Wednesday, May 24, 2017

New Moon in Gemini: Fresh Start, Seeds of Change

La Luna                                                        Tammy Heintz

The New Moon in Gemini on Thursday, May 25, 2017 peaks at 12:45 p.m. PDT/3:45 p.m. EDT. Considered a Super Moon, its potency comes less in the aspects the Moon or Sun make to other orbs than to some of the other aspects between the inner and outer planets. It is a new beginning time, and with all beginnings, an end is in process. Closing a door on a phase of life, and standing in between the past and the future, on the threshold, wondering what the changes will bring.

The New Moon in mutable Gemini at 4/47 degrees affects all the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) who have planets or aspects between 1-8 degrees. The New Moon of course affects everyone, so look to the areas in your chart/life where Gemini resides, rules, or is aspected. If you don't know where that is, notice on this New Moon the area of your life that seems most affected emotionally. The Moon expresses our emotional nature and the way we handle ourselves and find harmony with our feelings and sense of well being. The Sun, the archetype of how we are expressing ourselves in the world and the innate energy that we were born to develop and express is also in Gemini (the New Moon always resides in the house of the Sun).

The energy and personality of Gemini is one of dynamic diversity, quest for knowledge, and social and intellectual hunger. Energy may feel scattered in the first decan of Gemini as there is a release of energy, ideas, and movement that is much like a fountain overflowing, or a volcano erupting. The overflow, often felt as a sense of being overwhelmed, can trigger angry outbursts, violent attacks, or unexpected scenes and displays of repressed emotion or pain.  It is important to notice how this tends to happen in your own personal experience for you can take a more restrained stance and observe what is triggering such responses (in yourself or in others). This can help you gain the ability to temper the flames and direct the energy in ways that are safer, more productive, and more healing.

On the world or collective scene for example, whatever energy is directed at hot spots, explosive situations, or unbalanced thinking and actions, need to focus on calming storms, shielding from danger, and praying for those who need support, direction, and healing. The adages about like attracting like, violence begetting violence, are more true at this point than at other times, so use your power of prayer, intention, thought, and actions to create peace within and around you. It is time to investigate, observe, listen, and practice a form of detached reflection to gauge your own responses to whatever is moving you at this point. Notice where you might need to able  to go beyond your own fears, anger, frustrations, obstinacy, or whatever blocks you face.

This New Moon in Gemini stir us up from a deep and transformative level, and so we need to be able to observe and acknowledge whatever pain or blocks exist within so that we can get to the source, to the root causes. We can no longer use the blame game or avoid the truth about what needs to be transformed within ourselves. Getting to the heart of the  pain, grief is what is needed now. Acknowledging whatever is preventing you from loosening yourself from the bonds and shackles of deception is called for now. The New Moon removes our inability to face the truth. We come face to face (or heart to heart) with exactly what is needed and what is holding us back.

This month I'm looking at the New Moon chart from the viewpoint of the natural order of house rulership, beginning with the first house in Aries and the twelfth house in Pisces. Since this period of time is drawing us so much into unity in our experiences (personal and collective unite), it helps to see what we all share in common, and what is moving, shaking, and calling us on different levels.

May is ending with two outer planets, Saturn and Pluto,  still in their retrograde phase. Saturn, the Great Teacher and Pluto, the Great Transformer, have been working their way through our lives stirring up energy on all levels--energy that insists on our making the necessary changes in our lives, or be uprooted and tossed about in order for the needed movement and alterations to happen. We're all pretty much aware of this movement as it's been going on for several years.

At this New Moon in the mutable air sign of Gemini however, energy is unleashed that finds both Saturn and Pluto reminding us of where we need to be paying attention. By observing and allowing ourselves to reflect, not over react or go into denial right away, we can now learn some powerful and important lessons. The star power of this new moon focuses on the Hyades cluster, found in the eye of the Bull in the constellation of Taurus. This particular aspect, according to Robson " tears, sudden events, violence, fierceness, poisoning, blindness, and wounds/injuries..." It is a point of contradictions. We can see this as we observe the world around us. And we can experience this when we allow the violence within us to rise to the surface. Suppressing feelings, thoughts, opinions does not help tame that energy. Instead the energy builds up to a point where it comes out in negative expression. No, paying attention to what is stirring is what is happening now, and it is what is needed so that we can learn to channel, contain, temper, and shape it into constructive, lines of thought and speech, and in our actions.
Another area that is vital at this New Moon in Gemini is how our thoughts, feelings, ideas, and patterns of behavior and thinking are shaping up. According to Lonsdale, 4 degrees of Gemini symbolizes:  "An island just visible off the coast." It represents the need to remove ourselves to our attachments to the past, those aspects (memory, emotional ties, unhealed wounds) that keep us looking back rather than freely looking forward.

