Sunday, October 28, 2012

Full Moon in Taurus, Grand Trine in Water: Overflowing Potential

October Storm                                                                                                                                                       Catherine Al-Meten
Columbia River, Astoria                                                                                                                                                               2012

Adding a message to acknowledge all the activity and sense of urgency with the major hurricane working its way up through the Carribbean and into the Atlantic Coastline of North America. With so many planets in water signs, it is not surprising that water is playing such a powerful role in calling our attention to our relationship with the planet and Universe we are part of.  Also, along the Pacific Coast, the transformative earth energy and lunar earth energy is sending tremors through the earthquake fault lines. This is a normal aspect of the dynamic nature of the planet we live on.  We need to pay attention to our relationship with the elements of nature, and realize what a powerful part it plays in the way we live our lives.  Take precautions, be prepared for emergencies, and keep a cool head.  In times like this, we can use our power and energy to support and comfort one another. Take this time to get in touch with who and what really matters in your life.  

This month’s Full Moon at 6 degrees of  Taurus, falls on October 29, 2012 at 12:49 P.M (PDT). The Full Moon in Taurus forms an intense trine to Pluto in Capricorn and an opposition to Saturn, setting off powerful energy for change and movement.  This Full Moon is all about power, control, authority, and transformation. Lessons to be learned, a new path unfolding before us, and time to establish ourselves within the base of our own power, identity. and determination. As storms rage on the Atlantic Coast of North and Central America, a large earthquake shakes the Northwest Pacific region near the Queen Charlotte Islands. The full Moon activates the four planets in Scorpio (Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node) and to a lesser degree, the two in Pisces, Neptune and Chiron, all six points ruled by the aspect of water. 

Called the Full Hunter’s Moon, the Travel Moon, the Blood or Sanguine Moon,  the Dying Grass Moon, this full moon’s  names are derived from traditions and seasonal changes of autumn. This is the time of the year in the North that tribes prepare for the long winters ahead, hunting, preserving, and preparing themselves with the fruits, harvests, and bounty of their fishing and hunting. This is the time of the year which is considered one of the most important feast days in the Northern Hemisphere. It is still a time when we are preparing for winter and celebrating the final days of harvest, the hunt, as we prepare for winter. On the East Coast, people are preparing for the storms, and we are all becoming more aware of how important it is to pay attention to the basic necessities of life.

The Moon rules emotions, habits, patterns of behavior and moods, 
Saturn rules structure and organization, self discipline, endurance and tenacity.  Both the Moon and Saturn are in Taurus, and both archetypes energize us as we use our emotional energy to organize, create workable structures, develop self discipline, and test our capacity for endurance and tenacity in how we live, do our work, care for ourselves and others, and how we establish clear and practical ways of behaving and interacting with one another. 

A Grand Trine in Water signs (Sun, Saturn, Mercury, North Node in Scorpio and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, with Ceres in Cancer) on a yod formed when the moon strikes right through the middle of the trine, activating all angles and aspects. This beautiful aspect may be compared  to a cut diamond aspect with all its reflecting facets. An increase in consciousness, makes whatever we have been struggling to understand become crystal clear. All the planets in Scorpio stand at the gate of the North Node, the threshold into a new time, a new level of understanding, and a new way for us to develop and more fully engaged and connected to our inner identity and truth and our place within the Divine Consciousness as expressed through the lives we are living, the art we are creating, the love we are sharing, and the service we are giving. This Grand Trine in Water signs is affecting us at the deepest levels of our consciousness, our genetic code and make up, our soul development, moving us into our rightful place on this soul journey. Neptune is moving us through stages of completion in cycles, relationships, stages of development, and initiations into deeper mysteries, allowing us to release whatever traps us or stagnates our development. This is a true moment of transformation--the ending and finalization of one moment and the beginning of the next. What is ending now is essential for growth, for movement, for the next stage of life. Ceres represents the archetype of the daughter in the myth of Persephone and Demeter. The mythology is about the growing up and transformation that results in the daughter standing on her own, and the mother mourning her separation during the winter. The separation is necessary for both mother and daughter as both emerge into womanhood’s different stages.  While the myth speaks of a story to explain the seasons (winter is when Persepahone has to be away from her daughter, Ceres), it also speaks to the times when we have to stand on our own at different points of life. When our roles change, and when our needs and desires necessarily change too. What in your life now is calling to be released? Perhaps an old wound or pattern of behavior that is still blocking your growth? Perhaps a need to stand on your own at a new stage of life. Rather than fighting against a memory, an obvious challenge, or a crisis in relationship or consciousness, now is the time to face and become responsible for coming face to face with whatever fears, challenges, or shadow aspects of our being are calling out to be acknowledged and dealt with.  Rather than blaming, shaming, projecting, or taking the role of the victim, it is time to acknowledge your gifts, talents, abilities, needs, and power to act on your own behalf. No one is to blame for who you have become. No one is responsible for your fears, anger, grief, or unwillingness to move ahead. You have the power of your own consciousness, the power to act on your own behalf, and to claim your life for yourself. 

Whatever has been taken away from you, is meant to be released. Time to discover the gifts left to you in the wake of loss.  With 11 planets currently within the range of 1-7 degrees of their respective signs, and with the prevalence of water and the ongoing movement in Earth energy (Pluto in Capricorn and Moon in Taurus), the transformative energy is being triggered through our own emotional and spiritual natures; both two areas of our being flood us with one example after another of what is working, what is not, and what needs to be changed in order for us to benefit from the transformative elements at work within us and within the dynamic thrust of the world and Universe in which we live. 

