Friday, March 30, 2018

Full Moon, Blue Moon, Libra Lovely Full Sap Moon.

The Libra Full Moon is on the rise. Spring has begun, and the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox signals that the next Sunday will be Easter. And so it is. The three solemn days of remembrance (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil) fall in the light of this harmonious Full Moon. Passover begins on Good Friday, and the wake of light flooding in and through our lives, will be evident on many levels.

Called the Full Sap Moon, this Full Moon symbolizes the ripening and growing that is ready to be tapped into in our lives. What are you full of? Whatever is bubbling up from within you, is now ready to flow out in streams of consciousness. If we are not aware of what it is, we are apt to find what comes to the surface is shocking and surprising, and perhaps upsetting. Consider how you've grown over the last year and during the period of time between the New Moon and Saturday's Full Sap Moon to reflect on what your life is revealing.

This Full Moon at 10 degrees of Libra (start of the second decan) is powerful. The Moon forms a t-square to Mars-Saturn conjunction and an opposition to Mercury retrograde in Aries. Additionally, and very fortuitously, the Moon also aligns with two fixed stars in the constellations of the Crow and the Prophetess. Glenah, the fixed star in Corvus/the Crow constellation, and Porrima, the fixed star in Virgo. According to Darkstar Astrology's Marina, Porrima, named after the ancient goddess of Prophecy, was also the assistant to the Roman goddess of childbirth.

Porrima rules the realms of Mercury and Venus. The Moon in alignment with Porrima tends to go to extremes, either bringing out the narcissistic need for attention or will motivate us to gather others together to do good works and serve others. A time to be careful to whom we give our affections as in our need and cravings we may not be very discerning with our choices. This placement of the moon is said to be in its detriment, making us far too aware of and concerned with what others think of us. Be careful you don't betray yourself by wanting to look good in the eyes of others during this Full Moon time.

Glenah, another fixed star the Moon aligns with, is in the left wing of the Crow/Corvus. Strangely the fixed star Glenah appears to be in both the Cygnus/Swan Constellation (in the right wing) and the Corvus/Crow Constellation (in the left wing). The Crow/Corvus is a small constellation that sits on the back of the Water Snake/Hydra.
"The constellation of Crater, the Cup or Bowl, lies on the back of Hydra next to Corvus the crow. One of the myths concerning Apollo and Corvus tells how the Crow was sent to fetch a cup of water. During the errand he lazily loitered at a fig tree, eventually returning to Apollo with a water snake in his claws, whom he falsely blamed for his delay. Seeing through his lies, Apollo arranged that the bird would be fixed in heaven along with the cup and the snake. And so that he would know the pains of feeling thirsty, he was to be forever prevented from drinking out of the cup by the folds of the snake." 

It might be interesting to muse on the myths that are used in the mythology of this alignment in Libra. Some see Glenah as a good luck talisman to ward off or punish those who would betray us.

Another myth says “The Raven, was given a task by Apollo of keeping a watchful eye on Apollo’s pregnant lover Coronis. The raven reported back to Apollo the unwelcome news that she was having an affair with someone else. Apollo in anger cursed the raven, and its colour changed from its former silver hue to the present black.”

As one who reveres the Crow, I find Corvus and all the mythology attached to it, fascinating.There are many fascinating interpretations of Corvus, the Crow and Cygnus, the Swan in cultures worldwide. Notice how your own archetypal story unfolds during this and other Full and New Moons over the next year. That will give you an interesting pattern to study as you continue to grow and learn. I guess my biggest questions would be how do my own self interested attitudes related to how I'm observing and participating in the world? How do I bring on my own sorrows or joys as a result of what I have faith in or not, who I trust or not?  What are your questions as this full moon in Libra rises?

The Moon opposing Mercury in a retrograde path in Aries, conjunct Uranus, can be a powerful aspect of this Blue Moon. How have my mind and gut instincts been doing battle since the New Moon? What has caused or relieved conflicts during this time? Have I allowed myself to flow with the tides in motion, honoring both inflowing and outflowing of ideas, time, energy, and movement? What have I cleansed myself of? What have I cleared away to make room for something new? How have I given myself time and space to rest, recover, recuperate, and relax? How have I faced up to the dichotomies that trouble me, and how do I care for myself as I struggle to find balance? Libra, the Great Harmonizer, is also the symbol of the constant flux that is present in our lives; neither here nor there, neither up nor down, and always in motion on the fulcrum of dynamic change. The Moon in Libra makes us evermore aware of this emotional roller coaster we live on.

