Monday, June 25, 2012

Movement, Messages, and Imagination

Within just the last few days, you might have sensed a change in the kinds of energy and influences in and around you. Dreams may seem a lot more stirring, puzzling, or revealing. Saturn stationed direct at 11:50 P.M. last night at 22/46 Libra.  The Sun entered Cancer just five days ago, and Venus's retrograde phase through in the third decan of Gemini, is about to end (June 27 at 8:05 A.M. PDT). Dreams really do come true, as do thoughts and imaginative plans manifest. 

This is the time to be clear about what what we hope to achieve, attract, experience, and create. Paying attention to the way we talk to and about ourselves, to and about others, and what we hold in our thoughts, is very important at most times; is particularly important now. For those of us who dwell on the positive, this is business as usual. For those of us who are harsh on ourselves or others, who tend to see the glass half empty, or who underestimate themselves and the power of their conscious and subconscious energy, this is a crucial time.  In the new children's movie, Brave, one of the most powerful messages, according to my daughter and granddaughter, is "be careful how you phrase your wishes." Being clear within ourselves, and stating our desires, dreams, and plans as clearly and succinctly as we can, helps us bring what we truly desire into our experience. 

Our thoughts, words, and deeds are the energy expressing who and what we are, and what we send out is received accordingly.  This is one of the reasons the lessons we have been learning over the past year or two have emphasized the importance of releasing that which no longer is true about and for us.  This begins within us, and calls us to face the aspects of who we are that are not speaking according to our best interests or from our purest and highest intentions. Continue to walk forward and act out of purest intentions. Continue to see guidance of the Divine according to the nature of your innate spiritual being.  Use the process of discernment to discover what connects you to  Divine Good and Divine Right Action, as you also discern where you feel disconnected.  

The fire energy of Mercury in Leo releases powerful ideas, words, and movement. As Mercury, the archetype of communication, ideas, imagination, conversations, and messages, is in a fire sign, watch for messages to come from a variety of different sources, in a broad spectrum of diverse ways, and within close proximity to where you are. The action is within and close by, so pay attention to what your life, the one right before you, is revealing, expressing, and designing.  The power of you imagination and creative spirit is bursting forth now. Create, dance, write, paint, and express positive ideas using the energy available now in whatever area of your life Mercury's orbit affects and aspects.  For example, a 10th house transit of Mercury would affect one's life and career choices and development.  If the Natal Mercury were also in a fire sign, this would indicate a positive, influential affect between a Mercury in either Aries or Sagittarius. Looking at the houses both the transiting Mercury is in, and the house that your Natal Mercury is in, would give you a strong indication of how this transit is affecting you. 

Mercury also has power, energy and promise as it forms different aspects to Natal Mercury or other planets. Squares, often understood to be negative aspects, simply indicate activation of energy to the planet or house to which it squares. We all have aspects in our charts that invite us to learn. Just as we all must deal with challenges, issues, and problems in order to grow and prepare for new roles and stages of life, so too do we learn what we are capable of and what we are called to do through the way we face, handle, and work our way through different experiences and levels of movement in our lives. What matters is how we use the energy of the square, the opposition (when two planets directly oppose each other), or other so-called difficult transits or aspects. 