Lonsdale says, "When the future is alive, all of its many dimensions flourish in a world away from the commonly mapped out standard territory."  Gemini, the Twins, reminds us our own dual nature. We have the inner and outer expressions of identity. We exist in the moment with an eye on either the past or the future. When we allow ourselves to dream and envision opportunities, openings, possibilities, and visions of what could be, we release energy from the inner twin can be expressed by the outer twin. New moons are gateways to not only a new lunar cycle but also a new path and set of opportunities and choices. The more we stay stuck and attached through our energetic bonds, to the past, the less we are able to use our energy to be receptive and open to what might be ahead. And by this, I'm not referring to predicting the future. I'm talking about allowing yourself to imagine better and more vibrant ways of living. 

What is abundantly clear for you right now is what you are sick and tired of and what you do not want to continue doing or carrying over into your future. This may in fact, do violence to you emotionally or in some other manifestation, simply to point you in the right direction. A good friend always refers to these moments as the "Divine 2' x 4'". We all know it. That experience that brings everything into the light of day, making it abundantly clear that we cannot go on with 'business as usual'. The time comes when we have to make a move, change a behavior, shift a perspective, forgive a hurt or wrong, and move forward. That's what this New Moon in Gemini will be highlighting.

We're being called by this energy to start looking for a new path. Do your research, update your information, find a new way of operating that is more suited to the changing times and the changes that have gone on within you. Remember Einstein's definition of insanity to keep doing the same old thing in the same old way thinking it's going to work when it doesn't. Begin to rethink during this New Moon cycle. Sort through stuff (mental, emotional, physical, personal, familial). Get things done. 

One of the best ways to get energy moving is to start finishing things. Clean up a mess, clean out a drawer, finish something you started, or tend to a problem that you can fix (for example, doing the dishes, sewing on a button, or washing off a counter top.). Ask yourself what needs to be done in order for you to feel free to move on. A lot of us walk around with the conversation going something like this, "When I retire..", "When the house is ...", "When the kids are ....", "After the end of the ...". Sound familiar?  Write your own list of conditions that are limiting your growth and killing your hopes for the future. This Gemini New Moon is a great time to become more congruent. Bring the inner you more in alignment with the outer you. 

And be open to different forms of communication. Gemini is the ruler of the third house, of communications. The chatterbox of the Zodiac, this is the part of your life where people 'suddenly appear', or casually mention something that changes your life. Notice the loose associations you have and pay special attention to new ideas, thoughts, and opportunities that are stimulated in such encounters. For myself, I have always noticed, that strangers like to talk to me. No matter where I go, compete strangers will tell me about their lives. Not sure why this is, but I've heard some of the most fascinating observations of life and have often found answers to questions and inspiring ideas from simply listening to a stranger at a bus stop. 

Two women stand out, reminding me of the choices we have in Gemini. Both happened at the same bus stop in NW Portland. One time at that bus stop an older woman probably in her late-60s or 70s proceeded to tell me that she was ready to 'go'. By go, she meant die. I asked her why that was, and she replied, "I've gone on all the cruises. Many of my friends, are gone, and there's nothing left to do."  Another woman, same bus stop, told me one day about how important it was to forgive people. Again, I asked,  "Why is that?" Her reply was to tell me about a family she was close to who had lost their young daughter. The young girl was walking along the road on the side of the road, when a young man in a car intentionally drove off the highway and hit the girl. The girl died, and the man was caught. He showed no remorse, and in fact seemed to like the attention he got. The family and the whole community the girl was from were up in arms and dealing with tremendous grief, anger, and pain. This woman who was telling me about this horrible situation then said, "You know what we have to do?"  And I said, "No, what do you need to do?" She said, "We have to forgive. We have to pray for forgiveness for him, and for ourselves, otherwise we're in danger of being so lost in our rage and pain we cannot do anything else."  

