Thursday, July 26, 2018

Full Moon in Aquarius, Lunar Eclipse: Healing Crisis

As I study the waxing Moon just before it enters Aquarius, I'm struck by the fact that it hits my own chart right on the cusp of the 4th house, home and all that entails. Makes so much sense as I'm in the process of searching for a new home. Wherever the Full Moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius transits in your chart/life, expect some drama, passion, and the pull between the needs of the Leo Sun and those of the Aquarius Moon. Leo's proud, dramatic, emotive, and highly individualistic need to stand out from the crowd, to that of the Aquarius Moon's individualistic need to be part of a team. Strength in numbers, power in connection, or the needs of the many over the needs of self, all are heightened expressions of this Full Moon.

The Full Moon peaks and the Lunar Eclipse takes place at 1:20 p.m. PDT/4:20 p.m. EDT/11:20 p.m. UT. The eclipse will not be visible in North America, but Africa, parts of Asia, and Europe will get a spectacular view of an eclipse that will last for more than an hour. The energy of the eclipse and the Full Moon in Aquarius though, will still have an effect on us, and whatever those effects are will manifest over the next three months. Before the Full Moon and eclipse hit, study your own chart (and if you don't have one, go to for a free version) to see which houses will be affected.

It is said, that what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. Since we're all still breathing, we can all attest to that truth. Whatever we have coped with in the past, learned, come to understand, withstood, and mastered, provides us now with all we need to handle what our life presents to us. Think back on those times in your life when you wondered how you'd cope or manage, the circumstances of life seeming so completely bewildering and impossible. We've all had moments like that, if not longer spells when the road seemed to get washed out just as we were making our way through a difficult time.

We often try to avoid such times, but frankly, chaos and change is more normal than not. Imagine if you will the lifespan of a volcano.  A volcano may lie dormant, asleep for centuries, all the time in the depths and heart of its inner structure, magma and intense heat burns and amasses. On the surface we may glimpse an occasional escape of steam, lava, or a violent eruption. Before the eruption though, the movement of magma to the surface shakes the earth around it, causing tremors and shaking as it moves steadily to the weak places in the crust where it can escape.

Think of yourself, and your life as somewhat like that volcano. A thought that reminds me of this dynamic process of life and the volcano I found on a card a friend made for me: "Whatever is not Ex-pressed, is De-Pressed."  We cannot cope with everything all at once, so some things we depress or suppress, only to find later, they are still roiling beneath the surface, and they make their way up and out, sometimes in the form of a physical expression (illness, imbalance, weakness), or in some other manifestation, emotional, spiritual, mental, or pragmatic disorder with our surrounding and/or the people in it.

All this is to say, this Full Moon in Aquarius, conjunct Mars (action) opposite the Sun in Leo, squaring Uranus in Taurus, may precipitate a crisis of one kind or another. It may be a crisis of consciousness, an awakening of some kind that comes about after a long search. It may be a crisis of healing. Sometimes we get worse before we get better, or search for answers for a problem that eludes us. This might be a time when answers and healings begin. Crisis may be in sudden awareness, revelations, or unexpected news.

Expect the unexpected (always with Uranus), and unexpected arrivals and departures. Also what has been suppressed may burst through to the surface, and we may finally face some truth that has eluded us. Shocking discoveries, surprises, and realizations may be triggered at this point.  It may be the beginning of a whole new phase of life, and an abrupt end to another. Greet whatever change is sparked with an open mind, heart, and willingness to accept the graces within that change. Sometimes we have to wait for what is meant to be ours.

Where are the planets?:  Mercury is in Leo, along with the Sun. Venus is in Virgo (still part of the grand trine in earth signs), Mars is in Aquarius with the Moon, Saturn is in Cancer, and Jupiter is in Scorpio. Mercury in Leo just turned retrograde on July 26.

There are a number of aspects that also make this Full Moon in Aquarius more volatile and energized than usual.

Moon conjunct Mars in Aquarius: Mars in the same sign as the Moon can lead to conflicts, particularly since the Moon rules the Mother, the home and what we consider home, and the safety and security the Moon awakens in us all to protect what and who is most sacred and loved by us. Conflicts may arise over how that protection and security should be created. Different strokes for different folks, is a simple way to envision the differences between how the Lunar energy heals and protects, and how the Martian energy feels it should be done. Differences in life style, handling difficult situations, maintaining peace and harmony, may be the key issues that rise at this time.

Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus: This aspect indicates that what we plan may not turn out as we hoped it would Again, the unexpected arises to disrupt plans, shake up routines, cause delays, or discover glitches in the systems we normally depend on. During this time we may need to change our plans or come up with a new way to approach a problem. We feel the urge to act, but have no clear vision as to how that should or could be done. Our patience is tested, and the term 'roll with the punches' comes to mind when I consider this energy.

