Monday, July 29, 2013

Mercava: Star Tetrahedron in Water and Earth Signs

In sacred geometry Merkava/Mercaba is called a ‘Star Tetrahedron’ a 6-pointed star.  In spiritual or metaphysical terminology, it is called Merkava/Merkaba. In the Torah, the Nevaiim (Prophets), Ezekial describes the Throne or Chariot of God (one of the ways that God communicates with us). The mystics of ancient Palestine and ancient Babylonia wove entire mystical theologies and practices around the idea that only those who have true vision can enter the heavenly dwellings, or approach God. God's power is too awesome; to approach God could be too much for one to bear.  Therefore, approaching the Throne of God required special knowledge, pure intention, and true vision.  To approach or be near the awesome power of the Divine was and is to be in the Presence of the Omnicient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent power of Divine Being.  

At this time when the physical manifestation of the Mercava/Mercaba has been forming around our planet as we spin through space, we find ourselves at the threshold to the Throne of the Divine. It is an awesome time and opens both sacred time and sacred space for us to become aware, mindful, and present to receive Divine guidance and sacred gifts of insight, love, compassion, and truth.

Late last night, the Moon slipped into Taurus, setting into motion the alignment of  called the Star Tetrahedron. Two grand trines form a rare and beautiful pattern in both the ongoing Water Trine and the Earth Trine, both representing the archetype of the Divine Feminine, the yin energy, and the blending of intuitive, imaginative energy of water with the grounding, creative energy of the earth signs. 
As with all planetary alignment and influence, this alignment provides opportunities, openings, and thresholds for us to use to further develop, evolve, and act. The Star Tetrahedron is formed as Saturn in Scorpio (5/11), Mercury (17/7), Mars (10/45), Jupiter (7/28), and the North Node in Cancer, and Neptune (4/42) and Chiron in Pisces-all water energy, are juxtaposed the Moon in Taurus (4/56), Pluto in Capricorn (9/37), and Venus in Virgo (8/28)-all earth energy. When viewed on an astrological wheel, this appears as two triangles forming a 6-pointed star. 

In your chart/life, this creates a grand sextile effect. In sacred geometry, this forms the Merkaba, an energetic light body opening us to greater connection with our Divine Creator. In the ongoing, eternal expansion of Divine Creative energy, we take part by aligning our own energy, intentions, and direction through prayer, meditation, art, and creative expression as well as the pragmatic ways we live, and move, and have our being. 

This energy has been building and has already been affecting our lives both individually and collectively. As the Moon moved into Taurus last night, she triggers each of the aspects of the Star Tetrahedron, grounding us in the energy of this marvelous energy and time. You should not have to look far beyond your own level of awareness to understand how this is affecting you. The awareness comes to you through your emotional responses, the unfolding of life in and around you, and in the motions of the tides of the wind, earth, seas, and other waters. 

The tidal waters along the river where I live (near the mouth of the River and the Pacific Ocean), has been showing how the planetary energy and the Moon have been affecting the waters. Extremely high and low tides lay bare parts of the riverbed that have not been exposed in all the time I have lived here. The movement in and around our own lives probably  reflect whatever we have set into motion. With the activation of the Grand Trine in Earth, we now see the practical application and manifestation of our greatest energy output. We may choose to take the next, best steps forward with areas in our lives that are ready to unfold, open up, alter and change, or release us so we can step out of roles and relationships that create stagnation, unnecessary conflict and drama, or unhealthy ties to places where our energy may be ensnared or trapped. 

The Grand Trine in Earth, Pluto (the Great Transformer in Capricorn), Venus in Virgo, and the Moon in Taurus, bring into manifestation ideas and inspired dreams. From thought into action, from hope and ideal into form, and from desire and wish into grounded and practical action-this is the time when the spiritual and intellectual is grounded in action, deed, movement, and direct connection. 

We are giving birth to creation; we are joining in the ongoing Creation of the Divine. And we can be more conscious about this as this alignment of the Moon and planets take place, thereby being more mindful and intentional. We can determine to act on our dreams, or simply become more aware of their lack of fulfillment in our lives. Change occurs in our lives, at certain points, only when we have learned the lessons of the transformative actions that have already taken place, and when we are courageous enough to act to bring our dreams to life.

As I write this column, we are in the window of this period of time, though like any window, the view remains whether we are standing in front of it or not. Listen to your heart. Pay attention to what you truly desire or feel impelled to do, be, create, develop, face/confront in yourself, or set into motion in your life through intention, commitment and action. Be open and receptive to your divine nature and the true north of your being. Let that which needs to go, go. Let that which is being born, come forth, and honor the inner truth that speaks to you within and from beyond your own understanding. What are you being called to act upon, and what is your transformation revealing to you? Seek the insight coupled with ideas for action. How is the subtle energy of the Universe filtering into your life as you join with others to create and live more fully?  

