Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jupiter turned Direct

Jupiter, the archetype of good fortune, abundance, and prosperity, turns direct on January 30, 2013. Jupiter's transit through Gemini continues until June 21, the Summer Solstice. In mythology, Jupiter is the archetype of the final authority, the last word, the laying down of the law.  Since Jupiter has been in retrograd motion, there has been a great deal of talk and a great more confusion and conflict about what is really meant by certain policies, procedures, structures, and laws currently ready to take effect. 

As we watched Jupiter come into close alignment with the Sun and the Moon last week, we may have felt our plans aligning on a metaphysical level without much sense of 'knowing' how plans, ideas, and inspiration were going to translate into action, movement, creativity, or the fulfillment of dreams, plans, and goals. Jupiter in retrograde motion and in close alignment with challenges (transiting and squaring the 2nd quarter moon), has made it difficult for us to know what the right thing to do is, and when it's best to act on our desires.  We feel ourselves in a holding pattern, circling the field, waiting for word that it's safe to make a landing.  Jupiter's retrograde transited all the way back to the first degree, so there may be the feeling that we've made no progress in some areas or that we are having to decide and begin all over again. And that pretty much sums it up.  

We have been on hold, and during this time we have had the opportunity to rethink our plans, to settled issues and conflicts that need to be handled before moving forward, and settle into the reality that whether or not we make changes, we must be okay right where we are, for we carry ourselves into all  new or renewed situations.  If we are not comfortable in our own skin where we are today, we fail to understand the bounty within us. Good fortune, good luck, or prosperity fall like rain to the unfurrowed ground when we expect our riches and abundance to bring us satisfaction or make us whole.  Our role in appreciating and using Jupiter's energy and influence, begins with getting ourselves ready for action. Grounding ourselves in healthy practices, getting enough rest, nourishing our bodies wisely, clearing out emotional, physical, and psychological clutter before we're called into action, is the best plan for preparing for the next leg of the journey. 

Once Jupiter moves direct, communication will increase, and words will come that clarify and energize you.  Things will begin to make sense.  For the past two months, my dreams have been revealing a sense of being in the dark. I would wake with a clear memory of dreaming, but the dreams were always somewhat hidden...I could see what was happening but couldn't quite understand or see clearly. That is exactly what Jupiter's retrograde transit has been doing in the realm where it has had the most influence in your chart/life. Notice where Gemini is in 1-7 degrees in your chart, and where the other major planets have been making aspects in the early degrees (Saturn in early Scorpio, Pluto in early Capricorn, and the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus' passages in the early degrees).  There has been a great deal of movement, but most of it has been on the transformative, unconscious level of our lives. With relationships, we have each been so busy working out our own details and figuring out how to deal with conflicts, issues, and plans, that we may have lost contact on a more mundane, down-to-earth level.  

Minds have been racing with the Sun and Jupiter in air signs, and communication has been more subliminal and mentally filtered that there has been a sense of loss and connection in some areas of our lives.  Air signs, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra experience communication on the level of intellect and a less personal more communal-centered way than other signs.  Emotionally riled up by matters of justice, equity, and the common good, the air sign influences of the Sun in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini have us focusing on the differences between what we feel and need for our own happiness, and what is needed for the good of humankind and all Creation.  There may even seem to be less compassion for the felt and real needs of some now, for the collective eyes are on the plight of the masses. When we experience this, we might do well to remember that if we are not supporting those we are with and showing tenderness, love and compassion at home, we are missing our opportunity to nourish the root of the tree. Being present on all levels, emotionally, psychologically, mentally, physically, and spiritually. As minds have been active, our bodies have as well, and sometimes we find it hard to allow ourselves to rest, take time for relaxation and pleasure, or to nourish ourselves as we need to.  It seems no one ever apologizes for working too hard, yet they excuse themselves for resting, taking time off, or doing nothing.  We are all so geared to achieve, that we forget how to live.  Jupiter's energy promotes the well being of our inner child. And if we did not have the childhood we wanted, we still have time to learn to have fun, relax, enjoy, and play a bit more.  

