Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fire Power: Sun, Venus in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries, Saturn changing signs

As we move into the holidays, it is time to slow down and take time to count our blessings. We are so fortunate to have the lives we have and the choices we have.  For me, I want to thank you for sharing time each week to ponder the movement of the Universal energy, and to check in to see what is moving in our own lives and what we can offer others in their journeys and struggles. Thank you all very much, and celebrate who you are, where you are, and whatever gifts you have been given to use in this journey of life. 

Words that came to mind as I wrote today include: perspective, fear, and courage. With that in mind, I share this week's Intuitive Insight column with you.

Winston Churchill once said, "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
And the way to understand when to sit or stand is discernment. Astrology, one tool in the process of spiritual discernment, gives us some insight. We add this to our own knowledge base, our ways of knowing, and our personal perspectives, and we use it to help us live better lives. 

This week starts out under the influence of the New Moon in Sagittarius at 0 degrees on November 22. Just as the Sun enters Sagittarius, the New Moon was formed. The next few days will find us shifting our attention from the deep search we have been on to connect to others and understand ourselves on a deeper level. 

As the Sagittarius cycle begins, we move out of ourselves and our own interests, out into the world where we take actions to become more aware of the world around us and the needs and interests of others. 

Today, November 23, 2014, Chiron in Pisces turns direct after its retrograde back over old wounds, issues, and aspects of our lives these last few weeks. 

Now with Chiron moving forward, we make headway with renewed energy. We have probably resolved some issues that had been troubling us, as part of a way to clear up old issues and begin healing past hurts, injuries, and grief. 

As this is occurring in Pisces, look to the house that Pisces rules in your life and notice how you have been experiencing healing of past issues and old loves or grief. A celebration is called for when we have completed some deep work and found a way forward feeling lighter and carrying less of a burden of old issues. The shadow aspects don’t leave us forever, but they keep being acknowledged, dealt with, and healed, bit by bit throughout our lives. It’s just that when Chiron is in Pisces, the karmic and spiritual depths of the healing may be amazingly potent. How is this affecting you today?

Whatever steps we have been hesitating to take, now seem more likely and probable. Part of the reason is that the energy  of Sagittarius is mutable and active, and we feel more motivated and brave.  Taking risks seems less frightening that it might have over the last couple of weeks or months. 

As we are able to shift our attention from the immediate challenges, frustrations, or blocks (be they internal or external), we move with more confidence. The less we need to ‘know’ all the answers, the better right now. By that I mean, the less we depend on guarantees of the future or absolutes, the more will act out of a place of faith, trust, and inner knowledge that we are always connected to the Divine, and we are guided, protected, and in the right place. 

The less we give into our fears, or let our emotions build up as we try to control the circumstances of our lives, the better. Finding ways to deal with our emotional highs and lows is crucial to weathering the storms. Or for that matter, of appreciating and taking advantages of the gifts and opportunities that are ours already.

Perspective is a key element of this lunar and solar period.  Sagittarius is more likely to see the big picture. That in itself can be overwhelming, if we do not also take care of the day-to-day details of life.  

Part of our human experience is living the dance between being able to see the bigger picture and anticipating opportunities, probabilities, and challenges and seeing what is called for right now, right where we are. Paying attention to the subtle intuitive shifts, messages, signs, and hunches is key.  

Take time to rest enough and to have quiet time to settle your body, mind, emotions, spirit, and overall energetic being so that you are able to sense the inner messages. Use your practices of prayer, meditation, yoga, running, swimming, walking, or whatever you do to quiet your soul and body, so that you can be receptive.

Mercury is still in Scorpio, so the intuitive messages you are receiving during this time are still very strong. Listen, pay attention, honor, and acknowledge that you are given answers in very subtle ways. Sometimes through a chance encounter, or through hearing or reading something that touches you right where you need to be connected.  Often our intuition is simply a matter of trusting that we have the answers within us and if we don’t, we can ask for help.  Prayer can be one way of asking for Divine intervention. Or we may ask a friend or advisor for their support and assistance.

Julia Cameron, the author of the Artist’s Way, talks about having friends who act as reflective mirrors for us.  Those trusted friends and allies who know us or see us as we are, and who speak to our hearts and souls. These are the people we want to seek out to help us become more confident with our own perceptive powers. We want to avoid the poisonous playmates, those who subtlety sabotage us with their steady undercurrent of negativity, sarcasm, and ‘poor me’ mentality.  

