Sunday, July 31, 2016

New Moon in Leo: Tipping Point, Turning Point

As August begins, the New Moon in Leo preceeded by Mars’ re-entry into Sagittarius, brings us to a turning point. Tradiionally, this week signals the beginning of the end of summer and the start of the harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern, winter is nearing its end and the planting and growing season begins. Over this weekend, we celebrate the Lammas festival, a celebration honoring our bounty and past. In many cultures, this time of the year is a sacred time, for it is a time when the Earth and the Heavens signal shifts and changes that we are called upon to ready ourselves for. For the remainder of the weekend, as we complete our trip through the dark of the moon (the few days before the New Moon), it is a restorative time.

As we take time as July ends and August begins, it would be a good time to take time to consider all we have to be grateful for and what it has taken for us to have the freedom, bounty, and choices we now have before us. The New Moon in Leo (August 2 and 3) annoints us with a crown of fire and creativity. We feel ourselves filled with energy, ideas, and desire all of which fuels us to express ourseles. We feel empowered to challenges whatever tyrannical energy might thwart us and to indulge ourselves in new directions. The Sun in Leo shines brightly in whatever area of our chart/ife it shines in alignment with the Moon in Leo right now. Look to this area of your life and notice what is warming your heart and calling you to action.

We have aready had a warm up for this New Moon as both Mercury and Venus have been traveling through this area of our lives over the last few months. Whatever changes have been taking place or wherever you have met challenges and attempted to redefine your ideas about a number of things.  Mercury in Leo has highlighted how you communicate and Venus in Leo has been waking you up to how you conceive of love, commitment, dedication, and relationship. And al this has been pretty dramatic and fiery. More on this a bit later.

At the New Moon, a turning point time, you might think of yourself as having just finished emptying a pitchur. Now is the time to decide what you are going to fill up with now. What is coming your way? How are you choosing to receive or release what is healthy and energizing? How are you choosing to receive or release what is draining or no longer alive and active within you?  What are you feeding and nourishing? What needs weeding out of your garden? The New Moon in Leo highlights your crowning glory, and finds you wanting to stride forth in your most regal stance and in your most dramatic fashion. It’s a spruce up, fix up, dress up, and act up kind of New Moon. Add a little dash and spark to your life at this time. Let your hair down and put on your best dress as you dance your way into the new lunar cycle.

The New Moon in Leo forms a lovely trine with Saturn in Sagittarius. This brings an ability to blend intuition and realism in a way that both warms and soften whatever it is you are creating, building, or encouraging in your life. Where Saturn often dampens our emotional enthusiasm, this New Moon in Leo is actually in harmonious aspect to the Great Teacher, Saturn’s, current lessons and urgings. We have already faced some pretty tough lessons, and have been the brunt of a great deal of criticism (from others and from ourselves). We’ve been chastized and beaten down in some ways, and are now better equipped to stand in our own truth and strength. If we have been learning how to use the lessons that have come to grown and deepen, we are now fully capable of handling whatever comes our way. If we’ve missed the boat in some way, trying to avoid the change we need to make or the negativity that is draining and diverting us, we may have a little more struggle at this time. That struggle comes mainly in the form of feeling the need to be more ourselves.  Notice and honor your highest good and do what you need to do to take good care of yourself and give yourself credit for being strong enough to handle whatever comes your way.

At the New Moon in Leo, we are pumped up with energy. We have the desire and motivation, and indeed all the energy we need to get down to business. Our strong work ethic and the stamina we’ve built up, help us set to the tasks we have envisioned for ourselves. The Moon’s trine to Saturn might find us craving something that makes us feel more secure. We might feel envious or jealous of what someone else has or can do, and this is a signal that we need to get to work stepping out into our own power. We need to tap into our own inner authority and realize we are fully equipped with all we need to achieve and to attract to us what we desire. Surrendering ourselves to the Divine Source of our being enables us to get out of our way. This is not the time to try to seize control or limit ourselves; it is time to get out of the way and let the laws of Universal Love and Prosperity reign in our lives. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall open. Ask and it shall be given unto you.”   The power you have is in your ability to receive what the Divine is offering you. Your authority comes from this power, and your word (in thought and action) form the seeds of your desires.

Saturn is all about helping us learn how to work within Chronos time while allowing Chiros time to carry us into the realms of creation, devotion, service, and love. We embody our beliefs through the way we live and how we connect with others.

