Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sagittarius New Moon, Mercury Direct: Forward Motion

The Journey                                     Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
December’s New Moon at 15 degrees Sagittarius comes into conjunction with the Sun tonight at 11:20 p.m. PST/2:20 a.m. EST. This auspicious New Moon in the sign of the fiery Archer coincides with Mercury’s turn from its retrograde cycle at 27 degrees Scorpio. The Sun and Moon’s transits and recent conjunctions with Jupiter in Sagittarius may have given you a hint of some of what good news, abundance, and welcome relief is ahead. Tonight the new lunar cycle begins and promises to usher in a period of significant change. 

Adding energy and light to the New Moon is Venus in the early degrees of Scorpio (2/45). She forms a lovely trine to Uranus at 28 degrees of retrograde Aries(something from the recent past triggers change) and the North Node at 28 degrees of Cancer.  The North Node in your chart is the aspect that signifies life changes. What was will be no more, and this time shows you how the changes will be affecting different aspects of your life and thinking. A major change in your life is signaled by the trine in the areas of your life where this trine signals movement. Venus rules beauty, harmony, art, creativity, and all that brings life into balance. Look to the areas of your life ruled by Scorpio, Cancer and Aries, and to the houses ruled by these signs. Notice how Uranus ended it’s transit through Aries last year, and notice what unresolved or unsettled issues, decisions from the past are now unfolding with new answers and a clearer path ahead. This is the time you may have been hoping for; a time when all your hard work and effort leads to necessary and positive changes.

Mars and Neptune (Action and Imagination) are exactly conjunct now at 13 degrees of Pisces. What you think, believe, and conceive is now poised and ready as the arrow in the Archer’s bow, to be released and sent forth to meet its target. Whatever you have been preparing, envisioning, and hoping to bring to life in your life, is now ready to become reality.  These two planets also square Jupiter and Mercury, indicating that you are being urged, forced, and encouraged (depends on how you read the circumstances…attitude is everything) in the areas where change is imminent.

The New Moon and Sun in Sagittarius also join the energy that trigger major change (North Node in Cancer
), all things regarding your need to feel safe, secure, and at home. Your urge to provide protection and safety for yourself and those you care for, is a significant part of the change that is now happening.

Mercury in the third decan of Scorpio
stations direct at 1:23 p.m. PDT/4:23 p.m. EDT this afternoon. The Moon squares Mars at 8:12 p.m PST/11:12 EST and shortly thereafter squares Neptune so you might notice feeling motivated to act and imagine new ways of looking at a situation or decision that has been on hold for a while. Coming as this does before the New Moon later in the evening or early morning hours, these aspects all signal entering the new lunar cycle with a change of perspective, attitude, and vision.

Saturn and Pluto both still in their transits through Capricorn keep working their transformative energy and teachings in our lives. Both remain in Capricorn for the next year, and make no significant aspects to this new moon though they may be in the areas of your life that will be most affected by the changes promised by whatever direction you take during the New Moon. For some, this New Moon is the result of what has been steadily transforming in your lives over the last few years or so.

The New Moon in Sagittarius falls on the fixed star Ras Al-Gethi, in the constellation of Hercules. Ras Al-Gethi means the head of the one who kneels in Arabic. The one who surrenders to the Divine for the purposes of using healing energy. Falling as it does in the second decan of Sagittarius, the New Moon and its proximity to Ras Al-Gethi symbolizes  the ability to focus intently on the goal or the decision at hand. Using our energy, vision, and focus to hone in on what is most vital to the decisions and path we choose, is key now. This connection to the fixed star symbolizes healing, also indicates the our need to allow the Divine energy to guide and lead us into whatever paths are best for us on all levels of our being. This is not the time to force issues, but to surrender to what is closing and what is opening. The signs should clearly be manifesting in the areas where change for the better is inevitable. I suggest reading DarkStar Astrology where Marina does a masterful job of explaining how mythology connects with and informs astrology.

Fear not, but let yourself read the movement, disruptions, losses or disappointments as signs on the path of change. Practice surrender to what is coming forth, and releasing whatever is meant to be purged from your experience so that the new path ahead is open and you are ready for what lies ahead. Avoid scattering your energy in different directions, but instead, focus on what is at hand and do what needs to be done.

Marina of DarkStar Astrology describes Ras Al-Gethi as “ The desire to help, heal, or bring balance to others. One who uses natural health techniques, one who seeks to prevent problems rather than to cure them.” She also explains that whatever is out of balance at this time, will show itself so as to bring order and balance back into harmony in whatever ways are needed now.

The Sabian Symbol for 16 degrees of Sagittarius is “A man shearing sheep.” It is also  a time to practice fortitude. Discover your resiliency to keep finding a way to do something, to keep discovering how to get through the most difficult challenges. Much we are experiencing has to do with the karmic lessons we are learning.

Shakespeare coined the phrase the past is prologue, meaning what has come before has helped prepare us for what is happening now. Look to your own past to see what tools you used, what you learned that has made you resilient and how you might find in your past experiences, the way forward. At the bare minimum, you have made it through difficult and challenging times, and can do so again. We can also learn to see how in the past, what appeared to be a curse or and failure has really ended up to be a blessing. Examine your life in this way, and know without a doubt, you have all you need to meet and overcome all obstacles and to make decisions that bless you and others in the process. Change is inevitable, and now is the time, ready or not. Enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Moon in Scorpio: Growing from Within

With the Sun transiting the fixed water sign of Scorpio, and the New Moon setting a new lunar path
ahead for us, we need to listen to what is calling us to grow from within our deepest and most
compassionate depths. What is emerging within, is what will help us work with others to bring about
wholeness, healing, and peace, within and within.

On Wednesday. November 7, the New Moon in Scorpio cycle begins. The Scorpio New Moon peaks at 8:07 a.m/PST/11:07 a.m./EST this New Moon in the fixed sign of  Scorpio at 15/11
degrees, in the middle of the second decan. New Moon in Scorpio continues to activate the lunar nodes, and in fact, the North Node enters Cancer (South Node enters Capricorn) the day before the New Moon. North Node entering Cancer and Uranus re-enters Aries on November 6 (Election Day i
n the USA) where it stays until March, 2019. This could make for some unexpected changes, shocks, and sudden events that lead to a new path unfolding.

