Sunday, June 3, 2012

Full Moon in Sagittarius, Lunar Eclipse June 4, Venus Passes Between Earth and Sun June 5

As we move through the depths of the Waxing Moon in Scorpio.  June promises to be an active month, full of movement and major developments astrologically speaking.  On Monday, June 4, at 4:04 A.M. (PDT) the Full Moon in Sagittarius will experience a Lunar Eclipse at nearly the same time that Neptune in Pisces makes its station to turn retrograde.  On June 5, Venus transits the Sun (this won't happen again until 2017). Chiron (The Wounded Healer) goes into its  retrograde phase June 11, and Uranus in Aries forms a square to Pluto on June 24.  This signals sudden, perhaps unexpected changes that activate major changes in the areas where Pluto is working its way through Capricorn.

On Monday, June 4 the planets line up to form a Mutable Grand Cross in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.  Look to these four houses to determine what areas of your life are most affected. For example, if your Ascendant is in any one of the Mutable signs (Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo), your 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are affected.   Find your ascendant, and then locate the 4 mutable signs to determine which houses are receiving the the brunt of this energy.  You will  probably find that these are the areas of your life that seem to be the most active or where you may be experiencing the most movement or disturbance. This is the time to realize that even the best laid plans do not necessarily work out in quite they way we envision.  Some of us have been working on making changes, listening to messages of our subconscious or observing the shifting sands beneath our feet....all of us wondering, how will this turn out? Where is this path leading me? This is the time when we will become more aware than ever of our link to the major movements in the Universe, our connections to the shifting forces of the world in which we live, and the now obvious changes that are affecting everyone whether or not we understand the reasons and outcome or not.  I suggest reading Emily Trinkaus' insightful blog, Virgo Magic, for she so eloquently and clearly explains the transformational nature of these current aspects.

We are being pushed to balance and integrate our priorities.  Last week one writer friend of mine wrote that she was going through all her projects and eliminating everything that was no longer relevant to her current priorities.  Many of us find ourselves sorting through not only projects and ideas, but also patterns of behavior, relationships, styles of living, transportation, banking and financial habits, and any number of other areas of our lives that we have taken for granted. Now we ask ourselves, "What is essential to my highest good and the priorities that I have set to live out my soul goals?  What is distracting me from creating, building, changing, communicating, healing, or connecting?"  As are pushed beyond our limits, as we come to identify where we must change or where we must change the way we do something, we are given a big push to help us clear away that obstacles to what we as yet may be unable to envision.

The Mutable Grand Cross signals movement, adaptability, perception, and communicatiion.  Whatever actions we take need to serve the bigger picture (of our lives, the lives of those with whom we relate, and the larger community and environment as well). As we make choices and adapt to changing circumstances, we must do so with a vision of our mission, purpose, and long term goals.  For many, this requires a shift in perception. In other words, we may not seem to change much on the outside, but our view of how the world is, how it operates, what our place is, and how we relate to everything, does change...indeed must. If we cling to outmoded, no-longer-valid viewpoints, we will be like the hamster on the wheel...continually running in circles...going over the same ground in the same mode without getting anywhere.

Along with the energy of the Lunar Eclipse, the Mutable Grand Cross, the retrograding planets, come countless new possibilities to connect, communicate, and create. Neptune's retrograde motion takes us back over what has surfaced over the last few months, from the depths of our being.  We are now building the base for our future, the future of our  part of the planet's journey, and our soul's development.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, presents healing crises meant for us to reorient ourselves to the changing ways of the world and to our need to change perspectives. It is time to see things differently, and when we won't, our bodies let us know where we are neglecting to take heed.

Neptune stations on this day, amplifying the emotional flood of energy.  Mars in Virgo opposing Chiron and squaring the Eclipse, calls for discernment on all levels of our being. It also calls for us to take care in all our actions. Act with the preciseness of Virgo as Mars' transit through this sign has been forcing many of us to take greater care in the way we do whatever we do. Act on all levels, with precision and care. Begin by identifying what needs to be done, prioritize, and then work, one step at a time, to slowly and methodically  move forward.  When dealing with the overwhelming nature of this energy, we may feel we are in no position to do anything. What you may be called to do is as simple as be present where you are right now. Get your mind out of the past and disconnect it from the negative sources of energy where it is draining your emotional, financial, psychological, creative, and relational batteries.  Turn toward your Higher Power, the Divine, God, in prayer. Pray and submit to Divine Will. Clear and clean. Sort and organize what you have where you are. Release what can be let go. Act in some way to build bonds, spread kindness, acknowledge others with care and concern, and embrace the gifts of your life now.

Jupiter, in the final degrees of its passage through Taurus rules both Sagittarius and Pisces (two of the signs that are affecting the planetary energy now).  Jupiter in an Earth sign, has been showing us and calling for us to tune into the planetary, elemental wisdom and beauty to feed our souls. Connect with plants, animals, and all the elements, and as Emily Trinkaus says, "Focus on being over doing."

On June 5 both the Sun and Venus are moving into conjunction. Venus will pass between the Sun and the Earth casting her shadow across the Sun for a brief time. Venus stirs up what needs to be awakened and what needs to be healed in areas of our lives related to love, pleasure, our values, our sense of aesthetics and our understanding and perceptions of beauty, as well as what and who we find attractive.  Venus' conjunction to the Sun indicate that both within our hearts, minds, and spirits as well as within our relationships with all areas of our lives, we need to allow ourselves to be awoken to receive the Divine Spark, the Creative flame, the energy of Light that infuses us, helping us become more a part of being part of the Creator's ongoing flame of creation. We are part of the ongoing process of Creation. Look for the 14th degree of your chart, for this may give you a clue as to where the arrow of Eros, the Divine Spark of Being will activate within you.  Allow yourself to receive the blessings that often come from what we thought we needed,  but find we discover in that which matters most both within us and within the life beneath our own feet.  Be where you are in time and space, and appreciate the gifts and talents, the experience and wisdom that have created the person you are now.  Hold onto your surfboards, and ride the waves of transformation to the person you were born to be. You've been there all along, and now is the time to shine and share. We need to help one another build, create, and heal.  In the eloquent words of my pragmatic and wise daughter, "Resistance is futile!"  And that might not be such a bad thing, especially for those of us who are ruled too much by unresistant attitudes, behavior, and need to control.  Let go, Be, and see what you can do to make life better.

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