Sunday, November 9, 2014

Venus and Mars: Relationships Highlighted this week

November 9-15. 2015

Sun 17 Scorpio 13' 5" 16s58
Moon 21 Gemini 42'46" 18n33
Mercury 1 Scorpio 6'32" 10s01
Venus 21 Scorpio 7' 4" 17s33
Mars 10 Capricorn 39' 7" 24s29
Jupiter 21 Leo 17'21" 15n01
Saturn 24 Scorpio 53'53" 17s07
Uranus 13 Aries 17' 2"r 4n36
Neptune 4 Pisces 48'39"r 10s26
Pluto 11 Capricorn 33'54" 20s40
TrueNode 18 Libra 59'44"r 7s26
Chiron 13 Pisces 11'39"r 2s04

The lunar highlight of the week is the third quarter square of the Moon on Thursday. Right now we are still bathing in the light of the Full Moon in Taurus from late last week. The third quarter square signals a time to wrap things up, let the lessons of this lunar month sink in, and temper emotions with actions and spiritual practices to maintain grounding. 

Neptune (Pisces) square to Ceres (Sagittarius) on Saturday, November 8, may have sent some into a deep or strange place mentally and psychologically.  If using distractions or substances to cope with emotions and spiritual duress and challenges, it may have felt like you were off center and/or out of control. Today, it may have felt like you had a mental or spirtiual hangover when you woke up. If you used the challenges of ‘deep thought’ and strange awakenings to your advantage, you may find you have some interesting new pieces of artwork or writing started, or have some new ideas and possibilities beginning to break through a previously blocked mind.  

It is necessary to treat yourself with tenderness and care now. Notice the physical effects that your life is creating in your physical being.  Chronic or surprising aches, pains, or physical symptoms, are signals pointing us towards where we are overextending, ignoring, or fighting our own optimum health. Just notice, avoid judging or rationalizing. Notice, lick your wounds, and move more slowly and let grace bring healing through being open enough to receive it. Squares, in astrology, trigger action, movement, or focus. Neptune focuses our attention on that which cannot be seen, that which underlies and is at the heart of the matters that are moving within us. Notice what that is for you, and relax, get some rest, and take a much-needed break.

Mercury has moved into Scorpio after heading back direct this last week. A great relief or release now is probable. Like the calm before the storm, we may have been so used to the lethargy or whirlwind we’ve been caught up in, that we have forgotten that change is inevitable no matter how entrenched in behaviors, patterns, habits, or unflexible thinking we have been.  

On Monday, November 10, Mars conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, at the cusp of the 2nd decan of Capricorn. Major transformation, already under way, now is activated by Mars. Pain, sorrow, and all that has been held deep within, under pressure and underground transformation, now bursts to the surface. A time of deep feeling and awareness, we may feel melancholy, or we may find ourselves acting out in melodramatic ways, those repressed desires. The drama in our lives now is within, but is ready to burst open on the surface. Channeling this energy into creative, artistic, or otherwise productive areas is a positive way of using this energy. Denial of pain, repressed grief, sorrow, or anger, can no longer afford to stay underground or ‘in control’. However, to avoid projecting our own pain and unresolved issues on others, it is necessary for us to recognize what the source of our feelings is and to use the energy to take some positive steps, make some positive changes, and acknowledge what needs to go. Our health and wholeness depends on our willingness to face what is.

On Tuesday, November 11, Mars squares Uranus. Mars square Pluto is moving out of its tight alignment, so there is easing of some pressure. However, Mars square Uranus is causing some fireworks and upset.  Similar to what had been going on with the Grand Cardinal Cross the last few months, the Mars-Uranus square. What is emphasized with this alignment is risk taking, explosions, adrenaline-seeking actions, meeting emergencies, and electrically-charged exchanges.  The main message of this powerful transit is “Wake up!” 

Whatever has been below the radar or out of alignment, now is made clear and demands attention. Notice where Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are in your chart, and if one of these signs sits on your Ascendent, be prepared for transformation, the phoenix rising out of the flames. In a dream I had this week, I dreamed I was trying, unsuccessfully, to resusitate some babies. A pretty frightful dream, but one very indicative of final stages of certain areas of one’s life, endings of aspects of one’s personality and/or lifestyle, or some major transformation in a person’s life.  With Libra in the last degrees sitting on my Ascendent, this dream cast light on the deep, transformative movement that has been going on within for quite some time. 

