Sunday, July 29, 2012

Leo Sun, Aquarius Full Moon

Full Moons represent the culmination, fruition, and promise for the future. While New Moons represent a time to sow seeds, develop plans, and set out in search of, Full Moons symbolize fulfilling dreams and completing of projects. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this August Full Moon is called, The Full Sturgeon Moon, The Full Red Moon, the Green Corn Moon, and the Grain Moon. Depending upon where a tribe lives, the moon in the Northern Hemisphere is named according to the migration and spawning of the fish, the crops ready for harvest, or the climactic conditions and their effects on the size , location (in the sky) and color of the Moon. The first of two full moons in the Month of August, the first Full Moon is in 10 degrees of Aquarius. In months where two full moons fall within the same calendar month, the second of the two moons is called the Blue Moon (simply because it happens rarely, not because it’s blue). 

At the time of the first Full Moon on August 2, 2012, the Sun is in 10 degrees of Leo. The Full Moon, is in opposition to the Sun at 10 degrees of Aquarius.  The Sun trines Uranus, and signals a heightened  sense of self esteem. As Uranus represents both surprise and speed, it is likely that we are more receptive to  discovering new ways to channel  our energy and enthusiasm, or for seeking solutions to long-standing problems.   The alignment between the Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius,  Uranus in Aries Jupiter in Gemini forms what is called The Cradle. The Cradle aspect is formed with four planets/heavenly orbs form three sextiles, two trines, and one opposition. The Cradle forms positive aspects, and bringing a sense of protection, safety, and security. Whatever falls within these realms in our lives, is guarded, nourished, and provided all that is needed to come to fruition. When appreciated, The Cradle, provides the right circumstances, energy, and sense of accessibility for us to become more congruent in how we perceive and live our lives. We can feel ‘at sea’ if we don’t appreciate the value of learning to live in the point of balance, rather than at the extremes. 

Looking at the positive values of each aspect, can help us learn to discern how to live in harmony with different kinds of energy and elemental needs and desires. The Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter and attracts  good fortune. Jupiter sextile Uranus signals surprising and sudden good fortune provided we choose to recognize it as such.  The Sun sextile Jupiter provides warmth, graciousness, enthusiasm. We are impelled to feel our spirits lifted, and in turn we lift the spirits of those around us.

In 1925, clairvoyant, Elsie Wheeler, created a set of archetypal symbols she called, Sabian Symbols. They were designed to be used for understanding the physical and metaphysical significance and connection of different aspects of the degrees of astrological chart/zodiac. In particular, the  Sabian Symbols are used to highlight the general dominant theme of the lunar and solar transits. Unlike the recently,  Barking Mad New Moon, this full Moon brings benevolent energy. The Sabian Symbol reads,  “During the silent hour, one receives new inspiration.”   Soothing and healing the harshness and upset of the last two weeks.
Both Leo (The Sun sign) and Aquarius (the position of the Moon) represent individual expression and independence. However, both manifest individuality much differently. Leo enjoys the limelight, the sense of standing out and expressing one’s self and accomplishments. Aquarius tends to express that independence outwardly through team effort and identification with a group/cause/ideal.

Wherever the Sun in Leo transits your chart/life, indicates an area where you are more apt to feel playful, outgoing, and willing to express yourself more openly than usual. And since there are so many positive aspects to the Sun, this Full Moon may see you shining in a number of other areas in your life where the Sun casts its warmth, pleasure, and sense of the dramatic. For example, if the sun trines your first house (Uranus in Aries) , you may project a more colorful or outgoing image, attracting a great deal of attention to what you do and say. Whatever house the Leo Sun is transiting, it is shining toward the area of your life where Uranus is transiting Aries. Watch these two houses to determine how best to take advantage of this boost in your self esteem to enjoy life more fully and to share your joy with others. Our sense of generosity increases, and we find ourselves motivated to reach out to others lessening our grip on security issues that have been tying up our energy so much over the last year.  It’s not so much that anything has changed dramatically on the outside, but our inner growth and movement has us focusing on more spiritually and emotionally healthy movement and thinking. 

Mercury has been in Leo since June 25, and will stay there until August 31.   Mentally, our thinking is expansive, and/or communication increases in the excitement of building, creating, and planning.   Our goals may be grand,  and our attention to detail, not so much.  It is a very creative time and a wonderful time to envision  and set plans for the future.   I think of all my educator  friends who may be making plans for the coming year, and see this as a very fruitful time for them.
Venus has been in Gemini since April,and will leave Gemini moving  into Cancer on August 3. The final degree of Venus, 29degrees, coincides with the Full Moon, and may mark the completion of something, a relationship, project, or trip begun back in April. We’ve been dabbling in a number of areas as Venus has made her way through Gemini, and as she moves more closely to her transit  through Cancer,  we may begin to feel more than need to settle down, to create a home, to release anything that makes us feel a lack of attachment or connection.   Venus in Gemini is like living life with a box of assorted chocolates.  Venus moving into Cancer  is like building our dream house and moving in.  Notice to see if there is a change in attitude, emotional need, or desire for creating a more congruent life.

Mars in Libra  from July 3 to August 23,  marks a time when we more readily  see the wide array of options before us.  It is a pretty ambiguous time, and tends to feel on some levels like we can see what we want more clearly than ever before but cannot seem to act on it.   If we have become overwhelmed by negative experiences, and have not yet been able to understand what the lessons are, we may feel we have no good choices.  However, when we can learn to see how the negative experiences, choices, conditions,and options  are really gateways  to deeper and more fulfilling lives, will discover that we can release our expectations, stop trying to predict and control our future, and be more at peace with the gifts of life with in and before us.  Mars is the planet of energetic action.  Libra is the constellation of balance and harmony.  When the element of  fire as represented by Mars and air as represented by Libra, mix  we feel moved to action through beauty, balance, and a more harmonious way of living.   The shadow side of Libra has us acting in passive aggressive ways or in using our charm to sue and placate the very real needs, desires, and behavior of both ourselves and others.   How we use our energy right now maybe just as important if not more so than the actual choices we are considering.  Developing ways to direct energy through the body, mind, spirit, emotions, and movement--- directed away from our own needs or  desire to control and manipulate, allows us to use the energy we feel and more positive and healthy ways.   Particularly  when the sun is in Leo and there is a general tendency for everyone  to want to be the star of the show in some form or another, we can bring our desires up through  a more conscious and intentional direction so  that feelings, emotions, fantasies, memories, thoughts and ideas can be  acted upon with discretion.
Jupiter began her transit through Gemini on June 11 of this year, and stays in Gemini  until June 25 of 2013.   Another indication that this period of time between now and next year is the time of mental and spiritual awakening on a grand  scale.    This is the time when we work better with others than we do normally.    What this means for  artists, writers, and others who work alone a lot, is that our ideas are apt to be more accepted, affirmed, and appreciated than they have been for some time.  It is a very active time, and there are many ways for us to live out our dreams and express ourselves creatively.  

With Jupiter in Gemini,  it is as if there is a magic spell casting an air of benevolence, good fortune, and kindness in areas of our lives where we gather with others. Depending upon where Gemini is in your chart/life, Jupiter ere can also capture shadow dow when we fail   to practice temperance and moderation.  To the last time Jupiter was Gemini for a year was from June, 2000 to July, 20the shadow side of Jupiter in Gemini 2000 is in overreaching our limits, not following through,  or in getting distracted through tunnel vision. We need to maintain an awareness  of what others need and what is going on around us, and we need to refrain from manipulating, using passive-aggressive behavior, and projecting our own unhealed wounds onto situations, relationships, and others in the world around us (individually and collectively).  When we are excited and motivated, we want to avoid taking the "Us vs Them" stance to gain our desired outcome. It may have the opposite effect.  

