Saturday, September 15, 2012

Virgo New Moon: Tending the Temple of Our Being

September’s New Moon in Virgo, in exact conjunction with the Sun in Virgo at 23 degrees and in close conjunction with Mercury in Virgo (20 degrees), reaches its peak on September 15-16 (11:11 P.M.PDT 9/15;2:11 A.M. EDT 9/16).  With the New Moon in Virgo nearing the completion of this year’s Virgo cycle, the impact of this new moon awakens the critic within and calls into play the critical eye of the observer. We find the flies in the ointment and set forth to find remedies and cures for whatever needs to be eliminated in order to bring goals, projects, creations, and all manner of activities and relationships to the fullness of perfection.  

Coming as it does during the time when Saturn is making its way through the final degrees of Libra (a four and a half year journey), this new moon is not only an excellent time to set intentions for new  and/or improved directions and pathways, but also for doing the final clearing of anything that stands in the way of progress in whatever journey you have begun or are considering. 

Virgo, the archetype of the Vestal Virgin represents that aspect of ourselves that stands as the guardian of our own temple (body, mind, spirit, soul) and readies us on all levels for the Divine calling that is constantly awakening and calling us on.   It’s a time for improving our skills, redefining our paths, enhancing our health, organizing our lives, clearing out the clutter that blocks our way. It is a time to cultivate a healthy and balanced way of living, of increasing our ability to live with intention, and of expressing more beauty and creative expression in all areas of our lives. The old expression, “It’s not what you say but the way that you say it,” speaks volumes for Virgo who demand a standard of beauty, intention, and truth to anything they value. For each of us, Virgo rules a different area of our lives, so this New Moon, Sun, and Mercury conjunction in the latter degrees of this house (wherever it lands in your life) will vibrate strongly with a demand for exquisite care and attention to the details and expression, both of themselves and of others.  Attention to detail, demand for congruity between what you say and what you do, and developing the highest level of skill, knowledge, and artistic expression are what is called for in some area of your life.  Notice where Virgo is, and you will have a clearer understanding of how you might be using this energy to shape and support your life and the relationships in which you are involved. 

Virgo represents the power of the feminine within/Divine Feminine/Shekhinah, the Divine Face of God.  The Divine Feminine is the feminine aspect of the Creative Spirit, who along with the Divine Masculine, form balance, wholeness, and unity within us and within the world. When the balance is off, as it appears to be in the World today, the acting out by the too-heavily weighted energy of the overdeveloped masculine, erupts into the most explosive and destructive forms of expression. Whenever there is disharmony on nature, we find a split, rupture, and falling away of structures that can no longer support life. Human relationships also become too heavily weighted on one side or another, and can no longer support balanced life. Rather than reacting to the violence with violence, anger, fear, or hatred, we must allow the Divine Feminine, the Shekhinah, the spirit of the Divine to well up from within us and to counter the negative expressions with loving kindness, healing prayers and energy, understanding and a steadfast observance of the principles of Divine Love. Love is reflected in Love. 

Much healing needs to take place in our lives. To heal and to find how our healing is to come, we look to the  North Node in Scorpio, Juno’s (asteroid) position  in Scorpio, Uranus in Aries (early degrees) all signaling the beginning of a major life journey and a new way of living. We find ourselves at the shifting point where we need to see  and experience a deep shift in our attitudes about supporting, uniting, and caring for others. 

Virgo, the feminine archetype of purity, calls us to examine our motives and intentions, and act from a pure heart. We purify our hearts as a result of purifying our bodies, minds, emotions, and minds. As part of our New Moon intentions, we might include practices that enhance, help harmonize, and deepen our body, mind, spirit connections and health/balance. 

As this new moon in Virgo, conjoins Mercury and  the Sun  in Virgo., we are getting a heavy dose of energy pushing us to examine, modify, and develop whatever tools we will need personally to deal with what is to come.  Over this weekend, the effects of the new moon, Sun, and Mercury in Virgo are reaching their peak. Pay attention to whatever comes about, either rising from the subconscious, from dreams, from communication or lack of it, and in relationships and the signs from the world about you. 

By September 20, Mercury moves into Libra, calling us to envision new ways to meet challenges. Mercury will oppose Uranus in Aries, challenging us to combine both logic and intuition with insight of ideas outside the realm of the familiar. We need to work on raising our vibrations, personally, and by sending our prayers, chants, meditations, intentions, and visualizing peace and love in all the situations, conditions, and people who need support, healing, and love. Through our actions, service, choices, and decisions, we help in the ongoing creation of the world we live in. We cannot fix anything if we have not worked on purifying, refining, and developing a deep, authentic, and honest sense of ourselves, our limits, boundaries, gifts, desires, and needs.  We cannot afford a sense of false modesty, for all that we are, all that we have to give, is needed now for healing--of ourselves and of others, of conditions and challenges, and for the protection and conservation of our planet and her resources. We do this for the generations to come, and we do this together.

