Friday, June 12, 2015

Mercury direct and Venus in Leo--change bursts on the scene

This week the third quarter square of the waning Pisces Moon to the Gemini Sun, triggers some edginess. Notice if you find that emotional outbursts or long-buried depression, pain, or frustration have burst through the surface and found their way into your consciousness.

For those with planets and aspects within 17-21 degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) this square may have a deeper and more long-lasting impact. The decreasing light of this lunar cycle sends us into the deeper, less conscious realms of experience. During this upcoming period when we enter the dark of the moon before next week's new moon, we need to be paying attention to what ends need tying up and what details we need to pay attention to.  With the forward thrust of Mercury, which turns direct today, Thursday June 11, we will feel more energized and less likely to be distracted from matters that need tending.
The Sun remains in the sign of Gemini until June 21. Now in the third decan of Gemini, the decan ruled by the Sun. This decan refers to the placement of the Sun in the weeks prior to the Summer Solstice.  The third decan is the home of the Orion nebula and the Dove and Charioteer. It also contains one arm of the Milky Way. The third decan represents the two sides of Gemini--on one side the super parent who wants to and does it all, as well as the nursing, nurturing breast of Nut the sky goddess, seeking to feed all and provide nourishment to all her children. On the other hand, the great hunter, destroyer, protector represents the warrior archetype of the battle between the two sides of our human nature. The battle between these competing forces within us, plays out in relationships as well as on the stage of the collective world affairs.  What is necessary for harmony to exist, is that the two sides meet in balance and harmony. For the next two weeks, notice how this plays out in your own life, and in the houses/parts of your life where the mutable signs now play out.
One of the ways that the Sun's passage through this third decan of Gemini plays out is through an increased interest and desire to discover more about how to find the happy medium. Many of our activities, and much of our conversation will revolve around seeking answers through different and diverse channels. It may be hard to pin anyone down, or for that matter find the answers in any one place during this time.  The whimsiness of Gemini now is caught up in seeking rather than finding. To complicate matters, Mercury, which is in Gemini and has been retrograde since May 18, increases the tendency for communication, social activities, and all other areas ruled by this chatty planet. Conversations may be more superficial or broad-based and multi-faceted than usual. Chatter, prattle, and off-the-wall communication, theoretical speculation, and balderdash seem to be the theme of much conversation during this period. Seek to use this energy to help discern some of what is capturing the imagination and what seems to be blowing in the wind regarding off-hand thoughts and impressions. Sometimes what is revealed by a person's off-hand remarks, can lead you to a deeper understanding of what is or is not beneath the surface of meaning. Notice how this plays out in your own conversation, and listen to what comes out of your own mouth. What does your own prattle say about what is going on beneath the surface? It's a good time for word play and games, and for artists and writers, this might be a very creative period when some of your ghosts will make their way into your works.
On June 5, Venus entered Leo. This is a period that is full of heartful expressions and generous gifts of love and affection. A very romantic placement for Venus, we may seek and find true love, albeit in discovering where we truly feel at home and in love with life ourselves. The romantic side of love revels in adoration, affection, the full expression of love from lover to the beloved. We seek to heal and come to wholeness through the love we discover in relationships, for we need the validation, appreciation, and affection that a lover expresses revealing a knowledge of our true and often hidden nature. Venus in Leo offers love in flourishes of beauty, gifts, and lavish expressions of affection. We all have Venus transiting Leo in different areas of our lives, so notice which sectors this need for love and romance seems strongest. It may be around 10th house issue (career and life purpose) or in 1st house issues (public face, masks we present to the world, how we are seen and choose to be seen), or 4th house (home, where we feel at home and how we make ourselves at home). For each of us, this expression of Venus through Leo will awaken needs and motivate us to express ourselves and our needs with greater candor and with dramatic expressions and signals. Again for those who are creative, notice where in your life you can use this energy to share the full expression of your intuition, imagination, and heart-felt compassion through your art, work, life purpose, even duty and obligation to others.
Mars has been in Gemini since May 16, and will remain there until June 24. This placement plus all the aspects Mars has been making along with the Sun and Mercury, has revealed a scattered, more versatile Mars energy. In Gemini, this versatility has Mars, the planet of action, movement, and male-centered energy, distributing itself in more diverse, wide-spread and intellectually scattered ways than is usual.
Interesting Aspects this Week.
Venus' entry into Leo is one of the most vibrant aspects affecting the energy we are filled with and surrounded by. Notice how the 'need' to beautify ourselves and our homes this week has been of vital importance. It is as if we suddenly have energy and drive to get things cleared out, cleaned up, and brought into the full expression of the most beautiful and pleasing nature. Getting new clothes, buying a new lipstick, or having your hair cut. Updating your professional portrait, sprucing up your office or studio, or adorning yourself or your walls with colorful tapestries and adornments--all signs that Venus in Leo is at play. And play is part of Venus' energy. Suddenly we 'realize' we need to play, find pleasure, and seek beauty in all we do. And we set out on a mission to bring this beauty into our lives in every possible way. We attract to us what we need to create, channel energy, and craft lives of beauty, pleasure, and delight. Enjoy this transit, in ways that bring you an uplifted view of yourself, others, and life in general. For some, it's been far too long since this energy has been the vital part of life that it needs to be.
