Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Moon in Libra, Oct. 15: Peace on the Mountain

Autumn on the River                                                                                   Catherine Al-Meten
Astoria, Oregon                                                                                                        October, 2012
New Moon, October 15, 2012, at 22 degrees of Libra..exact at 5:02 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time.

Uranus square Pluto’s challenging aspect on the Full Moon. has passed, as has Saturn’s move into Scorpio. We have all been feeling the repercussions of some pretty powerful and deep shifting in all areas of our lives. It’s as if we’ve been on  a long voyage, and have just walked on solid ground for the first time in a while. We are getting our metaphysical “sea legs” as we adjust to the changes that have rocked and transformed our lives.  

The New Moon in Libra awakens and inspires us with   love, beauty, and a desire for harmony. New moons usher in new cycles, and are prime times for getting new projects under way. With the Sun and the Moon both in Libra, the sign that finds meaning in connection and partnership, we are more apt to be tuned into the needs of our marriages, partnerships, and the Sacred union of body, mind, and spirit. Both the Moon and Sun trine Jupiter, the archetype of benevolence, good fortune, and abundance in Gemini. We seek connection, meaningful communication, and harmonious and enjoyable relationships during this period of time.

Over the weekend, when we are in the dark of the moon, we may find ourselves setting our houses in order in a number of different ways. With Saturn’s cycle changing from Libra to Scorpio over the last week, we find a deeper sense of resolution and, if we have made meaningful changes in the way we do and view life and partnerships, we may finally be able to breathe more deeply and feel a sense of release in areas that had been causing us to hang on to the past. We step out into a new collective energy, seeking to test the waters with a sense of newfound freedom. By accepting what cannot be changed, changing what can, and being at peace with who we are where we are, we can meet the energy of this new moon with a sense quite unlike anything we have felt in quite a long time.

We no longer are at war within ourselves, and we speak, act, and live more authentically. If we have not made the transition well, and by that I mean, if we are still trying to fix what cannot be fixed, or behavior according to old, worn out patterns of behavior, we may find ourselves being challenged on a number of fronts. This is all happening to motivate us to accept the changes that have already come, and find a point of balance within. 

This New Moon in Libra, the Sun in Libra, Jupiter in Gemini all in air signs, along with Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and  Ceres in Cancer--all water signs, create greater fluidity, movement, and grace to life in general and our enjoyment of living in particular now. While neither the Sun nor the Moon is in exact aspect to any other planet, they stand together in 22 degrees, a master number representing the power and strength of unity in duality. It is a time that equates to feeling in balance and harmony, so take advantage of the time to feel whole and connected.

Jupiter at 16 degrees of Gemini, has rulership over Mercury, the planet that rules communication.  Favorable news, good decisions, and fortuitous conversations and choices are now favored. Our intuitive senses are heightened, and we have the capacity to tap into the deeper wisdom of the Universe, of life in general, and of our own nature. We now learn through direct experience, deep intuitive, transcendent knowledge, and wisdom. Mars transiting Sagittarius emphasizes our desire and search for knowledge and a deep longing for truth.  We feel more in touch with our inner knowing, and our compass points us to our True North at this time. We have thrown off the oppressive roles, relationships, and habits, and now feel in greater harmony and peace than we have in some time.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon in 23 degrees of Libra, “A rooster’s voice heralds the rising of the sun.” Our perceptions, thoughts, imagination, and creativity fuel our desire to head out on new paths to begin some new adventures. What we conceive of and truly desire, can be set into motion at this time. Trusting ourselves as we embark upon a new path to discover the unsolved mysteries of our lives, will allow us to enjoy and participate in the greatest times of our lives. Connecting to the flow and ease of this harmonious time may be, in part, a long awaited reward for a long, difficult, and transforming road that now lays behind us.  We have scaled the mountain, and now have a view out over the valleys and ridges that are yet to come. Enjoy the view, take in the panorama of possibility, and breathe in the freedom and sense of unity within that empowers and propels you towards living out your dreams. 

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