Thursday, October 4, 2012

At the Threshold: Saturn Cycles into Scorpio

Autumn Sunset                                                                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten
Astoria, Oregon                                                                                                                                                                              2012

As I write this article, it is the last full day of Saturn’s transit through Libra. Whatever was begun in 1982, is now being completed, and we stand at the threshold of a new leg of our journey. The archetypal energy of Saturn in Scorpio will bring us new lessons to learn, and will temper and help us shape our lives and the world we help create. As in all threshold or passage times, we have been busily releasing, clearing, and completing a major transit, and have been readying ourselves for a new leg of the journey. Depending on what areas of your life have been most affected, you have probably felt the impact of this Saturn transit and been forced to confront whatever needed to prepare you for your life from here on forward. 
Those of us who have resisted, trying to hold onto crumbling relationships, jobs, patterns of behavior and belief, have found them stripped away despite our desperate attempts to hold on or make them work.  If not, as in all Saturn transits, we carry what has been left over or unhealed on with us. It’s like moving into the darkness of night with sunglasses on...we will feel the effects and the limitations we have put on ourselves due to our unwillingness to face the changes that have already taken place on the level of our subtle energy body if not on the level of our daily life. 

While Saturn affects everyone in some area of life and on the collective consciousness, those who have planets, houses, and aspects in Libra and Aries have probably gone through major shifts in relationships and any are of life that pertains to any kind of partnerships and agreements. Hopefully, whatever choices, changes, and shifts have taken place, we have all learned the importance of being in healthy, affirming, constructive, and supportive relationships . And we have responded to the changes and awareness that we have come to by releasing the patterns of behavior, negative and enabling behavior and attitudes, and have affirmed our own need to honor ourselves by maintaining more healthy and affirming ways of entering into and being in partnership. Any partnership that is not based on  mutual respect, compassion for one another, and a true sense of the others autonomous gifts, needs, and identity, will not be able to withstand the lessons that are yet to come as Saturn dives deep into the unconscious and subconscious levels of our being and awareness. 

Saturn is completing the 29th degree of Libra (the anarectic or critical degree) of this heavy duty transit.  While any type of relationship we have been engaged in has been tested to its limits, and has either stood the test of the challenges of Saturn’s lessons, or has fallen away, apart, or died off.  Any connections that were not solid and based in harmonious and bonds of mutual trust, affection, and agreement (whether it be regarding values, life paths, direction, or purpose), have probably reached their conclusions as well. Watch in the next few days to see how you may be called to notice any lingering connections that need you still need to release, shed, or disconnect from.

The first week of October has been a busy week astrologically, with four planets changing signs. 
On Friday, October 5 Mercury and Saturn conjoin in the final degree of Libra, so there might be some last minute messages (conscious, subconscious, or global) that call our attention to the last gasp of what this last 3 years of Saturn’s transit has meant to us individually and collectively. Whenever a planet or star is in the 29th degree (anaretic/critical), a vital moment has been reached in some area, and will bring with it, a final message, lesson, or awareness that must be faced and dealt with. 
Whatever we hear, learn, observe, or receive in dreams, insight, intuition, or some other form of communication (symbolic, natural,  or geo-political) will cause us to pause and take note.  We will have a clearer sense of what has been moving us to make necessary changes in our lives.  A period marked by a sense of waiting, will now reveal something that has been hidden beneath the general awareness of most or we will discover something that has been in the works on a diplomatic level that will now be revealed and will shed a great deal of light on what has been hidden from our general knowledge.  An awakening caused by secrets, knowledge, and circuitous dealings now come to light. 

Earlier in the week, the Full Moon in Aries had been sending its energy out for the week prior and now after it reached its exact conjunction with the Sun in Libra. The energy seems to have impelled us to feel, from the depths of our being, the pressure, desires, discomfort, and impending movement pouring into all areas of our lives. While there were dire predictions being made about what this passage time would reveal, what seems to have happened is that the cracks have begun to appear in the surface of what had been holding things in check. 

While there have been major changes and some shocking but ongoing troubles, conflicts, and challenges, it doesn’t seem we have reached the point of critical mass when the transformation bursts through the surface in a way that reveals what has been hidden (either within our own psyches or within the collective and individual psyches/lives) that cannot help but be revealed now.  We may not have been courageous enough to ignore our ego-driven views of life to listen to our intuition and inner voices of wisdom, but from this point on, we will find that the subconscious , shadow stuff of our being will be at war with our superconsciousness if we don’t deal with our ego issues so we can experience life more  congruently and in line with Divine harmony. 