And of course, the grand finale for the week comes today. Mercury finally (for it seems like a long month or so) turns direct. The last two days may have been filled with last minutes deluges of left over debris from past storms and romances. We may have been thrown to the lions over issues that we thought we over and done, or we may have been sorting through thoughts, feelings, leftover litter and details from old relationships or past issues that we thought had ended. Remember, the idea of closure or completion is something of a delusion. We carry with us the remains of whatever lessons we have learned or are still learning about the past. We often think this is all about the other person or the job or whatever it is you are leaving behind (or have been left to sort out). In part, this is true, for 'it takes two to tango'.
However, as one old friend mistakenly said, "It takes two to tangle", and that's more like it in some instances. 'We' includes you and me. Long after a person has gone, died, or moved onto a new role in our lives, the I in we remains, and we then understand that the lessons are primarily within us. What about us attracted us to a certain situation or relationship? What about us remained in a situation, and why? What about us needs to be repaired, healed, altered, or changed? What expectations do we have of ourselves, of others, of situations and work, and are we in agreement with those we relate with? The real learning in these retrograde cycles, and in much of the trying stuff of life, is to learn and grow into a happier, healthier person who is able to live in a more fulfilling manner and appreciate self,  others, and life in general for what it is, in any given moment. So notice, over the last few days and month of Mercury's retrograde phase in Gemini, what about the inner struggle between your nurturer and your warrior prince or princess, has been revealed? What have you learned about who you are and what you need and expect from life? And what have you determined for yourself, to create in life now?
Helping you out with this growth and appreciation of yourself and the lovely gift of life you have, was a sweet sextile on Wednesday between the Sun in Gemini and Uranus in Aries. Early in the afternoon, this aspect may have brought some unexpected good news or an enlightening awareness that shines light on ways to adapt to changing circumstances. It was a great time to join with others for mutual benefit, or to attend some social function that may open you to a new way to find creative solutions to problems you have been struggling with. You may found a new mode of exercise, or had a revitalizing experience of some sort. Perhaps you found  yourself open to flashes of insight or surprising approaches to finding solutions, bringing resolve, or healing old wounds in interesting and intriguing ways.
Thursday in the afternoon, Mercury in Gemini stations direct, at around 3:28 P.M. PDT.  A couple of hours later, Mars in Gemini forms a square to Chiron in Pisces. This indicates a clash between our desires and our anger. This may be expressed outwardly, or may rise up within us as a source of tensions and frustration. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces is sensitive and may feel very defensive and protective at this time. When we are confronted with our own fears, anger, mistrust, or unhealed pain and imbalances, we do not necessarily want or need to be slapped in the face during the process. We are all too aware of our pain and shortcomings, and this square of rather thoughtless Mars in Gemini may just send us over the edge, releasing a stream of toxic energy or causing some heretofore repressed anger or resentments to surface.  Use this knowledge to channel this type of energy into some healthy release or channel the energy into something useful or relieving. Coming as it does, on the heels of the Mercury station, this might feel like whatever has been building up for the last month, is finally ready to come out on its path to be released and let go of once and for all.
On Friday, the Sun in Gemini squares Chiron as well. Rather than a release of anger, fear, or resentment, this square may trigger some self doubt or lack of self esteem and confidence in our own abilities. Notice if this is the case, again, where in your life/chart this aspect is triggering this type of experience. Avoid the impulse to take someone else's 'good advice'. What is important at this point is to learn to trust yourself. Remember you have access to the Divine channel and Source as does everyone else. Listen to how that speaks to you in your heart, mind, soul, body, and allow yourself the affirmation that you have what you need when you need it, and are led to the perfect and right action. Trust that your decisions and choices are what will help lead you forward and will help rebuild any confidence that has been shaken or challenged. We live a life making choices that we have no idea how they will work out. There is no road map or guarantee that a choice you make today will lead you automatically to where you think it will. We can only trust that we will have the courage, discover the knowledge, and develop the wisdom to navigate and change course when necessary. If one plath ends, we will find another. If one job is over, we have new decisions to make. If one relationship ends, we will discover what we need next. We learn from every experience, and we need to avoid condemning ourselves for not making the 'right' choice, for there is never just one right choice. The great whimsical nature of Gemini is like the fearless fool who travels the road unaware of the dangers that lay in his path. The fool that we are is the adventurer who dares to set out on the journey. The fool is the one who takes the risk, and experiences the full measure of life. The one who does not want to dare like the fool, sits and does nothing, and knows nothing of life. Seems like a simple choice to me, but then I'm a fool, so I would not know any better. Enjoy the journey. Take care of yourself along the way. And remember to  "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold."

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