Monday, October 26, 2015

Full Moon in Taurus with Jupiter, Venus, and Mars in Virgo.

What is Above is Below                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
As the week begins we feel the energy of the waxing Full Moon at 3 degrees of  Taurus building. With Venus, Jupiter, and Mars in Virgo, the earth energy is grounding us in the realities in which we live. Additionally, shocking Uranus in Aries is hitting Venus in Virgo and setting off all kinds of alarms and warnings, reminding us to take a step back, remove ourselves from the burning fire, and take care of our own wounds in our journey toward health and well being.  Venus and Jupiter also form a sweet trine to Pluto in Capricorn. All in all this earthy energy ramps up the sensual and love-oriented energy that this Full Moon in Taurus shines upon us. We are being bathed in the cleansing waters and illuminating light and healing this abundance of earth energy is releasing in different areas of our lives.

Look to the houses/areas of your life where the earth signs are. The Full Moon in Taurus (ruled by Venus) forms a harmonious trine to Venus in Virgo. This opens our hearts and lives to receive whatever we require for a deeper connection to that within us that allows us to give and receive love. Learning to love, trust, and accept ourselves as we are (warts and all) allows us to discover inner fulfillment in the mindful present. We can catch a glimpse of this at this time as heaven and earth unite as one.

With the Full Moon in Taurus in opposition to the Sun in Scorpio the quest for balance allows us to unite body, mind, spirit, and soul as one in our daily lives. The depth of our longings rise up within us, and our desires become ever so much apparent than they have been in quite some time. We seek to create beauty and set our lives in order as we build beauty within and around us.

The Sun in Scorpio is ruled by Pluto (now in Capricorn, another earth sign). Through the transformative processes of our lives we bring our past into our present, and sift out whatever is no longer viable and fertile. We plant new seeds in the form of plans, projects, intentions, and affirmations that are seeded in our souls. Pluto's trine to the Full Moon heightens the power of transformation in our lives, and we already have begun to feel this strongly. Listen and pay attention to feelings that are rising up at this time, to situations that are coming to a head, and to whatever gaps and losses we have incurred--these are the areas of our lives that can benefit the most from absorbing the lessons of this Full Moon in Taurus opposite the Sun in Scorpio.  We can use the energy available and filling our lives right now to bring dreams into reality, bring ideas into manifestation, and to direct our paths according to what truly nurtures and sustains us. Take time to tune into the natural rhythms of life and connect to the natural world as you drink in the sustenance you need for transforming desire into destiny.

 Look to the house/part of your life where the Full Moon is transiting.

First House. The Taurus Full Moon energizes the presence you manifest, both in what you project into the world, and how others perceive and understand you. Now is the time to let others know what you really want, and to put intentions in place that you truly desire. Remember, getting what you ask for can be both a blessing and a curse. Be sure you seek clarity in areas you are willing to receive truth. You draw to you what you desire at this time. Your energy is being received, and you want to make sure that what you're sending off is what expresses your best and truest self. Watch how you express your passions and seek intimacy. Avoid possessing what you love. Learn how to use self containment to gather in your power and heal in areas that need healing. Avoid giving your power away. You may feel especially sensual right now, and so adorn and learn to dance the cosmic dance in alignment with your highest ideals for the good and best interests of all concerned.  Be yourself and let yourself be natural and at peace with yourself. Find the gifts within.

Second House. This house is naturally ruled by Taurus and Venus. As the Full Moon transits Taurus in the second house, there is a sense of feeling at home and in harmony. Second house matters pertain how we come to value ourselves. We feel at home and at peace with ourselves when the Moon transits the second house. We know where we belong, and we know what we value most. We long to develop and have our gifts recognized and appreciated, and at this full moon it is vital that we first do this with ourselves. We have to find the source of love from within. The Full Moon through the second house calls us to become more self reliant and appreciative.Time also to release anything that is draining, toxic, or interfering with our sense of inner peace and our ability to honor and trust ourselves. The Moon may shine light on how we are blocking our own good.

This Full Moon in Taurus also calls upon us to identify our growing edges and determine how to turn our compulsions into gifts for our soul. Facing co-dependency patterns and aspects of our personality are key to breaking the ties that bind us in harmful and unhealthy relationships and perceptual patterns. Cultivate your gifts, talents, and identify your virtues, values, and resources. Drench yourself in whatever thoughts, beliefs, creative vision, and intuitive understandings that you can as you are filling the well of your own being at this time.

Third House. The third house rulers, Gemini and Mercury, are all about communication. Activities and social interaction increase and are favored when the Full Moon transits Taurus. Feeling more at ease with others, more is accomplished during this time. It is a time to build a strong and supportive network of relationships.  What energy is invested in associations and connections leads to long-lasting relationships and partnerships. Communications are crucial at this time, and so whatever you send out in whatever form of communication you use, will be felt on a deep and lasting level.