Sabian Symbol.
The Scorpio New Moon at 15/11 degrees falls on the Sabian symbol of Children Playing Around Five
Mounds of Sand. It represents the initial stages of development of the the mind seeking a higher
alignment in human evolution. This degree in Scorpio indicates a significant point in the development
of our collective and personal consciousness: "In this final stage of the forty-fifth sequence of five
symbols the transcendent possibilities of mental evolution, which require interpersonal communion in
consciousness, are evoked. The free spirit of true scientific inquiry is only a foreshadowing of such a
type of mind, which demands dedication to mankind as a whole.” (Lee Coleman).

What is signifies as it aligns with the new lunar cycle in Scorpio is start of a new way forward. What this
New Moon in Scorpio most highlights is growth, change, and the start of a higher level of consciousness

Key Aspects Affecting New Moon in Scorpio.
Looking at the New Moon chart, two important things stand out. Both Jupiter and Uranus are in the

final degee of their signs. Jupiter is in 29 degrees of Scorpio; Uranus retrogrades into 29 degrees of
Aries. Both in their anaretic signs on the day of the New Moon, signals sudden unexpected good news,
abundance, and new unexpected opportunities will come to light.

Marina of DarkStar Astrology, calls this New Moon the Siren’s Song. The temptations and alluring charm
of the sirens lured sailors to their deaths on the rocks. Whatever charm the New Moon in Scorpio trine
Neptune (the planet that rules dreams, illusion, the unconscious) in Pisces, may appeal to whatever

desires are unfulfilled or whatever imaginary scenarios reveal the darker side to our needs. Be wary of
the more clandestine implications of whatever you have been wishing for. Avoid dropping into the baser
and more slothful expression of your wishes.
We would do well to remember that this New Moon falls on the claw of the Scorpion, a talon used to
make love and to hold onto one’s prey for the kill. We must use our power and vision wisely, making
sure we do not incur the revenge of those we may injure in our quest for our dreams. With power comes
responsibility, and we have all experienced the results when this universal law is broken.

This New Moon is benefiting from Jupiter’s last day in Scorpio. Whatever has been blessing you
and yours, is now receiving its last boost before this new cycle begins. Though the moon is in its fall in
Scorpio (meaning it’s not the best place for the moon), we feel a connection with those old friend and
family with whom we have fond memories. We do well to find the safety and security we need now, in
familiar places and with people and thoughts that build us up and help us life others in even the darkest
times. For all the loss, sorrow, and grief that we carry with us, now is the time we need to seek strength
from what has built us up, carried us forward, and grounded us in meaning and purpose.

The Scorpio Moon trines Neptune in Pisces, again finds us feeling more and more connected with
those who feed our soul and with whom we feel connected. This will be very strong at this time. We
to remember to remember who we are, with or without those people and those activities we are
committed to. This dichotomy, is innate in our human nature, so rather than fighting this, simply remain
cognizant and aware of this duality.

Venus has been retrograde in Libra since October 31. It will remain retrograd until December 2.
Venus is dignified in Libra, so this is a time when you will feel more idealistic, more in love with love,
and more optimistic about all things ruled by Venus. This can be a very good time for aligning all areas
of your life with what is good, true, beautiful, and harmonious. The negative side of this transit is a
tendency to fall into the less healthy patterns in relationships--dependency, codependency/enabling,
or abusive and destructive habits.

Other Aspects of the Scorpio Transit of the New Moon.
In the waning moon period (dark of the moon) leading up to the new moon, we may be considering
what we need or want to release from our experiences. As I write this column on November 6, the
North Node (gateway to the future) enters Cancer. Likewise, the South Node (what we bring from
the past to heal and release) enters Capricorn (where Saturn will challenge with lessons for cleaning
up the past). Uranus also retrograde into Aries today, the day before the New Moon.  

The New Moon in Scorpio quincunxes Chiron (the Wounded Healer) in Pisces just an hour
before the Moon trines Neptune Wednesday morning. The Moon conjuncts the Sun (forming the
New Moon in Scorpio) at 8:07 a.m./PST/11:07 a.m./EST. Later in the day, the New Moon in Scorpio
is sextiled by Pluto, urging us to remember what we’ve learned about dealing with transformation and

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the new lunar path opening in Scorpio, is that the unconscious
is ruling, revealing, and overturning us, personally and collectively. We are feeling motivated to act from
our deepest levels of being now, feeling ourselves tested and ready to strike out to meet the challenges
that are before us. When we find our lives overturned and significantly changed as we have over the last
few years, we do reach a point where we find the inner strength and vision we need for moving in a new
and more productive, healthy, and fulfilling manner. Releasing what we’ve outgrown or what has slipped
from our focus and life, we now can sit still by the the deep waters of our consciousness, and listen to
what is emerging from the depths, what is appearing on the horizon, and what is making its last ditch
effort to bind or lower us. We must take charge, serving and growing as humans who work together for
the good of all people, and now is the time when that service, growth, and compassion are needed
more than ever. We have power; we must use our power for good to overcome what is dragging us
down or harming us.

We must stand up for one another, and take responsibility for our actions and thought and words.  
Time to set forward on a new path to healing, transformation, and repairing and restructuring those
areas of our lives that demand growth, meaning, and stability. Our health as a planet, as communities,
as individuals depends on our continued development and evolution into the best versions of ourselves
we can be. Focus on what is uplifting and helpful, meaningful and productive. Set your path forward with
the highest good, excellent health, and good of all in mind. Including yourself. We don’t need martyrs;
we need whole, healthy, supportive humans to make decisions that are good for all humans and the
planet. The reign of greed and corruption must end. This is a good time to start the path forward in a
compassionate, healing, and healthy direction.  Scorpio’s New Moon and the Sun in Scorpio stir up
our deepest desires and motivate us to live from the inner truths and depths of our beings. Dig deep into
yourself to find what it is you have to help in the great healing work that needs to be done.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Transformative New Moon in Libra

On September 8, 2018 at 8:47 p.m.. PDT/11:47 p.m. EDT the New Moon at 15 degrees Libra occurs. New moons usher in  new lunar cycles, and offer us another opportunity to begin anew as we set goals, make plans, and look for new ways to cope with old issues and challenges. The New Moon in Libra calls on us to acknowledge and honor that which dwells within ourselves and our relationship with the world. Each of us is in relationship with all aspects of life, and how we dance with Truth is revealed as the New Moon transits the 2nd decan of Libra. 