Pluto continues working through Capricorn as it digs deep into the ground that needs to be prepared for new ideas, new projects, new attitudes/behavior, and new ways of directing our thoughts, energy, and emotional power. Whatever area of your life/chart Pluto and Uranus moved into the first of seven exact squares on June 24. For the next three years these square aspects and the related aspects from other planets, will continue to trigger the transformative changes that are being birthed in our lives. What is being born, is the manifestation of what we, collectively and individually, have sought. How it is revealed will be through the continued shedding of the skins of outworn and transformed being.  The cycle of seven has a mystical and extremely significant meaning. Later in August, I will be writing an article of the Cycles of  Seven. Pluto and Uranus’s cycles of seven are giving us a direct experience of the spiritual growth cycle that propels us into a deeper and more profound understanding of our purpose, callings, and gifts.
Mercury is still in her retrograde phase  until August 8 o when she will return stationary direct  in the 1st degree of Leo.  The energy and impact of the full moon  will be expanded and enhanced,   by Mercury’s direct motion.    Mercury is also known as the gatekeeper between our conscious and unconsciousness, between the material and spiritual realities, and serves as the link between the manifested and non-manifested energy---the source of all potentialities. Going deeper, and seeking more direct links between our spiritual and physical being, can provide us with what we need to move into the next level of being and transition through the process of becoming more fully evolved and capable of meeting the needs of our times, and to provide the grounding for the future.

Dive deeply into the depths during this transition period, and stand in fearless awareness of what you hold to be true. How is the Divine calling your to live out your life? We have the possibility of helping shape our destiny, and the power of our thoughts, our words, and the repercussions and responses of our actions and behavior, have an enduring effect on our future and on the legacy we leave, as individuals and as a collective whole. We carry with us all we have become, and are best served when we rid ourselves of whatever hinders our growth and ability to serve and love. 
Neptune, the archetype of the Collective Unconscious, and our own subconscious and divine nature, continues its inaugural year in Pisces. Our dreams have opened us to greater information and lessons, and our intuitive facilities are expanding and opening up more than ever before. With the complexities and expansiveness of our communication systems, and our rather archaic and slow ways of processing all the information available to us, we now face the challenges of how to respond to, use, and learn to discriminate among the massive selection of information open to us. Our senses are becoming more heightened, and we are relying more our own abilities to process, discern, integrate, interpret, and select what we can use and what we need to turn from. We are discovering more and more potentialities, and are thus required to filter, define, and become more intentional about the way we live our lives. Use the dreams and intuitive gifts you have to process, through your body, brain, heart, energy, and spirit. Develop ways to channel your energy, thoughts, ideas, prayers, spirit, emotions, and desires into uplifting, useful, helpful tools by which you can open doors, build bridges, and discover the gifts you have to create and live your life fully and with meaning.
I would love to hear what traditions, lore, and stories you and your culture have to share about the different archetypal energies of the planets, Moon, and stars.  Enjoy the benevolence and beauty of this Full Moon.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Link to Virgo Magic

Emily Trinkaus's insightful blog, Virgo Magic, highlights current trends, aspects, and energy alive in the Universe. Her blog is worth following, and I believe you will find her work complimentary with Intuitive Inisght Pathways.  Visit her site, Virgo Magic for interesting and helpful information about current astrological trends. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Leo Takes the Stage

Rough Water on the River                                                                                                                   Catherine Al-Meten
Early this morning (3:00 AM PDT) the Sun moved into the sign of the Lion, Leo.  Mercury at 10 degrees moving in Retrograde motion, also in Leo.   Just a little less than an hour after the sun injured Leo, Mercury at 10° Leo came into sex style aspect with Mars at 10° Libra.    Yesterday the moon moved into Virgo where it remains today.   

The Sun in Leo is in its glory in the area of your life that is ruled by Leo.   For example, if Leo is your rising sign, expect this archetype to manifest in the way you present yourself and the way you are viewed by others.  If Leo is connected to the area of your  life that has to do with your career, you might expect a little more drama, heightened activity, or the desire or need to be noticed  more than usual.   Depending upon the area of your life and the house in your chart where Leo is,  this area of your life now receives heightened energy, attention, creativity, passion, and drama.
Within the next week Mercury in its retrograde motion, will conjunct the Sun, and may bring with it the messages you have been waiting to hear or visitors you hoped would show up.  Something you set into motion may now appear in surprising and rather unexpected ways.   Again, while it may not seem like the best time to start new projects or to make agreements, it may still be the time when whatever we started in the past comes to fruition or finally falls in the place.
Venus continues her journey in Gemini (April 3 to August 31) where she seems to cause us to be attracted or involved with a variety of different interests.   This tends to be a time both seasonally and astrologically  when there are more social activities than we have time for.    

On Thursday, July 27 Venus and Uranus form a quintile at about 6:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time.   This may reveal surprising forms of pleasure or ways of discovering resources and   financial support. On  Tuesday, July 31, Venus and Saturn form of trine at 12:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time, in the signs of Gemini and Libra.   This fortunate trine between the planet of love and feminine identity and Saturn, the Great Teacher,  certainly helps us learn more about our ability to love and be loved.  

Also on that day, the Moon in Capricorn helps us learn about love in very practical and down-to-earth ways.   When we look at this energy in terms of balancing our feminine identity, we might also consider some simple practical ways to become more comfortable with that identity and with that aspect of ourselves.  For example, we might remember to take time to nurture and our body–mind–spirit connection and our emotional well-being.  For those perfectionists among us, I am reminded of a quote I read.   “Love is like yoga.  Sometimes you have to fall in your face to learn and grow to the next level.”   For those of us were waiting for just the right moment, for everything to fall into place perfectly, or for that moment in time when everything is finished and ready to move in the direction of honoring our desire and need for pleasure, love, and connected relationships, we do not want to be left alone with our ideal and no real connection.   Embrace that which is before you, and step out with more willingness to  discover what is overhead for you on the path.
Mars entered Libra on July 3 until August 23 putting us in the position of using our energy in more balanced ways.  For Mars–ruled people unfamiliar with the full spectrum of Libra, you might find yourself in some ways frustrated by your inability to make decisions because you can see all sides of the story or options.   The shadow side of this is passive aggressive behavior.  The redeeming side is learning to take a breath, weighing the  variety of options,  and learning to be patient with the unfolding of life and its processes.  If we are wise, we  learn to curb our enthusiasm in order to find a balance between making  decisions and steamrolling over someone to get our way.
Jupiter in Gemini from June 11 June of 2013  continues to expand opportunities, experiences, understanding, and knowledge.  Depending upon where Jupiter transits your chart and life, you should make the most of the good fortune and benevolent energy of this transit.   Jupiter is in an air sign so much of the archetypal good fortune comes through our mental processes, our dreams, and our willingness to open our minds to new and innovative ways of understanding and approaching life.  Through our humor, our curiosity, the warmth of our friendships, and a lighter more uplifting experience of life, we have the most to gain.  this is truly the time when asked my mother used to say, “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.”   This goes for how we treat ourselves as well.  