Both women were complete strangers to me. Both affected me and my life and choices from that point on, in remarkable ways. Both seem to me to represent the choices we have within ourselves. No one is without pain and sorrow. No one's life goes perfectly, and we have a choice only in the way we respond to what has happened and how we move forward. Do we stay trapped in old thought, patterns, and behavior, or do we figure out a way to cope with the pain and keep our minds and hearts open to a brighter future?  This New Moon in Gemini may just give us an opportunity to consider how this fits into our own lives. 

The outer planet, Pluto remains retrograde in Capricorn at 19/7 degrees. Pluto has been in transformative earthy Capricorn since 2011. That's the ongoing movement in your life. Notice where that is for this is a time of reflecting on what we have learned over the years, and how this is manifesting in our lives now. Pluto is the natural 10th house ruler (life purpose, career). In the collective realm, Pluto is transforming governments and ruling powers. It has been shaking, to the very foundations, how we govern and direct our own lives and the what we accept or don't accept in the governance of our people. The need to know is challenging the need to control. More and more people are not content to have control held by just a few people, but are wanting more of a voice and more involvement in governing. Pluto also rules the underworld, so there is a need to deal with the corruptive and negative forces that threaten our way of life. To do so, we must be involved. This is not a passive sign, unless we want to let go of any true voice in how our world is governed and directed.

Pluto also rules the underworld, meaning the inner knowledge of ourselves What do we fear. What is working in our lives? What is not? Again, the twin pull between inner and outer. Whatever we do has to be in alignment with both inner and outer conditions, needs, and growth. Words aren't enough; we must also become involved in some way with others to bring about and increase the power of good. When the Moon moves into Gemini on May 25, we are moving on to a fresh start. We are called upon to seed our minds, hearts, fields, and lives with ideas that can yield greater hope, greater love, greater equity, and greater positive change and healing.

Venus in Aries square Pluto at this New Moon in Gemini, creating a great deal of tension about the crises Pluto has been slowly turning over in our lives. This aspect hits my own Venus, and I can tell you it certainly does churn up the 'suff' of the underworld within me. We are being made acutely aware of what is most challenging about our desire for beauty, love, connection, and peace. Our deepest feelings now arise, and it all can seem very overwhelming. Using this energy is vital so as to avoid repressing or expressing the negative energy in burst of temper or pain that have long-lasting effects.

Mars, the planet of action and movement, in Gemini is approaching a hard opposition to Saturn, the Great Teacher. This is building to its exact opposition on the 29th. However, it is still powerful at this New Moon. Mars wants "to do it now" while Saturn says "it must wait." Mars needs to screw up its courage and Saturn must remain cool-headed to tame the violent nature of this powerful energy. Saturn, the calm, austere, dignified, and disciplined energy and Mars with its naive, 'winner take all' and 'damn the torpedoes full speed ahead' attitude needs to be tamed.

This whole next week before the opposition (it can be felt already) will feel like a lot of push me-pull me situations. Mars inflames, Saturn calcifies making this a time of extreme contradictions and tension, especially on the feeling, emotional level. The New Moon in Gemini with its flurry and burst of energy, ideas, and diverse thoughts makes it a  challenging time. Keep breathing. Focus on what is at the heart of the great struggle, and remember that staying the course, being determined in moving forward and not dragging your feet or getting lost in the past, are your best paths forward.

Diplomacy, tact, holding your tongue, or better yet, channeling all the disparate feelings and thoughts into some constructive channel is your best coping skill. Create some art, and try something a little bit different, allowing yourself to have and cultivate a beginner's mind. Let yourself play at something new, without having to prove yourself, be perfect, be productive, or heaven forbid, getting something done. Participate in playing a bit. And if you have the need to feel some completion, tackle the little things that are right there on the surface.

Avoid aggravating old wounds, picking at recently healed scabs, or bringing up old issues and memories. Create a new space in your life for something completely out of the ordinary. Let yourself take a step or two into totally uncharted waters. Appreciate the depth and breadth of your being, and allow yourself some time to play on the surface a bit, noticing the simple pleasures of life, the dust fairies, the laughter of babies and children, music that though discordant to your tastes, is making its way into your life. Inhale, exhale, and let there be peace within and around you.

