Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Virgo: Elemental Shifts and Transformation

*Today I picked this photograph of a hiving that took place in my garden a while back. When the queen of a bee hive is about to die, the whole hive knows this. One bee is selected to take her place, and half the hive splits off to form a new colony with a new queen. This happened in my yard, and to me seems so symbolic of what many are experiencing at this time. We cannot maintain the past as it was if there is to be life and new growth. We have to know when to stop exerting our energy into what is no longer viable in our lives. Embrace the energy and movement in your own life. Trust that new life is within you right now. 

New  Moon and Solar Eclipse in Virgo:
Elemental Shifts and Transformation

Chiron, the Wounded Healer has been transiting Pisces triggering our unconscious and intuitive shadow elements for some time. Each time a planet, the Sun, or the Moon makes an aspect to Chiron, something within our own nature and experience is triggered. As we move into the energy of this month’s  New Moon in Virgo, Chiron is in opposition. The New Moon in Virgo is calling us to get our homes and lives in order by acknowledging what shadow aspects of ourselves needs to change now. With the trigger of this opposition to Chiron (and later to Neptune also in Pisces), we need to face ourselves squarely, avoiding the habits and attitudes that often help us rationalize or suppress our true feelings.

The New Moon in Virgo coincides with the partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo making this a potent, powerful, and rare opportunity if we are willing to receive the news with a sense of openness. We can learn so much about who we really are as opposed to what masks we wear or what stories we tell about ourselves. It’s a time to feel and experience the raw essence of our nature. To look in the mirror of our souls and see what is rising up within us to be expressed and adjusted in our lives. We may suddenly feel the need to make major adjustments, or we may finally understand how openings come in the slight and steady ways we face our truth each day. However we have been coping with the major issues of our lives, this time gives us a sense of perspective that we may not ordinarily see.

Coming on the heels of the anniversary of the tragic events and aftermath of September 11, 2001 and in light of the massive refugee exodus from Syria and other war-torn countries, we can recognize how we might be ignoring or squandering our talents, gifts, resources, time, and energy. What priorities are on your list at this point in your life? How are you ignoring the blessings, talents, and gifts that even some of what you refer to as loss or tragedy in your own life. For many, the tragedy has been about wasted efforts, skewed perspectives, or self-imposed abuse or crisis. As Virgo challenges us to show in the course of our daily lives, just what we are made of, we are called upon to take stock of what tools and resources we have to make necessary changes. We are also called upon to take charge of our own attitudes and stop wasting time looking to past glories  or whining about disappointments. The New Moon in Virgo, and the Solar eclipse of the Sun in Virgo puts the needed pressure on us to set a course on  a path that is more pragmatic as well as more grounded in the reality of the life we have created and the intentions we have already set forth. We are also reminded by the issues we’re dealing with and by the current condition of our lives—body, mind, emotions, and spirit—of the calling that has been becoming clearer and clearer. This New Moon is an awakening time, a time unlike many new moon times.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 20 degrees of Virgo is “A caravan of cars headed for promised lands.” Not only do we see millions of people in flight, seeking safe haven and willing to reach safety with not much more than hope. We are driven by our inner desires, our hope for the future, and for turning our lives onto new paths. The spotlight is now on those fleeing, but they join a large human tradition and history of those who have been forced to or who have chosen to seek something better. To do so means taking risks. When we choose to move out of the known into the unknown, we must leave behind the sense of safety, security, and certainty that we have clung to.

The New Moon and Solar eclipse in 20 degrees of Virgo (September 12-13) find us heading out on a new journey, taking roads unfamiliar to us. We may be alone or we may be doing this with others. In any event, we are part of a collective energetic shift to change from the ground up, not only what we are doing but also how we are doing it. We are creating the map as we go, and yet we can learn from the past if we take what is useful and relevant, and not stick to traditions or established patterns or structures that have already fallen apart. Unless we want to stand at the base of a building that has collapsed before us and start putting it back together again, we need to pack up what we can use, and move on. Learn from the past, and move on into a new life. The potential for healing on this New Moon is great now. How do we use this energetic shift to create, heal, build, and move ahead?

The more we are willing to face and acknowledge our emotional wounds, the greater chance there is that we can heal. Healing needs to come by seeing our wholeness rather than just our disconcerting, by promoting strength over weakness, or by seeking understanding and tolerance rather than being critical and judgemental. We need to move beyond in spite of our fear, and avoid allowing ourselves to sink into the despair, disappointment, or delusion. As may already be clear from the energy shifts and edgy movement that has been building up all week, this change and growth may feel uncomfortable. We may feel we are on shaky ground or sense energy moving toward or away from us in jarring fashion.

To deal with the tremendous bursts of energy, we need to focus on establishing and maintaining our sense of well being. Paying attention to healthy practice (exercise, nutrition, rest, pleasure, and meaningful connections and communication) ought to be paramount on each of our agendas. Slowing our pace, practicing being mindful more often, and using our spiritual and health practices to keep ourselves on an even keel.  Like a boat sailing on the water, the keel helps us adjust ourselves and our boat to the changing conditions of the ocean or river. Our lives are affected by many external and internal conditions, and our point of focus needs to be right now on being present right where we are, and being awake to what each moment, each thought, and each interaction and action has to show us.