The challenge as we begin a new lunar cycle is to face the truth of what is within and what the reality is in the world around us. Libra, the mediator, negotiator, judge, and creator of harmony, is challenged to acknowledge Truth that rises within and around us at this time. The truth that rises within or appears in answer to dreams, hopes, and prayers, is not always what we expect or want. Nevertheless, to develop, grow, and flourish in life, we need to face what is,not just what we’d like life  to be. This decan of Libra requires that we seek a balance between what the world offers or demands, with what we need and seek.  Ignoring either part of the equation, throws us out of balance, and leads us down dead end paths and into false perceptions. 

The Libra New Moon

Moon conjunct Ceres and quincunx Neptune in Pisces is similar to the Lunar Eclipse of January 31, 2018. Some of the same issues may arise again at this time, though this time you will be able to handle problems, cope with ongoing issues, and discover solutions to problems uncovered at that time. This New Moon may find us very sensitive, empathetic, and compassionate towards others, especially those close to you and women. Ceres is the Earth Mother who calls on us to express our compassion and to become more sensitive and aware of our need to care for one another as we take good care of ourselves at the same time. The New Moon in Libra conjunct Ceres in Libra opens a new path that focus our attention on the conditions, inequities, and rights of women that are challenged by the changes that women have experienced over the last 100 years or so. We, women have redefined our roles and have taken our place in all areas of the sciences, arts, social sciences, technology, and political life. Our evolving roles in relationships, our freedom to make our own decisions and live our own lives, has created more challenges to an archaic and transforming  patriarchy that is clinging to power, often striking out at those they seek to keep disenfranchised, including the majority of our population, women. This battle on the cusp of transformation is evident in our collective experience and no doubt affects us each personally in one way or another, especially around our attempts to balance personal and social relationships. 

Moon square Pluto highlights our emotional responses to the transformative nature or our lives at this point in history.  We see and feel it in our personal lives, and at this time, we are acutely aware of how it is affecting the entire collective conscience and world in which we live. A great struggle is underway, and this New Moon in Libra highlights how we are handling the issues that are most crucial in our own lives, and what we are doing with others, to help our world to acknowledge and make the necessary changes to build stronger safeguards for harmony and goodness. 

The New Moon in Libra sits atop the fixed star Kraz in Corvus the Crow constellations.. Kraz in Corvus the Crow Constellation symbolizes the Crow/Raven that Apollo sent out to fetch water for a banquet he was giving in honor of Jupiter. Crow/Raven became so fascinated by a lot of shiny objects, that he forgot the time. When he remembered, he quickly flew down to a large body of water, scooped up some water, and instead caught a snake which he carried back to Apollo's feast. The second decan of Libra transiting Corvus the Crow is known as the constellation of words. With that in mind, words or ideas expressed or unexpressed, hold power. Words hold the power of intention and passion, so at this New Moon in Libra, the emphasis ought to be on being aware and intentional about both thought and words, as you speak and think ideas into one form of creation or another. There is a thin line between maintaining proper self care and balanced interactions in our social lives. Now is the time to examine our positions, and make whatever adjustments and changes we need to in order to maintain a well-balanced life.  Kraz, the fixed star in Crovus symbolizes 

Libra’s ruler Venus, is currently transiting Scorpio and is retrograde. Venus in Scorpio finds us seeking the deeper meaning of what motivates us to love, what is hidden or secreted away in our unconscious, and what is working its way up into our conscience to be acknowledged and transformed. Libra often focuses on seeing everyone’s side, listening to all the voices and points of view, and of reaching consensus on just about everything.  The challenge for Libra is to stand on our own two feet in our own truth and integrity. 

With the Sun and Moon both in Libra squaring  Mars in Aquarius (Black Moon Lilith) challenges us all to honor both Self and Others in the way we form and maintain our friendships and partnerships. We’re also challenged to pay attention to how we make commitments and establish harmonious ways to fulfill our social obligations, personal goals and lifestyles, and the challenges and obstacles that might arise when seeking this harmony. Look to the areas of your life/chart where Libra transits at this time, and you’ll probably notice more clearly where this challenge is greatest. 

Look to the South Node to see where old prejudices, patterns of behavior, attitudes, or cycles still need to be attended to. What needs to change in order to be transformed within us? How does what happens in our collective experience, call us to change, adjust, transform, and grow? How do we meet challenges, and what is working/what is not?  As we do a bit of soul searching on this New Moon in Libra, we look for ways to come into greater harmony within so that we can cope with the collective in a way that helps us maintain a greater sense of well being. With Mars in Aquarius, we hear and are more likely to respond to the call to support and sustain what is best for the greater good in our collective experience. As you read this article, allow yourself to awaken to the call of the inner warrior—that part of you that takes a risk to join with others to support one another in some of the hardest, most challenging times. 

When we suffer great losses, are suffering the throes of grief, or are coping with an unexpected challenge or sorrow, it is vital to allow ourselves the necessary time and conditions, not to mention support from others, to acknowledge our pain, experience the breadth of our experience while learning how to enfold the challenges, obstacles, or fractures we’ve experienced into our new and awakened understanding and view of life. There are some experiences which so profoundly challenge and change us, that we cannot help but face unique and surprising new glimpses into our own depths and those of others. 

This New Moon finds us at the point where we are just becoming aware of a new path, one not yet illuminated because we’re only at the start and have not yet enough vision to see where the path is headed. This is a point where our faith is tested; our faith to believe that despite our own lack of understanding, vision, or acceptance, the road ahead holds  possibilities for healing, growth, and new light.  