Garipata Creek                                                                                              Catherine Al-Meten
An expression my Mother used to say to me, "tend to your own knittin'" keeps ringing through my mind. At the time, she meant for me to stop worrying about other people so much (I worried about world peace and all the problems of the world from an early age).  She meant for me to take care of the business and relationships of my own life first. She wanted to teach me to find a balance between caring for others and caring for myself. I recently took her advice quite literally. I bought myself some knitting needles, and am giving myself permission to sit still and use my hands to knit and crochet. To find some balance among all the tasks I set out for myself on a daily basis.  As the days lengthen in the Northern Hemisphere, the light calls me to spend more time outdoors.  Here in the Pacific Northwest, you'd never go anywhere or do anything if you waited for the right weather; we go and do despite the weather.  I noticed, however, that I woke with the sunrise this morning. First light is my alarm clock, and the natural rhythms of the earth call me to get in synch with the flow of life, including taking time to relax, have some fun, enjoy the beauty around me, and give myself a break before the next great adventure begins.  Listen to what your body, your heart, the world around you, and your emotions are calling you to take care of.  When was the last time you sang, danced, laughed, daydreamed, or took a long, leisurely walk? Delight in each day, and open your heart to dream and rest each night. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Full Wolf Moon in Leo, January 26, 2013

The Full Moon in 7/24 Leo peaks on January 26, 2013 at 10:39 CST/ 8:39 P.M. PST.

Names given to this midwinter full moon include:

North Moon
Old Moon
Ice Moon
Earth Renewal Moon
Turtle Clan Moon
White Road Moon
Cold Moon
Snow Goose People Moon
Birch Moon

Full Moon in Leo, Sun in Aquarius

As the Moon in Cancer is waxing, the days just before present us with some edgy and activating aspects. Early on the morning of January 24, the Moon squares Uranus and opposes Pluto, We may find ourselves seeking greater security and clinging to that which we are familiar as a means of establishing a sense of safety. Later in the late afternoon and evening, the Moon sextiles Uranus making for a more open, receptive attitude toward new ideas, social interaction, and creative ways to meet challenges. Contrary to how the Moon in Cancer might normally feel to us, it’s time to take some calculated risks and reach a bit beyond our comfort zone to enjoy and be more receptive to ideas.  The Moon’s aspects to Uranus and Pluto continue to set off feelings, thoughts, and events that prove to be eye opening. We begin to see our way through some of the earlier anxiety and negativity.

On Friday, January 25 in the morning, the Moon in Cancer all day, squares Mercury and Saturn. This may find us facing one challenge after another for the early part of the day. The challenges come in the areas of your life/chart where Saturn in Scorpio has begun its recent transit in Scorpio. Saturn, the Great Teacher, has been and will continue to move through the depths of our unconscious to awaken and prepare us for whatever lessons we have to learn for our personal development and life journey. With the Moon in Cancer squaring both Saturn and Mercury (archetype of communication of all kinds), we might struggle with both inner and outer forms of communication.  Since there is such a deep, unconscious component to these aspects, pay particular attention to how you talk to yourself and to yourself about others. Notice if you are operating and talking to yourself out of fear, anger, hostility, or some other unhealed emotion or subconscious thinking.  

This is one of those times when it does matter what and how we are thinking, for our actions are formed out of our thoughts, and being more aware of what we are thinking can change us from someone who acts without conscious awareness or not. If there are blocks or delays in communication or if you are feeling blocked and challenged, put off taking care of different forms of communication until you have had a chance to reexamine your motivations, intentions, perspective, biases, and desires.  You may find that prayer and meditation, a long walk or a relaxing bath will bring you more in touch with what is really at the heart of the conflict, confusion, or discomfort you may feel under these influences.  In the evening, the Sun trines Jupiter lightening up the atmosphere and making us feel happier, more joyful, and in the mood to celebrate. If we have given ourselves a bit of a break from chewing on our own negativity, we can enjoy the evenings lightheartedness. 

Winter Afterglow                                                                                                                                                Catherine Al-Meten
At 9:21 A.M. EST (6:21 PST) the Moon enters Leo on Saturday morning. The Moon in Leo allows us to feel like a child, with the ability to enjoy and express ourselves with creative and enthusiastic energy. Later in the evening, the Moon in Leo, the Full Wolf Moon, reaches her peak.

Sun in Aquarius sees the greater good of all; the Leo Moon is about self empowerment and creative movement and expression. The Leo Moon asks the leader to shine forth, step forward, and take a stand from a place of strength and calm. Time to explore within you all those areas that have been hiding in the shadows, waiting for the light to bring them to life, the allow them to grow and blossom.