As Mars exist Scorpio just a day before the New Moon in Leo, it forms a beautiful trine to the Moon. This adds to the energy and action that we feel during this New Moon period. We feel activated and energized in a way quite unlike anything we’ve felt for quite some time. In fact, since Mars has been in the last degree of Scorpio, we may have been surprised by some of the old business that has come up to the surface over the last few days. We may also have been plesantly surprised with some new insight that has come with that. Whatever you’ve been able to release and realize is going to do a great deal to empower you and energize your intentions and prayers at this time. The power of your meditations, dreams, and new commitments is especially potent and electrifying. Much of what your awarenss of Mars might have been has been related to your ideas around love, beauty, harmony, creativity, and the Divine Feminine. Whatever you have needed to help further your own development and individuation--the bringing together of your internal polarities--is being delivered to you in forms that meet you on every level of your being. Venus in Leo at 26/35 degrees is also working through her final degrees of the fire sign Leo, and is tempering the gold of your dreams, hopes, and desires.

Mercury, the planet that rules all forms of communication, just entered Virgo and will be at 4/39 at the time of the New Moon. Venus will be at 26/35 of Leo on the New Moon and then will enter Virgo on the 12th of August (10 days later). The ideals and desires we have explored while Venus has been transiting Leo fuel the fires for what manifest during this next New Moon cycle. When she enters Virgo, we can expect to see how this all plays out in our everyday life and through that which we focus our time, intentions, and energy on. Through our visions, intentions, and willingness to seek what we really want, we help create the reality that awaits us. The Unvierse understand the language of energy. Use your energy in alignment with the true desires of your heart. That is your true power.

Also at this New Moon in Leo, Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and abundance, opposes Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Jupiter is also making its third and final aspect that has been helping us understand the nature of our pain. Why do we hurt? Where are we vulnerable? We have been learning about this, over and over during these three major cycles. What we’ve been able to learn about what impact pain has on us and what power we have over it, has been crucial to helping us live healthier, more well balanced and harmonious lives.

As all the changes are happening in both the Fire sign of Leo and Earth sign of Virgo, we can expect our ideals to fire up and ignite new ideas, adventures, and escapades. Routines will shift. Habits will be broken. Patterns will break down. Change is in the offing, and try as we may to put things back together in a cohesive pattern, we will find that our vision has changed and our goals have as well. The change, often subtle, has come almost without making us consciously aware. It’s as if we woke up one day and the whole world looked and felt different.  It did because it is. The shift has happened, and now it’s up to each of us to pick up our tools, arm ourseles with what supplies we
need, and carry on, forward. The time for action has arrived. Put to work all that you have held back for the right time. The right time is now.

The Sun in Leo is also trine to Saturn at the New Moon, and this makes us feel more grounded and focused on whatever we are creating, making, or working on. We understand and feel the connection between the slow, steady pace of progressive movement and change and the outcomes and future we desire. We fully awake in the middle of the growth we have been creating and we understand how we are part of the creative process that keeps us alive and nourished and energized.

Later tonight (I’m writing on July 31) Venus in Leo trines Uranus in Aries (retrograde, going back over what was) just a day before first Mars enters Sagittarius and then the New Moon in Leo peaks at 1:44 p.m.. This releases us from a great deal of fear, and makes us ready to try new things. This is not a great time to make firm commitments; it is a good time, however, to test some new patterns, try a new direction, and take a few risks for the sake of beauty and love. It is a very positive time to invest time, energy, and resources into electronics, business related to the internet, and other social kinds of ineraction. Any aspect of the arts is also favored during this time. Whatever you set into motion at this time is now going to be based in and fueled by potent intention.

This New Moon time is an interesting mix of dramatic, fiery energy and ideas and earthy pragmatic actions and visions. The North Node, Mercury, Jupiter (and by the 12th, Venus) are all in Virgo. The North Node, gateway from the past to the future, is that point in our charts right now where real change is taking place. Whether we want it to or not, whether we are ready or not. The smart thing would be to be prepared. Regardless of what you do, you have set into motion the change that is taking place now. Use the energy wisely and ride out any storms that arise knowing that whatever is being turned over, poured out, or tipped over is opening the way for whatever is being born in you and in your life. Envision what you want to fill your space, time, and life journey with. Be at peace. Revel, celebrate, create, and be joyful that life is full and rich and you have all you need for the next part of the journey. Happy New Moon in Leo. Get out on the stage and BE!.

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