Friday, September 25, 2015

Full Harvest Moon in Aries and Lunar Eclipse

On Sunday night the Harvest Moon, the Full Moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox rises to fullness in the night sky. This is the fourth consecutive total eclipse in the Libra-Aries cycle. This tetrad has occurred over the last two years, and is now bringing us to a time of culmination in areas relating to how we grow to wholeness as individuals and how we connect and form bonds and relationships with partners. The Full Aries Moon opposes the Sun in Libra in the first decan at 4-5 degrees. The Moon also crosses the South Node in Aries as the Sun crosses through the gates of the North Node in Libra. The symbolizes movement from the past to the future, from what was to what will be. The South Node represents that which we brought into this life to learn and release. The North Node represents that which we have as gifts, talents, and opportunities for embracing and developing new parts of our identity. We become more of who we are, and deepen our understanding now of ourselves and of others.

Sabian Symbol for 5 degrees of Aries, this Full Moon is described as:   ‘a triangle with wings’. The triune symbol of the trinity and he ascension to our Higher Selves and to the infusion of the Sacred in our lives. The Divine infuses us with energy and we are open to receiving the blessings of the Sacred as compassion, love, understanding, and grace.

This Full Moon in Aries is also forming a powerful eclipse. According to one astrologer, “All lunar Eclipses are tied to the Nodes- which is one of the reasons Eclipses are so potent. They energize our future path of growth and they also energize our past– and in this Eclipse portal we stand at the threshold of choice: will we move forward and grow into uncharted and unfamiliar territory or will we stay stuck in the karmic patterns of the past?”

Not only is the Full Moon in Aries occurring as an eclipse is occurring but the frequency of this energy is increased by the movement and shifts that have been happening over the last week. First the Sun moved into Libra. Mercury is retrograde. Pluto just turned direct recently, and the North Node is sitting on the Galactic Center. Saturn just left its anaretic degree (29 degrees) and is now in Sagittarius. This is one of the most profoundly spiritual and transformational times for all humankind (individuals and the collective) as well as the planetary and galactic systems.Imbalances are now made clear. Places are now revealed where we have to make changes, or face the dire consequences. The Gospel of Thomas says that Jesus taught that “What you bring forth from within you will save you. What you fail to bring forth will kill you.”
As with the call of the prophets of ancient times, it is crucial that we face t
he choices we have. We have before us a choice between life and death. As the Deurteronomist wrote, “Choose life.” Choose that which will allow you to grow and live more fully. Let go of what is keeping you from life.

Requires direct action. Time to take a good look at what your life is currently, and take bold steps to make whatever changes are needed. Let go of what is no longer working. Be receptive of what is coming to you. This is a time when we heal our understanding and beliefs about what wholeness means. We embrace all aspects of who we are and observe how we are expressing ourselves in our relationships. Where are we living out of our highest selves and where are we settling for less or allowing ourselves to repeat old patterns and giving our power, energy, and gifts away where they are not appreciated or respected. Emotional discomfort signals where we need to heal, and facing the truth of how we are sabotaging or selling ourselves short in some way, helps us become more aware of what we need to change and what we need to embrace.

The Aries Sun brings on the energy of fire and is the active cardinal force alive within us now. Calling us to pay attention to our individual power, desires, energy, and manner of expressing ourselves. How can we express our power and energy with grace? In what ways can we use our fervent desires to act with greater compassion and connect with the powerful energies arising at this time?

This Lunar Eclipse in Aries is a time to come to closure with whatever has come to its end. It’s a time of emptying out, letting go, and releasing ourselves from whatever commitments, relationships, or connections require finalizing.   Eclipses ramp up the volume of how we express our emotions. This Full Moon in Aries and eclipse fall in the first decan of Aries. We purge and rid ourselves of the debris that is choking up our systems and blocking our energy. The energy of this time casts its light on our deepest emotions, subconscious desires, issues within our primary relationships (as well as how we are within those relationships), as well as any underlying mysteries, hidden agendas, or suppressed needs and desires. Imagine a festering wound or a volcano building up to an eruption. That which has been suppressed and depressed is ready to burst forth in some manner.

Look at what has been growing in your life over the last six months. What you have successfully watered, nurtured, and allowed to grow will now begin showing the first signs of life. If what was planted has been under too much pressure or stress or was not given proper attention, may now fall apart and come to an end. What is meant to come to life does; what has been coming to an end, dies.

To determine how this fits in your own life/chart, look to the houses/areas of your life where both the  Full Moon at 4-5 degrees of Aries is and where the Sun at 4-5 degrees of Libra is. This is the area that will bear the greatest weight of the energy from this lunar transit, as well as the last in the series of Libra-Aries axis eclipses.  For the last year and a half, this area of your life has been the focal point of attention revolving around relationships. How we come to understand and be at home with and in ourselves—individuation process as Carl Jung described it combines with how we relate in our most intimate and personal relationships.  This can be a time of giving birth as well as a time of celebration, or it can be a time of letting go and allowing yourself to grieve the losses that have taken place in your life. You may find yourself doing both.

As the South Node in Aries is also an important aspect of this transit, we have a wonderful opportunity to release those habits, patterns of thought and behavior, beliefs, and expectations that have been holding us back and keeping us from healing, growing, and liberating ourselves from fear, insecurity, and other negative forms of self sabotage. The North Node in Libra in transited by the Sun in Libra at this Full Moon and eclipse as well. This highlights the area of your life where new doors become apparent, a new pathway opens, and new opportunities appear. There may be an amazing amount of serendipitous types of experiences, as well as surprises and even shocks as the Full Moon in Aries and the eclipse also connect Uranus in Aries. Uranus in Aries brings sudden, unexpected events and rushes into our lives in a way that burns off whatever needs eliminating so that new life can be born.

When the Moon is Full emotions run high and low just as the tide does. Take time to sit quietly listening to what is rising up within you, and accept that the emotional responses you may be feeling now are helping you cleanse, purge, and release. Our emotions are gifts, and fearing or trying to suppress them is not healthy. We feel to help us read our inner compass…to know with more clarity and certainty how we really are responding or feeling about the people in our lives and anything else that we claim is important to us. Listen to your emotional voice.