Our higher feelings and connections now seem to blend with little effort to the Divine call. The stillness within finds us more receptive to our connection with the Earth and to our spiritual nature and purpose. We may dance and sing in celebration. We may walk and move with more finely-tuned awareness and grace. We may create and live more fully-attuned to both inner spirit and outer abundance and prosperity. We may understand on levels we have only dreamed of, and connect in ways that have eluded us before now. Submission to the Divine Will allows us to receive our blessings, become more aware of our purpose and direction, and feel more in alignment with the Universal nature of our being.
For those who are highly attuned, this may feel like a massive inflow of vibratory energy, creating almost an overload of information and movement. The North Node in Scorpio represents the area in our lives where the doorway to the future is unfolding. In Scorpio, this occurs on a deeply intuitive and spiritual level, and it may be that we feel as if we are being propelled more deeply into the heart chakra where the divine will and personal desire and truth merge. We may hold ourselves open to receive, believe, understand, and transform.

The Grand Trine in Water signs affects us most directly in the areas of our lives (the houses represent those areas) in matters related to what, who, and how we express our love, and how we are loved. This Grand Trine in Water is revealing what Divine Purpose is manifesting in us now, and is both fertile and receptive in nature. If we are willing and open, we receive understanding, knowledge, and direction in deep and meaningful ways. Clarity comes from the heart now. We know from within; we receive from the Great Divine Truth. All we need to do is turn toward that within and all around us. 

The Grand Trine in Earth signs works on the level of tangible and grounded reality of our lives. Our truth emerges from that which we truly are. Our actions speak our truth; our truth reflects our inner nature and our Divine purpose and direction.

Imagine, if you will, the Earth covered by a mystical energy field that creates an opening for the spiritual and physical manifestation to merge and infuse the entire planet with Divine energy. It’s a bit like being in an open space on a clear night when the Moon is at her fullest. On such a night, the light pours forth, infusing everything, penetrating all it touches. Imagine that same open space on a night when the Moon is in her dark phase. The stars seem brighter and more numerous, in some cases, it seems we can almost touch them. The inky night sky is filled with stars and planets that are not visible on other nights or during the day.  

This alignment that today’s Taurus Moon triggers and activates, is like having all that energy available at the same time. When water and earth mix, we can shape, mold, and create in pragmatic and lasting ways. Allow yourself to glimpse that which you seek to create, and set your intentions to receive the gifts needed and the cooperation of those ready to join you to express, build, manifest, and move forward on that which calls you. We have the opportunity to live authentically from our desires, and to envision what it is that truly wants to be born now. Listen, watch, dream, and imagine what is coming to you now, and allow yourself to flow into the manifestation of your dreams.
High Tide                                                                                                                                                             Catherine Al-Meten

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Full Thunder Moon, Sun & Venus change signs, Grand Trine Shines On

High Tide on the River                                                                                                                                     Catherine Al-Meten

Low Tide on the River                                                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten

Saturn and Moon  Cassini Spacecraft’s 10 year tour of Saturn

Full  Thunder Moon, July 22, 2013 at  2:16 EDT; 11:16 PDT as the Leo Sun opposes Moon in Aquarius. Also called the Full Hay Moon (the farmers are reaping their crops now) and the Full Buck Moon (deer, elk, moose adult males/bucks’ antlers are emerging), this is the middle of the summer harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere. It might be called the Full Thunder Moon for all across the continent in the North, summer storms, thunder and lightening, and more humid weather are occurring.  The fullness of being emerges at the Full Moon Time. The balance between Leo’s desire for personal identity and fulfillment  and Aquarius’ innate sense of the impersonal arises within our own experiences as a need to find harmony between the two polarities.  Our need to express, create, and develop a healthy sense of personal well being coupled with our need to have compassion, empathy, and a vision that encompasses the needs of all humankind, our environmental and a more universal identity, are now called to harmony. 

Before you go further, I suggest your watching EarthSky’s vimeo of Cassini’s ten-year journey orbiting Saturn. This time lapse film shows the orbiting of the Cassini spacecraft, the Moon, the Earth, and the beautiful ringed planet, Saturn, the Great Teacher. Consider your place in the Universe as you watch, and our place and connection with one another. 

How do we view life? What is our image of the Divine, the Sacred, Creation and the Creator?  How do our beliefs, experiences, and personal perspectives color the lens through which we look? At each age and stage of our lives, we have opportunities to learn, create, grow, and develop, and our astrological make up often provides us with insight into the internal and external influences and energies that affect our journey. There are many ways to come to understand the life path; astrology is not a religion but rather a set of concepts that take into account the Universal energies, the alignment of our planet in space, and the impact that both time and space have on us throughout our lives. The beautiful vimeo from Earth Sky shows visually, the patterns, paths, and alignment of our planet with the Moon and the planet Saturn. 

Taken over a 10 year period, it gives us a visual metaphor for our own lives. If we believe there are not reasons, patterns, or connections between what is happening beyond our own experience, we are missing a powerful connection to a the Divine thread upon which we are spinning through space and time. I encourage you to watch this vimeo, as you reflect on your own path, the patterns and paths you are creating as you journey through your life, and what influences are most useful and powerful for helping you meet your sacred destiny.

This Full Moon in Aquarius juxtaposed the Sun in Leo,  highlights the conflict between our individual ego needs and desires and our connections and obligations as Divine beings.  We struggle between what is good for my health and well being and what I need to do for others. We struggle between our physical experience of life and our spiritual nature. We struggle between our past, our future, and being present in each moment. We struggle between honoring and respecting our own beliefs, views, understanding, and needs and honoring and respecting the rights, needs, beliefs, and perspectives of others.  Notice where the conflict lies in your own life/chart. Wherever the Leo/Aquarius axis is in your chart indicates the areas that will feel the most impact. 

