Sunday, February 23, 2014

New Moon in Pisces: Opening to our depths

Big Sur Coastline and Bixby Bridge                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten
New Moon in Pisces on March 1, 2014 sets the tone for the final weeks of winter. Conjunct the imaginative Neptune in Pisces, trine  Jupiter in Cancer, and sextile Pluto in Capricorn, this New Moon inspires, motivates, and fills us with creative energy and ideas. We begin this week with the Pisces Sun in exact conjunction with Neptune. Our intuition, imagination, and instincts are sharp today, and we feel a strong infusion of enlightening spiritual and creative energy.  Listening to the stronger inner urgings, spotting signs and symbols pointing toward your true north, and feeling very much in touch with what you know to be right and perfect about who you are, where you are, and what you want characterize the powerful aspect.  Pay attention to whatever rises to the surface of your consciousness at this time.

On Monday, February 25, the Moon changes signs, going from Sagittarius into Capricorn. Throughout Monday the Moon makes aspects, in the late-afternoon and early evening  forming sextiles first to Neptune and then to the Sun, and then semi-square Saturn just before Venus forms a sextile to Saturn just before bedtime. Venus in the third decant of Capricorn forms an exact sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. This aspect tends to smooth out any wrinkles in relationships, helping us connect with the stronger elements that bind us in our intimate connections. Rather than living in unrealistic expectations, we recognize what drives us and what keeps us energized in our relationships and partnerships. A good time to consider some of the sound advice and reasonable opportunities that are within our reach now. Assistance now comes in tangible form, and we are aware of what what our needs and drives are.  We reconnect with those we may have lost touch with, and we discover the deeper ties that nourish and sustain us through love, compassion, and strength.

Also on Monday, Pluto, the Great Transformer in Capricorn, sextiles Chiron, the Wounded Healer, delivers great strength and deep healing by allowing us to see what means we have for coping with residual trauma and chronic problems that we have been dealing with for quite some time. Because of much of the hard work we have been forced to deal with during Pluto’s transit through whatever area of our life Capricorn has been moving, we have a better idea of what attitudes, habits, expectations, and patterns of behavior and thinking block our good. It is not that we have been able to change everything, but we are much better able to see what we are doing and when we tend to react in unhealthy ways. Chiron helps us heal through our woundedness. Rather than living out of our past traumas, pain, depression, illnesses, or anger, we are more consciously able to identify what no longer serves us in all areas of our lives, but particularly in the area of life the Capricorn transit of Pluto is. We have gained a greater sense of our own authority and power, and have become more willing and able to release what needs to be released as we appreciate trying on some new ways of behaving, perceiving, and responding to issues related to places where we feel vulnerable and receptive. Healing requires that we face the reality of who we are, and this aspect allows us a golden opportunity for making  breakthroughs in our own growth and healing. 

During the night on Wednesday, Jupiter forms a square to Uranus. While we may not all be awake for this aspect, we will certainly feel the powerful impact of paying attention to what needs to be changed in our lives. We all reach a point when the areas that need to change and transform force a decision.  One of my favorite analogies of how we relate to the process of change is the card table and the jigsaw.  We live our lives as if we were sitting at a card table putting together a huge jigsaw puzzle. Just at the point when we think we have almost completed the puzzle, someone walks by and kicks the leg of the table. The result is, our puzzle flies apart, and we either have to start over or we give up. Sometimes we get to a point in some area of our lives where we resist change or we sit too long on a decision, and something external happens that forces us to resolve an unresolved issue.  We don’t make a decision or choice, so we are at the mercy of someone else’s decision or choice. 

According to Professor Emeritus, Frank L. Lambert of Occidental College (Chemistry), “The second law of thermodynamics says that energy of all kinds in our material world disperses or spreads out if it is not hindered from doing so.” In other words, change happens, constantly.  It is the nature of the Universe in which we all live. We, humans, work very hard sometimes, to find our ‘balance’ or keep things the way they are, when in fact nothing stays the same. We live and work and have our being in the constant process and cycle of growth, development, breakdown, and rebirth.  This week, we may see that some area of our life (look to see where Uranus in 10 degrees of Aries and Jupiter in 10 degrees of Cancer are. This should be a significant area of your life for a major change.  Listen for those inner messages and watch to see how unexpected, sudden, and perhaps shocking actions and events bring about the change you need, make the signs clear, or force you into making changes you may have been resisting.

What we seek is freedom from something, and what we need is to discern the change that has already taken place energetically.  We want to avoid making changes in the mistaken idea that we have control over or the information necessary for changing the course of our lives right now. Change and energy evolve to meet the needs, the stages of development, and the desires that we have expressed.  Pay attention to the kinds of messages you are sending out and/or telling yourself about who you are, what you want, and what your story is. Our thoughts and words hold energy and the power. Now is the time to be discerning about what we are being called to do/be, what and who is guiding and protecting us, and how we are in alignment with the Divine’s energy and plans for us. Time to discern how we have attracted to us the circumstances, relationships, opportunities to help us grow, develop, serve, and live out our highest good.

The North Node retrograde in 29 degrees of Libra until March 14, is transiting in the anaretic degree. This is a period of time when we are reviewing what we have left behind and moving to complete and release whatever we do not want to take with us on the journey that lies ahead.   The shift last week from the axis of Scorpio/Taurus, now releases us to move in new directions. However, as in the case with all new periods of time, relationships, projects/jobs, roles we take on, there is a period where we may need to spend some time letting go of old viewpoints, habits, perspectives, beliefs, or patterns of thinking and behavior. This is one of those times. A good way to use this period of time is by releasing the ‘stuff’ around you. One of my yoga buddies told me how she and a friend were decluttering together, and how ‘all of a sudden’ they were discovering more time available.  I woke up yesterday at dawn and immediately cleaned out the refrigerator. Now I have to tell you, this is not my usual morning routine. Don’t think I have ever done that, but was compelled to get it done.  Working on cleaning and clearing your space is a good way to use this North Node energy. 

On Friday, February 28, the Sun in Pisces is trine Jupiter in Cancer.  Jupiter the planet that represents abundance, growth, good fortune, and the fullness of life makes this very favorable trine to the Sun in Pisces the constellation that represents imagination, intuition, creativity, fertility, children, pleasure, and art and artists.  Use this very creative energy to create, connect, flourish, and discover beauty within and around you. Nourish yourself, body, mind, and spirit, with the best use of this energy, and avoid squandering your energy and good will through addictive, extreme, or delusional behavior and thinking.  Discover the essences of this beautiful connection in using your time and energy to love and serve others, to create beauty, to nourish and feed your soul, and to communicate and express yourself from the place within your that connects to the Divine nature of all that is.

Also a major shift occurs today as Mercury stations direct. Ruler of communications, contracts, negotiations, and business, this shift opens the doors for movement forward that has been delayed since the last New Moon. The New Year of the Horse now begins in full force. Coming just before the New Moon in Pisces, we feel a release and surge of energy and clarity. 

On Saturday, the New Moon in Pisces is exact at 3:00 AM EST/12:00 midnight PDT. Completing the Aquarius lunar cycle, the Pisces New Moon brings us to the portal of an beautiful and mystical inner journey. The loose stellenium of water signs energy: Sun in Pisces, 10 degrees, Jupiter in Cancer at 10 degrees, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces 5 degrees for Neptune/12 degrees for Chiron, and Saturn  in 23 degrees of Scorpio, brings us a flood of gifts of energy, consciousness, and opportunities to become richer in compassion, empathy, humility, service, and creative discovery. Also, with the connection to Chiron, we can heal from whatever wounds are still keeping us from our highest good. An excellent time for meditating, retreating, praying, and for engaging in healthy, enriching practices and activities (yoga, hiking, kayaking, playing sports). Embrace the water in whatever forms it takes, and let yourself be cleansed, nourished, and enriched for growth and greater abundance.  