Other aspects at this Full Moon in Aries include Mercury at 11 degrees retrograde in Libra. Bringing up the past, going back over familiar and perhaps uncomfortable territory related to how we do relationships. So many of us look for the relationship that has all the ingredients we desire, when what we need are all the ingredients within ourselves that bring us to know, appreciate, and be comfortable in our own skin. When we keep looking to find someone or something to complete us, we miss the key. The key is within. That does not mean we are meant to spend all our time alone, but what it does mean is that if we can’t find peace, fulfillment, love, and acceptance within, we won’t be able to find it from someone else.

Our relationships mirror to us what we are struggling to find or deal with within, and accepting what is going on at any given time in our development, in our lives, is crucial to finding that sense of inner peace and that love we so want others to give or provide us. Love is about both giving and receiving, and we can’t give what we don’t feel. When someone isn’t giving you what you need, it’s in part because they don’t have it to give. Trying to make someone love you or demand that they see life through your perspective is a major waste of time. Find out what is worthwhile in you and in your life right where you are, and work on appreciating and respecting that. If what you see is not what you want, take steps to move forward towards what you do want.  Watch and listen for how communications signal to you what is moving up within you and what is moving out of your experience now. With Uranus in Aries, in opposition to Mercury at some point, look for some flashes of light that come in the form of a bolt out of the blue or a sudden moment of enlightenment about what is dead and dying and what is ready to be born.

Venus is at 21 degrees of Leo at this Full Moon. Venus forms a trine to the Full Moon in Aries, and brings with it some dramatic gestures, actions, or declarations. Expect the unexpected, and be gracious and graceful in the way you express yourself. With emotions on the surface and deep feelings welling up, it is a time when love and beauty burst to the surface for many of us. We feel what was only a niggling beneath the surface until recently.

Mars just entered Virgo, and will be at 1/11 degrees of Virgo at the time of the Full Moon. What is expressed through concrete and pragmatic actions now speaks volumes about what has taken the highest priority in your life.  Simple gestures like cleaning up or clearing out can be expressions of what is needed within as well.  Spend some time removing anything from your environment that is not needed, used, or loved.  Get rid of whatever is holding you in energy connected to what has left your experience. Clean up and dress up. Set the table and serve a nice home cooked meal to guests or to yourself. Celebrate life on this full moon, and count your blessings. The ones you can see, and the ones that are part of your gift as a person.

Jupiter is also in Virgo at 11 degrees. Through very practical and earthy ways abundance is flowing in whatever area of your life Virgo rules.  Again, a time when abundance is growing and is bestowing blessings and fruit from seeds planted in the past. You are receiving the good from what you have set into motion. Receive with gratitude, and get enough perspective and enough time when your emotions don’t overwhelm you to truly appreciate how fortunate your are. Look to see how what may seem like a loss or challenge has given you something of value in return for the pain and suffering you might have had to endure. How have you grown from this? And if the experience is too new, too raw, think back to the past when you felt the odds were insurmountable in your life, and remember what it took for you to overcome the odds. Perspective helps when emotions run high as they do during this Full Moon in Aries.  Reflect, remember, and honor your strengths and experiences.

Saturn has just re-entered Sagittarius, so the Moon will trine Saturn as it reaches toward fullness. The lessons and challenges that you are dealing with become clear at this time. What has been feeling thwarted is now releasing and changes are beginning to take place. The Moon will help trigger this movement, but Saturn being slow as it is, takes its time, and will be moving with the power and surge of fire now giving it a bit more momentum than we generally feel with Saturn. It’s been taking a journey deep into our subconscious for some months now, so it will be a bit of a relief as it starts its journey in Sagittarius. We will feel more hopeful and inspired for the next leg of our journey. We will carry the optimism and idealism of Sagittarius as we move forward.

Uranus at 17 degrees of Aries, retrograde, will be forming a conjunction a day or so  after the New Mon. Expect to be surprised, hear unexpected news, or receive some sign or indication of something that brings you a surprising opportunity or sets off some kind of change.

Neptune in Pisces in retrograde motion at 7/38 degrees continues to work its way into our unconscious and subconscious realms. Dreams, intuition, and creative inspiration are triggered by memories and lessons learned from reviewing our past. Learning to listen and discern the spiritual aspects of our being help us in waking up to whatever needs to be stirred to bring ourselves to life.

Pluto is at 12 degrees of Capricorn at the time of the Full Moon. Pluto continues its transformational journey through our lives. Now in the second decan of Capricorn, it takes on even more direct and earthy energy and focus. This is time to get down to business, so notice at the light of the Full Moon and all that goes along with the eclipse and other shifts and energy, just what is being called to your attention. Notice what is being changed, what is needing greater attention, or what needs to be retooled or reworked so that you are not drained of your energy or pushed beyond your limits.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is at 18/22 degrees retrograde in Pisces. Again, this enriches and strengthens the need to review how old wounds, patterns, habits, and cycles are triggered, and consider how you can change  some of these areas of your life to make better choices for yourself. Part of what needs to happen is that whatever has been oppressed, denied, or stowed away requires attention. Shame and fear keep many of us from wanting to look at what is hanging on, pulling us down. We need courage now to face what has harmed us, and to see that we have the power to disconnect from whatever has caused us harm. We can make new choices based on what is good for us.