The Moon in Libra also square Mars in Capricorn.  The impact of this alignment increases our drive to succeed and awakens our sense of competition. Sexuality raises its lovely head too, as the Libra, the lovers, is activated by Mars, action and male energy in the earthy sign of Capricorn. Spring has sprung. This is also an aspect that indicated protection and a need to seek protection. It stirs our ties to our own blood relations, and makes us fiercely loyal and determined to protect our own.   We might see this acted out in high places as well, wherever nepotism, sexuality, and power are at play. The driving force of this Full Moon is in our need for immediate results and action. Be cautious and steady in your choices and in all decisions.

Of course another big, power-packed alignment is the Mars-Saturn conjunction that the Moon in Libra forms a t-square with. Deceit, lies, betrayals, and hidden agendas are being revealed. Our need for things to be harmonious and beautifully in place, is knocked off course. We have to deal with the good, the bad, and the ugly. We may be reminded of our tendencies in areas where we seem to have to learn the hard way. Falling for the same kind of guy or gal, over and over. Believing what we want to have happen rather than facing what is happening. Expecting things to change without our changing anything. Whatever it is in your life, we all have those areas where we keep walking into the same door, or playing the same part. Identify your own patterns, and use this Full Moon to notice the areas where you tend to keep your blinders on or look at through rose-colored glasses.

The Full Moon in Libra's brightness, shines a light, a spotlight on those areas of our lives where we may feel most frustrated or challenged. And our awakening comes in very emotional ways. Time to dance it out, express it rather than suppress it, and let go of whatever holds you back from truly expressing yourself and being with those who mean the most to you. Let the light shine on you in ways that help you find yourself, be yourself, and appreciate yourself as a valuable, loving and lovable, precious human being. Full of energy, spirit, love, and beauty, and capable of creating great works of art, lasting friendships  and love, and serving one another with open hands, open hearts, and open minds. Together we can move mountains. Seek the place of harmony within so you can bind yourself to that harmony in all you do and with all you meet.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pisces New Moon: Dance of the Soul

New Moon in Pisces, March 17, 2018  6:22 a.m. opens the flow of the Pisces lunar cycle for the next month. A time when we can allow ourselves the luxury of visualizing, creating, and conjuring up our most imaginative dreams.  Pisces, always in search of wholeness and perfection, moves us constantly in the stream of the Collective Consciousnes, inviting us to bring imagination and intuitive knowledge into form and shape. Beginning with the New Moon and growing during the entire Pisces lunar cycle, it is the perfect time to visualize and move toward a more ideal and satisfying life.It truly is a time when we can make important changes in our lives in whatever areas this new moon influences. 

The New Moon in Pisces at 26 degrees trines Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth in Scorpio and forms  a sextile to that Great Transformer in our lives, Pluto. What we have been brooding over during the last couple of years and preparing ourselves for, begins becoming clearer and more possible than ever before. Now is the time to be brutally honest with ourselves about what we really desire, and how we are or are not working in our own lives to allow this to unfold. With Mercury and Venus both now in Aries, we are more interested in making decisions and moving toward what brings us joy and happiness, than we are in ruminating or dreaming up impossible scenarios for outcomes that most likely will never happen. With both communications (Mercury in Aries) and love and desires (Venus in Aries) in the sign of impatience, fresh starts, heading out on new and unexplored trails, we are more likely to use the energy of the Pisces Solar and Lunar cycles to bring forth what is waiting to be born. The innovative, experimental, and untried path awaits us now. What have you always dreamed of doing, and what is stopping you from taking the actions you need to take them?  With the courage, passion, and risk-taking energy of the Aries planets, we can propel our desires into being now. 

