Thursday, May 21, 2020

New Moon in Gemini, the Unconscious Rising Up.

New Moon in Geminis, the Unconscious Rising Up.

On Friday, May 22 at 10:39 a.m. PDT/1:30 p.m. EDT, the New Moon in Gemini peaks at 2 degrees as the Sun and Moon are in the early degrees of the first decan of Gemini. This focuses attention on that which may arise out of the darkest depths of the unconscious. Therefore it is crucial that we pay attention to what is rising up within us, as well as maintaining vigilance as to what is rising up in the collective consciousness in the world around us, both near and far. This area of Gemini, the first decan (first 10 degrees) focuses on our shadow/the unknown and unhealed aspects of both the personal and collective consciousness.

All of life is about working at recognizing and integrating the unknown (in ourselves and in the world), however at this particular period of time, highlighted by this New Moon, it is critical. One of the ways we cope with shadow aspects of ourselves, is to project them (see them in others or assign blame) rather than recognizing them in ourselves. Of course, it’s much harder to see our own faults or areas where we need to learn and grow, than it is to recognize what we don’t like in others. We have seen this happening quite a lot over the last few months, and now is time to make an attempt to recognize, in ourselves, what we need to recognize.

We also need to protect or buffer ourselves from the perceived ‘dangers and bogey men’ that rise from others expressing their own unhealed fears and prejudices and spewing that out onto the world around them.  Unfortunately, this comes out in those who we look to for guidance sometimes, so it’s important to use our powers of discernment to determine what to expose ourselves to, and what to keep away from.  This may be something as simple as cutting down time we spend on social media, or time we spend cut off from others. Now is the time to connect in meaningful ways, with those we love and care about. It’s also time we learn to face our own fears and inner tensions.  Use your spiritual practices and find inspirational ways to lift your own spirits as well as those with whom you are connected. Letter writing, postcards, phone/video calls, and safe social distance with friends and family to maintain contact.

Gemini time is a positive time to expand communication, improve our listening skills, and discover new ways to find meaning and purpose given the limitations and resources available. It’s almost a better time to take in information (and be discerning about the sources of information you are taking in), that it is to express ourselves without thoughtful consideration for what others are experiencing. Since our lives have changed considerably, it is a good time to improve our communication skills, again, by listening and allowing time to thoroughly process what we’re hearing and believing, and measuring that against what our belief system may be. Beliefs shape so much of how we experience the world, and our beliefs are not always appropriate or right. Time to reevaluate what we believe about our basic understanding of life (for example, how we define ourselves by our jobs, our finances, our roles, or basic philosophy of life), in relation to the changes that we are experiencing.

The New Moon at 2 degrees of Gemini trines in harmony with Saturn, the Great Teacher’s position in Aquarius at 1 degree. We get practical, realistic support for the new path ahead, and a gentle, freeing of the mental processes. Our thoughts and feelings are freer in their ability to move beyond the heavy, grounded experiences that our mundane lives have been adjusting to.

Neptune, the planet that rules the Unconscious, dreams, intuition, and the unhealed aspects of ourselves as well as the highly charged parts of our imagination and inspiration, forms a square with Venus retrograde in Gemini, and Mercury in Gemini. This may cloud our thinking a bit, but only if we forget that what is rising up within and around us, must be faced realistically if we are to heal and move forward. We cannot live in a dream world oblivious to true danger. We can though, live more fully whole and healthy when we recognize limits and guidelines that can provide a clearer path forward and which can open our eyes, hearts, and minds to what is reorganizing within the structure of who we are, what our world is, and how we are to move toward health and healing.

This Sun-Moon-Saturn aspect sets the pace for the new lunar cycle. The Sun and Moon will both form conjunctions with  Venus, Mercury, and North Node as the month progresses. When both the Sun and Moon make their conjunctions with the North Node (now at 29 degrees of Gemini, the anaretic/critical degree), big changes may occur. With the Moon, which makes that conjunction first, it will be on an emotional level. You will recognize an inner knowing that is clear and strong. When the Sun makes its conjunction, you may make a decision that affects you for a long time to come, and which changes the direction you are going in. Remember, that North Node is a turning point/ending the old/beginning the new point in your chart/life. Notice what comes up as The Sun moves toward the end of its cycle in Gemini, and with the Moon, what comes up as life-altering over the next four or five days.

Mars is in Pisces now, and will remain there until mid-June. The planet of action and whim, of fire and new beginnings, is muted in Pisces, so it may seem like things are coming to fruition much more slowly than you’d like. That’s okay. Use the time to check all systems so that when Mars moves into fiery Aries, all the bugs are worked out and you’re more sure of where you’re going, why you want to move ahead, and whether or not you’re really sold on the idea of acting now.  This is the retreat-like time, the 40 days in the Wilderness time, when we confront the hidden dimensions of what is motivating and moving us. Whatever you allow to surface and face, will be helpful in the long run even though it may seem frustrating now. For those who follow a spiritual path, remember, God’s timing is not ours. Trust the flow of life, and use this time to discern what path is calling you.

Saturns’  transit of Aquarius lasts until July 1, and when it goes retrograde back into Capricorn where it stays until December. This is not the time to try to push things too fast. Swimming against the tide will only tire you out and frustrate your efforts. Wait for the tides to change before making major moves.

Mercury squares Neptune on the day of the New Moon making it difficult to face the facts or find a solution to a difficult problem. In a world where we believe (look at those beliefs again), we have the idea that we are in control, and all we have to do is make up our minds to do something and we can manifest it. We can manifest what we dream up, however, and this is the part most of us try to ignore, we have to take the consequences of pushing too fast, moving too slowly, or making the wrong decision.  It’s time to get into a more realistic sense of harmony with our lives and the world we live in. We have the opportunity to reflect, learn, revise, and make some new choices given what is unfolding around us and in our own experiences. The New Moon in Gemini and the cluster of planets gathered in this air sign, move us all, stimulate our minds and inspire us in new ways. Time to look at where we are at this moment. Time to reflect and assess what is essential and what is not. And time to start dreaming some new dreams and looking for some new paths, ones we might never have imagined possible before.

Peace within, and love all around you each. Blessings flow. Let them lift and comfort you.
 Love, Catherine