The Grand Trine brings disparate energies together, calling us to view the world and our perceptions of ourselves and lives with new eyes and a deeper more spiritually oriented understanding. Relying only on our ability to rationalize or explain our answer that question we all seek to answer about the most significant experiences and questions we have...”Why?”  The answer to that only comes when we have moved to act on behalf of healing, new growth, facing the consequences of our choices, and learning that we have to rely on the Wisdom that defies our own understanding. We can all come up with answers, but the lesson is not in coming up with the right answer. The lesson is to live more deeply, fully, authentically, and from our true soul call and divine nature.  We can hear, learn, and connect to this if we watch the signs, the movement, the unfolding of life as it is, not as we will it. 

The Sun in Scorpio is in conjunction with Saturn, bring a contained intensity and  passion under pressure. This is truly a time for acting from our passions, those anchored in divine truth and light. Chiron, the Wounded Healer,  in Pisces trines the Sun, fueling compassion and healing old wounds. quelling fears, hurt, and grief, and healing old wounds. We are compelled by circumstances and by our own awareness, to embrace the healing that is required to become whole and in alignment with the Divine and our Divine nature. 

Now is a time to prepare ourselves for the darker days and winter ahead, and to celebrate and prepare a feast of celebration for the bounty of our lives. Taurus, the preserver, nurturer, and fount of patience through devotion and love, grounds us in our emotional body, filling us as a result of expressing a felt need. Emotions and memories are not just to be experienced, but triggers and activators needed in response to our prayers and needs.  Unless we choose to believe that we live in a world where nothing is connected, and life happens by happenstance, we are well aware of the connected nature of all life.  When we only seek answers in times of crisis or as a result of isolated experiences, we miss the point that our thoughts, actions, dreams, communication, habits, patterns, and choices all send out continuous messages to the world, to the Universe and the Divine Creator, and to our own being....If we live without conscious intention and mindfulness, life seems haphazard and chaotic. As we live more intentionally and mindfully, we come to understand that, though our prayers may not be answered according to our expectations, they are answered. We are given what we need to live life according to what we have set in motion as we understand what we have been given to do and be.  If we are off the track, or if we have somehow incorporated false beliefs into the way we are living, we will find that we seem to run up against one brick wall after another. Plans do not turn out. Expectations are dashed. Life seems not to be working as we had hoped it would.  What’s wrong? By changing our perceptions of what is happening, we may see that we are not understanding the answer to our prayers. 

Recently, I listened to Stevie Wonder describe how grateful he was for being born blind. He described how people learn through their losses, if they are willing. Through whatever we lose or have gone without, we learn a deeper compassion for others. We learn how strong we are in ways that we wouldn’t otherwise, and we learn lessons about what we are capable of doing and being. This does not mean we should seek loss or intentionally create sadness, grief, or illness, but rather when faced with imbalance, disease, loss, or some other challenge, our healing comes through learning the gifts in the garbage.  What lessons can I take away from the situation, past or present, that caused me harm? How can I be courageous enough first to face that which I fear. There is nothing wrong with feeling and acknowledging that which has harmed you. To fail to do so, is called suppression, and it turns into something much worse when not faced. Allowing ourselves to face our fears, feel our anger, or acknowledge our sadness, is the first step to healing.  Second, we need to to allow ourselves to bring our souls back from the places where they are memories, in longings, in worrying about the future, or despairing about the past. The timing couldn’t be more perfect for this.  Along with the time you spend preparing yourselves for the changes to come with the seasons, allow yourself to prepare for the next stage of your soul’s journey. Continue allowing your practice of mindfulness and intention guide you into practices, decisions, and patterns of behavior that nurture your health, bring you into deeper communion with all of life, your relationships, and the work you choose to do.  

Scorpio is the messenger of that which we don’t see. That which is unseen but deeply felt, is calling you now, to be acknowledged. We can now use our dreams, intuition, calling, and intentions into creating a greater sense of abundance in our lives, in manifesting healing and greater understanding, and in raising our level of connection to conscious awareness. The Sun, how we express the energy of life, Mercury, how we communicate and receive inspiration and information, and Saturn, how we learn the greater lessons of life, are all in the sign of Scorpio. Look at your chart to see which house/area of life this is most affecting. Notice what is calling you.

The Full Moon in Taurus in opposition to the Sun, is creating sextiles (positive activating energy) to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. Pluto, the Great Transformer, trines the Moon, and forms sextiles to the Sun and Chiron. Venus has entered her ruling home sign of Libra, and she sextiles Mercury in optimistic and outgoing Sagittarius, making this an inspirational time for all forms of communication, especially words and expressions of love. Mars is also in Sagittarius, opposite its ruler, Jupiter in reflective Gemini. Uranus in Aries, is making some minor aspects to the Sun, maybe resulting in a bit of edginess or dissatisfaction.  Focus on what’s working, not what’s not. The positive and powerful energy is best used for good. Avoid obsessive thinking or wastes you and your energy on unnecessary and/or unanswerable concerns.

The lineup of the planets, the Star/Sun, and the Moon all provide a backdrop and generate energy that affects us. However, we are the ones who make the choices, control the patterns and behavior, shape our attitudes, moods, and perceptions. We can use the power of the universe, the energy of the world and our being, for good or not. The choice is up to us. Think of astrological knowledge as akin to the weather and the climate.  It affects your life; it does not compel it.  You choose how to approach life given your understanding and willingness to adapt, change, or view what is going on.  Use this powerful and beautifully energetic time to grown in mindfulness, to become more willing to be intentional and persistent with the growth of your whole being, body, mind, and spirit.  Use the energy, the gifts, the talents, and the intuitive knowledge you possess to make your life better, to help others who need your service, gifts, and talents, and embrace life with intention, mindfulness, and discernment. Be open to the gifts of Spirit, and be respectful of the power of the Divine.  Be courageous in discovering the mysteries of the Sacred and of seeing how powerful your spiritual nature is. It is not only for yourself you seek to be more fully whole and enlightened; it is for the good of all. You came here with a special soul mission, and it requires all of you to manifest and share. Embrace it. Have courage. Open to the truth of your own being.