This is a time to walk out guarded by the host of angels who protect and guide us, some of whom are among your ‘reflective mirror’ friends and associates.  Sometimes it is the stranger at the bus stop that sees us at the core of who we are. Sometimes we are that person for someone else. This is part of the gift of community, communication, and our interconnectedness. With Mercury in the last few days of Scorpio (until November 27), the perfect time is now to listen more deeply and to prepare for the awakening and journey ahead.

On November 27 (until December 16), Mercury will transit Sagittarius, bringing communications out into the open, lighting fires where fires need to be lit, and rousing us from the deeper, darker places into the search for light, meaning, and hope. As Mercury shifts energy, we move into the season of Advent, the period of hope and joyful expectations.

Venus just entered Sagittarius last week (and will stay there until December 16), infusing us with sensations that awaken our compassion, sense of brotherly and sisterly love for one another, and helping us feel lighter and more straightforward as we seek pleasure, meaning, and purpose as a means of expressing love. Venus trine Uranus on November 26 finds us ready to take giant leaps into the unknown. We welcome adventure, change, and whatever is just a little bit edgier than we might normally be.

Uranus in Aries brings surprises to us, and in this case, the surprises have to do with love, romance, and marriage. Feeling a sense of greater freedom, we may find we are more open than normal for the pleasures and surprises Uranus brings to our love lives.  After the initial burst of pleasure or surprising encounters, we may feel a little bit like a rabbit heading back to the rabbit hole to hide. With Venus square Chiron, the Wounded Healer, on November 26-27, we go into a protective mode as a way of protecting ourselves form unwanted or untimely commitments and offers. We may hesitate as we want to be sure that whatever we do is good for us on an emotional level as well as in many other ways.

Take time to stay grounded in your own being and content with your whole self.  Entering into relationships when we are out of touch with ourselves, is not a great idea. Seek first wholeness within so that what you offer in relationship is full, rich, and complete. This may be a bit of a challenge though as Mars and Venus are parallel at this same time, fueling the fires of passion. Venus sextiles the North Node (gateway to the future, promises of things to come) on November 30. We seek connection and we desire a full commitment of ourselves in whatever we are doing and in whatever relationships we are in.

Mars is still on its journey through Capricorn, having made a number of recent strong aspects. In Capricorn, Mars energy  is deliberate, persistent. We take in all sides of an issue, and consider our options, choices, and decisions with care. Mars in Capricorn is grounded, so our anger or other responses may be slow to grow. We may feel ourselves becoming distant or removed from troubling situations. It may feel a bit strange if we are used to reacting and responding more passionately. However, for the remainder of the transit (December 4), we can use this moderating transit to observe how our emotions operate when we slow our response time down a bit. The shadow side of this is becoming stubborn or rigid.  Just notice what is happening to you at this time, and note where Mars is transiting in your life and notice too how some of the recent Mars aspects may have triggered or sparked action or movement in different areas of life.

We are getting ready for a shift in Saturn’s energy.  Saturn has been transiting the deep, dark recesses of our psyches since Oct. 15, 2012. It will continue in Scorpio until December 23, at which time Saturn enters Sagittarius until June 14, 2015. At that time it will reenter Scorpio before heading back into Sagittarius from September 17, 2015 until December 20, 2017. That seems like a long ways off, however, if you think back two years and a bit ago to when Saturn first entered Scorpio, you will probably notice some trends and cycles that have taken place.

Being that Saturn is in the anaretic (last degree of a sign) of Scorpio, we can expect to be reminded on a very deep and spiritual level, of those unresolved issues, unfinished business, and connections to the past that are still having a profound effect on you and your life. This is a time for emotional, spiritual, psychological, and deep soul cleansing, clearing, and reawakening. From now until December 23, notice what is coming up from the shadows, reappearing from the past, or disappearing and leaving your experience.

On November 27, Ceres trines Uranus.bringing about a combination of the best of the old and traditional forms and remedies with the new, technologically and scientifically advanced tools and knowledge. Rather than forcing a choice between herbs or medicine, or the old way and the new way, we see a synthesis taking place where we are receptive and open to seeing how the best of both worlds can be combined for the good of humanity. The Ceres trine to Uranus, brings us some good news in this regard. We find ways that help us deal with pressing issues. The answers seem sudden and shocking, but the timing is perfect.

On Monday, November 24, Mars forms a quincunx with Jupiter.  This is one of those “eyes are bigger than the stomach” aspects.  In this case, it’s not food, but activities.  With all the strong mutable fire  we may take on more than we can handle while this aspect is in play. Walk a little slower than usual. Count to ten before saying yes to yourself or anyone else. Pace yourself, and take steps to use your energy in deliberate and thoughtful ways.