Mars square Uranus in Taurus: Mars too squares Uranus, so surprising or shocking changes, news, or behavior can cause frustration, restlessness, or discouragement. Wherever it transits your chart/life is where you might feel more sensitive, restricted, restrained, or resistant. The urge to break away, seek one's independence, or change routines and patterns is triggered by this aspect. This energy might make you feel more impatient with routine and cause you to want to make changes regardless of the outcome. Some caution ought to be exercised at this time, for decisions made in this kind of powerful energy, won't necessarily end the way you think they might. You can however, see possibilities arise that seemed out of sight until now, and that kind of energy can be acted upon as the lunar cycle progresses.

Moon square Uranus: Not only is the active, impatient energy of Mars pushing for change (though Mars is somewhat muted in Aquarius...more about ideas and connections than actions), it can still create some emotional turmoil when the Moon too square Uranus. When the lunar energy that controls our emotional stability unites with Mars, the urge to act with immediacy, and is squaring Uranus, we can expect that something surprising, connected to whatever kind of crisis evolves, will make us feel like the curtain has risen on a new chapter in life. Some may act on it; more will awaken and realize what has to happen and will feel propelled to take steps to make that happen.

T-square: The the Sun in Leo, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, and Mars conjunct the Moon form a t-square to Uranus in Taurus. This is a volatile and shocking aspect, and since it also aligns with both lunar nodes, it means that whatever is residual from the past (South Node, what we bring to life) and whatever we are in the process of creating, changing, or moving into (North Node) are activated in shocking and surprising ways. Saturn in Capricorn softens this somewhat as we've been confronted by whatever this is in our lives quite a lot over the past three or four years. Pluto prepared the ground by digging up the past, turning over that which has to change, and providing us with many a lesson in how to operate amidst chaos and confusion. Saturn, the Great Teacher, is now going to help us navigate the rocky waters by helping us hone our skills for survival, trusting our intuition, using our spiritual tools, and practicing the more pragmatic and practical ways of coping with changes. Notice where the Sun, Moon, Uranus, and Saturn are in your life/chart, and you'll probably recognize what has been in the process of change for quite some time now.

Sun conjunct the North Node; Moon and Mars conjunct the South Node:  Due to the Sun's position to the North Node and the Moon's to the South Node, we have to view this as a consequential period of time. South Node is what we bring into this life. What lessons we have to learn, what gifts we have to develop, what experiences we need to grow, and what weaknesses and challenges we have come to resolve. The North Node I call the gateway to the future. When a planet transits the North Node as it does now with the Sun's passage, we are moving into a new phase of life. The Sun represents our personal expression, who we are in our heart of hearts and what we must express. 

As we transit the North Node, we look as we always do at turning point times, to see what we need to resolve, leave behind, heal, correct, or discontinue so that the journey ahead can proceed without carrying what is dead and useless into the next phase of life. That doesn't mean we forget the past; it means we acknowledge whatever is no longer part of the active element of who we are (old beliefs, roles, relationships, goals, habits, patterns). It might be as simple as facing the fact that where we once found love, is no longer alive. It may mean that the home we have come to know, has ceased to be the safe haven it was. It may be that a habit that once served us, has become a burden and crutch. Again, it may be a major change or a minor one, but there will be a shift in direction, as a new path unfolds. 

In the collective, it may simply be (though not simple at all) facing the facts before us and moving to find peace and solutions in a new way. Reforms are needed to adjust to what has risen to the surface and destroyed the illusion that all was well. Everything changes, and if we try to hold back the dam that is bursting or the volcano that is erupting, we do so at our own peril. We have to see how things fall apart, as we hold onto the center of who we are, where we are, and with what we hold dear. We are, however, entering a period when we're slowing down. No object, person, or society can handle constant chaos and disruption without taking time to rest, recuperate, rejuvenate, and reflect.  

Regardless of what is happening in the world around us, we must focus our attention on the Temple we carry within us, that sacred place where we hold the Truth of our being, and we care for the gifts, talents, expertise, and wisdom we've accrued over our lives. 

A year and a half ago I attended our local Women's March in January, and the passionate, devoted people who came carried signs declaring bits of their truth. One that stood out and the thought that has helped sustain me since was this: "We were made for these times."  And that I do believe. We are stronger than we imagine. We are more of what is good, and we can do more than simply survive. We can grow, thrive, and create more of what is good for all. Happy Full Moon. Find some peace and share some love. Connect to the beauty of the world and one another, and seek solace in your quiet, solitary moments. Allow the Divine to infuse you with all you need, and use your spiritual tools, especially prayer,  to share your burdens and find the support and grace you need.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

New Moon in Cancer

On Thursday, July 12 at 7:48 p.m. PDT/10:48 p.m. EDT, the New Moon in Cancer ushers in a new lunar cycle. Coinciding as it does with a partial solar eclipse, it also happens with the powerful energy of two Grand Trines; one in water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, the other in earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. This is an auspicious time as a new cycle begins, and we are infused with strong energy and events that stir our concpetions of reality up and toss our ideas of constancy into the wind. We are entering a period where our desire for security, safety, and maintaining a safe home is challenged on one hand, but boosted and supported on the other. With the two grand trines and emotional, securtiy-conscious Moon conjoining the equally safety and homebody Cancer Sun, we need to take this opportunity to get perspective and get our bearings as we ride out the turbulence and changes. 

