Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mars Opposes Saturn; Sun trines Pluto

The movement of the Sun and planets through Taurus and Capricorn and through Pisces and Scorpio, have created an energy that is thick with meaning, almost tactile in feeling (like velvet), and passionate and deep with spiritual, emotional, intuitive, and psychological depth. How might we use this time to deepen our connection to our True North and to grow and heal so that we are more fully able to relate, create, share, and feel gratitude for our lives? 

Tonight as we move through the last day of April,  Mercury is semi-square to Chiron (Pisces). This aspect today, between the planet that represents communication and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, may leave us feeling like we do not quite understand what others intend nor what we are feeling. Ambiguity leaves many of us at odds with ourselves and with others.  Each of us is searching for balance and harmony, at a time when things are heavily weighed against finding serenity or calm.  The best that may be said for this influence is that this type of energy reminds us that we need maintain an ongoing sense of mindfulness. Using our senses, our breath, and our daily activities to help us stay focused and grounded, is probably best. Taking time to reflect on what it is that we really seek and desire in life, is called for now, more than ever. 

Late tonight (or early tomorrow morning) Mars in Taurus opposes Saturn in Scorpio at 10:12 PM (PDT); 1:12 AM (EDT). We may feel that we are blocked and challenged by people and circumstances. Mars in an earth sign, and Saturn in a water sign, muddy the waters and cloud our judgment with feelings of fear, frustration, and resentment.  Whatever we are blaming or reading in others is probably something we are having trouble recognizing in our own experience.  This is a time when the lessons may be difficult and the teachers may appear in ways that we find disturbing. The greatest lesson may be found through self reflection, though for many, it may feel easier to blame someone else for our lack of fulfillment, failure to thrive, or inability to find happiness. Look for the hidden opportunities in the lessons which seem to be the most difficult right now.  

Mars opposition to  Saturn transit arouses emotions and thoughts of frustration, failure, self doubt, anger, resentment or despair. Depending upon what areas of your life/chart this transit is activating, and depending upon how aware you are of those areas that are undergoing change, alteration, and transformation, this transit can be more or less upsetting and disturbing.  When we are aware that even under the harshest circumstance, we need to find some calm and peace, and we need to trust that we are able to submit to the Divine Will and allow ourselves to be at peace regardless of how upsetting or chaotic things may appear. Using our spiritual practices to help us center, discern, and calm our emotions, minds, and bodies as we feel the heavy energies of transformation working on all areas of our being and on levels of society. 

The Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (earth) grounds deep into the transformative emotional energy active in Pluto’s ongoing transit. Everything may feel more like moving through molasses today, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  When the pressure and stress is weighing heavily on us, the best we can do is sit peacefully where we are, move slowly and with grace, and allow ourselves to be present and mindful in each moment. Our ability to accept with grace and act in reverence to the gifts of the present active within us, allow us to better appreciate the beauty and passion that is welling up from within.  If it seemed more difficult to get things done or if ideas seemed more confused and less clear than usual, take the opportunity to allow yourself to settle down and simply breathe.  It truly is not the time to push against things, but it is a time to pay attention to whatever thoughts, emotions, memories, desires, or unfulfilled dreams require your attention now. As we have been in the long process or clearing, cleaning, releasing, and letting go, we are now in the throes of dealing with that which we have cast out on the waters and that which we have become disconnected with. 

On Wednesday, the Sun trines Pluto, making it easier for us to come to realizations, finalize plans, and understand that which has escaped us until now. We gain a greater sense of clarity than we have experienced in quite some time. We find ourselves more decisive, and we have a greater ability to concentrate and focus once again. Where we had been feeling thwarted, we now feel freed and supported in our desires, dreams, and intentions. We have endurance to accomplish what we set out to achieve.  This requires that we become clear, intentional, and specific about what it is we really want, need, or wish to release from our experience.  

Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn is one of the most positive aspects for beginning a new project or starting a money-making business or partnership.  Support, leadership, and focus are working together for you at this point, if you are wisely discerning and setting your goals and direction. We also find others being more supportive than in the past, and depending where this falls in your life/chart, you can see major changes and transformation manifesting in bold and decisive ways now. 

Mercury’s semis square to Jupiter tends to overload us with ideas, so it’s probably wise to spend some time prioritizing and organizing your time so that you don’t try to do too much all at once. Whatever you begin will turn out better if you take your time being meticulous in the way you express yourself and in the way you approach new ventures.  Take care of details and pay attention to the broader spectrum on any project, situation, relationships, or decision you are involved in right now. Our minds are stimulated and we may feel a touch of spring fever in the Northern hemisphere....making us feel restless, anxious, and overstimulated. Find healthy ways to let off steam. Get out and take a long walk, go swimming, get some exercise, and channel your energy in prayer, meditation, or some other form of body and energy work (yoga, pilates, tennis). Mantra meditation is a useful tool for handling this type of energy, as is singing and dancing. Use your own judgement as to what works for you to settle down. I personally find singing and dancing stimulating, so neither is appropriate when my mind is racing. Find the ways that settle, calm, and center you so that you can make the best use of the energy within and around you at this time.

The Sun in Taurus sextiles Chiron in Pisces, indicating that you may find a greater sense of purpose or more clarity of mission at this time. Look for areas where your healing in some area of life can lead you to grow and change in ways that make you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.  Be willing to ask yourself what needs to change in order for you to live more according to your desires, purpose, and true nature.  What would it take to be a healthier, happier you?  When the Sun is in Taurus, we are reminded by the beauty of the earth, the elements, and the welling up from within, that our Divine Creator has infused us each with spiritual truth and longing that guides and motivates us throughout our lives. Like the newborn child, the flower in bloom, or the seed that is beginning to sprout, we require care, tenderness, and nourishment to grow. We require love and security to affirm and bless us, and we require courage and trust to allow our lives to be infused and guided by Divine Love.  Chiron in Pisces reminds us on the deep soul level of our Divine nature.  We reflect love. Love is our birthright, and the sacred connection which allows us to love one another and live according to the Divine plan.  Trust that you are being loved, guided, guarded, and blessed right where you are at all times. Allow yourself to receive Divine inspiration, to enjoy the life you’ve been given, and to share the love only you can express.  Create, love, and give thanks for the gift of life.

Mercury is in sextile aspect to Neptune, heightening our intuitive senses. Allow the gifts of knowing, however you experience them, to well up within you and lead you to the perfect expression of your being. Be creative. Do your art. Allow your imagination to brim over and fill your life with ideas, beauty, and treasures. Be inspired, and be yourself so you can inspire others by moving and operating from the integrity of your true being.  Put some flowers in your hair. Dance around the May Pole or out in the garden. Walk along the river or stand by the ocean or at the foot of the mountain, and give thanks for what you have, for what you can give, and for those who have filled your life with love. 
Afterglow                                                                                                                                      Catherine Al-Meten

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