1/7  First and seventh house axis finds the struggle between how we present ourselves as individuals to the world, and how we connect in our most intimate relationships, marriages, and partnerships.

2/8  Second and eighth house axis indicates a struggle between  our second house sense of personal identity and self worth (often viewed simply as personal finances, but much more about self worth and value) and our eighth house sense of value in the community, reputation and handling of other peoples’ monies, and value as expressed on deeper, more karmic ties and desires for profound metaphysical knowledge and experience.

3/9 Third and ninth house axis indicates a struggle between how we communicate in our daily lives, with those in our immediate environment, and our own personal style of communication along with how we are learning to use communication to grow and enhance our sense of who we are. Ninth house issues have to do with how we go into the world to explore, learn, find broader and more diverse understanding through higher education, spiritual, philosophical, and religious connections. Ninth house also has to do with relating with and learning about cultures beyond our own. Some of the issues where you might find struggle could be between a need to feel safe and secure in your own environment, neighborhood, and whatever it is that you define as “home” territory and your desire and need to grow, learn, travel, develop to answer more innate soul calls and the connections needed in order for you to live to your full potential.  Balance comes in learning how to use our time and resources in tandem rather than seeing everything as a sacrifice or choice, “either-or”(limited, fear-based thinking). When we approach the opportunities in our life as a way to explore ‘both-and’ (expansive, fear free thinking). 

4/10  Fourth house issues relate to how we create  and feel ourselves “at home”. Where we feel we most belong. Tenth house issues relate to our soul call and destiny (often referred to as the house of career). Tenth house relates to what we believe we have come into being to do, be, create, and fulfill.  While our careers often prepare us for this, fulfillment of our life purpose is often a call beyond work, achievement, and accomplishment. What is the deeper purpose you are being prepared and called to live out? This conflict often seems to ‘rock our boats’ making us feel that we have to redefine what one or the other means in order to make our choices. These are where we talk about “impossible dreams” or “being set in our ways”, or “being too old, too young, too something” to act on what we feel we’re called to be. 

5/11  Fifth house issues relate to our personal happiness, having and taking care of children, artistic and creative pleasures, beauty and enjoyment of life, sexuality and fun.  For each of this, what brings us pleasure depends on our identity. All the houses that are in the southern hemisphere of the chart represent the personal sphere of life; all above, in the northern hemisphere of the chart, represent life lived beyond our individual life. It represents our journey outside to bring ourselves to wholeness and fulfillment. The eleventh house represents our relationships in community, with groups, with circles of friends, and in relation to ourselves within groups. For someone like myself who is an introvert and who has Virgo in the 11th house as well as the Moon, relationships within large groups can be questionable and uncomfortable. The growing edge is to find a way to be able to develop whatever gifts can be shared in this way while still honoring and respecting the way I have chosen to live my life. Observe the spectrum of how you might come into conflict or harmony between these two areas of your life.

6/12  The sixth house represents your personal workplace and personal health and well being.  What we do in our everyday life, how we use our time, energy, and resources, and how what we do affects our health.  Our fourth chakra governs the energy not only in our heart and lungs but also in our hands, arms, and shoulders. Our work directly affects our health, especially our emotional and physical heart health, and vice versa. Those who think their health is not affected by being depressed, unhappy with their work, overworked, or on the wrong path, are kidding themselves. Time to examine how your daily life is affecting all areas of your life, especially your own health and well being. Twelfth house matters have to do with your unconscious, intuition, hidden and unresolved matters, the past including karmic connections or disconnections, dreams, memories, and that whole underground part of our being that become our shadow issues (issues that need to be brought into the light in order to face them, resolve, and heal).  The twelfth house also has to do with our connection with the Divine and the energy beyond our understanding that may be important to learn about, acknowledge, and act upon.

Enough about the houses that this Full Moon in Aquarius may be highlighting. The Full Moon occurs just as both the Sun and the Moon change signs.

The Sun completes its journey through Cancer, and enters Leo on Monday, July 22. At 0/6, that is just six minutes into its entry into Leo, the Sun comes into direct opposition to the Moon at 0/6 of Aquarius.  If you watched the Cassini vimeo, you would have noticed how, in their orbit, the planets and the moon passed one another and lined up exactly. You can pause the vimeo and observe this yourself.  In the case of a planet like Saturn (very slow moving it its orbit, just a bit shy of 30 years), a transit lasts quite a while. The Sun moves one degree a day, while the moon orbits the Earth in a little less than 3 days.  Aspects to the Moon are quite common, and since the Moon has such a powerful impact on the Earth (watch the tides if you don’t believe it), its energy and movement triggers our emotional responses as well as our physiological ones on a regular basis. 

Ready or not, the Sun in Leo, brings a burst of energy and excitement into our lives. Leo is the archetype for individuality, ego (healthy and overblown), and creative expression. It’s time to shine and express yourself in whatever area this plays out. This is a ripening time, a time of full fruition, and all of us will notice some area of life where you can give a full  play to your creative expression.