The Patron Saint of Impossible Things, St. Jude, and Ganesh, the Remover of Obstacles, are but two archetypal expressions of our human desire to receive divine support to help fix our lives. Even Cheshire Cat, in Alice in Wonderland, said, “I dream of impossible things every day...”  Why not dream of something impossible, and then, with intention, mindfulness, and faith in power beyond your own, seek answers through prayer, meditation, dreams, or life for those questions, crises, or concerns that weigh heavily on your heart at this time. See if you can’t find a sign, a piece of guidance, or some direction to allow you to move beyond whatever it is that weighs you down, traps you, or in some way remains lodged in your being as pain, anger, frustration, or hurt.  While the veils are thin and while the energy is so highly intuitive and powerful, test out the waters of your own intuitive gifts and see what kinds of answers you receive. Blessings and harmony to you and yours. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And the Rains Came Down

Back to the Garden                                                                                         Catherine Al-Meten
Astoria, Oregon                                                                                                                            2012

On October 22, late in the afternoon on the West Coast of North America, the Sun entered Scorpio. Today, the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node (gateway to the future) are all in the early degrees of Scorpio. Between today, October 23 and October 26, the Scorpio Sun conjuncts Saturn, aligning in the same degrees, and bringing profound transformation to whatever area of your chart/life the Sun and Saturn are transiting. This conjunction gives you a strong indication of the type of transformation Saturn will be bringing into your life over the next few years. Deep and profound transformations will be taking place. Whatever the secrets of the heart and subconscious will now rise to the surface. Whatever was hidden, is revealed. Whatever your deepest desires, now cannot be denied. This is also the time that whatever corruption, deceit, or unethical behavior has gone undetected will now be revealed. The transit of Scorpio, the ruler of the unconscious, heart of hearts, and depths of consciousness, triggers the transformative nature of Saturn's journey through Scorpio. Whatever area of your life this pertains to, will become more evident this week. 

Since this transit is affecting everyone everywhere, the trends in world politices, events, finances, science, literature, ecology, indeed, all areas of life on and off the planet, expect to witness some powerful and astounding events and discoveries. The potential for grand and positive movement and experiences is just as great as the potential to turn potential into negative expressions of the Scorpionic energy.  We all have the Scropio archetype ruling, affecting, and helping shape part of our life.  Look to your astrological chart or observe the areas of your life that seem most affected by the four aspects in Scorpio this week. The Sun/Pluto conjunction, indicates an area of your life that is being triggered for major transformation over the next few years. Mercury in Scorpio, indicates communication, messages, information, and knowledge pertaining to the transformative potentialities are active and awakened both in you and around you. While communication and information exchanges will be part of this, a major shift within us is opening us to a deeper awareness and channel of knowledge that is streaming into us through our dreams, intuition, senses, and unconscious interactions and connections. Mercury in Scorpio is vibrating on a higher frequency than it has been for quite some time, and is energized by the Sun and Saturn. It's an important time to meditate, pray, study, and create using the knowledge and information that is streaming into us. The North Node is also transiting Scorpio, indicating that the doors are open to new beginnings, again, in the area of life where Scorpio is ruler. 
We are experiencing the threshold experience between the Saturn transit that we just completed, and the new transit into Scorpio. The fact that the North Node opens a threshold for everyone at this point, signifies a major shift into depths and realms yet unexplored, within the context of our current technology, information, and interactive connections and communciation. At no time in our human history have we had such potential for good and such potential to waste or miss the opportunity to act from the heart of goodness. It is vital that we each choose to act from pure, authentic, and loving intention and motives.

This is a time when the nets we have cast out on the waters of life, and the prayers, meditations, thoughts, and intentions we have expressed, will be answered. Regardless of our religious or spiritual traditions and practices, this is a time when we experience and touch the Divine in ways that pass all understanding. It is vital to detach from anything that is not life-affirming and uplifting now. Creation is giving birth to itself, and we are raising in vibration and energy in order to create, love, and lift ourselves from that which destroys, damages, abuses, or harms in any way.
Sun/Saturn conjunction of these next few days, brings up in our consciousness, anything that must be purged, anything that must be brought to life, and anything that must be done to assist this Divine process. Watch your dreams, and see what it is that you are being called to do, be, change, understand, and acknowledge.

On October 23-24, the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, indicating a time when positive and uplifting transformation takes place. Whatever or whoever needs to be rescued, will be. Some will have the opportunity for second chances. It is a time when  visions, intuition, insight, and revelations abound. Prayer and intercession connect us in our desire to heal, love, and create beauty, in our vision to end suffering, bring light and understanding, and transform the ways we resolve disputes, conflict, differences, and discension. Now, more than ever, we have the ability to see and read the signs of our times, and to make certain we are walking in harmony with all beings and in synchronization with the Universal essence. Take time to find stillness within and within your daily activities, to reflect and become more aligned with the natural flow and rhythm of the world and the spiritual energy of the Universe.

From October 26-29, the Sun in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries  indicates that there will be sudden and shocking endings, instantaneous life transformations, and the end to aspects of evil that have lost their power or relevance. What was hidden, is revealed, and changes the course of the tide. Corruption, negativity, self-centered greed and malice are seen for what they are, and cause their own demise. Clarity of vision and intention enables us to see in an instance, the truth or reality of a situation or person's motivation. We have clear vision, clear understanding, and clear knowledge now, and it is time to shine our light into the darkness, our own and that of any situation that is harming, disturbing, or in any way, destroying goodness in our lives and the lives of others.  The ancients and elders understood our need to understand our unity and obligation to walk the path of harmony for the good of all our planet. We now learn and acknowledge where we are in need of cleansing, confirming, and creating a closer walk in harmony with one another. Do this in memory of the Ones who came to unite us.

