Saturday, October 22, 2011

Just a Turn of the Head, Heart, and Life

Sometimes we wander along our life path, seemingly at the whims of unforeseen forces, overwhelming circumstances, or conditions beyond our control.  More and more people everywhere are awakening to not only their individual power and strength, but also to their collective power of strength.  We humans have always had an understanding of this power, energy, and strength, and we know this because of some of the beauty and grandeur, innovations and discoveries, and destruction and and misery we have created. Yes, we have the power to do good or create chaos and destruction.

Much of the time, however, we have all we can do to take care of the life we live from day to day. For the most part, we set good intentions and try to do our best.  There are exceptions to this evident in crime statistics, wars, and other destructive behavior and outcomes.  This morning as I listened to a Course in Miracles broadcast, a conversation with Jennifer Hadley and Karen Russo, I was reminded of three simple truths that support my belief that my life is my spiritual practice.  My life, the day to day living of it, is not in any way divorced from my spiritual practice and core beliefs. 

There are three elements of my practice that help me navigate the pathways and passages of life.
In every moment,  seek to come into alignment with the Divine Creative Force, God, within you, acting through you, infusing you with wisdom, insight, love, and intuitive knowledge. That may mean invoking or calling the Holy Spirit, the Divine Light, to awaken in me an awareness of the ever-present connection we have with God~within us, working through us, guiding us.  Aligning with the  Divine Presence within me and around me means being intentional with my actions.  Turning towards that which is Holy, Listening, feeling, watching for ways to recognize the Light.  It may be through the eyes of your child or in a moment of inspiration, or the lifting of a sense of dread. Allowing ourselves to release the need to define God, but instead allowing the Divine to infuse us with a sense of knowing, being, loving. In using the practice of forgiveness to release ourselves from those areas where we have allowed ourselves to be trapped in anger, fear, disgust, intolerance, shame, or blame, frees us for being more connected to Divine Being.

Second, examining our beliefs, to see if our beliefs are in alignment with our actions, thoughts, motivations, and the way we are living our lives.  Again, this is an intentional practice; noticing how what I say I believe jives with how I'm acting. And then, without judging or diving into blame or shame, accepting when things are out of alignment and then making some adjustments. What is the Truth about who is the source of my life energy, abundance, creativity, love? What do I need to change or forgive, release or turn from?  Do I possess some kind of magic wand that guarantees that by simply doing enough or the right thing, everything I want will come to me?  Is my life just something I concoct or does my path and purpose come through a revelation in the daily living of life?  What do I really believe about life, and how are those beliefs affecting the way I"m living? If, for example, I say I believe in the power of prayer and in the idea that the Divine Being provides and guides me, and if I never pray or make an attempt to listen for how God manifests in my life, but instead really believe that my life is all about what I do or don't do, I experience cognitive dissonance. What I believe is in direct conflict with how I'm living. My real belief is that I am in control, the mover and the shaker. This belief interferes from my connecting to the  Divine in co-creating. Calling in the Holy Spirit is crucial for living life in spiritual practice.

Finally, what habits and patterns of behavior do I need to develop to live more fully, more thoughtfully, more in alignment with Divine Goodness? One of the affirmations Karen Russo gives is the following: I love and respect myself enough to live a financially prosperous and responsible life." I would add to this, I love and respect myself enough to live a life of abundance and responsibility in all areas of my life.

When we walk our spiritual journey in constant awareness of our need to be in alignment with God in co-creation of our lives, be willing to examine our beliefs and adjust our thinking to more clearly align our beliefs with our actions and thinking, and finally, by making the difficult, shadow aspects of our lives a regular part of our spiritual practice~not separating the challenges out from the good stuff. Everything holds a lesson for us to learn, to hone our skills, gifts, and talents, and to bring us into alignment with the Divine and our divine purpose and life path.

Tonight there is a Grand Trine in Earth signs. The Moon (representing our emotional nature), Pluto (representing deep transformation) and Uranus (representing change, experiment, innovation, sudden flashes of insight, intuitive brilliance) all ground us in our experience as Spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are here as one. We are not dualistic beings, but we are wholly physical and spiritual united. And we connect to everyone and everything that is in a universal unification of energy, tapping into the Divine or Universal Source of Being, Truth, Life, Love, Soul, Spirit, Mind, all Being and Knowing.  Take it all in, and be grateful for the abundance of your spirit and the gift of your life.

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