Fourth House. The fourth house is ruled by Cancer and the Moon. Epiphanies are shared and synchronicity prevails at this time. The home and your sense of feeling at home becomes vitally important at this time. Whatever we value and whatever we use to measure our sense of feeling at home, is an area of our lives that will be important now. We may choose to renovate, remodel, relocate, or renew our homes in some way. Making ourselves feel more at home now, we dig in and bring about a renewal of life all around us. We seek a safe haven and a cozy shelter from all storms and intrusions. Home is where we find our sense of well being most comfortable. We also feel more at home with who we are and where we are now. We have a very real felt need to root ourselves and establish our home base once and for all. This Full Moon in Taurus is also a time of purification and commitment. Developing rituals and traditions is key to sealing our sense of intimacy, contentment, and fertility in all the most creative ways. Our imagination is fertile now, and our lives are full, rich, and animated in spirit. Fourth house transits feature celebrating and honoring the hearth and heart of our homes.

Fifth House. The fifth house rules Leo and the Sun. This house deals with pleasure, romance, children, imaginative play, creativity, and the arts. We long to express our feelings through art, music, sexuality, creativity, and fecundity. We love making gifts and dreaming up ways to bring pleasure into our lives and the lives of others. Time for celebrating and enjoying being together. You act out your passions and spontaneously invite joy into your life. A great transit for making good first impressions or for renewing a spark that may have dimmed. Time for revitalizing what bring joy into your relationships.  Venus helps you attract that which you desire. Enjoy celebrating with your children and seeking out the enchantment that childhood offers. Have some fun, let your hair down, and dance on a table. Live life in gleeful abundance.

Sixth house. Ruled by Virgo, Mercury, and Chiron, the sixth house relates to your body and health as well as how you spend your daily lives. What kind of foundation does your life create in you? How is your health helped or hindered by the way you are living or avoiding life? How are you feeding your soul and directing your life and actions toward your life purpose? How is the life you live daily nurturing and sustaining you. Become aware of and attentive to your health, hygiene, and life style.
Time to make choices that lead to a healthier more harmonious life style. What is your stress showing you about what needs to change? How are you living out what you say you believe? How are you serving your own best interests?

 Seventh House. Rulers Libra and Venus guide the area of our lives dealing with marriage and partnerships. How do you partnerships and marriage reflect what you value most? How have you provided a foundation for marriage and/or partnerships that influence your most intimate desires? What has attracted you to  form commitments and to decipher love in partnership? How are your relationships allowing for you to both give and receive love? What we normally keep in a private space can now be brought out to discuss in a safe and secure space. The sacred bonds between partners can now help unite body, mind, spirit bring heaven on earth and ground heaven in the earthly routines and realities of daily life, home, and family. We can transform going beyond the separation and levels of distance that fear, anger, or anxiety can trap us in. We discover that trials can be tests to see how malleable and authentic we can be. We find we can bend without breaking and we can give without losing ourselves. We can receive love that triggers what we know to be true about ourselves. We learn to recognize the power we have to act from our inner core being in all relationships. We discover that honesty and authenticity when tempered with loving kindness and compassion, is the key to giving and receiving love. Anything less will not do.

Eighth House.  Scorpio and Pluto rule the 8th house. This house of transformation allows us to dig deep beneath the surface. We recognize our place in the world and in the ancient lines of our ancestry. We recognize our worth in society, and we also recognize when we are not being appreciated or valued. We also recognize at this time how we are selling ourselves short. Where is the cost of doing what we have been doing too high? Where in our lives are we disconnected, ungrounded, or on shaky ground?

This Full Moon in Taurus asks that we seek deep inner transformation. We find ourselves in healing crises and shedding past lives and patterns. We are wrestling with the tremors that break ups and detoxifying our lives has caused. We are in between, and need this time to heal, expel the past from our systems, and renew our inner strength and vitality.  This is a time of  deep inner change around feelings and ideas about our own self-worth. Shedding skins and healing crises lead to feeling a detachment from old chains that bound us in roles, connections, paths, and behavior linked to our shadow sides. We discover now that facing our shadows is the only path to grow and transform.

Ninth House. The 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. Jupiter now in Virgo and Saturn now in Sagittarius, bring home the message that we have to change the way we live in order to grow and prosper. To do this we need to go beyond the boundaries and restrictions that have limited our ability to see beyond a narrow radius of experience. What is beyond all knowing and being now attracts us to explore beyond limits that have kept us prisoner to belief, situations, and self-imposed boundaries. No room in our lives now for cognitive dissonance. Our beliefs, philosophy of life, and life style now need to be in alignment with one another. Travel and research, exploring and adventure are paths that lead us out of darkness and ignorance. Time to grow, learn, expand, and delve more deeply into that which calls us on a soul level.   Time for an inner vision quest as you seek your true purpose and meaning for the rest of your life. You begin now to manifest on earth what your soul was called here to do.

