Ethical Guidelines

These are the guidelines I agree to follow when I enter into pastoral and spiritual counseling with my clients.

Ethical and Professional Guidelines for Spiritual Directors International

Guidelines for Ethical ConductEthical conduct flows from lived reverence for God, self, and others but is not inevitably the reality of every spiritual direction relationship.  Therefore, these guidelines are meant to inspire us toward integrity, responsibility, and faithfulness in the practice of spiritual direction.

The Spiritual Director and the Self:Personal Spirituality - Spiritual Directors assume responsibility for personal growth by participating in regular spiritual direction and following personal and communal spiritual practices and disciplines. 

Formation - Spiritual Directors engage in ongoing formation as directors by continuing to discern their call to the ministry of spiritual direction; nurturing self-knowledge and freedom, cultivating insight into the influences of culture, social-historical context, environmental setting and institutions; and by studying scripture, theology, spirituality, and other disciplines related to spiritual direction.

Supervision -Spiritual Directors engage in supervision by receiving regular supervision from peers or from a mentor, and by seeking consultations with other appropriately qualified persons when necessary.

Personal Responsibility - Spiritual Directors meet their needs outside the spiritual direction relationship in a variety of ways, especially by self care, wisely balancing time for worship, work, leisure, family, and personal relationships; addressing the difficulties multiple roles or relationships pose to the effectiveness or clarity of the spiritual direction relationship; and by removing oneself from any situation that compromises the integrity of the spiritual direction relationship.

Limitations - Spiritual Directors recognize the limits of energy by restricting the number of directees, attentiveness by appropriate spacing of meetings and directees, and by competence by referring directees to other appropriately qualified persons when necessary.

The Spiritual Director and the Directee:Covenant - Spiritual Directors initiate conversation and establish agreements with directees about the nature of spiritual direction, the roles of the director and the
directee, the length and frequency of directions sessions, the compensation to be given to the director and the process for evaluating and terminating the

Dignity - Spiritual Directors honor the dignity of the directee by respecting the directee's values, conscience, spirituality and theology; inquiring into the motives, experiences, or relationships of the directee only as necessary; recognizing the imbalance of power in the spiritual direction relationship and taking care not to exploit it; establishing and maintaining appropriate physical and psychological boundaries with the directee and by refraining from sexualized behavior, including, but not limited to, manipulative, abusive, or coercive words or actions toward a directee.

Confidentiality - Spiritual Directors maintain the confidentiality and the privacy of the directee by protecting the identity of the directee; keeping confidential all oral and
written matters arising in the spiritual direction sessions; conducting direction sessions in appropriate settings and by addressing legal regulations requiring disclosure to proper authorities, including but not limited to, child abuse, elder abuse and physical harm to self and others.

The Spiritual Director and Others:Colleagues - Spiritual Directors maintain collegial relationships with ministers and professionals by developing intra- and interdisciplinary relationships; requesting a directee who is in therapy to inform his or her therapist about being in spiritual direction; securing written releases and permission from directees when specific information needs to be shared for the benefit of the directee and by respecting ministers and professionals by not disparaging them or their work.

Faith Communities - Spiritual Directors maintain responsible relationships to communities of faith by remaining open to processes of corporate discernment, accountability and support; appropriately drawing on the teachings and practices of communities of faith and by respecting the directee's relationship to his or her own community of faith.

Society - Spiritual Directors, when presenting themselves to the public, preserve the integrity of spiritual direction by representing qualifications and affiliations accurately; defining the particular nature and purpose of spiritual direction and by representing all persons regardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age,
religion, national origin, marital status, political belief, mental or physical handicap, any preference, personal characteristic, condition or status.

From Spiritual Directors International

Ethical Guidelines for the International Society of Astrological Research


The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) is an educational and professional organization whose members are dedicated to promoting a high level of data accuracy, educational services, counseling standards, and ongoing research in astrology across a variety of disciplines.