New Moon in Gemini is a planting time. A time to post a note that reminds you each day to do something just a little out of the routine you've been in. Shake things out, shake things up, and dig some holes, create some space in your garden for new growth, new ways of being, new ways of thinking. Let yourself recognize how capable you are, and how regardless of what happens, you have the capacity to cope, to heal, to survive, and to thrive. Embrace the gifts of life that have helped you become the person you are now.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Full Flower Moon in Scorpio: Karmic Gates Open

Bleeding Hearts                                                                                                               Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
May is the month of the Scorpio Full Flower Moon, also called the Mother Moon, the Milk Moon, or the Corn Planting Moon. May is also the month dedicated to Mary, the archetypal Mother and Feminine expression of the Divine. May begins grounded in the energy of Taurus, the earthy soil of expression. This month's Full Moon in Scorpio falls at 20/25 degrees, in the third dean. This Scorpio Full Moon also falls on the fixed star  Zubenelschemal, located in the claw of Scorpio.

The Sabian symbol for 19-20 degrees of Scorpio reveals a great deal about the meaning of this full moon: "A woman draws away two dark curtains hanging in front of a sacred entryway."  And the fact that this Full Moon in Scorpio occurs just days before the North Node (Gateway to the Future, Our Spiritual Destiny), affirms its importance. Those with planets and aspects between 17-13 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius) need to pay close attention to the areas where this Full Moon shines on and aspects.

The claw of the Scorpio constellation illuminates the area of our lives where we can best use our energy to choose between the conflicting polarities in our lives. It is time to open our eyes and acknowledge what needs repair, what need to change, what needs releasing, and whatever is blocking us from seeing why we keep running into the karmic walls we do. We are only tied to karma to the extent we refuse to look at what has been perpetually out of balance or whatever we have refused to see in ourselves that blocks our progress. Sometimes referred to as Serpent energy, the location of this Full Moon highlights what we have defined as good and evil, truth and ignorance, life and death. Each of us has the power to choose between good and evil, but we cannot do so if we fail to acknowledge what that means in our lives. How are we defining what is good for us and what is not? How are we judging ourselves and others? Where have we been stuck before, unable to move beyond a pattern, habit, attitude, or perspective?

We can see how this plays out in the collective world where we humans keep making the same mistakes in the way we solve problems or approach major issues, conflicts, and needs. In our personal lives, it is often more difficult, for we have to come to understanding of ourselves through a process that is not always easy or without acknowledging something that is painful. This Full Moon in Scorpio aspecting the fixed star Zubenelschemal, opposite the Sun in Taurus calls our attention to the polarity of all that is related to our personal needs and desires and all that calls our attention to our shared needs and desires. The complexity and depth of Scorpio opposite the basic and simple groundedness of Taurus, reminds us of where we struggle to reconcile the two areas of our own lives and of our relationships and our interaction in the world. How do we meet our own needs while fitting in, relating, and finding meaning for both areas, in our experience in the world?

All inner planets are now in forward motion since Mercury turned direct on May 3. Three of the outer planets are still in long retrograde phases: Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. On May 9th, just before the Moon is at her fullest, the North Node enters Leo, changing signs from its long passage in Virgo (Node appear to be retrograde). The South Node enters Aquarius at the same time. The North Node is  the gateway to new dimensions of our spiritual journey, the South Node represents what we've brought here to complete, develop, solve, or work on. It also represents the gifts and trials we come with. The energy of the changing nodes, indicates a release from some pretty strong ties and bonds and a switch to a more spiritual evolution. What is going on now is a period of creating space to release old patterns, addictions, and attitudes. It is a time for expressing ourselves more creatively as artists or actors, and of taking up our shields as spiritual warriors.

To evolve as spiritual warriors, the Scorpio Moon pushes us to deeper emotional that place within where we are able to open our eyes and see ourselves and the world we're in with greater clarity. Recognizing what is not working, what is out of whack, or what is against our highest good and well being, is a part of this step. Keeping the blinders on or thinking we can burn off karma with a quick wish list or without a steady infusion of healing and ongoing change and awareness, is not the answer. We have a lot of help at this time.

Pluto for one, the Great Transformer, in its long journey through Capricorn, is now going back old territory where we've been working to transform ourselves, the world, and the way we view life. On Tuesday, May 9 the Sun in Taurus exactly trines Pluto in Capricorn. Solutions, insight along with the ability to focus and concentrate, make for a powerful time for conceiving of ways to make more money, solve ongoing issues, and breaking through barriers that have kept us from developing.

Also on Tuesday, Venus in Aries is parallel Chiron, the Wounded Healer,  in Pisces.  This provides powerful healing energy as well as the ability to repair, fix, and heal...especially at a deep, source level. We need to get to the heart of major issues or problems before we can expect anything to change. This is not always easy; it's the place we often give up. Persevere instead.