Within 24 hours of this New Moon. four major planets that have been retrograde, go direct. Just the day before the New Moon, Mercury in Aquarius goes direct.  Saturn and Mars  turn retrograde shortly after the New Moon, and Jupiter is slowing down to go direct on March 6. Four planets changing direction within 24 hours of the New Moon, make this a period of time when we may feel as if everything is coming to a screeching halt. This is a time to practice patience and seek inner calm amid whatever chaos is going on. With such major energy shifts, it is the time to discern, set intentions, and prepare yourself for major movement.  A square between Jupiter at 10 degree s of Cancer and Uranus at 10 degrees of Aries, has been pushing us to get things done, make major changes, and prepare ourselves for movement and clarity about what we truly desire and need.  This slow-down period caused by this square, is also part of a growing Grand Cardinal Cross in April. Between now and then, the energy is growing stronger and pushing us through internal speculation and discernment and external relationships and circumstances, to prepare for major change.  The planets moving toward that include: Mars now in Libra until March 11, Saturn in Scorpio until March 22, Jupiter at 10 Cancer until  March 24.

Venus in Capricorn’s waning sextile with Saturn in Scorpio finds us moving with grace, beauty, and intention. All this is done within the privacy and intimacy of our closest partnerships. We honor and respect the sanctity and privacy of our closest relationships, now more than ever. Mercury’s transit through Aquarius provides us with clarity of thought and mind. We gain the gifts of perspective and  discerning detachment with this transit. Allow yourself time to reflect, appreciate, and honor those aspects of yourself, your relationships, your roles and your work, your art and your calling that bring you into the deepest understanding of who you are and what you are here to experience in this life.

“Real intimacy is a sacred experience. It never exposes its secret trust and belonging to the voyeuristic eye of a neon culture. Real intimacy is of the soul, and the soul is reserved.”  From Anam Cara by John O’Donohue

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sun entering Pisces, North/South Node Libra/Aries Cycle Beginning

Last week culminated with the Full Moon in Leo, and found us standing at the threshold between the past and the present, being showered with ideas, new experiences, and impending change. This week, February 16-February 22, two of the key astrological shifts include the Sun’s movement from Aquarius to Pisces and the North Node/South Node shift.  We have now completed the Scorpio/Taurus cycle North/South Node cycle, and have begun a 19-month cycle of Libra/Aries cycle.  If you have noticed yourself and others being tired and a bit overwhelmed, this is a good indicator of where this shift is affecting you. Take what time you need to catch your breath (seriously, focus on doing some breath work), getting more rest, and making some changes that allow you to live in greater harmony-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

At 6:50 A.M. on Tuesday, February 18, the North Node, the point of destiny, growth, karmic, and spiritual development in our chart, changes our focus for spiritual growth. 

The North and South Nodes are important parts of an astrological chart and of an understanding of how our lives are affected by Universal energies. The lunar nodes are points where the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic aligning North and South points/nodes in direct opposition to one another and to the Moon’s respective alignment with the Sun and the Earth. The North Node represents that part of our development that is pointing us toward healing, growing, and developing spiritually through our physical experiences, relationships, and personal challenges. The South Node represents those gifts, innate abilities, and habitual patterns that come naturally to us, and those areas of comfort we fall back on when meeting obstacles, challenges, or growing edges. If we attempt to overcompensate for our weaknesses by depending only on our strength, without attempting to grow, change, and develop, we create disharmony, imbalance, and increased challenges. The nodes hold the key to our spiritual lessons and growth.

The North Node symbolizes and points us in the direction of our life lessons, growing edges-the underdeveloped and shadow aspects of our being that are meant to help us grow spiritually. The South Node symbolizes and points us in the direction of our gifts, talents, innate tendencies, and habitual patterns--the overdeveloped aspects of our being. The North Node is the soul messenger of your astrological chart, constantly a reminder of your soul purpose and mission in this lifetime. The South Node reminds you of the gifts you have to use for that purpose, and is where you need to focus your powers of discernment so you avoid becoming distracted by how those same gifts can keep you from soul growth. 

For example, if your North Node in Gemini in the 8th house signifies the need to learn to not exhaust yourself, your resources, and your energy by involvement with people, experiences, and relationships that drain you. This placement gives great passion, drive, and determination, however it requires great discernment to avoid soaring, crashing, and burning (not literally) from overdoing. Interest and passions need to be tamed, and doors need to be closed, to avoid always looking back and refusing to move on where it is necessary.

North Node issues and our spiritual, soul development depends on how we use our South Node abilities, gifts, and resources.  Take advantage of creating harmony between the North and South nodes by appreciating South Node abilities, gifts, karmic resolution, and wisdom. South Node is what we bring into this life. Enjoy the unshakable knowledge  of what you truly love and enjoy, and immerse yourself in it. Let South Node gifts feed your soul. Discover the highest potential of the South Node, and focus on developing and living out of that as you deal with the lessons of the North Node (and whatever that house holds for you). 

With the shift of the North and South nodes, we now observe and experience where both Libra and Aries are in your life/chart. These are the two areas where our relationships will go through the greatest transformation--relationships, partnerships, and other intimate connections--are now places where we learn to interact and learn to compromise, integrate, and love more deeply. 

South Node growing edges relate to our expression of anger, aggression, and other overactive yang energy.  Overactive yang may manifest as  selfishness, pushiness, and other forms of untamed aggressive angers (inner and outer directed). 

On Tuesday, at 9:51 AM PST the Sun  in the last degree, 29/59 of Aquarius forms a trine with the North Node at 29/59 degrees of Libra--both anaretic degrees. Anaretic degrees are critical and decisive degrees.  Our destiny and authentic self is aligned with intellect, and the direction for the next 19 months is set. This is a very powerful and potent moment. Play close attention to the insight and events related to close relationships that you have at this time.

At 9:59 A.M. PST, just a few minutes after the trine, the Sun enters Pisces. The creative, intuitive, and emotional depths of Pisces now brings us into deeper connection with our unconsciousness, dreams, and intuition.  The house where the Pisces Sun transits brings us to a place where we feel more compassion, sensitivity, and where we have an increased desire to serve and care for others. The unhealed and undeveloped aspect of the Pisces Sun--the shadow-- may manifest through delusion, naivete, denial, or addictive behavior. 

By 10:00 on Tuesday morning, The Sun parallels the North Node in Libra. It awakens our conscious self and ego desires and helps us envision paths of growth ahead. Look at this time as the lifting of shadows that enable us to see where the growing edges for our body, mind, and spirit are.  Time also to identify boundaries and to shift our focus to nourish and meet our own needs in areas where we have been focused too much on others (at the expense of caring for ourselves). For the next 19 months we walk the path of harmony, seeking and discerning to maintain a life lived in process of giving and receiving love. 

Mercury in Aquarius retrograde forms a semisextile  Juno, the Goddess of Partnerships and marriage.  With Pisces, our Highest Heart blends with Libra, our Highest Mind to bless the path that opens before us.  

Mercury also forms a square later in the morning, with Saturn in Scorpio.  This transit may trigger some tension, friction, limitations, and some struggles between the conscious mind and the intellect. We get a taste of how we attempt to learn about growing edges, and how limitations affect us. We may notice how what we feel and believe come into conflict with some of the patterns and habits our intellect has used to justify, rationalize, or judge ourselves and others. This aspect is the third of three squares between Mercury and Saturn. The first hit on January 25, and the third will come on March, 10.  Notice how this affects what you are learning about being in relationship and being able to give and receive love, without the boxes and stereotypes that have hemmed us in in the past. 