Scorpio time is a time to go into the hidden depths of our beings and clear our lives of that which degrades, harms, dismisses, or no longer serves our highest good. Rid yourself of relationships that are toxic, embrace only in love, release what is unnecessary or burdensome, free yourself from habits, patterns of thought, and behavior that harm yourself or others, and embrace your goodness, gifts, talents, and life energy to live out your soul purpose. There is no other Now to live for. Go within and connect to your deepest desires and acknowledge the soul's call to serve, love, create, and affirm life as it is. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Autumn Shifts: Turning Inward

Spider Woman's Web                                                                                                      Catherine Al-Meten
Astoria, Oregon                                                                                                                                          2012

Free me from my fears! Let my innate courage emerge! And let me be of the greatest use on the planet, for whatever I'm meant. Let me be used by You in service to the Light" (from Tosha Silver).  

Now is the time to spend some time preparing for the next part of the shift from Libra to Scorpio energy.  While Venus will just be entering Libra at the end of the month, the cycle of planets that have accompanied Saturn’s journey through the end of Libra, are coming to the threshold and passage. We are still in the energy and flow of the New Moon in Libra, and we are approaching the first quarter square to that New Moon at the same time the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22. What’s in the lineup for the next few weeks ahead astrologically?  The major shifts include: 

Sun enters Scorpio Oct. 22 at 8:14 P.M.

Venus Enters Libra at 9:04 AM October 28

Mercury enters Sagittarius at  11:21 P.M Oct. 29

Nov. 6, Mercury enters retrograde phase

Nov. 11 Neptune turns direct at 2:53 AM

Nov. 14 Retro. Mercury re-enters Scorpio

Saturday, October 20  the  Moon is in Capricorn and she sextiles Saturn (in Scorpio, the Great Teacher) , and Chiron, the Wounded Healer (in Pisces).  With both Saturn and Chiron in water signs, the nature of both our learning and healing come through our willingness to first of all, be open to learning, and second, to learn from the pain and wounds of the past.  As the saying goes, “the past is prologue,” and if we are unwilling to face what has happened to us in the past, we are likely to carry the wounds forward and act through them rather than healing from them and learning a new way to act, be, respond, and move forward. 

The Moon in Capricorn squared Uranus in Aries 7:19 am this morning, perhaps waking us with a start or shaking us up with a jarring dream. A passing effect, right now our emotions are triggering a deeper need to “do something” about whatever needs to be changed, altered or managed. Relax a little, and put this type of energy to work  clearing, cleaning, exercising, or doing something creative and active. 

The Capricorn Moon allows our feelings and emotions to be expressed with greater reserve and calm. The Moon is reflected in our emotional nature and the manner in which we feel, store, and express those emotions. For those with earth sign moons (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), the more reserved energy makes us feel more comfortable in our own skin.  For those used to expressing themselves more expressively or with greater outward thrust (fire signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo), or those used to deeply spiritual or internally emotional expression (water signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), or for those whose emotional expression is generally more mental or intellectually based (air signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra), the Capricorn Moon allows us a time to express our emotions in pragmatic, practical, grounded ways.  Through our actions we express our feelings. Through our actions, we connect with feelings and emotions. A good time to take action as a way of expressing what needs to be expressed.

This morning, October 20, Mercury in 13 degrees of Scorpio is in hard aspect to Uranus in 5 degrees Retrograde of Aries. With Mercury in Scorpio, our thoughts seem deeper, more introspective and questioning. We look for hidden motives, our own and those of others, and we seek answers as to what has been deeply buried or suppressed. We seem to need to know the truth, even if the truth we discover or create in our minds, is not what we expected or wanted to hear. Failing to face fears or confront anxiety, anger, worry or situations/conditions that need to be changed, is not the answer. Whatever fears, anger, conditions are unaddressed, become toxic and drain us of our resources and energy. When we face situations, seeking true and open communication with ourselves and others, we move into the difficulties, darkness, and whatever confusion, anxiety, frustration, fear, or other negative element block us, we soften it. We discover as we allow ourselves to be more forthright and honest with ourselves (about the hard and difficult truths of our lives), we are less afraid and stronger than we thought we are.

As Winnie the Pooh reminds us, “If ever there is a tomorrow when we’re not together...there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.This is true for all of us, and what we need most to help us see and experience that, is good, strong friendships and family connections, and that unwavering belief that we are braver, stronger, and smarter than we may think. Mercury in Scorpio is the herald, announcing and communicating in a deeply, Scorpio-like way, the messages of the soul and inner being. 

On Monday, October 22, the Sun enters Scorpio, allowing us to further awaken from the depths of our beings.  Scorpio, a water sign, expresses itself through our desires. We seek depth of intimacy and we experience a range of feelings. While the transiting Sun is passing through Scorpio, whatever area of your life that touches is stirred to the depths. For those with Sun, Moon, or Ascendants in Scorpio, this is a time when you seek greater intimacy, a deeper and more profound sense of meaning in life, and feel more at home in the watery, hidden depths of who you are.  You become more aware of the intuitive knowledge that guides and informs everything about you.  Not only is the a time of great healing and transformation, but also it is a time when you experience the more passionate and provocative aspects of your nature and those of your soul mates (by this I mean those friends and partners, children and confidants who truly “get” you on every level, and happily affirm and support you.)

As the last few days of the Sun in Libra complete a major cycle for ushering out Saturn, and seeing major movement and changes, the Sun will now be moving into Scorpio, where for the first time in a long time, the Sun will be in positive alignment with Saturn and Chiron. Scorpio’s rulers, Mars and Pluto (action and transformation), work on the a more emotional, subconscious, deeper level of consciousness and being in each of us now.  We feel awakened to depths, passions, and energies that demand attention, for some, for the first time in many years. Next week, we will explore the entry of the Sun into Scorpio in more depth. For now, we want to take one last look at what we have been clearing out, releasing, and letting go for the last few years. What is left to be swept away? What, if anything, has been ignored, left undone, or kept us distanced from our true self?  Spend the next few days in meditation, prayer, contemplation, as you nest for the changing season ahead.

