Thursday, June 16, 2016

Solstice Full Moon in Sagittarius: Fuels Passions, Targets Compassion

Full Moon in Sagittarius: Solstice Moon Fuels Passions

This month’s Full Moon at 29/33 degree of Sagittarius lights the torch for the Summer Solstice. The Moon reaches her fullness at 4:02 A.M. PDT the night of June 19. Approximately eleven and a half hours later, the Summer Solstice occurs. This month’s Full Moon--the second in a row--is also in the critical anaretic degree.

When a transit or aspect occurs at the anaretic degree of a sign, in this case the Moon and the Sun are both at 29/33 degrees of their respective signs-Sagittarius/Gemini, it is a crisis-oriented point.  The anaretic degree in these two mutable signs (Sagittarius/Gemini) indicate a point of great sensitivity and potential strength. This couple with some of the other aspects, makes this Full Moon a particularly significant and powerful one.

In the last, critical degree of sign of the Archer, the Moon at 29/33 degrees symbolizes the Dragon Slayer. The arrow that the Archer holds in his bow holds great potential. When aiming our arrows at this time, we are greatly influenced by deep, underlying energy and past experiences. What further makes this moon so powerful is the conjunction the Moon in Sagittarius forms with retrograde Mars. Mars remains in this sign until the end of June. The conjunction at the time of the Full Moon fans the fires that remind us of old injuries, hidden dangers, abuse, domestic violence, and old injuries. With the Moon forming a conjunction with Mars there is a growing sense of danger and if not contact with emotional upheaval at the very least a reminder of old, repressed rage. Our need to express ourselves at this time, may be deeply motivated by unhealed and unexpressed feelings and memories.

Be aware of what has been broken up lately, on the subconscious level of your being, and how life may be coming apart in some places are reminders of older struggles and upset especially related to reliving some old wars. This is especially true for those who have suffered some form of abuse. In home where emotional upheaval was the norm, the patterns that awaken in us now remind us of the past. We want to remember how we have weathered storms of the past, transformed our ways of coping and expressing ourselves, and overcome the old patterns. Using what we have learned about ourselves and our own abilities, this Full Moon allows us the opportunity to engage the inner warrior who aims arrows of compassion, love, and good intention toward fulfilling and uplifting goals.

Whatever was growing at last month’s full moon (in the first degree of Sagittarius) has now been revealed. The anaretic degrees signals a significant event or awakening that cannot be denied. What has come to the forefront, been accomplished, or arisen in the midst of your journey? Something surprising and essential is now making itself apparent. Avoid old, self-sabotaging behavior.

The Sun in the last degree of Gemini also opposes Mars in Sagittarius as the Moon. This calls on us to exercise caution and avoid rash and careless behavior. Use your energy to slay your own dragons before you go about trying to take on the problems of others. This is a time when we are likely to project our own failures, unhappiness, or shortcomings onto others outside ourselves. Whatever conditions or relationships you seem to be focused or obsessed on will reflect some light on what you need to be addressing within yourself. Let the light of this full moon illuminate you on what demons, dragons, and shortcomings need fixing in yourself and your own life. In the biblical sense, take care of that log in your own eye before trying to fix the world or your close friend’s issues.

This aspect, Mars conjunct the Full Moon in the Anaretic degree of Sagittarius, can find us  being more inconsiderate, egotistical, and foolish. Avoid taking unnecessary and stupid risks. Not only do you risk harm yourself, but also you risk the safety, wellbeing, and health of others through careless and inconsiderate actions.

Mercury in 11 degrees of Gemini also forms an opposition to Saturn at 11 degrees of Sagittarius. This signals a growing experience when it comes to all forms of communication. We need to listen to the signals that we’re getting. This applies to both internal and external signals and signs. Internally we get  dreams, inner vision, intuition, hunches, critical thinking, and our own ability to discern what is good for us and what is harmful. Externally, we get all kinds of signals when we listen to what others say, compare that to what they do, and when watch what comes to us and escapes our grasp. There are messages everywhere---now is the time to pay attention to what they mean.

Neptune in Pisces has just begun its retrograde phase. Whatever you’ve been hoping would disappear, whatever problem you have been hoping would magically be solved, you can rejoice now. You will not be able to ignore problems, issues, or traps any longer. Neptune reminds us what needs to be fixed. Neptune makes you wake up to the fact that a dream is just that---to make it come true, you must do something. Start taking steps towards whatever your passions are. Stop whiling away your time and your life wondering when it’s all going to magically fall into place. Do something to make it happen. Neptune’s retrograde journey in Pisces helps you separate fact from fiction.

You can more clearly discern what is a fantasy and what is real. If you are happy living in a dream world where everything will work out at some mystical point in the future, stay the course. If you are truly interested in what is before you, face it, deal with it, and make whatever changes you need to live with what is. Between now and November during this retrograde phase, you will have the time and clarity, the inner vision and the sound understanding to reevaluate your goals and alter your plans as you set your arrows for new, more realistic and feasible goals. Neptune reminds us of what really matters, and we can use this energy to discern for ourselves what matters most as we make plans and clear things up for forward motion.

Neptune awakens us to what really matters--goals, dreams, personal potential, and spirituality. When it is in its retrograde phase, however, it reminds us in no uncertain terms what we need to face and deal with to make our dreams into the reality of our live.
This Full Moon in the very last degree of Sagittarius, fuels the fires within us so that as we cross the threshold of the Summer Solstice (or the Winter Solstice in the South) we will be clearer, more discerning, and potentially more focused on aiming for what is meant for our highest good, our happiness health, and well being, and that of others. Compassion is understanding that we all have pain and sorrow. Compassion is the ability to face our own pain, shortcomings, limitations, and still be empathetic to others. Use this Full Moon energy to face yourself. What do you need to accept, learn from, or rid yourself of in order to live a purposeful and meaningful life? What fears and anxieties are holding you back, blocking your vision, or intruding on your sense of being enough, being whole as you are, or being capable?

As you reach in your quiver to take out an arrow to target the eye of the dragon, what is it you hope to achieve and why? What needs to be released so that you live your life purposely and with compassion for yourself and others? Do what your heart calls you to do and be your best self. Happy Summer Solstice! The time is NOW.

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