In my meditation class I suggest to all the participants that they practice Ahimsa.   All spiritual and religious traditions suggest that our spiritual practices need to include healthy self reflection.   Ahimsa is a word and practice that comes from both Hindu and Buddhist traditions.  It can however,  be used by any of us regardless of our spiritual identity.  Ahimsa is the practice of  active nonviolence.   I suggest listening to how you talk to yourself and others, how you treat yourself and others, and how you might be harming yourself and others with both your spoken and mental language and beliefs.   The archetype of Jupiter is that of acting out of our purest, most open, and kindest energy and identity.  If we think of our thoughts and beliefs as energy that like water, spreads to fill in space  where ever it is directed, we might be kinder, more loving, and less harmful to ourselves and to others.

This Uranus transit is a long one, and requires that we not only listen to the inner voices and observe our behavior and attitudes in action, but that we address any areas that are still arising from our woundedness, our lack of maturity, or the shadow aspects of ourselves that we still have not acknowledged or discovered. 
Uranus’ entry into Aries on March 11, 2011 began a  period of time  wind in some every of our lives that will surely have an impact on all the rest, we have been feeling the need to make changes, to rid ourselves of attitudes and circumstances,  to become more independent, and in many ways, totally transform our lives and personalities accordingly.  

As we looked at the major societal changes that have taken place over the last couple of years, if not longer, it is evident that this archetypal energy is alive and active throughout the world.  We want to remember the impulsive, rash, and self-serving side of an unhealed  Aries manifestation.  Change for the sake of change for change for personal gain, greed, or control, will not result in true change for the better.  Whatever changes we feel compelled to make must come from a truly reflective and healed center.  Positive growth and transformation is possible when we respond to either the changes we want to make the changes that have been thrust upon us, with thoughtful, reflective, discerning and loving regard.  Whatever changes we want or need are already unfolding.  Our role is to heal, grow from what we have learned, and nurture the seeds of goodness that will help feed and nurture not only ourselves but all others as well.
 The week begins with the moon’s sextile design combining our desire to live beautifully  (Libra)  with our  desire to live joyfully (Leo).   Tuesday’s early morning lunar square to Pluto and  opposition to Uranus activate, release,  an actualize our plans and thoughts.   Later in the day the  Moon continues to form aspects 1st with Jupiter, then with Mercury and then comes into conjunction with Mars just after noon.  It should be at active and busy day both mentally and physically.  Live in awareness,  act with positive intention, and do no harm to yourself or others.  By paying attention to how our thoughts translate into actions and attitudes, we do what we can to control the type of energy we release in the world.  We may feel overwhelmed to stop wars or to prevent senseless violence, but we can maintain vigilance over what we do and how we do it and how it affects others.  That is within our control.
Wednesday, July 25 Mercury trines Uranus in the signs of Leo and Aries.   all of this fiery energy awakens our intelligence and stimulates our desire to create.  The moon conjunct Saturn at 8:22 AM and makes us feel like getting things done and/or  simply being more   present where we are with what were doing.   on Thursday the 1st quarter moon square happens at 1:57 AM.  The moon in Scorpio may trigger some pretty fantastic and deep dreaming.  The square may trigger our dreams to reveal messages that we might have been avoiding so prior to going to bed it would not hurt to pray for direction in ways that you can understand more clearly.
 One of the key messages astrologically,  is remembering that seeking a balance is not about denying reality, but it is about facing possibilities, potentials, and our own inner strengths and weaknesses.  Whatever you can do to ground yourself in the truth of who you are will help you make the positive changes, meet the challenges, develop the skills, recognize the gifts and talents, and hold yourself open to divine guidance in whatever choices you make.1st this

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Moon in Cancer, Grand Cardinal Cross

The New Moon in Cancer, has already entered the sign of Cancer, and forms a Grand Cardinal Cross with Uranus in 8 degrees of Aries, Mars in 7 degrees of Libra, Pluto in 7 degrees of Capricorn. Late this morning (Tuesday, July 17), the ongoing Uranus/Pluto Square, came into a square aspect with Mars in Libra and an opposition with Uranus in Aries. 
The powerful energy of these aspects coupled with the sensitive nature of the Moon in Cancer, expressed itself, as I’ve described in earlier articles on the T-Square, as mounting pressure, edginess, and tension coupled with the urge to take action or get something accomplished. At the same time, the pressure and stress of these aspect can feel exhausting. With Mars exerting pressure to act, mounting frustration and a sense of feeling unsettled is countered by the Moon’s presence in nurturing Cancer.  
The Moon in Cancer appeals to our sense of compassion and empathy towards others as well as toward ourselves. We can channel any pent up energy, frustration, or edginess into creative efforts and physical and spiritual practices. We are all going through a powerful awakening and transformation, having experienced challenging and upsetting times. In the process, we have shed some of the beliefs, practices, conditions, relationships, and habits that no longer belong to us.  Much as the Crab itself (symbol of Cancer) loses it’s shell through a molting process, so too have we as individuals and as a collective whole gone through major evolutionary shifts in the way we are living, working, and perceiving the world in which we live. 
Summer Sunset                                                                                                                                                      Catherine Al-Meten

The period during the Dark of the Moon, the Moon’s entry into Cancer and the Grand Cardinal Cross prior to the New Moon on Thursday, may leave us feeling vulnerable and exposed, wondering how we are going to have what it takes to move forward.  With several planets in retrograde motion and others changing signs, it is part of the natural ebb and flow of life right now, to feel we might need some time and tenderness to make us feel more rested and cared for.  The nurturing Cancer Moon moves us to be more supportive, caring, kind, and loving helping make others feel appreciated, taken care of, and affirmed.  Cancer Moon reminds us that in caring for others we set into motion the reciprocal acts of loving kindness that do more to support ourselves and others than nearly anything else.
Quite literally too, we need to be taking better care of ourselves, body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Harmony is part of an active process of balancing our different desires, needs, and responsibilities so that we can maintain a sense of walking in presence. As spiritual beings traveling on a physical journey, we sometimes forget we need to practice presence in very simple, basic ways.  While many of us feel ready and in fact, well on our way to creating and living out the new plans, dreams, goals, and lives we’ve begun to embrace, we nevertheless may feel more called to simplicity, rest, and pausing in between...we may feel we are between acts, waiting for the next cue to go forward.  
Those in-between places are where we can drop down into the depths of soul consciousness and awareness. When we let go of the need to rush on, resolve, finish, or start out on a new leg of the journey, we may find that a longer period of rest and stillness be more beneficial than rushing about or filling in time and spaces. In meditation and yoga, the practice of intentional presence and releasing, falling into the simple patterns and rhythm of your breathing, your heartbeat, the stretch and release of your body’s muscles, skeletal system, and internal workings.Taking time to notice where in your body you are holding onto pain, stiffness, aches, or tightness, can be useful for beginning to address issues that are affecting your health and well being. 
By Thursday the New Moon in Cancer marks a time when we step out into the light onto a path that is free of obstacles. We begin to feel as though we have awakened from a long sleep, that is unless we have not given ourselves the time and rest we have needed. The New Moon always marks a time in our lives when we can begin anew. New Moons mark the turning point for the lunar months, the seasons, the balancing dance between light and darkness, and the times we are reminded to plant seeds for the future. 
Cancer, a water sign, is also a cardinal planet. Key in the powerful effect brought about by the Cardinal Cross, the Cancer New Moon rushes like a flowing river through all areas of our lives, moving stumbling blocks out of the way, propelling us along with the flow of the rivers and streams of our lives, filling us with creative, compassionate, and loving energy that can be expressed, shared, and used to create beauty, harmony, and a sense of centeredness in our lives right now. There is a sense of longing to feel more at home in our bodies, and more grounded in our sense of what really matters. 
The power and energy alive within us during this time, calls us to be clear about what it is we really want and then to pay attention to how our intuitive insight and Divine wisdom is guiding us to act from the center of our own being and to express through clear and concrete action, some intention that speaks from the core of our being and can be of support to others in healing and providing something of meaning and value. 
This morning I was reading Dana Gearhart’s article on the Cancer New Moon in MoonCircles. She mentioned that if we feel ourselves caught up in fear and frustration, desperation, anger, or jealousy, we may be acting out of Cancer’s Dark Mother. You might know her as Smother Mother or the Looming Evil Witch who holds sway over our good intentions with the threat of doom and gloom. When we act out of this unhealed part of ourselves, we tend to be fearful. There is a tendency for us to project what we find unacceptable, uncomfortable, or unfamiliar in ourselves onto others in the form of projections. From what I've been hearing from people, the energy that is pent up within people is coming out in some pretty unhealed, hurtful, and violent ways. When we find ourselves operating from fear and anger, we need to consider working to eliminate such thinking, behavior, and emotional responses.  From pain and anger, turn to lifting of our spirits. Turning our attention from that which drags us into the dark places of our minds, emotions, pain, and fear, we can seek brighter, uplifting activities, inspiration, and company. 
Seek to lift your consciousness, live in gratitude for the present, and learn to love yourself and others in ways that support the simple acts of nourishing your body, taking care of your health and safety, enjoy and tend to your home, and be present in your wholeness of being, in the present, neither trapped in the past nor lost in the future. 
Be the best you can be where you are, and celebrate the start of a new month, a new day in the rest of your life. Take time for prayer, solitude, meditation, quiet, and sacred time to honor the gifts that you use be at home with yourself and at peace in the world.  Adding a post script on Wednesday as I observe the news of major areas of conflict and violence, urging all to pray and act for peaceful ways to live our lives and solve our problems.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dark of the Moon before New Moon

