Sunday, September 20, 2015

Autumnal Equinox and Pluto moves direct, Mars enters Virgo: a week of changes and shifts

September 23 at 4:20 AM EDT/1:20 AM PDT the Sun enters Libra. The next day, September 24, Mars enters Virgo at 10:18 PM EDT/ 7:18 PM PDT. Shortly afterward Pluto goes direct (2:58 AM EDT on September 25/11:58 PM PDT on September 24).The Autumnal Equinox marks a turning point in the year. On this day, there are equal parts of night and day, and the season of Autumn officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere, and Spring begins in the Southern Hemisphere.. This year the Sun in the first degree of Libra sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius on Wednesday, and then on Thursday the Sun conjuncts the North Node in Libra. The sextile to Saturn shines light on whatever lessons are being learned at this time. The conjunction of the Sun to the North Node signals a passage into a new phase of life, a new time, and a new pathway opening for us. Notice in your chart/life where this movement is taking place, and focus your attention of nourishing and supporting your growth and movement toward your heart's desire.

This week begins with the Moon in Sagittarius, appropaching its first quarter square to the Sun tomorrow morning (5 AM EDT/2 AM PDT). Before that however, the Moon in Sagittarius makes some nice aspects first a sextile to Mercury during the night (some nice dreams perhaps or a symbol or sign of how ot handle a situation) followed by a trine to Venus (some pleasant thoughts, connections, inspirational experiences). Later in the mid-morning the Moon forms a square to Chiron in Pisces perhaps signaling a need to notice what wounds, shadow aspects of ourselves, or niggling details are keeping us from enjoying life more fully. Notice what your emotions signal today pointing you to make some simple changes for your own good and health. Later in the evening the Moon forms a trine with Uranus in Aries. Expect a flash of insight, a dream or hunch that comes out of the blue, or a late-night call from someone who brings surprising answers to you. Expect some good news and be open to inspiring ideas.

During the night, the Moon changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Also during the night Mercury forms a semi-square aspect to Saturn. This might indicate some hang ups or mix ups with some paperwork or an increase in red tape with paperwork or agreements. Delays may be indicated, or confusion over how to go about resolving problems. In the Western Hemisphere, this all happens at night; for the Eastern is is occuring during the day. In either case, this week may be starting off with some unexpected news about issues related to the discovery of some problems. Rather than reacting with criticism or negativity of any kind, get to work fixing things or be patient and wait things out. Nothing is going to be helped by making the situation/s worse by creating conflict or getting into arguments. Use the energy of Saturn in Sagittarius to clean up messes and find solutions rather than making things worse by harping on what’s wrong.

Also early in the week Mars is forming a seisququadrate to Pluto in Capricorn. Shortly before entering an earth sign, Mars in the last degrees of Leo is stirring up intense desires and is likely to try pushing and shoving to get its way. Keep in mind this is a last ditch efffort to force things that have been building into a showdown or confrontation of some type. Ease up, step back, and avoid direct confrontations that are not meant to be resolved just jet. The gift of Leo is direct and dramatic energy. The growing edge of Leo is developing patience and channeling energy especially during times when we are called upon to wait and see. What can be done now is to develop some strategies for dealing with various scenarios. And by all means, let’s remain flexible. Adjust your perspective so that you are ready to shift when the time is right. Right now, is a waiting time. What we sometimes fail to see is that the wheels are in motion due to the efforts, thoughts, intentions, and energy we have already sent out. As the planetary energy is shifting and as Mars moves closer to its transit in Virgo, the earthy energy is drawing Mars to get more grounded. We are being called to also get more grounded with our activities and energy.

Late in the evening on the West Coast of North America, and just past midnight further east, Venus in Leo forms a quincunx to Chiron in Pisces.  We may feel a fuzzy sense of dissatisfaction around  the way we relate to others, to our resources, and to the choices we are making regarding how we use our energy. We may notice more about what we bring into our experience and what might be healthier and more energizing. We may feel insecure or uncomfortable about the way we express our feelings or share our affections. We may also want to notice what kinds of energy we have been attracted to in the past, and consider what might be more appealing and more uplifting for us personally. Just notice what insights you might have at this time.