The primary intent of these Ethical Standards and Guidelines is to educate astrologers about the types of ethical practices that will improve client experiences, relationships among colleagues and the acceptance of our field. The underlying principle is to protect the welfare of individuals and groups with whom astrologers work including clients, students, and other astrologers.  ISAR recognizes that astrologers’ moral standards and conduct are personal matters. However, these guidelines address those situations where astrologers' conduct may compromise their professional responsibilities or reduce the public’s trust in astrology and astrologers.  These Ethical Standards and Guidelines enable ISAR to clarify the nature of the ethical responsibilities held by its members and to inspire astrologers to higher standards of conduct. All members of ISAR have a responsibility to read, understand and follow the Ethical Standards and Guidelines. Ignorance of these professional guidelines is not an acceptable defense against a charge of unethical conduct.

These Ethical Standards and Guidelines apply to the various specialties, perspectives and methodologies in astrology and interactions with the public such as teaching, supervision, and research. We recognize that the development of standards is an ongoing process and that this code is a living document subject to revisions and updates as needed.

These Ethical Standards and Guidelines cannot expressly cover every conceivable situation that may occur. The absence of a specific standard or guideline against a particular kind of conduct does not mean

that such conduct is ethical. Those utilizing or interpreting these Ethical Standards and Guidelines should always take the spirit and intent of the principles into consideration.

Adherence to a dynamic set of ethical standards requires a personal commitment to a lifelong effort to act ethically; to encourage ethical behavior by one’s colleagues; and to consult with others, as needed, concerning ethical issues. ISAR offers services to educate the community and to assist astrologers in upholding these principles. The organization also reserves the right to revoke membership or C.A.P. status.


These guidelines are based on eight important principles that apply to all branches and practices in the astrological profession.

Never bring harm to a client. This is the prime directive that supersedes all other ethics: do no harm. Astrologers act at all times in the client's best interest.

Support with sensitivity and respect all those who seek astrological perspective or counsel. Recognize and encourage their autonomy and support them in making their own decisions.

Never needlessly frighten a client with extreme predictions, nor create false hopes in a client, and always affirm that every astrological configuration can manifest in a variety of ways.

Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information given in private except in situations where silence would be grievously harmful to a client or to another person.

Maintain appropriate and clear boundaries with clients regarding one’s own personal needs and goals, whether they are sexual, financial or emotional.

Maintain and constantly improve one’s astrological skills, practice only within the boundaries of one’s expertise, and refer clients elsewhere when appropriate.

Familiarize oneself with those parts of the ISAR Ethics Standards and Guidelines which apply to one’s branch of astrology; resolve to remain true to the spirit of the principles, and agree to cooperate respectfully with the ISAR Ethics Committee if named in any complaint.

Enhance astrology’s image by always acting professionally when representing astrology and behaving in a manner that does not damage the status of the profession.



A professional astrologer provides astrological services as a source of livelihood or as a career. An astrologer is someone who offers a perspective or opinion based on a thorough analysis of astrological charts, including horoscopes for individuals, couples, organizations, pets and mundane events, and may use transits, progressions and other related methods in the process. Professional astrologers strive to use the most accurate birth data available.


a. Boundaries of Competence
Astrologers practice only within the boundaries of their competence, based not only upon their formal education and training, but also upon their appropriate professional experience including teaching, research, consulting and publishing. Astrologers consistently strive to achieve excellence in their work.

b. Referrals to others
When astrological or other issues arise that are beyond the scope of the astrologer’s training and practice, the astrologer refers clients to other professionals who are trained in the relevant areas.

c. New Specialty Areas of Practice
Astrologers practice in specialty areas new to them only after appropriate education and training. While developing skills in new specialty areas, astrologers take steps to ensure competence in their work.
d. Continuing Education
Astrologers recognize the need for continuing education. This may include attending conferences, taking courses and studying astrological texts. Astrologers strive to maintain competence in the skills they use and are open to new procedures.

e. Professional Associations
Astrologers strive to participate in local, state or national associations that foster the development and improvement of astrology.

f. Limitation or Impairment
Astrologers refrain from rendering professional services when their physical, mental, or emotional problems are likely to harm a client or others. They are alert to signs of limitation or impairment, seek assistance for problems, and, if necessary, limit, suspend, or terminate their professional responsibilities.