Understanding the planetary conditions and the astrological aspects and trends, are tools we have to help ourselves meet the challenges of our lives, personally and together. What is required is that we consciously, intentionally take responsibility for our own evolutionary development as  human beings.  As we become more active participants in the collective development of our social consciousness, we also grow individually. For those who have poured themselves into caring for others, now is the time to regenerate, nourish, and restore a sense of wholeness within so that we have something more to give. When we are depleted, we have nothing to offer.   We are responsible for building and creating the world in which we live.  Before the Sun leaves Virgo, we will experience the answer as to whether we are going to ride the wave developing and surging forward, or be swept away by it.  Before the end of the weekend, the Moon will enter Libra, followed by Mercury, and then later in the week, the Sun. We are faced with the challenges, and we are also nourished and supported by strength, abundance, and gifts that can carry us through even the most difficult times. 

On September 17,  Pluto turns direct in Capricorn, increasing its impact and force. September 19 the second of seven exact squares with Uranus creates another in a series of  turning points and crises that will  challenge us to change or be changed. Questions we need to ask about our individual and collective destiny, have to do with deciding how to move forward into the unfamiliar. We are heading out on a path that has no precedent in the lives we have lived, many of the beliefs we have held dear, and most of the institutions, structures, and societal expectations we have grown up and older in.  This goes for people everywhere on the planet.  There is a grassroots uprising taking place that is in direct response to the failing and ineffectual systems that have brought us to our knees economically, morally, ethically, socially, and spiritually.  Our actions from this point on must be made with an understanding that a warlike stance against anyone, any group, or any ideal will no longer benefit us as a whole or as individuals. We are part of the One Divine, and unity comes in that knowledge and in living as if we understood, believed, and had faith in ourselves to live from pure and just motives, regardless of what appearances may represent. We must not be swayed by false images, dishonest claims and representation that are meant to motivate by fear, ignorance, or anger.  

This is truly the time to plant seeds, both literally and figuratively, in the rich soil of our times as a means of insuring we have contributed to healthy, healing, love-based actions, thoughts, and intentions.

The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 24 degrees (because the moon is in the later part of 23, we round up to 24) of Virgo is “Mary has a little lamb.”  Mary is the aspect of the Divine Feminine, the essential purity of human nature that radiates light, love, and truth from the Divine Essence of All Being, Creator Spirit.  The New Moon and Sun in the center of Virgo at 23/53 degrees, reminds us of the symbolic  Vestal Virgins who guarded the Temple’s Eternal Flame. This represents our inner essence and truth, that we guard through living intentionally, with a pure heart, and honest motive.  Vesta, the asteroid that is at 21 degrees of Gemini,  squares the Sun and the Moon indicating that we act instinctively and intentionally, as we seek to maintain freedom. Those who guard the Temple’s flame, however, are held by a sense of duty and obligation, to live out their soul purpose in order to ensure the freedom of others.

As usual, Uranus, the planet of sudden, unexpected, and enlightening acts, information, and insight, provide the energy and awakening through sudden, shocking, and powerful new ways of perceiving and experiencing the light of the world--knowledge, truth, and love. Clinging to only what our minds can understand, we are being tempered like gold in fire, to experience deeper knowledge and understanding. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we are being called to become more mindful to who we are, what gifts, talents, and skills we have, and what is being called to be attended to right where we are.  

Saturn at 27 degrees of Libra trines Ceres at 27 degrees of Gemini, like the archetypal universal parents, call us to build peace, ordering our world like  wind sweeping across a desert, carrying anything that is not grounded and connected away.  When Mercury (representing the mind, beliefs, communication) reaches 28 degrees of Virgo, anything we have clung to or not found based in reality or Divine truth, will be discarded, ground to dust, and used to create new forms.

According to Stephanie Azaria, of the Cosmic Path, 

MercuryAt 23 degrees Virgo is the galactic cluster known as Coma Berenices. Berenice was Queen of Egypt and in 243 B.C. wagered her long locks with the gods in order to preserve her dear husband during a time of war. He survived and the locks were shorn and placed in a temple to honor the gods and their favor. The locks became symbolic of this cluster of stars that previously had been the tuft of the Lion’s tail. The lion is associated with pride and the attachment we have to our hair is also considered to be prideful partiality. Implied in the conjunction of this star cluster to this New Moon is a diminishing of our pride or ego. We do not need to concern our selves with how this will happen. After all with any of this there is no effort required. But if you find yourself suddenly less aware of those things that you were once attached to such as what other people think of you or how you look, do not start searching for it. It is not something you will miss.”

This morning, as I walked out to the river, I saw that the tide was out, pulling the waters of the river, by the force of the nearby ocean way out beyond the shore. The energy of the gravitational moon exerts a definite force on us and affects our lives, our health, and our sense of balance and harmony. Anyone who has ever lived near a tidal river or on the ocean knows better than to go walking along the beach without first checking to see when the tides go in and out. Sailors and fishermen/women chart their courses keeping in mind the rhythms of the sea, the placement of the planets and stars, and the phase of the moon.  

We are affected by the energy and momentum of Galaxy and Universe in which we live. We can use the tools that teach us about trends and movement, and we can allow them to be like maps to help guide us around obstacles, through challenging stages, and into open seas and smooth sailing. We can make choices, and develop our capacity to respond to the rhythms of life, or we can stubbornly cling to ego-driven beliefs that limit our thinking, understanding, and perceptions of the world we are co-creating with our Divine Creator. We are light energy, each reflections of that Divine Spark, and we are called to express ourselves on the path we walk, loving, serving, and creating. Set your compass tonight, and breathe in the gift of life with awareness for how fortunate we are to be here together, at this time. Let us build peace, act from love, and create beauty in our lives and the lives of others. 

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