Transition                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten
Between the last sighting of the waning Moon and the first glimpse of the New Moon’s Crescent,  is a period  of time called  the Dark of the Moon.   Lasting between 1 to 3 days, the Dark of the Moon is a term that has been used by astronomers, mariners, and and astrologers to distinguish the time before the New Moon from the sight of the Crescent of the New Moon. From earliest times, the patterns of the New Moon’s lunation have been used to follow the seasons, guide ships and travelers, and determine the ebb and flow of the tides as well as the best times to sow, nurture gardens and crops.  

The Moon casts no light of her own, but instead reflects the light of the Sun in various degrees on the Earth. Luna is said to be a subtle influence, connecting us to the rhythms of our own bodies, the Earth and all the elements around us, and to the more profound and intuitive essence of our inner being. Our physical cycles and bio-rhythms operate in tandem to the phases of the Moon. Our emotional nature is affected by both internal and external influences, forces, and energies, the Moon being of significant importance.
The period of the Dark of the Moon has traditionally been a time of retreat, reflection, healing, dreaming, and discernment.  According to the author of The Dark of the Moon, Demetra George,  “The earliest peoples understood that the power of life lay in the darkness of the moon.” These next three days before the New Moon can be likened also to the fallow times or wintery times of our lives when our energy and focus assumes a more passive role in our lives. Consider this a time of preparation, when we sort through our ideas, goods, plans, and activities, to determine what we want to take with us on the next leg of our journey.
Just as endings in life signal new beginnings, so too does the Dark of the Moon period open us to a deeper understanding and awareness of what is calling us from within and what is being signaled to us for our journey in the world. Dark Moon times allow us a brief period to heal, rest, renew ourselves, and come to understand how our fears are gifts to be acknowledged, released, and replaced with the wisdom of release and receptiveness to our greater good and guidance. These next few days before the New Moon can be a powerful time in which to listen to our deepest longings, become clear about our intentions and true desires, and to face whatever fears or blocks are hindering us from receiving our highest good and Divine guidance.
The Dark of the Moon in conjunction with the retrograde movement of both Mercury and Uranus over the weekend, also leaves us feeling in need of rest and recuperation, perhaps more than usual. It is also a time when we need to listen to what we require to bring our own bodies and minds into balance. It’s a time to practice attuning ourselves to how our intuition, inner wisdom and knowing, manifest. Our dreams, our intuitive knowledge, and all aspects of our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual being are moving with the natural flow ebb and flow of life. By focusing with more intention on how that flow is nurturing, inspiring, calling you to rest and take pause, seek spiritual guidance, and become more at peace with yourself in alignment with the Divine, this can be a period of time when you can receive more direct inner and Divine guidance in areas where you are in need of and desirous of changing and learning.        

Astronomically, a lunation is a term used to describe the passage of the moon from one dark moon to the next. A dark moon, according to an Astronomical  definition, is defined by the plane formed when the Sun, Earth and Moon are perpendicular to the Earth’s orbital plane. Different cultures operate according to different calendars. The Chinese culture operates by two calendars; one determined by the Sun, the other determined by the Moon. Since about the 5th Century BCE, the Chinese calendars have been determined by calculations (rather than observations as some religious traditions do), and are therefore called, rule-based. 

“The Chinese solar calendar denotes a series of solar years which are divided into "solar terms". The Chinese lunar calendar denotes a series of lunar years which are divided into lunar months. A solar year always begins at the (northern) winter solstice, on or around December 21st in the Common Era Calendar. A lunar month always begins on the day of a dark moon. The beginning of a lunar year (i.e, lunar new year's day) is more difficult to define (but see below); it always begins from about January 20th to about February 20th, i.e., about a month or so after the start of the Chinese solar year.

The Chinese Calendar assumes a prime meridian of 120 degrees East. This means that a day (or rather, a nychthemeron, a day and a night) is taken to run from midnight Beijing standard time (BST) to the next midnight BST. This is in contrast to the Common Era Calendar, where a nychthemeron runs from midnight Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to the next midnight GMT. The time difference between Beijing and London is eight hours, so nychthemerons (or nychthemera) in the Chinese Calendar begin eight hours earlier than days in the Common Era Calendar” (from The Structure of the Chinese Calendar by Peter Myers).  For a fascinating discussion of the structure of the Chinese Calendar, visit Peter Myers’ website.
For the Islamic religious tradition, Ramadan, the sacred month when Islam prescribes all devoted Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, begins on the next New Moon. There is always much  discussion about just when the New Moon actually occurs. This argument focuses on how differently we define the terms. For many, the New Moon occurs at the exact time the Moon and Sun conjunct (when they are aligned directly with one another in the heavens). To others, the New Moon is determined by the first glimpse in the night sky of the first sign of the Crescent Moon.  To determine when  the holy month of Ramadan officially begins, certain religious scholars and holy people are charged with actually spotting the Crescent Moon, and  then they send the word out so others know Ramadan has begun. Whether lunar movement is determined by calculations as the Chinese calendar is, or by observation as the Islamic calendar is, our relationship with the Moon and its transits and alignments influence our lives.

The Dark of the Moon is  considered one of the most powerful times of the month for inner reflection. It’s a time whenour deepest longings and emotions are stirred, and  when our need for quiet, meditative  and restful time is heightened.  Some compare this period of time each month to the heart of winter when we spend more times indoors and tend to be in more a reflective, dormant season.  The monthly Dark of the Moon time comes anywhere from a day and a half to three full days prior to the New Moon. We are entering that phase now, and find may perhaps find ourselves inclined to be more reflective. We may feel in need of more rest and sleep or feel as if we are getting prepared for something.