Mercury just went direct on July 20, and is moving full speed ahead in Cancer, still seeking quality experiences in our search and desire for creating a safe, warm environment where we can feel at home in how we communicate, how we live together, and how we seek to express ourselves.  Mercury roots around making a nest for itself in the way you communicate and take in communication on all levels. 

Venus, which has been transiting through Leo, moves into Virgo on July 22. Having finished its transit through Cancer, Venus now looks for love manifest in action and through practical expressions of all forms. Venus, the archetype for our expressions of love, our development as a woman and with our relationships with women, now takes on a very grounded, earthy sensibility. Even our reasoning over choices, direction, and interests emerges from our need to understand, connect with, and find practical application to anything we do with anyone. “Don’t just say it; show it”  could be the anthem for the transit of Venus through Virgo.  On the bright and hopeful side, this is welcome relief for those of us who want to put our dreams into action and experience ideals and ideas in the world of senses, sensuality, day-to-day life, and to truly LIVE in the present. Taking your metaphysical and mindfulness practices to a whole new level but living what you believe as you believe what you live. 

As Venus changes signs, we can also benefit from showering ourselves with better self care. We are not good stewards if we have depleted ourselves of energy, breath, rest, nourishment, and a sense of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well being. On July 25-26, the Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces, and this might be a time when confusion, misunderstanding, illusions, or their counterparts, clarity, connection, and seeing things as they really are, may be at odds. There are times when we are not sure if what we are experiencing is grounded in a sense of truth or realism, or whether we are relying on outmoded and old patterns of both expectation and behavior.  Allow the clouds to clear; anything worth doing or having or being, can wait a few days if it is based in truth or realism.  Let go of trying to figure everything out (ego mind) and allow the natural rhythms and flow unfold naturally, without hurry.

When Venus comes into sextile with Saturn, we will see how what we have been learning about our own processes as opposed to those of others, is affording us the opportunity to see how this manifests in life now. Saturn, the Great Teacher, is that aspect of our life that calls us to pay attention to how the Divine is calling us to learn, to change, to surrender, and to trust.  This is probably a good time for doing business and forming business partnerships for there is an element of practicality and groundedness that affects new alliances.

On July 27-28, Jupiter and Venus form a friendly sextile. It’s a time when we feel more social, more optimist and positive, and more open and receptive to giving and receiving. The flow of love, beauty, and goodness is shared more openly now than normally would be the case. Two benevolent planets connect and release our sense of inhibitions helping spread joy, beauty, and abundance in all directions. 

Jupiter’s trine to Neptune also inspires us with altruistic feelings and ideas. We reach beyond our own needs and discover how we can learn from the great knowledge and wisdom of those whose cultures, background, or paths seem far afield our own. We may feel infused with a spiritual longing to connect, support, and understand those who walk a different path. We see the universality of all Creation, and know, on a very deep soul level, the Creator’s purpose for ourselves and for others.

On July 30 Venus (Virgo) trines Pluto (Capricorn) bringing a practical expression of love and kindness into relationships and areas of your life where you express beauty, love, and nourishing intensity.

Mar in Cancer for well over another month (until August 27), continues its journey more on the undercurrents of our emotional experiences, and not so directly as Mars generally does. We find our strength within right now, and whatever actions we take are more heavily affected by our emotional, intuitive, and reflective nature than it is by the ego need to act, do, or be.  We feel guided, led, and inspired as never before. Plans fall into place, doors open slowly and quietly, gifts drop into our hands, ideas arrive with exquisite timing, and connections are made with impeccable accuracy.  It is an amazing time, coming near the culmination of the Grand Trines in Water that have been showering us and infusing us with beauty.

On Monday, July 22, Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Cancer. We feel an infusion of energy and inspiration to be channeled into whatever areas we feel so inspired. It is one of those magical times when everything seems to come together almost magically. Our sense of purpose and timing are perfectly aligned, and we are ready to step out into the full expression of our artistic beauty. Love is acted upon in lavish and beautiful ways. Whatever challenges or obstacles need to be met, just melt away or are easily handled. The more we live in that deep sense of inner security and well being that we have been growing more fully into, the more we will be sensitive to how we can let this energy flow into us at this time. Open your hearts, minds, hands, and let your need to control, will, or fear disintegrate. Waste no energy on unnecessary negativity.

Late in the week, Mars trines Neptune, and our intuition gives up its gifts, allowing us to tap into our deepest, freest, and most powerful levels of creativity, sensuality, and expressiveness.  Listen to your heart now. Allow your mind to reveal the images that are to be sculpted, painted, written, or caught through your art. Bring your awareness into still places, and enjoy a more relaxed, easy going flow in your life. Letting go is easier than ever, and necessary for whole healing, health, love, and creativity.

Mars trines Saturn, also energizing and directing us to put shape on our ideas and provide structure on our lives so that we are both purposeful and directed in the areas that are being borne from our deeper consciousness and inspiration. We are finding that our hard work, our ability to organize and direct our energy, and our dedication and commitment to our intentions and purpose, are now manifesting.  

Saturn remains in Scorpio  for its long journey into the unconscious and its tour through the Collective and Universal strata. Saturn trines Neptune, grounding our inspiration and aspiration in solid structure and form. We bring into being as we manifest the lessons of Saturn that have forged us, like gold tempered by fire, to allow ourselves to be shaped, purified, tested, and molded for the fulfillment of purpose and meaning in our lives.