Tuesday, Mercury conjuncts Saturn in the late degrees of Scorpio.  We may get a message that has been long awaited, a situation may come to a head, or some other major piece of communication may take place. It is also a time when we can really focus our attention, and when we may finally get the inspiration or synthesize the ideas that have been floating around unattached for a while. With such a powerful inner up swelling of ideas and passions, we now see how to shape, form, create, or put together a piece of magic that has been gestating   for some time. A new project or job may begin. We may receive long-awaited news, or find the answers we have been searching for. We will probably have some intuitive and sensate signs to indicate what to expect. Pay attention to your senses.

On Wednesday, Mercury forms a semi-square  to Pluto in Capricorn. This may raise some doubts, fears, or other irrational thoughts. Notice what your fears point to. What suspicions need to be checked out, and which ones are baseless? It’s normal to doubt, regardless of the issue. Not all doubts are baseless, and not all fears are sound.  Notice what is bothering you, and wait things out. Give yourself time to sort through feeling, fears, doubts, and concerns. When in doubt, don’t.  At least temporarily. Give yourself and the situation time. No need to rush things.
On Wednesday, Mercury forms a seisquiquadrate to Uranus. Our minds are on fire right now, and it may be hard to pin things down or get things done. It is a great time to allow creativity to flow and to explore ideas and possibilities. However, it’s probably not the best time to try to sell the ideas or talk them out. Let the creativity and artistic juices flow. Channel them into something creative, even if that is just a list or a bunch of scribbles on a paper.  Explore, express, and use your senses to channel the energy into form or begin playing with ideas for a project, change, or adventure.

With Mars in Scorpio, I find my day dreams are full of artistic ideas, and nudges to tackle wasted space or cluttered areas of my office and home.  It’s a great dream time….day dreams, imagination, night time dream work.  Let the flow go. A very creative energy.

Venus trine Uranus on Wednesday. Uranus is Aries is like a child in a candy shop. Suddenly, the fiery energy is set off with the New Moon and the Sun’s passage into Sagittarius. As Uranus trines Venus, sparks fly. We feel open to passion, love, and adventure. In fact we hunger for what has been held back or denied. This works on all levels of what Venus rules: love, commitments, beauty, luxury items, peace, compassion, justice. A very creative time. Dabbling comes to mind. Sticking our toes in the waters of an inviting river. Feeling the first few raindrops after a long, hot day. A good time for dealing with technology, electronics, and mass communication. There is an ease and joy in working with groups who are in more of a relaxed mode than usually Seeing that this is the night before Thanksgiving in the U.S., this is good news. More enjoyment at holiday gatherings, less stress.

Late Wednesday night, the Sun squares Neptune in Pisces. Artistic and spiritual focus is favored. Relieve yourself and others from the pressure of too much scheduling, planning, or structure. Spend the day living as much in the moment as possible. Relaxed manner equates to less confusion. Avoid setting expectations for yourself and others. Chill out.

Overnight Wednesday/early Thursday, Venus squares Chiron. Unless you’re up late, this will probably happen during your sleep. Watch for dreams ot clue you in to how this aspect speaks to you. Signals a sense of insecurity, some fears or doubts about commitments, second thoughts. All normal responses during active times. Just notice what old wounds may trigger self doubt or suspicion.  What has happened in the past continues to be the boogie man in the room for as long as we fail to acknowledge its presences. When we meet a fear, face to face, we can identify it, and then unplug our energy from it.  Notice what you may still be hanging onto. What is draining your energy?

On Saturday, Saturn in nearly the end of its current transit through Scorpio forms a semi-square to Pluto in Capricorn. These two have been turning our lives upside down in an effort to help us make major transformations in our soul journey. Whatever power struggles, frustrations, blocks, challenge we may face at this time, seem to show themselves or make themselves felt at this time. It’s a reminder of how far we have come, what we have learned, and what we still need ot keep our eyes on. 

What are the major lessons you have been learning over the  last two and half years? Note your progress. Celebrate your growth and successes.  Honor the journey, and give yourself credit for all the battles you have won, all the hills you have climbed, and the joy you have discovered in being yourself. Enjoy your week, and celebrate life. It is a gift to be lived and treasured.

Anais Nin wrote, "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." 

Be brave. Step out in your truth. Act on your dreams. Say what you think, and live according to what you believe.  Have a beautiful week, and when you meet fear along the way, tip your hat or curtsy, acknowledge it, and keep right on going.

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