Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 7-12, 2011

Tonight as I stood looking out to the east from my kitchen window, the beautiful glow of the waxing moon lit up the the landscape and shone on the surface of the river. Bright, glowing Jupiter sat to the left and just below the moon. As the earth turned, and the moon passed to the south, an icy, shimmering rainbow ringed the moon and then a curtain of clouds covered her. Yesterday's Taurus Moon trined Mars in Virgo, found us focusing our energies purposefully. The late night lunar trine to Venus in Capricorn, provided all the inspiration and urges for expressing ourselves creatively.

As the moon becomes fuller, and we move more deeply into the longest nights and the shortest days of the year, we feel the increasing tug of the tides. Tonight, the low tide at the mouth of the river revealed the silty bottom of the tidal slough almost as far out as I've ever seen it. As we approach the Full Moon in Gemini early Saturday morning, and the lunar eclipse, we will light candles, burn fires, and decorate our houses, inside and out, with lights. The tradition of putting up lights for the winter holidays, stems from the ancient traditions of lighting fires in midwinter to remind ourselves of the warmth of spring and summer. As I pull a blanket around my shoulders, and light candles, I am drawn to the light and dancing shadows that the flames cast, warming me through the long, cold winter night.

Today the Sun, in 16 degrees of Sagittarius, will be full at 18 degrees of Sagittarius when the Gemini Moon aligns to form a lunar eclipse on Saturday morning. The Sun moves one degree per day, while the moon moves through a sign in approximately 2 1/2 days. The Sun recently formed a conjunction with the North Node in Sagittarius, signifying the reaching of a threshold. Having passed through the threshold, the Sun now moves forward with greater energy and purpose. Our energy levels may be pulled in many directions right now, however, if we can focus on the plans, dreams, and intentions that may have become quite clear over the last week, we can use our spiritual practices to help ground ourselves in meaningful service, creativity, work, or other types of expression. While we may feel heavy pressure or nervous energy, depending upon how we respond to the collective energy alive in and around us, we can focus that energy through focused breathing and intentional activity. The depth of rising energy, and the deepening of the spiritual depths that seem to be filling our collective consciousness, is as close as your heartbeat, as accessible now as your next breath. In a few weeks, when Mercury moves past the North Node, we will learn more about those intentions that we cast out this week.

Close your eyes, and turn your attention towards the stillness, joy, love, and serenity within you. Feel the presence of the Spirit within you, and sense the presence of the Divine light that shines within those around you, that surrounds and reflects the sacredness of the Earth and heavens above. Listen with your heart to what those you love are saying, and let your love grow. This morning my granddaughter sang me a song: "Love grows one by one, two by two, and four by four, Love grows, round like a circle, and comes back knocking at your front door." I awoke to a video message from my granddaughter singing this song this morning, and I thought, what a beautiful message and a simple gift we can give to others and ourselves. The simplicity of living in harmony is found now as we live mindfully, listening for how we can love and honor one another more fully.

As we learn to listen to the intuitive knowledge, learn to pay attention to our dreams, and allow ourselves to face the parts or ourselves which need healing and developing, we grow in our ability to love and be loved, to live and embrace the gift of life. We are now at a turning point in our human development. Through our choices, we turn toward a more universal understanding of one another and our place in the sacred cycles and the exploding concepts of reality which challenge a limited, absolutist view of our existence. While we expand our awareness, we begin to understand a greater purpose, meaning, and conception of our journey. We understand more clearly, how the power of our mind, our spirit, our physical capabilities, and our intuitive knowledge are gifts to develop, use, and share for the sake of healing, preserving, and becoming more divinely attuned to the One, the Holy, the Divine. We have learned that we are all capable of using our insight, intuition, imagination, dreams, and ideas to create, to heal, to build, and to connect through more loving relationships.

Uranus, the planet of change, innovation, scientific breakthroughs, and higher levels of consciousness and communication, is at the beginning of a new cycle. At 0 degrees of Aries, Uranus portends the opening of a new and revolutionary time of advancement, knowledge, and systems. What grows stronger and more relevant for a living a purposeful, honest, and more loving life and forming stronger more meaningful relationships, will outlast the forms of communication, structures that only serve to preserve traditions and structures that no longer serve a meaningful purpose. Patterns, institutions, and outworn models of behavior, thinking, and social operations are falling away, revealing pathways and channels that are giving birth to what some have called, the cosmic wild card...the unexpected appears, on each new wave of discovery, on each level of consciousness, and at all levels of existence.

Moving in retrograde motion since July 9, Uranus highlights discoveries, technologies, hidden and not-so-hidden plans that continue to change the course of human history and will continue to affect the planet and our relationship and place in the Universe. By March 25, 2012 when she goes direct, we can expect to learn of greater mysteries, more innovations, and more upsetting or enlightening (depends upon our attitude) transformations coming out of the shift in direction that the collective whole, the universal energy is propelling us towards.

Mercury, which has been retrograde in Sagittarius since November 24, will turn direct on December 13. Mercury and Uranus work in tandem to propel and send ideas, signals, and all forms of communication and energy into a broad spectrum of channels over a vast sea of locations. Mercury will spend three times its normal cycle in Sagittarius, and thus will align with the North Node, bringing announcements, sharing ideas and dreams, stirring us to dream with more prescient certainty, and propelling announcements, hidden meaning, truth, and clarity in the months ahead.
At the same time that we are taking in new ideas, creating innovative possibilities, and discovering new truths, we will have more time and desire for reflection, feeling the need to absorb and digest the changes. Transitional thrusts will smooth out somewhat, as you develop a more meditative, wholistic understanding of how our spiritual nature infuses and directs our physical being...not the other way around. Meditating, praying, reflection, contemplation, creating calm and serenity...all tools to assist in transitional times.

On this Full Moon in Gemini, the urge to synthesize energies, perceptions, ideas, complexities, and focus will receive a strong infusion of information that passes through galactic energy channels. Carl Jung talked about the Collective Unconscious being a source that we all tap into (consciously through spiritual practice and unconsciously in dreams, intuition, and heightened perceptions) The multi-dimensional Source of all knowledge, all ideas, available as dynamic information, flashes of intuition, prescient knowing, clairaudience, clairvoyence, and the deeper understandings of the soul. Gemini, symbolizes the synthesis of opposites, the melding of polarities, and the coming together in a uniform system of thought from divergent theories and ideals. The meeting of scientific knowledge and spiritual thought. Viewing theory and hypothesis and a companion of faith, is but one piece of the great mysteries of life and our relationship with Creator Spirit.

Until we are willing to look at the mysteries and secrets of our own being and our own experiences, we are not able to heal, to love fully, or to create with our greatest gifts. Being willing to face the truth of who we are, allows us to begin to address the areas where we need to heal, develop, improve, release, and acknowledge. Knowledge of ourselves or the universe in which we live, may open our eyes and our hearts in ways that will enable us to see what part we are taking in taking part in the ongoing creation. The eternal Divine flame rests in the heart of the spirit of each being, and flares to a higher frequency when allowed to burn brightly through our lives. What is burning brightly in your heart? Take the time now to turn toward the brightest stars of your being, and live in joy and appreciation. Discover simple ways to choose life each day.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Thanks Catherine!
    p.s. love grows, round like a circle... :)