g. Credentials Claimed
Astrologers must never misrepresent their areas of expertise or their credentials. Astrologers claim or imply only professional credentials possessed and are responsible for correcting any known misrepresentations of their credentials by others. Astrologers do not claim to be psychologists or psychotherapists without the requisite certification. Professional credentials include recognized astrological certifications, graduate degrees in astrology, philosophy, religion, counseling, psychology or closely related fields, government issued certifications or licenses, or any other credential that might indicate to the public specialized knowledge in a field related to their astrological work.  

h. Credential Guidelines
Astrologers follow the guidelines for use of credentials that have been established by the institutions that issue the credentials.

i. Advanced Degrees from Other Fields
Astrologers who hold an advanced degree in a field other than astrology identify the area of their expertise in biographical materials.


a. Personal Needs
Astrologers are aware of the intimacy and responsibilities inherent in the consulting relationship, maintain respect for clients, and avoid actions that seek to meet their personal needs at the client’s expense.

b. Personal Values
Astrologers recognize their own values, attitudes or beliefs, realize that we live in a diverse society, and avoid imposing their values on clients or students.


a. Nondiscrimination
Astrologers do not discriminate against clients, students, or supervisees in a manner that has a negative impact based on their age, color, culture, disability, ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, socioeconomic status, or for any other reason.

b. Respecting Differences
Astrologers will actively attempt to understand the diverse cultural backgrounds of the clients with whom they work. This includes, but is not limited to, learning how the astrologer’s own cultural, ethnic, or racial identity affects his or her values, attitudes and beliefs.


a. Sexual Harassment
Astrologers do not engage in sexual harassment that includes but is not limited to solicitation of sexual favors, physical advances or verbal or nonverbal conduct that is sexual in nature and that is unwanted, unwelcome or offensive.

b. Clients or Students
The professional relationship is terminated once a romantic or sexual relationship is desired with a client or student.


a. Definition
Advertising entails, but is not limited to, all paid and unpaid statements in media, brochures, business cards, direct mail promotions, directory listings, resumes, and other printed matter. Advertising also includes statements made in oral presentations such as lectures and classes, as well as comments for use in electronic media such as television, radio, and the Internet.

b. Accurate Advertising
It is unethical for astrologers to make false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive claims that are designed to elicit professional services, products, workshops or training. A statement may be misleading or deceptive if it fails to disclose material facts or is intended or likely to create false or unjustified expectations. Advertisements concerning products, workshops or training must be accurate and disclose adequate information for consumers to make informed choices.

c. Statements by Others and the Media
Astrologers make reasonable efforts to ensure that statements made by others or by the media about them or the profession of astrology are accurate.

d. Promoting to Those Served
Astrologers refrain from promoting their products, services, workshops or training in a manner that is deceptive or would exert undue influence on their clients or the general public. Astrologers who recommend remedial measures, such as in the Vedic tradition, should provide a variety of options including, but not limited to prayer, mantras, gemstones, or charitable work.


a. Establishing Fees
Prior to entering the consultation, astrologers clearly explain to clients all financial arrangements and options related to the scheduled consultation.

b. Bartering
Astrologers may accept goods or services in return for astrological services, provided that the relationship is not exploitive and providing there is clear agreement between astrologer and client about their bartering arrangement.

c. Referral Fees
Astrologers do not accept referral fees because of potential conflict of interest.


a. Different Approaches
Astrologers respect approaches to professional astrology that differ from their own and the traditions and practices of other professional groups with whom they work.

b. Public Statements
When making personal statements in a public context, astrologers clarify that they are speaking from their personal perspective and not on behalf of all astrologers, any professional organization without authorization, or the profession.
c. Personal Disputes
Astrologers should refrain from making statements, either orally or in writing that might be construed as disparaging or undermining to another astrologer's reputation or expertise. Any comments made by one astrologer that refer to another should first be clearly explained as a difference in ideas, preferred techniques, viewpoints, etc., and not as a personal attack on any individual. This same professional courtesy should be extended to the discussion of policies or practices of any astrological organization, both local and national.