The energy from the shifts earlier this week, and the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and the aspects to the Moon and Nodes make for a very potent and powerful time. The effects of this energy can last up to three months, so notice what is crucial and standing out at this time. You have the power and the choice to learn from the past and grow with greater awareness. You can try to repeat old cycles and live out of old beliefs or habits, or you can listen to how your heart is growing and your spirit is being changed and forged into something new and more solid and alive than in the past. What was, is no longer. What is to be is forming in your heart and only needs you to step out into the truth and receive your blessings, now.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Autumnal Equinox and Pluto moves direct, Mars enters Virgo: a week of changes and shifts

September 23 at 4:20 AM EDT/1:20 AM PDT the Sun enters Libra. The next day, September 24, Mars enters Virgo at 10:18 PM EDT/ 7:18 PM PDT. Shortly afterward Pluto goes direct (2:58 AM EDT on September 25/11:58 PM PDT on September 24).The Autumnal Equinox marks a turning point in the year. On this day, there are equal parts of night and day, and the season of Autumn officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere, and Spring begins in the Southern Hemisphere.. This year the Sun in the first degree of Libra sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius on Wednesday, and then on Thursday the Sun conjuncts the North Node in Libra. The sextile to Saturn shines light on whatever lessons are being learned at this time. The conjunction of the Sun to the North Node signals a passage into a new phase of life, a new time, and a new pathway opening for us. Notice in your chart/life where this movement is taking place, and focus your attention of nourishing and supporting your growth and movement toward your heart's desire.

This week begins with the Moon in Sagittarius, appropaching its first quarter square to the Sun tomorrow morning (5 AM EDT/2 AM PDT). Before that however, the Moon in Sagittarius makes some nice aspects first a sextile to Mercury during the night (some nice dreams perhaps or a symbol or sign of how ot handle a situation) followed by a trine to Venus (some pleasant thoughts, connections, inspirational experiences). Later in the mid-morning the Moon forms a square to Chiron in Pisces perhaps signaling a need to notice what wounds, shadow aspects of ourselves, or niggling details are keeping us from enjoying life more fully. Notice what your emotions signal today pointing you to make some simple changes for your own good and health. Later in the evening the Moon forms a trine with Uranus in Aries. Expect a flash of insight, a dream or hunch that comes out of the blue, or a late-night call from someone who brings surprising answers to you. Expect some good news and be open to inspiring ideas.

During the night, the Moon changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Also during the night Mercury forms a semi-square aspect to Saturn. This might indicate some hang ups or mix ups with some paperwork or an increase in red tape with paperwork or agreements. Delays may be indicated, or confusion over how to go about resolving problems. In the Western Hemisphere, this all happens at night; for the Eastern is is occuring during the day. In either case, this week may be starting off with some unexpected news about issues related to the discovery of some problems. Rather than reacting with criticism or negativity of any kind, get to work fixing things or be patient and wait things out. Nothing is going to be helped by making the situation/s worse by creating conflict or getting into arguments. Use the energy of Saturn in Sagittarius to clean up messes and find solutions rather than making things worse by harping on what’s wrong.

Also early in the week Mars is forming a seisququadrate to Pluto in Capricorn. Shortly before entering an earth sign, Mars in the last degrees of Leo is stirring up intense desires and is likely to try pushing and shoving to get its way. Keep in mind this is a last ditch efffort to force things that have been building into a showdown or confrontation of some type. Ease up, step back, and avoid direct confrontations that are not meant to be resolved just jet. The gift of Leo is direct and dramatic energy. The growing edge of Leo is developing patience and channeling energy especially during times when we are called upon to wait and see. What can be done now is to develop some strategies for dealing with various scenarios. And by all means, let’s remain flexible. Adjust your perspective so that you are ready to shift when the time is right. Right now, is a waiting time. What we sometimes fail to see is that the wheels are in motion due to the efforts, thoughts, intentions, and energy we have already sent out. As the planetary energy is shifting and as Mars moves closer to its transit in Virgo, the earthy energy is drawing Mars to get more grounded. We are being called to also get more grounded with our activities and energy.

Late in the evening on the West Coast of North America, and just past midnight further east, Venus in Leo forms a quincunx to Chiron in Pisces.  We may feel a fuzzy sense of dissatisfaction around  the way we relate to others, to our resources, and to the choices we are making regarding how we use our energy. We may notice more about what we bring into our experience and what might be healthier and more energizing. We may feel insecure or uncomfortable about the way we express our feelings or share our affections. We may also want to notice what kinds of energy we have been attracted to in the past, and consider what might be more appealing and more uplifting for us personally. Just notice what insights you might have at this time.

Later Venus trines Uranus in Aries forming a beneficial aspect between the planet of love and beauty and the planet of sudden and unexpected surprises. Fears and uncertainties give way to a sense of adventure and willingness to break out of old habits and take some risks. We embrace adventure and welcome new experiences even out-of-the ordinary types of romantic attractions. A shift takes place within us, and because we are willing to look at what has not worked, we are more able to embrace new ideas and interests.

Early Wednesday morning in the Western Hemisphere, the Sun enters Libra. Shortly after, Mercury forms a semi-square to Mars. This provides the first test for whatever area the Libra Sun in the first degree is sitting in your own life/chart. Libra the great negotiator and peace maker has to learn to stand in its own truth. The semi-square between Mercury and Mars indicates a conflict in communications. Whatever area is affected by this stressful aspect is an area where you may be learning how to temper your willfulness with some skills in listening and letting a situation unfold. If dealing with a stressful situation and even though you may be irritable, tired, or under the weather, you can use your energy now to back off on making derogatory statements or entering into battle with someone who is even more intractable than you are right now. Battles may occur, but the outcomes are apt to be more harmful than helpful. Avoid entering the fray.

The Sun forms a nice sextile with Saturn this evening making us feel more grounded and less tense. We feel more at home with ourselves, able to set our ego needs aside and be content with what progress we are making. We feel less agitated and more relaxed. We may feel able to let ourselves rest assured that we are making good progress. We get caught up more in the general sense that life as we are living it, is working out as it should. We feel less ramped up to make thing happen yesterday, and begin to feel at home with ourselves and others as a result. At the same time, with less energy spent on worrying, fretting, or forcing things, we get more done.

Mercury and Pluto form a square to one another. This square like all hard aspects can be used for good or evil. Seriously, we can sink into negativity and feel the ‘woe is me’ kind of feeling, or we can delve more deeply into what it is about our transformation and the way we have been experiencing it that is calling us to learn something useful and new about ourselves? Rather than feeling sorry for ourselves, blaming others, or blowing things all out of proportion, we could use this energy to delve more deeply into what is needed to improve our plight or to make a situation better. Notice what is coming up for you at this time for this is a signal from your unconscious and subconscious that is going to turn into a gift in the proverbial garbage.