New Moons signal times when we can plant the seeds of new ideas, new projects, changes, or when we can expect and look forward to changes and shifting patterns in our lives. The period during the Dark of the Moon is a time when our spiritual energies, dreams,  sensitivity, and emotional awareness are heightened. It is a time when it is important to make time for reflection, prayer, meditation, and being receptive to the energy, power, signs and symbolic messages that point you to or call you to responding from your spiritual depths. The Dark of the Moon is also a time for clearing, culling, releasing, and preparing for the new lunar month and the next phase of life.

For all those who are preparing for Ramadan, and for all who are seeking some time to rest, reflect, and recuperate from all that our exterior lives demand and call us to do and be, use the period of the Dark of the Moon to allow yourself to breathe more fully, become more receptive to Divine guidance, rest your entire being as you prepare for the coming of the New Moon. Allow this sacred time to connect you to all that is working for the good of our collective healing, our need to heal and repair our broken relationships, our responsibility to become peaceful warriors, turning our energy into directions that honor our Creator’s will for us to do no harm, and to build ourselves and one another up. Seek the peaceful warrior within you, and honor the need to take make your intentions, plans, and commitments come into alignment with that which your soul calls you to do, be, become, and create within yourself, within your relationships, within your community, and within the world in which we all live. Find the strength that comes from being courageous, loving, kind, and responsible for how you honor and use your gifts. We have been given the gifts to choose life or death. Seek during this time of reflection and sacrifice, how to choose life.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Uranus and Mercury Retrograde: Calling us to Action

On July 13, 2012 at 9:50 AM Greenwich Mean Time, a little before 1 AM PDT, Uranus begins a retrograde phase. On July 15 at 2:17 A.M. GMT, Mercury begins its retrograde phase.  This 3-day period between the 13th and 15 marks a key time, a  turning point  for change, in starting new projects, or for making progress in some area of life your are already working on. Whatever areas of life that were activated by the May eclipse will now experience an upsurge in energy, pressure, and focus.

Uranus in the early degrees of Aries indicates a prolonged period for  making changes and taking action in whatever areas of your life require it.  Depending on what area of your life Uranus is transiting, this aspect marks a turning point and a broader and more prolonged period of radical change.  It is essential for our soul development and ultimate life purpose to  use your energy wisely or feel the brunt of the energy acting upon you. 

Uranus is at 8° Aries increases the likelihood that change will come in surprising and sudden ways.  In case it was not already evident in your life experiences, Uranus in Aries has been manifesting in rather peculiar ways. The energy of this transit is based on need to change.  How have we been living our lives and what do we need to do now to make the necessary adjustments and changes that we have been reviewing during  the recent transformative period? What  has been revealed for us? What issues, relationships, patterns of behavior, and anything else related to the way we live, are now demanding our attention and calling us to make major adjustments in how we live?  

When we look at the archetype connected to Aries, we want to look at the polarities inherent in that archetype.  Keeping in mind, this energy manifests, on a spectrum between extremes. Consider the different ways we experience the energy of Aries, and see if you can identify how these qualities are manifesting in you, your relationships, and other areas of your lives. What in others, triggers Mars-like energy in you or annoys you about others? Look to the traits in others that are bothering you the most right now, and you might find the Aries and Uranian qualities that are activating suppressed or controlled emotional responses in you and in what you project on others. 

Positive Traits and Tendencies of the Aries Archetype: Initiators, adventurous, want to lead, and are often the first to get the ball rolling. They can rally others to action. They are energetic, dynamic, fearless, and can be charming and charismatic. Competitive, driven, a sheer force of nature. Have a great deal of strength and endurance, and can outlast most in anything they set their sights on. Bold, with a great deal of stamina and inner strength. Love action, physicality, playing the game. Fearless and excited by new adventures. Self-motivated and self confidant. Love of life. Work as hard as they play. Romantic and playful. Determined, dynamic, and daring. The fiery dragon.

Negative Traits and Tendencies: Impulsive, temperamental, pushy, and coercive, outspoken, even bossy and judgmental. Aggressive and sometimes foolhardy. May appear arrogant and domineering. Spurred on to new adventures rather than finishing up what they start. Argumentative, ego-centric, has to have the last word.  Can become narcissistic. Impulsive and rash. Thoughtless and self-centered. Pushes self beyond their own physical limits; needs to learn to breathe.

Using this Likert Scale The spectrum shows  possible levels of manifestation of each quality. We range on the spectrum in how we experience the trait, acting it out consciously or responding/reacting unconsciously through our behavior, attitudes, emotional expressions, and choices.

Positive                                                Negative   
10               5                  0                       -5                      -10
Passionate                                           Obsessive, overbearing

Determined                                                          Compulsive

Self-Confident                                                           Arrogant

The growing edge for Aries-like people is one of balancing and channeling their strengths, enthusiasm, and energy. They need to learn to be more aware of the needs, opinions, choices, and desires of others.   As a leader,  Aries can be counted on to get the ball rolling and to get people excited, but not necessarily to finish a long-term process.

In looking at some of the characteristics of Aries, it becomes easier to understand how there is a need to incorporate more of their positive traits into their behavior patterns and lessen the effects of some of their negative qualities.  Since there is a tendency to overlook other people's points of view,  opinions, wants and needs, Uranus will  have a tendency to join forces with the nature of Aries by projecting their feelings, opinions, and force of will on others.  Rather than seeking balance in themselves and in their own activities and approach to life, they  may be more demanding of others. There is a tendency to overlook anyone else's point of view.

For all of us, this will be  a time when, if we have not been making the necessary changes in our attitudes and lifestyles that are required, we tend to blame others, or seek   change externally. We may project this into political or social responses, blaming others, warring against others outside our comfort and thought/belief zone. The real issues, however, demand internal change.  Changing the external conditions may be part of what is needed, but whatever changes occur externally will have no effect or will have negative effects if there is an not an attempt made to change from within. Change within will evolve into change without. As we think, so it will be. Keeping our thinking locked in negativity, worn out patterns or beliefs, or harmful habits will also lead to negative expressions in the world around us.

In those areas of your life where you have resisted change, expect the need for change to be more immediate and physical in nature.  When we refuse to see the nature and basic truth of a situation that is out of control, beyond our reach, in need of repair, or challenging in some other manner, changes will occur to affect how we live, how we understand life and how we use our energy.

Areas in opposition to Libra, an air sign, indicates a fundamental polarity and struggle in this area of our lives it is about the balance between ourselves and others.  On one hand we struggle to maintain our sense of independence, autonomy, self worth, and an overall sense of being true to ourselves.  On the other hand, we seek to get along with others.  We live in a relational world and much of our own growth as individuals comes through our relationships and ability to connect and relate to others.  The challenge in seeking balance is always about exceeding our limits in either area.  We might ask ourselves where we are overextended, unappreciated, or disconnected.  Also ask yourself which areas of your life seem to be in balance right now, and what qualities, beliefs, behavior or decisions have  added to its, and  made change possible.

Most of us have undergone  major transformation over the last couple of years with Pluto (the Great Transformer)  transiting  Capricorn. The movement and energy of the archetypes of Saturn, the Great Teacher, and Pluto, the Great Transformer have slowly but surely woken within us, a greater awareness of issues and events  that have forced us to recognize systems and patterns that are not working for our good, the good of all humankind, and the good of the planet. Beginning within our own lives, development, and ways of living,  the energy we feel calls us to turn the soil over so we can plant the seeds of new growth.

