Monday, October 8, 2018

Transformative New Moon in Libra

On September 8, 2018 at 8:47 p.m.. PDT/11:47 p.m. EDT the New Moon at 15 degrees Libra occurs. New moons usher in  new lunar cycles, and offer us another opportunity to begin anew as we set goals, make plans, and look for new ways to cope with old issues and challenges. The New Moon in Libra calls on us to acknowledge and honor that which dwells within ourselves and our relationship with the world. Each of us is in relationship with all aspects of life, and how we dance with Truth is revealed as the New Moon transits the 2nd decan of Libra. 

The challenge as we begin a new lunar cycle is to face the truth of what is within and what the reality is in the world around us. Libra, the mediator, negotiator, judge, and creator of harmony, is challenged to acknowledge Truth that rises within and around us at this time. The truth that rises within or appears in answer to dreams, hopes, and prayers, is not always what we expect or want. Nevertheless, to develop, grow, and flourish in life, we need to face what is,not just what we’d like life  to be. This decan of Libra requires that we seek a balance between what the world offers or demands, with what we need and seek.  Ignoring either part of the equation, throws us out of balance, and leads us down dead end paths and into false perceptions. 

The Libra New Moon

Moon conjunct Ceres and quincunx Neptune in Pisces is similar to the Lunar Eclipse of January 31, 2018. Some of the same issues may arise again at this time, though this time you will be able to handle problems, cope with ongoing issues, and discover solutions to problems uncovered at that time. This New Moon may find us very sensitive, empathetic, and compassionate towards others, especially those close to you and women. Ceres is the Earth Mother who calls on us to express our compassion and to become more sensitive and aware of our need to care for one another as we take good care of ourselves at the same time. The New Moon in Libra conjunct Ceres in Libra opens a new path that focus our attention on the conditions, inequities, and rights of women that are challenged by the changes that women have experienced over the last 100 years or so. We, women have redefined our roles and have taken our place in all areas of the sciences, arts, social sciences, technology, and political life. Our evolving roles in relationships, our freedom to make our own decisions and live our own lives, has created more challenges to an archaic and transforming  patriarchy that is clinging to power, often striking out at those they seek to keep disenfranchised, including the majority of our population, women. This battle on the cusp of transformation is evident in our collective experience and no doubt affects us each personally in one way or another, especially around our attempts to balance personal and social relationships. 

Moon square Pluto highlights our emotional responses to the transformative nature or our lives at this point in history.  We see and feel it in our personal lives, and at this time, we are acutely aware of how it is affecting the entire collective conscience and world in which we live. A great struggle is underway, and this New Moon in Libra highlights how we are handling the issues that are most crucial in our own lives, and what we are doing with others, to help our world to acknowledge and make the necessary changes to build stronger safeguards for harmony and goodness. 

The New Moon in Libra sits atop the fixed star Kraz in Corvus the Crow constellations.. Kraz in Corvus the Crow Constellation symbolizes the Crow/Raven that Apollo sent out to fetch water for a banquet he was giving in honor of Jupiter. Crow/Raven became so fascinated by a lot of shiny objects, that he forgot the time. When he remembered, he quickly flew down to a large body of water, scooped up some water, and instead caught a snake which he carried back to Apollo's feast. The second decan of Libra transiting Corvus the Crow is known as the constellation of words. With that in mind, words or ideas expressed or unexpressed, hold power. Words hold the power of intention and passion, so at this New Moon in Libra, the emphasis ought to be on being aware and intentional about both thought and words, as you speak and think ideas into one form of creation or another. There is a thin line between maintaining proper self care and balanced interactions in our social lives. Now is the time to examine our positions, and make whatever adjustments and changes we need to in order to maintain a well-balanced life.  Kraz, the fixed star in Crovus symbolizes 

Libra’s ruler Venus, is currently transiting Scorpio and is retrograde. Venus in Scorpio finds us seeking the deeper meaning of what motivates us to love, what is hidden or secreted away in our unconscious, and what is working its way up into our conscience to be acknowledged and transformed. Libra often focuses on seeing everyone’s side, listening to all the voices and points of view, and of reaching consensus on just about everything.  The challenge for Libra is to stand on our own two feet in our own truth and integrity. 

