Saturday, September 8, 2018

New Moon in Virgo: Ushers in Path of Grand Trine of Earth Signs

This Sunday, September 9 at 11:01 A.M. PDT/2:01 P.M.EDT the New Moon at 17 degrees of Virgo opens a new path to a new lunar year (in some traditions and cultures), and provides a time to renew ourselves, our perspectives, and our intentions for the future. Whatever has been transforming, churning up and being regenerated in your life, is ready for some grounding in the reality of your daily life and in the power of your intentions for the future. Take this opportunity to renew and refresh your outlook and way of living to more fully allow for your energetic renewal and creative progress.

The Grand Trine of Earth signs, which has been influencing our lives for a while now, is energized at the New Moon in 17 degrees of Virgo on September 9, 2018. The New Moon in Virgo also falls in the 2nd decan of Virgo and on the fixed star Mizar, in Ursa Major, located in  tail of the Great Bear constellation. Wherever this New Moon falls in your chart/life is a position that is influenced by Mizar. Ursa Major brings a need for quiet, prudence, self control, discretion, and patience. It also may cause us to feel mistrustful, suspicious, or more easily angered than usual. Notice during this New Moon cycle how this manifests in your own experience, and notice too what your usual way of coping with this energy is like. The more we notice how some trends affect us, the more easily we can make adjustments and changes. And that is what the Virgo New Moon and Grand Trine in Earth signs provides the impetus and energy to do just that.

This placement of the Virgo New Moon, the start of a new path and a new year, requires some discretion. This decan of Virgo tends to cause us to see the world as one of polarities and view life from an either-or perspective. There is no neutral ground emotionally with this New Moon. For that reason, it is a very emotional time, and requires that we exercise some discipline in how we speak, think, act, and respond to what others say to us. Virgo's gifts are ours to use as the energy is strong now to build and bring ideas into form. Be pragmatic and practical in your practices. Look at your schedule and consider the lifestyle you have been living. Take some time to think about what you'd like to see and do in your future. Where would you like to go, live, travel? What would you like to learn, create, or study? Assess your health and level of energy (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, psychological), and make any changes you need to improve and alter your lifestyle to assist you in growing stronger and more energetic. Get enough rest, exercise, pleasure, and time to rest in between major activities. Consider ways  you can change or adapt to present overwhelming conditions or situations, and avoid simply dropping everything and running away. Implement better ways of doing things, better ways of taking care of yourself or handling stress and problems. Address fears that may keep you from making better choices. Get some help if you need to, and focus on getting support that you need as you adjust your life to provide you with a greater sense of well being and more joy in life, work, and all facets of living. Ask for what you're worth, and avoid overdoing and draining your resources. 

Practically speaking, consider the details of your life. Time management-how do you use your time? What could change some? What's working in your life? What is not working? Begin problem solving, and organizing so that your life, home, office, work, and relationships are more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Grand Trine in Earth Signs:
The Grand Trine in Earth is formed in part by the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all being in Virgo . These transits emphasize sacred service, space, and health and well being. The Grand Trine also includes Mars, Saturn, and Pluto all in Capricorn. Mars the planet of action, Saturn, the Great Teacher, and Pluto, the Great Transformer, all require that we work hard to establish strong commitments and that we  take on obligations with a deep sense of responsibility. 

Uranus, the planet of shocking and sudden change in Taurus in this Grand Trine, represents the need to use our energy to use the transformations and lessons we've been learning to conserve our strength, preserve our balance and energetic power.  What we bring forth from our inner needs, desires, and intentions, will now help shape the path before us. We must take steps to use care and caution with the choices we make and the way that we communicate and express our needs and intentions during this New Moon period. Also, what needs to leave our experience falls away or passes out of our influence during this period of time. Whatever you have held onto for fear of making the wrong choice, will now be removed from you regardless of your efforts. Let what needs to go, go. Space is needed to fulfill your intentions. It's all for the best, as Uranus in Taurus is all about building a foundation that allows you to honor your truest self and what you value most. 

We will see in the next two weeks leading up to the Full Moon and the Autumnal Equinox, the manifestations of our present vision, perspective, and intentions. Use care, discretion, and common sense in speaking, thinking, and directing your energy at this time. What we set into motion, decide, or intend at this time, leads us to our destiny, and opens us to the path before us. Seek Divine guidance, and then listen to what direction you receive. Follow the pull of your heart and your center of truth. Check in with that place within you where you "know the Truth" and then follow the path in that direction. Follow your heart or your solar plexus (3rd chakra) or intuitive knowing (6th chakra) or all three to discover the next step. Pay attention to your intuition. 

Impact of Virgo New Moon.

The blessings of Virgo are found in its focus on improving and maintaining our health and well being. We're each called upon to make improvements in our health, habits, patterns of living, and ways of coping with stress and change. The archetypal card of the Priestess is emblematic of Virgo's practical transformation of divine energy into physical creation and manifestation. Imagine yourself using your body, mind, emotions, spirit to pour out into your life, the beauty, balance, creativity, and wholeness you so desire. Bring yourself to a place of home in your heart of hearts, and allow yourself to make whatever changes and adjustments are needed to feel at home and in synch with the beating of your own heart and the pace of your own path. 

The growing edge of Virgo is overcoming the need to control and perfect every aspect of a plan before actually taking action or making a decision. Perfectionism can be a real obstacle for whatever area of your life Virgo rules. It can be a stumbling block for lots of things. We are here to learn, risk, begin and end, and start anew, so 'screw your courage to the sticking point" as Shakespeare once wrote, and get on with things. Write out your intentions, and be specific and concrete about what you want. Too often we get trapped in the whirlpool of indecision because we're looking for the perfect way to move forward. Begin where you are. Be brave and write down your fondest desire, wishes, and dreams. What do you really want?
Once you begin allowing the abundance of the Universe in on your tightly held secrets, there is a chance a small door will open and the Light will enter, giving you exactly what you need to move forward towards the realization of your dreams and desires. 

We are here to serve a purpose, to use our gifts, talents, time, and energy to create what we can to make our world a better place and to live our lives from a point of Love and Harmony.  We have the choice to choose Life or Death, and now is the time when we need to do whatever we can to choose what gives us life, affirms our Divine natures, as we help co-create a more beautiful and harmonious world, within and around us. This Virgo New Moon calls us to put into motion, into concrete, down to earth form, those desires that we have for creating beauty in the world and living in harmony with all of life. 

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