Also Thursday night at almost the same time (2 minutes difference) Pluto in Capricorn stations direct and Mars enters Virgo. Two major shifts in the earth sign energy. Notice where in your life/chart these two planets reside. Notice both your natal Pluto and Mars and the transiting planets. Pluto is the long-term transitional and transformative energy and Mars is the planet of action, of getting things done. Notice what areas of your life these two planets are affecting most, and let yourself revel in how this earthy energy is going to move into your life and help you get things accomplished. What you have been dreaming of, planning for, or working on will not begin to make themselves present.

On Friday around 6:13 PM PDT/9:13 PMEDT Mars  in Virgo forms a square to Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a very powerful, formidable aspect, and it will probably manifest in a very explosive and powerful way in both the collective and personal consciousness. The more we are able throughout the week to calm our own personal storms, quell the rising negativity and harshness in our own live, the more we help generate peaceful energy to help ease some of the harsh energy building up. Words and thoughts are energy, and the more we act with greater compassion, love, tolerance, and understanding, the more we do to bring about peace in our own lives and in the world around us. Getting out of the habit of self absorption and narrowing our world to fit our needs and tastes, allows us to begin helping in the healing process of our world that is full of wounded and hurting people We need to help heal the Earth and make our energy and resources help in the preservation and renewal of the planet and all our resources. We must love now and share with one another in a compassionate and loving way.

How best to use this energy? Your life may reflect to you now, that which is no longer feasible or desirable for your highest good and well being. Take not, and make plans now to do what you need to do to make the necessary changes for your own health, survival, and well being.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Reversing Direction: Forward and Backward Momentum

Pelican Reflecting                                                                     Catherine Meyers
Intuitive Insight Weekly Article  Sept. 17

Talk about a mixed bag, one planet, Mercury,  is entering its retrograde cycle behind the Sun, while another, Saturn, is restarting its journey into Sagittarius. Movement, motion, and some jarring and shaky experiences in both individual and collective experiences. It is time to hold onto the reins and be prepared for the ride ahead. As former Yankee Yogi Berra so wisely said, "Deja vu all over again." It might seem like you've been in this place (metaphorically, spiritually, and physically) before. Only this time you've had a long period to look deep within to come to terms with some deep-seated issues and aspects of your personality and patterns of thinking and behavior.  You reenter an old situation with new eyes and a new heart.

On Wednesday, September 17 as I write this column, Mercury is beginning its retrograde phase in the constellation of Libra. Retrograde phases of Mercury caution us to take it easy, slow down, and  check the details of all forms of communication during this period. It’s also time to reflect on decisions and choices you have already made. All in all, it is a good time to be more reflective and less in a hurry.  Pushing the river won’t do at this time. The course of nature and just about anything connected to human nature, is apt to be both in flux and in a kind of limbo phase.

Not only is Mercury going to be in retrograde until October 9, but also Saturn, the Great Teacher is re-entering Sagittarius tonight, September 17. It’s recent retrograde back into Scorpio, resulted in some deep soul searching and coping with the shadow aspects of our personalities, lives, and relationships. It’s a double whammy day. We’ve begun to learn what our choices and the challenges that have befallen us are going to mean in the way we recover, recuperate, and grow from here on out. What ever trials and tribulations you have experienced over the last couple of years, you have come through with a new set of ideals and a fresh perspective on what really matters and what does not. As Saturn re-enters Sagittarius, we move into a much more active, fiery energy than we have been used to. Actions now speak louder than words or hidden agendas, soul-seated dreams, or deep-seated fears. We are thrust into action, and feel the surging of energy both within and all around us. This requires being able to stand in our own truth, remain solid and stable with the choices we have made, the work we are doing, and the changes we have made in our lives.

The combination of Mercury’s retrograde and Saturn’s movement into Sagittarius, work as a kind of engine. Mercury  the power and focus we use for making the most of our spiritual practices which are now revealing, enlightening, and generating great stores of creativity, information, and intuitive insight. Notice what is coming up in dreams, meditation, and intuitive hunches. Observe how meditation, prayer, and journaling help you channel your ideas, energy, and focus. Notice how old pieces of work, or something you have already created helps you with what you are doing currently. As breakdowns and delays often occur during this time, avoid going into a panic. Instead welcome the breaks, the ‘thinking’ time, and use the space in between delays or being disconnected in some way, to nourish and heal other areas of your life.

As for what to expect of the Saturn is the force and momentum of the engine in its ingress into Sagittarius.  Look back to last December through June of this year for a sense of what is going to come to the forefront. What you had to set aside or stop focusing on at the beginning of summer, is now ready for a second look. What have you learned over the summer that is going to help you discern what is best for you, for a plan or project, for a relationship, or decision now? Saturn being one of the large outer planets in our Solar System, it never the less has increased focus on getting into action during its transit through Sagittarius. Sagittarius, the idealist of the Zodiac, does not take ‘no’ for an answer. If there is a strong desire you have, now is the time to put your intentions and energy toward making it come to life or to fruition.  Dare to imagine and envision what you really want, and be receptive to receiving the invitations and answers that lead your into action or into moving forward on your desires.

In so far as all forms of communication go, and whatever houses/areas of your life you find both Mercury and Saturn in, watch how you communicate. This may be a great time for dreaming up ideas and working on plans. Communicating about these ideas may be a bit troublesome or ambiguous during the Mercury transit. The growing edge for Mercury in Libra is saying whatever you think you need to in order to please others or appease everyone. Remember, it’s not your job to make everyone happy. It’s not your job to be the mediator, judge, or referee in every conflict either. Step back, and get in touch with what is true and good for you, and learn more about standing in your own truth. Use your skills for negotiating and seeking balance and harmony to find out how to do that for yourself in your own life. If we aren’t taking good care of ourselves, and if we don’t know what we are willing to stand firm in, we become like a tumble weed…rolling from place to place with no destination and no sense of home. I think there are a lot of songs written about that theme. It is a theme in our own lives now, as we need to stop trying to please or see everyone else’s point of view at the expense of having no idea what we believe or want ourselves. Whatever patterns in your life are characterized by this behavior, now is the time to examine them and eliminate whatever needs to be changed in your own experience. We want to avoid being wishy washy, ‘with no direction home’. Seek that center of gravity within…your inner truth and light, and allow yourself to receive the guidance you need from that which you hold sacred.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Virgo: Elemental Shifts and Transformation

*Today I picked this photograph of a hiving that took place in my garden a while back. When the queen of a bee hive is about to die, the whole hive knows this. One bee is selected to take her place, and half the hive splits off to form a new colony with a new queen. This happened in my yard, and to me seems so symbolic of what many are experiencing at this time. We cannot maintain the past as it was if there is to be life and new growth. We have to know when to stop exerting our energy into what is no longer viable in our lives. Embrace the energy and movement in your own life. Trust that new life is within you right now. 