Uranus in Aries continues to bring unexpected and surprising events, people, and changes our way. Venus seisquiquadrate angle to Uranus indicates strange attractions. In relationships, we find ourselves moving between our need for freedom and our desire for intimacy. For those who are healed and nourished, and soundly grounded in their own sense of identity, this can be found at the same well. If we continue seeking either freedom or intimacy through affirmation and approval from others or through acquisitions, achievements or self-imposed rigidity, we miss what is within us and possible before us. for the healed, this is a lovely time to allow the flowering to reveal the gifts.

Special Note: I would love to hear your observations about how different aspects, transits, or trends affect you. Also what have you observed that I may not have mentioned?  Using astrology as a tool to enhance our journey necessarily depends on our own spiritual and religious practices, beliefs, and our willingness to use our own powers of discernment and reflection to find meaning in our own lives.  Enjoy this beautiful time, and the middle of summer or winter, wherever you are.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Grand Trine in Water and Uranus Turns Retrograde: My cup runneth over.

July Sunset, 2013                                                                                                                        Catherine Al-Meten
Lunar Activity. 

First Quarter Square of the Moon in Libra to the Sun in Cancer, Monday, July 15, 2013. the squares of the Moon tend to make us feel the urge to do, act, or react. Our emotional tendency with this square of the Libra Moon is to find balance no matter what. The growing edge for Libra is to stand in the truth of the presence rather than rushing to make something happen or respond to every hue and cry.  Everything does not have to be made into a crisis unless we let it.  Notice at this time, how the plans you made last week are evolving, and what the response has been to your intentions, projects, or plans. 

The Moon in Libra at 23/46 square the Sun in Cancer at 23/46 has a significant effect on anyone with planets between 22-26 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, Aries).  We all have these signs in certain areas of our chart/life. Look to the cardinal houses to see what areas of your life are most affected with this lunar aspect.

The Moon’s first-quarter square makes us more aware of the other subtle and major shifts taking place. As Uranus has been stationing in preparation for its turn into its retrograde phase in Aries, we may have felt an underlying edginess coupled with a desire to rid ourselves of anything holding us back from moving forward or making changes. Impatience, frustration, and dissatisfaction have found many of us expending a great deal of energy just when we need to take time to rest and refresh ourselves.  Compulsions may have been evident in the way our unconscious behavior has been triggered by the planetary and lunar movement.

Major Events of the Week. 

Major events taking place this week include Uranus’ station and turn into its retrograde phase in Aries coinciding with Jupiter coming into exact alignment with Saturn and Neptune.  On Wednesday, July 17 at 10:20 AM (PDT), Uranus begins its 5 month retrograde phase. This coincides with Jupiter’s exact trine to Saturn and Neptune, all in water signs. 

Uranus, the breaker of rules and master of of unpredictability, ushers in five months of movement, shifts of perception, changes in the way we approach life, and freedom from restraints that have held us back from doing, being, understanding, or acting on our dreams, desires, and destiny. Time to take risks, step out into the unknown, and cast our nets on the seas of opportunity. The old adage, “nothing ventured, nothing gained” is the motto of Uranus’ retrograde phase. Because it coincides with the Grand Trine in Water signs of the major planets of transition, growth, and change (Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer, and Saturn in Scorpio), we are awash with fluid energy that infuses us and impels us to pay heed to our intuition, dreams, desires, and plans.  

Time for throwing our heart over the mane, as we allow ourselves to move beyond the restraints, limitations, and restrictions we have placed upon ourselves for the sake of hanging onto something that is no longer true for us. During this dreamy time, when we find ourselves needing more sleep, desiring more time to rest and relax, and wanting to slow down and take time to reconsider some of the journeys we have sent our souls on. Pull in the cords of energy that remain trapped in places, situations, relationships, roles, or beliefs which no longer fit for who you are and where you are now on your journey. Listen to your soul’s calling, for now is when you will hear clearly the voice that speaks to you of Truth and the voice within that speaks for your own true north, that reminds you who you really are and what your long to express, create, and connect with.

What awaits each of us is Jupiter’s abundance, Saturn’s wisdom and responsibility, and Neptune’s intuitive knowledge and creative imagination. What you can conceive of is blessed and made part of your life journey. To awaken from the sleep of outer distractions allows you to embrace the opportunities, experiences, relationships, and serendipitous connections awaiting you around each corner. It’s time to take the leap of faith in the direction your heart and soul have been leading you.

Uranus’ retrograde phase triggers the ongoing square aspect with Pluto, the Great Transformer in Capricorn. What has been being uprooted, turned over, and readied for planting, is now receiving what is needed to make change happen.  Be receptive to what changes need to take place and how they are manifesting right in, before, and around you.  On both the personal level and the collective level, this aspect reveals what must be eliminated in order for growth and development to take place. This aspect between Uranus and Pluto continues to make us aware of what is no longer working within us and our lives. What is no longer necessary is now shed like a snakes skin. 

The Sun in Cancer continues to find us seeking safety, protection, comfort, and a truer sense of home. With the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Cancer, our emotional life feels more vulnerable and sensitive. 