Because of Virgo’s strong focus on healthy, balanced, and down-to-earth pragmatic attention, we are given a boost to improve the way we are living and be mindful as to how we are part of the whole.What we do affects what happens outside our own narrow focus. Think of your words, actions, choices, and movements as waves that spread out from you affecting everyone in your life, in your path, and in your circle of love. When we do this, we can focus on making certain what we send out is filled with healthy, life-affirming energy. This benefits us all.

Jupiter the planet of abundance and good fortune in Virgo is nearly in exact opposition to Neptune the planet that reigns over imagination, the unconscious, and illusion in Pisces. This opposition between these two powerful planets calls upon us each to seek unity within between the dreams and illusions and the gifts, resources, and abundance of energy that is ours to use or abuse. It is our choice. We can take what seems to be a major disappointment or loss or unhealed wound, and turn it into something that helps us lift ourselves and others out of a period of static and watered down living. Being busy or having all the external material trappings, in no way guarantees living a full, rich life. Diluting the potential you have for creating and expanding by selling yourself short, settling for less, or repeating the same old patterns over and over, is no choice. It is a condition which can be changed now, if you desire and take steps in that direction.

The Divine is already present in every situation, in each of us, and in all that is. We need only look within ourselves to see that we have what we need right now. How we use our gifts, talents, creativity, resources, energy, and choice depends on us. The time is right. Prayers have been answered, and if you are still looking for answers, review what has happened recently, what has shown up at your doorstep or what has left. Notice where you have what you longed for. Now what? What’s the next perfect step? How are you being divinely guided right now? Listen for the words y
our need. Watch for the signs and begin making the connections that will become your map. When we are in the middle of the journey, we cannot see the whole, unless we allow ourselves to drift beyond the limited scope of this minute. Allow yourself some time to drift and wander. Allow space between movement and actions so that there is room to receive and observe.

Venus is now direct in Leo, having just formed a major conjunction with the Moon and Mars earlier this week. Another beautiful aspect is now building as love is being openly expressed, and is growing as Venus nears forming a Grand Trine in Fire Signs meeting up with Uranus in Aries soon. Sur

prises and shocking revelations are ahead.  Unexpected breakthroughs and welcome but surprising reprieves and shifts in attitude, perspective, and direction are building up over the next couple of weeks. Now during the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, make your intentions very clear and precise—being exacting with yourself, honest in all ways, about what you really desire and are called to do and be.

Get yourself and your life in order. Create an outer structure, daily schedule, health and fitness regime, and organize yourself to receive the greatest benefits and blessings from the energy within and around you at this time. We all have this potential in key areas of our lives right now. Focus on what matters most, and set your course in that direction. Then let the wind fill your sails, hold onto the keel, and move with the dictates of the Divine as your guide.

Mercury is getting ready to move into retrograde motion, so use this time to get your life and your thinking in order. Pray and meditation as a way to keep yourself in sync with the powerful energy that is coursing through us at this time. Be brave, steady, and at peace with yourself.<!--NetworkedBlogs Start--><style type="text/css"><!--.networkedblogs_widget a {text-decoration:none;color:#3B5998;font-weight:normal;}.networkedblogs_widget .networkedblogs_footer a {text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:normal;}--></style><div id='networkedblogs_container' style='height:180px;padding-top:20px;'><div id='networkedblogs_above'></div><div id='networkedblogs_widget' style="width:120px;margin:0px auto;padding:0px 0px 3px 0px;font-family:'lucida grande',tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif;font-size:11px;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;background:#3B5998 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;border:none;line-height:13px;"><div id='networkedblogs_header' style="padding:1px 1px 2px 3px;text-align:left;"><a href='' style="text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:normal;font-size:11px;background-repeat:no-repeat;">NetworkedBlogs</a></div><div id='networkedblogs_body' style="background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#444444;padding:4px;border-left:1px solid #D8DFEA;border-right:1px solid #D8DFEA;text-align:left;"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:none;padding:0px"><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><span style="color:#777777;">Blog:</span></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration:none;color:#3B5998;">Intuitive Insight Pathways</a></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><div style="padding:0px;padding-top:5px;color:#777777;">Topics:</div></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px">      <a href="">Trends And Transits</a>,       <a href="">Life Journey</a>,       <a href="">Astrology</a>  </td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><div id='networkedblogs_badges'>&nbsp;</div></td></tr><tr><td style="border:none;padding:0px"><div style='padding:0px;text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href="" id="1cba02803b4d77bd9d259b855bd73e82" style="text-decoration:none;color:#666666;font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;">Follow my blog</a></div></td></tr></table></div></div><div id='networkedblogs_below' class='networkedblogs_below'></div></div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
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