Think of any areas of your life where you have put dreams on hold, allowed enthusiasm to diminish, or set aside your special gifts and talents because you didn’t feel worthy or were afraid to step out into the light. What areas of yourself, your life, your relationships, the way you live have you wanted to change, and what is stopping your from making changes now? Find a mentor, a model, or a guide whose style and courage you admire, and take some lessons from them on how to move beyond fear, take a healthy risk, and bring about change and movement in ways that open new doors and provide new circumstances for your journey.

When we begin a new journey, we often meet with obstacles, challenges, and even false starts or missteps. These are just part of life and the journey. Ignoring them will not work; instead realize what
challenges you have to meet, set your sites on your goals, and move with faith and assurance that you will accomplish what you set out to do, be, achieve, create, and attract into your life. Experience the sense of freedom there is in being yourself, appreciating your gifts and talents, recognizing your weaknesses and challenges, and spread your wings to fly.

Moon in Leo forms what is called the Cradle with Jupiter at 6/20 degrees of Gemini sextile Uranus 5/26 Aries and Uranus sextile Jupiter. Jupiter trines the Sun and  Uranus trines the Moon.  Avoid the tendency to become bogged down in maudlin negative emotionalism and habits we may have used to numb pain or our senses. Instead, feel the energy of the Uranus trine to be spurred to accept some of the changes taking place. Expect the unexpected, and delight in your ability to affirm yourself as part of the Divine plan.  Accept that what you need or want is already known, and your job is simply to be open, receptive, and grateful for your gifts. Allow life and the Universe to release what needs to be released, and receive what needs to come into your life.

Moon sextile Jupiter has a sensual, sexual, emotional component, so enjoy what feeds and nourishes your relationships and your sense of peace and well being, but avoid going beyond the boundaries that feed into ego, negative patterning, or past abuse or conflicts.  Keep your inner compass clear, and do what feeds your soul.

Your dream life and intuitive sensibilities should be supercharged as we move deeper into the energy of the Full Moon in Leo.  Deepening your faith in sound principles of spirituality, creativity, and scientific knowledge can bring about a healing and holistic knitting of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Jupiter brings great good fortune when your focus, faith, and intention are channeled in the right directions. Spending time in meditation and prayer, with particular attention to the 6th Chakra, intuitive knowledge and insight, allows you to energize the pituitary gland, the pineal glad, and the hypothalamus. Using some of the time and energy available in prayer and ritual is likely to give your greater clarity, a deeper sense of truth, and specific guidance for areas of your life where you may have been feeling like you were drifting at sea.

The Full Moon in Leo with the Sun in Aquarius presents us with a powerful time to see ourselves, our relationships, and our world more in light of how they actually are than how we would like them to be. Any sense of powerlessness or disappointment you might feel in others may have a direct correlation to your own perspective and set of expectations.  It also lights up the areas of our lives where we are or are not having our needs met, being honored and respected, or affirmed for who we are and what we offer.  If our expectations and disappointments are founded on the lack we have or the areas of weakness and lack of luster, we can invigorate those relationships, bring them to life, or become more aware of where we’ve tried to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.  

We have choice in how we respond to how others treat us, and when the Moon is in romantic Leo, we feel the need to have our needs met fully and without delay.  While making changes may take some time, the full moon wakes us up to our need to enliven ourselves through our relationships and to have more fun doing so. Be aware that the Sun in Aquarius opposing the Moon in Leo also makes us more aware of where we feel we’ve been slighted in the realm of enjoying life. If your nose has been too much to the grind stone lately, try having more fun with your work, enjoy a creative project or adventure just for the fun of it. Everything does not have to start with purpose and meaning, but out of joy, rest, relaxation, fun, and pleasure comes  a deepening of every aspect of life.  