We have been prepared and readied for this time.  Whatever seeds we have considered sowing, whatever choices we have made, whatever changes we have envisioned and started, and whatever  lessons we have learned, have all prepared us to test the waters for new growth.  Whatever we have resisted or determined we could “live with,” will now become increasingly uncomfortable. If we haven’t been ready to make the changes, we will now face tests and challenges not of our own choosing.   Anything we have neglected or hidden about our true desires and feelings in order to be acceptable to other people, to fit in or to avoid change, we will now have to confront or be confronted about.

Along with Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn  is completing her passage through Libra. In whatever area of life you find Uranus/Aries, Pluto/Capricorn, and Saturn/Libra, (the T-square) in your chart/life, you can expect to see and better understand how these changes have been and are taking place.  The retrograde phase of Uranus tracks back over the recent changes and areas of your life that have been most affected.  This weekend (July 13-15) marks a key period, a decisive time regarding what we need and want to do about change and choices.  The retrograde period provides you with time to examine how the changes you have made are working or not.  Pay particular attention to your inner senses (dreams, emotional responses, feelings, questions, doubts, fears). This is a particularly good time for any practice that allows you to bring your body, mind, spirit, emotional being into alignment, and for using your physical energy to create peace and serenity in motion.

In any area where you have compromised your basic sense of who you are, your values, or anything else you have done to seek peace at the cost of your own health and emotional well-being, you now discover why that does not work, and why you have no choice but to change.  It is not the time anyone can hide  their heads in the sand and pretend things are all right if they are not. Most of what requires our attention lies within us so it gets more difficult for us to hide from the truth of our reality. Whatever our challenge, those who resist change and those who have embraced it, we all experience the aftermath and insecurity that arises when we leave the threshold of decision, choice, or inaction and begin our new journey.                                                                                                

If we have chosen to begin on a new path, we enter the realm of the unfamiliar and we have to learn anew about our energy, resources, and potential. We also learn once again, how we adjust and adapt to change.  For those who have resisted change, the struggle is compounded by having to face the issues, signals, and inner truth that we have tried to ignore. We remain reluctant strangers on the doorstep, seeking answers about where to go and what happened. If we can tune into anything akin to a sense of relief, renewed energy, or even the chance to rest and ponder, we begin to see the gifts inherent in recent or potential losses. We have been cut loose, and now must discover a new way to approach life, but more importantly, to get to know ourselves again.

As Mercury enters retrograde, you may have noticed in your own life and in the behavior of others, a growing sense of urgency, stress and pressure.  What is important now is to recognize that things do not operate according to our schedule.  Whatever is in process will happen in its own good time.  Whatever is meant to be will be.  Whatever is not meant to continue or endure, will pass away, and, or disappear.  Wasting our time, energy and resources trying to push against the tide is useless at this point.  Avoid the fatalistic attitude that  nothing ever happens or you should not sign papers or make decisions when Mercury is retrograde.  Whatever is meant to come to fruition will.  Instead, be temperent, observant, and cautious. Avoid rushing into decisions, making rash judgments, Avoid trying to force anything for the sake of expediency or comfort. Use retrograde times as opportunities to ground yourself more solidly in your intentions while allowing yourself time and discernment to work through any fears, questions, and choices.

Mercury at 12° of Leo indicates an area of  life where we are making something happen, creating and setting plans into action. For example, if your have Leo in your 10th house, Mercury is affecting your thinking and communication about that which you consider your soul purpose, your career, or life’s mission. If Leo were on your ascendant, Mercury would be changing the way you are presenting yourself and/or how others are perceiving you. Leo in the 7th house might be working through your marriage and partnerships, bringing new opportunities and moving you closer to making some decisions. Examine that area of your chart where Mercury is currently transiting, and see what this looks like in your life.

Mercury forms a sextile aspect to Venus as it goes into its retrograde phase. Venus is in 12° Gemini, and Mercury is in     12° of Leo.  Sextiles represent opportunities, and so we may now be considering a variety of aspects to many decisions we are making.  Do not be surprised by the questions that might come up from your subconscious, through your dreams, or in some unexpected and surprising way. Any questions that now arise  may be crucial to the  success of any projects or decisions currently under consideration.   

Using this period of  time to reevaluate, to get clarity, or to allow ideas to root and and connections to be made, will be fortunate and beneficial.   Given what might arise during Uranus's retrograde phase, this might be a time when hidden pieces of the puzzle and questions and doubts will become clear.  Expect the unexpected,.  Positive surprises are sure to be a benefit art the groundwork is laid for your plans, changes, and new focus. Venus having recently completed a retrograde phase through Gemini (April 17-18, June 10 -11), is now approaching that same spot at12° of Gemini. This is where Venus  where she meets Mercury.  Whatever  you set into motion in early May, will become manifest in early August.

Our actions speak louder than words, now more than ever.  What we put our energy into is now opening new doors for us.  As we have released and let go either by choice or not, we have been broken down, stripped of our baggage, and released from the past. We may have left much of what we know behind us, and now we will find new opportunities opening up. This has probably already begun for those who ride the cutting edge. I listen to my friends who are caught off guard by some of the changes occurring in their lives, seemingly unaware how important it is that there is still much to be released. Whatever is not working, is falling apart. Whatever we value, we are faced with, and find ourselves struggling to do what is necessary to mend fences, heal and learn patience, or identify within ourselves what it is that we need to see inside that we are looking for outside. Especially some of the most evolved, talented, and aware among us still find it hard to release into the power of the unknown. Our plans fall apart before us, and we do not see the path. That does not mean the path is not there, it simply means we need to open our eyes to see where we have arrived. And then we need to be at peace, and let the river flow and carry us with it or dabble our feet in the waters as we abide in peace.

If we have been turning our backs on our own desires, health, and needs, we will now be reminded how necessary it is for us to make the changes required for living a healthy, productive, happy, and peaceful well-balanced life. Having our dreams come true, in this case, will require that we commit to living in balance with those closest to us.  We will not be able to force our will on others and have positive results.  Conversely, we will not be able to put our own needs and concerns aside for the sake of keeping peace or getting along for the sake of getting along. 

Living within the present and being at peace with what is, is not a passive road. Accepting what is includes making choices to move beyond that which endangers us. Our health, our sanity, our security and safety, not to mention our divine call to create and give purpose and meaning to our lives---none of this can exist or thrive within an atmosphere of turmoil, violence, trauma, and extreme and chronic stress. Being at peace and being present, require taking action on our behalf and to set an example for others for whom we are responsible.  We teach by example, and we condone by inaction.  Take action on your behalf and on behalf of those who trust, love, and follow your example.   Harmonious relationships with others, within ourselves  (body, mind, spirit, emotions), our work, our art, and living  our dreams, all demand that we live more consciously, intentionally, and more honestly from our true intentions.

For the next few months Uranus will be retrograde, and for the next few weeks Mercury will be retrograde.  In whatever area of your life requires that you make change, develop new skills, or reexamine how you are living and what you need, you will now feel more pressure both from within and without.  In whatever area of your life you are not living according to your core truth, you will feel the need to first of all be honest about it, and second,  of all, to make  changes.  The nature of the universe is change.  And the nature of that change is dynamic.  Change or be changed is the equation.  You get to pick. Or the choices will be made for you.  I know which option I prefer.