Mercury continues its journey through Cancer, and will turn direct on July 20 after a few weeks in retrograde. Before turning direct,  Mercury is forming a tight square to Uranus over the next week, helping us become more aware of how our perceptions are changing and our behavior and understanding is enabling us to free ourselves from negative patterns of emotional conditioning that may have stunted our growth in some ways or may be keeping us from fully healing into wholeness.

Chiron in Pisces has been retrograde for the last month, going back over territory where healing has been taking place for the past year. We are reminded of the shadows and hidden places where healing is still taking place. Mercury is forming a Grand Trine in Water signs with the North Node in Scorpio and Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces.  Mercury (communication, messages, and cognitive development) trine the North Node in Scorpio (gateway to the future in the sign of deep intuitive knowledge and unconscious awareness) as well as Chiron, the Wounded Healer.  All this to say that this is a prime time for dealing with emerging awareness, intuition, insight, and emotional, psychological, and mental issues that need to be faced, dealt with, and further healed. Disregarding that which leads us away from our true intentions, soul calling, or search for truth and understanding, is not advisable at this time. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, “When you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you; When you fail to bring forth what is within you, it will kill you.” Whether you take this literally or metaphorically, the truth remains of we humans that nothing is ever lost or forgotten. When we do not deal with something that is an issue for us, it remains part of us, whether or not we’re willing to face it.  Best to face what is rising up in your experience so you can live more truly and fully in wholeness. 

On Wednesday, July 17, the Grand Trine in Water finds Jupiter trines Saturn, Moon trine Mercury, and Jupiter trine Neptune.  Additionally, Uranus goes retrograde on the Wednesday, July 17. Use this auspicious time to sit in silence, meditate, pray, and be open to receiving Divine guidance, protection, and understanding. Take some time to be reflective. Take time to take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.  See peace within and around you. Live in a state of gratitude, and be open to the Grace of God.  

Later in the week, July  22, Venus will enter Virgo, and the Sun enters Leo. Before then, allow yourself to enjoy the flood of water sign energy that flows into you and fills all the spaces that may seem empty or forgotten. Listen for the messages of the waters.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

New Moon in Cancer and Grand Trine in Water

Blackberry Blossoms                                        Catherine Al-Meten

"Tis midnight now. the bend and broken moon, batter'd and black, as 
from a thousand battles,
hangs silent on the purple walls of Heaven."
Joaquin Miller, Poet of the Sierras

The few days of the Dark of the Moon leading up to the New Moon in Cancer, can be a time of darkness and stillness, something we may not always be comfortable with, but nevertheless, a time to reflect and turn inward as we approach the turning of the seasons and the new lunar cycle. This New Moon cycle ushers in a very sacred time for us all, and a time when we can more greatly honor and connect to the spiriutal truths of our lives and being. For Moslems worldwide, the New Moon in Cancer ushers in the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month-long holy time when all able-bodied Moslems fast from sunrise to sunset, in order to purify themselves and draw closer to God. Fasting consists of not eating, drinking, smoking, or using negative language. It also is a time of deep reflection and fasting of thoughts, habits, patterns of belief, and behavior.
This New Moon in Cancer is a time of deep spiritual reflection on all humans everywhere, regardless of religious creed or spiritual orientation. All life is sacred, and each moment of life is a gift. What we do with the gifts we are given depends upon whether, in the words of the Deuteronomist, we choose life or death.  "You have before you the gift of life and death. Choose Life!"

New Moon  Monday, July 8 at 3:14 AM EDT/12:14 AM PDT.  New Moon cycle in Cancer as we leave the Gemini lunar month. The New Moon at 16/18 Cancer makes the strongest impact in the area of your chart/life that is within 12-20 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra).  The New Moon triggers a number of planets also in Cancer including first Mercury at 8/18 Cancer, exact conjunction with the Sun at 16 degrees Cancer, then Jupiter at 2/47

The New Moon in Cancer makes some stressful or challenging aspects to the Retrograde Mercury at 8 degrees, Uranus at 12/29 Aries, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn at 10/8 degrees. As the New Moon is aspecting  Mercury retrograde in Cancer, it would be wise to examine the attitudes, perspectives, and ways of communicating that are preventing us from moving forward. What is blocking, stopping, or holding you trapped in past patterns of through or behavior and stopping your growth and ability to discern what is ahead? Are we busily trying to figure things out, holding firm and trying to be ‘right’, or clinging to some unfulfilled desire, wish, or dream at the expense of seeing the gifts that are ready to be accepted?  

What we put forward at the time of the New Moon, can help establish the way forward and the blessings that are ours when we are open, receptive, and willing to step out into the path before us.  For many of us, we cling to past roles, relationships, and ways of being and knowing, or we focus entirely on setting out a master plan that has nothing to do with what the Divine plan has already laid before us. Time is now to be open to following the messages and guidance of the Creator as we pick up the tools, lay down the foundation, and begin creating the next level of our journey. We can participate consciously, mindfully, and in full awareness, or we can insist on hanging on to our own shadowy attachments, and be dragged forward seemingly without direction or hope.  Waking up to what we require to live from our center of our emotional body. In an article about the New Moon in Cancer, Simone Butler describes the ancient Mayan belief that there is energy that connects us to the sacred, the Divine. This energy roughly translated means Blood Lightening.  During the lunar cycle from July 1-14, we unite body, mind, emotions, and spirit with the Divine Creator. We ground ourselves in our earth bodies, and allow the sacred to animate our entire being. We open our hearts, minds, souls to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to be hit by the spiritual lightening, and to be profoundly shaken and formed for the service, the love, and the life we were called here to live.