Spend some time getting a clearer perspective of you and your life journey. Look back to a year or two ago, and make a list of those areas that have changed for the better, those areas that have been released, creating more joy and meaning for you now, and then look at that list of wishes you made as the new year turned and see how you’re progressing on being receptive to change, good, and joy in your life.  Celebrate at the Full Wolf Moon. Howl in joy at the rising of the Light, the return of longer days, and ecstasy of being alive.  Celebrate and be glad, for this is the day the Creator made for you to join in the ongoing Creation. Use it to make life better for yourself by making it better for others. Take care of Creation by planting a seed, clearing a space, and making room in life for greater joy, more life, and ongoing Creation of good.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Changing of Signs, Movement of Energy

Remembrance                                                                                                                                                     Catherine Al-Meten

Changing of Signs, Movement of Energy

Today, January 17, 2013, the Moon is at 13/11 Aries, and 
on Friday, January 18, 2013, the Moon at 29/4 degrees of Aries makes its first quarter square to the Sun at 29/4 Capricorn. Being that the Moon and Sun are at 29 degrees, an anaretic degree, we can expect some type of completion or crisis leading to an ending, closure, or a finishing up with this aspect. Or we can see this as a time when the final pieces are put into place for changes to come. We may feel a sense of urgency or need to take action. For those with planets, the Sun or the Moon in either Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) or Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) signs  and in the late degrees (25-30), This square may be of greater importance and strength. 

The Sun, in its last degrees of Capricorn, is ready to move into the Sign of Aquarius on January 19. While we have been grounded in the practical visions we have for our future while the Sun has been in Capricorn, we now move into the search, the study of, and the quest for learning more, experiencing more, and discovering unique and innovative ways of proceeding on our paths. We may find that our perspectives have changed. What was familiar and comfortable in the past, what made sense and fit with our values, now changes as we discover new ways to approach the way we live, perceive, and act. We are more likely to notice unwanted and outworn patterns of thinking and behaving as they present themselves, either as projections in those around us or as initial responses in normal situations. The difference for us now is that we are more aware of our unconscious selves. We notice more quickly when we are responding out of habit, pattern, old belief systems.  The greater our mindfulness, the more aware we are of how congruent our thoughts and actions are with our new standard of health and balance.  

Where we might have recently been seeking structure and boundaries to define, protect, and form to put order in our lives, we now seek to move beyond those boundaries, ties, and limitations. We seek freedom in all areas, as our beliefs and perspectives change to focus on individual freedom over individual comfort. Personally, this allows us to feel freer to move beyond inhibitions, self-limiting thinking, and fear to take bolder steps towards our goals and desires. 

You may have already felt some of this energy change happening in the way you approach even simple things. Finding yourself driving along a different road, taking a different route to your destination, or noticing how you may have put chains and restrictions on your behavior, thinking, and choices.  What your mind can conceive and your heart can believe, is now possible for you to move towards. Using your imagination, day dreams, dreams, intuition, desires, and hopes as the creative tools for mapping out your path towards your greatest desires, is now possible. For the next few days as these changes take place, take time to be more mindful of your needs, desires, and personal reality so that you are ready to move forward with a full awareness of what is true for you or not.  We do not go on a trip unless we have prepared ahead of time. We need to check to see that we have what we will need to travel. We hope to be rested, well-nourished, prepared in every way, to meet the stress and enjoy the excitement that awaits us.

Mercury the archetype of communication of all types (inner and outer) has been transiting Capricorn since December 31, New Year’s Eve.  On January 19, Mercury enters Aquarius, along with the Sun, and our hunger for open spaces, learning, discovery is satisfied as we seek knowledge, new ideas, and exciting new opportunities. The more we let go of having to know how our dreams will be fulfilled the more we will allow ourselves to be open and responsive to the gifts that are laid at our feet or found along our path. When we are truly open and receptive, we discover the secret that we are given exactly what we need when we need it and when we are ready to accept the treasures of our life journey. As Deepak Chopra said, “Instead of thinking  outside the box, get rid of the box.” Allow yourself to live in the realm of possibility, opportunity, and abundance.  This is a time to allow our imagination, our intuition, our creative mind, and our innovative thinking to take over. Allow the juices to flow, and avoid putting the damper on whatever forms of communication are stimulated, energized, and awakened for you right now. There is much to discover and learn; you have the key to unlocking doors that need to be opened and pursued.

Venus has been in Capricorn since January 8, and will remain there until February 1. This has called us to get our house and businesses in order. For artists, it has been a time to call us to the inner realms and to the places where we create, are inspired, and where we find form and structure to put our gifts to work. We continue to connect with people who we find mutually supportive communication and connections with. We ground ourselves in relationships that are supportive, reliable, faithful, and enduring. We are very aware of treating our friendships with care and respect, and take friendships seriously.  While we may spend less time in social situations right now, we do spend a great deal of time discerning the quality and depth of committed  relationships whatever they be, marriage, family, friendships, business partnerships, colleagues. Venus the archetype for the Divine Feminine: In the Orphic Hymn, 55, the following poem was written in ancient times as an ode to Aprhodite/Venus. 