May 9th is also the day that the North Node enters Leo. The gateway to the future lies is lined up exactly in the path of this Full Moon in Scorpio. It's a good time to envision, plan, or make decisions about where you are headed.

Late at night on May 9 Mercury in Aries is exactly conjunct Uranus, making this a key time for grasping concepts, trusting our strong intuitive insights (that are scarily accurate right now). Right and perfect timing is also indicated. The sensory overload may make it nearly impossible to rest or relax. Use the energy by channeling it into positive actions, intentions, prayers, and alignments.

The Full Moon in Scorpio awakens us on a very deep and profound level. We become acutely aware of who we are and what is right or not about our lives, our choices, and our intentions. We recognize both personal needs and desire for affection, love, and acceptance. Our intuition is highly attuned as is our sense of inner truth. Our personal barometers for our health and well being (whatever those are in your experience) should be trusted. Now is not the time to ignore health issues of any kind. Pay attention to what is in need of repair, healing, or nourishment.

The Serpent energy that is symbolic of Scorpio, is the knowledge of life and death, good and evil, life affirming or life denying. We want to make choices now to acknowledge and affirm the gains, goodness, blessings, honor, good fortune, and forgiveness we are receiving in our lives now.  Using our energy with open eyes, with full awareness of what is working and what is not, is crucial.

When the Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (energy enhancing movement and healing change), it also releases the power of the Sun in Taurus trine Pluto. Great transformative energy is being released this week.

The Moon (our emotional well being) in Scorpio (our deep spiritual and psychological depths) are at play now. Deep probing into what holds power and influence over you and your life, is critical. At this time something that has been in decay can be reborn. Whether it should be or not, depends. It is an important time to sort through the mental, emotional, physical junk that is cluttering your mind and life. Inner cleansing and outer clearing are helpful now.

The Full Moon in Scorpio represents transformation, rebirth, and is enhanced by sharing. Positive karma is a tool that keeps on giving, so let yourself be guided by that inner barometer about where you need to bestow love, gifts, and gratitude. Forgiveness too is a gift, to oneself and to the person released from the bondage of your own feelings or emotions, or needs.

Later in the month, on May16, Mercury enters Taurus. This provides much greater clarity in our thinking, in communications, and in dealing with understanding of all types. Plans, ideas, and actions begun during the Full Moon time will bear fruit after Mercury enters Taurus. Do not hesitate to dream, plan, and set things in motion now. Then clear and release, and allow life to unfold in the wake of your own willingness to let go and move on.

On May 23 a t-square is formed between Mars (planet of action), Saturn (the Great Teacher) in it reflective retrograde cycle, and Chiron (the Wounded Healer). The period between May 23 and June 7 is a intensive period when Chiron shows up in our lives to help heal where we may have shut down, felt shout out, or may have shut down in pain and anger. Chiron shows us where we must heal, or suffer.  Choose life and choose to do what is needed to heal and evolve in every area of your life. Holding on to anger, expectations of how things ought to be, or grudges and negative perspectives, can only harm you. You may feel worse before you feel better, but probably only in those areas where you've tried so hard to hang on to some outwork idea that it has to break away for you so you can finally let go. Seek out healing experiences, and remember when something from the past has been shoved aside or when we've tried to 'get over' it or forget it, it stays within us. Only in acknowledging what the source of pain is, can we begin to let it go.

Healing though, should not be about reinjuring ourselves. We can experience healing without ripping the scab off a barely healed wound. Be gentle and constant in your daily efforts to stay present and mindful of what your needs and desires are, and what needs support in healing. Do what you can, and stick to what works best for you. Trust yourself to know what the path is, for after all, it is yours. No one else can walk it for you.

Remember the words of Anna Freud, "Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training."  And I might, any kind of bad experience. We all have the capacity to be creative, to get outside the box of our own expectations, and try something that is uplifting and healing. Whatever that is for you, do that. And enjoy the journey of Scorpio into those lush and rich inner depths. Then use that Taurus grounded energy, and create a beautiful life.

Soon you will notice new opportunities coming your way, and a new kind of energy infusing your life in whatever area Leo's North Node is. Now is the time for completion, and the time to imagine what is possible on your spiritual journey in this earthly existence. Let your dreams guide you, allow yourself to imagine the best, and listen to and trust your intuition. Remember who you are and trust that you have what is needed for your full and complete healing and for your perfect fulfillment. Put your energy into what is calling your to action.