Saturday, November 14, 2020

New Moon in Scorpio: The Path of Light Ahead

It is on November 14th  that I write, and the 5-day festival of Diwali has begun. It seems an appropriate moment to celebrate the triumph of the Light over the Dark, the Conscious over the unconscious, hope over despair. We need to celebrate, and this new lunar path is the perfect time to do so. 

On November 14/15, 2020 at 9:07 P.M./12:07 A.M. the New Moon in Scorpio opens a new pathway for us all. The New Moon in the third decan of Scorpio at 23/18 degrees focuses our attention on plumbing the depths of our passions and intuition.  Perceptions are heightened, as you may have noticed in dreams and sudden insights over the last couple of days when the Moon entered this realm.

We are now in position and the right balance of energies to make important changes in our lives. By being brave enough to go deeper into the mysteries and unknown in and around us, we can cast off fears and begin acting more in alignment with our highest good than in sticking with the status quo or habitual patterns and ways of behaving. We have a real opportunity to make a breakthrough in our understanding of others, our own fears and biases, and in making some significant changes in these areas.

Time is right to focus energy and attention on relationships, commitments, and passions that point us in the direction of what is most meaningful and fulfilling. Time to invest more heavily in building up and strengthening what is most alive and fertile, while at the same time releasing distractions, soul-draining thinking, and may have been sucking life-affirming energy from you and from those commitments and obligations. 

It is a time to release fears, renew energy, and take steps to a healthier, freer way of living.  The Sun in Scorpio (until Nov.21) in conjunction with this New Moon in Scorpio energizes our desire to experience life more fully, deeply, and passionately. Not willing to settle for shallow, incomplete answers, we see to discover the hidden meanings and unravel mysteries that we might have hesitated to before.  Feelings and emotions run deep, and there seems to be nothing mediocre or mundane about our experience of life now. We can experience profound insights that allow us to unlock mysteries and challenges, allowing us to experience deep transformation and healing. 

Mercury just went into Scorpio on November 10, and will be in this sign longer than usual.  Mercury’s transit through Scorpio is a time when we seek and feel greater intensity. We seek with greater intensity to uncover hidden truths, pull back the veils that hide the spiritual and emotional realities that have kept us from making significant changes. Our need now is for more intense communication with our most trusted and loved ones.

 A deeply emotional and healing under the influence of New Moon in the fixed sign of Scorpio, awakens regenerative powers within us. Intense though the emotions may be, calls upon us to embrace the better angels of our emotions and feelings. When we focus on channeling our feelings into their higher vibratory energy, we lean towards more lasting commitments, deeper understanding. We find ourselves more receptive to the promise and hope for greater love and fulfillment.

Mars in Aries, having just come out from its retrograde motion, fills us with more energy and a desire to move forward. We may feel more motivated to make plans and start taking more courageous steps in the direction of change for the better. Having weathered some storms that tested us in ways we hadn’t expected, we have a renewed confidence that fuels us to direct our actions more clearly and single-mindedly towards meaningful goals. Still in its stationary position, we need some time to recuperate and get nourishment before we move too rapidly. Now is the time for rest and renewal, and for nourishing all levels of our being. Focus most of your actions on finding a greater balance and achieving harmony and well being. 

Mars is in Opposition to Uranus, slowing our momentum a bit, and bringing up new insights and situations that must be addressed before we can move forward with the needed energy and strength. Really calling for us to take good care of ourselves with heavy doses of TLC (Tender Loving Care). One way of doing this is  by getting rid of whatever is no longer nourishing or life-affirming. Start with something simple like cleaning off a shelf of the fridge or a drawer or table top that is cluttered. Whatever you do on the surface, will help release energy at other levels of being.

With  Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, and Pallas all in Capricorn, we find ourselves using the lessons we’ve learned to steel ourselves (Saturn the Great Teacher) and to make peace with what is (Pallas) so that we can take control of our energy, behavior, purpose (Pluto the Great Transformer) to develop to our full potential (Jupiter, Abundance and Opportunity). A very potent way to begin on a new path. To move into the depths of our being and to bring that forth from within to direct into creating, healing, producing, and launching our new path forward.

The New Moon in Scorpio Aspects:

Moon sextile Jupiter enhances growth, brings optimism, and finds us surrounded with a sense of optimism, goodwill, and cooperation. A very fortunate aspect especially since it’s at the start of a new lunar cycle. Blessings, good luck, success, and opportunities for growth in body, mind, and spirit (watch out for overdoing, lol).

Moon sextile Pluto, the Great Transformer intensifies our desire and motivation to finish what has been started, and to achieve results. Greater personal power improves our ability to understand the connections between inner growth and outer success/fulfillment. We get it in ways we may have not comprehended before.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto for the third and last time, bringing fulfillment, completion, and the realization of a dream, achievement of a goal, and promise of good outcomes. Good fortune and success are the more likely results of this aspect especially since greed, arrogance, and ruthlessness will cancel out the best that this aspect has to offer. Count your blessings, make amends, and move on so you can enjoy the bounty that awaits.

It’s a powerful New Moon with few of the hard aspects we’ve experienced earlier in the year. Promise of good changes and results on the horizon. Now is the time to rest, heal, celebrate life, and prepare for a brighter future. 

Fixed Stars and their influence. 

Unulkalhai symbolizes the nature of Saturn and Mars. 

When in alignment with the Sun, may signify quarrels, disappointments, loss of someone.  Depends where the Sun is in your life/chart. As we are all in the middle of a pandemic, it’s likely we have been touched by loss this year.

When in alignment with the  Moon, signifies learning of intrigues, poisonings, toxic/unstable authorities and environment.

Fixed Star Agena  symbolizes the nature of Venus and Jupiter.

Friendship, morality, friendship, honor, dignity. 

Alignment with the Sun and the Moon give opportunities to choose between taking the high road or the low. Acting out of love and respect, or out of bitterness and fear. The choice is yours, but then the fruits are the consequences of what you choose.

Agena is the brighter of the two stars, and so that my friends is what we’re faced with in the way we choose to live. This New Moon in Scorpio is full of promise, with very little outside our own choices having a greater impact on what path we choose ahead. Given this New Moon in Scorpio comes at the end of a very tumultuous time, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, we have the power within our own simple daily choices to choose Light or to go the way of the unconscious, unawakened, unredeemed aspects of ourselves. This is a propitious time, full of hope and possibilities. Let’s choose to rise to the occasion and get on with the repairing, healing, and transformation. 

“Hope is being able to see that there is Light despite all the darkness.”

--Bishop Desmond Tutu.

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