New  Moon and Solar Eclipse in Virgo:
Elemental Shifts and Transformation

Chiron, the Wounded Healer has been transiting Pisces triggering our unconscious and intuitive shadow elements for some time. Each time a planet, the Sun, or the Moon makes an aspect to Chiron, something within our own nature and experience is triggered. As we move into the energy of this month’s  New Moon in Virgo, Chiron is in opposition. The New Moon in Virgo is calling us to get our homes and lives in order by acknowledging what shadow aspects of ourselves needs to change now. With the trigger of this opposition to Chiron (and later to Neptune also in Pisces), we need to face ourselves squarely, avoiding the habits and attitudes that often help us rationalize or suppress our true feelings.

The New Moon in Virgo coincides with the partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo making this a potent, powerful, and rare opportunity if we are willing to receive the news with a sense of openness. We can learn so much about who we really are as opposed to what masks we wear or what stories we tell about ourselves. It’s a time to feel and experience the raw essence of our nature. To look in the mirror of our souls and see what is rising up within us to be expressed and adjusted in our lives. We may suddenly feel the need to make major adjustments, or we may finally understand how openings come in the slight and steady ways we face our truth each day. However we have been coping with the major issues of our lives, this time gives us a sense of perspective that we may not ordinarily see.

Coming on the heels of the anniversary of the tragic events and aftermath of September 11, 2001 and in light of the massive refugee exodus from Syria and other war-torn countries, we can recognize how we might be ignoring or squandering our talents, gifts, resources, time, and energy. What priorities are on your list at this point in your life? How are you ignoring the blessings, talents, and gifts that even some of what you refer to as loss or tragedy in your own life. For many, the tragedy has been about wasted efforts, skewed perspectives, or self-imposed abuse or crisis. As Virgo challenges us to show in the course of our daily lives, just what we are made of, we are called upon to take stock of what tools and resources we have to make necessary changes. We are also called upon to take charge of our own attitudes and stop wasting time looking to past glories  or whining about disappointments. The New Moon in Virgo, and the Solar eclipse of the Sun in Virgo puts the needed pressure on us to set a course on  a path that is more pragmatic as well as more grounded in the reality of the life we have created and the intentions we have already set forth. We are also reminded by the issues we’re dealing with and by the current condition of our lives—body, mind, emotions, and spirit—of the calling that has been becoming clearer and clearer. This New Moon is an awakening time, a time unlike many new moon times.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 20 degrees of Virgo is “A caravan of cars headed for promised lands.” Not only do we see millions of people in flight, seeking safe haven and willing to reach safety with not much more than hope. We are driven by our inner desires, our hope for the future, and for turning our lives onto new paths. The spotlight is now on those fleeing, but they join a large human tradition and history of those who have been forced to or who have chosen to seek something better. To do so means taking risks. When we choose to move out of the known into the unknown, we must leave behind the sense of safety, security, and certainty that we have clung to.

The New Moon and Solar eclipse in 20 degrees of Virgo (September 12-13) find us heading out on a new journey, taking roads unfamiliar to us. We may be alone or we may be doing this with others. In any event, we are part of a collective energetic shift to change from the ground up, not only what we are doing but also how we are doing it. We are creating the map as we go, and yet we can learn from the past if we take what is useful and relevant, and not stick to traditions or established patterns or structures that have already fallen apart. Unless we want to stand at the base of a building that has collapsed before us and start putting it back together again, we need to pack up what we can use, and move on. Learn from the past, and move on into a new life. The potential for healing on this New Moon is great now. How do we use this energetic shift to create, heal, build, and move ahead?

The more we are willing to face and acknowledge our emotional wounds, the greater chance there is that we can heal. Healing needs to come by seeing our wholeness rather than just our disconcerting, by promoting strength over weakness, or by seeking understanding and tolerance rather than being critical and judgemental. We need to move beyond in spite of our fear, and avoid allowing ourselves to sink into the despair, disappointment, or delusion. As may already be clear from the energy shifts and edgy movement that has been building up all week, this change and growth may feel uncomfortable. We may feel we are on shaky ground or sense energy moving toward or away from us in jarring fashion.

To deal with the tremendous bursts of energy, we need to focus on establishing and maintaining our sense of well being. Paying attention to healthy practice (exercise, nutrition, rest, pleasure, and meaningful connections and communication) ought to be paramount on each of our agendas. Slowing our pace, practicing being mindful more often, and using our spiritual and health practices to keep ourselves on an even keel.  Like a boat sailing on the water, the keel helps us adjust ourselves and our boat to the changing conditions of the ocean or river. Our lives are affected by many external and internal conditions, and our point of focus needs to be right now on being present right where we are, and being awake to what each moment, each thought, and each interaction and action has to show us.

Because of Virgo’s strong focus on healthy, balanced, and down-to-earth pragmatic attention, we are given a boost to improve the way we are living and be mindful as to how we are part of the whole.What we do affects what happens outside our own narrow focus. Think of your words, actions, choices, and movements as waves that spread out from you affecting everyone in your life, in your path, and in your circle of love. When we do this, we can focus on making certain what we send out is filled with healthy, life-affirming energy. This benefits us all.