The beautiful Grand Water Trine that is now forming (not quite in full alignment yet),  brings  Jupiter in Cancer, Mars (soon to enter Cancer), Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces in a powerful and emotionally enriching alignment. Between July 17-22, the Grand Trine will be in its full expression, however we already feel drawn by the powerful energies infusing us with energy and deeper need to experience the full expression of ourselves as spiritual beings living out a rich and bountiful physical experience. Time to honor our calling and find ways to express the beauty that is meant to serve, help heal, and lift ourselves and other.

Jupiter in Cancer is the archetypal reflection of how we honor the emotional truth of who we are within, in relationship, and through the way we live out our Divine purpose. Learning to identify a higher calling and purpose, that which is beyond our own ego gratification needs and ego-centric desire to control and manipulate, is a major lesson we are learning at this time.  Jupiter shines its energy and light into the areas of life where we can make the greatest contributions and create meaning, purpose, and wholeness. Saturn, the Great Teacher continues in its journey through Scorpio, to awaken us to the unconscious and intuitive voices that are speaking through the lessons we have yet to learn from the lives we are living out. Whatever is making its way to the surface for your awareness, or is manifesting in the world around you, speaks to you on a deeply emotional level during this time, making it nearly impossible to know that something special and vital is stirring within you. Something to pay attention to, to sit with in stillness, and to absorb into yourself through prayer, meditation, contemplation, and discernment. 

Neptune in Pisces awakens the Divine within and makes us more receptive to how the sacred acts upon us and infuses us with what we need, through grace, gifts, and goodness. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also in Pisces, is making us more aware of how our healing can be found in the woundedness that needs to be healed. Service and concern for others, brings us out of our self-conscious and self-pitying places into compassion, empathy, and connection with those who need our attention, assistance, or acknowledgement.  

The water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, archetypes of the unconscious, Collective Consciousness, and the heavenly and earthly connections with the Sacred Oneness, can be felt in some area of each of our lives.  Look to the houses where the water signs find their home in your life.  

The New Moon in Cancer ushers in the new plans, energy, and movement to discover our homes, to safeguard that which is sacred to us, and to help us protect and connect to one another, especially within our families and close intimate relationships. Refer back to the article I wrote a number of weeks ago about house rulership, and determine for yourself where the New Moon and the Grand Trine in Water is most potent now. We can make great headway, receive abundance and achievement, and experience the Divine grace of God throughout the month. Be receptive, open, and discerning, and as the New Moon approaches. Saturn is stationing today as I write, turning direct after a retrograde phase that began February 18. Today, July 7, Saturn stations, and it is a good time to  spend in quiet reflection, giving gratitude and being emotionally honest with yourself about what you have learned over the last 6 months that you now can carry forward with you into the New Moon phase. We may have found over the last 6 months that we have had to go over a lot of old business, in order to prepare for the journey forward. 

Look to the area where Saturn in Scorpio has been transiting. No doubt you will feel it even if you are uncertain of your chart. Look to that one major area in your life where you have been trying to resolve questions, undo old patterns, or ridding yourself of what no longer is needed for your life journey.  What patterns of behavior, thought, belief, or emotional response have you discovered to be outdated or no longer relevant in your life.  Be clear and true to yourself here, for only when we are able to see ourselves. warts and all, can we act with greater authenticity, clarity, creativity, and even righteousness.  Until we are working as hard on healing, fixing and mending ourselves as we are on trying to figure out others, fix them, or understand how ‘they’ could affect our lives so greatly, do we have a chance of making progress and of taking responsibility for our own life purpose and actions.

Using this New Moon in Cancer as a time to be intentional and focused, it might be a great time to design a New Moon ritual of prayer, meditation, and setting of intentions. I highly recommend Dana Gearhardt’s Mooncircles and Mountain Astrologer astrologer and writer as the source of excellent ideas about how to prepare a ritual for the New Moon.

Whether you use Gearhardt’s rituals or develop one that fits your own beliefs and traditions, it is now an excellent time to sit in quite stillness, reflect, and seek answers and direction. Use your time to pray for those whom you love, for those who need your prayers, and for whatever you feel moved to pray for. Prayer comes in many forms. There are formal prayers, or the simple act of calling out to God, the Creator, Spirit, the Divine, Allah, the Sacred in thanks, in pleas for help, in cries of lamentation, in joy and exaltation, and in the simple request to feel and experience the Presences of the Spirit within.  However you are moved at this holy time, receive the gifts that Spirit awakens within you and calls you to pay attention to in those who are around and near you. Be grateful for the place where you are now, and for the bounty you have. Sit in gratitude for gifts of health, home, family, friends, peace even in chaotic and difficult times, and for the blessing of being here on Earth together at this time.  Welcome the energy of the New Moon in Cancer and the Stellia of planets in water during this midsummer time in the North and the midwinter time of the South. Look to the heavens, walk on the earth, swim in the waters, and feel the wind upon your face. Honor the elements in and around you, and live in perfect peace in this moment. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