Tenth House. Ruled by Capricorn and Saturn, this house is about what calls you to your life purpose. Saturn, the Great Teacher, shines its light on whatever other areas (look to see where Capricorn is in your chart) are being affected by the great transformation taking place in life. You may receive some special notoriety or exposure at this time. The light shines on you or shines on the path to show you what is required of you now. Your gifts are needed, and your energy levels may be overwhelmingly taxed. It's time to rest and pause to reflect on what is calling you to purpose and meaning.
A time to immerse yourself in the energy, sensuality, and grounding of this Taurus Full Moon. Good time to seek a higher purpose, to make connections, and to establish a path forward. Whatever is calling your to grow is now making itself known to you, and you are attracting attention from others as well.  Take time to ponder and open yourself to dreams and visions that call your soul to grow.

Eleventh House. Ruled by Aquarius and Uranus, the 11th house rules friends and associations as well as institutions and organizations. This is a time for gatherings and for catching up with people who are part of your vast web of connections. Great ideas are discussed, innovation is being tossed into the ring, and new ways of knowing and learning are being considered. Your ideas may seem to be well received right now, and it's certainly no time for stodginess. Have fun and allow for ideas and imagination to coexist. A good time to collaborate and to discover new ways to engage, innovative break throughs, as well as mind-boggling shots out of the blue. Something of major significance and importance may be announced at this time. A collaborative venture may yield new fruit. Time to expand your circle of friends and to allow for a broader view of the world in general and your area of expertise in particular.

Twelfth House.  Pisces and Neptune as well as Jupiter rule the 12th house.  Whatever is buried within the subconscious now makes its way to the surface. Depth of soul and spirit kinds of movement now occurs in the 12th house--the house of mysteries, the unknown, the shadow, and that which is hidden from our conscious view. Whatever is stirring beneath the surface of our unconscious is demanding attention. We may need to be alone or logn for more time and quiet to reflect. Our psychic and emotional depths are stirring things up and emotions and insight are bubbling to the surface to be attended to. Time to take care of ourselves and to allow ourselves a time for retreat and inner sanctuary. We may be in the throes of an inner crisis of faith or consciousness or both. We feel extremely sensitive with this transit, and may feel like we're about to be knocked off our center of gravity. Taking care of ourselves, body, mind, and spirit, is crucial at this time. What is outside of you is within you. The Universal energy that transcends time and space dwells within you, and your intuition and intuitive senses are heightened at this time. Be gentle with yourself, and aware and alert to the signals, signs, and heightened awareness that may be activated now (extra sensory awareness).

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Venus and Jupiter Trine in Virgo: Love Manifesting in Action

This week started out with a first Quarter Square Tuesday, October 20.  The  Sun in Libra squared the Moon in Capricorn at 27/7 degrees.  Later in the day the Moon entered Aquarius, where it will be until Thursday.

Sun is in the last few degrees/days of Libra. On Thursday the Sun enters Scorpio, a time when we connect  more directly and intimately to our desires and passions.

Mercury remains in Libra until November 2. Venus is in Virgo until November 8 and Mars is in Virgo until November 12. Mars activates everything in its path, and helps trigger the movement and clear away that which stands in the way of our attaining the benefits from the upcoming conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Virgo. The Moon is currently in Aquarius, and will be until late Thursday night or early Friday morning, depending where you are. Then the Moon enters Pisces for the weekend and adds an emotional and romantic tone to all that happens.

Our ideas and ideals about love, romance, marriage, and all forms of relationships is grounded right now, in the stark reality of what we need and what we are currently learning and growing in. We bring forth that which we need so that we can fully express the passions we feel within, and we can create and bring to fruition that which is growing in love and the essence of Life.

Venus is in mutual reception with Mercury for the rest of October elevating Venus as a result. On October 25 Venus forms a conjunction with Jupiter elevating the energy of both planets to their most beneficial levels. Romance or a flicker of a flame of creativity which began back in June, now ignite. Venus was in retrograde in June, so issues that needed to be tended to are now in the past. Saturn was still in the watery, emotional depths of Scorpio at the time, dredging up whatever needed to be settled once and for all. Now Venus is moving forward in Virgo and Saturn is heating up in Sagittarius.  We begin to see more clearly and have sharper and more direct insight into anything that may have hidden prior to this time.

Saturn in Sagittarius also opens the way for a great deal more activity and long distance travel. In the collective picture, this bodes well for agreement and workable compromises between nations. It also suggests that greater headway is being made in dealing with issues and problems related to travel, migration, immigration, and international law. Saturn being a slow-moving planet, will continue to concern itself with these issues for several years to come. Notice where Saturn and Venus are in your natal and progressed charts to determine which areas of your life are affected. Or simply notice where social activities are increasing…several areas of your life may be affected with an increase in opportunities, responsibilities, and projects.

The attraction brought about by Venus’ conjunction with Jupiter will increase the likelihood of being attracted to someone because of how they stand out in whatever field they are in. Noticing someone because of what  brings them to life, results in being caught up in the glamour or charisma of someone in your life. Jupiter also rules religion, spirituality, philosophy and all ways of knowing and being so we might connect and be pulled into the inner light and passions of others, We connect to the light within others and feel our own passions come to life.