Jupiter the planet of abundance and good fortune in Virgo is nearly in exact opposition to Neptune the planet that reigns over imagination, the unconscious, and illusion in Pisces. This opposition between these two powerful planets calls upon us each to seek unity within between the dreams and illusions and the gifts, resources, and abundance of energy that is ours to use or abuse. It is our choice. We can take what seems to be a major disappointment or loss or unhealed wound, and turn it into something that helps us lift ourselves and others out of a period of static and watered down living. Being busy or having all the external material trappings, in no way guarantees living a full, rich life. Diluting the potential you have for creating and expanding by selling yourself short, settling for less, or repeating the same old patterns over and over, is no choice. It is a condition which can be changed now, if you desire and take steps in that direction.

The Divine is already present in every situation, in each of us, and in all that is. We need only look within ourselves to see that we have what we need right now. How we use our gifts, talents, creativity, resources, energy, and choice depends on us. The time is right. Prayers have been answered, and if you are still looking for answers, review what has happened recently, what has shown up at your doorstep or what has left. Notice where you have what you longed for. Now what? What’s the next perfect step? How are you being divinely guided right now? Listen for the words y
our need. Watch for the signs and begin making the connections that will become your map. When we are in the middle of the journey, we cannot see the whole, unless we allow ourselves to drift beyond the limited scope of this minute. Allow yourself some time to drift and wander. Allow space between movement and actions so that there is room to receive and observe.

Venus is now direct in Leo, having just formed a major conjunction with the Moon and Mars earlier this week. Another beautiful aspect is now building as love is being openly expressed, and is growing as Venus nears forming a Grand Trine in Fire Signs meeting up with Uranus in Aries soon. Sur

prises and shocking revelations are ahead.  Unexpected breakthroughs and welcome but surprising reprieves and shifts in attitude, perspective, and direction are building up over the next couple of weeks. Now during the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, make your intentions very clear and precise—being exacting with yourself, honest in all ways, about what you really desire and are called to do and be.

Get yourself and your life in order. Create an outer structure, daily schedule, health and fitness regime, and organize yourself to receive the greatest benefits and blessings from the energy within and around you at this time. We all have this potential in key areas of our lives right now. Focus on what matters most, and set your course in that direction. Then let the wind fill your sails, hold onto the keel, and move with the dictates of the Divine as your guide.

Mercury is getting ready to move into retrograde motion, so use this time to get your life and your thinking in order. Pray and meditation as a way to keep yourself in sync with the powerful energy that is coursing through us at this time. Be brave, steady, and at peace with yourself.<!--NetworkedBlogs Start--><style type="text/css"><!--.networkedblogs_widget a {text-decoration:none;color:#3B5998;font-weight:normal;}.networkedblogs_widget .networkedblogs_footer a {text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:normal;}--></style><div id='networkedblogs_container' style='height:180px;padding-top:20px;'><div id='networkedblogs_above'></div><div id='networkedblogs_widget' style="width:120px;margin:0px auto;padding:0px 0px 3px 0px;font-family:'lucida grande',tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif;font-size:11px;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;background:#3B5998 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;border:none;line-height:13px;"><div id='networkedblogs_header' style="padding:1px 1px 2px 3px;text-align:left;"><a href='' style="text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:normal;font-size:11px;background-repeat:no-repeat;">NetworkedBlogs</a></div><div id='networkedblogs_body' style="background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#444444;padding:4px;border-left:1px solid #D8DFEA;border-right:1px solid #D8DFEA;text-align:left;"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:none;padding:0px"><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><span style="color:#777777;">Blog:</span></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration:none;color:#3B5998;">Intuitive Insight Pathways</a></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><div style="padding:0px;padding-top:5px;color:#777777;">Topics:</div></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px">      <a href="">Trends And Transits</a>,       <a href="">Life Journey</a>,       <a href="">Astrology</a>  </td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><div id='networkedblogs_badges'>&nbsp;</div></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><div style='padding:0px;text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href="" id="1cba02803b4d77bd9d259b855bd73e82" style="text-decoration:none;color:#666666;font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;">Follow my blog</a></div></td></tr></table></div></div><div id='networkedblogs_below' class='networkedblogs_below'></div></div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sun in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn: Triangle of Earthy Energy

Today, September 5, 2015, The Sun is in 13 degrees of Virgo and it is forming a trine with Pluto in 13 degrees (retrograde) of Capricorn. Pluto empowers the Sun in Virgo, and finds us doing what comes naturally and bringing out our best. During this time in whatever areas of our lives this trine takes place, we use our powers of discrimination and discernment to zero in on what we know to be the right and perfect choices.

Anyone who has planets or aspects between 12-14 degrees of either Virgo or Capricorn now finds the time is perfect for what is brewing and coming to fruition. We tend to become firm and sure of what is right for us at this time, and are able to sense and observe whatever is destructive, distracting, or blocking our path.  We become more aware of whatever it is in our own nature, our own wounds, or our own unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior that need to be healed, and healed now. It is important to identify the  negative relationships, personal habits or perspectives, and whatever else may be challenging our progress.

By identifying these sources, we can then do what is necessary to forgive, release, and move out of the path of negativity and obstructive projections. In order to upgrade our energy and power levels, from adequate to a-one, we must act with impunity and tenacity. Ask for Divine intervention if it seems impossible to forgive or understand on your own. After all, we are not in this Universe to be isolated from the support, compassion, love, and understanding of the Divine Sacred, even though it may seem like we lack these qualities in other relationships.

Jupiter at 5 degrees of Virgo is moving into a major trine with Pluto in Capricorn a month from now, on October 11th. Right now it is crucial to become observant, make plans, and take the actions necessary to result in using the power of that trine. Jupiter, the planet of abundance is making itself felt with its recent aspects to the Sun, the Moon, and Neptune and Chiron.  By next month, whatever intentions and plans you have set into motion will receive a major boost with Jupiter expanding and Pluto creating a powerhouse of energy to receive that expansion. What you have already set into motion will receive an even stronger, more intense amount of energy, and you will receive manifold blessings and abundance.