This transformative, passionate, erotic New Moon in Libra allows for focusing on whatever Truth needs to come to light and/or faced in order for transformation to take place fully. One of the most difficult things for most of us to understand  and/or to live in accordance with is the idea that life will unfold as it will and we will have choices about how we respond to those changes and developments. We make an error when we believe that just wanting something or praying for something to happen or not happen, is not necessarily in accordance with the principles of our Divine nature. 

In talking with a friend who is a realtor, we were talking about ‘things working out’ even when we couldn’t see how that might happen. She told me in all her years of selling properties, it never once failed that when someone was really disappointed about not getting a house they’d set their hearts on, it also never failed that when they did get the house that would become theirs, they were always glad things hadn’t turned out differently. That may because we’re all really good at rationalizing, but I think it might also have to do with the idea that we are limited in the scope of what we can see of the consequence of our choices. Had we done something differently, our lives would have headed in a completely different direction. 

At this time, with this New Moon in Libra, we have the opportunity of facing facts, as they are now, and deciding how we are going to make our choices from this point on? Do we continue doing what we’ve done in the past despite it not working? Or do we adjust or vision and make a few changes in our approach, our appraisal, and our direction?  When we fail to face the truth of our feelings, thoughts, fear, and dreams, we fail to take into account some of the richest gifts in our treasure chest. The we face who we really are, what we really feel. think, question, or desire, we open ourselves to moving closer to the beating of our own heart in rhythm with the heartbeat of the Universe. 

Take some time to listen to the heartbeat of the Earth. Stare out into the heavens and allow yourself to connect to what the beauty of your life has blessed you with so far. Allow yourself to see yourself in the true light ‘warts and all’, and take some time to reflect on what you would like to leave behind, carry along with you, and indeed, see flow into your life more freely. One of the most powerful prayers you can pray is an open, honest expression of what you really would like to do and be.  How often do we let ourselves feel like we’re trapped in some cycle or condition over which we have no control?  You might ask yourself that question or other questions that arise as you consider how you can assist in the creation of your own life unfolding in a new path of unity and harmony.  This is a transformative time, a transformative lunar cycle, and a time when it is vital that we stand in our own truth, so we know who we are and what we are willing to do to live out our passions and purposes for the good of all humankind. Our tasks may be small and limited, as no one can fix everything, but we can do something of meaning in whatever we do throughout our daily lives. Make this New Moon in Libra cycle a time when you create more harmony, greater beauty, and deeper understanding of how precious each one of our lives is. "You have before the choice of life and death; choose life.”

Monday, September 24, 2018

Full Moon in Aries, Harvest Moon, Full Wolf Moon, New Corn Moon

Whatever you call it, this beautiful Full Moon in Aries invites us to enter a new Lunar cycle that challenges us and rewards us with beauty, compassion, harmony, and grace. And we receive these gifts both personally and in relationship. It is in giving that we receive, and it is through giving and receiving love that we fully express the energy of the Libra-Aries axis. It is during this lunar phase that how we love is highlighted in our lives to such an extent that we cannot help but notice where it is we are growing, developing, and awakening in learning more about who we are a love-based beings. 

On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 7:54 P.M./PDT;10:54 P.M/EDT the Moon at 2 degrees Aries opposes the Sun at 2 degrees of Libra forming the Full Harvest Moon. Also called the Lone Wolf Moon, the Moon When Plums are Scarlet, the Full Corn Moon, this lunar cycle symbolizes a time when promises are kept, dreams are fulfilled, and we reap the harvest of what has been sown. The Libra-Aries axis represents that area of our lives the focus our attention on Self vs Others. The fire sign Aries initiates, leads, seeks self fulfillment, and risks all to assert one’s self, especially in relationships. Libra, the air sign, is in constant pursuit of balance, harmony, peace, and fulfillment, through compromise, negotiations, and a constant need to see all sides of any conflict or issue. The pull between these two energies highlight that area of our lives that deals with relationships, and the houses that the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries transit show how we express the energy of this Full Moon. 

The Full Harvest Moon, which crosses the early morning sky to the southwest, waking us early in her light, shines her light on some very complex and emotional issues that are coming to the forefront at this time. The mystic triangle (formed by two sextile to the Moon) make this heavily aspected Aries Moon one that strikes at the heart of our relationship patterns, our ability to give and receive love, and the ways in which we have become accustomed to reacting and responding in interpersonal relationships and in our attempts to creatively express ourselves. 

The Moon sextile Mars is conjunct the South Node indicates that there is a great deal of  sexual tension in the air. The Mars  conjunction with the South Node brings the past right into the present to be dealt with, regardless of all attempts to suppress or ignore what has been left unhealed, unfulfilled, or unexpressed. Volatility may  result if we do not channel our energy into creative expression and if we fail to manage our anger and repressed feelings in a constructive way.  Fits of temper or physical violence are negative ways that ought to be avoided at this time, though the source of the anger must be acknowledged so it doesn’t fester and turn into a greater source of trouble in our personal and collective experiences.

The Moon in Aries opposes Mercury in Libra gives us the power to bring dreams into being, given we listen to and act upon the intuition and emotional needs we have rather than always trying to please everyone, leaving ourselves out of the equation. The challenge of the Libra aspect of this polarity is taking a stand for ourselves, personally, when the demands, needs, and desires of others pulls us in so many different directions. When we fail to act on our own behalf, we lose ourselves in the process of pleasing others or trying to be all things to all people. The questions we want to ask ourselves at this point is, “What do I really believe, desire, and need?”,  “How am I going about living out my true purpose?”, “What is blocking me from expressing love?”, “What do I need to release in order to stand in my own truth, and stand with greater courage, on my own two feet?”  Questions like these arise as we begin to reevaluate the progress we are making as we seek to fulfill our dreams. This Full Lone Wolf Moon shines its light on the emotional truth of how we are expressing our creativity, passion, and relationships. 