Jupiter and Venus together heighten our desire for beauty, luxuries, and other indulgences. This aspect also stimulates the desire to do good and bring about an abundance of blessings in the lives of others as well as ourselves. We put a lot of time and energy into creating beauty, peace, and harmony in our homes and whatever areas of life are highlighted by Virgo. Also note where Saturn is currently transiting your chart for that is surely an area of your life that will receive an influx of good energy of all types. The tendency to overdo is also something that comes with Jupiter, so if you’re going to overdo make sure it’s in a way that doesn’t cost you in the end.

On October 23 the Sun begins its transit in Scorpio and Mercury is finally out of its shadow period. Clarity and depth of passions are the operative words. As the Moon waxes toward fullness on October 27, we can feel the heat rising within and  activity increasing in both quantity and intensity. Venus and Jupiter form their exact conjunction on October 24-25. We are already caught up in the stream of that energy at this time. The conjunction feeds our appetites for pleasure, love, romance, and shared joy.

Venus is also currently trine Pluto in Capricorn (Oct. 22-23) making this a powerfully uplifting time and a time when our passions are aroused and our appetites whetted for satisfying our desires. Relationships are intense and deep. On Friday, Mercury squares Pluto might make us feel a bit more suspicious and negative than we normally feel. The square triggers unexamined fears and doubts, and raises our hackles when it comes to trusting or feeling we can depend on someone. It’s not a good time to force issues or make mountains out of mole hills. We tend to see things through a veil of doubt or from behind a mask that we are not yet ready to shed. This is an aspect that triggers compulsions including obsessive thoughts and over-thinking issues that aren’t really problems. With Pluto in Capricorn, we are also still dealing with the ongoing struggle of personal transformation (in a world that is undergoing a collective transformation). We may feel at odds with everyone, most of all ourselves. Time to take a break, a walk, or take time out to meditate or do something physically active.

Just past midnight on Friday morning, Venus forms a trine with Pluto. This is a good time to feel intense passions and the need to share on a deep level. This is a healthy and constructive expression, and helps ground us in a deeper sense of our own needs and desires as we seek to enhance our well being. We experience a regeneration of Love from within, and connect to love in ways that bring us to a deeper sense of wholeness.

Also in the middle of the night Mars in Virgo opposes Chiron in Pisces. This awakens us to some need for inner healing of unresolved and unhealed issues tied to our feelings of worthiness and love. Things may not seem clear, and our dreams may reflect this.

Late Friday night or early Saturday morning (just past midnight) the Sun forms a semi-square to Jupiter. This gives us a vague sense of uneasiness, and we feel unsettled. Seek ways to calm yourself. Later Mars forms a quincunx to . This makes it necessary to readjust our schedule or be more flexible with certain plans.  We may worry needlessly, letting our fears turn into anxiety. Find that calm place inside, and breathe into it, letting yourself be more mindful and present. Ground yourself in something soothing. Affirm your place in peace and let yourself feel surrounded and filled with Divine Light and Truth.

A week of blessings and love ahead. Stay focused on what you want to draw in, and spend your energy, time, and passion being and doing what uplifts and blesses you and others. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Libra New Moon: Fresh Start in Love

On October 12-13 the New Moon will be transiting the 19/20 degrees of Libra. This is at the end of the 2nd decan, making it a very strong Libra-oriented New Moon. at 1:05 A.M. (GMT) on October 13/5:05 P.M. (PDT) on October 12. This New Moon in Libra sits in direct opposition to Uranus in Aries at 18/28 degrees. New Moons tend to put us in touch with our instincts, intuition, and imagination. What we envision at this time may easily reflect any unhealed or unaddressed issues from the past, so it is wise to make certain that whatever you set into motion at this time (in thought or deed) be also connected to an ongoing process of discernment. 

Libra is an air sign which rules love, marriage, beauty, and harmony. At this New Moon in Libra our hearts, minds, and souls are focused on love—our ability to both give and receive love. Mars, Venus, and Jupiter are all together in Virgo, making our experiences of love, marriage, and partnerships more grounded and pragmatic at this time. Arts, travel, and creative expression at this time are all favored. Neptune in Pisces opposite these same planets, remind us that we may have a tendency to have unrealistic goals or distorted expectations. 

Sometimes we get so caught up in our expectations of someone or something that we never actually listen or get to know who or what is real. The Neptune in Pisces transit together with Chiron, the Wounded Healer’s Pisces transit, are in the process of helping us understand how our past and our old wounds shape and affect our current view, perspectives, and visions. A true vision that is divinely inspired, will give you a sense of what is coming though leaves room for human volition and perceptions—in other words, we may have all kinds of choices but what we do with those choices is no guarantee that we will be responded to the way we might think we deserve or desire. This is a time to notice how both now and in the past, we have been fools of our own making. A mindfulness practice and a slowing down and discerning approach can do wonders to help you avoid slipping into Never Never Land, and instead discover the treasures before you and within you. 