One way to test this out for yourself, is ask yourself the questions you need answering, and see what rises up from your intuitive and subconsiousness. We hold the keys to our own transformation within, and if we are willing to listen and act, we are constantly being led towards our highest good. What do you know to be true about yourself, the way you are living, and what you want to do or change? “Seek and ye shall find, knock, and the door will be open. Ask and it shall be answered.” This is a spiritual truth that does not depend on what makes sense to you and your plans, but is right below the surface waiting to lead you forward. Between now and the next New Moon, spend some time asking the questions and seeking the answers you need. Trust your Higher Power, the Divine, and know you have God’s messengers with you, angels and guardians who support and protect you through each step you take.

On November 12, Venus is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, inflaming passions, and creating a climate when kissing and making up may fuel burned out desires.  Venus and Saturn in Scorpio focus our attention on how we love, who we love, and what we seek through our connections with  those we’re in intimate relationships with. This placement also awakens our sense of values and inner purpose and our connection with beauty, peace, and love combined. The disruptive impact of Mars (in earthy Capricorn) keeps the watery Scorpio planets (Venus and Saturn) shaken into the very depths of identity, connections, intimacy,  intuitive knowledge, and creativity. What happens on the earthly level sends shock waves deep within the psyche and soul. It is awfully difficult to ignore our passions and purpose. 

Today as I write, Venus in Scorpio squares Jupiter in Leo. Fire and water create steam or water puts out fire. It’s all energy. How we use it, determines the outcomes. We are overly focused on what we lack and the consequence, what we desire. If I’m exhausted,  what do I require? If I’m lonley, what do I long for? If an idea is not quite ready to unfold, what can I do to expedite the expression? Whatever we need, we desire now, in greater proportion to our needs. Individual feelings are strong right now, and listening or understanding another’s needs are secondary to understanding and meeting our own needs. Not a good time to question or second guess intimate partners, but definitely a time to notice what your true feelings are. The source of your needs lie within you, not within someone else.  Our partners and mates have their own paths to follow; they are not our own. 

On November 12, Venus conjuncts Saturn. Relationships become more grounded and stabilized. The emotionality of the earlier part of the week, seems less volatile. While some may try to sweep old problems under the carpet, this is a time when the truth will come out. We come into contact with experiences, people, or conditions that remind us of who we are and what energizes and brings us satisfaction. Problems in relationships that are off track or are not satisfying, will become even more evident. We feel a sense of urgency to rid ourselves of unhealthy, unproductive, and already dead or dying connections.  Again, resusitating a dead baby, indicative of letting something precious and alive go, but not for lack of trying to save it.  At a certain point, we discover some things are not worth doing, saving, or holding onto. If some part of us had died, we would know to let it go. Same thing is happening with relationships, connections, and commitments we are leaving at this time. We must be passionate about whatever gives us life.

Venus semi-square Pluto on November 13, has jealousy and envy raising their heads. Be alert to any place in your life where these two emotions may have a hold on you. This signals our own inadequacies or self doubts. What is it within that feels threatened?

On November 11, Mercury trines Neptune activating both intuition and imagination. This is a very creative time, and a time when listening within is valuable. Meditation, prayer, contemplative activities, and any sort of sacred truth seeking is indeed a good way to use this energy to focus intentions, and more importantly, to listen to what you are being called to do, be, or understand. Creative expression is favored highly.

On Thursday, the Sun in Scorpio squares Jupiter in Leo. This transit brings with it a sense of discontent, restlessness, or ennui. There may also be a tendency to get trapped in the “I want, I need…more”, thereby fueling our intentions to extremes.  We tend to lose track of ‘reality’ when we let our fantasies take us too far back or forward in time with longings and achings fueling our sense of lack.  As one of the beautiful young men in my Yoga and Mediation group for autistic adults said last week, “I want everyone to pray that people be more satisfied with what they have now. To 
not always want more.” Beautifully put, and that is the message of this particular aspect, and indeed, the message of staying present in who we are, where we are, on our journey in life. 

Venus ends the week with a semi-square to Pluto, again reminding us that whatever we continue to repress or try to hide from ourselves or others, has a way of coming out in decidedly ugly ways. Watch for hidden agendas, passive-aggressive behavior and communication, and people (including ourselves perhaps) reacting out of fear, unresolved anger, unfulfilled desires, and unhealed wounds.  Whatever has become part of us that needs to break up and be transformed, is focused right now on how we give and receive love, and how we define and understand what love is. Live with purpose, and be not afraid to face the truth of who you are, what you need, and what your passions point you towards. It is right that we be happy and in positive, healthy relationships. To do so, we first have to be happy and healthy within.  Take good care of yourself. Connect to the sacred within you and to the Universal Divine power that lifts and satisfies your soul. 

1 comment:

  1. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.
