Thursday, January 24, 2013

Full Wolf Moon in Leo, January 26, 2013

The Full Moon in 7/24 Leo peaks on January 26, 2013 at 10:39 CST/ 8:39 P.M. PST.

Names given to this midwinter full moon include:

North Moon
Old Moon
Ice Moon
Earth Renewal Moon
Turtle Clan Moon
White Road Moon
Cold Moon
Snow Goose People Moon
Birch Moon

Full Moon in Leo, Sun in Aquarius

As the Moon in Cancer is waxing, the days just before present us with some edgy and activating aspects. Early on the morning of January 24, the Moon squares Uranus and opposes Pluto, We may find ourselves seeking greater security and clinging to that which we are familiar as a means of establishing a sense of safety. Later in the late afternoon and evening, the Moon sextiles Uranus making for a more open, receptive attitude toward new ideas, social interaction, and creative ways to meet challenges. Contrary to how the Moon in Cancer might normally feel to us, it’s time to take some calculated risks and reach a bit beyond our comfort zone to enjoy and be more receptive to ideas.  The Moon’s aspects to Uranus and Pluto continue to set off feelings, thoughts, and events that prove to be eye opening. We begin to see our way through some of the earlier anxiety and negativity.

On Friday, January 25 in the morning, the Moon in Cancer all day, squares Mercury and Saturn. This may find us facing one challenge after another for the early part of the day. The challenges come in the areas of your life/chart where Saturn in Scorpio has begun its recent transit in Scorpio. Saturn, the Great Teacher, has been and will continue to move through the depths of our unconscious to awaken and prepare us for whatever lessons we have to learn for our personal development and life journey. With the Moon in Cancer squaring both Saturn and Mercury (archetype of communication of all kinds), we might struggle with both inner and outer forms of communication.  Since there is such a deep, unconscious component to these aspects, pay particular attention to how you talk to yourself and to yourself about others. Notice if you are operating and talking to yourself out of fear, anger, hostility, or some other unhealed emotion or subconscious thinking.  

This is one of those times when it does matter what and how we are thinking, for our actions are formed out of our thoughts, and being more aware of what we are thinking can change us from someone who acts without conscious awareness or not. If there are blocks or delays in communication or if you are feeling blocked and challenged, put off taking care of different forms of communication until you have had a chance to reexamine your motivations, intentions, perspective, biases, and desires.  You may find that prayer and meditation, a long walk or a relaxing bath will bring you more in touch with what is really at the heart of the conflict, confusion, or discomfort you may feel under these influences.  In the evening, the Sun trines Jupiter lightening up the atmosphere and making us feel happier, more joyful, and in the mood to celebrate. If we have given ourselves a bit of a break from chewing on our own negativity, we can enjoy the evenings lightheartedness. 

Winter Afterglow                                                                                                                                                Catherine Al-Meten
At 9:21 A.M. EST (6:21 PST) the Moon enters Leo on Saturday morning. The Moon in Leo allows us to feel like a child, with the ability to enjoy and express ourselves with creative and enthusiastic energy. Later in the evening, the Moon in Leo, the Full Wolf Moon, reaches her peak.

Sun in Aquarius sees the greater good of all; the Leo Moon is about self empowerment and creative movement and expression. The Leo Moon asks the leader to shine forth, step forward, and take a stand from a place of strength and calm. Time to explore within you all those areas that have been hiding in the shadows, waiting for the light to bring them to life, the allow them to grow and blossom.

Think of any areas of your life where you have put dreams on hold, allowed enthusiasm to diminish, or set aside your special gifts and talents because you didn’t feel worthy or were afraid to step out into the light. What areas of yourself, your life, your relationships, the way you live have you wanted to change, and what is stopping your from making changes now? Find a mentor, a model, or a guide whose style and courage you admire, and take some lessons from them on how to move beyond fear, take a healthy risk, and bring about change and movement in ways that open new doors and provide new circumstances for your journey.

