy of the Full Moon on the 19ths. We feel the urge and need to build bridges, to work to heal the fissures that keep us from resolving past issues and building new pathways forward. The fissures that are splitting our personal and collective lives, and gaping holes that now need to be repaired and healed.
Now is the time to begin anew, this process of putting the concern of our health and well being ahead of divisive and earth-shattering pain and demands. Time to wake up to the reality that we only destroy one another by insisting we stay lost in our own woundedness. Those who fail to heal, who fail to take whatever steps are needed to mend fences, heal wounds, and start renewing body, mind, and spirit are destined to sink deeper into the old scars and ignorance that keep them trapped in dead cycles.
The Capricorn Moon squares Ceres is an aspect that bids us help in the healing process, starting with ourselves. It also cautions us to avoid taking the credit and assuming we are the power---the only one/ones who can solve a problem or bring about healing. We are all in this together. We each have enough to do to heal our own woundedness. We are part of the healing process, not the nexus. Our support and cause comes from the Creator and from our working together with mutual respect and support.
The Sun in the late degrees of Cancer and Ceres in the early degrees of Taurus will form a square aspect at the Full Moon. This gives us a sense that we can overcome the adversity that faces us both individually and collectively. We may feel renewed and inspired to do more, well beyond the immediate time, to help in the healing process. Another possibility may be to feel incapable of overcoming, and in fact feeling less able to handle difficulties and obstacles. This could lead to giving away what power and authority you have to someone you feel is better equipped to do what you feel no longer able to do. When we lose our ability to tap into our spiritual connections, whatever they be and however they help us find meaning and purpose, we can slip into the throes of self pity, weakness, and abdicating our power. Notice if you are feeling downtrodden, and take some time to rest, reassess (count your blessings), and review what all you have achieved, taken care of, and overcome. Don’t sell yourself short. Renew and refresh yourself, and ease up on pushing yourself past your limits. Receive energy and inspiration now. That’s enough and necessary.
In your own chart/life, look to see where the Full Moon in Capricorn and the

Sun in Cancer reside, and any other area of your life/chart where aspects hit strongly at this Full

Moon. Notice what you personally are being called to be aware of and how you might best use the

energy of this very powerful and volatile time to seek inner healing as well as healing from the

woundedness that may be affecting your life and those around you.

Where the polarity between Cancer and Capricorn resides in your chart, this is where you need to bring unity to the diverse and divisive nature within you. It is also where you can best help heal the collective. By healing within, we grow and learn how to better take our place responsibly in how we use our power and authority, and how we allow others to usurp or compromise us. Keep that inner focus and strive for peaceful ways to remain calm, turn from despair, and seek ways to build bridges where you can. Blessing to you all. We are each needed now.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Birthing New Moon in Cancer

Afterglow                                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
"Dare alla Luce" (To give to the light; to give birth.)
July’s New Moon in Cancer peaks at 4:01 A.M. PDT. The New Moon in Cancer at 12/14 degrees sits squarely in the middle decan of Cancer, enhancing the effect of this powerful alignment of the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Sirius (the Dog Star). Cancer is the archetype of the Great Mother, nurturer, birther, caregiver. The Cancer New Moon is a time of seeding new life through changes, though the new beginnings are done with some uncertainty and with a sense of emotional vulnerability. The Great Mother is the container of all growth both physical and spiritual. Cancer is also the ruler of our emotional foundations. Wherever Cancer reigns in our lives is where we find ourselves most vulnerable, protective, and in some cases, withdrawn.

Cancer has  a tendency to make us cling to whatever we know and are familiar with even when all signs point to the need to change. Wherever Cancer rules in your life is the area where you may be most protective and afraid. This New Moon and all that is going on with it, is a time when you will be stirred to do two things. First, remember who you really are. And second, examine how you are using your gifts, power, and energy, and determine what patterns are holding you back and which ones are helping you embrace your emotional truth as you make choices for growth that enhance your life.  

The New Moon in Cancer aligns with Sirius, the Dog Star ( fixed star). This  triggers a square to Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. When the Moon was last in Gemini, it triggered the Grand Cross, and this New Moon in Cancer now sets off a period of karmic realignment. What needs to change, will change. In astrological terms, when a square occurs, a crisis  of some type is triggered to push whatever change is needed. A quincunx signals some kind of adjustment is needed, and a trine indicates a resolution can be reached. Oppositions indicate that two diametrically conflicting issues need to come to some type of resolution. All these aspects happen regularly, however when the New Moon sets something off, it is a strong indication that a major change is underway or needed.

This New Moon in Cancer is a quirky, eccentric, and somewhat magical wild woman kind of phase.  Lunar energy evokes the emotional vulnerability that is necessary to stimulate real change and creativity. Standing in our own truth, stepping out into the unknown despite our fears and anxiety, and claiming our place and power in whatever we choose to do, is crucial at this time. If we give up, give away our power, or simply lay down our dreams, we will lose the life force that is vital for our survival, growth, and development, not to mention happiness and fulfillment. This New Moon in Cancer enters our lives to demand that we expect the unexpected, and steer ourselves away from conventional wisdom to unusual and out-of-the-box kinds of answers, solutions, and changes.

Cancer stirs up our need for safety, security, and a sense of boundaries and home. It also finds many of us clinging to dear life to outworn and ineffective patterns of belief and behavior. The Sun is also in Cancer, and it forms a quincunx to Saturn, the Great Teacher. This is a serious karmic aspect where we will find answers and inspiration coming from some pretty odd and out of the way places and sources.  Again, this New Moon with the Sun and Moon both in Cancer is telling us nothing is business as usual. Solutions come from outside the usual places, and with Saturn in fiery Sagittarius, what is going on beneath the surface may be either stirring in the unconscious and/or appearing as some form of underhanded or deceitful actions.