With the Sun and Moon both in Libra squaring  Mars in Aquarius (Black Moon Lilith) challenges us all to honor both Self and Others in the way we form and maintain our friendships and partnerships. We’re also challenged to pay attention to how we make commitments and establish harmonious ways to fulfill our social obligations, personal goals and lifestyles, and the challenges and obstacles that might arise when seeking this harmony. Look to the areas of your life/chart where Libra transits at this time, and you’ll probably notice more clearly where this challenge is greatest. 

Look to the South Node to see where old prejudices, patterns of behavior, attitudes, or cycles still need to be attended to. What needs to change in order to be transformed within us? How does what happens in our collective experience, call us to change, adjust, transform, and grow? How do we meet challenges, and what is working/what is not?  As we do a bit of soul searching on this New Moon in Libra, we look for ways to come into greater harmony within so that we can cope with the collective in a way that helps us maintain a greater sense of well being. With Mars in Aquarius, we hear and are more likely to respond to the call to support and sustain what is best for the greater good in our collective experience. As you read this article, allow yourself to awaken to the call of the inner warrior—that part of you that takes a risk to join with others to support one another in some of the hardest, most challenging times. 

When we suffer great losses, are suffering the throes of grief, or are coping with an unexpected challenge or sorrow, it is vital to allow ourselves the necessary time and conditions, not to mention support from others, to acknowledge our pain, experience the breadth of our experience while learning how to enfold the challenges, obstacles, or fractures we’ve experienced into our new and awakened understanding and view of life. There are some experiences which so profoundly challenge and change us, that we cannot help but face unique and surprising new glimpses into our own depths and those of others. 

This New Moon finds us at the point where we are just becoming aware of a new path, one not yet illuminated because we’re only at the start and have not yet enough vision to see where the path is headed. This is a point where our faith is tested; our faith to believe that despite our own lack of understanding, vision, or acceptance, the road ahead holds  possibilities for healing, growth, and new light.  

This transformative, passionate, erotic New Moon in Libra allows for focusing on whatever Truth needs to come to light and/or faced in order for transformation to take place fully. One of the most difficult things for most of us to understand  and/or to live in accordance with is the idea that life will unfold as it will and we will have choices about how we respond to those changes and developments. We make an error when we believe that just wanting something or praying for something to happen or not happen, is not necessarily in accordance with the principles of our Divine nature. 

In talking with a friend who is a realtor, we were talking about ‘things working out’ even when we couldn’t see how that might happen. She told me in all her years of selling properties, it never once failed that when someone was really disappointed about not getting a house they’d set their hearts on, it also never failed that when they did get the house that would become theirs, they were always glad things hadn’t turned out differently. That may because we’re all really good at rationalizing, but I think it might also have to do with the idea that we are limited in the scope of what we can see of the consequence of our choices. Had we done something differently, our lives would have headed in a completely different direction. 

At this time, with this New Moon in Libra, we have the opportunity of facing facts, as they are now, and deciding how we are going to make our choices from this point on? Do we continue doing what we’ve done in the past despite it not working? Or do we adjust or vision and make a few changes in our approach, our appraisal, and our direction?  When we fail to face the truth of our feelings, thoughts, fear, and dreams, we fail to take into account some of the richest gifts in our treasure chest. The we face who we really are, what we really feel. think, question, or desire, we open ourselves to moving closer to the beating of our own heart in rhythm with the heartbeat of the Universe. 

Take some time to listen to the heartbeat of the Earth. Stare out into the heavens and allow yourself to connect to what the beauty of your life has blessed you with so far. Allow yourself to see yourself in the true light ‘warts and all’, and take some time to reflect on what you would like to leave behind, carry along with you, and indeed, see flow into your life more freely. One of the most powerful prayers you can pray is an open, honest expression of what you really would like to do and be.  How often do we let ourselves feel like we’re trapped in some cycle or condition over which we have no control?  You might ask yourself that question or other questions that arise as you consider how you can assist in the creation of your own life unfolding in a new path of unity and harmony.  This is a transformative time, a transformative lunar cycle, and a time when it is vital that we stand in our own truth, so we know who we are and what we are willing to do to live out our passions and purposes for the good of all humankind. Our tasks may be small and limited, as no one can fix everything, but we can do something of meaning in whatever we do throughout our daily lives. Make this New Moon in Libra cycle a time when you create more harmony, greater beauty, and deeper understanding of how precious each one of our lives is. "You have before the choice of life and death; choose life.”