The Moon in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn revealing the areas where we feel a chink in the armor we use to protect ourselves in times of crisis and vulnerability.  Saturn at 2 degrees of Capricorn is at the start of its journey through this earth sign (look to your chart/life to see where this is having the greatest effect). Pluto has already prepared the way in this area of your life through turning your life inside out in this area. Saturn, the Great Teacher, is now receiving the Moon’s emotional energy and is being tested to use the intuitive and creative knowledge and energy to learn to be more receptive of spiritual guidance and attuned to emotional knowledge. We may notice that our unhealed and/or shadow energy is making its way up from our unconscious, our memories, or our suppressed reactions. You may notice depression, anxiety, or a sense of an unfulfilled longing becoming more acute at this time.  Rather than trying to further suppress these feelings, emotions, sensations, memories, give yourself ways to safely, creatively express them. Use your spiritual practices to relieve yourself of distress.  Use your creativity to channel whatever is rising up at this time. Practice greater self awareness as you explore emotional reactions and responses to situations that may trigger old, unhealed memories.  The Moon in Aries challenges us to discover new ways of expressing ourselves, ways in this case, that are more effective in helping us discover balance and harmony in ourselves and in our interpersonal relationships.

This Full Moon in Aries challenges us to ask ourselves “How do we each give and receive love, and how do we compliment one another in relationship?”  Chiron, the Wounded Healer is retrograde in Aries and conjunct this Moon making this  an key moment for Divine healing in our personal journey in this incarnation. What are we being called to heal within ourselves that helps us more fully love in relationship, in  a mutually fulfilling and satisfying way for both?  How can I love you as you are while remaining true to my own desire to be fully and freely myself? Where am I crossing boundaries that harm you, in my quest for freedom? When does my own quest for freedom infringe on our respect for one another’s humanity, dignity, or personal safety and honor?  A very powerful, emotionally charged, and deeply transforming lunar cycle in the area of our interpersonal relationships, and our own growth, development, and identity.

At this time we will be faced with our the choices we have made, and will be able to see where we are likely to feel scared, insecure, or on a precipice of emotional upheaval. When we face ourselves in the light of a new awareness of who we are and how we are affecting not only ourselves but others with whom we are in relationship,  Again this Full Lone Wolf Moon awakens a lot of suppressed desires, memories, and needs. Notice what is rising up, and then allow it to find an outlet through creativity, physical expression (safe, gentle exercise, walking, swimming, yoga, tai chi), or using your energy constructively and positively in serving others.

Invite the energy of this Full Moon in Aries, the Harvest Moon, the Lone Wolf Moon, to awaken you to what has been growing within you and in your relationships. Allow yourself to be open to learning new ways of resolving old wounds, and new ways of perceiving the gifts that others bring to you in ways that really help you see that the gifts of life are within you. Until you awaken to your own power  and Divine light, you will be on a fruitless, lonely journey trying to create the world in your own image, rather than understanding that we are each Divine sparks meant to shine from within and heal through love, care, and respecting one another. We are learning, the hard way, that love is reflected in love. We receive in proportion to what we are wiling to give. Where is balance lacking in your life? Invite the energy of this Full Moon to warm your heart and clear your mind to receive the enlightenment and courage you need to live in the heart of love, rather than in the fantasies or pain of the past, the unhealed. 

Perhaps the Divine Messenger of this Full Moon in Aries is Ceres opposition to the Moon and conjunction with the Sun in Libra. Ceres, the Earth Mother, awakens within us, the inner goddess, the Light, the essence of our personal identity…who we really are. Allow yourself to come into full appreciation of the God-given talent, life force, and incarnation we each have been gifted. We have the power within us to use all those gifts, talents, and treasure (experience, training, time, relationships, roles, qualities) to help co-create this beautiful life. To help overcome the sorrows and grief we cause one another, we each are called to awaken to the life force within us to help create healing through love, compassion, respect, and creative expression. Make the world a better place, and let your Light shine. Learn something new today, about your ability to go beyond the limitations you set for yourself. Give yourself the gift of glory and share that light in new ways. 

Saturday, September 8, 2018

New Moon in Virgo: Ushers in Path of Grand Trine of Earth Signs

This Sunday, September 9 at 11:01 A.M. PDT/2:01 P.M.EDT the New Moon at 17 degrees of Virgo opens a new path to a new lunar year (in some traditions and cultures), and provides a time to renew ourselves, our perspectives, and our intentions for the future. Whatever has been transforming, churning up and being regenerated in your life, is ready for some grounding in the reality of your daily life and in the power of your intentions for the future. Take this opportunity to renew and refresh your outlook and way of living to more fully allow for your energetic renewal and creative progress.

The Grand Trine of Earth signs, which has been influencing our lives for a while now, is energized at the New Moon in 17 degrees of Virgo on September 9, 2018. The New Moon in Virgo also falls in the 2nd decan of Virgo and on the fixed star Mizar, in Ursa Major, located in  tail of the Great Bear constellation. Wherever this New Moon falls in your chart/life is a position that is influenced by Mizar. Ursa Major brings a need for quiet, prudence, self control, discretion, and patience. It also may cause us to feel mistrustful, suspicious, or more easily angered than usual. Notice during this New Moon cycle how this manifests in your own experience, and notice too what your usual way of coping with this energy is like. The more we notice how some trends affect us, the more easily we can make adjustments and changes. And that is what the Virgo New Moon and Grand Trine in Earth signs provides the impetus and energy to do just that.

This placement of the Virgo New Moon, the start of a new path and a new year, requires some discretion. This decan of Virgo tends to cause us to see the world as one of polarities and view life from an either-or perspective. There is no neutral ground emotionally with this New Moon. For that reason, it is a very emotional time, and requires that we exercise some discipline in how we speak, think, act, and respond to what others say to us. Virgo's gifts are ours to use as the energy is strong now to build and bring ideas into form. Be pragmatic and practical in your practices. Look at your schedule and consider the lifestyle you have been living. Take some time to think about what you'd like to see and do in your future. Where would you like to go, live, travel? What would you like to learn, create, or study? Assess your health and level of energy (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, psychological), and make any changes you need to improve and alter your lifestyle to assist you in growing stronger and more energetic. Get enough rest, exercise, pleasure, and time to rest in between major activities. Consider ways  you can change or adapt to present overwhelming conditions or situations, and avoid simply dropping everything and running away. Implement better ways of doing things, better ways of taking care of yourself or handling stress and problems. Address fears that may keep you from making better choices. Get some help if you need to, and focus on getting support that you need as you adjust your life to provide you with a greater sense of well being and more joy in life, work, and all facets of living. Ask for what you're worth, and avoid overdoing and draining your resources. 