Venus remains in Virgo through the 29, continuing to encourage the expression of our love through the way we live, serve, and share with others. The very pragmatic expression of Venus focus on how what we do, say, and share with those we love makes sense to them as well as to us.  We can help those we love by sharing a burden, giving some kind of service, or understanding that love, for Virgo, is more about how you show it than what you say you will do or feel. Truly, “Actions speak louder than words” is the keynote for the earth-signs of Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus.  

Mars is in Sagittarius through the rest of October and into November. On the 16th of November, Mars will go into Capricorn, but between now and then, actions are highly motivated by  our energetic idealism. This is a time when we are putting more and more energy into those projects, relationships, and ideas that we believe in the most. We may find ourselves more edgy and anxious, particularly when handling detail-oriented tasks. I noticed earlier this week, it was harder for me to stick to a routine-like task than it was to be creative. The focus and attention it took for me to learn a new software program in order to do create a newsletter I found maddening, while writing an essay flowed.  It’s not possible for some of us to just not take care of detail-oriented tasks, but just knowing any anxiousness or edginess may be linked to the energy of Mars in Sagittarius. So what to do? Slow down, pay closer attention, and be careful around fire energy (stove burners, electrical appliances, candles), and take it easy driving.  Drive defensively (a Mars thing) and watch out for the sporadic or unexpected from other drivers (the negative side of Mars energy). Remember, Mars in a fire sign fueled by idealism (Sagittarius) is powerful. Use your energy for good, and be cautious with yourself and others. Let your head and your Venus in Virgo balance out the fiery energy of Mars.

Saturn has now taken its place in the depths  of Scorpio, and we are probably beginning to feel the shift. Anything we have carried over will continue to seek release, and whatever rose to the surface as we explored our relationships and the way we enter into, conduct ourselves, and complete commitments. Now is the time we must  thoroughly dig into and understand the dynamics of those relationships that we are committed to. We begin looking more closely at the power structure of relationships, and our roles in them.  Issues around control, manipulation, using and being used are becoming more and more evident and important to understand. If you’re in a relationship, and if you want to be authentic in that relationship, it is vital to understand the power dynamics in which you’re engaged. 

As Saturn in Scorpio begins to grow stronger as an influence in our lives, we will also experience increased awareness of fears, anxieties, and concerns over how we are going to be able to maintain the relationships we are in, or engage in new ones without repeating toxic patterns of past relationships. Our relationships reflect our growth and development. When they become stagnant or stale, they become toxic.  When relationships fail to grow and adapt both to our individual growth, maturation, and soul deepening, and to the life and soul of our relationships, we experience imbalance, toxic behavior, and unhealthy conditions both personally and in partnership. All relationships, marriages and love, friendships and family relationships, work and creative arts, social and community connections, neighbors and our view of cultures, traditions, and belief systems outside our own connection or understanding, all propel us into learning more about who we truly are and about what is needed in order to serve others and help co-create a better, healthier, more harmonious world.  Everything we do, and every person we come into contact with, is part of the web of life. Everyone and everything requires our concern and connection, on the level where we are able to have any kind of influence. For example, a kind word or smile to someone we hardly know, time spent praying for or serving someone in need, a quiet, open heart and willingness to listen to someone else’s voice...even such simple acts help us create a more peaceful world. 

At this time of the year here in the Pacific Northwest, we witness the web of life in a very real and dramatic way. Starting near the end of summer and the beginning of fall, the spiders begin weaving their webs everywhere you can possibly imagine, and some you might never suspect.  For two years I have had a spider living in my car’s rearview mirror.  Daily, I come outside to find fresh webs woven between the mirror and the door handle, or between the mirror and a tree near the car.  One day, when unloading groceries and carrying them up the stairs to my apartment, between a trip into my apartment of less than a minute, a spider who lives at the hallway entrance, managed to spin several strands across the doorway in just that short amount of time.  Spiders in this region, according to indigenous lore, signify creativity and all that goes into being creative. For years, I have developed a healthy respect for spiders, rarely if ever feeling the need to hurt them.  Throughout the world, the spider is part of numerous Creation stories. Creation stories are the most sacred stories of each culture, and are intricately tied to healing and other sacred rites and ceremonies.  

When spiders begin emerging from their safe, warm hiding place in late summer and into the fall, they become very active as they seek warmth.  They begin coming indoors, and at night when you run into one in the middle of the night, avoid panicking as they are simply seeking a warm spot. Very shy, spiders tend to their webs, gathering food to take them through the winter. Most spiders are harmless, and we humans have co-existed with them for thousands of years. This autumn as you watch spiders weaving their beautiful webs, remember the stories that are told throughout the world about the spider.

The Spider, is identified with the female creative principle, and is often revered in matrilineal cultures (such as many of the Northwest clans and tribes). Several North American tribes have legends connected with Spider. Spider Woman appears in the mythology of several Native American tribes, including the Navajo, Keresan, and Hopi. 

One of the Hopi stories is told of Tawa, the Sun God (active male creative principle) and Spider Woman, the Earth Goddess. In the beginning, all the mysteries and power in the Above belonged to  Tawa, while all the magic of the Below  were the realm of Spider Woman. Tawa and Spider Woman loved one another, and their children became gods who lived Below.  In the land Below, nothing existed but their children, the  sacred spirits. The only thing else that existed was water, which covered Below. As the story is told, one night Tawa had a dream about fish, birds, animals, people, and all manner of living things. Between them, Tawa and Spider Woman, using only their thoughts, created the Earth between the Above and the Below. At first, Spider Woman used clay to mold people, animals, plants and all living beings, but they remained lifeless. Tawa wanted things to move and have life as in his dream, so Spider Woman helped Tawa weave a fluffy, white blanket. The blanket was like a cloud but had magic in it. They put the blanket over the clay figures that Spider Woman had made, and they covered the figures with the blanket they had made. Still, the clay objects did not move. Spider Woman picked the clay figures up, and held them to her breast. They looked at the figures, and sang a song of life over them, and the clay objects came to life.