Later Venus trines Uranus in Aries forming a beneficial aspect between the planet of love and beauty and the planet of sudden and unexpected surprises. Fears and uncertainties give way to a sense of adventure and willingness to break out of old habits and take some risks. We embrace adventure and welcome new experiences even out-of-the ordinary types of romantic attractions. A shift takes place within us, and because we are willing to look at what has not worked, we are more able to embrace new ideas and interests.

Early Wednesday morning in the Western Hemisphere, the Sun enters Libra. Shortly after, Mercury forms a semi-square to Mars. This provides the first test for whatever area the Libra Sun in the first degree is sitting in your own life/chart. Libra the great negotiator and peace maker has to learn to stand in its own truth. The semi-square between Mercury and Mars indicates a conflict in communications. Whatever area is affected by this stressful aspect is an area where you may be learning how to temper your willfulness with some skills in listening and letting a situation unfold. If dealing with a stressful situation and even though you may be irritable, tired, or under the weather, you can use your energy now to back off on making derogatory statements or entering into battle with someone who is even more intractable than you are right now. Battles may occur, but the outcomes are apt to be more harmful than helpful. Avoid entering the fray.

The Sun forms a nice sextile with Saturn this evening making us feel more grounded and less tense. We feel more at home with ourselves, able to set our ego needs aside and be content with what progress we are making. We feel less agitated and more relaxed. We may feel able to let ourselves rest assured that we are making good progress. We get caught up more in the general sense that life as we are living it, is working out as it should. We feel less ramped up to make thing happen yesterday, and begin to feel at home with ourselves and others as a result. At the same time, with less energy spent on worrying, fretting, or forcing things, we get more done.

Mercury and Pluto form a square to one another. This square like all hard aspects can be used for good or evil. Seriously, we can sink into negativity and feel the ‘woe is me’ kind of feeling, or we can delve more deeply into what it is about our transformation and the way we have been experiencing it that is calling us to learn something useful and new about ourselves? Rather than feeling sorry for ourselves, blaming others, or blowing things all out of proportion, we could use this energy to delve more deeply into what is needed to improve our plight or to make a situation better. Notice what is coming up for you at this time for this is a signal from your unconscious and subconscious that is going to turn into a gift in the proverbial garbage.

Also Thursday night at almost the same time (2 minutes difference) Pluto in Capricorn stations direct and Mars enters Virgo. Two major shifts in the earth sign energy. Notice where in your life/chart these two planets reside. Notice both your natal Pluto and Mars and the transiting planets. Pluto is the long-term transitional and transformative energy and Mars is the planet of action, of getting things done. Notice what areas of your life these two planets are affecting most, and let yourself revel in how this earthy energy is going to move into your life and help you get things accomplished. What you have been dreaming of, planning for, or working on will not begin to make themselves present.

On Friday around 6:13 PM PDT/9:13 PMEDT Mars  in Virgo forms a square to Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a very powerful, formidable aspect, and it will probably manifest in a very explosive and powerful way in both the collective and personal consciousness. The more we are able throughout the week to calm our own personal storms, quell the rising negativity and harshness in our own live, the more we help generate peaceful energy to help ease some of the harsh energy building up. Words and thoughts are energy, and the more we act with greater compassion, love, tolerance, and understanding, the more we do to bring about peace in our own lives and in the world around us. Getting out of the habit of self absorption and narrowing our world to fit our needs and tastes, allows us to begin helping in the healing process of our world that is full of wounded and hurting people We need to help heal the Earth and make our energy and resources help in the preservation and renewal of the planet and all our resources. We must love now and share with one another in a compassionate and loving way.

How best to use this energy? Your life may reflect to you now, that which is no longer feasible or desirable for your highest good and well being. Take not, and make plans now to do what you need to do to make the necessary changes for your own health, survival, and well being.

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