Monday, December 11, 2017

Saturn, the Great Teacher's Last Days in Sagittarius.

Saturn, the Great Teacher, has been transiting the constellation of Sagittarius since 2014. On December 23, Saturn will enter Capricorn where it will stay until 2020. These last days before the shift find this powerful planet transiting the anaretic degree (29 degrees) where it makes its final lessons  visible and felt. Look at where Saturn has been since 2014, what area of your life has been the focal point of those lessons? Saturn in Sagittarius is about taking the actions we need to to make the changes our transformation requires.

If Saturn was transiting your first house, Ascendant, what has been transforming is your appearance, your public persona, and the face you choose to show the world. How does the world see me? What do I want to project into the world? What is changing and how can I make the necessary adjustments to these changes?

Saturn in the second house has been working its transformative processes through the way you know yourself on a very deep, defining level. It's also affected how your personal finances have been reflecting your sense of self worth. A big lesson here is to learn to value yourself more highly than you might have in the past. What is your real worth? What do you really value?

Saturn's transit through the third house has to do with all forms of communication, local community, neighbors, siblings, and how we communicate. How am I developing and addressing the different ways I communicate, and working to express myself more fully or more authentically? What new ways of communicating have been born in my life during this time?

Saturn's transit through the fourth house has to do with how we define and understand what home is. This includes our family of origin and whatever we learned in early childhood home. It also has to do with how we've learned to understand what kind of home we need to nourish ourselves. This may have been a period of time when you've redefined what home is or had to learn how to make yourself at home where you are.

Saturn's transit through the 5th house has been about learning to develop your ability to enjoy life. It includes connections with children, birthing, creativity, and pleasure. Saturn in this realm may have weighed heavily on your ability to enjoy life much. During such times of great stress or loss, we have to recognize the simple pleasures in life and learn to appreciate how to allow ourselves to feel joy and have fun even when it seems an unlikely time.

Saturn's journey through the 6th house is about your physical body and environment (where you spend your daily lives) as well as your work. Our physical bodies are greatly affected by how we spend our time.  When we are miserable in our work, our body suffers. The big lesson for Saturn's 6th house journey is to listen to your body and learn to make sure you are doing what gives you joy, meaning, purpose. Our daily life activities need to support our health and well being.

Saturn's transit through the 7th house of marriage and partnerships, surely put some strain on all types of close relationships. During this time, many unions broke up as others were formed. Businesses as well, were affected. Any alliance that required a close partnership agreement were tested. Failure to make necessary adjustments, caused greater stress than normal.  The purpose-to pay attention to what is working and what is not. When you've done all you can do and nothing works, the lesson may be to move on and direct energy into a more life-sustaining alliance.

Saturn's journey through the 8th house focused lessons on handling of other people's resources, your reputation and worth in the larger community, the realm of the Collective Unconscious, the Unknown, life after death, and transitions of all deeply spiritual types. This could have been a period of learning about loss and grief, of discovering questions and new ways of knowing and being that transcend mundane explanations. It may have been a time when great transformations have occurred in your spiritual and/or religious life. What has created a deeper sense of who I am beyond the mortal realm, during this period? What have I learned about my greater worth? This may have also been a time when you've inherited something of great value.

Saturn's transit through the 9th house focuses on cultures, traditions, historical narratives that expand your outlook, perspective, and depth of experience. Ruler of higher education and deep thought, you may have been learning either in a structured setting or in travels, or both, more about the world than you had experienced before? This transit has opened your heart,mind, and eyes to ways of being besides the ones you were familiar with.

Saturn's journey through the 10th house has focused your attention, time, and energy on that which calls your heart to sing and your soul to evolve. The house of Life Purpose and Career has been a training ground as Saturn has been showing you what you needed to know and learn to attain what you seek on a deep soul level. Any loss suffered or hard work, will lead you to attaining your life purpose.

Saturn's transit through the 11th house has focused activities, time, attention, and discernment on friendships and relationships you've acquired within the context of institutions and group activities. Your idea of what or who a real friend is may have changed greatly. And your idea of how you seek and sustain friendships has been a training ground. You've tempered some relationships, honed others, and discovered what needed to be eliminated or changed in relationships.

Saturn's transit through the 12th house has been a heavy time of dealing with the shadow aspects of our lives. Saturn has awoken us to those mysteries, hidden truths, memories, or unexplored parts of ourselves that required attention.  Whatever had been left unresolved in our lives, or had been ignored, came up to seek the light of day. Parts of our psyche appeared for the first time, and whatever we had tried to suppress came to the surface to be dealt with.  How we did this depends on what lessons we learned.

Saturn's transit through Sagittarius was a powerful, active, dynamic blast of energy which affected everyone. And since we are all connected to one another, we were not only affected in one area of our lives, but in most areas as we interacted with others, adapted to new and upsetting circumstances or conditions. This period when Saturn approaches the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn is akin to the image some describe of 'their life flashing before their eyes'. Notice what is flashing in and around you. Ride the waves with a sense of surrender and compassion for yourself and others, and simply notice and reflect on what has been unleashed through this passage, what has been uncovered and revealed, and what you've learned about coping with stress, dealing with adversity, and adapting to changing circumstances. What have you learned about taking better care of yourself, for Saturn's transit through Capricorn will be all about grounding your ideas and thoughts into building new ways of knowing, being, and doing.

The Capricorn transit of Saturn will give us lessons about both your professional and public image and your reputation and life purpose. You'll also be developing new ideas about commitments. Your faith and belief system which have been greatly tested, will begin to change form and structure during the Capricorn transit. Saturn's transit through Sagittarius has raised more questions inside you than it has answers. During the Capricorn transit, you'll be looking for answers and will continue to question and test new ways of being and doing, especially, as a way to live your growing faith. There is likely to be a growing depth to your search and you'll find yourself on pathways outside what you would have considered normal.

During the transit of Saturn through Capricorn we will put the newfound sense of wholeness and purpose we feel into practice through the emergence of values including honor, respect, patience, reverence for ancient/universal truths, historical precedence/traditions (those that grow and maintain relevance through time, space, culture, and changes). Previous times that Saturn has been transiting Capricorn include the era of the Great Depression and the Fifties during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Rather than be alarmed, remember what each period birthed in our collective consciousness and responses. During the Depression, we weathered the storms, did what we needed to preserve and prevail, and came out stronger and with greater strength and tenacity than before. During the late-50s-early 60s the ideal what threatened, fears rose, but cooler heads prevailed and a new era of peaceful coexistence began.  We are in in a dynamic, dangerous, and challenging time in many ways; we do have the capacity, tenacity, patience, and stick-to-itiveness that we need though, to work hard to lay the foundation for healing, constructive changes, and restructuring.

Capricorn is a conservative time, and that can be good when we look at the growing edge of being conservative. To conserve, to save, to preserve, that which is good, true, and right, not that which destroys, blocks, or infects. So we need to be focused on preserving what is good, conserving our strength, time, and energy to do what we know is right, and to find balance within our close personal relationships and homes so we can fortify ourselves for the effort we put into maintaining values that reflect our inner strength, that recognize the worth and equality of all people, and that respect and honor the processes that help heal, bind, and unify us as a family of humanity.  I'll be writing more about Capricorn and Saturn. For now, keep on breathing, keep on letting go of having to control or know, and release yourself to the goodness of the Universe and Divine One. Surrender to the law of Love. Love overcomes and is stronger than fear or its antecedents. Love is the source of all Light, and we need to keep our lights shining now.

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