Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Cosmic Adjustment: New Moon in Aquarius, Partial Solar Eclipse, Lunar New Year.

The New Moon in Aquarius ushers in the Lunar New Year on Thursday, February 15 (4:06 PM EST/ 1:06 PM PST). This New Moon at 27 degrees of Aquarius happens in alignment with a partial Solar Eclipse. It highlights what occurred last August at the total eclipse time. Notice how plans, themes, issues, and experiences highlighted last year have evolved. 

The New Moon, the Sun, and Mercury all fall in the Constellation of Cygnus, the Swan (also called the Northern Cross). Cygnus/Swan lies in the plane of the Milky Way, and is visible in the Northern Hemisphere. The Moon conjoins the fixed star Gienah. The partial Solar Eclipse occurs at this New Moon as the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, interrupting the energetic flow and causing us to react differently than we normally would. We are given the opportunity for a cosmic reboot of our energy, patterns of thinking and feeling, and ways of understanding and discovering the path before us. 

The New Moon in Aquarius coupled with the partial solar eclipse, ushers in the Lunar New Year,  the Year of the Dog What does all this powerful, shifting energy hold in store for us collectively and personally? How does the explosion of emotional, spiritual, and mystical energy release in our lives and into the energetic field of our planet?  This new moon floods our intuitive and inspirational channels with a massive amount of energy, so it is up to us to use the energy as we channel it in positive and uplifting ways, and in ways that help us cleanse and release whatever no longer serves us. 

The New Moon in Aquarius focuses our energy and attention on all things related to our relationships—friendships, group activities, community, institutions, and humanitarian concerns.  What occurs or is set into motion at the New Moon, has an ongoing impact for the next 6 months. The New Moon on the cusp of the Lunar New Year, indicates a powerful influence for the whole next year in this area. Look to the house where Aquarius resides in your life/chart to see what is most going to feel the impact of the choices and direction you take now.

The Solar Energy combined with the Lunar energy may knock us slightly off balance as a way to make us aware of where we need to make adjustments and maintain harmony and stability. It can also slam us with an awakening or shocking realization (personal and collective) that shakes our very foundations. The need for us to seek unity within and in the world around us is a vital and earthshaking aspect of this New Moon and the beginning of the new Lunar New Year. Balancing both left and right brain energies and tendencies is crucial. We can no longer live in constant conflict; we must find a place of peace within so we can come into harmony with the  cosmic connections that propel us. The Sun passing through the third decan of Aquarius signal the demise of some, and the fall from a great height of those in positions of power. The Sun is in its detriment here. The Sun rules ego energy, and does not do well when it fails to consider the deeper meaning and the power of Divine goodness. The Moon in the third decan of Aquarius is not thwarted like the Sun is; it moves forward towards the soul’s mission. 

The Sun and the Moon are both at 27 degrees of Aquarius, and conjoining them at 25 degrees of Aquarius is communicative Mercury. Another interesting aspect is the North Node at 28 degrees of Leo in Opposition to both the Moon and the Sun. This will be in effect for several days. The North Node is the gateway to change, so whatever you have or are attempting to change in your life at this time (or whatever is changing on its own accord or at someone else’s whim) may receive some challenging hits. Oppositions can be seen as bad, but I see them as areas where we are challenged to bring balance and focus into the polarities an opposition represents in our lives and ways of perceiving and acting. 

Aquarius is the idealist who sees ahead and is willing to sacrifice for others in order to do what’s best for the whole of humankind. Leo needs and desires immediate gratification, attention, and center stage. We have this polarity somewhere in all of our lives, and so it is a good time to see how this juxtaposition plays out in our own experience. 

For example if you have Leo in the first house and Aquarius in the 7th, your image and persona may be on stage most of the time. Your need for partnerships and marriage however, demand that you view any partnership as necessarily serving the highest good of humanity, and may forget to tend to your own intimate relationships and partnerships, or at the very least may not be willing to devote as much time and energy to keeping the home fires burning. Not in being domesticated, but in honoring the personal needs of yourself and your partner to at least the same degree as you would to how others view you and what you can do for all humanity. The pull is to balance the two and seek a level of harmony. The balancing act between the Leo exuberance, drama, star quality and the Aquarius humanitarian and forward thinking hermit who sits in a cave envisioning world peace and an end to world hunger.