As you move more deeply into the depth and darkness of Autumn, consider what you can learn from the Spider.  What webs are you creating to link the disparate parts of your life together in some meaningful and purposeful way?  What are you holding close to your heart to give life to? How are you preparing your heart, mind, emotions, physical body, home, family, car, and lifestyle for the deepening depths of fall and winter? We are still in the time of harvest season, and there is still time to prepare ourselves and our homes for weathering the storms that lie ahead.  Autumn and Winter remind us in the Northern Hemisphere, what really matters for our survival.  We also need to nourish our souls, hearts, and build up a fresh supply of joy and optimism for dealing with those days and times when life is more of a struggle than a day on the beach. 
Weave, from your dreams, heart’s desire, imagination, and intuition, a creative plan to house you and your heart through the seasons ahead.  
Seek the joy of Jupiter’s abundance, transiting now through the mutable sign of Gemini. Adapt an optimistic, generous, sense of well being about life. Our perspective (the lens through which we see and , experience our lives) has more to do with how life appears and feels to us than the raw facts and data. Jupiter in Gemini represents the archetype of adventure. Whatever Pluto plows up in the way of transformation, and whatever Saturn awakens in the depths of your psyche to be embraced, learned, and synthesized into you and your life, are now activated by the mental playground of Jupiter in Gemini. We may feel more tolerant, open-minded, and ready to work in partnerships, finally able to see all angles of the coin, not just the either-or mode that we cling to when we’re holding onto our beliefs as an alternative to learning to live together in cooperation, mutual respect, and tolerance.  Time to lighten up a little more. Learn to laugh at yourself, and begin to appreciate the value of a good sense of humor.

Look for opportunities to communicate, grow, learn, and broaden your life experience.  Write, listen, talk, and open yourself to more contact and communication. We may find we need to reign in our intellectual discussions, particularly if we are taking ourselves or issues way too seriously.  Even during the most challenging and difficult times, nothing is ever so serious or important that we can’t afford to laugh, relax, or take a break.  Clinging to either beliefs, intellect, roles, or positions, are not helpful in convincing anyone of much of anything.  When we cling to our point of view to the point where we shut others down and give the impression we have not heard what they have to say, we act from a position of power over rather than one of openness.  Jupiter in Gemini may awaken the intellect, but it also calls for a sense of bringing the disparate parts of the whole what we do personally, in how we get along with others, and in how we operate as a society of communities.  Zeal can be turned into energy to heal, produce, create, or extend resources, or it can be used to shut progress down.  Be wise, considerate, and respectful of how you use your energy and power.  If you find yourself trying to sell your ideas, point of view, or position too hard, you might want to spend some time contemplating how that is bringing something to life or how it is blocking life from emerging.  Pay attention to the higher vibration of Jupiter by looking for the bigger perspective.  Look to the house in your chart (indicates the are of life) where Jupiter in Gemini is now transiting.  This is the area of your life where you  might benefit from greater joy.  

Next week, from October 24-25, Venus sextiles Mercury making that a time that favors some joy, playfulness, and increased communication between partners and loved ones. This aspect often indicates a good time for declarations of love, promises and commitments, and clarifications and positive communication in love. 
Also Venus parallels Uranus Oct. 27-29 indicating a time when we are more open to new, innovative, and out of the ordinary types of encounters and experiences. We become less fearful, and more aware of how the door to love  through friendship is often a wiser path than that of the erratic attraction energies that are peculiar, avant garde, or unstable. On Oct. 28, when Venus is quincunx Neptune (planet of delusion and illusions), it is wise to be aware that there are times (like these) when we see, hear,  and accept what we want to believe about love, instead of seeing things as they really are. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.  If it’s worth it’s weight in gold, that won’t change because you step back a bit and wait things out.   

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Moon in Libra, Oct. 15: Peace on the Mountain

Autumn on the River                                                                                   Catherine Al-Meten
Astoria, Oregon                                                                                                        October, 2012
New Moon, October 15, 2012, at 22 degrees of Libra..exact at 5:02 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time.

Uranus square Pluto’s challenging aspect on the Full Moon. has passed, as has Saturn’s move into Scorpio. We have all been feeling the repercussions of some pretty powerful and deep shifting in all areas of our lives. It’s as if we’ve been on  a long voyage, and have just walked on solid ground for the first time in a while. We are getting our metaphysical “sea legs” as we adjust to the changes that have rocked and transformed our lives.  

The New Moon in Libra awakens and inspires us with   love, beauty, and a desire for harmony. New moons usher in new cycles, and are prime times for getting new projects under way. With the Sun and the Moon both in Libra, the sign that finds meaning in connection and partnership, we are more apt to be tuned into the needs of our marriages, partnerships, and the Sacred union of body, mind, and spirit. Both the Moon and Sun trine Jupiter, the archetype of benevolence, good fortune, and abundance in Gemini. We seek connection, meaningful communication, and harmonious and enjoyable relationships during this period of time.

Over the weekend, when we are in the dark of the moon, we may find ourselves setting our houses in order in a number of different ways. With Saturn’s cycle changing from Libra to Scorpio over the last week, we find a deeper sense of resolution and, if we have made meaningful changes in the way we do and view life and partnerships, we may finally be able to breathe more deeply and feel a sense of release in areas that had been causing us to hang on to the past. We step out into a new collective energy, seeking to test the waters with a sense of newfound freedom. By accepting what cannot be changed, changing what can, and being at peace with who we are where we are, we can meet the energy of this new moon with a sense quite unlike anything we have felt in quite a long time.

We no longer are at war within ourselves, and we speak, act, and live more authentically. If we have not made the transition well, and by that I mean, if we are still trying to fix what cannot be fixed, or behavior according to old, worn out patterns of behavior, we may find ourselves being challenged on a number of fronts. This is all happening to motivate us to accept the changes that have already come, and find a point of balance within. 

