Friday, August 18, 2017

Leo, the Lion-hearted: Solar Eclipse

Darkness Settles                                                        Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
The Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees of Leo, is occurring on the fixed star Regulus. Regulus is  considered one of the Royal Stars (Ruler of Persia). The nearly total eclipse (99%) of the Sun as the Moon and Earth line up in direct alignment are in the 3rd decan of Leo. This Solar Eclipse in Leo, 3rd decan of Virgo  signifies a major change, disruption, revelation, and/or major historical breakthrough or event. The effects of this eclipse triggered on August 21, 2017 will be revealed over the next 6 months as the eclipse unfolds in the aftermath of what is occurring now. 

In ancient times, eclipses was considered a malefic event for leaders who happened to be ruling areas in the path of the eclipse. The current President of the US whose own chart shows Regulus rising and conjunct his Mars, may be affected strongly by this eclipse. The path of the eclipse travels across the entire continental United States, and whatever happens to our leaders has an impact on the entire world. So it will be interesting to see how the current administration is affected and reacts to this particular event. For the first time since 1979 (nearly full eclipse), and the first time in 99 years (last time there was a full eclipse), the U.S. will be affected. At such a critical time in our history, we may see some dramatic and explosive signs. The leaders are affected regardless, and will continue to feel and experience the aftermath of this eclipse for at least the next six months. This eclipse however, may have more ramifications and a longer lasting impact.

An almost carnival-like atmosphere has taken over in anticipation of this event. I live in Oregon where  the final path of the eclipse passes over the state. For months people have been booking hotels, campsites, and events in order to witness the eclipse. Many of us are watching with a sense of caution and concern. Festivals to honor the event of Father Sun, Sister Moon, and Mother Earth aligning with one another. With all the hoopla and celebration, we might want to also look at how our own personal lives, the communities in which we live, and our relationship to the collective whole are in or out of alignment at this time. It is a time to pause and contemplate that which is rising up within us to be made manifest.

With all the political and social disruptions caused by our political system being somewhat in disarray, it is apparent to many that what is needed is a deep healing of the wounds of decades if not centuries, that leadership can either foster or irritate and break open. Unfortunately, the rhetoric and abrasive actions of leadership seems to be acting from fear, divisiveness, and hatred. How do we combat harsh realities in divisive times? This Solar Eclipse in Leo may show us the dramatic flashback or eruption that can be caused when a wounded animal is cornered and feels no way out but to attack. Whatever occurs, it is a time to watch, contemplate, and prepare ourselves to deal with the consequences and push back against anything that would harm us.

In Washington D.C., our nation’s capital, more than 90% of the Sun will be blocked during the eclipse. The power of the eclipse can subdue and limit one’s ability to act.  “The Royal Stars.. also believed to govern events in the world. Major disasters, breakthroughs, and historical phenomenons were seen as caused by the stars… When the stars were aligned accordingly, favorable conditions followed, and when they were negatively aligned, disaster was predicted. Because Regulus was the most influential of the Royal Stars, events that took place while Regulus was in dominance were amplified and grave, foreshadowing destruction.”(Darkstar Astrology)

The good news is that during such times when great challenges, obstacles, and crises arise, great and beneficent leaders arise as well. Leaders with Regulus ruling their Moons (emotional temperament) include: Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, and Ghandi.  The leaders who emerge at this time will provide the qualities so needed, understanding, compassion, nurturing, and wisdom. With Regulus in Virgo decan, the focus of this eclipse will be on serving,helping, and nurturing others. And that might be how we find our path through these darker times or times of turmoil, the likes of which we have seen recently and will continue to see until we find a way to right the ship that has been capsized. 

Depending on how evolved, healed, and redeemed a leader may be (or how much we ourselves are healing), we could see either very ruthless and tyrannical behavior or more courageous, servant-leadership focused on the good of the many. When tyranny and ruthlessness rise under this Solar Eclipse cycle, we will also see the wise and compassionate leaders gain strength as they help unite and rally us together for the sake and good of our country, and the world beyond ourselves. I believe we are already starting to see some of this (Sun is already in Virgo decan of Leo) as leaders, heads of companies, faith leaders, and families begin speaking out and risking their own comfort to be trail blazers, active guides, visionaries, and commanders. The Joint Chiefs of Staff (heads of all our military services) have all made a public stand against racism and hateful bigotry. Business leaders have refused to back leaders who have gone to the defense of white supremacists. These actions are but a few of the kinds of stands being made from which new, more evolved leadership is beginning to emerge to push back against the rising tide of tyranny, oppression, and suppression that has taken hold and broken the hearts of a nation. 

Leo is the Lion, the courageous ones. Like the Mother Lion whose cubs are threatened, leadership arises now to protect and fight for what we most cherish and want to protect. In our own personal lives, we fight for what is right. Together we unite with the support of those leaders who are wiling to fight to the death to protect and serve. We fight the tyranny of hatred, oppression, and inequality that threatens every institution, our cherished values and beliefs, and whatever else is a danger to those whom we have sworn to protect, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—for all people regardless of race, religion, gender, economic status. 

This is a crucial time, it’s nearly impossible not to see how tenuous the nature of our civilization is at this time. We are at a point in history where we as a whole, must choose the direction we need to go to preserve and protect the basic rights, liberties, and freedom we have taken for granted at times, fought to preserve at other times. Now is a time when we must stand firm, push back against tyranny, and discover within ourselves, that Lion heart that seeks to fight for what is right. Each of us has something we can do to work towards that goal. 

This Solar Eclipse is triggering and awakening that part of each of us. Pay attention to what you are being called to do to support and stand strong to protect and honor. Watch and listen to see who speaks and acts from a place of true lion-hearted courage, and who is still only interested in ego-driven, hate-filled need. It is vital that we are clear about what strengths, gifts, and energy we have and what calls us to focus on and strengthen so the we add to the strength of the whole body of humanity and the Earth, and we do not add to the destruction and dismantling of what is good and structurally needed.

Living in this culture, and having lived through 7 decades of governments since WWII, my reading of this astrological chart is of course influenced by a lifetime of observations. My interpretations are based on what I’m reading in the chart for this Solar eclipse, and since it so greatly impacts the U.S., it therefore focuses on its leadership. I doubt that many people would question that this is a time of crisis. Read the chart from the stand point of how this powerful influences are calling your to have courage, to stand up against oppression, and to take a stand in times when your choices and decisions really do have a major impact on some of the most important decisions of our lives—as individuals and as a whole nation and world. Look to where Leo is in your chart (its’ where the Sun has been all month) and notice what is screaming for your attention and action. How is your own ability to act with strength and compassion being tested? How can you help others by taking a stronger stand and speaking out against any form of tyranny and for whatever is needed for justice, equity, compassion, and peace?  What is emerging within you, and what has to change or be destroyed?

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