When Saturn is involved, we may experience hazy, cloudy, and fuzzy thinking, and we may feel stuck or blocked. There may be an inner struggle between that archetypal inner judge, critic, or task master (or in a more unhealed manner, we may project this on others ). Mercury in Aquarius makes us want to act in more unconventional ways. We feel like our thinking is ‘out there‘  and we experience ourselves in new and exciting ways.  This aspect may bring us to be more aware of how our thinking and desires are changing and releasing energy that is ready to go.  The battle between “what we should do/be” and “what we long for and need” is likely to become forefront with this aspect. when it occurs.

Transits Through the Week:

On Sunday, February 16, Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Libra in the middle of the night, brought sweet dreams and had us awakening to a softer energy than we’ve felt lately. The Moon trine Pluto and Venus later in the day, also made whatever lessons we had to resolve about relationships, seem easier. 
Later in the evening the Sun semi-square Pluto may make us feel a bit edgy and uncomfortable before going to bed. Areas that are reminding us of the tough work of transition, now rub up against us.  Do something concrete to release or identify areas that are causing any kind of friction, and change the energy from one of discomfort to one of action. 

Monday, February 17, Mercury in Aquarius, semi-square Uranus in Aries,  may mean we receive some jarring or interesting news or information. This information is generally related to something we have already been dealing with, and so we understand that information flow depends upon a consistent process of give and take, come and go, and requires that we continually integrate information, ideas, and thoughts into the changing landscape of our lives.

Tuesday, February 18, the Sun enters Pisces, and the Moon in Libra squares both Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn.  We feel the more personal and inner energy of watery Pisces and feel the Moon’s emotional tug for balance as it weighs against our desire for security, nourishment, abundance, and life-affirming resources and the ongoing, pragmatic lessons of change brought to us by Capricorn’s long, ongoing journey through this area of our lives. This is the day when the North and South Nodes also change signs (as discussed earlier in this article), and so we may be a bit more emotional about the major shifts of energy today than we normally feel.

Wednesday, February 19, Mercury in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio, the Moon is in Sagittarius, and Venus semi-square Neptune in Pisces make for an interesting day, inside and out, as we begin adjusting to the shifts of energy.  We may meet with some challenges in communication based not so much on what is said, but what is sensed, felt, intuited, or remembered. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014 is a day when the Moon in Scorpio makes a series of favorable and pleasant trines to the Sun, Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron. This is a day when we can feel quite romantic, loved and loving, and when emotional exchanges and experiences blend to allow us a beautiful day. Music, art, poetry, and all forms of beauty help us connect in ways that awaken the power of Love within us and our appreciation of others and the world in which we live. 

Friday, February 21, 2014, the Moon in Scorpio continues to form aspects starting with a square to Mercury in Aquarius, then a sextile to Venus in Capricorn. Then the Moon conjuncts Saturn Friday afternoon, connecting our emotions to our deep-seated subconscious and unconsciousness.  We feel deep connections in whatever areas Scorpio rules in our chart.  

Saturday, February 22, 2014, the third quarter square of the Moon to the Sun occurs. The third quarter square between the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Pisces, is a time  we prepare for the period leading up to the New Moon next week.  Paying attention to details, revising plans, changing and altering projects can all be done during this time frame. By the third quarter of the lunar month, we have an idea of what is working well and what is not. We find time to sink into a deeper, more reflective period where we reconsider anything that isn’t working properly, meeting our needs, or fitting into the long-range plans. Since this week starts with some major new cycles, we may discover that we no longer feel as strongly about some things, and we are more interested in following our intuition and creative drives. 

This week we move into Pisces water energy, and into the archetypal energy of the Dreamer, the Healer, the Mystic, and the Artist.  Time to tap into and trust our creative imagination, our intuitive guidance, and the inner wisdom of our dreams, our senses, and the Divine connection that awakes and infuses us with spiritual energy for our spiritual journey and purpose. Time to be receptive and reverent, open to honoring and trusting how Spirit speaks and informs you.  Look for ways to slow down, tune into the different ways you experience Spirit’s voice in your life. 

“A sanctity hangs about the sources of our being, whether physical, social, or imaginary.” Santayana


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Full Moon in Leo, Sun in Aquarius, Active Week at the Threshold

Full Snow Moon, also  called the Hunger Moon as it is harder to hunt when the snows come, are names the Farmer's Almanac has recorded for the February Full Moon. This first Full Moon of the New Year is also called the Old MoonThe waxing Moon is floating just below Jupiter from February 10 to the 19th. The Moon forms an exact conjunction with the Moon on February 19 in the sign of Cancer. This week, February 9-15 is an active one, as all the planets, inner and outer, come into aspect with the inner planets, the Sun, and the Moon. With the North Node in Scorpio, we stand together at the threshold, preparing for a journey that is ready to begin. With Mercury and Jupiter both in retrograde, the start of the journey is somewhat slowed so we have time to reconsider, contemplate, and  and discern our choices and certain areas of our lives.

The big news this week stars none other than the Leo Full Moon!  Of course Leo want to star, as that what Leo is all about. The Full Moon is  just in time for dinner or celebration  on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2014 (Full at 6:53 EST/3:53 PST). This Full Moon is in 26/13 degrees of Leo. The rising of star of the  Leo constellation as reflected in the Waxing Full Moon begins to make herself known from when she first begins her transit through Leo earlier. By the time the Full Moon peaks in the latter degrees of the constellation, she will have already made a big fuss and begun stirring things up for a powerful grand finale Friday night.  Mercury’s retrograde motion through Pisces will add some shocking and surprising elements to this full moon, and Saturn in Scorpio’s square to both the Moon, the Sun, and Mercury bringing us a powerful, creative, and full of eloquent, touching, and profound communication including deep expressions of truth, love, and the need for our full expression.Mercury's retrograde station back into the depths of Pisces illusions, dreams, int tuition, imagination, reminds us that in order to communicate clearly we have to have explored our own intentions, motivations, and expectations. We need to have lifted the veils that cloud our own thinking before we can expect to see others clearly. Mercury retracing these steps in Pisces allows us another opportunity to wake up from the slumber and to listen to the truth of who we are. 

The Cardinal Grand Cross insures that this will be no ordinary time, as Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto form this powerful aspect. Venus in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer, retrograde, Saturn in Scorpio, and  the ongoing Pluto in Capricorn-Uranus in Aries square all create a great deal of drama. This will affect your life in the areas where these planets transit.  More on that later in this article.

Jupiter in Cancer in retrograde indicates a testing of our faith. This grows as the month goes on, coming to a head on February 24 when Jupiter forms a square to the ongoing Uranus in Aries-Pluto in Capricorn square cycle.       Jupiter moved into opposition with Pluto in Capricorn on January 31, and this brings our more fanatical and obsessive compulsions out into the light of day. This puts a great deal of pressure and conflict in most of our relationships. All relationships are being tested, and we are trying to determine which ones are worth the time, energy, effort, and sacrifices we have to make to keep them viable.  For relationships that are grounded in a real connection and mutual respect, love, and understanding, this may be a crucial time to get back to the basics that drew you into relationship in the first place.  With all types of relationships, we have to recognize our own compulsions, drives, and needs in order for us to be able to maneuver the waters  that keep the relationships sailing in the right direction.  This opposition between Jupiter and Pluto at 12 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn signals a difficult time and stormy seas. Anything that is not necessary, in good working order, or linked to the basic needs of all involved, will be tossed aside in order to maintain harmony.  Failure to do so may result in obsessive behavior and falling back into old patterns that result in sabotaging and undermining whatever there is of value in relationships...even for certain, with the good ones and the faltering ones.      

