Monday, April 8, 2013

Pluto's Retrograde Phase begins April 12, 2013

Shadow Time                                                                                                                Catherine Al-Meten
Pluto, the Great Transformer, stations direct on April 12, 2013, and stays in its retrograde phase in Capricorn until September 20, 2013.
In its retrograde phase, the pressure eases off and we enter a reflective period. In Capricorn Pluto, the archetype of how we use our energy and power, brings us into direct contact with major power issues. In its retrograde phase, Pluto remains intense in the retrograde phase. That intensity acts more on the subconscious than  in disruptions, major power plays, and confrontations in our lives and on the world stage. Our senses and intuition are heightened, making us more aware of other people’s motives and more trusting of our own intuitive knowledge and our understanding of situations, people, and ourselves. In other words, we are now processing some of the changes that have been brought about by Pluto’s journey through Capricorn.

In its retrograde phase, our attention moves from clearing the path before us or cleaning out closets, storage to changing the patterns of behavior, thinking, and basic perspective. We have several months to reflect and clear out our inner closet. We find we have much to process from all the changes that have been taking place. Pluto’s ground-breaking work in Capricorn together with Saturn’s movement through deep, dark, intuitive Scorpio, drives us deep into the unconscious realms of our own being...the point of departure for
all real change and restructuring of our personal lives.

We will find this time one of the deepest and most powerful times for self awareness. We are each on a journey into the realms of our own unconsciousness. What we find will enlighten us and change the course of our lives as we are able to see the patterns that have caused us to feel a loss of control in our lives. Pluto’s lessons come around power, and the retrograde phase is a particularly powerful time for making  necessary changes in our personal lives. Discover in your journey just how you tend to give your power away, allow yourself to be manipulated, or run away from direct confrontation at times when you feel under threat.

Pluto’s retrograde phase is a time of great potential for getting down to business in our spiritual journey and personal development. As Pluto moves into its retrograde phase, it also moves into a square alignment with Uranus, direct in Aries. That square becomes exact on May 21, 2013, and between now and then, we can expect to see a clash of ideas and wills on the world stage that comes to a head about that time.

The gift of Pluto in retrograde is the opportunity to spend some serious time looking at what needs to change within ourselves for our lives to evolve and transform in a direction that can enable us to  experience deep and lasting change. Letting go of self destructive patterns of thinking and behavior, releasing ourselves from attachments and bonds that no longer serve our highest good and excellent health, and making every effort to understand and alter the shadow side of our nature helps us make the most of this phase. Pluto’s underground, transformative work connects us each to one another in ways that the unconscious manifests in and around us. When we are attempting to live on the level of superficial and cosmetic alterations or cover up, we live a life of ignorance. Pluto’s archetype is such that we are plunged into the realities of that require us to deepen our understanding, broaden our view of the world and one another, and prepare ourselves to reshape whatever area of our lives Pluto is in the process of transforming, so that that area of your being is able to sustain and support your journey. 

Examine your image of the Divine. Do you view God as some tyrant or jealous anthropomorphic father who abuses and reigns fire and brimstone on you, or is you idea of God a loving and supporting source of light, energy, Love, Intelligence, Life-giving and Life-sustaining.  What archetypes of power, especially Divine power, reign in you and your life? Now is the time to align yourself in the perfect Light of the God of Love, who infuses you with all you need to choose Life. 

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