This New Moon in Libra, the Sun in Libra, Jupiter in Gemini all in air signs, along with Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and  Ceres in Cancer--all water signs, create greater fluidity, movement, and grace to life in general and our enjoyment of living in particular now. While neither the Sun nor the Moon is in exact aspect to any other planet, they stand together in 22 degrees, a master number representing the power and strength of unity in duality. It is a time that equates to feeling in balance and harmony, so take advantage of the time to feel whole and connected.

Jupiter at 16 degrees of Gemini, has rulership over Mercury, the planet that rules communication.  Favorable news, good decisions, and fortuitous conversations and choices are now favored. Our intuitive senses are heightened, and we have the capacity to tap into the deeper wisdom of the Universe, of life in general, and of our own nature. We now learn through direct experience, deep intuitive, transcendent knowledge, and wisdom. Mars transiting Sagittarius emphasizes our desire and search for knowledge and a deep longing for truth.  We feel more in touch with our inner knowing, and our compass points us to our True North at this time. We have thrown off the oppressive roles, relationships, and habits, and now feel in greater harmony and peace than we have in some time.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon in 23 degrees of Libra, “A rooster’s voice heralds the rising of the sun.” Our perceptions, thoughts, imagination, and creativity fuel our desire to head out on new paths to begin some new adventures. What we conceive of and truly desire, can be set into motion at this time. Trusting ourselves as we embark upon a new path to discover the unsolved mysteries of our lives, will allow us to enjoy and participate in the greatest times of our lives. Connecting to the flow and ease of this harmonious time may be, in part, a long awaited reward for a long, difficult, and transforming road that now lays behind us.  We have scaled the mountain, and now have a view out over the valleys and ridges that are yet to come. Enjoy the view, take in the panorama of possibility, and breathe in the freedom and sense of unity within that empowers and propels you towards living out your dreams. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: At the Threshold: Saturn Cycles into Scorpio

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: At the Threshold: Saturn Cycles into Scorpio: Autumn Sunset                                                                                                                             ...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

At the Threshold: Saturn Cycles into Scorpio

Autumn Sunset                                                                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten
Astoria, Oregon                                                                                                                                                                              2012

As I write this article, it is the last full day of Saturn’s transit through Libra. Whatever was begun in 1982, is now being completed, and we stand at the threshold of a new leg of our journey. The archetypal energy of Saturn in Scorpio will bring us new lessons to learn, and will temper and help us shape our lives and the world we help create. As in all threshold or passage times, we have been busily releasing, clearing, and completing a major transit, and have been readying ourselves for a new leg of the journey. Depending on what areas of your life have been most affected, you have probably felt the impact of this Saturn transit and been forced to confront whatever needed to prepare you for your life from here on forward. 
Those of us who have resisted, trying to hold onto crumbling relationships, jobs, patterns of behavior and belief, have found them stripped away despite our desperate attempts to hold on or make them work.  If not, as in all Saturn transits, we carry what has been left over or unhealed on with us. It’s like moving into the darkness of night with sunglasses on...we will feel the effects and the limitations we have put on ourselves due to our unwillingness to face the changes that have already taken place on the level of our subtle energy body if not on the level of our daily life. 

While Saturn affects everyone in some area of life and on the collective consciousness, those who have planets, houses, and aspects in Libra and Aries have probably gone through major shifts in relationships and any are of life that pertains to any kind of partnerships and agreements. Hopefully, whatever choices, changes, and shifts have taken place, we have all learned the importance of being in healthy, affirming, constructive, and supportive relationships . And we have responded to the changes and awareness that we have come to by releasing the patterns of behavior, negative and enabling behavior and attitudes, and have affirmed our own need to honor ourselves by maintaining more healthy and affirming ways of entering into and being in partnership. Any partnership that is not based on  mutual respect, compassion for one another, and a true sense of the others autonomous gifts, needs, and identity, will not be able to withstand the lessons that are yet to come as Saturn dives deep into the unconscious and subconscious levels of our being and awareness. 

Saturn is completing the 29th degree of Libra (the anarectic or critical degree) of this heavy duty transit.  While any type of relationship we have been engaged in has been tested to its limits, and has either stood the test of the challenges of Saturn’s lessons, or has fallen away, apart, or died off.  Any connections that were not solid and based in harmonious and bonds of mutual trust, affection, and agreement (whether it be regarding values, life paths, direction, or purpose), have probably reached their conclusions as well. Watch in the next few days to see how you may be called to notice any lingering connections that need you still need to release, shed, or disconnect from.

The first week of October has been a busy week astrologically, with four planets changing signs. 
On Friday, October 5 Mercury and Saturn conjoin in the final degree of Libra, so there might be some last minute messages (conscious, subconscious, or global) that call our attention to the last gasp of what this last 3 years of Saturn’s transit has meant to us individually and collectively. Whenever a planet or star is in the 29th degree (anaretic/critical), a vital moment has been reached in some area, and will bring with it, a final message, lesson, or awareness that must be faced and dealt with. 
Whatever we hear, learn, observe, or receive in dreams, insight, intuition, or some other form of communication (symbolic, natural,  or geo-political) will cause us to pause and take note.  We will have a clearer sense of what has been moving us to make necessary changes in our lives.  A period marked by a sense of waiting, will now reveal something that has been hidden beneath the general awareness of most or we will discover something that has been in the works on a diplomatic level that will now be revealed and will shed a great deal of light on what has been hidden from our general knowledge.  An awakening caused by secrets, knowledge, and circuitous dealings now come to light. 

Earlier in the week, the Full Moon in Aries had been sending its energy out for the week prior and now after it reached its exact conjunction with the Sun in Libra. The energy seems to have impelled us to feel, from the depths of our being, the pressure, desires, discomfort, and impending movement pouring into all areas of our lives. While there were dire predictions being made about what this passage time would reveal, what seems to have happened is that the cracks have begun to appear in the surface of what had been holding things in check. 