This is the time to observe where your efforts are met with resistance, indifference, or lack of communication. Even the best intentions and self sacrifice will not make something work that is not intended to be.  When we have done our best, and find ourselves at the same dead end, we need to consider we’ve done all we can. The crux of the matter is not in the other person/s, but in our own compulsions, obsessions, and unfulfilled desires. Look inside to determine what the obstacles, challenges, and obsessions are calling you to do within, and then be willing to release what is not in accord with your true nature and calling.  Failure to address the personal issues that are confounding you will reach a breaking point by February 24 when Jupiter squares Uranus forming a t-square  Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn.  Whatever has been making you uncomfortable on a real and deep level will now be shattered as illusions disintegrate and hopes are dashed in areas that have been suffering. Cracks and fissures that have built up emotionally will burst open as a result of whatever needs to   be revealed. Coercion, bullying, or manipulation may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back in relationships during this time.  Let go while you can do so without putting yourself in further jeopardy.

The February Full Moon in   Leo trines the October, 2013 Lunar Eclipse which signaled the start of a new cycle of eclipses.   Look back to what was going on at that time to get a better idea of how this Full Moon is bringing what you desired into full expression. This cycle has triggered a greater awareness of the polarity between our conscious and unconscious needs, desire, expectations, and compulsions.  Again this indicates that most of what is going on in our lives is about our own need to integrate, individuate, and grown more at peace with our complexities and ambiguities. The challenges, conflicts, and difficulties that we are dealing with now find us blocked regarding the necessary insight we need (reflection, intuition, clarity of signs, dreams, and direction) and that which is rising up around and before us to be handled.  We do not yet understand nor do we have the ability to see, what the underlying possibilities and breakthroughs are.   We can look beneath the surface however, for clues, hidden messages, and connections to Universal Truth, Love, and the ongoing discernment to move toward choosing Life. 

Obsessions are those persistent ideas or impulses that continually force their way into consciousness. Our obsessiveness appears when we feel out of control or somehow threatened by our own feelings, perceptions, or by what is going on around us.  Often our addictions are triggered by such obsessions. When we feel some part of our unconsciousness, our shadow or undeveloped part of ourselves making its way into our awareness, we may feel more obsessive. This is one way we seek control.  Compulsions are related to how we act out as well. A compulsion is an aspect of our personality that appears or is triggered when we feel threatened. 

Compulsions are a part of our habitual nature, and we notice them when we are trapped in some type of behavioral pattern or some psychological pattern of responding, reacting, or thinking. We all have areas of ourselves that show up as obsessions or compulsions--usually when we are feeling upset, anxious, out of control, or threatened in some way.  When looking at our astrological chart and current transits, it is helpful to note which areas of our lives seem most related to our main compulsions and obsessions, and which times we might be most affected.  Taking time when we are not caught up in such emotional or psychologically challenging times, helps us enter such times with the awareness and the tools to help ourselves meet such challenges. The obsessions and compulsions that come up during periods of crisis or stress, are similar to the kinds of symbols, themes, and narratives that appear in dreams. They appear as a signal for us to pay attention and respond in ways that are more healing and helpful, and less anxiety provoking.

With the Taurus Moon this weekend, you might be feeling yourself breathing more deeply, more fully, and also might be sensing greater connection to that which soothes your soul and fills you with sacred energy, gifts, and knowing.  As the Moon waxes to her fullness by Friday, we will be like empty vases being filled with sacred light, mystery, and love.  Be receptive to receiving your good and allow yourself to walk in sight of what points you toward your True North. Determining true north is necessary in order to navigate in the right direction--the direction you want to go in.  Metaphorically, true north is your own ethical compass that tells you what is right and good for you. 

The Full Moon on Friday, February 14, highlights the polarities between the Aquarius Sun and the Leo Full Moon. The constellation of Aquarius, depicted by the ancient Babylonians as a boy pouring water into an urn, and later by Arab astronomers, as a mule carrying two barrels of water, has traditionally been ruled by both Saturn and Uranus (The Great Teacher and the Change Agent). Aquarius is a Fixed sign, and we find our challenges come most often from the houses that square wherever Aquarius rules our chart/life--Taurus and Scorpio. Our perfect balance can be found in Aquarius‘ opposition to Leo, though many of us resist that which would lead us to our own fulfillment and happiness. This full moon highlights those areas where we can either keep on resisting our best and highest good, or surrender to that which guides us to unite our personal desires with our quest for knowledge, independence, and less restrictive and more fulfilling, progressive, and more freedom loving close relationships.  Aquarius rules the 11th house, the traditional position of our relationships in groups, organizations, and through the dissemination of knowledge. 

The Full Moon in Leo, highlights whatever areas of your life/chart where both Leo and Aquarius reign: 1st/7th houses; 2nd/8th; 3rd/9th; 4th/10th; 5th/11th; or 6th/12th. If one of your houses is embedded in a sign, that means its opposite sign will be as well. If that is the case, look to your chart to see what signs are on the cusp of each house.  
1st and 7th polarities focus on individuality and how you present yourself in the world, and partnerships and how you present yourself within intimate relationships; 

2nd and 8th house polarities focus on 2nd house issues including personal values and how you recognize and handle your resources and on 8th house issues including your reputation, value in community, worth and other peoples' monies, how you connect and understand your deeper and more profound meaning;

3rd and 9th houses focus on 3rd house communications, neighbors, sisters and brothers, and those in close community with you and 9th house, other cultures, traditions, higher education, higher thoughts and knowledge, institutions related to learning, philosophy, and religions, and long-distance travels and whatever is calling you from a distance; 

4th and 10 houses focus on your sense of home and belonging, where you make your home, and how you are nourished and cared for in  your home and immediate environment/ 10th house, where you feel called to serve or live out your life purpose, career, or life calling, your place in the world; 

5th and 11th focus on where you find pleasure, express your creativity, what you produce and bear, children, sexuality and romance, art and having fun. 11th house focuses on where you engage with groups of people, where you connect and find friendship, and how you express yourself and leave your mark in relationships with groups, institutions, and community settings; 

6th/12th. The 6th house  refers to where and how you spend your time daily. Often referred to as work, it is more importantly your physical body and your health and how that is nurtured or not by how you spend your time each day.  Often a point of compulsions, this house will generally tell you something about how you  tend to take care of yourself or not. 12th house deals with our inner world, the unconscious and subconscious, hidden aspects of ourselves, intuition, mystery, secrets, what we know that no one else knows, and what we don't know about ourselves...all take up space in this very important part of our being.  This is where  our past, our memories, our intuitive knowledge, our spiritual insight , and our instincts live and remain until we are willing to learn to listen and use these gifts to grow, enhance our lives and the lives of others, and where we keep private thoughts, feelings, and desires contained. 

 Observe how this Full Moon in Leo activates the polarity between Aquarius and Leo in your life.  For me this comes between the 4th house of Home and the 10th house of Public Calling and Career.  Resolution between polarities is part of the steady, growing process of our lives. Much of this polarity was somewhat resolved as I have made my home my workplace, and I find myself so much happier since making that choice. 