The current nature of this universal call for change and transformation is now being activated more immediately and strongly by the movement of the archetypal energies of the more fast-moving inner planets. Uranus (Uranus takes 7 years to pass through a sign, but its energy is related to things happening suddenly so it brings change quickly), Mercury, and Venus which are are beginning to activate, unmask, question,  propel us forward. This is ongoing  within the context of the archetypal energy of the slow-moving outer planets, Saturn and Pluto that have been working us over for the last few years.    What arose in our awareness and experience, and what demanded your attention and claimed your energy,  is now being clearly revealed through the way you are living, what you are seeking through your intentions, what you are creating and building up, and how you are using your gifts on your own behalf and for the good of all humanity. 

Beneath the Surface                                                                                              Catherine Al-Meten
We have a responsibility to heal ourselves so we can help heal our communities, nations, tribes, and planet.  Instead of acting out of our woundedness and suppressed feelings, emotions, and unfulfilled desires, we need to seek inner truth and healing. We need to stop blaming others, projecting our violence on others, turning our rage into hurtful words and actions. We need to  tap into our ability to heal and extend love, understanding, and tolerance to others. What we project into the world will come back as a reflection of who we are. Let us reflect the Divine Light that forms the seeds within our souls to plant love, beauty, peace, and understanding wherever we go and with whomever we meet.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Understanding the lasting effects of aspects.Last quarter Moon in Aries squares Sun in Cancer

Luna                                                         Tammy von Payens, 2012                                                                                                                                        

  (Note:  I am using  voice activated software to write.  Needless to say, is not perfected and does not always understand what I am saying.  I apologize for any gibberish  misspelled or misunderstood words that my DragonDictate did not get .  I guess one of my growing edges  is learning to be more clear with my appliances!  I hope you get some benefit from this article. ) 

The artwork of Tammy von Payens is currently on display in Astoria, Oregon at Street 14 Coffee in downtown. This painting is on exhibit with her other work.

If you look up at the Moon tonight, you'll see Luna in her last quarter phase. The quarter Moons always square the Sun reminding us of where in our lives we need to continue to pay attention to and take the necessary steps to achieve our goals, to finish old business, or make the necessary preparations for the next leg of our journey.  We are still under the influence of last night's late evening T-Square between transformer, Pluto  (7°), Uranus in Aries (8°) , and Mars in Libra  (8°), all within one degree of one another in the first decan  of their respective signs.

A transit or an aspect in your chart or currently active  does not just affect the particular day or hour time frame. Aspects and transits   are actively affecting  us for  much longer periods of time.   Describing the transit or an aspect is like providing a description of the kinds of energy, challenges, and opportunities available for our use.  For example, knowing that each month at the 1st quarter and last quarter of the moon a square indicates that time period when we  need to take action, make changes, or just some aspect of our lives or behavior   Provides us with information about how to handle challenges and decisions.   I recall when I was younger scoffing at the idea that an older relative made about planting seeds in particular time according to the phases of the moon.  Little did I know that farmers including the Farmer's Almanac had been doing that for centuries.  We are connected to the energy of all things in the Universe.   We can either choose to  use that information to live in harmony with one another, with the planet, as a part of the vast Universe or we can ignore it.

Astrology and our use of the information it provides, is but one tool to better understand who we are, how we perceive and make our choices, how we take information and process it, and how we are affected by the energies that move within and all around us. The shift in consciousness that we are experiencing has started with a greater awareness of how we are all part of all that is and how we are not only connected to everyone and everything, but how our energy is both given and received. The more conscious and intentional we become about the lasting effects  of our behavior, the greater chance there is that we will only have a more positive impact through the lives we live and the choices we make but we will also do less harm.

We have been talking about the Uranus and Pluto aspects--- their importance and challenges.   Currently, there is a T-square featuring Uranus in Aries, Mars in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn.  T-square includes an opposition between 2 planets and the square to both from a 3rd planet.   In this case, Uranus in Aries  is opposite Mars in Libra  and both are squaring Pluto in Capricorn.
 Uranus /Aries________________________________________Mars/Libra
        Fire                                l                                              Air
                                    Pluto in Capricorn
Imagine, if you will, that the prevailing energy here is like a teeter totter. Mars in Libra is pulling against Uranus in Aries, and what's holding them in balance, the fulcrum point in the aspect, is Pluto in Capricorn, forming squares to both Uranus and Mars. Pluto continually calls us to use the energy of this aspect in some concrete way. 

The opposition formed between Mars and Uranus symbolizes the major relationship patterns that are active in your life.  Oftentimes this T-Square manifests as drama in the house of the fulcrum, in this case, Pluto.  This is the dynamic point of release and resolution. So we feel compelled by circumstances, desires, and the need to use the energy for something before it makes us come apart...however, and here's the really interesting thing about this aspect. Taking concrete action may not necessarily be as important as dealing with the opposing forces in the situation.  For a more constructive way out of a dilemma or the solution to a problem we need to look at the opposition.

To do this, we find the areas of our lives that are affected by this (ongoing by the way)  opposition.  Finding the point of release and resolution is generally fairly easy.  If that area of your life generally where chaos and crisis seem to be happening most.   The cause  of that and the solution,  lies in understanding what is happening  within the opposition.  Oppositions indicate areas of major relationship patterns.  Most of us have an opposition in our chart.  For example, you might have your natal Sun in Pisces and your natal moon in Virgo.   This is in opposition that has been with you your entire life.  Depending upon how old you are and how much work you have done to discover how your personality functions you probably already have dealt with issues around this particular opposition.  The healthy goal is to befriend  the energy of both and see how they can work together and complement one another.

The tendency for many of us is to identify with one or the other the major planets in the opposition feeling that we are more like that energy than the other.  If we have done this, we will find ourselves projecting the qualities of the other planet, but when we do not did it identify so much with, on to other people in our lives and in our relationships.  This works different ways.   The archetype of Pisces, for example, is one of polarities as are all archetypes.  In religious terminology that redeemed character of this archetype  is that of a loving, kind, creative, giving person.   The unredeemed or undeveloped archetype of Pisces is that of the slothful, wishy-washy, eccentric, out-of-control artist.  These are the polarities,  the extremes.  A more  valid picture would view the qualities of any archetype on a spectrum.   We are capable of acting out of a variety of parts of our personalities and  our temperaments  depending upon both internal and external circumstances and levels of development. In looking at the opposition to Pisces, we have Virgo.  The archetype of Virgo, likewise, has the polar extremes but also can be understood and engaged on any number of levels and degrees of a broad spectrum.  The opposing energies may either combine to create a balanced between harmonizing factors in one's behavior, development, perspective, desires, and choices.

In this case where we have the  opposing energies and patterns of behavior between the fiery your Uranus  and Mars in the air sign of Libra.  The energy of  Uranus  is that of sudden unexpected and surprising changes in behavior.  The urgency for change is triggered by this aspect.  At the opposite end of this equation is Libra where Mars is now transiting.  Mars also is a plan of action that you think Uranus and Mars would cause sudden quick changes without much thought. However, because Mars is in Libra,  there is a constant weighing of values and indecision in making choices going on.   We can use the energy of the opposition in a more positive way  if were willing to face the undeveloped and shadow parts of our nature and personalities.  with this particular T-square we need to look at the archetypes of Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries, and we need to look at what houses they are transiting.The houses or areas of your life, where these two planets stand in opposition, are the areas of your life that you need to examine if you are going to be able to make healthy and sound decisions right now. The power-packed energy that is almost forcing you to feel the need to make sudden changes and adjustments,  requires resolution in the  parts of your life that are affected by the opposition.  

One way to help figure this out is to notice what about either sign or both do you admire in others but fail to see in yourself?  We often recognize and admire  the qualities and characteristics of an energy in others but are not able to see those same qualities and energies in ourselves.  This shows up in our relationships, those we admire and model ourselves after, in our work and in how we talk about what we can or cannot do.