“Tis thine this world to harmony to join, for all things spring from thee, O power divine. The Triple Moira (Fates) are ruled by thy decree, and all productions yield alike to thee. Whatever the heavens encircling, all, contain, earth fruit producing, and the stormy main, thy sway confesses, and obeys thy nod, awful attendant of Bacchus god.” 

This ancient Greek poem expresses the power of beauty and harmony to calm the stormiest of seas and to make use of the gifts of the Universe for creating peace, beauty, and harmony on earth. 
Venus, bestower of creative and emotional wisdom and abundance. Venus was wise counselor, temptress, and one who inspires us to greater beauty, love, and harmony.  Venus in Capricorn awakens our desire for love, beauty and harmony, as it is nurtured through our relationships, through our art, and through our acceptance of our inner goddess; that inspired and inspiring aspect of ourselves that awakens to the tender touch, to the look of love, and to the Queen of Heaven’s call to dance, laugh, celebrate, and adorn ourselves with the divine gifts of our being. In Capricorn, Venus puts us in touch with our earthly pleasures and need for harmonious, practical love and beauty. In the everyday of our lives, we find multitudes of opportunities to express Venus archetype in our lives. 

Mars in Aquarius from Christmas, December 25 until February 1, finds a dynamic, kinetic, and unpredictable types of energy affecting our lives. Mars is not predictable in Aquarius, and very often is influenced and set off by impersonal and volatile types of emotions and misdirected energy. Much is going on beneath the surface for so many, and it is not all in manageable form or clarity.  The consequence is striking out, crossed signals, and miscommunication. While Mars continues through Aquarius, expect that the detached nature of this archetype is going to be more interested in using unconventional and unusual methods for taking care of business. Team play is crucial, but unpredictable and likely to meet with conflict and challenges.  

The Jupiter retrograde  in Gemini squares Chiron in Pisces which was exact on January 15, gives us a taste of what we want, but also puts the gift in light of what we need to learn to deal with our abundance and gifts.  The square aspect lasts for about four months, during which time we have the opportunity to take the first steps in living with the results of getting what we wish for. With this gift, comes a big healing. Through whatever we are being blessed with right now, we are healing into wholeness. Whatever it is that you have been preparing for, is now open before you. You have been given the go-ahead, and walk out into the unknown knowing on some deeper level, that what is ahead is better than you can imagine. You are yet unfinished, and your journey is opening in a direction that promises healing, joy, and connection. Look for the areas of your chart where 6 degrees of Jupiter in Gemini, and Chiron at 6 degrees of Pisces, and you will discover what areas of your life this healing and gift work through. Be sure you are ready to receive, and make certain you are grounded in the reality of we meet our future from right where we are. Transformation happens within, and if we have not fully transformed, the healing will be activated by whatever comes next. 

Pluto also conjuncts Venus and Juno. Pluto, the Great Transformer, has been transiting through Capricorn, and this month conjuncts Venus and Juno. Venus, our sense of beauty and love, and of harmony in relationships, is being transformed and energized in a deep and long-lasting way. When Pluto conjuncts Venus, issues around passion, sexual attraction, and re-attraction are raised. This transits deepens attractions, and takes relationships to a much deeper level than they have been before. One issue with this transit can be jealousy, manipulation, or obsessiveness. A transformation takes place on the spiritual, physical, psychological and emotional levels about how love deepens over time when it is a soul connection. At this time your attitudes about love may be growing and transforming so your understanding of  love moves to a deeper level or trust and acceptance issues are brought to mutual awareness to be healed and integrated into the body of the relationship.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Moon in Capricorn energizes the Stelenium in Capricorn

Low Tide                                                                                                                                                              Catherine Al-Meten

When I was growing up, my Mother had a Farmer’s Almanac Calendar hanging up in our kitchen. I loved to look at the calendar’s notations about the the phases of the moon, the best days for fishing, gardening, or other events including potty training, castrating animals, and pruning trees.  Since childhood, I have come to rely on the phases of the moon for many things. I live at the mouth of a large  river, and daily watch the rising and the falling of the tides. Rain, wind, storms coming in from the sea, or down from the north are ever on the horizon here. 