Resolving an aspect of a conflict does not mean the end of the conflict. I do have a public experience where my calling is recognized and lived out. The struggle between maintaining the balance (a movable feast) and the perfect harmony  needed to be in one place at a time, is a constant challenge...We move in the dance of this challenge, wherever it appears in our lives, and the sooner we give up the war between the two parts, the better it is for we can move in harmony more often than not.  If you would like to understand how this works in your chart, contact me for a reading. 

The Moon in Leo at 26 degrees peaks in the third decant of Leo where it takes on some of the energy of Virgo. The Moon awakens us to seek  ways to put into form and action whatever is  necessary to unite the energy of both Leo and Aquarius (and their ruling houses in our lives/charts) in ways that end some of the conflict and set us on a journey of combine the energies of both houses in more artistic, creative, and fulfilling ways     Leo is ruled by the Sun, and is perfected through creating balance and harmony in conflicts and ambiguity.  Leo reminds us if we continue to fight against our growing edges (taming of the obsessions and compulsions), we lose out on the gifts of coming to wholeness. Leo rules the 5th house (though it may not be in your 5th house, the 5th house is affected by your Leo placement). The 5th house rules creativity, sensuality, children, parenting, pleasure, enjoyment, acting, drama, being in love, playing games, and finding time for leisure, sports, fun, and procreation.  

Whatever house is ruled by Leo, you can discover at this Full Moon in Leo, what needs are awakening and calling to be met. We are feeling whatever areas of our lives are unfulfilled now. Notice what is not working, and what is in need of repair. Clear up, clean up, and rid yourself of whatever objects, habits, things, connections, or   attitudes are keeping your from enjoying life more and from bringing the polarities  out of a constant struggle within yourself, and into a more accepting and realistic understanding of how all things exist in our experience for reasons and to act as guideposts for us. We, ourselves, are here to show others through our conscious and unconscious behavior, attitudes, and growth.  No one is more important in this equation; we simply are here to remind ourselves and one another of our right to be acknowledged, respected, and honored. We do this through our own actions; it is not a quid pro quo (done expecting something in return). We act properly because it’s the right thing to do. This is the message of the Full Moon in Leo meeting the Sun in Aquarius. The two will not meet like this again until 2033, so it might be a good idea to work on making this a part of our way of living in the meantime. 

Mercury remains in Pisces until February 12 when it re-enters Aquarius in Mercury’s retrograde phase. Mercury’s retrograde phase always takes us back over issues, ideas, plans, and decisions we made recently. This period of time in Pisces has made us feel more emotional in our communication, however when Mercury re-enters Aquarius from February 12-March 17, we will revisit some of the out-of-the box ideas we had during Mercury’s recent transit of Aquarius. With Mercury meeting up with the Sun’s transit of Aquarius, we can expect to hear some news, receive some information, or have some form of contact that reminds us of ideas we had that we might have thought were settled or forgotten.  We get back to the drawing board and are open to new ideas, more progressive solutions to problems, and are more open to seeing the big picture through a more realistic lens. 

Venus’s journey through Capricorn has us taking care of business, especially with finances and our business partnerships. At a time when we are creating more enduring ways to work and create, we understand that we need to form partnerships with an eye on how what we seek to create now informs and supports the dreams, goals, plans, and intentions that we most value. During this period we learn what works best for us, and what might need to change in order to be more enduring, more affirming, and less distracting to long range commitments, partnerships, friendships, and alliances. What we don’t get to do is set ourselves or others up to “take care of us”, replace our parents, or become the projection of our own insecurities, compulsions, or needs. To do so will result in train wrecks that will derail our plans, dislodge our sense if security, and force us to deal with the inner conflicts that we have  tried to ignore or blame on others. Venus in Capricorn meeting Pluto en transit, will gently but boldly remind us we are responsible for reading the signs and steering ourselves around obstacles.  In seeking guidance and Divine direction be open to how that support manifests-stop trying to force issues that remain unresolved.  This is a very pragmatic transit, reminding us to ground ourselves in practical values, beliefs, and knowledge that helps us live with whatever limitations and gifts we have right where we are. Learning to appreciate the Beauty, Bounty, and Bread before us is the gift of Venus’ journey through Capricorn.

Mars in Libra until December 17, 2014, continues its transit through the sign of balance seeker. The balance is always in motion, and Mars, the planet of action and doing, slows a bit as it experiences the full spectrum of options, issues, and perspectives. Our need to act is being tempered by this transit, and we are learning there are more sides to any one issue.  This lesson is coming to us in the areas of our lives where Libra rules. Libra rules partnerships of all kinds, and the sign of Libra rule the 7th house. Seventh house issues relate to marriages, intimate partnerships, and how we see ourselves in relation to others.  For the rest of the year, and much of the Year of the Horse, Mars is moving through a sign that is honing our ability to discern before we act. Starting this new Lunar Year off with Mercury retrograde, and Mars in Libra, signals the need to think before we act or speak. Consider the consequences and implications of our choices, words, and movement.  Actions are not necessarily needed if we would learn more and go deeper right where we are. Time for discernment and contemplation where any thought of action or change is considered.

On Sunday, February 9, the Moon is in Gemini and is trine both the Sun and Mars. Trine the Sun early this morning, we may have had some enlightening dreams.Later to day, the Moon trine Mars will throw some emotional light on our desire to act, be, or change. Notice what comes up after midday. The Moon enters Cancer on Monday, and will square Uranus in the evening. Watch for sudden insight or unexpected challenges or responses-perhaps your own.With this aspect happening as the Moon enters Cancer, you might notice matters related to your own sense of security, comfort, or feeling at home might arise.  On Tuesday the Sun squares Saturn enabling us to see how we can solve problems and to better appreciate what we have learned about your capacity and gifts for handling issues, challenges, stress, and decisions.  Later Tuesday evening Mercury semi-square Venus brings us into some kind of conflict with a matter related to our way of relating in romance, marriage, partnerships, and other intimate experiences. This is one of those times when we can learn about what it means to be discerning and respectful in relationship with those we love.  Listening and speaking as if it were the sacred communication that it is, is the best advice for being sensitive to the way we communicate. If we are so wrapped up in our own fantasies and expectations, we might not understand how our disregard for our partners is the opposite of the loving thing to do. Let go of the problems of the day, and be present where you are loved and well-regarded-even if you are alone. Spend some time forgiving and being grateful-both acts that help us clean out our emotional, psychological, and spiritual houses. Show your love with practical, loving kindness.

On Wednesday, the Moon enters Leo and Mercury enters Aquarius.  We begin to see and feel the movement of the waxing Moon as the Full Moon influences begin. Mercury entering Aquarius opens us to broader and more far-reaching information, knowledge, and perspectives, in particular in whatever part of your life Aquarius governs.  Again, a fixed sign Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, and both planets test our limits in order to expand our thinking and broaden our perspectives. Saturn, the Great Teacher and Uranus the Change Agent, move at decidedly different paces, and point us to moderate, temper and discern what is best in each situation. Sticking to rules or patterns just because we’ve always done something in a particular way or because we have been acting unconsciously- without taking time to understand why we do what we do-now comes to haunt us.

On Thursday the Sun semi-square Uranus heightens our desire for change though not necessarily in a way that makes any sense to us. Unexpected occurrences, a change of plans or the cancellation of some event reminds us that we are not in control. We find ourselves seeking new ways of handling old issues, and of looking outside the box for surprising gifts that change brings us.