While instinctual drives are aroused at New Moon times, it is also a time when we may not be as aware of our latent or hidden weaknesses and unhealed patterns of thought, behavior, and belief. For example, if we are still viewing the world through the lens of an old relationship or from a perspective of who we were during a particular phase of life, role (an old job perhaps), or through some false or misguided belief, new seeds will carry on that energy with them. Whatever seeds we plant now need to be nourished and yet allowed to develop with the least amount of manipulation and expectations that remain fluid. Being aware of how ancestral wounds affect your life and choices is key to using the energy of this New Moon in Libra to plan for the future. 

One thing that stands out when the New Moon is in Libra is how what has gone before affects what is being brought forward now. There is a karmic element to this new moon, and karmic lessons are all about our learning something about how we perceive and how we behave. We carry the sum total of who we are with us into every new situation and relationship. The Vemore aware we are of who we are including what is working for us and what is not, the better we are going to be able to glean the lessons we are meant to learn. 

With Uranus in 18 degrees of Aries directly opposite both the Sun and Moon in 19 degrees of Libra, we can expect a sudden and perhaps unexpected change to take place at this New Moon. A change of residence or something you have been waiting for for a long time finally showing up. Mercury is now direct, so what has been withheld is now making its way into the light. This goes for our inner light as well. We may have a few more ‘Ah Hah!’ moments now. 

For the last few months it seems like we have been raked over the coals in the relationship are of our lives. Undoing, unlearning, unwinding, disconnecting ourselves from old experiences, relationships, habits, patterns, and learning the hard stuff of love and life. At this New Moon we do get to change the course of our love lives. It’s a time for a spiritual and emotional reawakening. A fresh start time and a time to live from a more harmonious center with a full awareness of who we are. Venus’s journey through Leo reminded us of what we needed to come to grips with in the area of love, relationships, marriage, partnerships and in the ideals and principles attached to these areas of our lives. 

At this New Moon in Libra we set our course for a more fulfilling, enriching, and in-depth experience of love. It also calls for us to become more responsible as well in all our partnerships. 

The Sun and Moon are in opposition to Uranus  in Aries and they also are in a loose square to Pluto, the Great Transformer, in Capricorn. The New Moon’s ruler, Venus in Virgo is squaring Saturn in Sagittarius. All these major links that deal with our desires and deep connections in aspect to the transformative energies of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, signal a major point in our development. What we set into motion through thought, word, desire, intention, or deed will have a long-lasting effect and will be part of what shapes your future for a long time to come. The sustainability of whatever you begin now depends on your being willing and able to cope with dysfunctional and deep-seated aspects of your perceptions, habitual behavior, and expectations. 

Mars and Jupiter are conjunct at this time in Virgo.  Energetic shifts and movement are likely at this time, and the ‘ready or not here we go…’ element may be part of the excitement that gets the romance and partnership ball rolling now. Resist aggressive, combative, or conflict-laden advances, but allow yourself to look at all sides of a proposition or opportunity. There is much to be gained, but not necessarily in ways you have traditionally expected things to show up or happen. Those who have done their relationship and individual ‘work’ now learn to enter into more interdependent kinds of connections. Love requires the ability of both partners to give and receive love. This is different from the rather lopsided relationships we often get into when we settle for something rather than trusting our instincts about what we feel and what we expect. 

This New Moon in Libra in the 2nd decan is transiting the area ruled by Saturn, the Great Teacher.  From October 4-13 the Sun is making its way through the constellations of the Crow, the Flying Fish, the Herdsman, and the Dragon. Algorab, the Crow, in his finery. The mythology of this constellation reminds us to be on alert for wolves in sheep’s clothing. When our enemies are aggressive and dressed for battle, it’s easy to recognize them. Now we want to be alert to something or someone appearing to be offering help or gifts when in fact they are after something they wish to steal from us. Beware of birds of prey and those whose glib and self confident manner makes them hard to resist. This is the area of the astrological chart that signals the presence of unscrupulous and conniving enemies who appear on the scene. With the opposition of the Sun and the Moon to Uranus in Aries, this could signal someone from the past appearing suddenly or something that you believed was over and done with, coming back to haunt you. The 19th degree of Libra sits on the left leg of Bootes the Herdsman (Mufrid) and  in the Flying Fish (Delta Volans). Take the symbolism from these constellations and Libra’s need to find justice, equity, and balance, and this New Moon can be every bit as challenging as some of the major transits and aspects we’ve been dealing with all month. 

Because the North Node at 0 degrees of Libra signals a new beginning, we are getting, with this New Moon, our first glimpse of what energetic forces are affecting our dreams, goals, and desires. We may have a tendency at this time to try to see our choices and make our decisions based on wishful thinking or inflated expectations. We want to see the best in everyone, so we may miss some of the red flags or unhealthy aspects to what is before us for consideration. Be cautious at this time with whom you confide. This aspect can lead to indiscriminate conversations  and misleading and impolite tales being bantered about. Avoid gossip and those who gossip. Be discerning about what you do with whom. Give any new relationships, jobs, connections time to develop and establish reliable levels of trust. 