a. Charts of Public Figures
Interpretations of the charts of public figures are confined to areas that are considered public domain because the person’s achievements or notoriety has already been revealed in various media. When interpreting charts of public figures, astrologers refrain from making slanderous comments.

b. Mundane, Economic or Political Predictions
When interpreting charts of global, financial, social, political, geophysical or other mass events, astrologers do not make dire predictions of imminent disaster that are likely to lead to unreasonable fears in the public. Negative predictions are tempered with disclaimers, such as (a) astrology is not an exact science, (b) astrological variables can manifest in different events of similar meaning, and (c) astrology cannot predict with absolute certainty the outcome of future astronomical events.

c. Media Presentations
When astrologers provide advice or comment by means of public lectures or broadcasts, demonstrations, prerecorded or printed materials, or any other media, they take reasonable precautions to ensure that the statements are based on sound astrological and ethical principles.

d. Unreasonable Claims
Astrologers do not exploit the anxieties and gullibility of the public. It is unethical to encourage people to purchase astrological services or products that promise specific outcomes such as love, happiness, or prosperity. Astrologers do not claim that their services or products will protect against negative future events.

e. Pro Bono Service
Astrologers strive to contribute to society by devoting a portion of their professional activity to services for which there is little or no financial return.



a. Respect for Privacy
Astrologers respect their client’s right to privacy and avoid unwarranted disclosures of confidential information.

b. Confidentiality of Records
Astrologers exercise due diligence regarding the safety and confidentiality of any records they create, maintain, or transfer whether the records are written, taped, computerized, or stored in any other medium. Astrologers ensure anonymity of any private citizens or clients whose birth data are used in lectures, research, training or publications.

c. Multiple Relationships
When an astrologer agrees to provide consulting services for someone at the request of a third party, the astrologer clarifies that confidentiality will be maintained with respect to both parties.

d. Exceptions
The general requirement that astrologers keep information confidential does not apply when disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the client or others. Astrologers consult with other professionals, such as lawyers and state licensed medical professionals, when in doubt as to the validity of an exception. The client or their legally recognized representative may waive the right to privacy.

e. Peer Supervision
Astrologers obtain the client’s permission before presenting client information to a peer or supervisor and assure clients that their names and other nonessential information will be withheld.

g. Clients Who Are Minors
When interpreting charts of individuals who are minors and who are unable to give informed consent, parents or guardians may be included in the consulting process.

h. Permission to Record or Observe
Astrologers obtain permission from clients before recording or having others observe a session. Clients are informed of the purpose of the recording. If the purpose changes at any future time, specific permission is first obtained from the client.


a. Interpretation of a Third Party’s Horoscope
If a client requests an interpretation of another person’s chart, the astrologer focuses only on general information about the third party that helps the client understand the relationship.  Otherwise the astrologer requires specific permission from the third party for any extensive interpretation. This applies to interpretation of all relationship chart techniques.


a. Fees and Appointments
When making appointments, astrologers clearly inform clients of the fee, duration, and location of the session.
b. Nature of service
When a consultation is initiated, astrologers ascertain the needs and goals of the client and inform the client of the purposes, procedures, benefits and limitations of their services.

c. Non-Astrological Techniques and Practices
Astrologers who use other techniques in their practices (such as Tarot, Numerology, or psychic abilities) distinguish these sources of information from astrological sources and techniques.

d. Conveying Information
Astrologers are mindful of the limitations of predictive accuracy and avoid the use of universal qualifiers such as every, always, never, for certain, any, no one, or other such blanket statements that imply definite, concrete outcomes. Clients are informed that it is impossible for astrology to be absolutely certain about personality profiles or future events.

When providing personality profiles or forecasts of future events astrologers avoid unwarranted certainty and dogmatic interpretations of chart variables. Astrologers are encouraged to use terms that are not absolute or fatalistic, such as may, could, might, perhaps, and possibly. Astrologers assure their clients that chart factors operate on a spectrum and in a multidimensional, multi-level mode of expression.

g. Reincarnational Astrology
Astrologers acknowledge that prior-life information is, in and of itself, a matter of personal belief and therefore difficult to evaluate directly. Astrologers who interpret chart symbolism in terms of karma and reincarnation convey respect for their clients' right to choose other ways of looking at life. If a client is uncomfortable with reincarnation, the astrologer either disqualifies himself or herself from working with that client, or presents alternative perspectives.