Friday, February 14, Valentine’s Day, is an active day. The Sun in Aquarius seisquadrate Jupiter in Cancer may find us living in an outmoded set of expectations or fantasies, or both.  A niggling feeling that we should be or deserve to be something or somewhere we are not may cloud our thinking and weigh us down unnecessarily.  Watch to see if moods are unstable, and take some time to bring some calm into your life. Let unstable emotions signal real needs to you, and use your breath, movement, mind, and focus to gain some control over shifting and wavering emotional drifts.  The Sun trines Mars on Friday energizing and infusing us with a strong sense of purpose, decision, and activity. We feel more confident, and we take the initiative to make things happen and to move a situation that has been stalled. We move into a period of greater flexibility, and we gain clarity and focus about what we need to do and how we need to do it. 

On Saturday, Mercury semi-square Pluto brings home a lesson about transition and transformation that we have been waiting to hear. Communication, though somewhat stressful, makes us aware that we have choices about how we view and understand what is going on. We can fall into the trap of feeling trapped, or we can see that we have chosen a new path, and that part of the new path involves learning the ropes and coming to find our place in a new situation, role, or relationship.  No one has all the answers, though some would like you to believe they do.  Get realistic about who and where you are. If you were supposed to know everything, you’d be living on a planet alone.  We are here to learn from and with one another, and the process is one of awakening. If we fight it at every step, we slow our journey and delay our pleasure. You’re the mouse, go get the cheese. Learn your way around all types of emotional, psychological, physical, or whatever type of block is stopping you. Resistance is normal, but not a static state of being. Identity it, and move on. Mercury stationed retrograde a degree away from Neptune, Lord of the Depths. Neptune in Pisces is also trine the North Node, indicating we are still at a threshold of a major change in our journey, and we all need to cleanse on the deepest levels of our being, individually and collectively. By cleansing, I am describing the process of becoming more aware and not of getting rid of anything that doesn’t fit our picture of reality. 

On Saturday, Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Aquarius. Clarity, focus, and purpose come into alignment, and what we communicate (in whatever form it takes) now finds its own channel.  We are able to see clearly and communicate clearly what it is we understand. A good time to put your message out, and then be ready for the results, responses, or reactions for your message will be received clear as a bell. 

This week the inner planets, the Moon, and the Sun play on the playground with the big kids-Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus, and we see both the big picture (Aquarian perspective) and the personal and micro view (Leonine view). With the Full Moon highlighting our need to integrate these two views as a way of living with greater purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Look beyond your fears and spend some time contemplating how your need to be right or in control is hampering you from being a fully-functioning and happy person.  Choose Life, and let go of those negative messages that are stopping you from heading in the direction that will bring you your highest good, excellent health, and happiness.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Lunar Year of the Horse, and Our Connections with the Moon

Glow                                                                                                                                 Catherine Al-Meten

This week is the beginning of the Lunar Year of the Wood Horse.  A powerful time when we have crossed the threshold into a new lunar year, and when the light is growing in the North as days are shortening in the South.  This week is a time when we move rapidly into the month of February, and the time when a number of great shifts occur in energy. 

Sun in Aquarius continues to release a great deal of energy that had been pent up. With the new lunar year, the Year of the Horse, underway, we feel compelled and impelled forward with ideas, desires, and an intense need to push forward on whatever has been delayed, held back, or taken off the table.  We have greater clarity about what we want, and have released much of what had been holding on or blocking our way.  Taking ‘no’ for an answer is not an alternative for us now. The Sun in Aquarius calls us out to take the reins of our own lives, and to live from a place of fearlessness. The thought that comes to me during this transit is ‘burning through karmic and energy blocks’. We are making our way through a wall of beliefs, patterns, relationships, and perceptions that have managed to keep us prisoner in  traps of our own making. Working through these blocks requires the spiritual release we get from forgiveness--of all persons, conditions, and of ourselves for whatever we need to be forgiven for. We need to release ourselves from the places where our energy is trapped--places where we not only hold ourselves back but also where we hold others back with our energy locks. 

Mercury in Pisces. Mercury’s annual transit through Pisces, awakens both our conscious (Mercury) communication and thoughts with our subconscious and hidden forms of communication, feelings, intuition, dreams, illusions, and unformed ideas. Mercury allows us to transcend the intellect in the watery depths of Pisces--the hidden, the shadow or unexplored, and our spiritual connections. What we might want to consider while Mercury is in Pisces (and is about ready to retrograde) includes:

On what issues or ideas do we need greater clarity?

Which dreams, desires, expectations, and plans are viable, feasible, and in line with our highest good and best interests? 

How can I prioritize my dreams and goals, and begin focusing on whatever it takes to bring those plans to fruition?

What does my intuition tell me about what others may or may not be saying, doing, or feeling in regard to my plans? Where am I sensing blocks, support, or challenges to my achieving my goals?

Venus in Capricorn until March 5. On January 31, Venus’ 40-day retrograde phase through Capricorn ended, just as the Lunar New Year of the Horse began. From now until March 5, Venus completes her transit of Capricorn. Venus’ recent journey to the depths where transformation has been taking place, now slowly begins to shine her light and energy into areas regarding social interaction, personal  finances, creativity, and intimate relationships. What was vague and hidden, or unresolved, now begins to become clearer and to work into resolutions and reconfigured ideas about how things should be done, structured, or agreed upon.  New boundaries and limits are set up as a way to more clearly define and support those relationships we have that propel our live--how we live, how we love, how we work, and how we create. This is a time when there is great potential of growth, accomplishment, fulfillment, and growth.  

Long standing unresolved issues now rise up demanding resolution or closure, and decisions will be made regarding ending or modifying the structure, expectations, and rules that define our relationships. Foundations are being uprooted, transformed, and redefined. We can no longer depend on someone else’s ideas or needs to take precedent over our own needs and desires. Relationships, to be healthy and viable, must meet the needs of those involved. Any imbalances will now tip the scales and result in collapse, reformation, or the release of energy into new forms. Time to pray for Truth in all situations, and then the acknowledgment of whatever truth needs to be faced. We need to be willing and ready to receive what information has been coming to the surface. The truth of pragmatic Capricorn reveals itself in all areas and issues related to Venus’ journey through this part of our life and chart. When dealing with issues related to love, creativity, valuing of self and financial resources, it will be vital to become grounded in ideas and practices that practically relate to how we give and receive love, not just in some esoteric realm but in day-to-day communication, values, and interaction. 

Mars in Libra. The planet of action and energy continues its journey through airy Libra, resulting in a great deal of ambiguity, wavering, and un-grounded plans and ideas. Unless actions are based on your true needs and desires, they are likely to be based on unsound foundations.  Social situations are apt to be full of many awkward and uncomfortable situations as Mars in Libra is out of its element.  Fiery Mars raging into the reserved and diplomatic realm of airy Libra, brings increased challenges into relationships where Libra’s accepting attitude runs up against the wall of competitive and combative Mars.  Keeping score, fighting for one’s rights or voice, and argumentativeness of Mars creates an air of dissension in all types of relationships and partnerships. 

Lady Justice meets the Warrior as the fight for might or right takes center stage in relationships, particularly male and female relationships.  Whatever the shadow side of each partner is will be making its way onto the battle field. Notice what comes up when you feel challenged, threatened, or somehow devalued. Between now and July, it is a valuable time to learn to find ways to cooperate, compromise, and become more tolerant in all areas of relationship, and in all battles between our need for freedom and independence.Time to learn the skills of diplomacy, tact, and tolerance, and to go deeper into your own basic motivations, foundational needs and urges. Acting without thinking or growing without being  grounded in principles, values, and ethical standards, leads to relationships and partnerships which are likely to falter. Get a firm foundation, and find some unity between thought and action.

