Monday, June 5, 2017

Healing Full Moon in Sagittarius

The Healing Full  Moon in Sagittarius reaches her peak at 6:09 a.m. PDT/9:09 a.m. EDT on Friday, June 9, 2017. Focus of the Moon in the second decan of Sagittarius is on women’s health,midwifery, genetics. DNA, and the family history in the healing of the family wounds. The individual and collective families are receiving some special, powerful light this Full Moon to place our awareness on where and how we need to continue healing. 

The Full Moon in Sagittarius opposing the Sun in Gemini focuses our attention on the axis of mental, intellectual, intuitive, and emotional ways of knowing and processing information. Sagittarius Moon looks for meaning, purpose, and ideas to turn into action while Gemini Sun tends to use logic, analysis of sensory input, and connection with the immediate environment. Fire and Air mix to spark a lot of ideas, energy, and disparate and conflicting directions. Our emotional well being is more adventurous in Sagittarius finding us longing for some new and untested challenges.

The Gemini Sun makes us at home with the immediate and current situation while the Sagittarius Moon has us longing for adventure and pushing the limitations and boundaries, whether imposed or self-determined. The challenge of this Full Moon in Sagittarius is to balance between the two polarities as we seek harmony. This Full Moon is all about healing the ways we communicate, looking for new ways to heal ongoing issues, and learning to recognize and cope with our ancestral ties and wounds as part of an ongoing healing journey. We do not leave the past behind, but carry it within us. Facing what has helped us become who we are, helps us cope more effectively and heal more fully.

Whatever has been building up within us is now coming to a head with this full moon cycle. We are facing conflict between our ways of knowing, thinking, feeling, and sensing, and our system of beliefs, and our spiritual and philosophical practices. We may find a need to question, reconsider, examine, and update our practices to fit with how we have matured and what we have learned about ourselves and the world we inhabit. What has changed in the way you perceive life, the world around you, and your part in it? What is missing or in need of connection, and how are you being called to make alterations, repairs, or changes? Where are you on your journey at this time?

All Full Moons tend to spark emotions, and this one is no exception. We have a strong desire to express our emotions, communicate what we feel, think, and believe, and reveal what we are seeking and what we need to heal more fully. This Full Moon forms a square to Neptune in Pisces, and may bring up whatever is necessary for you to deal with what the real issues of your life are. This may result in a change of plans; we cannot force a direction or path that is blocked without removing the obstacles in our way. Notice what is arising as a challenge during this lunar cycle. Look to the areas in your chart/life where Gemini/Sagittarius/Pisces are, and this will help you determine the ongoing situations that needs tending to. 

On June 6, just three days before the Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury changes signs. Joining the Sun in Gemini, Mercury is right at home in the chatty and exciting energy of Gemini. Venus enters Taurus on June 6 as well, and grounds our search and definition of love, romance, and beauty in the practical reality and down-to-earth efforts expressed by those we love. Venus in Taurus is all about showing rather than saying how we feel. Our artwork, our romances, our relationships in general are all about doing, bringing meaning into form, and creating the beauty we need in all aspects of our lives. It is a good time for those who seek to redefine their journey to be more inclusive of love, romance, art, beauty, or spiritual depth to envision and create something tangible to symbolize this quest. Decorate your home, redo your look, or create more beauty and order in your garden. Drape beauty in all areas where you want to attract more connection.

Look for love in the simplicity, art in the ordinary, and meaning in the pragmatic everyday acts of life. Mars, the planet of action  and the masculine aspect of life, has just entered Cancer. Our need to create safe, secure, and homey abodes for ourselves and our loved ones is prominent at this time. Neptune, Chiron, and Mars trine one another, and so whatever upset the Neptune square to the Moon creates, it will also be soothed by the ability of each of us to create peace and harmony within our homes, within ourselves. Like a turtle, we need to walk with our protection in and around us. Being aware of how we carry our home with us wherever we are, we find we are never in danger of being unprotected even in the hardest of times. There is that essence within each of us that comes forth when we most need it. We will all become very aware of this during this lunar cycle. 

As I write this column on Monday, June 5, Neptune forms a semi square to  Venus in the final degrees of Aries. This may cause us to feel somewhat confused or misled about something regarding our loved ones or our dreams and hopes. We may be surprised by some news we receive or realize we had been looking at a situation differently than it actually was. We are seeking the keys to understanding how life is changing right now, and on the brink of Venus’ transit from Aries to Taurus, we may receive some last minute reminders of the importance of not assuming too much. Living in fantasy and illusion can lead to unnecessary pain and delusion. Seek truth and travel unencumbered from illusions that keep us from seeing who and what is authentic and real. It’s often comfortable and convenient to slip back into old beliefs and perceptions. Take off the blinders and deal with what is rather than dwelling too much in wishful thinking.

Later in the week and on the full Moon, Venus and Mars form a sextile making for a more fortunate, cohesive, and compatible energy. This Full Moon may reveal a lot about what is growing and coming to life now. At the same time since the Full Moon is at 18 degrees in the second decan of Sagittarius, this Full Moon can reveal some outbursts in the collective sphere. Corruption, abuses of power that come to light now, can trigger some pretty strong reactions…all part of the ongoing transformation that Pluto in Capricorn is pushing through in this cycle. 

Anyone who feels pushed or exposed now, can erupt or react in irrational and unpredictable ways. What comes to light includes using the poor and displaced populations as pawns in a game of human trafficking that involves a great deal of money and unscrupulous international power structures. What is being revealed in the light of this Moon in Sagittarius unmasks those who usually hide in the shadows or find safety behind their positions and power. 
Those who might ordinarily be on opposite sides are now united against that which is unacceptable and obviously corrupt and wrong-headed.

The best use of the energy and power of this Full Moon is to focus on healing—within and in all areas of the world in which we live. Avoid negative expressions, which are intensified with this lunation. Use energy for healing, completing, reshaping, and finding ways to work on the common healing of all humankind and our planet. Use your power for good, and help change the patterns, vibrations, and energy of Life in the channels for peace, healing, and reconciliation. 

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