Practice listening to yourself.  What do you tell yourself you cannot cannot do on a regular basis?  Look at the two houses that are most affected... where  is Libra your chart and weird is Aries?  Notice what is going on in these two areas of your life, and see if you can move toward a greater understanding of how to incorporate the best of these two signs into the way you are handling these areas of yourself, your behavior, and the patterns that are active in thee areas. Because Pluto, the fulcrum and resolution point is in the long process of transforming your life, it is also calling you to change some of the unhealthy or  undeveloped   part of your life.  By becoming more aware that were capable of experiencing ongoing and active change and growth only if we are capable and willing to release worn-out patterns of behavior, develop healthy practices in all areas of our lives including decision-making and taking care of our health, and in the kinds of leaves we enter into and carry on relationships.  Rather than running away from issues and problems or blaming someone else for our lack of success or happiness we can face within ourselves by a gaining greater understanding that we need to change and what we need to befriend and/or become more balanced.  We can enhance our own lives and the lives of others by greater understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of ourselves.

Squares signify dynamic and recurring obstacles that we run into on our journeys.    Part of the serious effort required to create something of value in our lives and in the world is to learn from and resolve  those aspects of our personality and behavior our police and our values that are not congruent and  are blocking our ability to see what needs to be done next.    Our greatest struggles in life often  happened as a result of what we have struggled hardest to achieve, learn, or overcome.    We all suffer in some way,  and it is certainly easy enough in the world we live in to find others who suffered more than we have.  What is essential is that we recognize that whatever we have suffered through has been our teacher and has provided us with some of our best lessons and given us clues.  As to what our real soul purpose is.    It is often hard to see any blessing in this situation when you are in the middle of struggling.  For healing to take place in any of our lives and in the world, we need to be willing to look for the gifts in the garbage.    While I do not believe we need to suffer to be whole,  I do believe we all face challenges, losses, heart ache, and sorrow.  To dwell in the  struggle and not make any attempt to move forward or change to make life better for ourselves and others, leads to a vicious cycle of blaming, repeating patterns, suppressing our emotions and feelings, oppressing others with our sorrow and anger, and generally does not benefit anyone---ourselves or those we love.

We know  that we are energy that we are part of the energy of the Universe.  Thoughts are powerful, and are feeling are even more powerful.  it is incumbent upon each of us are to use our energy to benefit and help heal ourselves and the earth, and to make a positive contribution to bring peace, understanding, and love into being.    Use the energy alive in your system and in the world around you right now to discover how you can create more beauty, be more loving, and take care of that obligation to heal and help heal others.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Meditation by the River Tonight

Beginning tonight, July 9, I will be leading a meditation group at RiversZen Yoga Studio located in Astoria, Oregon beside the beautiful Columbia River. Meditation begins at 8:00 P.M. right after Peggy's Gentle Yoga Class.  Come join us as we meditate and watch the sun begin to set over the mountains, river, and sea. For more information, visit RiversZen website.

Monday, July 2, 2012

July's Full Moon in Capricorn, Mars' Entry into Libra, and Riding the Waves of Change

Beyond the Obvious                                                              Catherine Al-Meten

Full Moons are about culmination. The tides rise higher, the Moon reaches her fullest point of illumination, and we experience the increased fulfillment of our hopes, dreams, actions, and energies. July’s Full Moon in Capricorn peaks at 11:52 A.M. PDT/2:52 P. M. EDT. This full moon makes a number of aspects that increase the likelihood of greater emotional responses and the desire to eliminate distractions so we can alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed.

In the wake of the recent T-Square where the Cancer Moon opposed Pluto and squared Uranus (last Friday and spewing its effects throughout the weekend and into the rising tides of this Full Moon), this Full Moon and Mar’s entry into Libra shortly afterward, promises to be an interesting experience (understatement inferred).

Whatever has been building up beneath the surface demands to be expressed, experienced, or purged. Over the next two weeks, we should see how this Full Moon energy propels or shifts our experiences and lives.  Cancer, the archetype of our domestic and private lives, our need to nurture and be nurtured, our sense of feeling at home (within and without), opposes Capricorn the archetype of our public lives, public face, reputation, and career/life calling.  Full moons are always times of polarity between such opposites, and we now seek to balance these two opposing energies in whatever parts of our lives they rule.  The root issue here is the pull between our internal needs and the demands of our lives, the responsibilities or obligations.

Before the Moon reaches her peak, Mars enters Libra at 5:33 A.M. PDT ending an 8-month transit through Virgo that called for us to make the necessary changes, adjustments, preparations, and plans for a whole new leg of our journey.  Nearly everyone I’ve spoken with over the last year or so has mentioned feeling like time has speeded up creating a sense of urgency for making new connections, seeking equity and fairness in relationships and institutions, and bring into the open our intentions, plans, and direction.  Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries indicate the archetypes of balance, transformation will be appearing in the form of cultural masks and barriers cracking and falling away, revealing more innovative ways of relating, connecting, and conceiving of solutions and directions designed to meet pressing cultural needs and problems. 

Luna forms challenging aspects with both Uranus and Pluto.  It is not often that Uranus and Pluto form major aspects to one another. The Uranus square to Pluto indicates a turning point at  8/23 degrees (wherever this aspect falls in your chart/life). The Moon’s conjunction with Pluto indicates a change of cycles and the start of a new path or set of circumstances. The Moon’s square to Uranus in Aries and opposition to the Sun in Cancer releases a great deal of energy that can indicate major social and technological shifts and major disruptions caused by the release of the pent up and built up energy caused by the entry into the next stage of the ongoing transformation.   We may feel that we cannot help but express ourselves, however we may want to use a bit of restraint as this aspect often results in extremes in behavior and response. Discretion is the better part of valor. Being courageous sometimes means remaining calm, respectful, and tolerant in the face of extremes of emotional and the seemingly irrational release of subconscious spewing.

Uranus will be going retrograde beginning July 12 and ending in December. This will be a time when we will be reminded by the subtle emanations of the planet of innovation just where we might still  be clinging to outmoded beliefs, social conventions, and values that are not congruent with the lives we are leading or the changes required in order to live out our divine destiny.  On July 13, Mercury will go retrograde giving us a few weeks to get back into touch with the truth of who we are and the essence of our being. Where are we being asked to be creative, courageous, and congruent? How can we use our power and energy more wisely and in recognition of our place within the greater community and Universe?  We might use the strength, emotional honesty, and connection with our true essence to determine how best to use our will to help shape the aspect of our destiny that lies within our control and intention. It is also the time to turn toward that which is greater than our limited material seek direction through meditation, prayer, and intuitive guidance. 

Watch your dreams, and spend the time necessary to break open the archetypal and symbolic messages within them to better understand where you are most vulnerable to pain and where you most need protection, healing, and recuperation. Seek Divine guidance, protection, and and support to live out the best and highest good for yourself and those with whom you connect. Practice forgiveness, trust that your are the Temple of the Divine, and accept the graces that are being bestowed on you through the gift of your life.  Happy Full Moon everyone. Celebrate, rejoice, and pray for peace in the hearts of everyone. Look for what lies beneath and beyond the obvious of experiences, symbols, and situations that calls for revision or resolution.  Dig deeper. Enter deeper states of rest and awareness, and learn to understand the importance in your life, of watching, listening, waiting, and being still in each moment. Be present and call yourself to awareness as a practical way to discover that you are where you belong.