Practically speaking, consider the details of your life. Time management-how do you use your time? What could change some? What's working in your life? What is not working? Begin problem solving, and organizing so that your life, home, office, work, and relationships are more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Grand Trine in Earth Signs:
The Grand Trine in Earth is formed in part by the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all being in Virgo . These transits emphasize sacred service, space, and health and well being. The Grand Trine also includes Mars, Saturn, and Pluto all in Capricorn. Mars the planet of action, Saturn, the Great Teacher, and Pluto, the Great Transformer, all require that we work hard to establish strong commitments and that we  take on obligations with a deep sense of responsibility. 

Uranus, the planet of shocking and sudden change in Taurus in this Grand Trine, represents the need to use our energy to use the transformations and lessons we've been learning to conserve our strength, preserve our balance and energetic power.  What we bring forth from our inner needs, desires, and intentions, will now help shape the path before us. We must take steps to use care and caution with the choices we make and the way that we communicate and express our needs and intentions during this New Moon period. Also, what needs to leave our experience falls away or passes out of our influence during this period of time. Whatever you have held onto for fear of making the wrong choice, will now be removed from you regardless of your efforts. Let what needs to go, go. Space is needed to fulfill your intentions. It's all for the best, as Uranus in Taurus is all about building a foundation that allows you to honor your truest self and what you value most. 

We will see in the next two weeks leading up to the Full Moon and the Autumnal Equinox, the manifestations of our present vision, perspective, and intentions. Use care, discretion, and common sense in speaking, thinking, and directing your energy at this time. What we set into motion, decide, or intend at this time, leads us to our destiny, and opens us to the path before us. Seek Divine guidance, and then listen to what direction you receive. Follow the pull of your heart and your center of truth. Check in with that place within you where you "know the Truth" and then follow the path in that direction. Follow your heart or your solar plexus (3rd chakra) or intuitive knowing (6th chakra) or all three to discover the next step. Pay attention to your intuition. 

Impact of Virgo New Moon.

The blessings of Virgo are found in its focus on improving and maintaining our health and well being. We're each called upon to make improvements in our health, habits, patterns of living, and ways of coping with stress and change. The archetypal card of the Priestess is emblematic of Virgo's practical transformation of divine energy into physical creation and manifestation. Imagine yourself using your body, mind, emotions, spirit to pour out into your life, the beauty, balance, creativity, and wholeness you so desire. Bring yourself to a place of home in your heart of hearts, and allow yourself to make whatever changes and adjustments are needed to feel at home and in synch with the beating of your own heart and the pace of your own path. 

The growing edge of Virgo is overcoming the need to control and perfect every aspect of a plan before actually taking action or making a decision. Perfectionism can be a real obstacle for whatever area of your life Virgo rules. It can be a stumbling block for lots of things. We are here to learn, risk, begin and end, and start anew, so 'screw your courage to the sticking point" as Shakespeare once wrote, and get on with things. Write out your intentions, and be specific and concrete about what you want. Too often we get trapped in the whirlpool of indecision because we're looking for the perfect way to move forward. Begin where you are. Be brave and write down your fondest desire, wishes, and dreams. What do you really want?
Once you begin allowing the abundance of the Universe in on your tightly held secrets, there is a chance a small door will open and the Light will enter, giving you exactly what you need to move forward towards the realization of your dreams and desires. 

We are here to serve a purpose, to use our gifts, talents, time, and energy to create what we can to make our world a better place and to live our lives from a point of Love and Harmony.  We have the choice to choose Life or Death, and now is the time when we need to do whatever we can to choose what gives us life, affirms our Divine natures, as we help co-create a more beautiful and harmonious world, within and around us. This Virgo New Moon calls us to put into motion, into concrete, down to earth form, those desires that we have for creating beauty in the world and living in harmony with all of life. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces

On Sunday, August 26 at 4:56 a.m PDT/7:56 a.m. EDT the Moon in Pisces reaches her peak. August’s Full Moon in Pisces, called the Sturgeon Moon or the Green Corn Moon, comes as the fish are swimming  upriver to spawn and corn in growing and being harvested in the fields in the Northern Hemisphere. Every day when I go sit by the river near where she meets the  sea, I see the trucks, trailers, tents, and campers of those who have come to fish as the sturgeon enter the river. The Full Moon in 3 degrees of Pisces, the first decan, forms an aspect to a Grand Trine in Earth Signs and is part of a you formation with the North Node (gateway to change). After a period of time marked by three eclipses, a number of planets in retrograde (Mars and Mercury have now turned direct), it is like there’s been a huge event and disturbance that have left the streets littered with much that need cleaning up.

The Full Moon in Pisces and its aspects set us on a course to straighten up what needs to be put back in order and to use our imagination and ingenuity to be open to other possibilities outside the range of what we have considered ‘normal’. What we set into motion during this period, has long-lasting effects, and definitely will bring change in the next month that will shine a light into darkness in areas of life both for the collective whole and for individuals. This Full Moon falls between two major stars in the Constellation of Aquarian, Saddle Malick and  Form al-Haut. Saddle Malek, Saddle of the King at 3 degrees represents promise of gain earned by merit. 

The royal command bestows honor or disgrace depending on what we have earned.  This might mean our work receives recognition, we might find ourselves favored for our good qualities and behavior or, if we have not used our gift wisely, we may face dishonor, shame, or punishment. The other fixed star, Fomal al-Haut at 4 degrees suggests that what has been going on in secret has created enemies and crises/challenges that we now have to straighten out.  We may have misjudged others or been misunderstood or viewed in ways detrimental to our good.  it is crucial that we use our gifts, talents, powers, and resources for the greater good, and refrain from causing harm or trying to manipulate other. Those who misuse their power, will suffer and fall into disgrace. 