A Second House Leo and Eighth House Aquarius would find the polarity in Leo’s desire to define one’s self and determine your worth according to what helps you shine and excel,  and Aquarius need to serve all of humanity in an innovative and highly evolved spiritual way. 

A Third House Leo and a Ninth House Aquarius would involve the Leo aspect seeking meaning and expression through all forms of outgoing, dramatic expression (theater, literature, performing arts, public office), anywhere where your ideas would be given voice and show your talents and ideas off. Ninth House Aquarius would be interested in moving in distant and unfamiliar fields and places to discover and seek greater meaning and to expand one’s field of vision and knowledge.

The Fourth House Leo and Tenth House Aquarius would deal with the polarity of Home and Hearth vs Career and Life Purpose. Leo’s home would be the center of attention and beauty, the creative stage upon which all of life begins and ends. The Tenth House Aquarius is the endless search to find meaning and purpose through how we live to serve others and add to the body of knowledge in whatever fields we so choose. 

The Fifth House Leo and the Eleventh House Aquarius involves the polarity between seeking pleasure, romance, fertility, children, and creativity versus our commitments and obligations to the institutions to which we belong. Eleventh house is also friendships, so this Aquarius Moon is sitting right here demanding this conflict be addresses. How can we unite the needs of our Fifth house with those of our obligations to the Eleventh House? 

The Six House Leo and the Twelfth House Aquarius highlight the pull between our daily life, physical needs, our survival skills and well being versus our karmic links, unconscious and hidden mysteries, obsessions. and undeveloped spiritual essence. Leo in the Sixth house puts you in the spotlight daily, and affects your health through the energy you pour into everything you do as a your need to be liked, noticed, and appreciated is unstable at times. Also you need to fulfill yourself is key to that life purpose, so if you’re on the right track (and only you can define that), you are seeing all you do as ultimately linked to that divine purpose and life meaning, under the control of the tenth house.

To determine the meaning for Houses Seven through Twelve, simply reverse the sign and apply to the characteristics of what each house represents. For example, Fourth House Aquarius and Tenth House Leo would have the reverse rulerships. Fourth house Aquarius would have unusual ideas about what makes a home or not. The home life would be out of the ordinary, highly likely not very domestic, and might be considered a bit strange to outsiders. Tenth House Leo would be the shining light for a life purpose. Life purpose is all about achieving and making a mark on society, creating something of lasting value, and standing out in whatever field or career one chooses.  

Summary: All the powerful energy combined with the New Moon in Aquarius, a partial eclipse of the Sun, Mercury conjunct the Moon and Sun all prove to be a powerful combination. That it comes just as the Lunar New Year arrives and as the you formation (Finger of God) points directly at Ceres (female energy) and then the North Node (gateway to change), indicates that all forms of communication will be on high alert and stories and narratives will be flying left and right to try to explain, excuse, ward off, or counter conflicts and issues that remain unresolved. Since some world leaders, principally the US President and the Prime Minister of Israel have this aspect pointing directly at them both, we can expect to each person will experience some direct hits to their careers and reputations. Much of what is indicated by some of the aspects includes: cover ups, deception, smoke screens, fall from grace, and revelations of deceit and trickery through drug-related, money laundering, and other types of corruption in Central and South America, as well as hidden agendas, and behind the scenes deceit in and around the Middle East. It does not look like this is going to usher in a particularly peaceful or calm new lunar year. Expect much to erupt to the surface over what is being revealed at this time.  

To handle this kind of chaotic and uncertainty, it is wise to remain vigilant and to seek peaceful ways within our own relationships, families, communities, and our own hearts and souls, to walk in harmony with one another and the earth energies. Look to the areas of your life where you are being challenged and called to adjust, reimagine, and regenerate the way you live, form relationships, and use your energy. What we acknowledge in ourselves can be the basis for healing, and that in turn can help in providing healing to the disharmony of the world.