October’s New Moon gives us all a chance to get a fresh start in love, romance, and partnerships. When we overcome our fear of the unknown or allow ourselves to stand in our naked truth (warts and all), we find we are more likely to find or rediscover the connections that fuel and sustain love over the long haul. Looking for completion through someone else’s gifts, is not the same of two people joining their love together to help and sustain one another. To do that, there needs to be an honest appraisal of what is at the root of our desire, fears, and individual truth. 

The growing edge of Libra is to find the central point of Truth within us, and hold firm to that while we share and connect to bring harmony into our lives and the world around us. if we never connect with our own inner needs, we find ourselves off balance, seeking but not finding what we possess within. Now is the time to face yourself with a compassionate and loving heart and mind. Let yourself envision a peaceful, loving, and fulfilling future, and then plant the seeds of those intentions. Allow yourself to shape your life around those principles and intentions, while keeping yourself walking a path of harmony. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Venus entering Virgo, Mercury Turning Direct: Moving On

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As of Wednesday, the 7th of October, the planets are in the following aspects:

 As of 18:32 UT/GMT

   The  Sun   us at  14/10'12"    of Libra

   The Moon   is in  17/21'13"   of Leo

    Mercury is at     1/12'24"retrograde, on the last day of its retrograde phase.
  Venus   is at the anaretic degree of  29/13'21"  of Leo. The anaretic degree/last degree is a crucial    point in a transit. It signifies the closing of a door or the completion of something.
   Mars    is at 7/54' 6"   of Virgo.
   Jupiter   is at  12/12'40" of Virgo.
   Saturn     is at  1/36'31"  of Sagittarious.
    Uranus  is at   18/41' 0"retrograde   in Aries

    Neptune  is at   7/29' 0"retrograde  in Pisces.

    Pluto  is at   13/0'51"  of Capricorn

    North Node is at  0/59'23"   Libra.

    Chiron    is at  18/4'57"retrograde of Pisce

As of Wednesday, October 7 we sit on the precipice of some major changes. Venus is in the final degree of her transit through Leo, urging us or pushing us to let go and move on from whatever has become dead weight in our experiences. Hanging on for dear life only counts when you are actually hanging over a cliff and want to keep yourself from falling. When it comes to moving on in your own life and with the natural flow of your own growth and development, letting go is necessary in order to make the necessary transitions. We’ve all heard the metaphors of carrying around baggage from the past, and so if you must, take one last look at what you are releasing, shed some tears, and work through what grief you can, and then take a fresh breath, get a good night’s sleep, and prepare to start anew.

After such a difficult time when we have been going over past transgressions, mistakes, and poor choices, we may have been neglecting our self care.  Rather than continuing to get the attention you seek from others, Venus’s move into Virgo pushes you to renew your interest in taking care of yourself. Take care of the details of your life, particularly in the area of life where Venus dwells in your natal chart and where she is transiting beginning Oct. 8. Venus in Virgo brings us great satisfaction in doing what is good and right for us. After some of the self-flagellation that may have been going on just a bit too publicly, we now feel more at home in our own skin.  We appreciate a slower, less robust kind of activity, and now settle into more comfortable, healthy routines and patterns in the way we live, create, and connect to that which we find beautiful within ourselves and our environment.  From Oct. 8 until November 9, Venus makes her Virgo transit. 

On Wednesday, the day before Venus changes signs, she forms a semi-square to the Sun in Libra. This may manifest with an edginess or irritation with others (really a reflection of the irritation we feel within ourselves). Rely at this time on your spiritual practices and mindfulness to direct your energy into more constructive or less damaging channels.

While Venus has been completing her transit through Leo, Mercury has been in its retrograde phase. On the day after  Venus changes signs, Mercury turns direct. Since Mercury is an inner, fast-moving planet, this change can be felt almost immediately. Avoid expecting everything to suddenly be clear as a bell though.  Mercury’s retrograde cycles take us back over territory which we need to revisit. Take some time to note what you have learned by the most recent of the regular retrograde cycles of Mercury transiting. The shadow period of Mercury lasts until Oct. 24 so you may need this time to sort out anything left undone or unexamined. On Oct. 9 when Mercury goes direct, it does so in the 1st degree of Libra, the decan ruled by Leo. We’ve had a double dose of Leo energy, and things may still seem a little dramatic and full of flourishes and drama.  Begin stepping back from that kind of energy, use your health care regime to bring some order and grounding into your life, and avoid dwelling on the past and that that has dropped away from your life.

With Venus in Virgo we find that we can only do so much to find resolution or completion; at a certain point we need to move ahead and direct our attention in more reliable and constructive channels. We become more sensible and pragmatic when we deal with issues of relationships, love, and creativity. Instead of dwelling in fantasy or remote ideals or over-inflated expectations, we are more aware of how love is shown not spoken. Through simple, daily tasks, we learn to give and receive love in a way that genuinely meets our needs and the needs of those with whom we connect. We no longer seek to remold or remake ourselves into some image of what someone else desires or expects. We recognize who we are on a very basic level, and we begin to honor our own basic needs again.