The Full Moon in Pisces focuses on the watery elements that keep energy flowing. Eliminate any blockages, clear out stagnate areas of thinking or emotional upset, and let the flow move you to take positive, concrete steps in all areas of life. The Moon aligned with Forma al-haut offers great honors or great disgrace. How you use your energy and create positive flow in all areas of your life, will determine how beneficial or not this Full Moon alignment will be. Dreams, fantasy, imagination, and all the intuitive realms are highlighted at this Full Moon in Pisces. We weave from our past and our accomplishments, the tapestry of our lives now and into the future. We are encouraged by this energy to do what we must do to unchain ourselves from whatever is holding us back and connect with what truly gives us life, and provides us with a channel of peace and cooperation with others. There is too much to be done to go it alone right now. We must cleave to one another to help support and nurture life.

Moon in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn (part of the Grand Trine in Earth): Watery, emotional Moon in Pisces wears down the harshness of Saturn in earthy Capricorn.  Tears may flow and soften our understanding of what the lessons we are struggling to learn have to teach us. Our security, which begins with our understanding and appreciation of who we are, relies on our actively engaging in making the changes we need to make. While Saturn may make us feel we are on some kind of schedule, the Moon in Pisces reminds us that all is done in Divine Time, not our time.  Do the best you can. Give yourself credit for what you’ve already accomplished, and then keep on moving forward one step at a time. 

Moon in Pisces sextile Mars in Taurus (also part of the Earth Grand Trine). This aspect supports and ignites the artistic and mental brilliance that fuels inspiration and intuition. You might find that this is a good time to share your ideas and innovative creativity.  Public favor is again yours if you’ve done what you needed to do to move forward. Conversely, if you’ve been dragging your feet and making excuses for why not to dream big, you will find your coffers empty from lack of trust. 

Saturn in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus brings to life whatever was being planted, nurtured, and growing in your garden last year at this time. The changes you sought last year, have now come to fruition, and are ready to manifest in the world in which you live. 

The placement of this Full Pisces Moon in the first decan is one of the artists, the adventurer, and the risk taker and dreamer. Allow yourself to be guided, inspired, and trust your own intuition, dreams, imagination, and instincts. Give form and structure to your dreams, and help bring to life, your big dreams and true intentions. Avoid getting trapped in old emotional entanglements, and rekindle whatever love and delights have given you true joy and a sense of being loved and being able to give love. The mutual exchange of opposites is the gift of the Magi, and we all need the mystery, the mystical, and the alchemists to sprinkle their wisdom and light along the paths we seek to follow.

Who is most affected by this Full Moon in Pisces? Those with personal planets within 29-30 degrees of the fixed signs ( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and those within 0-7 degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be energized most.  Look to your natal, progressed, and current planetary transits to determine which areas of your life are most affected. For example, if the Moon aspects your natal planets, look to how lifelong issues and dreams are affected. If it hits your progressed planets, look at what you are growing into. And if it hits current transits, see what is being shaken up in your life now, that you can use this energy to amend, change, release, or learn. 

The Sun enters Virgo on Thursday, August 23, and Mars will turn direct net week on August 27. Whatever is growing, coming to fruition now, is going to begin to make itself known next week when Mars moves forward triggering the Grand Trine in Earth signs forward. Dream, intuiti, imagine, and plan now, and be ready to move forward in very real and concrete ways next week. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Leo: Growing through Healing

On August 6, Venus entered Libra, her home where she weaves love into our lives and helps us learn how to live a life of balance and harmony. Today, August 6 Uranus turns retrograde, joining other planets in retrograde transits--reminders of our need to slow down, relax some, and take stock of how we are growing and learning.

The New Moon in Leo's transit in the wee small hours of August 11 (2:58 a.m. PDT; 5:58 a.m EDT) results in a Solar Eclipse. The effects of this eclipse will manifest over the next six months. The New Moon in Leo and the Sun in Leo, both at  18 degrees Leo, form a conjunction with Mercury in Leo at 14 degrees. This New Moon in Leo aligns with Merak, one of two fixed stars in Ursa Major (the Big Dipper). The Mother Bear, Ursa Major, at 18 degrees reminds us of what a mother bear will do to protect her children. She becomes a fierce protector, and Merak in Ursa Major symbolizes "love commands and dominates"--nothing can stop her. What does this mean for us? What kind of Mother Bear instincts will be awakened within us?

Learning Triangle:  The Leo need for ego gratification during this New Moon in Leo indicates that we are pleased and satisfied more by helping others than by clinging to our own ego gratification. This New Moon is a healing moon as it is part of the alignment known as the Learning Triangle. Our soul development and spiritual healing is given ample support and mystical strength at this time. Normally this means we can look forward to a long-term, ongoing soul growth and movement period.

The Learning Triangle is formed as follows: The New Moon in Leo is inconjunct Neptune in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces is trine Jupiter in Scorpio, and Jupiter in Scorpio squares the New Moon in Leo.  

What can we expect as the Learning Triangle influences our lives? The Triangle appears in our lives as Challenges, Misunderstandings, and Solutions/Answers. When we find ourselves struggling and in crisis, we seek solutions. However one thing that may be more difficult to do is to look within to see what is blocking us from finding answers or what has brought us to the brink of a crisis or caused a misunderstanding.
This particular New Moon in Leo/Solar Eclipse (meaning the effects of this new moon will manifest over the next 6 months), pushes us to seek self empowerment. Struggles are caused by whatever does not empower us. That most often is largely determined by our internal struggles. Fears, limitations, and negative emotions unexpressed or projected onto others blocks our energy. . Jealousy, envy, or resentment can be emotion-blocking, and certainly energy-blocking kinds of emotions. So what to do, what to do?
As I look at the period called the Dark of the Moon last few days before the new moon), I recognize ancient fears, beliefs, or frustration rising up, waving their nasty tentacles before my eyes. What do I fear? What beliefs are blocking my forward momentum" What frustration is causing me pain or draining my energy? What from the past is still hanging around making me feel, I cannot move on from this challenging place where I find myself? All questions to meditate on, at least for me this week. But whatever we find ourselves struggling with at this time, now is the time to be as honest as we can be with ourselves, to seek those answers within.