The Sun and the Moon are both conjunct Mercury, and this is considered a highly volatile and combustible aspect. What has been suppressed, withheld, or hidden is now flushed out. There is an element of the Trickster to this aspect, and so we can use the power of our thoughts and words to create some magical and surprising last-minute answers to perplexing problems or supposedly impossible situations. This New Moon in Cancer and all the powerful allies help us conjure up ideas, inspiration, and a real sense of knowing what we really long for and desire. Now is the time to be completely truthful with ourselves, and allow ourselves, as we really are, to be who we are and to claim be receptive to allowing ourselves to ask for what we want. When we hem and haw and fail to be truthful about what we need and want, we only serve to hinder our progress. Get out of your own way, and allow yourself to feel the alignment with the Divine Principles that guide, guard, and reveal Truth in our lives.

The New Moon in Cancer conjunct Mercury may make us feel a bit clingy, nostalgic, and wishy washy. It may also remind us of what has made us happy and fulfilled in the past. Remember though, the past is to remind us of what we can achieve, decide, do, and comprehend; it is not to be relived. Use your memories and knowledge to move forward, to conquer new territory in your journey.

Jupiter, the North Node, Saturn, and Mercury are all in mutable signs, meaning that there is an element of flexibility, indecision, or confusion attached to anything related to the issues they trigger in your life and the collective lives of all. This may make it somewhat difficult to follow through or even get down to business. Just notice this, and note which areas of your life this seems to affect. It won’t last forever, but while these planets and the North Node are mutable, it means we also have more choice. Use your power to choose wisely.

The expression, ‘thoughts are things’ is true now more than ever. With this New Moon in Cancer and all the planetary alignments and aspects, it is indeed a magical time. We can use our energy, ideas, dreams, plans, prayers, and all forms of communication to build a beautiful home for ourselves. We can envision and create beautiful domestic settings as well as compassionate and loving ways of interacting with one another as a whole community. Because the Sun is also conjunct Mercury, we also need to note that the fusion of ego and mind can be a dangerous and destructive aspect. When we allow our ego needs to dictate and overrule or overwhelm sound intellectual thought and decision making, we can run into trouble with both compromise and clear communication.  Some may go to absurd extremes to prove their own egocentric point in an effort to rebel against society’s conventions. This can do more harm than good. If we muddy the waters by creating bigger problems or by confusing already complex issues, we miss the point and waste the energy of this essential time. Avoid pushing your point-of-view on anyone.

The New Moon conjunct Sirius (the Dog Star) indicates success in business and contact with influential friends. It can also set off temper tantrums.  In mythology, Sirius is the goddess Isis, beloved wife of Osiris). The Dog Star and the Goddess Isis represents resurrection, rebirth. She breathes life into what had been dead. When the Nile River flooded in ancient times, it was thought that the Goddess had breathed life into the land and the people. This is a sign that we are in need of nurturing and being nurtured. We need to take good care of ourselves, and avoid overdoing with anything that would be harmful to our bodies, minds, or souls. These are the dry days when things are bursting into bloom, when passions are heating up, and when emotions are as well. Sirius appearing in the night sky symbolizes the start to the dog days of summer, a time for healing to take place.

The Moon in Cancer trining Neptune in Pisces signals an emotional cooling off period. When Neptune is triggered by a square as it is with Saturn, it heats up things. The Moon helps us cool off and take a much-needed rest. There will be an almost make believe feeling to this New Moon time. It is going to be at least as strong as some of the most volatile full moons. Art released (or created) at this time, will receive great notice. We will be feeling things very deeply, and we will sense the very tangible nature of our emotions. We will feel more connected and part of our surroundings, and of course it’s a wonderful time to be out in the natural world enjoying the beauty and richness of the elements. As the Sun in Cancer trine Neptune can make us more susceptible to drugs and alcohol and other forms of escapism, exercise caution.

A very emotional and vulnerable time, we need to remain well grounded. Be with people you trust and honor that which is tried and true--what always meets you where you really are. It’s a wonderful time for some rich spiritual growth and development. The Moon and Sun will oppose Pluto, the Great Transformer. This signals some strange emotions, some odd empathic experiences, and a great deal of sensitivity. Dreams can be intense and lovely. It is a heart-focused time, so make sure whatever you are spending your time doing is something that includes connecting with and serving others in some way. For some the Pluto opposition can also stir up painful, raw memories, or trigger some ugly confrontations. You may have to face some uncomfortable truths. Sometimes we want to ignore that or bury them, hoping against hope things will change. It’s best to face what is, so you can grow and find true happiness within and with others. Now is the time, at this New Moon to decide whether it is best to perpetrate a cycle or break it. The choice is up to you.

The stellium of planets in Cancer, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Venus, all signal a time of great romance. Memories will be stirred, again to remind us of what we are capable of feeling but not to make us long to relive them. Something new is on the horizon now. Bring with you only that which helps and uplifts you for what you are now to learn, do, and become. Mars is now stationary direct after its long retrograde cycle. So while it is not rushing full speed ahead yet, you will feel the energy shifting around movement and activities and changes you have longed to make.  This New Moon in Cancer comes at a time of celebration in the U.S., and at a time in the world of great upheaval and hope. People are longing for change, and what we need to understand is that where we can most bring about change is within ourselves. When we fail to bring forth what we are meant to do, be, create, or honor, we fail to grow. Through our growth as both physical and spiritual beings, we can help others better, we can live out our purpose, and we can find deeper fulfillment. The New Moon in Cancer is a time for cherishing and nurturing as well as helping create a more perfect union among all people, everywhere.

At this New Moon in Cancer, do what it is you need to do to give birth to the Light within you.