On January 11, 2013 for example, the Farmer’s Almanac notes the New Moon is one of the best days to cut hair to increase growth, to cut firewood, to bake, to dig holes, to wean babies of all kinds, to wax floors, and yes, to potty train. It is believed that by adjusting certain behavior to the phases of the moon, you can be more fruitful or will have better results with your projects. The lunar period between the new moon and the full moon is best for performing those chores and projects that require, fertility and strength. It is a time to focus on those areas of your life that you want to grow and develop. The period between a full moon and a new moon is considered best for harvesting and reaping the benefits from work already started. It is not considered a good time to encourage growth.  For more information on the Farmer’s Almanac, visit their website. 

New Moon in Capricorn, January 11 22 degrees  benefits those whose Sun falls at 22 degrees Pisces (within 5-7 degrees on either side), or at 22 degrees of Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus.  At 2:44 P.M. EST (11:44 A.M. PST), the New Moon in Capricorn is at her peak. Every New Moon is a time when the Moon and the Sun are aligned in the same constellation. It is a time when we are reminded of our human need to harmonize the polarities of our lives. 

This New Moon in Capricorn coincides with a meeting of six heavenly bodies now in Capricorn.  The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto, Juno, and Venus, a stellium of heavenly bodies, are all in Capricorn. During this next year, there will be several months where planets, the Moon, and the Sun will align in stellium formations, each time creating an abundance of energy in different areas of our lives.  The energy at this time is in whatever part of your life is ruled by Capricorn. This stellium in energizing and activating those issues, areas, and interests of your life where Pluto has been doing its deep, transformative work. 

What goes on during the Dark of the Moon (the 2-3 days prior to each New Moon) and the New Moon? During the this period of time when a lunar cycle come to a close and a new cycle is set to begin. Refer to Monday’s article to determine where in your life/chart this New Moon and the stellium of planets and the Sun highlight. See the following article for clarity about which house in your chart is governed by Capricorn, A Stellium in Capricorn.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. The archetype of Capricorn, the mountain goat, emphasizes our tenacious spirit, resourcefulness, and our ability to bring wisdom, discipline, and energy together to scale the mountains in our lives.  Whatever internal and external challenges arise in our lives require that we face our inner struggles and strengths in order to cope with whatever is difficult in the way we are living.  

Growth and activity depends on the areas in our lives that are  most emphasized, most in need of transformation and change. We may be bringing greater order and structure into our lives. We feel the power and desire to mold, shape, and create a more beautiful structure and discipline for shaping our lives. Whatever we set in order now, and plant in the way of seeds of intention, will begin to sprout into being in about two weeks. When seeds are first planted, we must be certain we are planting in fertile ground and planting deep enough to hold.  We water the seeds at first, but do not dig them up daily to see how they are growing; to do so would stop the growth. Plant your seeds, your intentions, and then release your attention, making certain only to take the steps needed to water the field and allow the germination of the ideas to take place deep within the soil--the subconscious. 

With so many planets in Capricorn, it is evident that setting intentions, making plans, creating boundaries and limits, prioritizing, and establishing systematic routines for getting our inner and outer work accomplished is called for.

The New Moon is at 21/46 degrees of Capricorn (rounded to 22 degrees). The Sun is also at 21/46 Capricorn ( remains in Capricorn until January 19). Pluto is at 9/42 Capricorn, Mercury is at 17/42, Venus is at 3/19, and Juno (ruler of the destined spouse)is  in Capricorn. Capricorn Sun derives pleasure from accomplishment, and is in constant need of tangible results for everything in their lives. Comfortable with structure and an established framework, we may want to use these qualities to organize and create more harmony in some areas of our lives where we want to encourage growth and development.

Mercury continues her transit through Capricorn until January 19. A methodical, practical approach to focusing on tasks is emphasized by this transit. Conversations, communication of all kinds, work best when they are kept on the practical, feasible level.  Our thinking becomes more clear, logical, and focused. We begin to see order forming out of some of the chaos that has happened around us. In areas where we have purged and cleared clutter and disorganization from our lives, we see and feel greater peace, organization, unity, and clarity. We separate the sheaf from the grain at this point. We become more realistic and are ready and willing to get down to business in putting our plans into action. Caution should be used to not become so focused on our goals that we become rigid or short-sighted and task-oriented. Clarity in communication can also lead to greater freedom. Build in time for healthy and pleasurable time and activities.

