Monday, September 17, 2012

Pluto Turns Direct in Capricorn: Transformation Moving Forward

Path Less Taken                                                                                                                Catherine Al-Meten
                                                                                                                                                Alderbrook, 2012        

Since November, 2008 Pluto, the Great Transformer, has been working its way through the early degrees of Capricorn (0-8). During this time, Pluto has reversed motion several times, forcing us to rethink, reevaluate, or restructure some area of our lives.  On September 17, Pluto turns direct once again.  Pluto has been awakening us areas of our lives that need to be changed, and have stripped us of whatever is keeping us from making those changes. It’s been, “Change or be changed,” as we can see on the world’s stage, and as we have been experiencing in our personal lives.  Much of the change that has taken place is internal...the awakening process that creates inner urges, discomfort, dreams, emotional, mental, and physical upset of one kind or another, all calling our attention to what must change in our perceptions, actions, and choices.  

Once Pluto moves direct, and almost immediately forms a square with Uranus in Aries later this week, the change we have been working towards or resisting (as the case may be), will manifest in the world around us---as events, conditions, activities, or movement reflect the movement that has been set into motion.  

Pluto rules the unconscious, suppressed emotions, transformative movement, and deep-seated desires. During the retrograde phase, most of the discomfort and churning has taken place internally, on the unconscious and subconscious levels of our being. With Pluto direct, much of the pressure is released, allowing us clearer perception and the ability to articulate what it is we need, desire, and want to change and transform. 

We are challenged at this time, to transform the way we express and cope with the intense upheaval caused by the massive changes taking place. The square aspect with Uranus in Aries has been manifesting as outbursts of anger, violence, and ongoing anxiety and edginess that keeps us individually and collectively feeling uneasy, unsettled, and on the edge of our seats. Without really understanding or being able to articulate what it is that is really bothering us, we have tended to either react by acting out or striking out at others or by responding to the inner need we have to grow, change, and adapt to life using new skills and inner wisdom.

Pluto’s transformative nature may be understood as the shadow part of our nature...the unexplored, untested, suppressed, hidden, and undeveloped parts of our subconscious and unconscious. Pluto’s real message calls for spiritual growth, maturity, and evolution. By understanding and facing the shadow aspects of ourselves, we are able to truly make progress in our soul development.

Pluto’s journey through Capricorn, lasts for at least 10 more years. During this time, we have the power within us to face our fears, accept our gifts,  become aware of our shadow, and take action to change our negative beliefs and addictive patterns of behavior. Whatever area of your life Pluto’s transit is working its way through, has already been stripped of some of what had become stagnant, turned into deep-seated issues  requiring attention, or had disappeared as aspects of immediate importance and attention in our lives (jobs lost or left, people leaving our lives, loss of relationships and/or major transformations within any relationship, drama around areas that need change thereby forcing the issue into the open). However Pluto has been and will be affecting our lives, this is a generational influence that affects everyone for an extended period of time. Whatever we undertake individually and together, will have long-lasting effects and repercussions. 

Pluto rules institutions, government and organizational structure, the handling of economies and resources, and all that links us together.  Any corruption, dishonesty, toxic waste, or hidden agendas that harm the good of all for the sake of a few, will continue to come under the scrutiny and attack. What is crucial at this point, the initial stages of this transformation, is how we go about making necessary changes, adjustments, and reform as well as how and what we choose to help build new ways of managing, governing, structuring, and living in the world.  During times of great transformation, there are different ideas about how change should take place.  It is not so much a matter of who has it right and who has it wrong, as it is a matter of very different ways of envisioning what is best for humankind, the Earth, and the good of all. Too much self interest will be destructive regardless of what your view is.  Too little concern for what is needed by all members of each society, will also result in disruptive and chaotic break down.  Pluto is slow-moving, and in our times of rapid communication and fast action on every front, seems to run counter to how decisions are currently being made. 

We seem to be reacting to events after problems have “left the barn.”  We fight fire with fire, rather than looking for alternative ways of dealing with crises, problems, and events. What Pluto asks us to do as we move through transformation is to increase the use of  reflective thought, critical evaluation (not criticism but honest and clear appraisal), listening and actually making an effort to understand differing views and opinions, and working together to find  mutually-workable solutions to major problems and issues.  We can no longer afford to view the world as “Us vs. Them.”  That does not mean we all agree or even like one another, but we’re all in this life together, and we must continue to find ways of coming to consensus so that we can preserve, heal, solve, cure, and build better ways of life for the generations to come. 

If facing the world and the crises we are in is a bit too much for a Monday morning for you, consider your own life. How have you been meeting the transformative changes that have been taking place in your life since 2008? What has been going on in your life, and what are you being forced to pay attention to at this time in your life? What is crying out for healing, help, or adjustment? What has been working? What has not been working?  If your health is breaking down, your finances are falling apart, your relationships are disappearing or ending, what are you learning about yourself in the process? We can embrace the benefits of change in our lives if we recognize them as part of soul growth and spiritual development. As human beings we are spiritual beings taking a physical journey, and that means we have to be able to deal with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of our growth and maturity. 

The use of astrological information is useful if we use what we learn to appreciate the changes as part of our development. What are the gifts in the rubble of transformation? The gifts are building material for a new life, a new path, a new way of walking your journey and of meeting the challenges and opportunities that lay before you.  We often move through life as if all that happens depends on what we do, think, or have. 

Pluto's main transformative lesson may be just this. We are part of the ongoing creation of life, continually manifesting, transforming, building, and recreating. We each have unique gifts, talents, skills, and purpose. Pluto is calling us, on some deep soul level to allow ourselves to live out that purpose, and to rely on the guidance, support, affirmation, and wisdom of the Divine as well as depending upon the limited knowledge of our own minds and lives.  We see but a small part of the whole; allow yourself to be divinely guided in the way you live your life. Remain receptive to what gifts are coming your way through the divinely inspired transformation taking place within you, within your life, and within the lives of all. We are part of the ongoing creative process that is evident in the power, majesty, and beauty of the Universe. 

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