Thursday, September 20, 2012

Standing at the Gateway: Equinox and Saturn's Final Days in Libra

Between the Voyages                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten        
                                                                                                       Astoria, Oregon 2012

Moments of great transformation are times when we find ourselves at points of passage, or thresholds. Not yet quite ready to enter into the fullness of a new journey or life, we wait by the gateway preparing, pondering, and wondering what awaits us, what should we be doing to better prepare, or any number of "what ifs..."  This period of time, between late September and early October, 2012, is just such a time.  

When the earth seems to be shifting beneath our feet, or when we are waiting for changes that we feel need to come to happen, we may find ourselves in a holding pattern. Not yet released from the past, not yet moving forward, and more and more arising that challenges us to either release and let go. The challenge of threshold times is knowing what to do during the waiting stages. These are times when our dreams and lives might mirror one another more closely...calling us to awaken to the intuitive knowledge we possess, if only we pay attention and consider how our lives are like the archetypal images that arise in our dreams.  At times, our bodies might speak loudly, signaling through dis-ease, stress, pain, or weakness. Our memories might bring to mind that which needs healing or releasing. In any event, whatever our present circumstances, we are in the middle of completing some major cycles of transformation and we are already in the process of some new ones.  Such in our experience as humans living through the lifecycle. The need we have, to find connection, meaning, and purpose, is one thing we share with one another, and is one of the gifts we have for supporting ourselves and others in living more fulfilling lives. Wherever we are on a journey, there are some points where we all move together through experiences, times, events, and stages---developing and creating life together in the ongoing process of Creation. What we create together will be determined by our individual intentions and actions, and those of all.  We have the choice. Now is the time to seek clarity, understanding, and wisdom.

The third week of September has been a power-packed week astrologically. Last Saturday’s New Moon in Virgo, followed by Pluto’s direct station in Capricorn, have made for some heavy, earth-centered energy.  On September 20 Mercury in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries and squares Pluto.  As we in the Northern Hemisphere watch the Sun appear to move further and further south each day, while in the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite is happening. We are all riding the waves of change, and with Saturn’s passage through the final degrees of Libra (due to leave Oct. 5-6), it may feel as if our ambitions, dreams, goals, and changes require still more clearing, purifying, and refining. Whatever we have set into motion with our intentions, are well on their way to starting to manifest.  The choices we make now must be rooted in beliefs, experiences, goals, and relationships that support, affirm, and emerge from the truth of our own being and our connection with the Divine. Defining for ourselves, what is true, right, and in alignment with our soul call, is crucial.  Rest in assurance that whatever you have been learning, gleaning, creating, and refining in your life are preparing you for the future. Remain receptive and flexible, but do not doubt that you know better than anyone else, what you truly desire and what is good for you or not.

The Earth in its  orbit around the Sun tilts on its axis by 23 1/2  degrees. The Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres trade places twice a year at the Vernal/Spring and Autumnal equinoxes. On those days, the earth receives nearly equal hours of daylight and night everywhere on the planet. On the equinox, “the Earth’s axis and orbit align in such a way that the axis is pointing neither away nor toward the Sun.”

This September 23, 2012, the Autumnal Equinox brings us to the time of the year when cultures worldwide have historically celebrated the end of Summer and the start of Autumn. A time when gratitude is given for the harvests and blessings of the year, and a time when we seek to rebalance and harmonize our personal energies, the Equinox marks the passage of the Sun into the constellation of Libra. At 2:49 P.M UTC on Saturday, September 22, 2012 (7:49 A.M. PDT), the September Equinox takes place.

The passage of the Sun through Libra marks a time when we are seeking harmony within ourselves and within our relationships. We want to be aware that appearances may be deceiving, and as the Sun in Libra comes into alignment next week with the Uranus/Pluto square, we are best prepared if we understand and commit to knowing how to make compromises, to come to decisions by consensus, and by conducting ourselves with the utmost in poise, aplomb, and tact.  “We catch more flies with honey than we do with vinegar,” so the expression goes, and regardless how “right” we are, we need to be respectful and diplomatic in all our dealings.

For the remaining two and a half weeks as Saturn completes its last days in Libra, continue preparing for the new leg of the journey. Imagine you are going on a long trip or moving to a new home. Get ready! 

Clear out space in your life. Let go of whatever you no longer need or use. Continue clearing out closets, drawers, rooms, purses, cars, and any space that is still full of clutter. Recycle and release whatever is no longer serving a purpose or filling a need in your life. Create some new habits for taking better care of yourself. Spend 5-10 minutes a day in meditation and prayer, take a walk with the intention of making it part of your routine, and replace one negative habit with one positive one (for example, stop the Taco Bell stops and head for the Farmer’s Market instead). Take a nap or go to bed a bit earlier. Imagine that the shifts of consciousness and energy is like a marathon race, giving birth, or completing the final leg of a long hike or climb up a mountain.  Conserve your strength, nourish and hydrate your body, breathe and relax into the movement, and continue to release and let go on all levels of your being. Practice mindfulness and presence, dealing with life where you are right now. 

Between now and October 6, continue to be receptive. Release negative thoughts that block your receiving your good. Get out of your own way, and receive, on all levels of your being, that which will support your highest good, excellent health and happiness. Receive your good, practice forgiveness (of yourself and others) and gratitude. Live in the constant state of letting life unfold with the perfect trust that you being you is good enough, and that you are perfect where you are right now. Practice allowing life to flow, in and out, without your pushing the tide and trying so hard to make things happen.  Observe what is flowing in  and flowing out, what is surrounding you and what is creating space and room for you to breathe and be.  

When sailors are at sea on stormy waters, there comes a time when after all the hatches have been battened down, the sails rigged, and all that can be done has been done, the sailor has to trust that the boat is seaworthy enough to weather the storm. At that point, the sailor seeks shelter and waits out the storm. In the time of waiting, be at peace with yourself and the world. Trust that the storms will pass, the seas will calm, and the clouds will clear for another day, another journey, another opportunity to live, give, and receive the bounty life has to offer. 

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