Venus just entered Capricorn on January 8, focusing us in on our personal sense of worth, our resources and finances, and our work relations. Venus in Capricorn finds us determined to create structures and working relationships that foster our artistic goals, and support our ambitions. Connections and partnerships become more endearing. We find our practical connections are also important for building mutual trust, faithfulness, and practical support. 

Mars in Aquarius brings with it the unconventional and somewhat erratic energy that may emerge as frustration and anger, especially when hit and miss activity meets with the intractable archetypal energy of all the planets in Capricorn.  Putting our energy into whatever can absorb some of the tension from this transit of Mars, may alleviate or channel some of the excess, unsettled feelings that arise from this detached, impersonal placement of Mars. The Mars square to Saturn earlier in the week, makes this sense of having our energy blocked express itself in anger and frustration. Despite our urge to act and take constructive steps, we may be delayed due to all the underground, subliminal movement going on below the surface. Channel feelings and energy in healthy ways right now, and avoid unnecessary confrontations. Notice what it is that sets off such frustration, and change the way you get backed into corners or allow yourself to enter into situations and relationships that push your buttons. Use your best coping skills to remain healthy and focused on creating order with what is right in front of you now. Mindfulness practices including Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, prayer, or any type of physical exercise, walking, swimming, riding, can all be useful healthy ways of dealing with excess Mars energy.

As the last month of the lunar year begins with this New Moon, take some time to appraise, appreciate, and enjoy the journey of the last year.  Use the energy, resources, and inspiration of this New Moon in Capricorn and the selenium/crown of heavenly bodies in Capricorn, to align your body, mind, emotional energy, and spirit with the Divine. Be open and receptive to the movement, light, and wisdom before and within you, and continue living your journey with both awareness and intention. Envision your life as part of the endless bond and chain of ongoing Creation. Breathe, bless, and be grateful for the gifts with  which you have been endowed, and see your life as the Treasure it is. 

For more enlightening articles on astrological transits and events, visit Portland Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus' Virgo Magic.  

Another resource for astrologers and those interested in learning more about astrology is the publication, Mountain Astrologer (available in magazine format and e-format). 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Capricorn Stellium Lights up Winter

Blues Skies                                                                                               Catherine Al-Meten
A stellium or crown of five planets line up in one sign in January. These  planets put the focus on one theme, project or idea, and give energy and support for one main area of our lives. Where the stellium lies, depends upon where Capricorn sits in your chart/life. During 2013, there will be a number of months when a stellium of planets highlights one area of your life or another. The Stellium is composed of five heavenly bodies transiting the sign of Capricorn, including the Sun (until Jan. 20), the Moon (Jan. 11-13), Mercury (until Jan. 20), Pluto (all month), and Venus (enters Capricorn Jan. 10).  Look to the area of your life where Pluto has been transiting, and notice how this stellium event may add sparkle to your life.

The Sun will be in Capricorn until January 20, Mercury also transits Capricorn until the 20th, Pluto transits Capricorn between 9-10. Venus enters Capricorn on January 10, just before the New Moon of January 11th. The New Moon also falls  in Capricorn.  New Moons signal the beginning of a new chapter that continues its influence for a new cycle which continues to build strength and momentum for the two weeks following. Mars is in Aquarius throughout January. Jupiter began the year in retrograde Gemini, causing some delays, but will turn direct by January 30th. Saturn in Scorpio slowly continues working its way through Scorpio this month, completing its first quarter transit by the 24th. By then you will have a good idea of what Saturn is calling up from the depths for you to deal with. Uranus is in 4-5 degrees of Aries all month, and Neptune is in Pisces, moving from 1degree to 2 by month’s end. Neptune, a slow-moving planet, takes 14 years to orbit the Sun, and entered Pisces at the end of February last year. The North Node is in Scorpio. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is in 6-7 degrees of Pisces.

For the month of January, the stellium in Capricorn highlights the following areas for Sun signs and ascendants:

1st house.  Personal fulfillment and how you project your personality.Your presentation to the world. So Capricorn Suns and Ascendents, the spotlight will be on you, and you want to make certain you are presenting yourself as you want to be known for you will be getting a lot of attention based on what you present.