By October 17, almost a week later, Mars will enter Virgo and form a trine with Pluto, and then the sparks will fly and the action will take off like a rocket. A huge and intense influx of energy, power, activity, and creativity will burst forth. Now is the time to get all the details taken care of. It is now that it is necessary to rid yourself and your space of anything that can disrupt, distract, or hold you back from taking advantage of this fertile and productive time. Those who have major aspects and placements in earth signs, especially between 12-14 degrees, can count on manifesting something excellent.  Remember to not quit until you get whatever needs to be done, done correctly. And be discerning so that you don’t push yourself past the point of optimum outcomes. With Mars entering Virgo in October, you want to avoid pushing yourself over the line (being too pushy with backers, getting carried away with ambition or drives).

Now is the time to improve on what needs fixing or adjusting. With plans, take time to determine what you need to be and do to make your intentions clear and feasible. Decide what you need to do, and then begin doing it. Endurance is what is needed right now, so taking care of your health, getting enough rest, eating properly, and alleviating undue and harmful stress are needed. Look to the past for lessons you have learned and skills you have acquired that come in handy now. Capitalize on your resources. Strategize now for the future, and sort out what works and what doesn’t. Make the necessary adjustments or changes, and then move forward.

On Saturday, the Moon is in Gemini all day. The last quarter square jars us a bit, bringing into our experience and calling our attention to areas of our lives that are full of hazardous and upsetting traps and diversions. We can use whatever comes up to knock us a bit off center today, as a reminder of how easily we can be swayed from the past of our own best interests and optimum health and well being. If you cannot avoid the traps, at least recognize when you’re in one, and extricate yourself as soon as possible. Shake off the emotional upset, unload a little baggage, and focus in on the center of your own core truth. Remember who you are, even if others do not. Some never did, so it won’t do much good to butt your head into old impermeable blocks and boundaries right now. They appear as reminders of what to avoid and release. Use your practices of compassion and forgiveness to deal with what shakes you up.

Venus is headed toward its station tomorrow. During such a transition time, it is best not to try to force issue, make crucial decisions, or force any issues. Ride the waves and sit in the wake of the movement and changes that are rocking us up and down, emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Remember that Saturn is moving quickly towards its reentry into Sagittarius after its long retrograde journey back into the underworld of Scorpio. On September 17, just a few days after the Sept 13 New Moon and Lunar Eclipse on September 13.  And then on September 24 Mars enters Virgo. Now is a time for finishing up, taking care of details, and renewing and nourishing ourselves so that we are ready for a new period of intense movement, energy, and creativity. Notice too if you are not ready for a long journey or a new big project, that it is okay to sit back and channel the energy in a more practical, day-to-day approach to handling what you are already doing or working on.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Venus-Mars Aligned in Leo: Uniting Passions in Our Lives

Bleeding Hearts and Pine                                                                                                Catherine (Al-Meten) Meyers
Astrology Column September 1, 2015

Venus-Mars Aligned in Leo: Uniting Passions in Our Lives

September begins under the very auspicious alignment of Venus and Mars in Leo. In exact conjunction as I write, this alignment has been building for the last week. In the waning light of the Full Moon in Pisces (conjunct Neptune and then Chiron) in opposition to the Sun in Virgo (conjunct the planet of abundance and fertility in Virgo), we begin manifesting in our live, that which we are most passionate about. Look to the position of Leo in your own chart/life to determine how this energy is affecting you. It may already be very apparent by that which you are either embracing with a renewed energy or resisting with little success.

If you are feeling hampered or restrained in some way, notice what needs to be faced, released, or embraced in your life. Are you overlooking an obvious area that has been troublesome for some time (your own ego, the inevitable decline in affections, or the lack of support, motivation, or encouragement—all clues to what is blocking you in some way)? When we are afraid to face the truth because it somehow gets in the way of the image we have of ourselves or someone else, there is a problem. If we feel less or are receiving less input or contact from someone, or are feeling disconnected in some way to a project, a part of our identity, or a role we’ve been in for a long time, that is another clue. When we are not receiving the kind of support and encouragement for our efforts we need or desire, perhaps we are overlooking an obvious sign of apathy or disinterest. None of this signals that you are wrong or bad in any way. Rather it signals that sometimes we are growing out of roles, identities, meaning, or connections that are meant to transform in some way.

We cannot be in two places at the same time. Where in your life are you straddling the line between past and present? Where are you dragging old patterns of thought about yourself, others, your work or identity, or your position in your family or whatever group you belong to?

Late Sunday, August 31 on the West Coast, the conjunction between Venus and Mars in Leo became exact. The energy from this alignment is very passionate and full of energy. It is a time to take the initiative and to work more in alignment with that which brings our lives into harmony. We identify that which brings us peace, wholeness, and meaning. Our desire to create and bring beauty into all areas of our lives is highly activated. We are attracted to those who foster balance in our lives, and our passions are flamed by the creativity and energetic expressions which others express as well. Sparks are flying all over the place, and we are crystal clear about both what we do not want and what we do want. For those who are ready, this is the perfect time to create the vision of what you hope to achieve, create, express, and unfold in all areas of your life.

At this time there may be a more obvious and direct expression of passion between people. Even if you are not involved in a relationship, the more you are manifesting the wholeness within yourself and living according to the dictates of your soul purpose and meaning, you are likely to attract attention from others. Your work, when you are fully expressing your passions, will exert a new kind of energy that will be noticed by those who will connect to what you do.

This is a time of balance and integration between the passions and the actions we take around all things romantic, love-related, passions, creativity, artistic, and productivity. Love at first sight, romantic connections, dreams laden with insight into the dormant passions within—all are part and parcel with this aspect. No one is not affected by this. Notice however how this energy is working in your own life.

For the purpose of this auspicious alignment between Venus and Mars in Leo, let’s look at how each house of our life chart may be affected.

1st House.  Personal Appearance/Public Self/Face we put forward in the world, and how we begin or enter new situations. The first house has to do with appearances, and suggests, if this alignment falls in your 1st house, you will be noticed at this time. You may want to update your physical appearance and public image. Notice what you are projecting through the way you walk, talk,  and treat others. Are you being seen as you wish to be seen, or do others see only a part of who you are? This would be an interesting time to notice what you are projecting out from within to those you meet, work with, and relate to on a daily and intimate basis.