Late Wednesday night Venus in the last degree of Leo forms its semi-square to the Sun in Libra. This may awaken the uneasiness and irritation you feel inside. Notice if you are projecting this out onto others or to situations which have no real connection to your life. Awaken to what is stirring within, and give yourself permission to say good-bye, cut the ties, change direction, or simply set a situation aside. Stop squandering energy, time, and resources on what is not receptive or appreciative of your attempts and efforts. Give yourself credit for being able to take care of yourself now.

During the night on Thursday morning Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces creating some confusion, disjointedness and/or a sense of feeling lost and in a haze. This kind of energy calls us to take some time off from regular routines to get the proper rest, exercise, and care of ourselves. We may need time alone to sort things out. Avoid having to deal with anything that requires focus on organization or detail. The sense that we are spinning our wheels may give rise to an aggressive type of energy that can be directed outwardly at others or inwardly at oneself. Avoid either, and instead notice what the obsessions seem to be connected to. What is there to fear? What needs to be done? What is not moving fast enough? What is out of whack? Begin by naming what the emotions are, and then notice how you have already begun to deal with situations.

The Moon changes sign early on Thursday, from Leo to Virgo.  Emotionally this helps us feel the immediate relief of the Virgo transit of Venus as well. We feel settled even as the Moon and Venus make some rather harsh aspects with Saturn (lessons yet to be learned and challenges in achieving our goals) and Uranus in Aries ( unexpected actions, messages, or surprising comings and goings). This last aspect which occurs late Thursday night could be a relief in some way. And it could also indicate that something from the past comes up and reminds you of the reality of something you might have romanticized or idealized. Know you have done your best, and move on.

On Friday when Venus forms a square to Saturn in Sagittarius, and on Saturday when the Sun in Libra forms a  semi-square to Saturn, we become very aware of what we need, what we want, and what we do not have. We get in touch with a strong level of dissatisfaction in any area where we have not found what we are looking for. As Saturn, the Great Teacher aligns with Venus the Goddess of Love and Relationships, and the Sun, the bearer of the gifts related to harmony, balance, love, relationships and beauty, we can expect to do some deep soul searching.

At the very least, we will become of aware in a more visceral way of just where in our life we are missing connection. Rather than going down with the ship (emotional and mental despair) we need to see how this is speaking to what needs to be addressed now.  We not where certain patterns, relationships, habits we have gotten into especially in trying to take care of others, has drained us of our essential life force and health. Taking care of ourselves is essential to do the work that lies ahead.  Whatever challenges arise at this time, are simply meant to remind you of what you do not need. As long as we hold on, we keep ourselves trapped in the past.

As the week ends with shifts in direction of Mercury and a change of signs with Venus, we may be best served to take some time out to rethink our daily activities and routines. Build in some ways to get more exercise. Consider adding a new routine or changing the time of day you do an activity. Take advantage of the morning sun by fitting in a morning walk. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we need to increase our daily dose of Vitamin D by taking morning walks. Even a short, 20-minute walk can be beneficial and healthy. It can also be motivating. Time to change our habits. Get the office reconfigured to take advantage of the changes in light. Change things up a bit to get a sense of feeling invigorated regularly.  Clean out the fridge and add some fresh foods to your diet. Fix a big pot of vegetable stew, and bake a loaf of home-made, whole grain bread. Start taking care of yourself, and treat yourself as a guest in your life. Accept nothing in your life that isn’t life-affirming and life-giving.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October: After the Gold Rush

Intuitive Insight Weekly Forecast

After the Gold Rush

As the week began with a flourish and intense output of energy with the Full Moon in Aries and the Solar eclipse, we have all been left in the wake of some pretty powerful energy.  A gold rush happens when someone discovers a vein of gold or a large nugget in some stream.  After news makes its way to others, the idea of striking it rich spreads like a wild fire, and people dropped what they were doing, left home and family behind to head toward the place where each one dreamed they would find gold.  After a while, it became apparent that some were destined to make their fortunes and others were not. After the gold rush, the reality of life began to sink in. People had to pick up the pieces of their lives, and begin putting a new life back together. Whatever resources one was able to scrounge up or turn their good fortune into became the basis for the new lives, cities, and fortunes they would go on to create.

The times we are living in are ripe with so much potential, and with all the discoveries of the past century or so, we have within our reach the materials and capacity to create great beauty or prolong great despair.  This Full Moon and Solar eclipse united us in a strange kind of way. People gathered on rooftops and hillsides, in valleys and on the plains to catch a glimpse of the natural phenomenon of the Full Moon and the lunar eclipse. As the shadow was cast over the Moon, it turned shades of red and orange. As the Moon this time of the year is closest to the Northern Hemisphere, the atmosphere creates a kind of curtain that makes the Moon appear redder than it usually does.

For whatever reason we are drawn to such natural beauty, we also are given such great gifts of energy at the same time. Much of what has been transpiring over the last year has to do with cleansing and clearing out our lives, our thinking, and our perspectives. Many have lost what they held dear, unable to hold onto to dying relationships or attachments to worn out commitments. Not necessarily by choice, our lives have been stripped bare of that which could no longer be sustained. The result is a space, vast as a desert sometimes, that reveals an area of life that is uncharted territory. What we do from here on out depends on what we  have sowed and what we have been tending and nurturing. It is time to do an appraisal of what we have to carry forward on our journey, and what is essential in each of our lives as well as what is essential for the good of the whole planet. We can no longer allow selfish and ego-driven interests bully us into forgetting those who need support, assistance, compassion, and consideration.