First Week of Summer in July

Afterglow                                                                           Catherine Al-Meten
July begins with an energetic Moon in Aries until mid-afternoon (2:44 PDT; 5:44 EDT) when the Moon enters steady Taurus. Venus in Leo forms a square to Saturn in Scorpio and a quincunx to Neptune (archetype of dreams, illusions, imagination, and intuitive knowledge).  Whenever there are difficult or hard aspects made to Venus (in this case deeply emotional insight needed with Saturn in Scorpio and seeing through the veil and illusions with Neptune in Pisces), we may have a sense of insecurity or difficulty understanding matters of the heart (Venus in Leo expresses herself in a warm-hearted, generous manner).  When Venus meets with hard aspects, we find that our needs are triggered or that we are motivated to receive the overflowing gifts before us.   If we are not receiving what we desire, we feel it more deeply now, and need to examine how we are blocking our way. Are we trapped in unfulfilled and unrequited relationships of the past, or are we missing what is needed in order to be more receptive and ready for changes that are in the process of developing?  

Tonight, July 1, the Sun in Cancer is in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. Oppositions are activating, challenging aspects, so it is a good idea to look at those areas of your life where Pluto has been working its way creating deep ruts and gullies in your life, preparing the ground for new structures and forms of growth. How might this new growth be triggered right now? What in your search for security, a sense of peace and safety (Sun in Cancer) necessarily calls for you to pay attention to or take some action in the area of your life ruled by Pluto’s transit through Capricorn? 

Many of our ego needs are being challenged right now: our need to control, our desire to take hold of our power, our efforts stand on our own instead of getting drawn into competition, and our need to release ourselves from expectations that have nothing to do with the reality of our lives and those of others.  How are our expectations trapping us in false perceptions or areas of the past that have disintegrated, but remain a filter through which we act, think, and feel?  Venus in Leo can be all about lavishing adoration and ego gratification. Pride and passion may be negative expressions of our attempts at love if we do nothing more that use our expressions as a means to make an impression or control others. We need to put our affections into action by expressing our selves through more than words. “Talk is cheap”, and doesn’t make it through the front door if there is nothing to show beyond a over-emotional display of affections. 

During this time, which may have been sparked by the last quarter square of the Moon on Sunday, June 30, we may have an inner war going on. It is at this point that we feel the areas in our lives and our personalities that are being challenged, threatened, or in some way making us feel powerless. We have to look to ourselves to see and feel and nurture our own power. We are not defined by others, our relationships, our work and art, or our lifestyles, unless we give away our power to recognize who we are in our innermost being.  No job, no relationship, no possession is going to make you who you are. Those externals can enhance, enlighten, and encourage us but we have to be willing to know who we are and discover what our soul call is ourselves. The Sun-Pluto opposition highlights the areas or ways that this is now affecting your ability to live from your own center.

Mars in Gemini for a little less than two more weeks, provides an air of more versatility and flexibility.  We also may feel more scattered and not very centered.  This is a good time to day dream, use our imaginations, and let ideas float around (for that is what is happening), but it may be difficult to focus and concentrate on details.

Any attempt right now to try to control others or manipulate or rationalize our reality, is going to be flying back into our faces right now. Any area of our lives, relationships, or sense of self that we are controlling through intention, affirmation, or wish fulfillment is bound to be exposed or challenged at this time.  Our desires are not meant to control, manipulate, or reel in all that we want. Desires remind us of what we are missing in our selves, or what we are failing to acknowledge in what we already have. Recognizing that we are in the Divine Presence already, and that we have what we need, are in relationship as we are meant to be, and are already on our path. All we need to do is to wake up to what is inside and before us. All changes coming our way have seeds in what we have put before us. We receive our blessings and grace at the perfect time.   

Obstacles that arise now call us to use our inner resources, courage, and trust in ourselves and our Divine connection to act rightly and to grow in deeper clarity.

The Sun squares Uranus  on Thursday, July 4, reminds us to expect the unexpected.  Whatever goes wrong, view it as necessary in order for change and  new approaches to be put into place. Uranus activates whatever is falling apart in the way, in this case, things appear to be. Pay attention to how you respond to break downs, delays, ruptures, or unexpected changes.  The lesson in this focuses on patience, discernment, and adaptability. While you may feel compelled to make some changes, it may not be necessary. What is important is to observe and be willing to be receptive to change and the flow of life more. 

On Friday, the Sun in Cancer trines Chiron (the Wounded Healer) in Pisces, indicating a time when we can make some progress in an area of our lives that requires healing. We may feel a greater sense of direction and experience an awakening or similar enlightening experience that shines the light into some darkness we have been experiencing.  We may also discover a new solution to an old problem.

Towards the end of the week, some tough Mercury aspects could make communication difficult or unstable in some way.  Taking a hint from Jupiter’s entry into Cancer fosters greater serenity and a pulling into ourselves more. Create inner serenity and recognize your boundaries and limits so that you can protect yourself from getting caught up in energies and relationships that are unhealthy, unethical, unprinicpled, or unreliable.

Find some time to meditate, pray, exercise, take care of yourself, give service, enjoy your family and friends, and be grateful for your abundance and the gifts of spirit that are yours to use and share.