Saturn in Scorpio continues its transit into the realm of our unconscious. We are concerned with the dynamics of power in relationships of all kinds, and we question and explore our expressions of intimacy. In exploring these issues, we become more aware of our fears and suppressed anger, frustration, or unfulfilled desires and unmet needs. This is a powerful time when we can see more clearly how we have created our own blocks, challenges, and illusions. Saturn’s journey through Scorpio takes us on  a journey to redefine what love is to us, and to explore our conceptions of commitment, communication, and connection. 

Pluto in Capricorn continues the Great Transformer’s passage through Capricorn.  This uprooting in our lives, is preparing us for whatever changes, alterations, and shifts our lives are taking. Past the mid-point in the cycle of Pluto-Uranus squares, we are in a period of lull before the next square in April.  With many of the planets and the Sun having recently transited or completing their transits through Capricorn, there has been much activity, movement, and uprooting in this area of our lives recently.  Later this week, when the Moon transits Taurus, we will feel a greater sense of calm and grounding. 

Neptune and Chiron in Pisces in their transits of Pisces, continue to work on deep within us to unmask illusions, open up intuition and creativity, and work to help us heal and master our spiritual energies. Between 2011 and 2015 Neptune transits Pisces. This is a dynamic and powerful transit, for we can experience this transit with growing awareness and clarity, or from behind a veil of illusions and delusionary fantasies. Depending upon what we choose to believe and and act upon, we can find this a productive, creative, and enlightening time, or a time when we are swept up in they hysteria and delusions. Some have followed the ravings of mad men in the past during such times.  We seek, en masse, to experience the Divine through direct experience. In and of itself that is not bad. However, when we allow ourselves to become deceived by either our own egotistical illusions of power and charisma, or by the manipulation and abuse of others who seek to control us, we are in grave danger of being swept up in this kind of fervor, fanaticism, and negative energy. It can be very destructive, both individually and collectively, if we abuse, misuse, or squander spiritual energy. 

We can use this energy for good and for the betterment of all humans, but we need to exercise our powers of discernment during this period as at no other time before in human history. Because of the power that we have access to, we can do great harm or great good.  We each need to be working on greater clarity, developing discernment, and practicing positive, well-balanced spiritual practices as we also seek to heal from our woundedness.  Acting out of unhealed wounds or out of our unquenched thirst for power, is something we each must curtail; also something we must reject in those we choose to lead us and in those we look to for knowledge, wisdom, and clarity.  For the first 8 years of Neptune’s transit through Pisces, she is transiting with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. It is a time when we can clarify, heal, and build strong foundations based on healing and clear thinking.  Pisces is the symbolic unifying of our polarities, and we can choose to remain unconscious, bending at the will of whichever wind blows our way, or we can awaken and live more mindfully, in the Presence of the Divine, choosing to be awake, aware, and conscious of our choices. 

Uranus in Aries from May 2010 until March, 2019.  Author James Thurber wrote: “All men should strive to learn before they die: what they are running from, to and why.” Uranus’ journey through Aries brings us sudden, unexpected, and sometime shocking experiences to wake us up from our lethargy. We seem to want to remain in some fantastical state of balance, where nothing changes and all is ‘normal’. This of course, is not the nature of our Universe nor of our lives in that experience. We are here to remember who we are, each day, in each moment.  We need to wake up to the fact that life is based on more than our own narrow vision and set of experiences. We are part of a bigger picture, a more dynamic plan and set of actions. Life is more than what our senses tell us, more than what our minds can comprehend, or our bodies can experience.  Our journey on this earth is to awaken, explore, both the world and time we have been given, but also the inner gifts and knowledge that is within us. We learn through our experiences, relationships, and seeking. We learn through mistakes, challenges, and successes. 

All of life is a learning experience, and to get the most from it, we are reminded, through dreams, unexpected experiences, our cognitive processes, our memories, and one another, that life is for living and learning in order to serve a higher purpose and fulfill a higher calling. Our job is to awaken to what that calling may be; what that service is that we are here to render.  Uranus is the Great Awakener, reminding us with shocking clarity, with dramatic and chaotic dreams and symbols, that we have to look beneath the surface and go beyond the obvious to discover the gifts of life.Uranus in Aries represents where Spirit enters into Matter...where we awaken to our spiritual nature, and take in the Light--bringing that Light into the conscious creation here where we are. We are part of the ongoing Creation, and we need to be awake to do our part.

The Impact of the Moon on Our Lives.

“Before certain storms invade our garden, they send faint messages which, out of laziness, we ignore”--Paolo Coehle.  

The same can be said of other energetic influences that fill our lives. By paying closer attention, observing over time, and learning what we can about how such energies ebb and flow in our lives, we can live in closer harmony with the life we are living and the world in which we live. 

This week’s astrological influences are not as extreme or seemingly significant as some week’s influences have been. It is, however, a great time to look at one of the most powerful and significant influences we have and one that is quite easy to learn to understand and follow. I am referring to the Moon and her transits. The Moon affects us throughout every day, and we can watch the Moon’s movement across the sky and observe and feel her impact on the world around us and within our own bodies. We can watch the interaction of the Earth and the Moon as we observe the rising and falling of the tides. We feel the Moon’s impact on our own lives, through personal and collective moods, through our menses, and through the seasons and growing cycles. 

The rising and falling of the tides is caused by the combined gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun in conjunction with the Earth’s rotation on her axis. The tides are determined by the alignment of the Sun and Moon, the amphidromic tidal patterns (patterns of movement in the oceans that vary between high and low tides), the shape of the earth and coastlines, and other weather and climate-related phenomena.  While we are aware of the Moon’s effect on the waters of the Earth, we might also want to be aware of the Moon’s effect on the movement of the Earth’s land masses as well. The solid part of the Earth is affected by the tidal pulls, though they are not as easy to observe. 

The Moon orbits the Earth in the same direction as the Earth orbits on her axis. In most locations, the largest constituent is the "principal lunar semi-diurnal", also known as the M2 (or M2) tidal constituent. Its period is about 12 hours and 25.2 minutes, exactly half a tidal lunar day, which is the average time separating one lunar zenith from the next, and thus is the time required for the Earth to rotate once relative to the Moon. Simple tide clocks track this constituent. The lunar day is longer than the Earth day because the Moon orbits in the same direction the Earth spins. This is analogous to the minute hand on a watch crossing the hour hand at 12:00 and then again at about 1:05½ (not at 1:00).
Understanding the basic relationship between the Earth and the Moon’s daily rotations, can help us understand the impact the Moon has on our lives, and can help us understand how the changes of tides and the subtle movement of the earth can affect us in our daily lives. 
“The Moon orbits the Earth in the same direction as the Earth rotates on its axis, so it takes slightly more than a day—about 24 hours and 50 minutes—for the Moon to return to the same location in the sky. During this time, it has passed overhead (culmination) once and underfoot once (at an hour angle of 00:00 and 12:00 respectively), so in many places the period of strongest tidal forcing is the above mentioned, about 12 hours and 25 minutes. The moment of highest tide is not necessarily when the Moon is nearest to zenith or nadir, but the period of the forcing still determines the time between high tides.
Because the gravitational field created by the Moon weakens with distance from the Moon, it exerts a slightly stronger than average force on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, and a slightly weaker force on the opposite side. The Moon thus tends to "stretch" the Earth slightly along the line connecting the two bodies. The solid Earth deforms a bit, but ocean water, being fluid, is free to move much more in response to the tidal force, particularly horizontally. As the Earth rotates, the magnitude and direction of the tidal force at any particular point on the Earth's surface change constantly; although the ocean never reaches equilibrium—there is never time for the fluid to "catch up" to the state it would eventually reach if the tidal force were constant—the changing tidal force nonetheless causes rhythmic changes in sea surface height.”