How to use this influence and information: This New Moon in Leo calls us to detoxify and seek balance in the Pineal Gland/6th Chakra. Our intuition and true knowledge is generated in this area of our anatomy. When our third eye/6th chakra/pineal gland is blocked or filled with beliefs, memories, and other mental/emotional clutter, our sense of what is truly within and calling us, is blocked. What is healing for all of us is Knowledge. Knowing the truth that sets us free, is quite simply being willing to face the truths that might not be how we'd like to be, or feel, or be perceived, but standing and living in our own truth is brilliantly liberating and healing.

New Moon in Leo inconjunct Neptune in Pisces. This aspect is all about self empowerment. Struggles in our lives are caused by what does not empower us. What saves us is our search for knowledge. As we seek ways to more fully understand what is happening, why it might be happening, and what steps we can take to cope with the struggles (internal or external), we become more empowered. Knowledge=power. And solutions are found. Through the process of detoxifying and clearing any fogginess or blocks in the pineal gland/6th chakra region of insight and intuition, we more clearly connect with true knowledge. Trust your intuition to guide you, and if this is hard to do, spend more time in meditation, self reflection, and sort through whatever it is you seem to be confused about. 

Sometimes we avoid sorting through or facing up to whatever we are struggling with. Avoidance, a form of denial, isn't helpful. Like our 'bad' dreams, our struggles, fears, confusion hold valuable messages when we are willing to look more closely to discern their hidden or veiled messages. Neptune in Pisces is all about facing up to our spiritual limitations and fear. By addressing disruptions to peace and clarity, the veil is lifted, the fog clears up, and we learn how to trust ourselves and our intuitive understanding. 

Neptune in Pisces trine Jupiter in Scorpio infuses us with the power to reconcile misunderstandings. This New Moon helps trigger this aspect of the Learning Triangle which again, calls upon us to face our fears through self reflection. 

Jupiter in Scorpio square the New Moon in Leo Be sure to look to the houses in your chart/life where this Learning Triangle is having the greatest impact. This aspect is about doing what you can to heal from past mistakes, misunderstanding, negative/outworn patterns of thinking, behavior, reactive emotional responses.  Rather than falling into the old patterns of negativity, active, conscious attempts to face the issues that are blocking your path, and learning to create new memories rather than dwelling on what happened in the past. Before we can move forward, we must be awake and aware of what we are carrying with us. How have you worked through whatever experiences, challenges, or understandings that may have drained your energy, blocked your path, or caused you to forget who you really are?  Make a list of the things you can do to take better care of yourself. Give yourself some time to reflect on what you've already accomplished, and then make a list of what you no longer need to worry about or carry around with you. Use this last list as a starting point for some ongoing self reflection for what you are consciously coping with. Your spiritual transformation comes about when you trust your own intuition and use it as a guide. 

New Moon in Leo inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn as well. This indicates a new path regarding an major,  ongoing transformation in your life. For full transformation to take place, you must be in full alignment with your truth as understood by the intuitive knowledge of your own energy body (body, mind, spirit, emotions/chakras, meridians) and awareness of your limitations. This includes your own internal messages about what is 'right' for you and what is not. We may be inclined to take the advice of others over the truth that our inner voice desires. Pay most close attention to what you really want and what you really  do not want, and follow that. Compromising with that spark of desire, is not in your best interest. 

New Moon conjunct Mercury (retrograde) calling us to examine how we are viewing our own self worth, how we assess our own value as a soul-being, and how we learn to love ourselves more fully. This path of self-soul transformation is an individual path, that we may share parts of with others, but which is ours truly and solely-treasure you and your soul journey, and spend some time learning more about how your various forms of communication help that spiritual growth. Listen to the voice within; watch from the perspective of an open mind and heart to the world about you.

We may be called upon to help others do the same, however, we are also called to learn how to clear the effects of trauma, blocks, and stagnate energy through the Abundance and Light of Jupiter. 
Venus in Libra (exalted) in opposition to Chiron the Wounded Healer  in Aries is all about healing the past, healing from the past. Healing always involves facing ourselves, and forgiving ourselves and others as part of the ongoing process. This may come up in surprising and shocking ways at times, but will be little portals to more self reflection with the goal of integrating all that has been with the person you are now.

Our lives consist of ongoing, repetitive experiences that constantly remind us who we are and what we may choose to do next. Scientist and Writer, Loren Eiseley told the story of the boy and the starfish, a take that reminds us of this process of healing into life.:

Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking along the shore after a big storm had passed and found the vast beach littered with starfish as far as the eye could see, stretching in both directions. 
Off in the distance, the old man noticed a small boy approaching.  As the boy walked, he paused every so often and as he grew closer, the man could see that he was occasionally bending down to pick up an object and throw it into the sea.  The boy came closer still and the man called out, “Good morning!  May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The young boy paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the sea by themselves,” the youth replied. “When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I throw them back into the water.”
The old man replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”
The boy bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled and said, “It made a difference to that one!”
adapted from The Star Throwerby Loren Eiseley (1907 – 1977)

Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Aries is not Mars, the planet of action's favorite place. Mars in Aquarius is exhausted, disabled to a degree. We too may feel this weighing on us, and so the time of self reflection and soul searching fits this period of time well for we need more quiet, more unscheduled time, more opportunities to reflect. We may find this difficult because our minds and hearts and souls are so active. That's just the point--active minds, inactive bodies call for conserving, resting, nourishing, and treating ourselves with tender loving care. Make your self care a priority during this New Moon as it will help you grow in ways best suited for  the path ahead. 

Overall, the New Moon in Leo time opens us to a new way forward while asking that we settle our past so we are free to move on. Old relationships of one kind of another may reappear at this time, to remind us of what we have chosen and to allow us to live our lives more authentically with how we make new choices. Use this time to soften your approach to coping with struggles. Let go some and rely more on the rhythm of life to guide you in the right path.