Solar Eclipse: A solar eclipse  occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun (as it does each new moon) and in this case,  partially covers a portion of the Sun as it does. This New Moon in Cancer is also called the Hades Moon as it directly opposes Hades/Pluto the Great Transformer. While this is a partial eclipse, it nevertheless wth its opposition to Pluto, tests us to the max. The Moon, symbolic of our emotional energy, temperament, the Sun symbolic of our personal expression, are both in the safety, security-conscious water sign of the keeper of the hearth, the homemaker, the protector. Cancer seeks to provide safety and security by creating a safe haven, home, and warm, welcoming environment. We can see this is being sorely tested with the treatment, worldwide of refugees, immigrants, asylums, and all who seek and have a hard time finding, safe haven. The opposition of the Cancer Sun to  Pluto the transformer, lesson giver, taskmaster makes this an even more emotional eclipse. It’s already been a difficult period of time. The new lunar cycle begins with tensions rising and our feeling the heavy toll of the lessons we’re learning and the changes that we’re needing to make. 

What can we do with the energy of this New Moon and Solar eclipse? For starters, we can see it as a time when we spend our energy finding greater balance between the polarities within our very nature. Consider your brain, and the two hemispheres, each side representing different aspects of our being, managing and controlling different parts of our physical, mental, and emotional make up, and each side independent with a need for interdependent relationships to all the other parts of our being. Imagine if you will the tiny pineal gland that lies in the middle of the brain, between the two hemispheres. It’s about the size of a grain of rice. It one of the most powerful parts of our physical anatomy as it produces and regulates hormones. One of the hormones it controls is melatonin…the hormone that helps regulate our sleep. In dharmic practices, it is called the Seat of Intuition, the Third Eye. It is the site of the 6th chakra, Ajna which is said to be the gateway to intuition and spiritual enlightenment. When we meditate, we often focus on the pineal gland, as stimulating it can free us to experience a more heightened state of awareness. The pineal gland is also responsible for helping regulate the entire endocrine system (all the glands including the adrenals) as it manufactures hormones and chemicals that cause feelings of happiness, euphoria, peacefulness, serenity, and calm. The pineal gland also creates a sense of balance and well being, and what many who follow spiritual paths refer to as connection with a higher consciousness. In any event, it is crucial for our general sense of well being. And we have some control over how it operates. As we do in Kriya Yoga meditation practices (focus on energy/chakra systems and workings of the physical, emotional, spiritual body, we can activate the pineal gland to help create a more balanced, calm, sense of well being. Use whatever methods you find helpful to focus your attention on what is rising up from within to be released and what is pouring in from higher consciousness and the Collective Consciousness to help create stability, peace, and calm within. Release and receive. Use this New Moon to allow greater integration of body, mind, spirit, and emotions as we begin a new lunar cycle.

Grand Trines: Helping out with this process by granting us the wisdom to see beyond the hard lessons we’re learning, are two Grand Trines.  A grand trine is formed when three or more planets, the Sun, or the Moon form an equilateral triangle to one another. The Sun and Moon both at 20 degrees in the third decan of Cancer form part of the Grand Trine in Water. Sun and Moon in Cancer, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and Jupiter in 21 degrees of Scorpio complete the beneficent aspect.  The Grand Trine in Earth signs is formed as Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Venus in Virgo aspect one another. Trines are helpful aspects,

Grand Trine in Water Signs: The Sun and Moon are in Cancer, and therefore, we are fully engaged in the energy of safety, security, feeling at home, and making those we care for feel secure and at home. In the third decan of Cancer, we see a rising interest in more dramatic, passionate, and deep soul searching kinds of connections. Jupiter between the degrees of 21 and 27 Scorpio are  symbolized as “the wind whirling thousands of loose manuscript pages”. We are in a period of extreme chaos. Thought the chaos, we rewrite our realty. At 21 degrees of Scorpio, the symbol is “a pair of glasses with no lens”, meaning we have the desire to see, but we do not yet have the focus required to see clearly.  I don’t know about you, but this rings so true for me at this point. Desire to see, but not yet really seeing what is to be. Notice how this works out for you in whatever are you find Scorpio. Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, although Neptune is the only one of the two in this trine, both represent the desire, vision, and unveiled, hidden messages (Neptune) that are needed for healing, wholeness, and a new vision (Chiron, the Wounded Healer). We are going through a transformational time (individually and collectively), so the energy is powerful, and as you may have noticed, people have very different ways of handling such disruptive, transformative energy. 