On Wednesday, October 3, Venus began her transit through earthy Virgo. Love is now expressed in actions. It’s not enough to profess, feel, or declare one’s devotion-actions speak louder than words. And for Virgo, practical, down-to-earth help and support say it all. Virgo is in her fall/detriment in Virgo, and with the immediate opposition to Neptune (planet of illusions, dreams, and fantasies). Avoid the shadow side of Virgo (the critical, analytic, nay sayer), and lean more toward  offering helpful, uncritical, and supportive Virgo-type friendship to those who seek and need it. Being kind does not mean being dishonest or telling someone “everything’s fine” when it isn’t, but be gentle and kind in your approach. On Sunday, October 7, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo--another time to balance your need to help and fix things with the compassion and understanding of the spiritual healing needed by Pisces.

On Thursday, October 4, Jupiter turns retrograde at 16 degrees of Gemini. From now until January, Jupiter will retrace 10 degrees of Gemini, perhaps delaying some benefits and expansion that you have recently received--particularly in areas related to where Jupiter is transiting in your chart.   In later articles, I’ll go into this change of Jupiter, the archetypal energy of benevolence, blessings, and good fortune. Suffice it to say, Jupiter in Gemini is about learning and choosing what we want to learn. After all the lessons of Pluto and Saturn, this is one area that allows us to feel empowered to feel and be a bit more expansive with your imagination, thoughts, and decisions.  Be cautious that you don’t go overboard as Gemini tends to make us ignore our own limits. Jupiter in Gemini ( a year in each sign) will change signs in January. Until then, communication on all manner of topics, will unleash ideas and projects galore. The challenge, here is to choose the projects, ideas, and goals that you most seek, and stick to them. Learn how to and discover your ability to finalize, finish, and complete projects. 
Another momentous occurrence is also going to be taking place once Saturn enters Scorpio on Friday.  Saturn and Pluto will each be in the sign ruled by one another for the entire transit of Saturn through Scorpio. The last time that happened was in 1776...a time of great revolution and the birth of the U.S.A.. So as much as everyone has been worried about Saturn’s final transit through Libra, its entry into Scorpio could be like plunging into the depths of some very deep and emotionally-charged issues which will bring the energies of both Saturn in Scorpio (a water sign) and Pluto, the Great Transformer still in Capricorn (an earth sign) stirring us up the depths. The archetypes of the spiritual energy and power of our consciousness (subconscious/shadow, ego/persona/mask, and superconsciousness spiritual  or higher knowledge and connection) will be working on both the inner being and our outer lives to further push and propel us through great transformation and change.  

Mercury and Saturn, in conjunction and entering Scorpio, form a grand trine to Neptune in Pisces, and Ceres in Cancer. Ceres, the archetypal goddess of growing, grieving, and mothers and daughters, was known as Demeter in the Greek myth of Perspehone and Demeter. Ceres represents human babies, nurturing, Mother Nature, the Earth Mother, the principle of nurturing and growth.
Ceres, thought to have been perhaps part of Pluto at one time or at least created at the same time and composed of  the same materials--something that doesn’t happen anywhere else in the Solar System.  Ceres represents the birth, death, and rebirth cycle that is a natural part of our lives and life on earth and throughout the Universe. Ceres represents this cycle, and is the archetype of Divine support as we walk through times of growth. Ceres in Cancer emphasizes our homes where we are planning and putting a plan into action during this transit. The grand trine in water signs this week indicates that we have a perfect time to imagine what it is we want to create in our lives, how we want to support and honor our growth, and how we can become more at home with ourselves and the lives we have chosen to live. 

Venus sextile Saturn October 2-3. This aspect stabilizes relationships, although in a somewhat reserved manner. We get more realistic about our partnerships, and since we’ve completed a major cycle with Saturn overhauling our sense of what relationships are for us, we have a more grounded, realistic sense of ourselves and our partners.  Between October 3-4, Venus opposes Neptune which means it’s not a great time to start new relationships. Not to mention starting anything when four planets are in anaretic degrees (last degree of a sign) is probably not a great idea.  Venus opposes Chiron between October 7-8. This may be a good time to take a break from worrying about trying to fix, and obsessing over anything.  We have just stepped over a major threshold or two, and need some time to pause at the gateway. Allow yourself some time to rest, to reflect (not obsessively), and to smell the roses. If anything, take some time to think about what would bring you greater peace, and then go about enjoying being who you are, where you are, right where you are now, at this perfect moment and time, being your perfectly created and expressed reflection of Divine Love.  

Mars leaves Scorpio on October 6, entering and energizing wherever Sagittarius dwells in your chart/life. The first aspect to Mars is a square to Neptune, their final in a series. Due to the long retrograde phase of Mars earlier in the year, this final square may arrive as an unwelcome guest at the table. Whatever doubts, fears, and issues arise right now, use the energy of Mars in can-do Sagittarius to soldier through on projects, activities, and choices that you have carefully checked. Before making any decisions, check out the validity, credibility, and trustworthiness of those with whom you are dealing. This can be a time when deceit, exaggeration or over-estimating can cause us problems.  Be wary of what you take on face value from others, and watch your own words and promises. Make certain you can deliver on what you say you can. 

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