2nd House. The 2nd house represents how we have come to value ourselves. Time to examine our concepts about who we are and what our worth is. As the Venus-Mars conjuncti on takes place in your second house, reexamine any old tapes or patterns that are getting in the way of you feeling and experiencing your highest good and worth. Love of our divine essence is one of the most powerful tools we have for creating abundance, self esteem and confidence, and a positive set of values about who we are and what we are worthy of.  When we sink into depressed, unhealthy and negative ideas about our worthiness, we remain stuck and cannot move forward. The light is showing within you and through your actions and the actions of others toward you right now, just what kind of positive worth you are expressing. Delve deeply into your inner gifts and treasures, and allow yourself to act from a place of healing, positive worth, and as an expression of your divine nature in all areas of your life. Be the pure light of love in whatever you do, and let go of that which clouds, depresses, or defuses your passion.

3rd House.  Communications of all kinds, are receiving the light of your passions at this time. To the extent that you have allowed yourself to connect with the passions within—both the knowledge and desires as well as the intentions and actions, you will now be able to express yourself in a newfound or renewed commitment. The energy and the resources will now appear to allow you to use this aspect to express your passions in all types of ways. Communication both to and from you, are now infused with an energy and light that can be a blessing. Take time and use your abilities, without the drag of procrastination, doubt, or fear pulling you away from that which is ready to be brought force.

4th House. Home is where the heart is, and your heart and home are now highlighted. This area of you—home and where you feel at home— is where Venus and Mars meet at this time. A whole new conneciton has built up within you, and now you have a profound awareness and amazing opportunities for your home and your sense of home, to be profoundly affected by your passions and connections of love.

5th House. Play, creativity, love of children, and pleasure are where Venus and Mars shine their light for you now.  This is a time to let go and enjoy life and take great pleasure in your childlike nature  for life.  Through our experiences with children and/or in our creative and pleasure-filled experiences, we come to a new wholeness that attracts love, beauty, and a dramatic passion into our lives now.

6th House. Our physical bodies and health as well as our daily routines around how we work and live, is profoundly affected at this time when Venus and Mars align in Leo. We feel from the inside out, the beauty of that which we bring to life. Our passions are aroused and affect our health as well as the daily routines of our work. At work, or as we are dealing with physical needs, we become more attractive and are attracted to others who recognize our inner and outer beauty. The work we do is blessed in a new way for we infuse in our work, the very divine nature of our being that is logning to, and indeed is, oozing out of us. The desire of Venus to express love, beauty, and all the elements of peace and harmony is now aligned and activated with Mars’ desire to act on passion. This is the time to do what you love, and leave doubts, fear, or lack out of the equation…definitely let these energies not become a distraction from what is needing to be done and experienced.

7th House. Partnerships and marriages are infused with this powerful, passionate conjunction at this time. Energy wells up, igniting new fires and burning off anything that keeps love and commitment from growing and being an active force for love, harmony, and wholeness. Such a wonderful time for igniting sparks in a marriage, a partnership, or in our ideals and intentions about what we need and want for fulfillment and the full expression of love.

8th House. Our reputation in the community is the center of attention at this time. We send off flares, or fireworks erupt to highlight something of great value or importance that is making us even more worthy of attention that ever before. Love, romance, and perhaps event some hidden passions or gifts now come into the public light. With Venus and Mars in your 8th house, expect to be affected in a very powerful way, by the impact you have had or made on others, especially through your connection with the goods of the dead, inheritance, spiritual and metaphysical gifts, and sexual passions and energy.  Nothing is hidden with this alignment, and the energy, passions, and actions have a more dramatic impact than usual.

9th House. Travel, other cultures, and connections with instiutions of higher learning and knowledge become of great importance to you at this time. Love grows in gardens where you have never been before, and passions are aroused in new ways—ways that find you traveling, learning, seeking, researching, and meeting those who will have a profound impact on you, your ideas and beliefs, and your life and destiny. Whether traveling long distances or exploring deep into internal or cerebral realms, be open and ready to receive and connect in very passionate and impulsive ways.

10th House. Life purpose, career, and the drives that impel you to do what you do in the way that you do it…all this area of your life is taking on a new kind of energy that seems to steamroll itself into your experience at this time. Coming from deep within, and moving past doubts, fears, insecurities, and excuses, the purpose and meaning flows out of you, and meaning finds you…coming to your door or calling on you in some profound way now. All things come together for meaning and purpose in your life, and you get an infusion of passion that drives you for the foreseeable future. Use it and use no delaying tactics to feel, express, and receive your good at this time. Love is a powerful force and comes to you now form within  as self acceptance and awareness, and from without as fortuitous meetinsg, connections of passion, and declarations of love and commitment.

11th House. Friendships and connections with institutions, work with groups and joint projects now receive the light of Venus and Mars in Leo. In very public, dramatic ways, doors open, announcements are made, and connections are secured for our passions to bear fruit, for love to bloom, and for romance to be declared in surprising and exciting ways.  Love comes to life when mutual passions grow, and those passions are infused with great healing, enlightening, and cooperative energy at this time.

12th House. Subconscious and unconscious realms of our being now are infused with passion, love, and romantic ideals, memories, and spiritual enlightenment. Dreams are powerful and prescient. Visions are born out of inner passion and divinely inspired connections. What is brewing within the depths at this time, is full of knowledge, perception, perspective, and truth. Listen and note what is brewing up to the surface of your consciousness now. Be receptive to both asking for and receiving illumination on whatever it is that needs to be learned, answered, or envisioned. A very powerful time to receive Divine enlightenment and visions for both personal and collective understanding. Whatever is revealed to you at this time, will have a long-lasting and profound impact not only on you and your life, but also on that of humanity.

This aspect, Venus conjunct Mars in Leo, is one of the most profound aspects because it is both personal and collective in nature. It affects us each personally in a striking and unique way. It provides an collective experience of enlightenment that, when use with the force of our divine nature, can help heal, protect, calm, and infuse us all with a greater sense of love, peace, beauty, and harmony. Take time to walk in harmony with your true self in the beauty that surrounds you. Seek beauty and find it, then express it in all you do.