Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And the Rains Came Down

Back to the Garden                                                                                         Catherine Al-Meten
Astoria, Oregon                                                                                                                            2012

On October 22, late in the afternoon on the West Coast of North America, the Sun entered Scorpio. Today, the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node (gateway to the future) are all in the early degrees of Scorpio. Between today, October 23 and October 26, the Scorpio Sun conjuncts Saturn, aligning in the same degrees, and bringing profound transformation to whatever area of your chart/life the Sun and Saturn are transiting. This conjunction gives you a strong indication of the type of transformation Saturn will be bringing into your life over the next few years. Deep and profound transformations will be taking place. Whatever the secrets of the heart and subconscious will now rise to the surface. Whatever was hidden, is revealed. Whatever your deepest desires, now cannot be denied. This is also the time that whatever corruption, deceit, or unethical behavior has gone undetected will now be revealed. The transit of Scorpio, the ruler of the unconscious, heart of hearts, and depths of consciousness, triggers the transformative nature of Saturn's journey through Scorpio. Whatever area of your life this pertains to, will become more evident this week. 

Since this transit is affecting everyone everywhere, the trends in world politices, events, finances, science, literature, ecology, indeed, all areas of life on and off the planet, expect to witness some powerful and astounding events and discoveries. The potential for grand and positive movement and experiences is just as great as the potential to turn potential into negative expressions of the Scorpionic energy.  We all have the Scropio archetype ruling, affecting, and helping shape part of our life.  Look to your astrological chart or observe the areas of your life that seem most affected by the four aspects in Scorpio this week. The Sun/Pluto conjunction, indicates an area of your life that is being triggered for major transformation over the next few years. Mercury in Scorpio, indicates communication, messages, information, and knowledge pertaining to the transformative potentialities are active and awakened both in you and around you. While communication and information exchanges will be part of this, a major shift within us is opening us to a deeper awareness and channel of knowledge that is streaming into us through our dreams, intuition, senses, and unconscious interactions and connections. Mercury in Scorpio is vibrating on a higher frequency than it has been for quite some time, and is energized by the Sun and Saturn. It's an important time to meditate, pray, study, and create using the knowledge and information that is streaming into us. The North Node is also transiting Scorpio, indicating that the doors are open to new beginnings, again, in the area of life where Scorpio is ruler. 
We are experiencing the threshold experience between the Saturn transit that we just completed, and the new transit into Scorpio. The fact that the North Node opens a threshold for everyone at this point, signifies a major shift into depths and realms yet unexplored, within the context of our current technology, information, and interactive connections and communciation. At no time in our human history have we had such potential for good and such potential to waste or miss the opportunity to act from the heart of goodness. It is vital that we each choose to act from pure, authentic, and loving intention and motives.

This is a time when the nets we have cast out on the waters of life, and the prayers, meditations, thoughts, and intentions we have expressed, will be answered. Regardless of our religious or spiritual traditions and practices, this is a time when we experience and touch the Divine in ways that pass all understanding. It is vital to detach from anything that is not life-affirming and uplifting now. Creation is giving birth to itself, and we are raising in vibration and energy in order to create, love, and lift ourselves from that which destroys, damages, abuses, or harms in any way.
Sun/Saturn conjunction of these next few days, brings up in our consciousness, anything that must be purged, anything that must be brought to life, and anything that must be done to assist this Divine process. Watch your dreams, and see what it is that you are being called to do, be, change, understand, and acknowledge.

On October 23-24, the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, indicating a time when positive and uplifting transformation takes place. Whatever or whoever needs to be rescued, will be. Some will have the opportunity for second chances. It is a time when  visions, intuition, insight, and revelations abound. Prayer and intercession connect us in our desire to heal, love, and create beauty, in our vision to end suffering, bring light and understanding, and transform the ways we resolve disputes, conflict, differences, and discension. Now, more than ever, we have the ability to see and read the signs of our times, and to make certain we are walking in harmony with all beings and in synchronization with the Universal essence. Take time to find stillness within and within your daily activities, to reflect and become more aligned with the natural flow and rhythm of the world and the spiritual energy of the Universe.

From October 26-29, the Sun in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries  indicates that there will be sudden and shocking endings, instantaneous life transformations, and the end to aspects of evil that have lost their power or relevance. What was hidden, is revealed, and changes the course of the tide. Corruption, negativity, self-centered greed and malice are seen for what they are, and cause their own demise. Clarity of vision and intention enables us to see in an instance, the truth or reality of a situation or person's motivation. We have clear vision, clear understanding, and clear knowledge now, and it is time to shine our light into the darkness, our own and that of any situation that is harming, disturbing, or in any way, destroying goodness in our lives and the lives of others.  The ancients and elders understood our need to understand our unity and obligation to walk the path of harmony for the good of all our planet. We now learn and acknowledge where we are in need of cleansing, confirming, and creating a closer walk in harmony with one another. Do this in memory of the Ones who came to unite us.

Scorpio time is a time to go into the hidden depths of our beings and clear our lives of that which degrades, harms, dismisses, or no longer serves our highest good. Rid yourself of relationships that are toxic, embrace only in love, release what is unnecessary or burdensome, free yourself from habits, patterns of thought, and behavior that harm yourself or others, and embrace your goodness, gifts, talents, and life energy to live out your soul purpose. There is no other Now to live for. Go within and connect to your deepest desires and acknowledge the soul's call to serve, love, create, and affirm life as it is. 

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