When using reincarnational imagery, astrologers emphasize to their clients that these symbols are not literal or one-dimensional but are subject to multiple interpretations and that the astrologer is attempting to invoke an understanding of psychological dynamics rather than concrete biographical facts from prior lifetimes. They encourage their clients to test the reincarnational information by consideration of its relevance to the circumstances of the present life. Always, astrologers practicing this kind of astrology strive to be sensitive to its unique risks in terms of creating destructive guilt or ego inflation in the client.



An astrological consultant is one whose services include discussion of an astrological chart in order to (1) help individuals recognize their strengths and talents; (2) provide insight into life issues; (3) highlight patterns of growth and development; (4) confirm self-knowledge; (5) suggest the life purpose; (6) reveal periods of challenge and opportunity; (7) explore the meaning of a particular experience or phase of life; or (8) provide guidance as to timing or decisions with regard to a particular course of action.


a. Positive Growth and Development
Astrologers encourage client growth and development and avoid fostering dependent relationships. Astrologers do not tell clients what they should do with respect to choices in relationships, career, relocation, sex, finances, or any other matter. While the astrologer may clarify matters as revealed in the chart, provide insight into the nature of conflicts, empathize with the client’s dilemma, or recommend a course of action, the astrologer respects and supports the client’s capacity for decision-making.


a. Claims of Infallibility
No astrologer claims to be infallible in the prediction of any particular event. The astrologer provides a reasonable range of meanings and possible outcomes when forecasting or making predictions.

b. Nature of Prediction
Astrologers do not make predictions that are likely to lead to unreasonable fears in the client. Predictions are not made of calamitous events or other negative outcomes without balancing the interpretation with more positive possibilities.  Efforts are made to assure the client that while some periods may be more challenging than others, astrologers make every attempt to provide perspective and encourage a client’s resourcefulness.

If an astrologer learns that a client is receiving services from a mental health professional, the astrologer encourages the client to tell the therapist about the astrological consultation to avoid conflict. The astrologer’s only obligation is to advise the client that such notification is in most cases in the client’s best interest.

When astrologers agree to consult separately with two or more clients who have a relationship, astrologers ensure confidentiality for each client. If a conflict arises, the astrologer clarifies roles and responsibilities, and, if necessary, declines to provide further services.


Ethical Guidelines for the Organization of Professional Astrologers


Astrology is vastly diverse in its application, ranging from genethliacal procedures to projecting economic, political and societal trends, to forecasting potential geophysical shifts. Its practitioners are equally diverse, bringing into their astrological practice a variety of additional skills and educational backgrounds. Astrologers recognize the apparent synchronicity between life on planet earth with that of the cosmos. Astrologers recognize and utilize the richness of interpretation of planetary symbols and their intricate positioning to each other, and understand that education is required to meet acceptable standards of practice. They are committed to work that enriches and enhances life, and protects human dignity. They realize that their own proficiency increases through a personal ongoing study program, and an exchange of ideas with their colleagues. They recognize their individual role in the ongoing evolutionary process of astrology by being the very best practitioner they can be.
The purpose of this Ethical Guidelines document, governing astrological conduct as reflected personally, publicly and professionally, is to lend dignity to the profession, without stifling creativity, individuality and future growth. Astrology does not lend itself to a rigid set of rules outlining all of its functions and procedures. However, a guide of acceptable conduct is paramount to its respectability. Since the growth and acceptance of astrology is moving forward at a rapid rate, it will be necessary to make amendments to this document from time to time. In the meantime, subscribing to the guidelines set forth in this document is recommended.


A Professional Astrologer, for the purpose of this code, is one who is able to accurately calculate a horoscope and interpret it by commonly accepted standards of procedure, and receives clients for payment, and/or sells astrological information via a publisher or media presentation, or who teaches astrology for a fee. Membership in OPA does not designate a professional astrologer, because OPA is also likely to encompass aspiring professional astrologers who would find such a support system helpful toward that end. OPA is an organization devoted to the issues surrounding the professional practice of astrology.