As we learn to deal with that which is difficult for us, we learn how to overcome, transcend, and thrive in spite of such influences.  This also goes with Mercury in retrograde.  When you hear someone bemoaning Mercury's retrograde phase, remember that retrogrades give us more time to discover problems, work out issues, and avoid pitfalls that we might otherwise miss.  Saturn's recent retrograde over the last decan of Libra has caused us to have to revisit some area of our life where we are out of balance, and where we have a great need to release, relearn, and recuperate before we move forward into the next major transit of Saturn. Saturn will enter Scorpio later in the year, and then the lessons will move into a different kind of energy, and into a different area of our lives.  Treat retrogrades and all difficult transits and aspects as the teachers they are. Learning to use the information astrology presents, is much like anything we use as a tool for helping  us understand and deal with our life journey.  When we move beyond the stereotype, quick fix, fortune telling understanding, we begin to recognize, learn about and understand how the world and Universe in which we live gives us signs, messages, and energy with which to incorporate into our actions, understanding, and life direction that can be helpful to us as we seek to learn the purpose and direction of life.  Astrology, the study of how the energy, movement, and system of our solar system and the gallactic  universe of which we are a part, operates, moves, and expresses energy. If you doubt for a second that we are affected by the Universe in which we live, stand by the ocean as the tide is changing, or watch the movement of the stars and the moon across the sky throughout the year. Watch the seasons change, and observe any scientific theory in action before you as the leaves sprout from a tree in spring, or drop off in the autumn.  We are intrinsically linked into the natural course of life not only on this planet but also within our solar system, the galaxy, and the wider limitless Universe beyond. 

If you wonder whether or not there is an end, tell me, what is beyond the end? Most of us do not live our lives on the fringes of the Universe or in some microscopic examination of the internal workings of life, however, we all seem to be looking to live our lives with some degree of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. Whatever our religious or spiritual traditions, whatever our philosophical or scientific beliefs, we are each a part of the great Universe, and the wisdom of its Creator is alive within us. Everything and everyone has meaning and purpose, and our journey here is to discover, day by day, year by year, what our part of the journey is meant to create, share, experience, love, eliminate, express, or discover.  Read the signs, set your map before you, and chart out your journey. Take the steps toward what will not only fulfill you but also will fulfill your special gift and creation to the universal story of ongoing Creation.

Notice the changes that take place within and around you, and then begin to notice how or if the subtle or sudden changes connect to the Universe in which you live. Tomorrow night the moon moves into Libra, an archetype connecting us to peace, harmony, balance. The Moon sextiles Mercury tomorrow morning, and then trines Jupiter at 4:10 P.M tomorrow afternoon. The first quarter square of the Moon in Libra to the Sun in Cancer (each month there is a square of the moon and the sun the week prior to the full moon and the week after it).  Squares challenge us to use the energy of a heavenly body, in this case the Sun in Cancer, to work with the difficulties or blocks caused by the energy/archetype of the Moon, in this case, the Moon in Libra. Sun in Cancer seeks comfort, security, making of a home, nourishing and feeding others (sometimes forgetting to care for self), and declaring and marking one's territory.  The Libra Moon archetype seeks balance through partnership and cooperation.  The challenge of one who seeks to embrace and define their world within one's own limits is to allow for support, help, cooperation and partnership.  This is one way of interpreting this kind of square. 
Tomorrow, Tuesday, Venus and the Moon trine to finish the day off anticipating Venus's direct turn on Wednesday morning (7/29 Gemini), making it easier for many to express love, see positive movement in relationships, and begin to feel better about ourselves. 

Near the end of the week there is another major Pluto aspect as the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn (7:58 A.M.) and squares Uranus in Aries (1:10 P.M.).  Depending where these aspects fall in your chart/life, this could indicate some kind of power struggles, expression of resentment, rebellion, or other major reactions to ongoing issues signified by the long Pluto transit through Capricorn.  

Later in the week the Moon in Scorpio will allow our emotional depths to release energy, ideas, expression, and new patterns to arise providing us with the impetus to make the changes that we need to make in order to be more creative, more productive, and to aid in our transformation.  Out of whatever disruptions, conflicts, or decisive actions triggered by the Sun's opposition to Pluto brings, comes the seeds, ideas, offers, and movement toward better, more honest communication and better choices, plans, and vision.  Use the aspects that are brewing at the beginning of the week to foresee and prepare for what is ahead. Notice dreams, honor intuitive hints, pay attention to imaginative ideas that hold the key to better planning, and allow your whole being to experience, observe, and prepare for the next steps on the journey.

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