As October begins, the Sun is at 8/10 degrees of Libra, the Moon is at 27 degrees of Taurus, Mercury is at 5 degrees retrograde of Libra, and Venus is at 24 degrees of Leo. Mars and Jupiter are both in earthy Virgo at 4 degrees and nearly 11 degrees respectively. Saturn is in the first degree of Sagittarius and Uranus is at 18 degrees retrograde of Aries, both turning up the heat. Neptune, the planet of abundance and good fortune is in 7 degrees retrograde of Pisces, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is at 18 degrees retrograde of Pisces as well. Pluto, the Great Transformer is at 12 degrees of Capricorn, and the North Node is at 0 degrees retrograde of Libra.

Venus in Leo until October 8 is completing a nearly 3-month transit. For the next week we are putting the finishing touches on some of the creations, redesigns, and plans in the works particularly in relation to all things beautiful and all things related to expressing love, beauty, and power. We desire love in return, and are disappointed if we are not acknowledge for our gifts or appreciated for who we are. Leo longs for the full expression of love, and if it is not forthcoming, it has caused us a great deal of pain. Time to rethink what within us has created this longing. Earlier in the week, on the 29th Venus formed a semi-square to Mercury which manifested as lack of compassion and/or unsatisfying communications around relationships in particular.

Between October 5-6 Venus is forming a seisquiquadrate to  Pluto in Capricorn. This may result in feelings of jealousy arising or in finding us nitpicking and cranky over some of the details or the general nature of our relationships. We may find fault or seek to blame others for aspects of who they are that affect the relationships we have gotten into. The fault is not with the other; it is with the relationship. We can’t fit square pegs in round holes.

Venus also forms a semi-square with the Sun in Libra on Oct. 6-7. This shows itself as a kind of overall dissatisfaction with a lot of external factors or circumstances that are really a reflection of what is going on inside ourselves. Spend some time accounting for your own resources. Avoid trying to expand your sphere or acquire more. Instead look to your own nest and see what gifts you have and what creative solutions you can dream up to deal with what seems like a need, a problem, or a challenge. Look within for answers. Listen to that still small voice, that intuitive, and that Divine guidance that is constantly trying to point you in the right direction.

You may have a hard time doing this when Venus and Saturn form a square on October 9-10.  Saturn’s lesson to us as we move out from under the post-retrograde shadow is to take the internal struggles and inner discomfort and dissatisfaction as a sign of what we are still trying to uncover, release, or understand about how we love, who we love, and what makes us capable of both giving and receiving love. We are learning something very profound about who we are at this time. Each of us is called upon to examine our inner intentions and values, and how those translate to the way we are living and loving.

Last night (Wednesday, September 30) when the Sun formed a quincunx to Neptune, we may have found it very difficult to think clearly or focus. The fuzziness of Neptune created a perplexing situation with the Libra Sun. Libra wants everything to balance out and be in harmony, and sometimes that cannot happen until we are clear about what our individual needs and desires are and what are actual resources and gifts can manage. You might have found yourself distracted, over extended, or extremely tired. Time to take stock and take care of ourselves. We have to maintain our own basic level of health and well being, or we are no good to anyone, and we certainly cannot accomplish much when we are drained and out of fuel.

In the middle of the night Mars formed a seisquiquadrate to Uranus. A sense of restlessness or an unnerving desire to take unnecessary risks may have arisen. Since this occurred in the nighttime for many, it might have been a restless night or dreams might have revealed some areas of your life where you are skating on thin ice or putting yourself in some kind of jeopardy. I myself awoke in the middle of the night as this aspect was forming to find I’d left all my windows open and forgotten some important details to closing up the house when I fell asleep last night. Since the weather is changing, the windows need to be closed up or like last night, the house gets pretty cold. Details and normal routines are affected. Excesses or overwork  can result in us being forgetful or careless in simple daily routines or habits.

Later in the day the Moon transits into Gemini, an air sign. This evening the Moon opposes Saturn and then later squares Mars creating some late-night emotional turmoil. Plan on a calm, relaxing routine for this evening, and avoid overly obsessing over what you should and should not be doing, feeling, or thinking. Take a break, and spend some time nourishing and taking care of yourself. Create a peaceful routine to channel some of the electric energy generated by the Gemini Moon. Through the upcoming weekend, you may have a flourish of ideas and activities, so keep yourself mindful and centered amid the energy that is churning things up. Friday there are a few more squares to the outer planets (the slow-moving ones). Quell your  impatience and take some long walks or runs or do some laps to focus yourself on creating greater unity of body, mind, spirit, and emotions.  By Saturday the aspects of  the Moon in Gemini are more peaceful and gentle sextiles so you will enjoy yourself and feel more at peace in the activities you’re involved in.