While there have been major changes and some shocking but ongoing troubles, conflicts, and challenges, it doesn’t seem we have reached the point of critical mass when the transformation bursts through the surface in a way that reveals what has been hidden (either within our own psyches or within the collective and individual psyches/lives) that cannot help but be revealed now.  We may not have been courageous enough to ignore our ego-driven views of life to listen to our intuition and inner voices of wisdom, but from this point on, we will find that the subconscious , shadow stuff of our being will be at war with our superconsciousness if we don’t deal with our ego issues so we can experience life more  congruently and in line with Divine harmony. 

On Wednesday, October 3, Venus began her transit through earthy Virgo. Love is now expressed in actions. It’s not enough to profess, feel, or declare one’s devotion-actions speak louder than words. And for Virgo, practical, down-to-earth help and support say it all. Virgo is in her fall/detriment in Virgo, and with the immediate opposition to Neptune (planet of illusions, dreams, and fantasies). Avoid the shadow side of Virgo (the critical, analytic, nay sayer), and lean more toward  offering helpful, uncritical, and supportive Virgo-type friendship to those who seek and need it. Being kind does not mean being dishonest or telling someone “everything’s fine” when it isn’t, but be gentle and kind in your approach. On Sunday, October 7, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo--another time to balance your need to help and fix things with the compassion and understanding of the spiritual healing needed by Pisces.

On Thursday, October 4, Jupiter turns retrograde at 16 degrees of Gemini. From now until January, Jupiter will retrace 10 degrees of Gemini, perhaps delaying some benefits and expansion that you have recently received--particularly in areas related to where Jupiter is transiting in your chart.   In later articles, I’ll go into this change of Jupiter, the archetypal energy of benevolence, blessings, and good fortune. Suffice it to say, Jupiter in Gemini is about learning and choosing what we want to learn. After all the lessons of Pluto and Saturn, this is one area that allows us to feel empowered to feel and be a bit more expansive with your imagination, thoughts, and decisions.  Be cautious that you don’t go overboard as Gemini tends to make us ignore our own limits. Jupiter in Gemini ( a year in each sign) will change signs in January. Until then, communication on all manner of topics, will unleash ideas and projects galore. The challenge, here is to choose the projects, ideas, and goals that you most seek, and stick to them. Learn how to and discover your ability to finalize, finish, and complete projects. 
Another momentous occurrence is also going to be taking place once Saturn enters Scorpio on Friday.  Saturn and Pluto will each be in the sign ruled by one another for the entire transit of Saturn through Scorpio. The last time that happened was in 1776...a time of great revolution and the birth of the U.S.A.. So as much as everyone has been worried about Saturn’s final transit through Libra, its entry into Scorpio could be like plunging into the depths of some very deep and emotionally-charged issues which will bring the energies of both Saturn in Scorpio (a water sign) and Pluto, the Great Transformer still in Capricorn (an earth sign) stirring us up the depths. The archetypes of the spiritual energy and power of our consciousness (subconscious/shadow, ego/persona/mask, and superconsciousness spiritual  or higher knowledge and connection) will be working on both the inner being and our outer lives to further push and propel us through great transformation and change.  

Mercury and Saturn, in conjunction and entering Scorpio, form a grand trine to Neptune in Pisces, and Ceres in Cancer. Ceres, the archetypal goddess of growing, grieving, and mothers and daughters, was known as Demeter in the Greek myth of Perspehone and Demeter. Ceres represents human babies, nurturing, Mother Nature, the Earth Mother, the principle of nurturing and growth.
Ceres, thought to have been perhaps part of Pluto at one time or at least created at the same time and composed of  the same materials--something that doesn’t happen anywhere else in the Solar System.  Ceres represents the birth, death, and rebirth cycle that is a natural part of our lives and life on earth and throughout the Universe. Ceres represents this cycle, and is the archetype of Divine support as we walk through times of growth. Ceres in Cancer emphasizes our homes where we are planning and putting a plan into action during this transit. The grand trine in water signs this week indicates that we have a perfect time to imagine what it is we want to create in our lives, how we want to support and honor our growth, and how we can become more at home with ourselves and the lives we have chosen to live. 

Venus sextile Saturn October 2-3. This aspect stabilizes relationships, although in a somewhat reserved manner. We get more realistic about our partnerships, and since we’ve completed a major cycle with Saturn overhauling our sense of what relationships are for us, we have a more grounded, realistic sense of ourselves and our partners.  Between October 3-4, Venus opposes Neptune which means it’s not a great time to start new relationships. Not to mention starting anything when four planets are in anaretic degrees (last degree of a sign) is probably not a great idea.  Venus opposes Chiron between October 7-8. This may be a good time to take a break from worrying about trying to fix, and obsessing over anything.  We have just stepped over a major threshold or two, and need some time to pause at the gateway. Allow yourself some time to rest, to reflect (not obsessively), and to smell the roses. If anything, take some time to think about what would bring you greater peace, and then go about enjoying being who you are, where you are, right where you are now, at this perfect moment and time, being your perfectly created and expressed reflection of Divine Love.  

Mars leaves Scorpio on October 6, entering and energizing wherever Sagittarius dwells in your chart/life. The first aspect to Mars is a square to Neptune, their final in a series. Due to the long retrograde phase of Mars earlier in the year, this final square may arrive as an unwelcome guest at the table. Whatever doubts, fears, and issues arise right now, use the energy of Mars in can-do Sagittarius to soldier through on projects, activities, and choices that you have carefully checked. Before making any decisions, check out the validity, credibility, and trustworthiness of those with whom you are dealing. This can be a time when deceit, exaggeration or over-estimating can cause us problems.  Be wary of what you take on face value from others, and watch your own words and promises. Make certain you can deliver on what you say you can.