Grand Trine in Earth Signs: Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn (as well as Saturn) when bathed in the watery elements of the Grand Trine in Water, form a muddy mix that can be healing, soothing, and calming, or can be used to cloud judgment, weigh us down, or be the source of hostile mudslinging. It’s up to us how we use the energy of earth. Earth demands to see results in pragmatic and practical ways. If you can do nothing else, clean up your act. Clean a drawer. Develop a new healthy habit of picking up after yourselves. Sometimes the way to channel our pent up emotions  and frustrations, is to do something we CAN do. Take small steps to learn up around you. Take a walk. Take out the trash. Use the elements to bathe your consciousness in healing, earthy and watery ways that ground and soothe your heart and soul. Uranus in early degrees of Taurus slow the changes that occur and bring the changes and surprises sure to come, down to earth right where you are. Shocks and sudden changes will be more likely felt in the disruption or infusion of energy into daily life and everyday life. For example, gas prices may go sharply up or down. There may be food shortages or a bumper crop. Not what we expected is the motto of this period. So relax, because you’re not alone in the bumpy ride. Venus in Virgo is the Missouri of planet placement. Show me, don’t just tell me. If you like me, show it. If I love you, I show it in practical, everyday ways. We also create more when Venus is in Virgo. We put ideas into action or form. This is also a very good way to balance some of the other more erratic energy. Pluto, the Great Transformer and Saturn, the Great Teacher both tough teachers in Capricorn continue to grind us into to meal to make a new loaf of bread of us. Take this bread and become it. Live it. Be it. Act with intention and purpose, and show what it is you have to give in ways that serve, reflect, and support the world that is changing around you. 

Mars Retrograde: Starting June 27 and lasting until August 28, Mars transits in retrograde motion, and moves back into the energy of Taurus. Mars, the planet of action, war, sex, and power, is slowed down in this stage. That by no means indicates it’s less powerful. It is in fact more repressive, oppressive, being under such pressure it simmers and roils beneath the surface. Ideas about sexuality, handling of crises (on the collective level) and tempers and fears (on the personal level) make this a time akin to a volcano before it erupts.  Any effort to start wars, pick a fight, or lord it over anyone else, are doomed to fail during this time. Likewise, pushing the river, trying to make things happen that are just not ready to be born, will fail as well. How then do we handle the Mars energy in our lives? Start by looking at the area of your life where the retrograde motion began (9 degrees of Aquarius) and where it retrogrades to (28-29 degrees of Capricorn). These areas of your life and the collective experience are most prominent.Mars is unable to act as effectively as it would like to under these aspects, so it’s a time we need to slow down, adjust our expectations, and wait out the cycle. During this time we might have thoughts of an old lover, a ‘better’ time, or a more productive, prosperous time. Rather than bemoaning our fate, take time for some TLC. Tender Loving Care is what is called for during a time when we may feel rebellious, antsy, upset, or more than usually anxious about what we are trying to do or accomplish. Use your meditative and self care skills to keep seeking the balance points you need throughout the day, the week, the period of time in general. It’s during such times, when Mars is in a less than desirable home, that we may feel more uncomfortable and out of sorts. As I write, I realize the retrograde shift of Mars is when an old injury started acting up again. You may notice too, certain areas of your life that are affected. 

Retrograde Planetary Slowdown. Things may not seem to happen as fast as we think they should. While this may be the case for some of us generally, during this period of time, it is even more so the case. Planets don’t go backward; they orbit around the Sun at the farthest most points away from the Earth. When planets are farthest from the Sun (perrigree), their paths slow down their energy and influence. And depending on what constellations they are transiting, take on different kinds of energy. Saturn, Pluto, and Mars are already in retrograde motion. This is a lot of heavy, plodding energy slowing things down and causing us to go deep into the underground to dig up and sort out what is needing to be brought into the light. More planets will be joining this process, so this is a good time to adjust your sails, and get yourself in shape to keep on track despite the whirling winds, the seemingly endless series of upsets and changes. Life is like a roller coaster right now, and yet the roller coaster is going in slow, plodding motion. Try to keep some perspective by looking back at other times when life seemed deliriously out of whack, and remember what it was that got you though those times. We came here to this planet to learn, to grow, to find our purpose and meaning, and now is the time we have been preparing for. You have the skills, talents, gifts, and survival skills you need, and now is the time that is defining your to an even deeper more profound sense of who you are and why you are here to create, serve, and love. Set your sails for a course towards light. Prepare each day for the journey before you, and trust that you are not alone. Reach out for support and love, and be generous in giving and receiving. Be the peace you wish to see in the world, and live in love and your Divine nature.