Mars still in fiery Sagittarius continues to spark us to act according to our highest ideals and to pursue those ideals in our own way, not as others might be nor towards what might have motivated us in the past. Notice whether or not your idealism under this transit of Let’s-get-it-done Sagittarius didn’t overshoot its capacity. You may have been excited about a project or choice or two, that really don’t hold the power or commitment to pursue. You may have noticed yourself feeling deep changes (a result of deep transformative movement and growth) resulting in a loss of interest for what once stirred you to action or captured your focus and dedication. Whatever is now coming to the forefront in your life. Looking ahead, visualizing what could be, what is it you envision in your future? What would give you life? What would bring you fulfillment? What do you believe stands in the way? Mars in the final degree of Sagittarius should reveal a full spectrum of what has been building up. On the same day as the New Moon, Mars enters Capricorn where it will stay until May 16. Unless we fall into rigid patterns of thinking and behaving, 

Mars’ transit through earthy Capricorn should provide the much-needed deliberation and persistence to put thoughts and imagination into form, shape, and action. This Mars transit can be a very productive time, if we keep  ourselves free of negative banter and self talk, the kind that sinks our ship before we even set sail Use your spiritual practices to keep yourself lifted out of the depths of despair, depression, or frustration.  This does in no way mean to suppress or ignore your emotions or situations that you find challenging. It does mean using your best practices and understanding of metaphysical principles to work through and express what needs expressing so that it does not turn into some kind of heavy suppressed negative energy.  Healthy practices now are vital for maintaining a flow of energy through body, mind, spirit, and for heavens sake, do what you need to stay healthy be it getting more rest, seeing a doctor if you are having a serious health problem, and maintaining a stable and well-balanced life style—one that befits the life of a creative person. Mars in Capricorn grounds us, and if we’re overdoing, it can bring us to our knees, so pay attention to what your physical being needs in order to support that beautiful spiritual dimension of your being. 

Saturn, the Great Teacher at 8 degrees of Capricorn is going to meet up with Mars soon too. When these two get together, watch out. Do what you can on your own personal level to see that you are keeping yourself in alignment with healthy practices. In all ways, body, mind, spirit, emotions, find ways to ground, center, and maintain an inner calm to carry you through what may be some pretty rough revelations and external (societal) upsets and upheaval. Maintaining calm while all around your are going nuts….seems like there was a saying that these words were part of. You get the meaning though. It won’t help yourself or others if you’re not able to hold yourself together through times where it’s rough riding. 

The North Node (Gateway to Change and the Future) is at 12 degrees of Leo, so the fire signs are all lining up in trine with this aspect. That is a good indicator that whatever you’re contemplating, planning, and envisioning, are leading you to some major change or a change you’ve already made is receiving much needed support, extra resources, and positive energy. How are you using and maintaining an awareness of that flow of energy at this time? Notice what may be blocking or repressing a greater sense of freedom. Take small steps to remove whatever blocks you may be placing in your own way. Notice how others or situation/conditions energize or drain you and your movement.

Earlier in the week (March 12-13) Venus was squaring Saturn lending to us perhaps feeling a bit isolated, dissatisfied, or disconnected. Venus, love and passions square Saturn, life lessons and limitations combined to make us very aware of what we don’t like, have, want, or admire in ourselves or others. As long as we don’t stay trapped in the effects of that energy, we can learn something about our own perceptions and behavior. We then can move forward with knowledge to help us deal better with limitations and struggles. I think this is part of ‘learning the hard way”.  Venus parallel Chiron, the Wounded Healer about this time also helps us heal from some old wounds and become more conscious of patterns of thinking, behavior, and perception that need adjusting to fit our healthier approach to living. Venus will trine the North Node (new beginnings) on March 17-18 making this an opportune time to envision, meet, or begin to see what might be more life-affirming in the way you approach love in all its forms.

The Moon entered Pisces early this morning (3:13 a.m. PDT/6:13 EDT) bringing us into the energy of the watery, imaginative depths of Pisces lunar and solar alignment. An integrative process is underway on all levels of our being, as our hearts and minds fly out in passionate search for whatever  ways our creative and imaginative impulses are flowing.
This truly is a time to celebrate the best of what makes life flow. Listen to the soul speak from within and embrace and receive the energy, power, and passion of the Divine into your very core being as you dance through life from the soulside out. Blessings and celebrations are in order. Blessing for your highest good. Celebrations of life itself.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Full Moon in Virgo, Divine Struggle Between Heaven and Earth

March begins with a Full Moon in Virgo. The Full Moon at 11 degrees of Virgo aligns with the fixed star Zosma in the Leo Constellation. Zosma, a fixed star, sits on the Lion's back. The significance of this aspect is that it makes this Virgo Full Moon, the Saint or the Sinner. According to Ptolemy, the ancient Egyptian philosopher-astronomer, this placed brings both trouble and strength.  How we cope with trouble depends, always  on our ability to transcend the role of victim or martyr to become the warrior. This Full Moon in Virgo shines its light on whatever areas of life there is a struggle to overcome, ward off, and transcend whatever threats and challenges we face.

