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Blues Skies Catherine Al-Meten |
A stellium or crown of five planets line up in one sign in January. These planets put the focus on one theme, project or idea, and give energy and support for one main area of our lives. Where the stellium lies, depends upon where Capricorn sits in your chart/life. During 2013, there will be a number of months when a stellium of planets highlights one area of your life or another. The Stellium is composed of five heavenly bodies transiting the sign of Capricorn, including the Sun (until Jan. 20), the Moon (Jan. 11-13), Mercury (until Jan. 20), Pluto (all month), and Venus (enters Capricorn Jan. 10). Look to the area of your life where Pluto has been transiting, and notice how this stellium event may add sparkle to your life.
The Sun will be in Capricorn until January 20, Mercury also transits Capricorn until the 20th, Pluto transits Capricorn between 9-10. Venus enters Capricorn on January 10, just before the New Moon of January 11th. The New Moon also falls in Capricorn. New Moons signal the beginning of a new chapter that continues its influence for a new cycle which continues to build strength and momentum for the two weeks following. Mars is in Aquarius throughout January. Jupiter began the year in retrograde Gemini, causing some delays, but will turn direct by January 30th. Saturn in Scorpio slowly continues working its way through Scorpio this month, completing its first quarter transit by the 24th. By then you will have a good idea of what Saturn is calling up from the depths for you to deal with. Uranus is in 4-5 degrees of Aries all month, and Neptune is in Pisces, moving from 1degree to 2 by month’s end. Neptune, a slow-moving planet, takes 14 years to orbit the Sun, and entered Pisces at the end of February last year. The North Node is in Scorpio. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is in 6-7 degrees of Pisces.
For the month of January, the stellium in Capricorn highlights the following areas for Sun signs and ascendants:
1st house. Personal fulfillment and how you project your personality.Your presentation to the world. So Capricorn Suns and Ascendents, the spotlight will be on you, and you want to make certain you are presenting yourself as you want to be known for you will be getting a lot of attention based on what you present.
2nd house. Creating own sources of income and handling your worth and value wisely. For those with a crown of planets falling in Capricorn in the 2nd house, the spotlight will be on your sense of personal worth, value, including personal finances. This could be an excellent time to make decisions, reap the benefits of past work, put new ideas into motion, and deepen your sense of personal worth and satisfaction with being who you are, where you are. By treasuring your own ideas and valuing your life, you attract others who appreciate and shower you with abundance as well. Like attracts like. Any subtle or not-so-subtle changes you have been thinking about making in how you value yourself and allow others to treat you, will be important to make now. Letting go of negative patterning, habits, and thinking about your value as a person, need to be released and altered to reflect your true nature.
3rd house. Perfecting the art of communication. Those with third house Capricorn will feel the power and energy of Capricorn in the third house this month. Particularly with Mercury’s Capricorn transit, writers, publishers, and others who seek to communicate more clearly and broadly, will be finding this area of life enhanced.
4th house. Forming a sound foundation for yourself and creating a home. With Capricorn in the 4th house, you will find your attention drawn more and more to finding your ‘home’ and with grounding yourself in the sense of safety and rootedness you need.
5th house. Expressing your inner delight, enjoyment and pleasure, and getting in touch with that which brings you joy. You may feel yourself in need of a good vacation, some time to play, or desiring the pleasures of home and family more than usual during this month. Most likely this indicates a period following a lot of hard work and one-sided effort put into activities that have left you depleted. Be sure to allow yourself to regenerate, enjoy life, and have fun.
6th house. Daily life, work place, and physical health. Learning to take care of the details of life. Becoming more discerning, and learning to create order where there is chaos (internal and external)
7th house. Partnership and cooperative relationships (including marriage). Perfecting the principles of giving and receiving, and learning about commitment. Areas of marriages and partnership now are in the focus, and it is time to make necessary changes, give the time and attention required for mutual growth and care, and understand the importance of the ability to both give and receive love in a marriage or love partnership if it is to be sustained.
8th house. Personal transformation, finding connections and worth within the greater context of being. Increased interest in metaphysics, goods of the dead, and transmigration of ideas, energy, and connections. With Pluto having been here for a while already, you probably have been deeply involved in the uprooting, disruptive nature of Capricorn’s effect on 8th house matters. You may have suffered loss, or been responsible for helping with the matters of others who have passed or cannot care for themselves. In any event, your powers of regeneration and connection to the multidimensional nature of Life, has been awakened, and is receiving a lot of energy and support during this time. Healing is a major part of this.
9th house. Expanding horizons. Travel, higher education, interest in foreign cultures/people. Developing a broader philosophical base, and delving into spiritual and/or religious ideas, practices, and meaning. This may be the month you take plans off hold, and embark on a new adventure. Plans made now are likely to take you far in your quest to learn, discover, and grow.
10th house. Personal identity fulfilled through a greater life purpose. Developing and becoming more fully committed to one’s lifepurpose, soul meaning. How we serve others through the way we live. At this time, your own soul call is receiving clear support and motivation. Notice what is calling you at this time, regardless of your age. This stellium of planets in the 10th house are key to shining light on what you need to achieve your goals.
11th house. Uniqueness expressed in community. Through cooperative efforts, we find our purpose and meaning. When we
work in community, we also develop our powers of discernment and a greater sense of autonomy. Expression of our 10th house finds in the real world. This is also the house of wishes coming true. Whatever it is your heart has been desiring, may now come to pass. Focus your intentions and attention on that which you most desire, and see what unfolds.
12th house. Deep-rooted, subconscious identity. The place within you and within your life where you withdraw to discover your soul’s center and the truth of your being. The placed within where you seek to know yourself better, and your ability to trust your own instincts, intellect, intuition, and life experiences to understand yourself and others. With Capricorn in this area of your life, you are likely to feel the rising up of information, memories, feelings, dreams, and intuitive knowledge. What is loosened by Pluto’s Capricorn transit, is rising up into your awareness now, ready to be awakened, acknowledge, addressed, and released into some form so that it no longer remains locked inside, but is released in a healthy way with no harm to you or others.
On Friday, January 11, the New Moon in Capricorn, sets off a new phase in the Capricorn cycle of your chart. Between now and Friday, we enter the Dark of the Moon phase, a time to ponder, rest, and prepare for another threshold crossing. Watch for Friday's article on the New Moon, and in the meantime, spend some time in reflection and prepare yourself to set your New Year's dreams into motion.
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