When we begin a new journey, we often meet with obstacles, challenges, and even false starts or missteps. These are just part of life and the journey. Ignoring them will not work; instead realize what
challenges you have to meet, set your sites on your goals, and move with faith and assurance that you will accomplish what you set out to do, be, achieve, create, and attract into your life. Experience the sense of freedom there is in being yourself, appreciating your gifts and talents, recognizing your weaknesses and challenges, and spread your wings to fly.

Moon in Leo forms what is called the Cradle with Jupiter at 6/20 degrees of Gemini sextile Uranus 5/26 Aries and Uranus sextile Jupiter. Jupiter trines the Sun and  Uranus trines the Moon.  Avoid the tendency to become bogged down in maudlin negative emotionalism and habits we may have used to numb pain or our senses. Instead, feel the energy of the Uranus trine to be spurred to accept some of the changes taking place. Expect the unexpected, and delight in your ability to affirm yourself as part of the Divine plan.  Accept that what you need or want is already known, and your job is simply to be open, receptive, and grateful for your gifts. Allow life and the Universe to release what needs to be released, and receive what needs to come into your life.

Moon sextile Jupiter has a sensual, sexual, emotional component, so enjoy what feeds and nourishes your relationships and your sense of peace and well being, but avoid going beyond the boundaries that feed into ego, negative patterning, or past abuse or conflicts.  Keep your inner compass clear, and do what feeds your soul.

Your dream life and intuitive sensibilities should be supercharged as we move deeper into the energy of the Full Moon in Leo.  Deepening your faith in sound principles of spirituality, creativity, and scientific knowledge can bring about a healing and holistic knitting of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Jupiter brings great good fortune when your focus, faith, and intention are channeled in the right directions. Spending time in meditation and prayer, with particular attention to the 6th Chakra, intuitive knowledge and insight, allows you to energize the pituitary gland, the pineal glad, and the hypothalamus. Using some of the time and energy available in prayer and ritual is likely to give your greater clarity, a deeper sense of truth, and specific guidance for areas of your life where you may have been feeling like you were drifting at sea.

The Full Moon in Leo with the Sun in Aquarius presents us with a powerful time to see ourselves, our relationships, and our world more in light of how they actually are than how we would like them to be. Any sense of powerlessness or disappointment you might feel in others may have a direct correlation to your own perspective and set of expectations.  It also lights up the areas of our lives where we are or are not having our needs met, being honored and respected, or affirmed for who we are and what we offer.  If our expectations and disappointments are founded on the lack we have or the areas of weakness and lack of luster, we can invigorate those relationships, bring them to life, or become more aware of where we’ve tried to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.  

We have choice in how we respond to how others treat us, and when the Moon is in romantic Leo, we feel the need to have our needs met fully and without delay.  While making changes may take some time, the full moon wakes us up to our need to enliven ourselves through our relationships and to have more fun doing so. Be aware that the Sun in Aquarius opposing the Moon in Leo also makes us more aware of where we feel we’ve been slighted in the realm of enjoying life. If your nose has been too much to the grind stone lately, try having more fun with your work, enjoy a creative project or adventure just for the fun of it. Everything does not have to start with purpose and meaning, but out of joy, rest, relaxation, fun, and pleasure comes  a deepening of every aspect of life.  

Spend some time getting a clearer perspective of you and your life journey. Look back to a year or two ago, and make a list of those areas that have changed for the better, those areas that have been released, creating more joy and meaning for you now, and then look at that list of wishes you made as the new year turned and see how you’re progressing on being receptive to change, good, and joy in your life.  Celebrate at the Full Wolf Moon. Howl in joy at the rising of the Light, the return of longer days, and ecstasy of being alive.  Celebrate and be glad, for this is the day the Creator made for you to join in the ongoing Creation. Use it to make life better for yourself by making it better for others. Take care of Creation by planting a seed, clearing a space, and making room in life for greater joy, more life, and ongoing Creation of good.

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