A recent study done in Basel, Switzerland at  the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Switzerland Centre for Sleep Medicine. The Study showed that the Moon had some effect on sleep patterns and the production of melatonin in the brain.  Whether or not scientific proof can pinpoint the effect of the Moon on our bodies, we know that 80% of our body is composed of water, and is affected by the tides in a number of ways. Without going into great detail about the validity or lack thereof of the Lunar Effect, we can observe for ourselves how the Moon may affect our own lives, moods, sleep, and cycles. 

This week the Moon is one of the strongest astrological influences.  The Moon metaphorically and perhaps physiologically, relates to our emotional temperament and stability. In your astrological chart/life, notice where your Natal Moon is.  This tends to indicate where you feel most at home emotionally.  It also indicates what area of your life has the greatest influence on your emotional well being.  Your progressed Moon indicates the area of life and the emotional needs you are learning to integrate into your life and behavior patterns. For example, if your Natal Moon was in Virgo, and your Progressed Moon is in Pisces, you are probably in the process of learning how to unite opposites between your need for emotional order and a need for organization and logical order in your emotional temperement (Virgo Moon) and your need to allow your intuitive, creative, and imaginative senses to guide and order your life.  Or you might have your Natal Moon in the late degrees of Virgo and your Progressed Moon in the early degrees of Taurus. This would indicate your finding a grounded, and practical way to find emotional stability and to complete areas of your development that  are either karmic in nature or somehow deal with unfinished business and/or the need to learn how to cope with beginnings and endings. 

This week you have a perfect opportunity to observe how the Moon affects you and your life. We begin the week out with the Moon in Aries. If you have animals, you might have noticed how late last night when the Moon left the sign of Pisces and entered the sign of Aries, the animals got more playful or agitated. You might also have noticed a burst of late-night energy, making it hard to settle down.  The Moon in Aries energizes us, and activates our emotional vitality.  That’s a nice way of saying we feel high as a kite and want to act on our desires. We get edgier, more spontaneous, and a bit loony and talkative. Aries being the first sign of the zodiac, energizes us to get things started. We may take more risks, be willing to face our fears, or take our first steps in a new direction. This cycle lasts about 2 1/2 days, so observe how your own emotional tides seem to be affected. This may be a good time to do something physically that allows for full expression of your physical energy.

The Moon in Aries tends to open us to expressing whatever is bottled up inside. Releasing pent up emotions, speaking our minds, or reacting rather than thinking before we speak may be the norm. Keep in mind, however, that you are not the only one feeling this emotional need, so watch what you feel so compelled to speak out against or for as you will surely get a response. Make sure you’re ready for battle, otherwise, find channels for expression that allow your emotions a safe and healthy outlet (write, draw, paint, sculpt, spin, dance, sing, run, swim, build, go fishing). Good time to display your creativity, art, and to market your work. When the Moon is in Aries, it’s a good time to dream up new plans, build castles in the sky, or imagine how life, work, relationships could be different. 

On Monday evening, the Moon in Aries will make several square aspects to Jupiter, Pluto, and that order. Beginning about 8:00 PM, the first square to Jupiter in Cancer may put a damper on or set off an argument with someone over differences of how we find pleasure, safety, or peace of mind. About an hour later, the Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn, making us more aware than ever of those areas where we are transforming, and how we need to act upon that which is truly in our best interests. We may through disagreement, disruption, or dissatisfaction, come to a profound realization.  Later before just before midnight, the Moon will square Venus, reminding us of what we have learned about ourselves in relation to love. We are reminded of our need for being grounded in love. We also recognize our absolute need  to be ourselves in whatever kind of exchange of love we are engaged in.  Relationships that are not mutually fulfilling are falling apart at this time, and the truth is out there. You will know it when the time comes.

On Tuesday, the Moon remains in Aries, and goes Void of Course in the evening staying there throughout the night.  This may send our psyches deep into a foggy area of our being that night. The day itself is full of some emotional encounters and a is marked with one disruption after another due to a string of semi-squares between the Moon and Mercury and then Uranus--communication may not be as smooth as you would like. On Tuesday evening, the Moon in Aries opposes Mars in Libra, creating a need to find some resolution, some balance, or some resolution between whatever issues you have with your need for relationships and your need for personal freedom and independence.  The pull may be very strong to break free of anything that is constricting your sense of sanity and inner peace. Late at night the Moon semi-square Chiron may bring you to a revelation about what you need to do to heal old wounds or prevent new ones. What do you need to remember about how you got yourself into hurtful, demeaning, and destructive patterns of behavior in the past? 

Wednesday there is a lovely trine between Jupiter in Cancer and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces. You experience a deep, cathartic emotional release that allows healing to occur at a very deep level. Jupiter brings good news, more through your intuitive channels, but also through changes in communication particularly in the areas of your life/chart where Cancer and Pisces are. Your emotional security and spiritual needs are being met in a very special and lasting way. We are able to synthesize what we have experienced and learned about ourselves and our relationship and security needs in the past, with how we are making choices now. We have been releasing old behavior, habits, and patterns, and have been looking more closely at how we are being called to heal, alter our directions and behavior, and be more at peace with who we are, where we are. 
Be open and receptive to signs, support, and wisdom that allows you to connect to your Divine nature and to move according to your life purpose and calling.

Early Thursday, the Moon moves into Taurus, and you will notice that the energy feels more grounded and stable. The desire to seek comfort, beauty, and peaceful ways of expressing yourself may be indicated. There are some lovely lunar sextiles to both Jupiter and Chiron in the night, and a beautiful trine between the Moon and Pluto early in the morning. Look for your dreams to be full of mystical and healing messages.  The day begins with a lunar trine to Venus in Capricorn, starting the day off with a smile and a sense of harmony. Later in the day, Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces, taking us back into an introspective period of time and into the watery depths of our subconscious, shadow, and unconsciousness.  Get your business taken care of before late afternoon if you can, and set aside time and space in your life for taking things a bit more slowly, watching for glitches and mistakes that may disrupt or disturb your daily routine. 

Late that night, the Moon in Taurus opposes Saturn in Scorpio, perhaps bringing us to our knees about some ongoing emotional battle that we have not been able to resolve, cope with effectively, or release.  Time for working on release and forgiveness as a way of letting ourselves detach ourselves emotionally from those areas of our life where we have no say, control, or immediate understanding. It may be difficult, but now is the time to rely on our spiritual practices to help us cope with troubled areas of our lives. 

Friday begins with the Moon in the late degrees of Taurus, and then the Moon moves into Gemini.The transit of the Moon in Gemini heightens our awareness, raises our desire to communicate, and sparks our curiosity and thirst for knowledge. We seek answers, look into areas that provoke and stimulate our minds, and go after whatever happens to be of interest in the moment. Not necessarily a sign that looks deep into issues or bothers for long on any one subject, the Gemini Moon stimulates all forms of communication, the desire to get things done, and the need to organize and put the details of our lives in order. Coming as this does near the weekend, we may find that the upcoming weekend is a time when we finally get more accomplished than we have been able to for months.  

Watch how the Moon affects your own experiences throughout the week. Notice your emotional ups and downs, and your energy levels. Notice how your body feels at different times and under different lunar influences, and see if you can determine the pattern your emotional temperament takes throughout the day, throughout the week, and then throughout the month.  Some of us have watched our lunar cycles for years, and it doesn't hurt to slow down a bit and observe how our emotional, physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual experiences connect to the lunar cycles or not.  See how you are in rhythm with the natural world or out of synch.