2nd house. Creating own sources of income and handling your worth and value wisely. For those with a crown of planets falling in Capricorn in the 2nd house, the spotlight will be on your sense of personal worth, value, including personal finances. This could be an excellent time to make decisions, reap the benefits of past work, put new ideas into motion, and deepen your sense of personal worth and satisfaction with being who you are, where you are. By treasuring your own ideas and valuing your life, you attract others who appreciate and shower you with abundance as well.  Like attracts like.  Any subtle or not-so-subtle changes you have been thinking about making in how you value yourself and allow others to treat you, will be important to make now. Letting go of negative patterning, habits, and thinking about your value as a person, need to be released and altered to reflect your true nature.

3rd house. Perfecting the art of communication. Those with third house Capricorn will feel the power and energy of Capricorn in the third house this month. Particularly with Mercury’s Capricorn transit, writers, publishers, and others who seek to communicate more clearly and broadly, will be finding this area of life enhanced.

4th house. Forming a sound foundation for yourself and creating a  home. With Capricorn in the 4th house, you will find your attention drawn more and more to finding your ‘home’ and with grounding yourself in the sense of safety and rootedness you need. 

5th house. Expressing your inner delight, enjoyment and pleasure, and getting in touch with that which brings you joy. You may feel yourself in need of a good vacation, some time to play, or desiring the pleasures of home and family more than usual during this month.  Most likely this indicates a period following a lot of hard work and one-sided effort put into activities that have left you depleted. Be sure to allow yourself to regenerate, enjoy life, and have fun.

6th house. Daily life, work place, and physical health. Learning to take care of the details of life. Becoming more discerning, and learning to create order where there is chaos (internal and external)

7th house. Partnership and cooperative relationships (including marriage). Perfecting the principles of giving and receiving, and learning about commitment. Areas of marriages and partnership now are in the focus, and it is time to make necessary changes, give the time and attention required for mutual growth and care, and understand the importance of the ability to both give and receive love in a marriage or love partnership if it is to be sustained. 

8th house. Personal transformation, finding connections and worth within the greater context of being.  Increased interest in  metaphysics, goods of the dead, and transmigration of ideas, energy, and connections. With Pluto having been here for a while already, you probably have been deeply involved in the uprooting, disruptive nature of Capricorn’s effect on 8th house matters. You may have suffered loss, or been responsible for helping with the matters of others who have passed or cannot care for themselves. In any event, your powers of regeneration and connection to the multidimensional nature of Life, has been awakened, and is receiving a lot of energy and support during this time. Healing is a major part of this.

9th house.  Expanding horizons. Travel, higher education, interest in foreign cultures/people. Developing a broader philosophical base, and delving into  spiritual and/or religious ideas, practices, and meaning. This may be the month you take plans off hold, and embark on a new adventure. Plans made now are likely to take you far in your quest to learn, discover, and grow.

10th house. Personal identity fulfilled through a greater life purpose. Developing and becoming more fully committed to one’s lifepurpose, soul meaning. How we serve others through the way we live. At this time, your own soul call is receiving clear support and motivation. Notice what is calling you at this time, regardless of your age. This stellium of planets in the 10th house are key to shining light on what you need to achieve your goals. 

11th house. Uniqueness expressed in community. Through cooperative efforts, we find our purpose and meaning. When we
work in community, we also develop our powers of discernment and a greater sense of autonomy.  Expression of our 10th house finds in the real world. This is also the house of wishes coming true. Whatever it is your heart has been desiring, may now come to pass. Focus your intentions and attention on that which you most desire, and see what unfolds.

12th house. Deep-rooted, subconscious identity. The place within you and within your life where you withdraw to discover your soul’s center and the truth of your being. The placed within where you seek to know yourself better, and your ability to trust your own instincts, intellect, intuition, and life experiences to understand yourself and others.  With Capricorn in this area of your life, you are likely to feel the rising up of information, memories, feelings, dreams, and intuitive knowledge.  What is loosened by Pluto’s Capricorn transit, is rising up into your awareness now, ready to be awakened, acknowledge, addressed, and released into some form so that it no longer remains locked inside, but is released in a healthy way with no harm to you or others.

On Friday, January 11, the New Moon in Capricorn, sets off a new phase in the Capricorn cycle of your chart. Between now and Friday, we enter the Dark of the Moon phase, a time to ponder, rest, and prepare for another threshold crossing.  Watch for Friday's article on the New Moon, and in the meantime, spend some time in reflection and prepare yourself to set your New Year's dreams into motion.