Added to this the Virgo Full Moon opposes Neptune in Pisces, which adds the tendency to see oneself as a martyr or to be overly pessimistic/optimistic unable to cope with the stark realities of a current situation or issue. In the world at large, this manifests in numerous conflicts, calls to arms, threats from those who are struggling to maintain power. For those who have real power and knowledge, the threat translates to the hammer of judgment or the harsh truth and its consequences raining down on those who have transgressed or chosen a dark path.  Because Neptune in Pisces, its home, strengthens our unconscious, we are challenged by the Virgo Moon aligning with our emotional energy to notice what might otherwise remain in the realms of mystery, fantasy, or unconscious desires or triggers.

While it sounds pretty ominous, for the most part this is a Full Moon that relieves many of a great deal of pressure once they realize the laws of karma, love is reflected in love reign true for us as well. When you've been a compassionate, loving person, that's what comes back to  you a thousandfold.

In the position of the 9th Arabic Moon, al-Zubrah, the Virgo Moon is a good time for planting, marrying, and taking a journey. It is not an especially good time to navigate (make sure you know where you're headed before setting out on a voyage or trip). This placement, according to ancient Arab astronomers marked a time when captives might be freed and when new merchandise would arrive or be bought. Test out the ancients by observing how much of this rings true during the Virgo Moon cycle. While it may seem the polarity between down-to-earth reality and unconscious desires, hidden energy are completely at odds, this is not the case. The unconscious, when allowed to rise up into consciousness, helps us find a more congruent connection with body, mind, spirit, and emotions. The challenge of the Virgo-Pisces axis is always to bring spirit into body, and body into spirit. It is the ultimate experience of the incarnation.  Look to where this is happening in your own chart/life, and enjoy what comes up into the Light for you.

This Full Moon in Virgo, Sun in Pisces (Sun, Neptune, Mercury, Venus, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer) make this a time rich in energy for deep healing and energetic enlightenment. You may use the Moon's trigger of emotional energy to heighten your experience in all forms of communication (Mercury in Pisces) as you also enrich your experiences of love, romance, beauty, and creativity as well as connections with children (Venus in Pisces).  As the moon comes into opposition to Chiron the Wounded Healer, you may find deep healing taking place as well. And because of the Moon in Virgo's powerful aspect to Neptune and the Sun, this may be a very creative time in all areas of art, literature, and creative breakthroughs in science, math, and pretty much every level of our human experience. Bringing ideas, inspiration, imagination, and theory into being is part and parcel with the communion of the Pisces-Virgo axis.  Make note of ideas, give into the desire to communicate and express your creativity,and to dream up new ways to do the practical and the impossible. As long as you are willing to do what it takes to bring an idea to completion or to study and work a theory to its conclusion, the greatest seeds may be planted at this new Moon (ah see, those ancients were right about planting).

While the bright light of the Pisces Sun and the Virgo Moon shine their light of aspects of life that might make us uncomfortable or that we thought we had resolved or released, the new awareness we discover during this lunar phase is really a healthy reminder (Virgo seeks balance and health at all costs) of those aspects, relationships, connections, patterns of behavior, or unhealthy ideas about who we are that still need to be purged. This Full Moon in Virgo opposing Pisces Sun is a time when want to be careful what we invite into our lives, for what we seek will find us. Lift yourself out of fear, anger, lack of forgiveness, or the endless cycle of trying to always be right and perfect. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and others, and to invite in what is beneficial for helping you reach a place of well being and harmony.

Take time to find a peaceful way to absorb the Full Moon in Virgo energy and to awaken the Shakti energy within. The following meditation is one way. There are many ways, including immersing yourself in the natural world, bathing in a ritual bath, praying, and setting aside sacred time and space to allow the beauty of Divinity to fill you and the Light of the Divine to awaken you in body, mind, and spirit. Welcome to March and the lovely month of watery emotional energy that stirs our creative, celebratory energy. Give yourself and those you love the gifts of forgiveness, love, acceptance, tolerance, compassion, and let go of whatever stands between you and those on this journey with you.