It is the responsibility of each OPA member to endeavor to maintain the dignity of his/her profession in every way possible by upholding the following principles:


a. That all horoscopy be calculated by using standard methods of procedure based on accurate data. A recorded birth time, date and precise geographical location are optimum. If a rectified time or an alternative method such as a Johndro Locality, Solar Chart or Natural Chart is used, that this be so stated and its limitations, if any, described. Full responsibility must be taken in selecting systems, procedures and analysis.
b. That interpretation and assessment be made by astrological significance and credibility, unless otherwise stated. This does not preclude the use of other procedures and disciplines, but it does mean that if such are used, it be so stated. It also means that if a client is expecting an astrological reading, and parameters are enlarged, that this be agreed upon by both client and astrologer.
c. That terms of the consultation be clearly understood prior to the appointed time. This would include fee, duration, style and what the client has a right to expect.
d. That respect for the dignity of the client be upheld regardless of any personal belief or bias the astrologer or client may have.
e. That confidentiality of client/astrologer communication and data be maintained. This eliminates the use of client charts for lectures, articles, or in sharing a database with other astrologers that contains such confidential material unless prior permission has been obtained in writing and/or names has been eliminated.
f. That every astrologer takes full responsibility for the information he or she is imparting, and that every client be treated in a thoughtful, sensitive manner. This includes refraining from making statements that may be stressful to the client and that may not be true, such as predicting someone will never marry, never have children, or die at a specific time.
g. That clients or other associates not be exploited in any way, including sexual or financial.
h. That sexual interaction with current clients be considered unethical.


a. That all work be guided by the highest standard of integrity.
b. That astrologers practice good citizenship, obeying the just laws and customs of their society, and not use their skills to plot a crime against its good citizens or its common good.
c. That the general public not be exploited or misled by making false promises, claims or analysis. That it be understood that astrology is an interpretive system based upon astronomical knowledge and theory, blended with the art of interpretation through the language of symbology.
d. That truth in advertising be maintained at all times. This means the astrologer must not use proficiency or scholastic degrees that are false or unsubstantiated. It also means that the astrologer cannot use professional associations and affiliations as reference implying endorsement, or using a person's name without permission for the same reason or purpose.
e. That one practice only in areas of competence and qualifications and avoid making false claims or assessments in the name of astrology. This includes but not limited to medical, psychological, financial or legal. That when a client's needs are beyond the capability of the astrologer, that the client be referred to appropriate agencies or other professional services.
f. That when dealing with horoscopes of public figures using commonly published data, that observations be confined to areas of life that are considered public domain due to specific achievements or notoriety, and refrain from making slanderous comments.


a. That a conscious effort be made for continued personal growth and education. This can be done by taking courses, reading literature, attending conferences and seminars, etc.
b. That tolerance be maintained for personal and astrological differences where there is no breach of ethics.
c. That the efforts of other astrologers not be criticized; but, if unethical conduct is noted, that it be dealt with in an appropriately professional manner.
d. That support be given, whenever possible, to the efforts of other
astrologers, so that everyone benefits from our collective knowledge, experience and insights.
e. That no diagnosis or opinion be made on matters about which the astrologer has insufficient knowledge and/or credentials, in which case a referral may be in order.
f. That if a teaching role is assumed, the material be prepared and presented conscientiously to maintain the highest standard possible. It is to be understood that said students could be the astrologers of the future, representing their profession.
g. That research and any related presentations be conducted rigorously, always maintaining strict professional integrity. It is appropriate to take credit for scholarly work and ethical to give credit to contributions made by others.
h. That copyright laws be honored. This does not preclude the use of other astrologer's work providing the law is upheld and/or appropriate credit is given.


a. That a personal image of cleanliness, order and social acceptability be maintained when representing astrology. This shows respect for the client and self. In this way the astrologer sets the standard for the consultation or exchange. In addition, the conduct of the astrologer demonstrates a recognition that his/her conduct reflects on the profession as well as on the individual.

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